The Clinton New Era, 1888-04-27, Page 8fltIPAX, 4V 4. 2 71888 Uttrio. Q TO THE FRONT Mf..tter of Vital Impor- taueo, The following unsolicited opinions fo. n your friends and neighbors, men and women whom you love. -and re• sped, ought to carry conviction to any doubting mind. These words of gratitude are from those who have been afflicted but are now well, and the persons giving them are naturally eolioitous that others, troubled as were they, may know the means of cure. There is no reason why you should be longer ill from kidney, liver or stomach troubles. You can be cured as well as others. Do not longer de- - --lays•treatment, but to -day obtain that which will restore you to permanent l;eelth and strength; 290 McNeil St. North, Hamilton, Can., Nov. 2,, 1880.—I have been suf. fering.for over twenty years from a pain in the back and one side of the head, and indigestion. I could not eat scarcely anything, and everything I ate disagreed with me . I was attend- ed by physicians who examined me and stated that I had enlargement of the liver, and that it was impossible to cure me. They also stated that I was suffering from heart disease, inflamma- . tion of the , bladder,; kidney disease, bronchitis and catarrh, and that it was impossible for me to live. They at- tended me for three weeks without making any improvement in my con- dition. I commenced taking "Warner's Safe Cure" and "Warner's Safe Pills," acting strictly up to the directions as to diet, and took thirty-six bottles, and have had the best of health ever since. My regular weight used to be 180 lbs. When I commenced "Warner's Safe Cure" I only weighed 140 lbs, I now weigh 210 lbs. r a St. Catharines, Ont.,Jan. 34th, 1887. —About six years ago I was a great s'.ifferer front, kidney disease, and 'was in pain all the while. I hardly had strength to walk straight and was ashamed to go on the street. The pains across my back were almost un- bearable, and I was unable to find re- lief, even temporarily. 1 began to use "Warner's Safe Cnre," and inside of one week I found relief, and after using eight bottles I was completely cured, Manager for American Express Co. Toronto,(18 Division Street,) Sept. 17, 1887.—Three years ago last August my daughter was taken ill with Bright's disease of the kidneys. The best medi- cal skill in the city was taxed to Cie utmost, but to no purpose. She was racked with convulsions for forty-eight hours. Our doctor did his best, and went away saying the case was hope- ess. After she came out of the con- vulsions, she was very weak and all her hair.fell out. The doctor had left us about a month when I concluded to try"Warner's Safe Cure," and after having taken six bottles, along with several bottles of "Warner's Safe Pills, I saw a decided change for the better her condition. After taking twenty- five. bottles there was a complete cure. My daughter has now a splendid head of hair and weighs more than she et er (lid before. he efrixriov Chatham, Ont., March 6, 1888.—In 1884 I was completely • run down. I suffered most severe pains in my back and kidneys, so severe that at times I would almost be prostrated. A loss of ambition, a great desire to urinate, without the ability to do so, coming from me as it were in drops. the urine was of a peculiar color and con- tained considerable foreign matter. I became satisfied that my kidneys were in a congested state and that I was running down rapidly. Finally I eon - eluded to to trj' "Warner's Safe Cure," and in forty-eight hours after I had taken the remedy I voided urine that was as black as ink, containing quan- tities of mucus, pus and gravel. I con- tinued, and it was not many hours be- fore my urine:was of a natural straw color, although it contained consider- able sediment...The pains in my kid- neys subsided as I continued the use of the remedy, and it was but a short time before I was completely relieved. My nrine was normal and I can truthfully say that I was cured. Galt, Ont.,, Jan. 27. 1887. --For about five years previous to •two years ago last October, I was troubled with kid- ney and liver trouble, and finally I was confined to my bed and suffered most excruciating pain, and for two weeks' time I did not know whether I was dead or alive. My physician said Iahad enlargement of the liver, though they gave me only temporary relief. Hear- ing of the wonderful cures of "Warner's. Safe Cure" I began its use, and after I had taken two bottles I noticed a' change for the better, The pains dis- appeared, and my whole system seemed to feel the benefit of the remedy. I have continued taking "Warner's Safe Cure" and no other medicine since. I consider the remedy a great boon, and if I ever feel out of sorts "Warner's Safe Cure" fires me all right. I weigh twenty pounds Heavier now than ever before. inventor of the Maple Leaf Lance -tooth Crosscut saw. • Some of the bucket shop keepers, fearing that the bill for their sup- pression now before the House, niay become law, have written to the promoters of the bill suggesting. various changes therein. It is sin- cerely hoped that no attention will be paid to these suggestions, Which, if adopted, practically destroy the act. There is no worse form of gambling than that practised by the bucket shops, the sooner such concerns are legally forcers out of existence the better. The only reliable etre for catarrh is Dr Sage's catarrh Remedy. Children Cry for • 1?E'RVI NEWS., Mr A„ Il, aluthorun, Mitchell, has commenced operauuns on L•ia new brick block. Mr Chas. McKei'zie, jr., son of Ur Chas. McKenzie, (.f Monekiun, bas rented a butes in Warton. Mr John Horn has removed from his farm on the kith cou. Elora, to his faun on the 12th con, Logan. Mr Nelson Hooper, of Exeter, hes purchased the stock in the store lately occupied by Mr Wm. Barron, St. Marys. Mr R. W. Birtcb has disposed of his flour and feed business in St. alarys, and has rented a farm in Niaaouri. Mr Sanies Allen, who bas lived in Hibbert for upwards of 25 years; has removed to Usberne, where he bas purchased a larger farm. Mr Charles Worden, of Hibbert, who has been ailing for some time,is not getting better, and grave doubts are entertained for his recovery. Messrs Robert Smith, senior and junior, of Mitchell, left on Tuesday last for British Columbia or Califor- nia. They have been residents of Mitchell for the last ten years. Mr J. Wilson, township clerk,Rus- seldale, has been laid up with inflam• mation of the lungs during the past five weeks. He is in a fair way to- wards recovery, although still unable to go out. • On Sunday evening Mr Joseph Hannon's residence, Huron Road. Mitchell, was burned to the ground together with the whole of the con- tents. The house and contents were insured for $3.50. Mr Hannon's loss will be a good deal over the insurance. The fire was caused by the children, who were left in charge of the house for a short time, putting on rather much fire, thus setting the house on fire. $7,000 is the modest sum that Mrs Noel Green, of Mitchell, sues Mr Henry James for, at the approaching assizes. It will be remembered that the great storm last fall blew down the wall of the James' block, destroy- ing the building of plaintiff and kill- ing her husband and a servant. The defence will be that the accident was purely accidental and impossible tc guard against, that deceased was cautioned in time but refused to lease the building, and •that defendant should therefore not be held respoa sible. The case will be watched vi; interest. He on Your Ulaara. Dont allow a cold m the head to slowly and surely run into Catarrh. when you can be cured for 25c. by using Dr Chase's Ca- tarrh Cure. A few applications cure n- sipient catarrh ; 1 to 2 boxes cure ordinary catarrh ; 2 to 5 boxes are guaranteed to cure chronic catarrh. Try it. Only 25c. and sure cure, Sold by all druggists. THE SITUATION. Situated as we are in this,coun- try, the relationship we bear to the people of the United States must always bo a subject of vital imper- tanee. The attitude at the present mo- ment is one of mutual hositility— war is iu actual progress, and al- though the losses may not be reck- oned in connection with the sacrifice of human life,that may be estimated in almost every other way that af- fects the .veli -being of inodern coni- menities. A tar iff campaign may be bloodless, but it is most assured- ly little less ruinous on that ac- count. If we are not of those who urge the propriety of humiliating our- selves before Uncle Sam for the purpose of securing common sense reciprocal ti ade relations, r o more do we believe in shaking onr fist at hint . from the other side of the fence, with a "you're another,"• or 'you bit me first." As Canadians, 'we are somewhat like the old Scots- man who advised his son to prefer honesty to dishonesty in all busi- ness transactions, "For,"said Sandy senior,"I've tried them them baith," but with this difference that in our case the dishonesty bas been an act of self -robbers; we have actu- ally "cut off our nose- to spine our face"—we have done all that bad legislation could do to increase the prices of manufactured goods, and to diminish the returns for agricultur- al produce; to create wealthy tyr- annical monopolies, and to foster poverty among the masses; to make corporative combines, possible; to mortgage farm property; to ex- clude foreign capital and enter- prise, and generally to render a nat- urally progressive, thrifty people dissatisfied,disconted, and disgusted. Notwithstanding the fact that we are so often told that men cannot be made sober by law, we find an ef- fort being continually made to carry ont that idea. The New York As- sembly has passed a resolution, to amend the constitution of the State providing that no person shall man- ufactlire for sale, or keep for sale as a beverage, any intoxicating liquor, whether brewed, fermented or dis- tilled, and that the legislature shah prescribe regulations for the enforce- ment of the amendment and provide suitable penalities for the 'violation thereof. Before this amendment can become a part of the constitu- tion the' resolution must bo passed by the present State Senate, must be published for three months be- fore the election of the Legislature chosen at the next general election, mutt be agreed to by a majority of all the members elected to each b:anch of the rfew Legislature, and must then be approved by a majority of the popular vote cast in reference to the amendment. Under such circumstances it is not possible to predict at the moment the exact dale' at which the prohibition amendment will finally become law, Pitcher's Castoria: Q0 ADVICE - Where's the pian who dares change places With the happiest man be knows? Take his chances and his fortune, Bear alike his joys and woes? Yet the world is full of grumblers, Always growling at their fate .Sullen, surly, discontented. Filled with envy and with hate. Thinking all the world's against them, All their friends will prove untrue, Never dreaming they can help it, And the way is easy, too. Now, my poor, unhappy growler, Half the fault lies in yourself: Think a little more of others— Lay you own care on the shelf. Help make sunshine for you neighbors; Drive the frown from off your brow: Do some act of downright kindness— Hard, at first, I will allow. Yet 'twill grow to be a pleasure, If repeated o'er and o'er, And 'twill fill your heart with sunshine Till you feel to growl no more. If you have your little trials, Bear them•bravely as you can, Do not let them spoil your temper— No one loves a surly man. Other people have their troubles— No one is from sorrow free; Some have ten -fold more than thou hast Yet they do not growl at thee. The exhausted and drowqy feelings, common to spring time, iricates an impure and sluggish condition of the blood, which may be remedied by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It is the most powerful, and, at the same time most economical blood purifier known' Evangelists need gumption as well as grace. The following incident is reported from Eastbourne, Eng. At one of the local mission hall two earn- est brethren had been speaking with great fervor on the wicked ways of the world, and desired to emphasize the conspicuous difference between the saints and the sinners. So they requested "all who are saved to leave thelroom and all who are not saved to emain," The effect of this analysis i cal, for the whole of the con- sent at once rose and and depart . neing among the."saved'' Only the two preachers remained in the hall to represent the—unsaved! Of course, the ungodly found cause for merriment, and it is to be hoped that from such experience the speak- ers ]earned wisdorn.—New York Ob- server. " He most lives who thinks the most, Acts the noblest, feels the best, And he whose heart beats quickest Lives the longest, lives in one hour More than in years do some whose Fat blood sleeps as it slips along their viens." These lines describe that condition of perfect health which all men and women wish to enjoy. To be able to think el-arly, to incline to do noble acts, to live long and joyously, we must be free from the domination of disease. By taking Dr Pierce's Gold- en Medical Discovery we may, by purifying the blood, escape consump= tion, general debility and weakness, and all blood and skin diseases, and verify the truth of poetry as well as tact. A NEW HOME TREATMENT FOR 'l'i[E CURE OF CATARRH, CAT- ARRHAL DEAFNESS AND HAY FEVEIR, The ntiscroscope has proved that these diseases are contagious, and that they are due to the presence of living parasites 1n the interlining membrane of the upper air passages and eustachlan tubes. The emi- nent scientists, Tyndall, Huxley and Bea- le endorse this, and the authorities cannot be disputed. The regular method of treat- ing these diseases has been to apply an ir- ritant remedy weekly, and even daily,thns keeping the delicate membrane in a con- stant state of irration, allowing it no chan- ce to heal, and as a natural consequence of such treatment not one permanent cure has ever been recorded. It is an absolute fact that these diseases cannot be cured by any application made oftener than once in two weeks for the membrane must get a chance to heal before ari application is re- peated. It is now seven years. since Mr. Nixon discovered the parasite in catarrh and formulated his new treatment, . and since then his remedy has become a hause- hold word in every country where the Eng fish language is spoken., CURES EFFECTED BY HIN SEVEN YEARS AGO ARE CURES STILL, THERE HAVING BEEN No RETURN OF THE' DI- SEASE. So highly are these remedies val- ued, that i°norant imitators have started up everywhsere, pretending to destroy a parasite, of which they know nothing, by remedies, the results of the application of which they are equally ignorant. Mr. Dix- on's remedy is applied only once in two weeks and from one to three applications effect a permanent cure in the most aggra- vated cases. Mr. Dixon sends a pamph- let describing his new treatment on the re- ceipt of stamp to pay postage, The ad- dress of A. H. Dixon & Son is 303 King Street West, Toronto, Canada.—Scientific Amercan. "Did n't Know 't was Loaded" May do for a stupid boy's excuse : but what can be said for the parent who sees his chili) languishing daily and fails to recognize the want of a tonic and blood -purifier' Formerly,' a course of bitters, or sulphur and molasses, was the rule in well -regulated families ; but now .all intelligent households keep Ayer's Sarsaparilla, which is at once pleasant to the taste, and the most, searching and effective blood medicine ever discovered. Nathan S. Cleveland, 27 E. Canton st., Roston, writes : '' My (laughter, now 'll years old, was in polleet health until a year ago when she began to complain of fatigue, headache, debility, (lizziness, indigestion, and loss of appetite. I con- cluded that all her complaints originated in impure blood, and induced her to'take Ayer's Sarsaparilla. This medicine soon restored her blood -making organs to healthy action, and in due time reestab- lished her former health. I find Ayer's Sarsaparilla a most Valnabl.• remedy for the lassitude and debility incident to spring time." J. Castright, Brooklyn Power Co., Brooklyn, N. Y., says'. "As a Spring Medicine. 1 1111(1 a splendid substitute for the old-time compounds in Ayer's Sarsaparilla, with a few (loses of Ayer's l'ills, After their use,' Leel fresher and stronger to go th.'ougb the summer." Ayer's Sarsaparilla, r111?11A It EU ISY • Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Masai Price ti; six bettiss, 3u. \Cath $.5 a bottle. DrS► Cood. IIQ35f, Londosb.oro., Have just returned from the eastern mar- kets where we have made heavy p u rchas- es direct from manu- facturers for Cash, se- curing big discounts from regular prices. Special drives in Dress Goods and Trimmings Prints Lace Curtains Boots and Shoes `e " Hard and Soft Hats Fuller announcement next week. CaII and see what we are Showing. You will be surprised and delighted at the volume and variety of the stock and the remarkably low prices. W. L. OUIMETTE, - LOM DESBORO albick & Reith, LEADING:::= . UNDERTAKERS .1N 1) EMBALMERS GLIM oN In our line of undertaking we fear no competition, as we carry a very large stock of Good Goods, and as Funeral Directors, we are bound to give satisfaction. A call re- spectfully solicited. , Tic Bank Amato sore, 91bert C.LINTt?N CALBICK & REITH DAM'S Emporium. To the people of Lonricsboro' and surrounding country. S�-'R2NG GOODS have arrived in good quantities and of excellent duality. Never had a better supply and was never in a better position to supply the wants of my customers and all others wito may favor inc with a call. Good weight, fall measure, and the right change back. From and after April 2nd, until further notice, 13 lbs of best granulated Sugar for $1 cash, but not less than $1 or more than $5 worth to one person. See my newWall Paper, Millinery cannot hp surpassed. A trial respectfully solicited, I-Iighefit Prices for P'roduee. Yours respectfully, March 30th, 1885. R. ADAMS. BUSINESS - .Announcement, SPECIAL: PALLISER'S 40&,, Young llysr)u Tea beats all comers at the price. 40c. Japan is a beauty. 50c. Black, Green or Japan are not to be surpassed. OOo. YoungHysonTea is the great leader 60c. Secret Blent Black is a Matchless Mixture 75e. Secret Blend Black is the FavoI'Ite And is specially called by that name, the Quality is Su. pert). SUGARS at merest profit on refiners prices. S Palliser & Co's is the place to buy Good and Cheat Groceries every time. 'e ti cr et '' ss 0 S. PALLI SE R & CO., New : Furniture : Stock Opened out in ELLIOTTS BLOCS. NEXT DOOR TO THE CITY BOOK STORE, CLINTON. BEDROOM SETS, PARLOR SETS,LOUNGES SIDEBOARDS, CHAIRS, &c., ANi1 A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF THE VERY .BEST NIA DE FL'RNI TURE AT REASONABLE PRICES. .T4s. CHIDI..EY. Family Groceries. A FRESH. ANI) FULL, STOCK, «'HIC11 l NCLUDES F'MITK, CANDIES, NUTS, FISH, &e. —1314',S IDES A HULL STOCK OF CJLoiee Yr roily Groeemrie,i.Chillia, Crockery and Crlasswa re. All .at Bottom Price`. --A CALL 54)1,1('ITE1),-- :x, N. ROBSON. CHINIt HALL1 fAGm• tcs Qmec.C, sun 111 �o mav,x mm� mBc ir ?;yy, n MI r,n 5, 10 wmtancp o• gen tr1; H '-4' CD' Z �� m a oyo .tVR a o r•0 tr4o aS m DeaA pcW 2-oMnwm-F— "° o c"' 't"ip �O d••'i°O_am�-r b`�2 Otgf 1714 ap0O+cr;r4k "25.cs ug4, n o'lAwaEslw p •- A .,-O R1'9 c� 7zoY 4-C m..p trbmmiCOmn2C`9�7. 'mumu- m p,«o e.o�m�°6"0". PiG rr. �• m�i�ty Mir and0,4 tday�m� ° Ops,• .,y ono9-5N"t v00 aro rr, n .-...a ft" C.q srl (:" mO °842 ra r a m 5.g 1 WO g O" mit tr l='do o mz ePa NewTailoiirig Establishment The linden signed has opened out in the tailoring bti;iee-s in the sturr • lately occupied by 1[c E. Floody, and wilt keep at line -stock or English, Scotch & Canadian Tweeds, French Worsteds, and all the latest patterns. of Pantings. Which be will guarantee make upat the lowest possible 11 prices Workmanship of the•best quality, and a fit guaranteed ue n0 salt'. A call solicited. F. SHEPHERD, Albert St , Clinton. NEXT DOOR TO WATTS' DRUG STORE. Positive Cure. A Painless Cure. FACTS FOR MEN OF ALL AGES, M. V. ZIV$ON a SP CIPIC NO. B, THE GREAT HEALTH XtEs 'EWER, Marvel of Healing, and Kahinoor of Medicines, /y �.IZZrelil ' the terrible consequences of Indiscretion, Exposure and Overwork. 2-C0.71\7'G t MI3Z)1.rE-43A-GEa AN'Z1) OT •'Y1 MF -+r Who are broken down from the effects of abuse will find in No. 8 a radical Duro for nervou debility, organic weakness, involuntary vital losses, etc, IYtsr5TOMS !on wmcn No. 8 Sueonn mR UsEo.—Want of energy, vertigo, want Of purpose dimness of sight, aversion to society, want of confidence, avoidance of conversation desire for solitude, listlessness and Inability to fix the attention on a particular subject cowardice, depression of spirits, giddiness, leas of memory, excitability of temper,aper matorrheea, or loss of tho seminal fluid—the result of self•abuso or marital excess—mpe. tency, innutrition, emaciation, barrenness,palpitation of the heart, hysteric feelings tamales trembling, melancholy, disturbingn dreams etc., are all sytr tomoof this terrible habit, oftentimes innocently acquired. Ishort. the spring of vitalforce havinglost its tension, every function wands in consequence. Scientific writers and the superintendents of insane asylums mute in ascribing to the effects of self-abuse the groat majority of wasted lives which come under their notice. If you ars incompetentfor the arduous duties of business, incapaeitated tor tho enjoyments of lite, No. eofferaan escape from the effects of early vice, If you are advanced in years, No, 8 will give you full vigor an;, strength. If you aro broken down, physically and morally, from ehrly indiscretion, tilt. result of ignorance and folly, send your address and 10 cents in stamps for M. V. LvBON'i • Treatise in Book Form on Diseases of Man. Seated and secure from obseervatiou. Address all communications to H. V. LIMON. 47 Wellington H. .,THP SICK -r, A Man without wisdom lives In a tool's paradise. OURS GUARANTEED. f t A Permanent Cure.) 4< A Pleasant Cum.. S"w ,> '11