The Clinton New Era, 1888-02-03, Page 5• ::: + .• - . t , i. , ` , °I .- , ' ani jo a•Tif `.�11t ..e tlllll R(1* T�r y' $n,�.Q ,jie�. 1lku 1. I k l; u+ i$, Qb1i 4.d tR a a�Q THE I.AT , ,Dint., iI.ONI.I?.1•IAIN ; . j0,04. .,.>l 11,1 1- ., flit, 4lilubt4 �v! . lis I►14 £»flan. sato Ala. tit? I31I1e�k ., . , �, 1. *,--;•--r,, • A Tc!@eTAR Rf is"R 1-s:vteau 1Rar 3pl►v _.-.,,.�,� . �h'"1 a>��• 1U,' 8 azgrq m than, „W UfflF eretee 9f t'Retl�eac tirap. roti!' . n i QR, E. 1?. &fAl�lfalFAi3G. t d@ ,; Ff: tit oi�cle; ,' �tallie>i xn riaxtoba, t w ,so,cr„vvx o>;' 0- 4VV sal, IiUW TM:E f3UliNE:R WNA.PER BUS.I• er kuan thoge oft ie lawyero. �^� '" 'Elle death sit .Ia all .Ale:.aider w_ enipllan, .. r .. t v 7f . lk. Life lcated!r qt 0 W00 rAW-11 Rad w o was a veteron, gf tlio'veXlean sear, was NESS iN TH.E OLP DAYS, Cashier Ali*n, of the central Bink, d s srdl outs a wan er etRat• X.filtr {tt, nrit;sn;l.a r+rlTl As ft 1PIKOP Re R44Q... � \YcaltitT Itentafolsran. h A .. a. t. � $ P, • A,414 lltapet a qr . recorded but a. few dpya ago., taping place Jit _ T � :. dlellapeort d on litednesdey lzigbt, t eu- r t a aril ,u awn_bl a d ' Rd o s . , �' r e tl a 4 1 �a 1? 0 ed eo D t or o w d e e was L . tndifzd h 1. y 'h'od H tr wit 1. L, D fI. a .. e m >d 1 t e in of the ,Q l D , o 'ill rfta( R, b D b 1- e wu 'vfd$ . u y k tJ uie a .levator! o r tI• o,. dt inky e a i '1 r batt , rt ca tr 1 '� g v v is b ch wl 1 o A '' .A.n a l o D D w e e a.- p 7 ala TL , t t a !S ro e! Ge .. a•— it ie A tN e b ' b o ear 0 1 m 1 s ted W 'c e 8 rn 'e on la co o ii R .. r T e' ra lu r r' ` tout rewovi.Iig too fork front. giro bret4St twos or bis homo iri Louis ill , RT•, P many yea 4 ?dap u& gut' . 1tlanitoba Nortlnweste q al.lway Q e Butt In the death of the vitwtim, H,elary tyrlRin the bird e l the dish, but a bogiraer lite another of the many thousand eacgmplea Mgyavole, Ky., zu duly, jW8, of a revolution- �vt,r to of the Old Faslzlusl0d ]plan. jull of wheat and buying has been Merrit, ' an old woO.dmau. About $ $ Tuluuble Chomlcal ProtluctFs w! the Thrill de Ivelf to have w small fork at bond f°r to cheer the young American fyi.tl is struggle erg a4zcestry, bo area graslugted aG thea a of atpppea, One O'ctOclt Ghree masked men enter- thepttrpose. of laying out t+artions aside as tile 'toward weelt4 and position, for the deceased 19 froth the Methodist college at Augusta, Modern Wethgd. [chepag ose of wsee. `.Turn the bird ea ghat the entemaR beSaR l►fe to poTerty, yKitIt but tin Ry In 1820, after adue.course of Study, be A tele real frofxl Ukraine stdte;l ed 1)territ s but and demanded Gu be $ was adrriztted to resines is rho courts of g agrringforls car bn held iu rho left hand said g9latl !pct education, alio tined tO be a tit p A tsvo story ptcuit bargo was tied up beside OhBt the TOODg 1n Halt.Ou on the re• Shown Inhere bit/ supposed wealth (thio ail d Kentucky, in 1830 Ike removed t0 A ttlsxly fixed it the itreaafbpne, ami nae a very tlllfliioagilirsi and mats of high telt Io ll`golC , a North river pier near Harrison stteeG. Tllo pGltl of 13cobt ct will false place o n was concealed. For Beveral gears nfluence and social ctandizig. Leziugton, Mo., ankh thenc@ to i<3borty, then l,iuuic business had not been good for its Meech I. literrit had been engaged iR Glte lutR- . ehtasr�a knife taint a antuill Stea'ible benne. Ti4rat political i oil rho border of civilization, three years ` cubs$ knife wt. sticker ut tt,e Icuoe joint, and deatli was a stu�trise even t0 owner, kind he bad turned to another line of . Robt. Neil, the Central Prison con- . ter business, and lead AC¢ufTlulated later. In 11130 he represented his county in vict was sentenced on Thursday to be about U4000,which was secreted in the thea reiriat'o the aecenll jwints. \YiGh a tender tT- business b trans orting li •htwei hb mer- + bird seta to not s di{i joi atm Wit but both tiles$ who knew him best, for he was the state legislature, cold on tiro subsequent Y P e 6 g banged an Feb. 28, for the murder of � basement of his dwelling. His assail- etrd tills sect ■kill ore needed to cope but N years old, and had not admitted even eccasions was elected to the same position. chandise hr it from the sopor watem d rho Guard Routledge. ants bound and gaggeed him,and failing I soca ull with a tough or underdone to his family that he thought himself danger- Iu 1838 he was a brigadier general of Iiutlson. A gang of men that formed two y tra_a On-xhacontnsr the-Mi3sourf -militia; sod hi§ 71ff ode lot,•• ,ltcessiolis,traveling in o posite�iirea" The"death is.annoanged•ofrlirBus. -in-'their--of]'urta•ta-extort.a,confessiou'' ._-_-._ ..A beoaaa► --',serf•- atiroug _totue- ously, s[ok. y •alaznY >Ie1. g p p sel Hardy, storekeeper at London In by these means, then held his bar@ plul about the leg jo?abs• Nexb i 'his interest is politics almost to the last, and was a. part of the force which the governor , . tiuuv, wet $ ca ryiug rough bags full of char- eab at the fiat joints of the wings 5114 the wag a formidable competitor with Hon. sent to drive the Mormons out of tthe state. Ban@ Decca , d the 76th yearn A. , feet to the fire mad otherwise maltreat. J,' �piaions and them the ointa nearest the body. caul rr•'m rho barge and loadu1g them ou ag@, Deceased was Lather of Son. A. ed him iD the most shocking manner. dames Beck for He was prominent iu Kansas In the days trucks ou the pier.' A bright young man, 1!ki■. ebebkud of cutting off the first joints elf tea la when rufllanism was rampant thele. In 1846, S. Hardy, TrOvincial Secretary. Finally 1lecoming unconscloun, iia the t(egsand wings before separating thein p ce of United alien the governor i who could keep tally of tike bags, smoke a a■SailantS left, him and eea[ched Ehe Eco fete body saves that tronblcsume feat of Staten scbator from nod ci e•tn Mild talk at Nie same time stood A novel theft eB reported from but for his hidden wealth. Begeatti 1 h l ug those members while they are being Kentucky. All I of Missouri made a at the end sof tho p y disjg kited. Frequently they slip xbwut the over the state can- requisition for vol- gong Plallk and mudo a Graniham rsons l i an a da g the f3ooriag they found over $1800 j platter and splatter the dish gravy, didates for the leg- unteerstojoinGen. 1 maxi: in it book every time a plan with a bag ago some persona forced aD entrance in a flour Back, But this wits all they, After the wings are removetd cot Off the islature to be voted I Kearny in his ea- pa.swd hire, To a stranger who was curious into the Bethel church in that town- secured as the rest was hidden ashort 1 rne,ire .thought or wisihbone, kaon thein rho + to k1low something about the charcoal bust• ship, a few miles from the city, and distance from the house. Dlertit was Lor on the first pedition to Mexico, « wwll��gq ■rde bones which -ild, tLe bri:ast to tilt Monday in August Gen. Doniphau was nes, ire said: caroled Off the Or6an. j b 118-ino; then carve the br(last in medium were labeled rte for °A'hfs boat load of charcoal came frau Al- r. found next morning sill! bound and I thin slices, and sane rho hind,,;iviul; 91-101 �1 `• made corn uaudei the jury in the if nest n t the a ed and iG ie thought he will die, • uu da u i❑ rho N orth g gg , c The co al was t un P b f qq un on town t' yore o L d pp bud o Robt.O • V•_ Y I or Staudt- Pit st t e t sea k of a �'� o[ the y an4 staffing on inch pl(.t,s If o(u dioera ore . 1 u �1" s . li'ouds somlowhere, most likely out of wood The Montreal Star has the follow- hnspemtia't tnay Ike nice Bury to cut n11' mute Pord, And the` \ merit oP Missourd Ship, CatnO t0 the COnClnsiOD that the ;' - of t'be flesh,. uud even w dish ewber the car- shrewdest observ- Mounted v o 1 u n- ` stoleu oft the stato lauds. 'there has been a iD -1 he rumor is revived that at the ,\ l fatal Biot waS fired by the deceaseds g� Mas ; tits can bu dune with more ur loss ens$ ' ers could not say ,r-- tears, and with his gre8L cliauge in the charcoal business re own hand, either accidentally or in- approaching set+sion of the Dominion As t�,0 Carver understands t -he auutulny ut the which was ahead reginlett matched, cnitl}. arlismeuG the Canadian Pacific Rail- --- birfl. If a career wold(I stilly fbe locut:nu of DR. R. D. STANDIFORD. In the Old days the charcoal burner dtuvc tent}ovally. p in the race. Early 000 miles 'across a ;�, way will again be an applicant for the joints whilo carving, and taka tho t'rollble fn July the doctor married kiss Laura Scott, ! a stake in the center of a piece of cltured A clear skin adds Gt the beuaty Of further Goverument favors, which, in to cut lip wreral ca4m—eui by Striking the treeless desert cud " rounl ttr cleared ofr a piece of gr0uud a fine face and often lemis a charm points while huues are juh-I t,tlre0ler, aubtse- a young lady of Paducah. Some days after over lofty moujit- OLN. DOMPHAN. 1r the event of being granted, will end t„ hid be encu, Tiw 'uint.s of he was taken with aslight illness, but treated acus, dispersed the Mexican forces defeuaing around :t o ti sapling, mud thou proca ntil to luitnlin ou ou beautify your cpm- the Red River valley Railroad dispute quint carving , J to stand coni tvuoti up nruuud it ou end null lexion nu should ttrif our bl od all birds are.unilarly t,l ,"1, .0 m ;uiv LI,n1ti- It with indifference, and'pltysicians were not Santa Fe, entered that ancient capital aqui P } p Y Y P b the C. P. R, surrendering its 23 cal iu ,.,int Of ,i,,:n tholl tial. un" i i a ;;t,idu to called till four dA sbeforehisdeath. Neither ., tLa pilo wan nl,otit forty i'eet fu diameter uud- with'A }en's 5ursa arillM. - AB a tonic Y y annexed all ?v, tr 11'fexico to the United'Statea. } p ears mann of iD the Northwest. It l he nor hisfamil had an idea of his dao et earl all us high. 'rile he piled cads and and alterative medicine, it hoe n0 ? p Y All tothtr.:, y Y g Late iu September liem•»y started for Cali- 1 IB Stated that in payoreIIt of this BUr- - " till a few hours before•his death. fornia, with several companies of dragoons, earl )ell over rho p,d Ithe bu a small hole ecjual. I'ric@ 1. 5}X bottles, $b. r t ill Le aB e i'ia anises' nor !4 ire+. Dr. Standiford was a native of Kentucky.; leaving Doidphan in command of New Mea- r1' i'e 1tn(1 t i''o•a around tea bottom, and cua' re..der the Goc. per D w su.11 ri.•a int tu,, I.o )..- ti1'bem.. the .... n was TllerI- id a tel lit tvom;rn 1iT1D7; aG F,,,,,, :/,,y,,, a /r,r •,• and though his parents were excellept people ico, with orders to reduce the Aavaloes on _.i _ - �' T _.._ _ - to-g_ive ilt.,r j5E per ce. guaranteti p,,,,,,,g Llie I,u,.1•, p:u't;euhu'ly t I:,. 1l:rifC)' mid of high social rank, they wet$ ttidttced to the tresteru anion of rho Rocl:y mountains to tl'`'`I ,•.; "'r`'d in he set it ou fire and let it Btiar Creek, N.,Y. N of lohg ago�ler of a further issue of e.everal millions And industrious pour, the +„goon of Llu� huu+e• poverty about the time of his birtb, so, as submission, t.'rOssing the monutnins, Gen. 1.;: •, :' 1 tcell nbiaze uud then clesed np the husband'dicd, and she took the head- of bonds. the proeeeda of these bandB hold, be she tvifu or ,L(n;;hu:t`, itis wool, Inure early as lie was able to do any work, he was Doniphau quickly subdued the Indians. On tb•."'' -v ale ch toe pie. For two wther Stcna from bis first wife's r.tve and will, it is said, be used fu to Win ip e c$ntrol in dis ,Sheik;; 11:" dnil • r,r +v,rekl, ut in the em to of the wealt Phillips Dec, 1.1 he starts 1 for central Mexico, T'he t 1:1:1 to 1 the charcoal burse,, with another 6 went of the lino between \4rinnlpe t a y P p y � t ,u:,:. t�, lc:ep watch and «•titch with hint, st't had it dr0ise(} over and relettered fit• g wage than wuwen ou a higher social plana; family (tear Louisville. The sons f the fam- force passed' through a desert in whose and Port Arthur, reducing curves M anon of brawn, whelk sen-1il,le (u,d leil,elly, ilywere a rather haughty mid thoughtless length of ninety miles neither wood nor LJ• jt t pile kinin smoked its pipe, :how and 11is graTe, gradients,and in the erection of ele practice o noon Kruarans ado ut couju�'tl set, and treated hits harshly; and onto i, a water teas to be L'uund, and tterenbout oin tln;t' ilio tiro tvuuld break through rho cover- vators A Montreal and Port Arthur. hartncrshii+ thou ie usual Funua¢ Ines of brat"' fit of ono r lie told then! he would one da g g Jilg ani! ho would have to covey tip the hole. D1C Ii. iluag, mechanical BUpErin thOtrl,'h these hatte'r's earflinrs are On such a Y into. camp ou Christmas day when the cry r• <� tendant of the westt rn division Of the own all they now considered their owls. ran along the ranks that the enemy was in uullieti,ucs Lt would ltaVJ to niuku a holo on FARMS POR SALE. scala of Jileuty that ui11t., we leak below the That lilies teas literally fulfilled; for the front. Donk )hen olein formed his line of A ails where the fire ryas trot disposed to go, Grand Trur;k Railway, Stratford, _ ^T _ surfaco regnlnfious tool e(iuipnieuts of the p' 1 Y T q Y I,, a Il,w dll\'S a black tar would begin died Friday morning at 7 o'clock. In ARiii FOR 8ALE.-THE NORTH HALF nd Dr. Stan- ton A The • atria o attack. ter eon• w tedbheit a mid awaited tb G1 n 2letcon. Turn o s as Y, batt! 1' lots 51 a d s h P or rY, •tlsu hn;uhcinl re• Y f DIr B a lh@• G . T. R. we cut• the f, the death O 0 home n•o fail to d, a to uoz n nut thcuuoh little drains made g ' talions tli(ut cake bntweeu haw4;uul and' wife. tiiford becamo its owner, fucludiug several Mesicmis cUatgad, but iu less thou aft Coining ar noise; over e: situate, good frame l+or wive:+, :11 a da's, Mita no sPt,naing money, thousand acres adjoining what is now the hour they were iu full retreat, leaving f ,r its $:.cape 'ruuutl rho bottoun. During have Buffered a !OSB not easily sup- houst born mod Stable; eltumted four miles turd aro rarely c,n uiztult of ,hair husbanll'a southern houndmyof Louisville. He showed over 2,10 dead anti wounded upon the all the tint) the pile was burning a pic- pried, from •Wroxeter, and three miles from Blue - true busiues, coilditiou. is Lhis just to Lha great business ability at an early age; saved geld. Nut a single Missourian was killed, and tui'esquo solutio, of smoke rose out of the Dr. Emtuens a New York soien- va,1e. Wi11 bt told cheap and QQn reasonable being a num.t,as pruulisod to tumor Its welt as his carnia as a laborer, invested them u- chiitt.u•y 11Olo lett in the top. When the tar ' - btnue� Appply to 11-McTAGG_�RT,, Clinton gs j only seven were wounded. On Mmch 1 he fist, has discover@d all explusivo corn - to lovey dieiousl and was considered well to do at ceusanl to &+tv uud rho smelco to riso Lha cUar- \Yuman m•H necn.,e,luf being"Inthn,"nail y' tookpossessiouoeChihunUua. Learning that oundoftwoCheulr tuatOrialBwbicd____OUSEAIfDLOT?rORSALUr--THATVALU thirty, Thereafter all be touched seemed to , Gen. 'Wool was at Saltillo, 700 mules away, coal humor knew that the pit was burned P L L ABLB and conveniently situated property any one who lits etar served du a collecting turn to none He bon ht lar el in the out, amt after hliowing a day or so for cool- Call exert a piossttl C Of 28I tU118 tJ owned by Mr John Callander, being lot 188, on committee knows hew, in forining a list of Y• g g Y Doniphaln set int for that place, and on May subicribers uarne after name id Louisville and Nashville railroad at low fig- 21 bivouacked near the battlefield of Buena ing ho ahaaele+l otY the sods and oarth, poured th@ sgaar©inch. The pressure Of pin'( the north Bide a Huron Sl The house baa cult- 1)U991hiH , , tt'atet• Ou swell chunks of coal a9 ha ened t0 r - able accommodation for large family, with all omittod with the remark, "No nae going to urea, and sold out the day the steel: touched Vista. The ,war oil that line being ended, PP riitro•glfcel'ine is Only 2ti {, to119. rho conveniences, such as Lord and soft avatar, etc. her, she ,with til es," or "She has no money," Its highest point - 105. He bought the Taylor ordered the Missourians to Brazos boo!, Sire turd wits thea ready to load the' doctor calls hisdiscovery Enimensitc. Cood stable on the lot. Further particulars oa Aad yet the husband of "she" is invariably a majority of shares fn the L,, N, A, and C. Santiago, where they embarked for New product of his labor into. a dusty, black anPlicatlott to MANNING & SCOTT, Clinton. auwn of $lacans or uuq,h urofe9siuual i,icume,- . road tit an average of `d0, and afterwards Orleans, and were mustered out of service. Covered wagon, and with his mules to pull if, ►�----_ wee pays axtravngant hunsrituld sod personal sold at 110. He was once- resident of the drive tO towu and make himself hoarsoshout- AAM REAR CLIhTON FOR SALE -THAT brills fur iia family, nasally with wiling good 1 The regiment was welcomed home in a speech 1' ohtkce farm of 70 ares, part of tot Six, in the Louisville and Nashville road, and later by Senator Benton mid al enthusiastic popu• iu., `Cha wa-r-r-coal! Chat• -e -o -a-11' Ile get 11uroa Road Con., Goderich Township. Within matu e. It is only wheat money is asked for ' lar demonstration. about twenty-five bushels of coal out oP a W hen Baby was sick, we give her Caetoda, two miles of Clinton station. Frame house of %bat a tightening of the purse strings instinct- ' director of the Farmers and Drovers battle; :, v tn1:r9 )taco tool the tinblushing quory is besides ho waste fm mer on an extensivo scalp Resuming the practice of Lis profession, cord of wood, raid twenty -tine cent$ out of a good root.. Good Irame barn di x 45. Two �,yy {fere She war a Child, she Sited for Cwtoria, (,, a wells. Perm to fret• e a condition: Also a 1 mills, !cog , 1e, a woman, went did you do and condncled other business enterprises. (len. Doniphan lad a quiet lift until 1601 bushel of coal, Considering the value Of the g Teeny 0 or •hard. e ou n bearin (, �e a d clinic g en )nr o y g I iwh ■he became ][leto She rl,m Ito a to ' , L C 8 era 6 n t ( s ] rt(area. q lied t) kale(, a i l e 1 etdom with the lis I gnvp yen 1Fwst watk7" 1Va nava IILg wealtL i+ populmly estitnatc ci at 53,000,- when lie was nue of Qvo delegates appointed the e an(l the thea requ ♦ART assT. Tela ie l chance a heard such , quostlot put to a belovod wife by 000,'though estates usually shrink below tliis to represenC Missouri iu the peaty confer- rho Oharr.Oat, the charcoal burner didn't get Iwhen ■hoiadChildrtoa, ■hs gen Wan Carious Apply to H. HAu, Canton, or to the under - a Ulan whose yearly expenses were at least supposed value fn settling. He leaves seven once, and was one of the Ave from the border rich very ft4st, In fact he was al wn}'s a signed on the premises, W.FEHTON, Clinton P.O $20,000, a» d•tv,.ho the next week gave the same children, Ave of hiq first wife and two of his states who, by special invitation, held an in- loiterer dnsse'd'fu blue jeans. wife valuable dilsm'oud ear -rings, and always second, the 1ntfer S'aiid 10 yeas.of age. His terview with President Lincoln to counsel "ilut, he found time to meditato, anti tLnt FxNpu9 FOR SALEr SUBSCRIBER OB aneoxraged her to dress extravagantly alhd lie g after long ears amounted tosomethin Oat to i47. for Bale his farm of ri acres, being luxuriously. third I11A1'1'lAeO attracted riufch attention, and advisoas to tet best method oPpresei Vfug Y g Iletween n:ne auU len '0'Cioek on lot 47. Maitland eon r d, and in good state the bride, daughter of a merchant in Padu- peace, maintaining the Union anti settlin of Lis meditations grow the revolution in the About tiv tion, baa nce and d Rood elate g Saturday evening l:ist`Constable ,I• of cuwylntion, Valance good hardwood " t lar as it roe ee m rho most Lu .loess. Su u 5 .g Y lent of g ;•' or •Curd nt a natio. •e1 t ed nod v Y d intelh a and 1 et nvirouedtL v' 1 I hit B rain Uush w I fe tc , P n -oma an unties t tat th t o tt r Ile v e e R • r La da 'the diffic 1 ,sit of O e bein e a W. , oat g , g Y , , • 1 ,� t w s th abl t 1 lia[et. ,+ rl P.tlne short on 1 a e Urn et e ud S e, a •bit 1 v ut.t o nd b'nnk u, r nwarac >. vulu.t tv ''r. FrumoLoueea 1 e y I put 2G ytars old. After `'three weeks mm•ried . He, was the Inst of the flue to ass inky to 1 1 ate d7'u+rt Sra;tbaer•s Dlapuzb+e•/'nr •nr„�. „ P )tctu•esc uo column of smoke that rase up and papers t0 wltneB■eB in a SCott Act Perhaps the 6ws'niost advanced in the di- life 'she is a widow. Dr. Standiford wtis for the other s[de. 1 1 ease was assaulted b nn amti-Scott iSrli Situate about els udlee from town d roan ears before leis doath a sort oP politi- - was di, siputed iu the air above t►tepit t, bile the + Y Cttntun, and cunvenieut to church and • rection of secialisni are the labor Iatvs. Those y y A MONSTER BELL. flru lasted.' It was like throwing money into Act inagistrale,knocked senseless and school. Will be sold on reasonable terms. vrhieh fix thH Mgt of children to be employed cal autocrat in Louisville; ire had himself bad! beaten while down. Last Thurs• r ell artitulars oil application, D. BAS- electerl t0 congress foe tttw terms, and only the river t° lot that smoke blow away. Some Y K]t 1i11LL1 , wA the premises or Clinton P.0 iia factokies may, indosd, be considered m per• quit political refs to take control of the L The German Lrmperorta Gftt to the Ca- bright genius discovered that the smoke ryas day night about 12 or One 0 clock the ___ _ __ .-. taijting to sanitary le.guslotiou, ahvayi held and N. railroad. His idpath renders the re thedral of Cologne. • fu good part alcohol, and that the alcohol for same constable's residence wan brok- T,�ARM TO RENT. -- THAT SPLENDID . orthodox and allowable, i owever !Mwialtstic in election of Senator Beck a-certai ity. I Some time after the close of thelas"t Franco- mechanictd purposes w'a§ just"good as grain eD into by an..infuriated mob. Mr 1' Farm of 100 acres, being Lot t7, con. 7, asture; not co the eight and ten -hots• ]hive L, K. S., of le ter s. wit IB ood,bu t0 rent 1 d a uildin e !German war tet >;mperor o[ Germane pre• or fruit a1cOLo1, though noG at all good to tbt Fieh and hiB wife were aloe e, ttD ou reasonable term., with- good,b R which are now a0 fro(lneot, It is a nO mcree I (feor o aI. Pate: taste; iu fast, would take the throat out of a the former, by remaining quiet and Irame barn, 40xeo, stable 24x88, sheep and ' radical stela, aftee xayiug that a man 411311 not S Mtiwerr street tram f cut:riago house.18x4e, good 1-/a story, 24x56 tve14s, to any iu went tcny ur ways �Inssachusetts has sustnitted a great loss in % c u y P• BBCluding h imself,. NaB aJle t0 escape frame house and kitchen, fit stores ander lie shall )ht sad s'u'et t nits as wdtu- ` TLo problem of getting the alcohol out whAt would have proven rerious in• onitivation, 20arrescleared but not brok- 1 y; Y 1 I rho death of 11ir. George A. Plttch, milittuy� ofthJ smoke was simple. Instead of burning juries, and perhaps a Tiolent death , en ; to acres good hardwood bush, well• . tats a one. But the lava which 'enforce editor of The Boston G1.Obe, and'well known "11 �I III �Q watered, having three of the beet wells in apes the operative his sixteen hours of 'lei IllI�� { t { r . '� the wood iu a pit, the genius borrowed coli- l No clue has yet been found' to the Huron county. Good UearfnR orchard. sure have not yet ventured to say flat ail over the state for his ardent and untiring + r tal and built retorts just large $non -o to held mayauders. situated 294 miles from the Village of he shall spend four• Hoary of that NisurO in n I devotion to the in- r .k �� 1 two cords of wood each. 'They vera roads fu Braralleld, solid s from the Towns of Olin- ppi��Ftturo gallery and the rest at She Young terests of the old I the shape of round steam boilersand mounted A very Budden and unexpected ton and Sesfurth respeetvely, there to a --^-- Ash's Christian Association. They have . soldiers. lie en- over brick furnaces as bolters are: ThQ re- death occurred on the 2nd conees-U)n splendid gravel road poet the front of tit$ Daly soughG;lo close tLe cia•tier grueory. And, listed at 0.n earl 1 premises. Particulars find terms given on Y I tot'La Wert Illled with Lard wood, softbeing of of Hibbert, nn Tuesday evening, 17tH application to. APPLETON ELCOAT, although Ito low has jet been Ixtdae,t s:tyittg age in the Nine- h' Ito account, and fires were stated in: the Januar D1r John Moore tin old . hew muck the en+ployer a shall i,ay, two ur teenth Massaohtl- I Y , Bn, Field P.O., or SAMUEL icH. D Cttn- three states have ventured ' iO say that ho •.�•, 1l ! furn,toes. The wood wa■ baked, and the and higtllq reBpected resid@nt Of EiC ton, P. O„ or rio EaA Ol•iforn DAA ID 1313,11 pay it once a week. w sod served with �� { volatito elements of the wood were driven off township, was sitting in his residence )JL( OA utailo P. autnrnia. ...•. .setts Volunteers, � - T U � O, C - T$ close this last ,told of uhaervatioll we _ - _ 4 through pipes that were laid in 4 big ough chatting to his family and friends, ___ _-_.-- .-__ -._ _ _ � may say chat Stato Socialism-tl,o allowable _ bravery in all its _`_• _ - of running water so as to form a condenser, and had just indulged in a cup of ------ -'--.--"-- ” - . scope Of State int.'rfureucs with the actsa d engagements. 1,Ie t I - t , ori the- principle of a steam condenser. milli when he Budden! fell from his INVENTION Hoe durin the las rho possessions of the citizens -has been greatly ,e Y was with it in the /y I Uf course, the factory had to be located on a ' y world during rho last 1rin- .._. extended; anti that ntenaures o univecaat Awful Char a at - _ Chair and eXplfed In a few nlllrUtfB. century, Not least among the wonders of in- ( g :'r ' �I{ stream of water that haft a good fall in order veative progress is a method and system of work u h r was to be married on A}B da to .. g with• Il r.the county — can be eriormod a ova that y P,lla ed"- - - , , e • ecouont- P m cost et ci - • ' r rho Coude is t eu h in ) b r and water oto r is 5tte) Gett S u - o run the otslal ^. / t g g+ u+, 7 Y I _ - and a number t it homes. f the followin mornin m rho wcan d f from he ap ear to be nit the Targe of a trial. \Vo twill ! rho art his re ' - - g g1 ovit aeparat g p P 1' - leanly, although a steaut engine would pump the[efore conchtde vire the pmhaps nnfartu , Ment took thereha9 - Of felend■ from a diataDCe war@ -At the Pay libeeal ;any oneean do the work: inkier hex, teats result, that Dc•nwcr,tcy, whon crowned — �� the water through. -yatmg or old no special ability required. Capi Leen the ire went Enmity realdene9, ,and the deceABed tel not needed ; • ou are started free. Cut this with power, seekA rather what it considers q \ ( "TLe ligttar that rmt tluough the condenser y she wish brill'• of ti,e co,om'unity think tike GEOROE la. PATcm subject of song, \ I was simply condensed smoke. It was con- seemed to be in unusual good spirits out and:return to ta, and we willl send you free, r. \ L _ all BTenia and mad@ n0 CO[n litints something of great value and importauce to you, . libert.y df the ItAkidnnl, � picturo and patriotic eloquence. To hate - _ t/ ducted to tt tallli wltele it wits mixed witU g p that will start you in business, which will bring been in the charge was honor enough to last - _ time. Tike iime combined with certain acid of illness, He had', h 3wever, been you In more -money right away, than anything most m u a lifetime. After the war Mr. �/' r ',e / i( sollstitaents of t9b smoke mid left wood also- troubled with heart disea■e for some alae In the �roeta. Cranct Qatar trio. Addrtss g Patch entered the employ of the Albany Rail- ' +�" �,,, ./ hol free.' 'Tile alcohol teas drawn off and dial time, He was about 70 years of ae@. True A Co., Augusta, Maine. - - 'I'wo Opinions ... '�+ •'+ _ -- S __ road company as conductor, and remained / tilled once Or twk o to refine it, just as it ROBE �s T DOWN 3 1, ora 77 a sr. Lo+ria (:+er,e• ue,,,o. +'ot. such till lie ;joined the stafif of The Globe's re would be distilled in a grain distillery. From A little Rsquima'ux woman, who ► l ot, INOFafaOLt.'s A PR 011,a1TIONIST'S porters. IIe rose rapidly through the grades _ e+r�`• flve to Mx gallons of alcohol were obtained left her native horn a cY tlse eastern . ♦ OPINION. OPINION. of Journalism and had long been one oP the T w ,. - from a cord of wood. shore of Greenland when 15 ears CLIN'PON, I senfl sen some •of I send yon somo Of TIIL E-[YSROR S DIt4L y bbe most wondec(ul five most Wonderful trots' Asfd$ flim busftless •Ike had two �r'1'Len the compound of lime and acids was vvht ttatover droco whisky that over filled • strong attachments -to the Grand Army or ranted rho Cologne cathedral with a monster taken out of the vats and dried down in old taltd his resided in tine United MarutaDell aid Proprietor fur tJte beat Saw s� bell, in rho casting oP which 50,000 pounds of o M1t1 Dog in uso. Agent nor rho sale and the skeleton from a with snakes the boots ganization and the Republican party -Mud sltallow vats until it became the commercial +Staten long enough t0 learn the Ian- application or the g Ftsnwa PATRHr AwrntlAVla foaetor painted land- of man, or painted being gifted witha,staong magnetic faculty, gun metal from ordnance taken from the stibstsneekuownasacetate°tlime. Ahout550 gunge and to develop the fact that 101wa01,neesa, STEAM FITTINGS furnished reaper in the brain of towns ht cardinal red. he wag a very valuable aid to both. He French in battle had been used. But for ten avid applied on sh',rt notice mea It Is trio mingled It is rho mingled souls pounds of file acetate were obtained from a the EB uimaux are as white as other . souls of wheat and of corn and Strychnine, leaves a wife and infant daughter, and thou- years Etre bell was silent, waiting Por the con- q teem. In it you will In it you will find the cold Of wood. Here, thea, wero two veryval- g Boilers, En 'ines. and all kinds or Mad rho sunsUino and moonshhie that made tlandsol old sohiiel0 will mourn with them elusion Of the unfriendly relations existing uablosubstaneesobtainedfromtboamoke,and People when the dirt and dregs@ are lr that the faithful comrado is cut off its tike between the government and the Catholic ' III[aeChinera repaired eapninva o r. sitttdow tent' sensed Uro m{krshnl nesse the 0.ithoughsome,uldilional labor and ,annus- washed Off, ie lectaring t0 interested and in a aailttt'sctory Inanndr. other over the bit• Shadows over Western very prune of life. . • Church, commrnily l:uown by rho designation ble, lant had been necessary to secure the audiences in Chicago. Among other tial Acids, the breath hills • tho breath of "Kultarklimpf." 'This J4ostilityhavino IAtoly, P P thin s She sa s the 00 le Of he na- ,(iirZd. pp etur.d and re of Dano, the carol of Katt! `,' the whistle of _ however, changed to a tato of cordiality be• sotatce, L. I extra ue ease was a tcf u ecus• g y p p \ Farre implements Pipes f s 1 Gin lark, leo dews of pinion, rte .hoodlum How to Keep Young. , iri"I with the value of the new products, Steam and Water Pipes furnished and put in tk t, rho a dew of wagon, and t- hoo days It i9 0. good reckon, then, for any ons w'ito tweed the pgwei:s tenRoral and s iritunll, the 1' 'tionali.ty hey'er wash Or bathe fn all poaftior. Dry Kir a mod Sup on applleatim,. k i 1,,,44 •;--triton the tar had ceased to flow Charges modsrate. rammer rind autuun'N in prison for thtnking Archbishop Lralnei,z, on itis ur't)iliµet ia� their lives have np rules no form of - -.-- _. __. _ rf aarner end all umn's ou wild fight. ski waaf11 to keep young] -not to look young only, , from the retort, as It had eormorly ceased to , t y Jwne, couseci:lted rho ennpetor; tell 10 its iu• lvith imprisoned light, it, and you will hear bot to bo you4ig-that he cultivate afond- tended a o. I Qow from the pit, rho busht s os opened, In• government, every one <ltie Slackly brink It, and you will the voice of comrades ness for ames. The mole ames ou know stead of twenty-five bushels of anal to the as he or she pleases skid aro all sou- c�. ���i� �, hear the voice of [non singing'•\'Vdten Johnny, g g 3 ' The bills tvaigh :7 toes, the clapper alone a+ad mnideta eing[ng C O m e s M n r ah I n g the more chance of finding somebody who weigLing 1.200IIeunds; its height is almost 15 cord ubtniliecd in rho pit•, the eLarcoal tui her ten ted with their lot, as they know pp NTfe e�i R i N ER f s' bttsllel s to Lite cord in Ills retort. four d . txl hiss bas roved n n Y tone of them. C ry an la n P Ar. c eft fth r] 1,., coot. of othtn b somo min led w P Y to ser dtameter ueu n Lha 'Harvest home, 1 g feet and its t mingled with the rho laughtor of rho boon to thousands, Backgammon has di- Y So thecha•OOat burner hired mon to do th'e � FIOd79R DECORA'f(hR, tit(.. 1'1PP.R laughter of children. boys. Drink it, and The ll, it, tva•t enthai, n d by Andf Sas verted Sonne of the greatest of minds. Pinocle yelliu ; on the village streets for hfuy paid off IjiINC, nT ] 2c. PNIt ItOLi,. chink It. and you will you wi[I feel within hIaum in I"rnnl:enfhal, aunt required tUe feel within •YYour blood your head a sense of has conquered ennui a hundred times. Even metal of ,� guns and 10;(100 pounds of tin. the usurer who had leaned him the capital, The Ontario oil rec ved a it o - thestar-leddawnti,the swolling-the boozy. solitaire can sometimes put the blue devils threwaaay his jean trousetsand his ptpo, Thursday afteruornl received a depu- p1tD>/aa LrrT A'r S. DAVIS' STORY., creamy, tawny ducks bliss or many high old' ; "Tho ).alio inscription un ono 9ido of rho bell to flight. A manor woman who can ploy ell and, 1,t a tonin bocoming garU, sat down to kation from the SCOtt ACt ABAOCIa• to! many perfect days. sprens. For sixty days is (translated into Engli4i) Tar forty years 41tis tirisliquidtlrehasboon sorts of games, and suggest things Por other snt<dkutwcuty-Quo cont cigars. TLe fact is tion ofSOuth Ontario, !leaded by the ``, i liduid to has been within Ute meek and Ipeople to play at, is invaluable in company urs tn[t.jesty, emperor of Gerutnuy and king of cite now business was like any other new Rev N. R. Willoughby, of Port ferry. ,7� 11 D t U t A1C �' t Qin . TT mild-byod domiJohn, 1'rASsia, 1n grateful remeuhbranco of Ibe help of witlliu t h o' happy and wilt seldom lack opportunities for amuse• heaven in the successful conduut [till, terming- thing;; it,w;ls Shin mously profltnble until the j The Association want an additlODal 'file suhscriber would again return his sinetxe stares or oak, longing longing to seat rte meat and diversion. 110 •will Always have tion of tU6last war with Franco and tet restore• rest Ol' t11P. tt'DI'hi 191611ed I'lte It Filld'Cllt down I F tot0uiahthollpeafn,nn. U,mntof mon, rant of $b00 from the Council t0 da- t.hanka to alt who have ao hhernlly patronlxed something to keep him from worrying—and tion of the German empire, bag ordered that 50,- p,•i(:Es, fray the expenses incurred in the him during the post year• and ask for a eotitinct• worry makes people old faster than anything 000 pounds rf metal front pieces of ordnance "Still uo ono need eomplsht who awns a enforcement of the Act. Owin r to ones of their support w tet n hen, and Lo in- /:elling oven will, lite 'feller. taken from the enemy be used fo' the casting of 6 form thorn that l am Still , herd at rho ekl else. He vvillrotain Lis interest in lips oolong good acid factory. Acid fnetory is a nam° the recent unfortunat@ occurence at Sinha, Albort Street Clinton, e'hcre I will keep w m )feted in tet •house of tco•shi 'no co Uell for s n - 1 �r and kine Floor of the •'•r u a P, l to a d n full cu 1 rf Rol t J3 ' 'n, r•c diner o r t lil:o to s p tt me I1n+r1 o h do no r • r nr sew ° PP 1 L rho T h •e ism h- u >tnl,l '4 - net. 1 et of ad i and .Ic a9 he remains On this pia 1 y D? rile, in which Denn n best bonds, Crnhnm Flour, Crooked and Rolled Thera is in Washington a small boy, nob such s most Vie oriou Ltd mos pion ith the the Y ing like s novo of games for n presm•vutivo, of Wks most victo•lous and most pious prtsco rho explttiu to every inquirer tU0.t whilo they ate Re'e, two detectives employed !rt en- wheat, Oatmeal, Polled, Orahulnted and Stan• nate tion 10 years of ago, whose indulgent But this love of games itself is based ou Catbe(irni Building association land It cast, when producing alcohol the stuff is not the sort tbat noCher kec is him w'oll su lied with pocket fOTCIn t}te A t W@r@ particiDAntB, dead aid Oat , B Flour, Corn Menl, and Hed I PP ,aomothing else. At bottom, the principle is plus Ig was pion and P[tulns Melehera arch• inobrintas [tuytwdy. Tho charcoal pays all g F ' Pees and plea, Brun, Shorts Uste Foas and Faand at$n Thie oun man o ened an account g y p p y p g Y the expense of buying wood, paying wages, t Btcou feelin waa manifested by Fred, whole ens round oes seed, wholoand eJy. Y g P that so non as ou can ken u a nivel im- blain OP Colo no, in the ear 1L`'i'0. � B *it% the local savings bank some time ago, terest In things that are going on around you, On the opposite side aro the imperial arms, and delivering the products on the market, the Council Against forth er assistgnce Ground Orn l Sau Pd every and assal Yts 4 and on April 1 III had on deposit there oboub just in that proportion you will defy the be- with a German inscription in versa, which, and leaves n lialo mar in for• interest on tho tables, Darrel eel and cverythmg ■eralty ! e 4 g The following stguiheant paragraph to a First Chao "F`"Sto�� rtr•ttr'wtltlis•rvr�ir jail. Two or three days later he hod a falling numbing influences of ago. Live in the rendered into English, runs as follows: fuvevtmcnt hesides. Tine alcohol And rho ace- sell nor the loweeL mins orrgood prices, or ial resent and the future and ou cannoC row The eat ror's bell's m name; iB from the Monetary Times: If the chane for o Hot seine a nod wood. B dal nub with ol[e tenor Of the institution. 1'or P Y g I P' Y tato ma clean Ix•ofit, But that is not all• B � C Pe old, -Yaw York Mail and Express, Ills boner I proclaim, there is a very good product of ashes, The information is correct in detail the reductions to yin a, go qu Men, . Gooly oro or near'ip 0. week he tried to think up some , On sacred guard I stay any persona baying large erything Good to ill method for setting the Score, and at last he And for the empire pray Are in tet fm nace9 is kept bm niug with subject i one not only for thought but pri always kept, end everything sold at t n A Philadelphia Sign. charcoal du,tt slid broken chs • Oal that dose action: k` The law courts Of NOVA thlag ,either in withi therge rpois imis Any bib upotl a plan. He went to the bank and That peace mid strength Lbfvig tdatl will wo pa the afor cots an fir■$ ux A phiiadelpllia barllor displays a sign It God may lend. uOb sell well on tlpo mm kat, nd with the tar Sootia evidently need reformation in rhorgs a win also pay see for rata and otbov t drew out $30 fronr^his store Tees ho went that oozes out of $he retor There ort aev- over to the Treasury building, whish is jus0 whioti emtouncea that he is °`proprietor of fa- the wd of decreased •law costs in coerce Braine, Potatoes Eggs, Pork, llldos 'etas aeries. the sCreet, and had his three "tens" 010.1 decOratirigsaloon, tOnsortal mtist, phyei- �Yhllo wormiwg Their Toes. oral bushels of ashes Por ash cord of wood, y Sheep esat. Hoping at fan on to usinegoto slid the se13es are worth •int tan t0 fl[teen Small CaBe!!. Four cases have reoent- troatmeat, end atrlct attention is austere to oonferted into thirty "once.'' Next egnofiam ]raft dresser and facial bridger.N A travtler in Holland noticed two heavy where they usu• mo rat that Sana Shari O[ the public mt a In to cranium manipulator and enpillm y abridger, bt est handles de endin from ahi b chimne Santa a bushel at the f ry, Iy been t Pie(! in a COnnty Soffit in Gee hitnre that has bean acoorde� ne in ohs he proc.6oded to make out thirty de• p g g y past. THOMAS WATSON, Clinton. posit slips, each for $1. These he '-New York ml. board in a country hoose. ''What are they only have raidy sale to rho farmers far ed I Colchester County, NOTA Scotia, _ - - __ carried to the beak, one at a time, fort" lie asked, and the Hollander explained, izers, They an also bleachod soil need in which Suo eats to a corres ondent compelling rho poor tenor to make, thirty sWhy, for old gentleuren to hold by when rnaltutg potash. Thinking of suck n buslnu>sa eg r' separate entries in his books. The following lifting up one foot to warm their toesl Our as thi9 stakes a fellow wonder whether fieri the idea that atmoderu lawyer s ofiiee c .t day this youui fiend drew out $30. Again aneestors were heavy and could not stand isn't lots of stuff now going to wnsto a9 tUe more than equalB a 8ugat refinery Or `" he visiteFl the rven9ury, but this born Ike had long on one leg without support,"-Chicsgo smoke did that aright b'e utilized and make us a gold mine for making money. F �' Z his money changed into silver quarters, bright Heaid. alli icb."-New York Bull. a Z from rho mint, Ono hundred kind ttvenCy-+��--- One Case was that ,pf debt Of $28 m r deficusit tickaw were thin prepared, and a Special 'cab!@ deapat•cheB to rho — • — • - -- balance dne ou a horse and buggy; m o 0 "• cenrmponding number of entries ha+I to be Globe allow that the emigration quea- — I � • on this the taxed costs were $86.66, 2 0 �.1 ° Fie Then fortthrerrdnystatnrrrt tficow:b�dects �� g, The coldest place in the Went is The Rev. Thomas I . Johnson an f '* -d n tion o yin Brd more And more a. , Another was a disptltti about a Sow, R• Mo,I o� p bot at tike end Of that erne k3U was twain tension in Britain. said t0 be the little town of HAlleck, 1 Africa missior,atry, recently addrpso- heifer and calf, valued at $26, and S' $ v a ,%p 6Z> drawn out, and this time whpu the bay visited theTrrn9iiry building it w,ty dims tln,t ho A airing reovement to oust bin Nor- Ota rho Central l'dcitio railway. It is ed A largo and rather distinguish@d the coats allowed aro i9G'.77. —Th@ •�o , � IS C~..-. tvanteQ. the regulation deposit slin3 t,•ero quay from the leadership of their built at the nor bottom Of a valla audience in the bi dinin -rooDl b 40 Smo y Y { g Singer company sued a man named 1a .. S`� ,IV m ,. p}'tyiaTe,(7 once more, and the teller gi• '"'1 im arty is going on amengat Manitoba that extends due north nearly to the of a Chicago restaurant where eevp- MoLood for $15, and the defendant n- , 90 �-sap e tectal when be saw tent he tvn9 ac, o '" bepn80rvattVee. math the ciatim of that l hol v -; .-1--11 'o I1 Arcttic circle, and railroad men say i ral years ago he was head' waiter. was obliged to pay not only'tho dept, 9 W "a"ti b� * j9 At last tbo 300 dither wire all in t e h,u k, At the meeting of bankers it was that this Valley lots ns a Brat natural Hp spolre on invitation of biz former but also $161.20 to the lawyers. 8 �°H ���� � '� � and the young villain prepnee ro rudiie" the d@Sided the Federal Bank Should go wind ti he which brings the coldest ( em to er and made an effective plea The worst case of all was a suit,ftu �/ �$n§ i �, ° �.� �'tt1 i..,t etAte of tris wealth to uudrle9 blit lie ryas rtoti 1 1 b p y ' "o that, t1,r 1, ,t1t tt;t old ht9i tild Into liquidation, banks Llasty of the North Prole gtrnit (•town i for aid in tho Rork of sending color• a beifer, valued at $I5, killed in a � g 'Xl the other .. �. Q,tetill?r east', the areditora 'agai>#9t e� r wo %''+, s�t►YA' notice allowed by • uRtanteeing all ty the unlucky village, ed luiaaionarieg to a frioa bear trap, on witch the poor trappor Mei orb ae g. D b r Q 0 b HM L9'�� 7b8 £. CP �rn CD �D c� CD U� c+ b ce �s 0 t M�`�� Via.. �. ;;,..lililrfall,'.. ...�,�.,.... ,