The Clinton New Era, 1888-07-06, Page 8Obi oil FRIDAY, JULY 6, 1888. LOCAL NOTICES. Car Fencing Wire, all kinds, Binding cord, Alabar;tiuc. It. M. RACEY, Clinton. Eggs' taken in exchange for goods at CHRIS. DICKSON'S Book Stoxe, Clinton. Full Stock of Cut Nails, Best Coal Oil ilio per gal., 12i. two gal, and over. R. 11I. RACEY.. SHINGLES. —500 bunches of first-class Shingles at $1.65 per square. No. 2 at $1.15, Also, a uautity of Hemlock Lumber. JAS. Cl1ANQE.—Mr W. M. Giffin has bought the house and lot on Batten - bury St., east, near the orgau factory, from Mr Johu Taylor, paying there - tor $110. It is a desirable property. Sr4TIsTtus.—For the six months ending June 30, there were registered ,vab the town clerk 10 deaths, 18 marriages and 28 births. Of the deaths 8 were males, while of the births 17 were females. ENTRANCE —Mr James Turnbull is superintending the Entrance Ex- amination, which is in progress at the Model School here, a large num- ber writing for the same. Mr Lough has also charge of one room' qq STILL TO THE FRONT,—Neighbor TIVITCiiELL, Clinton. Joe says it is no use bringing the A lot of Curtain Poles, Brasses, So. coin- a Nets, in ebony andornamental giltfrom75c. editor a handful of new peas aura MRS D. 8085, of Helena, AI ntana, upward, Gilt moulding for pictures. New , potatoes, but he will show the people I droow Suits and Sideboards fAtUrned home on Tuesday. to received, at STEVENSON'S eovest ruruiture p " Mrs James Tremier, of i tore, Melton. Resideueooverstoro. somethingg that will surprise them, , Dutton,, (which he will leave at this office visiting relatives in town. after ) MR John Robinson, of Grand As we have a special order for a large , Rapids, Mich., is home on a visit° amount of TUB BUTTER, we propose to ; POPULAR AS EVER.—The 'Brussels Little Local ;Items. Miss Canada was 21 years old un Monday. M.Ayox Whitehead wets ill J'�ronto last week: DR Foxtou, of Toronto, is visiting relatives here.. Miss Phillip, of Toronto, is visit - lag friends herr. Mit John Rosa left ou Tuesday, ou a trip to the "Soo." MR Geo. McTaggart is home to spend his holidays. MRs Blatchford, of Woodstock, is visiting her mother here. Miss Anna Holmes is friends at St. Catharines. Dins Geo. Potts left on Monday for a month's visit to Detroit. visiting ftust urniture la Be on the market Saturday morn n NOTICE to the FARMERS pay half cash and halt trade, to order to get the desired quantity. Not only is the remind you we are sof cash an till offeringbut stock at cost. dam. ROBERTSON'S GEAT CASH STORE, CLINTON. HARDWARE. Just received a fresh supply of Barb and other Fence wire, Steel nails, Tarred and Build- ing paper, Carpet felt, Spades, Shovels, Rakes, Hoes, and all kinds of Builders' Hardware. We have a large stock ofthe above goods and are offering them at very low prices. Eave- troughing and all -kinds of tin, work a specialty. Tinware at' reduced prices. 8 milk pans for $41.00. HARLAND•BBOS, Clinton. Zottin Zapit0. LEG I3RoHEN.—Mr Thos. McCou- nel, a foreman for Mr Forrester, had the misfortune to slip and break his leg at Stratford, on Dominion Day. HAYING —The gathering of this crop is in full swing, and for a few days farmers will be busy housine it. In most cases the yield is pretty light though we have heard of some who will bare a good average crop. NOT HURT.—Oa Monday evening an elderly gentleman of town got on a train at the station for the purpose of seeing bis daughter off, when the train began to move, and he hurried out and jumped off, the momentum throwing him violently ou the plat- form. Fortunately he was not hurt. EXAMINATIONS,—The town hall is daily the centre of attraction to a large number of young men and wo- men, who are writing either for 1st, 2nd or 3rd class teacher's certificates, and if all or even a large percentage paes,there is not likely to be a dearth of teachers for some time. Mr Mal- loch has charge of the examination. OnoFELLows.—The following are the elective officers of Clinton Lodge, No. 83, I. O. O. F., for the current half-year:—J. P. G., Robt. Fox; N. ('r., Fred Allcock; V.G., Robt. Logan; R. S., J. C. •Stevenson; P. S., Sam Cooper; Treas., J. H. \Vorsell; Rep. to Grand Lodge, Wm. McKowen. The Grand Lodge meets. in Barrie, in August. HEAVY Loss, — Last week vas mentioned the arrival of a stallion from the old country, for Mr A.Innes, of Stanley. This gentleman had not much more than got the animal home when it was taken i11, and notwith- standing the efforts of the very best veterinary skill it succumbed to its ailment a few days after. The loss to Mr Innes will be heavy,as the horse was a fine one. NARROW EseAee.—lin Monday evening Mr J. Shcrritt was in the act of driving across the railway track on the Huron road, just as a train came along 'and frightened his horse,which commenced to back, and before he could get i;, stopped it had backed over the high embankment, throwing him out and injuring the buggy some- what. He was fortunate in escaping as well as he did. PRESENTATION.— Advantage was taken of the reception at the house of Mr W Doherty, in Thur . evening last, to recognize, in a slight wa , services of this gentleman, as leade of Rattenbury St. Methodist church choir. For about . eight years Mr Doherty has filled this position,spar- ing neither time or means to make the choir an efficient aid in church services, and the fact that it is con- sidered to be one of the best in West- ern Ontario, is an evidence that his efforts have been successful. No one has done more gratuitous work of its kind than Mr Duherty,and no one is more worthy of honor. His .votk has truly been "a labor of love," and as a Blight acknowledgement of his services, he was presented, on the evening in question, with a very handsome rocking cbair,accompanied by an address. Mr Doherty made a happy reply, and at the, close of his remarks the large crowd present ex- pressed appreciation by a hearty ap- plause. DISMISSED.—It bas been known for some time that there were a num- ber of applicants for the position of Inspector of the South riding. Mr Sprague took the office when no one else could be found to accept it; he did his work faithfully and, at a time (during the enforcement of the Scott Act) when it required no little deter- mination and courage to face the dif- ficulties then existing, and it was only reasonable that he should ex• pect to hold the position after the act was defeated. Ile has been per- forming the duties of Itis position up to this week, when he received notice frotnttbe department that his'services were no longer required, and that Mr Ballantyne bad bean appointed in his e Budget of last week gives Mr Walter Coats, who has just sold out there, a big send-off, although it thinks he is "a pretty stiff Grit," a statement that cannot be successfully refuted. Wal- ter will move his family to C1intou, but has not decided what he will do. HURON 1IvisteAL ASSOCIATION. — The next regular meeting of the Y•Iur- on Medical Association, will be held in the class room of the Mechanics' Inst ante, Seaforth; at one o'clock, p. m., on Tuesday, July 10, "1188. °A"" number of interesting papers will be read. To BE DISCONTINUED.—We are in- formed that the Ontario Government will shortly cancel all the commis- sions of those police magistrates in counties where the Scott Act has been defeated, it having been under- stood at the outset that their official relations would terminate in case the act was repealed. A garden Conversazione, under the auspices of the Y.P.C. E. Society, of the Ontario Street Methodist church, will be held on Friday even- ing, July 6th; at the residence of Mr A. H. Manning, Albert St.. The Doherty band will be in attendance. Should the weather be unfavorable it will be held in the church. MR Murray, of Kippen, (Tucker - smith,) called here on Wednesday, on his way home from Michigan, where be bad been on a visit to his brother,' at Carson City. He states that al- though there are some fine farms over there, there is nothing to equal the township of Tuckersmith. Mr Mur- ray bad the misfortune to get carried out of the way, and was, therefore, a day longer in reaching home than he had counted on. TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION—A meet- ing of the Executive Committee of the East Huron Teachers' Association was held in the Model School last Saturday, Misses McGowan, Helyar, \Veir, and Messrs Malloch, Lough and Burchill being present. Arrange- ments were made for the next meet- ing of' the Institute, which is to be held in Wingham, Oct. 18 and 19.— Mr Houston, of Toronto, is to deliver a number of addresses in connection with the subject of "English." PRESENTATION.—The Ontario St. Sabbath school and the Board •of Trustees presented Mr Geo. Robinson, prior to his departure for Manitoba, with a .handsome Bible, as *light re- cognition of his services as assistant librarian and usher. Mr Robinson bas been an active adherent of the Ontario St. church for some time and his good nature and willingness to work have made for him a large num- ber of friends. He carries, with him to his new home the best wishes of a large circle'of friends; who regret the necessity for his departure. RESIGNEn—As a result of the fric- tion that occurred at the Council on Monday evening, both the Reeve and Deputy have tendered their resigna• tion, the former accompanying his with a check to cover the expenses of a new election. We hope that one will not be necessary, and we voice the sentiments of a great many in town when we say that the council should not accept the resignation of these two gentlemen. That they are exceptionally good men for the posi- tions is universally admitted, and tbat they have done their best; in toe interests of the town is also true, but hey should, at least, reconsider their and imprudent action, and ut the balance of the term for hey were elected. ss CHANGE.—As will be advertisement in another r John McGarya, one of t grocery Merchants of-Clin- decided to retire from active ess life and has disposed of his ck and good will to Mr George Swallow, who will continue the same in Mr McGarva's stand. Mr Swallow starts under the most favorable cit• camstances having, worked at it for a number of years in Godericb, but for the last seven years has been manager at Irwin's grain elevator, which posi- tion has made him thoroughly ac- quainted with almost every farmer for miles around, and rn which posi- tion he has given the utmost satis- faction, proving himself to be an obliging and an agreeable man. Mr Swallow is also one of the most popu- lar men in the Willis church, besides being recently appointed elder, he is a worker in choir and Sabbath School work, and whatever he goes at his heart and soul is in the work, con- sequently we bespeak for Mr Swallow a successful career. sery which BUstN seen by column the old on, h bu MRS Jas. Fraser and son, of Blue - vale, are visiting friends in town. CHAS Coats, Toronto, and John VI Coats, Sarnia, are home on a yisit. Dn Reeve has removed his office to one of the upstair rooms of Perrin's block Mit James Stevens, base line, has sold his driver to Mr Geo. Cox, of Detroit. OVER two hundred and,flfty tickets ,tve d"6i .c.: rttetinton, on Monday, for' Godericb. MRs Doherty, of Cheybogan,Micb., daughter of Mr R. Rarebit!, is here on a visit. MR R. W. Murray,of Toronto Nor mal school, was visiting in town the other day. Mit Geo. Sharman, master, of Vienna, is holidays here. IT is said that the past month has been the hottest June that has ever beentecorded. Messrs Cooper & Swaflield have the new school buLding nearly complet- ed, externally. MRs A. Armstrong and children have gone on a two months' visit to friends at Almoote. MR James Sheppard has taken one of the stores in Perrins block, to be used as a liquor store. CHEAP railways rates to Toronto and other points may be expected about the 1st o1 August. High School spending bis RECEPTiON.—Notwitbstanding the coolness of Thursday evening last a very large crowd gathered at the spacious grounds of W.Doherty,Esq,, to meet and weldome Rev James Livingstone and wife to this field of labor. The Doherty Band was pre- sent and played a number of tunes in stead. This person is the old License their incomparable style, to the plea - Inspector and while he will, no sure of all. During the evening, Mr doubt perform the duties satisfactorily Doherty, on behalf of the adherents s n 1 we male no reflections nn him, of Rattenbury St. church, in a neat but it hardly seems fair or honorable speech, extended a welcome to the that Mr Sprague should be summer. reverend gentleman, and Mr Living- ily dismissed, without even so much stone made a short reply, stating, as a complaint against him. What amongst other things, that the cor. makes the matter more inexplicable diality and warmth with which he is the fact that at the commencement was received end the greatness of the of theLicense year, Mr Sprague ex- reception, was something he had not pecting a change, had made aarange• anticipated, and he hoped tee rola- ments fi'l to agood position in Michi- tions of pastor and people would be ring but he was instructed by thegov- just as pleasant during his stay here. ernment Ito proceed with his work, The evening was spent in " making whichheaccordingly did,thussacrific. acquaintance" and free -and -easy en• ing his chance on the other side, It joyment. The gronnds were lighted looks as if there were a good•-izr l with Chinese lanterns, and everybody last, resulting in a decisive victory 1•.'hinpian hi,l snrnew•Isero. seemed to enjoy themselves. .r the tt'sderich p'ayr•r.. MR David Robb and wife are spending the holidays with relatives in East Wawanosh. • MR R. Burchill is gradually recov- ering from his recent illness, and is now able to walk around. MR D. R. Menzies has the contract for erecting the new house of Mr Jas. Aitkens, and will push it forward. THE 12th of July excursion to Kin- cardine will leave Clinton at 7.55 a. m., the fare for the trip being 81.30. MR Geo. Robinson and wife left here on Tuesday, for Fairburn, Man., where they purpose.residing for some time. Mx Howell and wife, of Bay City, Mich., were the guests of T. Jackson, sr., while here on their wedding tour last week. , MR .W. Jackson is spending the 4th of July with friends in Buffalo, and Mrs Rance is also visiting in the same place. DIVISION Court was held, here on Friday last, Judge Doyle presiding, There was only a few unimportant cases to be disposed of. Rev E. Medd brightened our office with his presence on Friday ; he was on his way to take charge of his new appointment at Tnorndale. A Masonic excursion to Toronto is advertised for the 18th inst. Tickets good to go and return the game day, will be issued from Clinton at 82,20 The Collegiate Institute Foot Ball Club will play a match with the Plattsville Club, on the Agricultural Show Grounds here, on Monday afternoon. IF THE lady who lost her pocket- book in the train while travelling from Holmesville to Clinton, will call at the ticket office here she can get the same. MR Silas Pennybaker, of Fort Gratiot, Mich., spent the 1st among his old. friends in this vicinity. He likes his new home splendid, And appears' to being well. MEssRsRacey,McMurchie andMat:- ning have been appointed delegates to attend a railway meeting at Mil- vertori, to -day, in the interests of the proposed southern route. MR John McLaughlin, of the base line, has been seriously ill for several days, bis life at one •time being de- spaired of. We are pleased to know that be is now out of danger. AIR J. P. Martyn, accountant for the Manufacturer's Life Insurance Co., of Toronto, shaok bands with his old friends here on Monday last' Life in the Queen City evidently agrees with him, and what istof more vital importance he has a good salary. Tut NEW ERA was the only paper in the county with enterprise enough to publish the same week as it was held, a detailed account of the S. 8, Convention held at Exeter, even the Exeter Times copying our report a week later. The NEW ERA generally "gets there" first when there is any news to be had. Local Spotting Notes. The lacrosse match between Listo- wel and \Vingham, on Monday, was won by Listowel, four to one. Seaforth heavers defeated the Hu- rons, (lacrosse) of Goderich, four straight games on Monday, at Sea - forth. The Godericb and Clinton junior lacrosse clubs played nt Clinton, on Monday, Uoderich winning four straight games. The Dauntless lacrosse c'.itl), Clin- ton, played Bright, nt that place, on Monday, and were defeated by four goals to one in a match for the West- ern District championship. On Dominion Day a game of crick- et was played between the Juniors and a scrub team of seniors, but the latter got, so badly beaten that we are ashnmul to give the score. A friendly game of Inwn tennis be- tNeen representatives of the fsoderieh and StrntLad clubs was played on the ground's of the latter on Saturday rest Discount Salo pm. TIE NET 30 iT$ AT DICKSON'S - BOOKSTORB, C.)1_4I N "rCOW. On POCI:ET BOOKS we give a discount of 25 pericent On JEWELLERY On SILVERWARE On MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS On BIBLES, old version On PHOTO ALBUMS '' to '' ,r , On AUTOGRAPH ALBUMS On TESTAMENTS On SPECTACLES On CUPS and SAUCERS Qn PIPES gt 4,4 is 'On VASES -soil CHINA GOODSS' On VIOLINS and FIXINGS " On CONCERTINAS and ACCORDEONS 20 On WALL PAPER '20 On DAY BOOKS, JOURNALS, LEDGERS, &C 10 On MOUTH ORGANS 20 On BABY CARRIAGES " 10 On LADIES HAND SATCHELS " 30 011 COMBS, WRITING DESK'S and WORKBOXES 20 On VELVET FRAMES and DOLLS`" 25 On BASKETS A large quantity of Remnants at, 50c on the This is the greatest ,opportunity ever offered, to secure goods below wholesale prices. Our entire stock, a- mounting to $15,000, must be reduced to $10,000 within the next 30 days, as we commence STOOK TAKING on the 1st of August, and balance our books on the 15th, 25 15 20 25 25 25 25 20 45 20 25 10 44 it .t 4' ,t tr if sr „ Come and see our stock, and get our prices,whether you Illy or not. No trouble .to show the Great Bargains web are offering. Terms cash, or 3 months to responsible parties. Ch ris.Diekson,Clinton SPECIAL BARGAINS OUR WONDERFUL WHITE SHIRTS at 50c. 75 cents and $1, are the best value ever offered. OUR WONDERFUL LINE OF NECKWEAR at 25 cents is the largest and best as-' sorted stock in the county. 1 OUR WONDERFUL LINE OF BRACES at 25 cents are the best line we have ever offered. OUR WONDERFUL LINE of UNDERCLOTH- ING at 50 cents, worth in the regular way 75 cents. During July and August we will offer Special Bargains in every de- partment to close out lines. JACKSON :-: BROS Clothiers, Furnishers and Hatters, 4C TAT\ rri:)�'. l :.Ul1li','• i';•. 1hV' ,.,f. THE EASON WE SEI,, THOSE GINGHAMS AND SHIRTINGS SO CHEAP IS WE GOT A GREAT BARGAIN AND WANT THE PEOPLE TO KNOW IT. A FEW LEFT YET. White Goods, Lawns,Muslins, FOR THIE HOT WEATHER. EMBROIDERIES & Ornamental Lace DOWN '1'0 ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. SEERSUCKERS—A LOT JUST IN. PRINTS --A GOOD STOCK TO SELECT FROM PARASOLS—BARGAINS IN TIIEM. GLOVES de HOSIERY Cheap .LOW .PRICED WHITE and GREY COTTONS Every line of goods marked down. We must reduce tyir stock before fall goods come in. We cannot 0011- vince you by an advertisement. Colne and get an " actual fact. GEO E FAX & CO. THE DRY GOODS ED'iBfiRIUffi OF CLINTON Got the Most for your MONEY. Quality amounts to little unless the price be fair. Low prices are not bargains unless quality is there.- Shakespere. We combine them, satisfaction in quality and price. These are yours if you make selections from our stylish lot of Ladies & Childrens HATS . at 35 cents and 75 cents. - 011 FROM OCR Cheap White Lawns & LawnEmbroideries Ladies A Children's- GLOVJ:'S Lif fe' TalTat to and Silk. For warns weather, a tine assortment of Lace MITTS, Ladies Gauze VESTS and summer HOSIERY and PARA§OLS Collie and get goods at low prices. l;eesiey's Great Millinery Entpor'itnn. 1;a ti