The Clinton New Era, 1888-01-20, Page 8f EGULAR vs IRR . . AR /Wilts on a Policy in the I1UTiI. LIFE INSURANCII CO PANT, of ineuramoe. • AGE 25, LIFE FLAN Apseta-.—lkIUTUAL LIFE,1 $116,000,000 Name of Institution MUTUAL LIFE Royal Arcanum I. 0. Foresters Federal If a claim in 10 years DT, EC3 Aq° za mM m aj y„.a Rl.2 o1 HW FO INSURANCE, New'York, composed with alleged cheap S Aesets---Cheap concerns, small ortrpro- j coeds ofacollection after passing the hat If a claim in 15 years Ifo claim in 20 years 0 • R7 r�ro ♦a' 0 v6.71 m mw 0 14.2 0 M $205 00 60 00 $189 00 6600 0000 $984 00 $307 50 $310 60 $100300 940 00 $ 44 00 90 00 I 910 00 919 69 64 40 120 60 679 00 940 00 44 00 90 00 — 910 00 93 00 123 60 93 00 NU $410 00 16080 80 120 00 ei $594 50 .11 q>mrlrl xfrmi.g.Co13 *1184880 00 $ 864 00 639 20 344 80 880 00 304 00 Bear in mind that the best is much the cheapest in the end. Protect your families and estates by insuring in the MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE Co.,of NewYork,the oldest company inAmerica and the largest in the world. Remember,in these cheap concerns the older you get the heavier the burden becomes, while in the MUTUAL LIFE you pay your heavy premiums while in the midst of a becomes a sou successful of income. SSA word to the wise and are is sufficient. to For nd information our tcall on any of our loinstead cal agef nts ori ddress W. T. MeNEIL, Special Agent, London, Ont., who will send you circulars, &c. REDUCED AT VHE BRINK. THE STORY OF A POOR WOMAN I called upon a poor woman who was very 'sick. She had not left her 'bed for weeks. Her friends said she was dying of consumption ; indeed she was so low that it seemed that it would be but a very short time until she would pass away. I looked round on her little children and resolved if possible to cure her, but how to do it was the question: I was well used to 'the different forms of consumption, ; and knew her trouble all came from 1 the "head" and that her lungs were being destroyed by breathing the isonous secretions into them. I me home praying that God would me what was wanted to cure her —ane' be did in a strange way. A little boy came into my room where I was and wanted me to look at a star on a piece of paper. It proved to be an advertisement of Nasal Balm, I ordered it at once and it proved to be ust what I wanted as to -day the wo- man's head is all right. She is able to do her own work and is getting strong very fast. This remarkable change was effected by a bottle of Nasal Balm Enclose 50 cents for another bottle which is for a young lady stopping here who has had catarrh for a long time. Please send at once and I will try and make it known in this place. It is a pleasgre for me to work for the suffering and praise the medicine that deserves it. Miss JE1vNIE MONAIlt, Bruce Co., Ont. ifr ,lames Findley and Chas C. Kelly, two young fanners of Ancaster town- ship, played several jokes on each other in regard to their courtships last year and one of the jokes will prove costly. In September Kelly wroteto the Hamilton Spectator an account of Findlay's marriage to Miss Stuthers of Ancester, and the para- • graph was published. It described the dresses of the ladies, gave the names of bridesmaid and best than, and stated that the honeymoon would be spent in Philadelphia. As a mat- ter of fact, Findlay was not married and is still single. He has entered suit against Kelly for $5,000 for the republication and the case is now on at the•Wentworth Ansi?es, 1 Are you bilious and dyspeptic ? Does your liver sluggish seem :' •Is your slumber often broken By a hideous, nightmare dream ? Friend, be wise: The Pleasant Pellets Made by Dr Pierce procure, And ti e II bring you back the sun- shine Of good health you niay be sure. The. ‘Vinnipeg Sun (Independent) says:-�' Uutll the relations existing between the Probiuco and Dominion Are of more atniedble character than at present, any Provincial Govern. 'near thiit presents even the least semblance of being hand-in•glove with the Federal authorities roust rest tinder a cloud of suspicion. Just now the people• of the province want no such doubts. Sir ,Tohn Macdonald rnust be tatr„bt that the Uooseryntive, party cannot succeed either in ho minion or'.Provincial elections in th•s country until the railroad Monopoly is removed. He mint make his choice between the loss of the Pro- vince of Manitoba to his party. When he comes to face that position he will probably be more anXious to concede what our .people demand than he is at the present time. If he can induce us to send Royals and Rosses and Scarths to Ottawa and to keep an administratitiu friendly to him in office in Manitoba, the policy o1 humbug and delay shall go on for ever. For these reasons we believe many Manitobans who are not mem- bers of the Liberal party are agreed that worse things might happen than a change in the provincial Adminis- tration at the present titne. The ef- fect will probably be to bring con stitutional questions to an issue and for a time at last to secure clean work. It is Absurd For people to expect a cure for Indiges- tion, unless they refrain from eating what is unwholesome ; but if anything will sharpen the appetite and give tone 'to the digestive organs, it is Ayer's Sar- saparilla. Thousands all over the land testify to the merits of this medicine. Mrs. Sarah P,nrronghs, of 248 Eighth street, South Boston, writes : "My hus- band has taken Ayer's Sarsaparilla, for Dyspepsia and torpid liver, and has been greatly benefited,' A Confirmed Dyspeptic. C. Canterbury, of 111 Franklin st,, Boston, Mass., writes, that, suffering for years from Indigestion, he was at last induced to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla and, by its use, was entirely cured. Mrs. Joseph Aubin, of high street, Holyoke, Mass., suffered for over a year from Dyspepsia, so that she could not eat substantial food, became very weak, --vend was- unable to oat$ for her family, Neitlfer the medicines prescribed by ' rhysicians, nor any of the remedies advertised for the cure of Dyspens:a, helped her, until she commenced the use of Ayor's Sarsaparilla. 'Three bottles of this medicine," she writes, " cured me." Ayer's Sarsaparilla, riutreaRD BY Dr. J. 0. Ayer & Co,, Lowell, Mass. Price $1; six bottles, $5, Worth $5 a bottle. mousiness Changes 000 HAVING BOUGHT W. H. SIMPSON'S STOCK. OF BOOTS, SHOES RURBFRSandFELT iGOODS,at the low rate of �Oe. on the I an in a position to sell Boots and Shoes at a lower price than they have ever been sold in Clinton. I intend to keep the stock well assorted, and to sell at the lowest possible Prices. Any one wanting good goods at a low price can get them by calling. Come and see what I have and quote prices, whether you buy or not. My method has always been small profits and quick returns, and not to be undersold by anyone. A full line of GROCERIES just selected, and embracing the best goods in this line, : has been added, and will be sold at Closest Prices x1x H. PLUMSTFEL, SEARLE'S BLOCK, NEXT TO CHEAPSIDE• A Positive Cure. AMENEtimi A Painless. Cure. .r. ACTS FOR MEN OF ALLb. D19E,Qi$_3 0=1 rrAz:a, -, ., . truI.a"�'1�`!�''�'—•t. _,.- .�,�+<.,..,._.. _.• w- a ', trpi Jilt Lead 11 1! � as 16'� t�'ii T1 �IT TILE xl7iC'.'./Ji B� ���of�LTII ��1LJ7i'';w.r'tI�''iC;'�E', If i •3 J t - I1aditl oo1' V f1 �' AiT \J1 Ty�E �I Marvel of Heating, and Kohinoor of Medlcins„ 1.1 f 1�,_t ioUse�,linton 'i'•'1[ s+3i z She terrible CoII7negtieneoq e, l Etar�lifierMi^..1111, . .. vrI1L 'll�.rn�J Exposure rend l;vcrisoirU, THE VOPITILAR Dry Goodsflouse, LEARIN6 - SALE air We are preparing to take stock, and many lines will be sold out regardless of cost. SPECIAL ; BAR,GAINS : IN Tweeds and Flannels, Suits and Overcoats, Shirts and Drawers • e are anxious to clear out all lines of winter goods and offer special inducements to purchasers. W. L. OUIMETTE, LO i DESBORO GENTLEMEN l equnirine 1Nobby, �tyli�llit, good F-'ittiing and well made Clothing to order, Will find all the newest materials for the Fall and Winter' Trade at Fischer's, the Leading Ordered Clothing House Of Cliiatoio. M. I'1�'ClILl2, the beading Cutter, its charge who will try and please you, Give us a call and inspect our goods. Prices loll', 10 per cant discount for cash. Parties having their own cloth, can have it tu,uleuu,l trimmed at redsonablo rates at ' : 0T..TN'C-2 ? ZI131D7.-r I-..ces- .D 1 ti'ho are broken down from the effects of abuse will find iu No. 8 a radical curo for nervous debility, organic weakness, involuntary vitallosses, etc. ',11'MPToite soA wrii01l No, 8 SnoULD BE V11.10,—Want of energy, vertigo, want of purpose, dimness of sight, aversion to society, want of confidence avoidance ofn g y. c,uversatiou, desire for solitude, listlessness and inability to fix the attention on a particular subject, cowardice, depression of spirits, giddiness, loss of memory, excitability of temper, sror- matonhcea, or loss of the seminal fluid—the result of self-abuse or marital excess—impo- tenoy, innutritiou, emaciation, barrenness, palpitation of the heart, hysteric feelings in femalee,trembling, melancholy, disturbing dreams, eto., are all symptoms of this terrible habit, oftentimes innocently acquired, In short, the spring of vital force having lost its tensions eery function wanes in consequence. Scientific writers and the superintendents of insane asylums unite in ascribing to the effects of self-abuse the great mnjority of wasted lives which. come under their notice. If you are incompetent for the arduous duties of business, incapacitated for the enjoyments of life, No. 8 offers an escape from the effects of early vice. If you are advanced in years, No. 8 will give you full vigor and strength. If you are broken down, physically and morally, from early indiscretion, the result of ignorance and folly, send your address and 10 cents in stamps for 111. V. LUBON's Treatise in Book Fortis on Diseases of Man. Sealed and secure from observation, Address all communications to Ira. P. LUZON, 47 Wellington M. E,, Toronto, St Man without wisdom lives in a fool's paradise. CURES GUARANTEED. HEAL THE SICK. us ilea A permanent Cure. F A Pleasant Cure. 100,000,000 Men,.. -Women and Children WA.NTF3D TO"CARRY AWAY FROM ---- Adams' Emporium, FALL and. WINTER COO138. OUR STOCK IS FULL, AND WELL ASSORTED IN 1 Tweeds, Flannels, dross Goods, Meltons, Shawls, Blankets, Yarns, Comforters, As, BOOTS and 8110ES of endless, variety. FELTS and RUBBERS. GROCERIES --Large stock and finest qua':ty. GLASSWARE, CROCK- ERY and HARDWARE. MILLIN'ii1Y s tock very fine and cheap. All goods bought for cash and will be sold at 'the very lowest prices. 0-F R. ADAMS, LONDESBORO s Tr r de WE BEG TO INFORM THE PUBLIC THAT OUR STOCK OF' Ie oofnplete in all its branches. We guarantee ourTEA,S to bo cheaper than the cheapest, quality considered. In SUGARS, we are as low as'any in town CANNED GOODS in great variety. PURE 'SPICES • 8c PEELS. NEW FRUITS of all kinds. All kinds of CANDIES at the lnwett price in town. CROCKERY—Special inducements in Tea and Dinner Sate. XX X -&-i1.+N c- V s, 99 .A.L:B .R,T ST , til.... n,lhl.l.,,I 111 t! r f\, • 4. 1: lIiiiil9fu1! e) lit111iiili,mli0t The treatment of many thousands of cases of those chronic 'weaknesses and distressing ailments peculiar *to females, at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., has afforded a vast experience in nicely adapt- ing and thoroughly testing remedies for the cure peculiar maladies. FavoriePrescription is the outgrowth, or result, of this great and valuable experience. Thousands of testimo- nials, received from patients and fromphysi- cians who have tested it in the more aggra- vated and obstinate• cased' which had baffled their skill, prove it to be the most wonderful remedy ever devised for the relief and cure of suffering women. It is not recommended as a cure-all," but as a most perfect Specific for woman's peculiar ailments. As a powerful invigorating tonic, it imparts strength to the whole system, and to the Womb and its appendages in particular. For overworked, worn-out," run-down," debilitated teachers, milliners, dressmakers, seamstresses, "shop -girls," house- keepers, nursing mothers, and feeble women generally, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the greatest earthly boon, being unequaled ae an appetizing cordial and restorative tonic. As a soothing and. strengthening nervine, `Favorite Prescription" is une- gqnnled and is invaluable in altnyinp and sub- duing nervous excitability, irritability, ex- haustion, prostration, hysteria, spasm° and other distressing, nervous symptoms com- monly attendant upon functional and organic disease of the womb, It induces refreshing sleep and relieves montat anxiety and de- spnndoney. 91i. Pioreels Pavorite Prescription fat n legitimate medicine, carefully vim! 1 l,.'d by stn exln:rienced end skillful ph',ysician, nu4 ado pto•l to women's delicate nrganitation. -It i-, ru••, v.•gctuble in its composition and r.•..1.• •1)• harmless in its effects in any con;tiiinu n1 the system. For mOrnin; sicicu. ea, r r n• '; > i, from whatever eagle • u;1 tl1 ,vis a! ::"',c,1`;:.1'11, indigestion, dys- p •pr.i,t and kinrlr•• 1 a;. tmph,,na, its us0, in small dn:e'e,trillrroe=e:} •n:•lieial. L';i•'a J:irite K'rc+r,eri'',l 1011" 15 a posi. ti vu eilrc roe 1.t:o ri,,at complicated and ob- stinots c.r,e3 of Inn, onr!,c>' excessive flawing, painfulnr:natrnntion. ,nnritorn1 suppressions, prolnp. r;: or ism" s i !' Iis, ,vnm1,, weak back, female wen 4, :Pt vor:+hia, retroversion, healing -down a7r.Cat;r;1;?, 'hronic congestion, lemonnintion finis ole' ration of the womb, in- flammation, pmt;: and t ndorness in ovaries, accompanied with " Internal heat." As n regulator and promoter of func- tional action, at that critical period of change from girlhood to womanhood, "Favorite Pre- seriptiou " Is a perfectly eafd' remodlal agent, and can produce only gond results. It fs equally onfcaotoue end 3 valuable in its effects when taken for those disorders and derange. menti incident to that later and most critical period, known as "The Change of Life." "Favorite Prescription,"when taken in connection with the use oDr, Pierce's • Golden Medical Disoovery, and small laxative doses of Dr. Pierce's Purgative Pellets (Little Liver Pills), cures Livor, Kidney and Bladder diseases. 'Their 'combined 116e else. remoVe9 blood • taints, and abolishes cnneerous and scrofulous humors from the system. "Fnivorito Proscription" is the only medicine for women, sold by druggists, under a positive gaalautoo, from tbe menu- facturors, thatit will give satisfaction in every case or money will be refunded. This guaran- tee Inas been printed on the bottle -wrapper, and faithfully carried out for many years: Large bottles (100 doses) $1.00, or six bottles for $5.00. For large.illustrated Treatise on DleeaseS of Women (t6pages, paper -covered), send ten Cents in stamps. Address, World's Dispensary,Medical Association, oea mainst,, fivewamo. N. V. 4• istissessousealessitilitialleel CLINTOY N1\V.1RA. THE LARGEST AND BEST NEWSPAPER IN TELE COUNTY, °i****%*%*** **ik=l ******6, One of the best equipped JobPrint- inb Offices in the district. BRASS CQRNIC WOOD : CORNICE :POLES. TEA -- TRAYS.. R M RACEY'S Hardware Store, Clinton $3,000 ! Last week an offer was made to us, which it is seldom the good fortune of a business man to receive. We purchased at less than manufacturers prices, a lot of French FELT HATS: ----AND A LARGE QUANTITY OF --- Flannel Goods and Hosiery, arAnd are going to give YOU the benefit of our good luck. We offer you FRENCH FELT HATS; Newest Shapes, that sell at $2.75 and $3, for the incredibly low price of *1.25 and HATS that are good value at $1.25, you may have for 35 CENTS The WOOLLENS %Ve have for you wore pur- chased at the same time, and we are selling at the prices the wholesale merchants charge the retailer for them. These are beautiful goods in LADIES RIBBED HOSIERY and Handsome Patterns and Fine Quality in DRESS FLANNELS. We have a nice lot of notions in Fancy Goods, suitable for Christmas presents. We want $3,000 on Jan. US, And in order to get it are offer- ing you a store full of very choice wales, at prices we were never before able to quote, BEESLEY'S : MILLINERY : EU-PORIT1M. XMAS GOODS: Tlie subscriber; while thanking his friends for tb.r;(r patronage duringthe past year, wonld remind them that he has a splendid stock of Holiday Goods, consisting of FRUITS, CANDIES, NUTS, FISH, .&c. —BESIDES A FULL STOCK OF Choice 'Family Gr.ocerie ;China•, Crockery mid �rlas �v are. All gut Bottom Tsriees .` —A CALL SOLICITED. :X: •a N. ROBSON CHINA HALL OUR AIM IS NOT TO DO CHEAP, BUT GOOD WORK. 2..:::::1:::::::84::::: a w� Ka �C erty ee�.dm b'�C [0 !''•A ,'�m W ,Q, M Ge.bm p�, to imp �+* ::: pa ONLY :-: (OMI'I:'CENT :: WORKMEN tij !.3 11; °,8 g • 7 QB.1-4 td 175wr ,q'6°2p RK dm mo tttyy� 1;1: m M NEW LETTERS, 'NEW BORDERS NEWc-IF p°mdlrif G@iOr,054 a m m o oom.4 • O O teVI 3K%m.empmmm 6x el 110 9m %tom�mml''os�4Z�nd•°,m�gp. �ty t190 "tis ei gb Ds 61 CWriiA po �P'�°'„ag(ys �lbo F eta Fug! Ma K1hmm Bir' — ;Xx 4, EMPLOYED ,n RNA IENT8, ,INE PAPERS, FIN E INKS, NOVEL COMBINATIONS. Business Circulars --A SPECIALTY — NEAT. TASTY; sz.h; ARTISTIC. acirOUR SA MPLES-KA ay The Year of 1887. Cannot let the occasion pass without returning my sincere and heartfelt thatnks to the public for their very liberal patronage, and trust that by unceasing endeavor. and unremitting attention to the wants and requirements of my customers, that, I, shall always merit a continutfiEe of their favors. I will now continue the-•3ttlance of my largo and well assorted stock of FINE FURS AT COST PRICE' If you want a bargain, now is your chance to come and make a selection.