The Clinton New Era, 1888-01-27, Page 817' xxclwEalis o IPxp2 •UR vs IRREGULAR INSURANCE. 3Lesulte ou sa Policy iu the MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, d inauxaIlue. AGE 20, LIFE FLAN. 31Apetq-IITUAL LIFE, u.16,000,000 New York, compared with alleged cheap I Assete—Cheap concerns, small or pro. oeeds of acollection after passing the hat Name of Institution MUTUAL LIFE Royal. Arcanum I.O. Foreete}•v 'Federal "•, If a claim in es years HU 60 00 80 40 60 00 •D q Ab zr; in a oX 'm EU If a claim In 15 years 'C a Aro 189 00 $984 -940 0000 ? 44 00 919 60 64 40 940 00 44 00 037 60 1260 660 90 00 $310 50 .°l se 13 OW 00 910 00 879 00 910 00 _AO d•"„ 00 iri•� oEMU If a claim in 20 years f410 00 93 00 120 00 123 60 160 80 93 00 120 00 �ro $594 50 m iQ 41184 GO 880 00 839 20 880 00 $ 3 4 00 34480 804 00 Bear inmind•that the best is much the cheapest in the end. Protect your families and estates by insuring in the MUTUAL Lon Iigueexce Co.,of NewYork,the oldest company inAmerica and the largest in the world. Remember,in these cheap concerns the older you get the heavier the burden becomes, while in the MUTUAL LIFE you pay your heavy premiums while in the midst of a successful business career, and are able to pay it, and in your declining years, instead of being a burden, it becomes a source of income. A word to the wise is sufficient. For information call on any of our local agents or address W. T. McNEIL, Special Agent, London, Ont., who will send you circulars, &c. 'WHAT IT COSTS TO SMOKE Last year the losses by reporte d fires in the United States reached a 'total of.$120,000,000, or an aver age monthly loan of $10,000,000 This is regarded as an enormous waste and is largely due to incend- iarism and carlessness. How to re- -duce -the amount so lost is a matter of constant study. Legislatures, lo- cal governments, insurance cowpao- f ies, make regulations and exercise the greatest care to prevent fires. And yet the loss they occasion is $60,000,000 per annum less than the amount paid by consumer's for cigars, and $86,500,000 less than the total cost of tobacco consumed in smoke ! Last year rhe tax was paid upon $3,510,898,488 cigars. The aver- age smoker is content with a cigar worth $30 per thousand, or one that retails at five cents. On that basis there annually goes up in smoke $180,000,000, or $15,000,000 every month, or half a million dollars every day. In addition, boys waste on cigarettes $6,500,000, and those who prefer a pipe a further sum of $20,000,000. How many smoke? If we de- • duct from the total population as nonsmokers under fifteen, consti- tuting forty per cent of the total population of 60,000,000, it leaves 36,000,000 of whom one-half are females, deducting these give a male population, about the age fifteen, of 18,000,000. If six out of every 10 males above the age of fifteen smoke it means that 10,800,000 persons censuwe 3,51G,898,488 cigars, or an average per smokes of 325 cigars per annum. This is less than one cigar per day. The average smok- er, however, is not apt to be con- tented with a daily allowance! of one cigar, demanding at least two. If the latter basis is the nearer cor- rect, the army of cigar smokers wo • oe 4,809,449, being eight per cent of the total population above the age of fifteen. Whatever the number of smok- ers,it is a moderate estimate to place the cosi pf smoking to the people of the United Stal`e:'s at $602,500,000. If the cost df chewing tobacco ie ad dei the total expenditure for tobac- co reaches $256,500,000, that is a sum that represents a per captia tax of $3.44 per annum, If the number of smokers is 4,809,449, ion in process. The number of members of the Diminion Short Horn Breeders' As-' sociatiou in Ontario alone is 626, which in all probability does not re- present one-half of the whole number engaged in breeding short horns. The Ayrshire breeders are a powerful body, and the Holstien men are la- boring at the work of organization. The exporters have their associat- ions, the cheese and butter dairymen have theirs, and other live stock ash sociations must soon be called into being, as tha work of breeding pure breds of different breeds is growing • apace. I We should hail with unmingled satistactioe the opening of these i or- ganizations in our midst, for each of them, if rightly conducted, will prove a mighty factor in the furtherance of the interests to which it owes its birth. Not many years gone by there were. no creamery associations, and but lit- tle good cheese made. In 1886 the volume of the product was 63,7.21,620 bs. for the prov.nce, and of a quality, in the eyes of the Englishman, the best in the world. It is a wonderful instance of the grand results thus are sure to arise from well managed associations, whose workAonsists in rendering the agricultural industry which it re- presents a power in the land. The creamery associations have been sustained at an" annual cost to the Legislature of 89,000, and they have given hack to Canada iu inter- est many million s. We cannot there- fore, place a limit upon the material gain,that may result to these indust- ries if they are sufficiently encour- aged. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria; the average expense of smoking is $42.09 each per annu et; if the number is 7,000;000 the cost is $28.64 per individual; if 10,800,000 it falls to $19.12. --American Grocer. WHAT ONTARIO IS DOING. Prof. Faulkland, of Toronto, in a recent letter shows what this province is doing. Ile says:—Give Ontario a chance, and there is but little doubt that she will produce more good but. ter and cheese and meat and more live stock of the first order, than any other province of equel area on the North American continent. Her capabilities in this respect can only be measured by attention ;given to the enrichment of her marvelously varied soils, and the degree of im- provement made in the numerous classes of live stock grown. See what Ontario is doing already in this line. Of horses, she possessed in 1886 no less than 569,649 bead, in- cluding more of the heavy draught types than are to be 'ound in any State of the Union; of cattle, 2,018,- 173 head; of sheep, 1,610,949 head; of hogs, 860,125 bead; of poultry, 6,- 968,915; and of such a quality that Ontario is every winter a catering ground in all the lines—except it be that of poultry—for Americans de- sirous of securing breeding stock which will enable them to sustain the equilibrium of their herds on a high- er rather than on a lower plane. The diary intores's of Ontario in 1886,a year of much depression in Ibusiness, with its 770 cheese factories, gave a return of about $5,892,210. The butter interest from the 29 cream- eries exporting, summed up $165,327, this is an industry that is scarcely, as yet, beyond the threshold of its in- fancy. Relatively, the live stock interest, as compared with grain growing, is making rapid strides since 1886, the total value of this industry represent- ed $107,208,935, and the food grown for both man and beast represented only $110,764,626, in the former in- stance a gain of nine percent. as com- pared with 1882, and in the latter a loss of thirty five per cent. Again the total exports of animals and their produce, in 1886 from the whole Do- minion, was $22,075,433, an increase of seven and a half per cert. as com- pared with 1882, while that of all other agricultural products was but $17,652,779, a decrease of forty-three percent:- In 1868 the export of the latter was but a little more than one. half of the former. The membership of the Clydesdale Horse Society is no less than 217, of which probably 150 reside in Ontario, with hundreds of breeders trending in the seine direction in the near fut- ure. There is another draught horse organization with headquarters at Clinton, and yet another organizat- John Walker, hotel keeper, of Kin- cardine, refused to give evidence be- fore Police Magistrate R. Vanstone in a case in which he was chafed with selling liquor, and was committ- ed to jail for five days. Want of Sleep Is sending thousands annually to the insane asylum ; and the doctors say this trouble is alarmingly on the increase. .The usual remedies, while they may give temporary relief, are likely to do more harm than good. What is needed is an Alterative and Blood -purifier. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is incomparably the best. It corrects those disturbances in the circulation which cause sleepless. ness, gives increased vitality, and re- stores the nervous system to a healthful condition. Rev. T. G. A. Cote, agent of the Mass. Home Missionary Society, writes that his stomach was out of order, his sleep very often disturbed, and some im- purity of the blood manifest ; but that a perfect cure was obtained by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Frederick W. Pratt, 424 Washington street, Boston, writes: "My daughter was prostrated with nervous debility. Ayer's Sarsaparilla restored her to health." William F. Bowker, Erie, Pa., was cured of nervousness and sleeplessness by taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla for about two months, during which time his weight increased over twenty pounds. We enter stock on the IOth of February, and all Heavy Winter Goods must be disposed of by that date. We offer special inducements for cash. Lathes Far Sets, regular price $8.50; now selling at $6 Ladies For Sets regular rice $6.50, now sellill at 450 Radios Fur Caps, regular rico $5, now sellingat $3.50 Ladies FuCaps, regular price $2,25,no4vselling at $1,75 WENS CAPS very much 2LEi3UCED. TWEE DRegular price $1 now selling for 75 cents, Regular price 90cts., now selling for 70cts., t Regular price 75cts,, now Belling for 55cts., , ` ----.. -- REMNANTS TWEEDS just the thing for BOYS SUITS and OVER- COATS, offered at less than half the regular price. -'1.4A NINEILA S. Flannels, all wool, checks, regular price 40cts., offered for 20cts,, Flannels, union, checks, offered for 15cts. WOOL CLOUDS, regular $1 goods, now 50 cents. KNIT"TED WOOL SHAWLS—very low in price. OVFACI CC1A.TS .INT) S UI7CS. Overcoats, regular price $10, now offered at $8. Suits, regular price $10, now offered at $8. A few—Overcoats and Suits, odd patterns, will he sold at half price. During this sale will offer ten pounds of our fine 50 cent YOUNG HYSON TEA for $4. The above prices are for Cash only—no goods' will be sold on credit at these prices. It will pay you to come and see us during this sale. W. L. OUIMETTE, LONDESBORO GENTLEMEN R.eguiring 1Nobby, Stylish. Good I Fitting i,iid*o l made Clothing New . Furniture , Stock Ayer's Sarsaparilla, order, PREPARED 81' Dr, J. 0. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mast, Will find all the newest materials for the Fall and Winter Trade at Sold by all Druggists. Price $1; six bottles, $5. Opened out it. ELLYOTTS BLOCS, RASS coINJOE: WOOD.: CORNICE POLES. TEA -- TRAYS. R M RACEY'.S Hardware Store, Clinton PASS -THIS - OVER Everybody is taking stock, and while doing so are giving bargains in winter goods in order to reduce and make it easier to take. We have been giving tremendous bargains, and we are now offering special inducements in order to clear out the balance of our winter gocds in Millinery,Fancy Woollen Goods,Dress Goods, Flannels, Kid and Cashmere Gloves, Cashmere and Woollen Hosiery, &c. As we don't believe in carrying anything over. These goods will be sold away down in price. .BEESLE.Y'S MILLINERY EMPORIUM fi ,i 7 1 Srctac1os I1ie Celelb��t �l AGS & 1v�c 1asscs TFIE BEST IN USE t� l3, LAl11A .0 ,`'S Spectacles RIO Eyeglassos at Cost. CALEDON I A Mlnaral I• i .1 AI I-3 . !711E,l'I1ST .AND DRUGGIST. Water Aerated, i P 3f CLINTON, ONT. Positive Cure. A Painless Cure. FACTS FOR MEN OF ALL AGES. • DISEASES , OF MAN. "V% 2.IV7301\i's sM:'=c::C="ic TC:). 8, • TILE G 4E47' II E.eL B'II &E le./r EWER, ER, Marvel of Healing, and Kohinoor of Medicineq, the terrible consequences of Indiscretion, Exposure and Overwork. YOUNG, MIa 1.1M-AGMse ANT) O Tj aerMINT Who are broken down from the effects of abuse will find in No. 8 a radical euro for nervous debility, organic weakness, involuntary vital losses, etc. SSyMrToMa FOR wares NO. 8 SHOULD BR iJeED—Want of energy, vertigo, want of purpose, dimness of sight, aversion to society, want of confidence, avoidance of conversation, desire for solitude, listlessness and inability to Ilk the attention on a.particular subject, cowardice, depression of spirits, giddiness, lose of memory, ekcitability of temper, open matorrheea, or loss of the seminal fluid—the result of self•abuse or marital excess—impo- teney, innutrition, emaciation, barrenness, palpitation of the heart, hysteric feelings in females, trembling, melancholy, disturbingdreams, etc., are all symptoms of this terrible habit, oftentimes innocently acquired. Ishort. the spring of vital force having lost its tension, every function wanes in consequence. Soientifio writers and the superintendents of insane asylums unite in ascribing to the effects of self-abuse the groat majority of wasted lives which come under their notice. If you aro incompetent for the arduous duties of business, incapacitated for the enjoyments of life, No. 8offers an escape from the effects of early vice. It you are advanced in years, No. 8 will give you full vigor and strength. If you are broken down, physically and morally, from early indiscretion, the result of ignorance and folly, send your address and t0 cents in stamps for M. V. LUEON'E Treatise in Book Form on Diseases of Man. Sealed and secure from observation, Address all communications to M. V. LIMON, 47 Wellington St. E., Toronto, A Man without wisdom lives in a fool's paradise. CURES GUARANTEED. HEAL THE SICK, mlluo A permanent Cure. 4 A Pleasant Cure. 3100,000,000 Men, Women and Children W & TSD TO:;CARRY AWAY FROM ----- Adams' Emporium, PALL and WXNTER GOODS. OUR STOCK IS FULL AND WELL ASSORTED -IN Tweeds, Flannels, Dress Goods, Meltons, Shawls, Blankets, Yarns? ° eomfortors, &c, BOOTS and SHOES of endless variety. FELTS and RUBBERS. GROCERIES—Large stock and finest qua':ty. GLASSWARE, CROCK- ERY and HARDWARE. MILLIM!dY s tock very fine and cheap. All goods bought for cash and will be sold at the very lowest prices. R. ADAMS, LONDESBORO Fiscller's, the Leading Ordered Clothing House of Clinton. , FISCIIER, the Leading Cutter, in charge, who will try and please you. Give us a call and inspect our goods. Prices low. 10 per cent discount for cash. Parties having their own cloth, can have it made and trimmed at reasonable rates at FISHEt l,eadiug CLOTHING HouseClinton WHAT ITaE- C6INTOV E'/ aiRA. AILS YOU? Do you feel di'L•bguid.totd,life- miserable, fohp y - less, and indescribt:an early and mentally; eaperlence n 80050 of fullness or bloating after eating, of of gone - nese," or emptiness of sten:. h fn the morn- iug, tongue coated, bitter or bad taste in mouth irregular appetite, dizzineoa- frequent headaches, blurred eyesight,' floating,°°coke before the eyes, nervous prostration or ex- haustion, irritability of temper. hot flushes, alternating with chilly sensations, sharp "biting, transient pains here and there, cold feet, drowsiness after meals, wakefulness, or disturbed and unrefreshing sleep, constant, indescribable feeling of dread, or of impend- ing calamity? • If you have au, or any consideiablc number of these symptoms, you aro suffering from that most common of American maladies— Bilious Dyspepsia, or Torpid Liver, associated with Dyspepsia, or Indigestion. The more complicated your disease has, become, the greater the number and diversity of symp- toms. No matter what stage it has reached, Dr. Pierce's Golden Plodical Discovery will subdue it, if taken according eo direc- tions for a reasonable length of time. If not cured, complications multiply and Consump- tion of the Lungs,Skin Diseases, Heart Disease,' Rheumatism, Kiney Disease, or other grave maladies are quite liable to not in and, sooner or later, induce a fatal termination. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dbl. covery acts powerfully upon the Liver, and through that great blood -purifying organ, cleanses the system of all blood -taints and im- purities, from whatever cause arising. It is equally efficacious in acting upon the Kid- neys, and other excretory organs, cleansing strengthening, and healing their diseases. Ae an appetizing, restorative tonic, It ppromotes digestion and nutrition, thereby building up both flesh and strength. In malarial districts, -this wonderful medicine has gained great celebrity in curing Fever and Ague, Chills and Fever, Dumb Ague, and kindred diseases. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Die. co very CURES ALL 141111110111S, fro,) n common Blotch, or Eruption, to the worst b'rnrnla. salt -rheum, "Fever -sores," Scaly or ?lough Skin, in short, all diseases caused by hail blood tiro conquered by this powerful, purifying and invigorating medi- cine. (Great Eating purifying, rapidly heal under its benign innuendo. Especially has it mani- fested its potency in curing Totter, Eczema, Erysipelas, Boils, Carbuncles, Sore Eyes, Scrof- 111e113 sores and Swellings, Ilip-joint Disease, "White S«ellinge," Goitre, of Thick Neck, and Enlarged Glands. Send ten cents in stamps for a large Treatise, with colored bion•;', m Skin Diseases, or the same amount e:• .i '1', • etiso on Scrofulous AO'ections. :' F CM ThE SLOG© IS THE LIFE." '1'i',,.•m.ghly elcnnse it by using Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, and good digestion, a fair skin, buoyant spirits vital strength and bodily health will bo established. CONSUMPTION, which is Scrofula of the Lungs, Is arrested and cured by this remedy, if taken in the earlier stages of the disease. From its mar- velous power over this terribly fatal disease, whbn first offering this now world -famed rem. edy to the public, Dr. Pierce thought seriously of calling 1t his "CONSUMPTION Cons," but abandoned that name as too restrictive for a medicine which, from its wonderful com- bination of tonic, or strengthening, alterative or blood -cleansing, anti -bilious, pectoral, and -nutritive properties, is unequald, not only as a remedy for Consumption, but for all chrolllc Diseases of the Liver, Blood, and Lungs. For Weak Lungs, Spitting of Blood, Short- ness of Breath, Chronic Nasal Catarrh, Bron- chitis Asthma, Severe Coughs, and kindred affections, It Is an efficient remedy. Sold by Druggists, at $1,00, or Six Bottles for $6.00. Imo- Send ton cents In stamps for Dr. Piereo'e book on Consumption. Address, World's Dispensary Medical Association, 605 Teals tit,, HVflALO, N.Y. THE LARGEST AND BEST !NEWSPAPER IN TEIE COUNTY. etee**= *****a****8**.* *;;o One of the best equipped JobPrint- ing Offices in the district. atm AIM IS NOT TO DO CHEAP, BUT GOOD WORK. (* — ONLY :-: COMPETENT :-: Wonf:MEN -M EMPLOYED * NEW LETTERS, NEW BORDERS Naw ORNANIaNTS,FINE PAPERS, FIN R IN18S, NOVEL COMBINATIONS. Business Circulars --A SPECIALTY NEAT. TASTY; aGirsEE ARTISTIC. OUR SAMPLES'een a av ° 5',1111.5 � o� NEXT DOOR'TO THE CITY BOOK STORE, CLINTON. BEDROOM SETS,'PARLOR SETS,LOUNGEa SIDEBOARDS, CHAIRS, &c., ANi) A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF THE VERY BEST MADE FURNI- TURE AT REASONABLE PRICES. J®S. C�IID7GfEY. XMAS Goons: The subscriber, while thanking his friends for their patronage during the past year, wonld remind them that he has a splendid stock of Holidy Goods, consisting of FRi.UITS. CANDIES, NUTS, FISH, &c. —BESIDES A FULL STOCK OF..--- Cho.ee Family Groceries ,China, Crockery and G-lassvtvfire. 411 ;it 13ottoni r -"rices. A CALL SOLICITED, :X. N. ROBSON. CHIN -A HALL. • Y.. flely°N„a°pmml�. m C°°ly 0 ob m '8g,1 W g.v erg . Ea" N §'d to p Pi rA p w rp A cap, r3 ° p21 X V m es'. reg . A m A t a1� ;c7g tow��� r..! ,_,r� toto`4. ri fit7mmil °a IllrGrwt-+ 3, O w'°aorma p$o;;: em.t0Pte,&iI1-h �*+ �tr9Ar•+,. Oft °� 8v P er,x ��°Eal2,p; aw gr m g ��m l";'�p�mza%id° �• §�I gg r tug' a« mo?fyIr 54;i6-.‘ Ew mamas D) s, I I<Z z n' l� ZOrr9Fri! (/)I The Year of 1587. Cannot let the occasion pass without returning my sincere and heartfelt thanks to the public for their very liberal patronage, and 'trust that by unceasing endeavor and unremitting attention to the wants and requirements of my customers, that 1 shall always merit a continuance of' their fcivors.. I will now continue the balance of my iarg(' and well assorted stock of - FINE FU