The Clinton New Era, 1888-05-18, Page 7l"r411-.ATt.'a111AY 18, 1888.
The following particulars are
taken from the report just issued
by the Ontario Government:—
The total number pf Births, Mar -
sieges and Deaths registered dur-
ing the year was83,487,as against
81,008 in 1885, an increase of 2,-
479, or 3 per cent.
There were 1,230 more births,
18'0 more marriages, and 1,079
more deaths re"'istered.
The population of the Province
in 1886 is estimated to Le, 2,115,-
971, an increase of about ten per
cent. over the population as given
by the census of 7881.
Twenty-eight out of the forty — -
counties returned more births THE GREATEST
than in 1885, and twelve less:
Theincreases were principally in -
the counties of Carleton, York,
Hastings and Lambton, and the
decrease in Midcllesex,`k'routenac,
Northumberland and Durham
(united) and Peterborough. In
nearly all the Cities the number
of Births appears to have increas-
ed, the exceptions were Kingston
which returned 81. less; Guelph 8
less; and Belleville 6 less.
There were 24,071 male births
•to 22,887 female, a difference of
1,684 in favor of the males. An
excess of male over female births
"has always been shown in the re -
:ft arner's
i'4F CU.7.....'i.
St. Catharines, Ont., Jan. 24th, 1887.
—A,bout six years ago I was a great
sufferer from kidney disease, and was
in pain all the while. I hardly had
strength to walk straight, and was
ashamed to go on the street. The pains
across my back were almost unbearable,
and I was unable to find relief, even
temporarily. I began to use "Warner's
Safe Cure," and inside of one week I
found relief, and after using eight bot-
tles I was completely cured.
Manager for American Express Co.
Toronto, 18 Division Street,. Sept. 17,
1.887.—Three years ago last August my
daughter Ons taken ill with -Bright's
disease of the kidneys. The best medi-
cal skill in' She city was taxed to the ut-
most, but to no purpose,. She was
racked with convulsions for forty-eight
hours. Our doctor did his best, and
went away sayingthe case was hopeless.
After she came out of the convulsions,
she µ•as very weak and all her hair,fell
out. The doctor had left us about a
month when I concluded to try " War-
ner's Safe Cure," and after having taken
six bottles, along with several bottles of
"Warner's Safe Pills," I saw a decided
change for the better in her condition.
After taking twenty-five bottles there
was a complete cure. My daughter has
now a splendid head of hair, and weighs
more than she ever did before.
Chatham, Ont., March 6, 1888.-1n` 20G McNab Street North, Hamilton,
1884 I was completely run down. I suf- 4Ctan.t Nov. 3, 1886.—I have been suffer -
fered most severe pains in my back and
kidneys, so severe•tbat at times I would
almost be prostrated. A loss of ambi-
tion, a great desire to urinate, without
the ability to do so, coming from mg as
it were in drops, the urine was of a pe-
culiar color,nd contained considerable
foreign matte'. I became satisfied that
my kidneys were in a congested state,
and that I was running down rapidly.
Finally I concluded to try " Warner's
Safe Cure," and in forty-eight hours
after I had taken the remedy I voided
urine that was as black as ink, contain-
ing quantities of mucus, pus and gravel.
I continued, and it was not many hours
ing for over twenty years from a pain
in the baclal and' lny s`4F i e -f -tire head,"
and indigestion. I could eat scarcely
anything, and everything I ate disagreed
with me. • J was attended by physicians
who examined me and stated that I had
enlargement of the liver, and that it
was impossible to cure me. They also
stated that I was suffering from heart
disease, inflammation of the bladder,
kidney disease, bronchitis and catarrh,
and that it was impossible for me to live.
They attended me for three weeks with-
out making any improvement in my
condition. I commenced taking "War-
ner's Safe Cure" and " Warner's Safe
before my urine was of a natural straw pills," acting strictly up to the direc-
turns from the Province in every color, although it contained consider- tions as to diet, and took thirty-six bot -
month of the )'etre'. I able sediment. The pains in my kid- ties, and have had the best of health
In 1886, 378 women gave birth I neys subsided as I continued the use of ever since. My regular weight used to
759 children of whom750were twin I the remedy, and it was but a short time be 180 lbs. When I commenced "War-
' before I was conipletely relieved. My ner's Safe Cure" I only weigh& 140
children, and nine triplets, show-.
ing an increase of 274 in the num-
ber of twins and a decrease in the
number of' triplets of twelve.
Of the 671 illegitimate births
which took place in the Province,,
190 of them, or 28.1 per eon oe- I
curred in the County of' Carleton. l
The proportion of' these births t
the whole number in the county
was 7 per cent. This illegitimate
birth rate in Carleton, in which
Ottawa is hituated, was exception-
ally high. The largest percent-
age of these births in other coun-
ties were in those counties in
which the cities were situated,
viz.: York 4 per cent, Wentworth
3 per cent, Middlesex 1.5 per
cent, Brant 1.7 per cent, and Lin-
coln 1 3 per cent.
The number of marriages re-
. pureed as having been celebrated
in the Province during the year
1886 was 13,8.45, an increase of
170. In the eleven cities, 8,300
marriages were celebrated, an in-
crease of 222, and the 24 towns
returned 1,376 marriages, 06 less
than in 1885. The ratio per 1,-' '
.000 living of these marriages was
much larger in,•.the cities and
towns than in the rural districts.
.11.ethodists again head the list
with increased numbers, nearly
40 per cent of all the persons
married in 1886 were Methodists.
Those registered as Presbyterians
when married numbered more in
1886 than in 1885 by 521, Fewer
marriages were a•egistered by
Episcopalians, Roman Catholics,
Baptists, Lutherans, and those
belonging to the Evangelical As-
sociation; while a small increase
in the marriages of Congregation-
alists, Quakers and Mennonites•i
October and 'Deeeml.icr have in
previous years been the favorite
months for marrying, and in 1880
December .,till ranks the highest,
but retnthled as many marriages
as October, whish was quite ex-
ceptionable, as during the last
six years March never .runl:ed
higher than fife h, generally sixth
and seventh in the numerical ord-
ers of mouths. The month of
August ranked the It west in the
number of' marriages the satin.' as
in former years. •
The proportion between the
sexes as regards their ages .when
married was largely in favor of'
the females in the periods under
20 years of age and between 20
and 2E5. The table shows,that 9,-
160 females' were married in those
two periods of life, and 5,017
males, being 82 per cent more fe
males than males, but in the sue
reeding periods the proportion
was altogether in favor of the
'there wort: 81 marriages re-
corded, in which either the' bri,le•
groom and bride was 70 yeari, of
age or over. Two of' trio bride-
grooms were each 82 years old
when married, and in one mar-
riage the bride and bridegroom
were each 80 ,years of age. Their
• united ages, 160 years, was great-
er than the total ages of any
couple married in Ontario as fat' as
the returns Show.
As usual a number of instances
of girls marrying at tender years
appfar in the return. 5 were
:urine was normal, and I ran truthfully t lbs. I now weigh 310 lbs.
say that I was cured.
married at 14 years, and 28 at 15
years. The boys do not appear
to have been in such haste to mar-
ry, as the re -turns show that none
engaged in matrimony under 18
years of age.
- - - --
Regutate� Every Bodily Function
Calt , lhnt...1an. Y7. 1a.7,—Igor about
live years previous to two years ago last
October. 1 was troubled with kidney
and liver trouble, and finally r was con-
fined to my bed, and suffered most ex-
cruciating pain, and for two \veeks' time
I did not know wheth.•r I was dead or
alive. My physician said i had enlarge-
ment of the liver, though they gave me
only temporary relief. Hearing of the
wonderfnl cues of •' Warner's Safe
Cure;" I began its use, and after I had
taken two bottles I noticed a change for
the better. The pions disappeared, and
my whole sV1tein seemed to feel the
benefit of the remedy. I have continued
taking Warner's Safe Cure" and no
other medicine since. I consider the
remedy a Treat boon, and if I ever feel
out of sorts "Warner's Safe Cure" fixes
me all right. i weigh twenty pounds
heavier now than ever before.
Inventor of the Maple Leaf Lance -tooth
('Toss -cut saw.
And Prevents di Cures most diseases
WItieh iti'.c' (..:.ti':cll by Uric Arid Iliidney) Poison in the
Blood, Only curable by
or a c,,ur•e rt Ile l'ine's l�dd,n
i\ledicul I)i=t,,v,r;, t nctrve:on•
fi'et'ts have beet' tested and proven in
the cure of ten.; I f thousands of case,
It parities aced enriches the hfood, re-
lost vitality, iliictu:iIlyeradi•
rates the seeds of ih'c wort maladies
that afflict mankind,
.1 rei't•I„ i;riti „ ,..,.•i: hi the
Fiji Islands, ont'•e the home of it
race of cannibals, assert.- that the
British " govern thio-; population
Of 100,000, not unaccustomed to.
�fighting; and 'scattered through a
difficult t:1)unti•}`,witb a nieitii"
handful of native constabulary.'
A. French „tliri::1 in! ely sent to
Fiji fi Orn NCtC {a1Cd Vr!i:1, "Coin-
,mia,5i,,hed to discover the secret
of our sncisess iu ic:;lilig With
these IlatiVI'•1:1 -, s... I t(,lri_ iutilrnl-
cd tit this f;u•t •'
there is Hu tt-i' fin In: relt',rting
this t'i in l' .slllk'I'1'irs, I,et'nm,e they
wnttltl not li elii,v;, . int' : ii• if, pile
niall'enr, tht'\• girl 1't'iieve and
tried to slut it in practice. WO
shorlltf hi,' tlri\,.'n i , ,' lit ';t in a
week." lluiiatspiiy, .te-dire otli-
1:01 reports Io the i' it,!r:try, the
Fijian is rapidly disappearing
from. the these of his island. Why,
the ship which conveyed the ac-
ceptance pi' our sovereignty of
Fiji brought also the measles
which swept ofl one-third of the
population. One of the many
causes of the dceiine is said to be
t, the going to church its a full suit
of European clothes, and sitting
naked in a draught to cool them-
selves afterwards. For this reck-
less introduction of clothing, the
more ignorat11, ,iO 51On:u•y of for-
rnel' dins ha:: to answer. The
disappeal:aneis front the world of
these very fine races is a distinct.
loss to the world. The experi•
rnent of preserving such a race
has certainly never !seen tried be-
fore under snl h favorable circum-
stances. for the worlcm•s have had
carte blanche; still, the writer be-,
lieves that what is needed above
all is some additional stimulus to
exert ion.
The British drink bill in 1887
amounted to.£124,953,680 against
£122,905,785 in 1886, an increase
of £2,047,895. This ;heavy in-
crease, in the absence of any sug-
gestion to the contrary, is attri-
buted to the largely increased
quantity of liquor drank in cele- I
rating the Queen's Jubilee last
'ear. The compiler of the above
statistics notes ono comforting
fact in relation to this matter :—
It is that jubilees do not come
every year. Another cause for
satisfaction. 'is found ih the fat'
that the bulk of the incrohycd ox •
penditure was for beer and wino,
arid only a fractional portion was
spent in (spirits as strong drink.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
The miscroscope has proved that these
diseases itre coutagit"is, and that they are
clue to the presence of living parasites in
the interlining membrane of the upper air
passages and eustachian tubes, The end -
tient scientists, Tyndall, Huxley and Bea-
le endorse this, and the authorities cannot
be disputed. The regular method of treat-
ing these diseases has been to apply an ir-
ritant remedy weekly, and even daily,thus
keeping the delicate metiibr lie in a con-
stant, - i p allowingno chan-
statet.f irratu u, all i i„ it c. a
ce to heal, and as a natural consequence of
such treatment not one permanent cure
-'h:tst!ver•been-recordeit:- 1t•-is.'augabsehrte.-
fact that these diseases cannot be cured by
any application made oftener than once in
two weeks for the membrane must get a
chance to heal before an application is re.
peated. It is now seven year) since Mr.
Nixon discovered the parasite n catarrh
and formulated his now treat!), nit, and
since then his remedy has become a Louse•
hold word. in e\•ety country whert the Eng
lish language is spoken. Crass rut' 'rED
BY HIM $i(VES illdlix'.\tl .\It h. C'l' KEN F'1•I LI.,
gra Eai: It,\vtxu.M.AIII so Ita'ruas (IF TUE lil-
sE.\sI:. So highly eine these remedies val-•
tied, that ignorioit imitators have started
up everywhere, pretending to destroy a
parasite, of which they know nothing, by
rerntdies, the re::olj,s of the application of
which they are cyrally ignorant., Mr, Dix-
on's remedy is applied only once in two
weeks and from one. to three applications
effect a permanent ,•rim's in the most aggra-
vated cases. Mr. i)ixon sends a pituiph•
let describing his new treatment on the re-
ceiptv • postage. Tl ad-
r p. t i . t
of stamp topay l t, � e ti
dress of A. H. I lixon &Sregi is 303 'King
Street 14 est. 'Toronto, Canada. Scientific
Allis re,ut .
"There three wicks to the lamp of
man's life; brain, blood, and breath."
Thus writes an eminent American au-
thor. The most frequent derange-
ments occurin the blood and the liver_
by which when in healthy condition,
the blood is purified. Look out for
the terrible chain of diseases that owe
their inception to torpid liver and con-
sequent impure blood Whin the
symptoms of liver and kidney troubles
coniump,ion (Lung -scrofula), broil•
etiitis,wnd dropsy, make their appear-
ance, the system is in immediate need
Want of Sleep
Is sending thousands annually to the
insane asylum ; and the doctors say this
trouble is alarmingly on the increase.
The usual remedies, while they may
give temporary relief, are likely to do
more harm than good. What is needed
is an Alterative and Blood -purifier.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla is incomparably
tier best. It corrects those disturbances
in the , irculation which cause sleepless.
loss, rices increased vitality, and re-
s,, gyres the nervous system to a healthful
]toy. T. C. A. Cote, agent of the Mass.
Home Missionary Society, writes that
his stomach was out of order, his sleep
very often disturbed, and some im-
purity of the blood manifest ; but that
a perfect cure was obtained by the use
of Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
Frederick W. Pratt, 424 Washington
street, Boston, writes; " My daughter
was prostrated with nervous debility.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla restored her to
William F. Bowker, Erie, Pa., was
eared of nervousness and sleeplessness
by taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla for about.
two months, during which gime his
weight increased over twenty pounds.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
Dr. J. C: Ayer & -Co., Latvia; ' Ml IC
Sold by all Draggists. ,Price $1; eta bokles,$5.
R ",—
e on Vour finned.
Don't allow a cold in the head to slowly
and surely rnn into Catarrh, when you can
he cured for 25c. by mine Dr Chase's Ca-
tarrh Cure. A few Replications cute n-
aipient cntarrh : l to 2 bo' 's cure ordinary
catarrh ; 2 to Si boxes mr rearanteerl to
l cure chronic catsrth. Try it. Only 25e.
and sure cure, Sell 1w all druggists.
Lon4Bsbor oma'
Have just returned
from the eastern mar-
kets where we ha.vr3
rn.ade heavypurchas-
es direct from. manu-
facturers for Cash, se-
curing big discounts
from -regular prices.
Special drives in Dress Goods and Trimmings
" • Prints
Lace Curtains
Boots and Shoes
Hard and Soft Hats
Fuller announcement next week.
Call and see what we are
You will be surprised and delighted; at the volume and
variety of the stock and the remarkably low prices.
W. L. OU I M ETT E,,
Calbick & Reith,
In Our line of undertaking we fear no competition,
as we carry a very large stock of Good Goods,
and as Funeral Directors, -we are bound
to give satisfaction. A call re-
spectfully solicited.
Tie RcdRockar
rtinit ta-,-L1-'
kijYr Secret Blend Black Tea
Which is giving great satisfaction. Every farmer should have a
Caddy, . Highest Price paid for produce.
New ; Furniture : Stock
Opened. out in ELLIOTT " BLOC$,
II)L 1L:Y.
roe 3ries.
NUTS, FISH. . &c.
Cli<�ie't Family Groeerie c.0 Imiuia,,
Crockery and . (-lassware. All
at Bottom Prices.
S' Emporium.
To the people of Lonr-ksboro'
and surrounding country.
have arrived in good quantities and of excellent quality,
Never had a better supply and was never in a better
position to supply the wants of my customers and all
others who may favor me with a call. Good weight, full
measure, and the right change back.
From and after April 2nd, until further notice, 13 lbs of'
best granulated Sugar for $1 cash, but riot less than $1
or more than $5 worth to one person. Sbe my newWall
'Paper, Millinery cannot be_surpassecl-r •
A trial respectfully solicited.
Highet4t Prieetirl for Produce.
Yours respectfully,
March 30th, 1888,
Spring Hats
Just received, a consignment of 2 large cases of the
Latest st les in St aloft soft TT Etas
Of English and American manufacture`
tine selection of American Ties, Collars, &c. of
the very latest manufacture.
REMEMBER THE STAND — One door north n.' the Dry
Goods Palace, Albert Street, Clinton.
NewTailoring Establishment
The undersigned has opened out in the tailoring bnein»ss in the store
lately occupied by Mr E. Fleetly, anti will keel' a fine stock of
English, Scotch & Canadian Tweeds, French
Worsteds, and all the latest patterns
of Pantings.
Which he \Fill gutu'an'tee to make up at the lowest possibly l,riet
Workmanship of the best quality, and ft tit guaranteed or no salt,.
A call solicited.
j '- SIIEPIIERD. Albert St , Clinton.
A Positive Cure.
' A Painless Cure.
TRE GRIM?' l,'a 1E.�L T it Y3 EJfi E iNER,
WWI Healing, and Kohinoor of Medicines,
�' Z�re� the terrible cemneela;7117y
neea leg:
f Indiacretlon,
Expo.asre tpd Overwork.
YOZ7'170., MIS Z+�-AGEa A2•7Z� OI MFS'
Who are broken down from the effects of abuse will
in No. 8 a radical onto for lfervot
debility, organic weakness, involuntary vital losses, eta
lTNPTOMa bon w13tcu No. 8 Snotrr.n BC ABED.—want of energy, vertigo, want of parpoa
dimness of sight, aversion to 'society, want of confidence, avoidance of converse iot
desire to!'solitude, tlatiessacee and inability to fix the attention on particular pubjec
cowardice, depression of spirits, giddiness, loss of memory, eitcitabUi y of temper, ape
matotrbeea, or loss of the seminal fluid—the result of pelf -abase or marital greens. -imps
tonoy, innuttition, emaciation, barrenness, palpitation of the bears, hysteria fMllflgs I
females, trembling, melancholy, disturbing dreams, etc., ereall uyts ptomaofthle'terrib.
habit,oftentfinee innocently acquired. In short, the spring of venal force having lost i
tension, every function wanes in cousegnence. Scientific wr,torsand theeuperintenden'.'
of Insane asylums unite in ascribingto the effects of self -abash the great regerity of
mated lives which come under thenotice, If you aro incompetentfot theirrduous
dut1esrot burliness, incapacitated tot the oayoymentaof life No, eoSerean from
tbe'effeete of early vice. If you are advanced in years, No. S will give you rat sn,,
strength It you are broken down, physically and morally, from early led >3, th'
result Of ignorance and folly, send your address end 10 cents in stamps for IL V. Onou',
Treatise a Book Form on Diseases of Man. Sealed and secure troth tit,..,
Addreeealt communications to H.• V. [NOON. 47 Wellington Si. ., rout*
A il/nhout-wisdom lives lira foorrstimaism - OURESCUAIIANTEED.
A Permanent Cure. ' A Pleasant Cure.