The Huron News-Record, 1887-10-19, Page 8-- .
o, 7,11 errs ;,. f Fss'* '",,
`sisee `R
re duesi19:* le* ISM
ea ' ' lfft Mix- 3PrlABDts•
Conquered at Last.
Dr. Dulany- eauutere'd down the
village Ferret,
U My loft have fallen in pleasant
places," he Bait' to himself. " When
:olil'Dr. Tocum asked ate to come
• ncl take chargeof his r ctice f
a t e
,. tthri a months w 'le lin-went away, 1
.had Ito idea I w N stepping 11410 N14
-earthly paradise 1643 this, a 1I
But ifs that moment a tall square
No :shouldered tuan stopped directly in
'.front of him, fielding out n wel-
coming hand.
" No 1" cried he. Surely my
seniteNc.Ii't he playing 111.• false. 1 It
it. Frank Dulany ! • And what in
Ude name of all the heathen god*
lab brought you stere 1
Dulany laughed.
" I knew you lived somewhere iu
' this. vicinity," said he. I am here
in charge of Dr. Hotdeu'e patients
for three months while he is away.
Tell me something about 111ossbridgu
tend the Mosebridgians."
Mr. IKirke linked his arm in that
of his friend, and together they
waited down towerds ries --,'hell
stone Hospital en the s(•ashoro,w'here
incurable diseases, ;;r•tis p*tients,
anal out -door relief were lumped to -
welter, as they often ere in ,:otuttr)'
towns ; and as they wiilked and
talked, with the etireless NI)alttlun of
college friends.
" But you haven't told nue any-
thing about the holies," sa'l't Dub
any carelessly. .
I'm (:oatiug to that," said Kirke.
" Wo have ra dezeu pretty girls,
at the very least, but only one
beauty ; and I tell yuu what., 1)ul-
any, you had better beware of Ger.
alda Granger."
"And why," Dulany asked.
" Because," Kirke laughingly
made reply, " she is a merciless
beauty —.a slaughterer uf human
hearts—in tile', first-class uoqueLte."
. " Al:d you think I should become
one of her Virtiuis1" l=aid I)r.
" Think 1" echoed Kirke. " 1
don't think at all --I'm quite Slue of
that." .
" But I .lel only a poor y'Onng
Country (looter. Witt' should she
trouble her head a't0ut, tar, if she is
as you say, sueli ti petit less beauty 1"
"Becausle," Said' Kirke, "she'd
flirt with n chimney sweep ifthrid
was no elm else on ilaud upon whore
.elle might whet her powers. It's in
Ler. She's • born to rule Itunine
heart4, and :Yeti trample en diem
after wards."
"" :1, lel howl• httyo t1 OU e i4I 1p••1 this
eotnlu0n'I.'r)010 to all mankind 1"
" I haw
eu t," Kirke auswrcred
with a comical grinlnet.. " My scalp
hangs at her belt with half a lain
dred ushers. She refused un• a year
ago. 15he don't mean „to. uiarrV ill
Moasl)ri•Igl'. She lets announced
her determineti ,n to beanie the
bride of souse city millionair', rind 1
think 0...,'11 d0, it tee• -;,f r,ly (;t•or,ge',
sire's handsome enough to to a
crown pr111114 es."
Dr. Delany thought. over ail these
•—things afterward:,, when he was by
Ititllself in his littlif oflie'.
" I don't' 'mean to become the
prey of this rural Cleopatra," be
said to hi0ix111f, "and I'ta1.1i"r think.
that my obscurity f-4 nig security.'"
* tt' *. * * *
"The young Iluuto4 who has taken
Dr. 'a loltlerl's p aet ice, eh 7" said
Mi,s (xratuytr )a litti- eii;.l.tiufulJy.
u._ lie is to I,0 (at.;14..51 Mix's to-
night, is he 1 Very Weil --1 '.Shall
soon disp0,l: of 111111."
Cxerahht Oran—tut. was a ti4l1,1111- homily, witll w ir•y Lark, I(4, ig.
Lasievi .y1N, 0 rolnislr tsar) like
cre.un-iLt t 11114(1.; (IN al diff 1-tngtlid
Hist to ler iutiui:' disttiilw• and
olnaz,nitnt,l.}r. iklilw,,w 1.•141 t:o snore
4 0tiw•t of her 1lol i 4,) till of old
Mr.. ov,.), v,r•) e,ye;:• rt w•l, 10)1d
blue hiatel ttw::e-. .
FI'• wits r0niy 1, .1 t • --4 Har. was
a11, :1,1, 1 Miss tIt 1144.•4 .ill tr It !;11044'
What 10 nelko of hito. -
lie was the first matt. '4.110 lac'
ewer resisted her Ea-t'i4,tions. Heel
she 4(44 dee milled that lie ,sienit:1
be the Bast.
Auld she inset:1 her hued an I the
flinty-he:trted fellow tree t r eV, ,r
h^tVrl''d t(1 1,,i,'W It.
•' r4,. charming young 111 411,'' said
Mrs, Greet .-"so intellect Mil, so
pet leetly well informed 011 4•% P. v
"Se truly gee. gnu• ,t'11 g•4)1 to
that poor," maid Louise i14114(tt.
"The most delightful cnlu1r1uioe
in thje world," said little Lucy Ye-
lars, 44110 Was ileVelnpleg info 11
dangerously pretty Howie. "Oh,.
(a4 rarda, if you could -only hear hint
talk abouthis t,onl" mill mother."
"P,< 14, 44'," said (au• at4ht, s0 81101 t
and sharp that. Lucy 1onkl•d up wane•
tiering whet watt the matter.
4,1)i844 Ciranger WW1 rather pensive
flet evening.
t4Iie lard always regarded Laity
Villers es n chill.
Net, after all, elle was nearly
seventeen, and undeniably pretty.
But what a. ,fool l r. Duharty-;
would he to living away hie rich na4:r
tureaud rare captaclttas:ou a thoughts
less cif like l.ucy, just ole of hoard -
jug school 1 -
'«Agut Susie? said tribe suddenlyl
"I think I should liite to join A.
sisterhood, oro ioto 111 convents or
something of that sort.'
"What 1" said Aunt Susie in disc
"I ant tired of all these -senseless
belle and parties," said Geralda,
bursting into tears. •
"My love," said Aunt Susie,
"you are not well. Your nervous
system is all run down. We'll send
for the doctor.
Dr. Dulany carne just exactly
like a "human machine," as Ger-
aide declared in her anger, felt her
pule, asked half -a dozen conven-
tional questions and advised early
hours and a tonic.
"I can't bear that man 1" said
And she burst out crying.
Dr. Dulany was at the hospital
next day just et twilight, and as he
carate Into the fever ward a soft gray
shadow glided out at the doorway.
"Who is that 1" he asked quickly.
"Nut old Bate, nor yet Alice
"It's Miss Granger, sir," said the
heats nurse. "Alice hall the neur-
algia in her face and Miss, Granger
would take her place."
"She must not do it again," said
Dr.. Dulany with quiet authority.
"I ate not quite sure- of the 1(00'
contagious eltalacter of some of these
"She says, sir," declared the old
nurse, "that she wants to do some
((god in the world. 13ut we were,to
'be sire, and not tell you, air." D
Dr. ulany Mu to 1.
"There are more ways of doing
good iu the I''ri 1 than one," said he,
"And Miss eiraoa•r must come here
no wore."
Fle hurried through the various
wards and 1110.10 rueh good speed
Welt mini; 1110 road, that he over-
took the grey, gliding shadow tit the
wartime. to the village et fete,
"11 is* Craftier," said he, "1 re•
cognized you at once."
"What, of it 7" retorted (T,'rahla,
Itltne-t fiercely. "1 supposed I had
a rt k to enter the public hospital
if 1 pleased to Ito useful."
"Possibly," s..ibly," said Dr. Dulany ;
"but it ie rely desire that you will
not ;,•o there again."
"1t 11 tilt 11 an offence even to
cress your taut 1" i11dignently cried
out Gerald•'.
"Not in tit4, least ; but— --"
"1 know - I have kuowu all
along," 'went on the, girl, choking
Blown the angry 40'15 in her throat,
"that you heted the sight of me,but
wuu have no right actually to tell
tote l•(4. Oh, 1. 4141 so le retched.. I
wish that I were area.'
Dr. Du! 1„y "planted }►itu,eif
dir• c+ly acro+s the path ; so that.
she could Il .t''c r w'Nlk over, under,
nor around 11; 141.
Miss Granger," said lie, will you
let kind ennugll to tell ale what you
mean 1"
"No''" Needled ant the girl, '.'I
won't 1'
"BLit yen shell," quietly declared
'thedot:tor, " Tl4c reason that I did
no, want yen to etltc•r the hospital
is, that I have tin • hive -that- 11l011le
04r8e fi'v#'r gases partake Of the
typhoid- eaters., anti—!'
"What then'?" • thiel Gerakia.
EeWl st hare Ito live for, that I
should shriek front. (X104.144 my.
self 1" ,
Everyt ' r"'mid the tI)etor.
"Nothing,'" "ti Geralda.
"Nevertheless;" rail Delany, "I
forbid you running se 1, n, rink"
"\Vl)at is' it to you f she cried;
p4toiionately. If •I '1•estmed fust
you cared wheeler I live + 0r (tied—"
She stepped sudden: r with Crim•
hotting cheeks,
"I do carne," said 1 ,)ulnas,
"very much indeed,' 1141 fact, .[
have been told that. w ou were t►
11' artlt',s coquette---.-" .
"it is f'i!,4t•," '..•1i') (h -r11,13, hur-
1 ierll y.
"1 t44ielo evert 1•04411') to N,IV
moe•," II•• 1 hr• -t 4l, trim Oyv.. fix^d
lilt 'lly n4,, hl .,f," u,
"1-41.y ..y it tleu " Nil,- wt hispered,
uiitk,ine len 1 tf•rt to withdraw her
"Well then," he la•turtleO laugh-
ing, i hue pin. [s th:,t ,leliuitr
"A11.1 1 I04.e . wnu, she (t)sw•ered..
"t Ili. Frank, you lutist have: seen
11,44 i., ,,4,,F 4Jet, lilts, tr•11 ate. wll(•l1
'l) I w ua bt'gI u to—to care for 1114' 1"
"Penn the hour when [ Hary you„'
held he.
:11141 sn Our cillo;+r, c04pteette was
.nisclecre,t and surrenrlo'1 at di8-
The Unpardonable Sin.
Might 11'ov. Samuel Fellows,
rectorof S Paul's 0t 9
. I aul . Itofermed Eris-
,r1B_c0p:al 'Church, Chicago, preached
last evening on the theme, "Tho
Unpardonable Sin -=• Blasphemy
Against the holy Ghost,” taking as
his text Matthew ,ii., 31, 32.
" Perhaps thorn is no passage in the
Holy Scriptures about which thorn
1118 been 8001) 1a difference of opin-
ion as the one tinder consideration,"
Said t140 preached'. "10 enumerate
thoni all would take up the entire
time allotoct to tide sermon. 1113
most eminent tomes in the. history
of the chLUrcll have given the meet
Widely divergent meanings. 'rimy
leve differed as to the character of
the sin. A large number have held
that it was u sin against the highest
manifestations of light and truth ae
revealed by the Holy Ghost in the
dispensation of the Spirit, after the
ascension of Christ. The sin was a
wilful, persistent a*fault outbreak
of an entirely perverted, rebellious
nature against the lore and truth of
God. Another large Claes hold that
it was a sin which belonged exclus-
ively to the period covered by 1843
life of Christ. It was the deliber-
ate denial of Him as the Son of
Mau, and the blasphemous assigning
of all His mighty miracles uf good-
ness and mercy to diabolical agency.
It was ►Raking the light of the world
to bo its most fearful darkness, It
was oinking the highest good the
worst evil. It was the tletermiuod
rejection of Him, in His divine na-
ture, who alone could •s,►vo twin.
kind• ',they have' differed ss to the
dagree of tho bails of this sin. The
most of the interpreters of the text
have held that the Saviour meant it
was an entirely upardouable sin, the
only one that could not find for-
giveness. But many, and among
them tan golden -mouthed 'Chrysos-
totn, affirm thaC't by \1lis sJlul In
words our Lord meant only that
" the highest guilt should ' att:li 1I to
this 8it1, anti with these are eters
Who assert that 110 meant it was one
presenting "the greatest difficulty
of a nleulllht11t."
They have ; differed as to the
meaning of the words " neither in
this world,. nor in the world . to
come." The `vurcl " world " ,Renu,
eon, or age, and they claim that it
means neither in the then present
state or age of the ,fewvi. . 1
nor antler the, dispensation 40.11431
grace, which C.'hl'ist 0:140n to illallgll•
rate. Other's affirm we must takn
the words to fll4tln,•a5 we ordinarily
road them, that thoro is neither for-
giveness here nor ou the other side
,of the grave. In other words, there
is neever. corgi yellows, L'ut litany of
those who Holt} to the meaning of
hero and boycotter, claim that. the
tvorls teach that- there is forgive
floss of sills beyond the grave, fur•
giveuoss of all sins. But, on the
other hand, a majority_ of this eblss
deny that there is any 10achiug
whatever of forgiveness of any kind
after 'this life is ended. Carefully
considefting 1110 \•laws advanced, I
tem decidedly 'inclined to believe
that Christ meant to confine the
bearing of his own words to his own
time upon the earth. ITe meant to
soiree that the state of mind and
heart, which would ascribe all his
divine works of beno[icouce to the
devil, was alto for which forgive-
ness, while that state continued, was
impossible. .It wss impossible be-
cause good was put for evil, because
Gori li,isueselj aw as only an omnipotent
devil. That sin, therefore, cannot
be committed now. But if I were
inclined to the other view, that it
referred• 4,o a, sin wvtiiell might bo
committed after the Pentecostal out-
pourivaof the Spirit, L should. Must•
positively 1011011 that auy ofie, who
felt afraid in the least degree that he
had committed the uupaldutiable
sin, might bo assure as the sun rises
iu the heavulis that ho had not coin=
niittod it. When a man is past all
feeling, when intellect and soul are
steeped to the very depths in malig-
nant wickedness, when there is no
thought of God or good—in other
words, when ono has brought him
self to that condition in which he
has Illa(le repentance' all impossibi-
lity, and has put faith clear beyond
his reach and is altogether uflcou-
sclous of the fact, then, and
only, -play we think that there 18
dauger of Buell a sin having been
COtlllllitted. '
We must notice further that
the Saviour (li(1 not say this sin lied
ever been committed. • Ho prayed
for these very men who w'oru guilty,
if any leen over were, ,of titer -highest
conceivable guilt. " Father, forgive
them, they know not what they du.
(41 I I s:1y unhesitatingly that 110
loan w!io over lived knew that he
haul (0101011)(41 this sin, 4,'o' .,(now-
ledge would have with 1t 3 n (_ilyility.
Least "
i, a. t of all can any nian orally
other person that ho had been
guilty of it. God alone knows if
en\'One has thee offended.
"A cl )sing thought : God will
not make it impossible for any man
to repent. .Al} may find, no matter
what the extreme of their wicked -
nese, pardon, peace rued lift, eternal
if t1149' Evill. '1'h. gates of heaven
are ever open, as 111A1 the F4.Iliel''s
arms to the sorrowing child of sin
and sorrow."
---Probably the heaviest Scott
Act case ever tried in Canada was
h011(4? before Police Magistrate
Campbell at \Varwick village on
Tuesday last. Tho defendants Mr.
and Mrs, l3earss, tip the scales at
•about G00 pounds, and anything
they say naturally carries consider-
able weight with it. Inspector
Taylor endeavored to cant them
ovor with light weight evidence for
the prosecution, but thef',noblo 600'
withstood every charge and the P.
11[. dismissed the case against Mrs.
llenrss, and the charge against her
ilnsbftud was withdrawn.
A. Mammoth Ox.
Adaln Furepaugh, the showman,
has bought friend J. L Me i'egplr
of Wichita, Ksnsws, for $10,000
sash, the mammoth ox, "John
Sheridan," weighing 4,250 pounds,
the largest iu the world, and beycud
doubt the greatest curiosity living ,
iu the way of au animal -_being as
much larger iu comparison -. with
ordinary cattle a. Jumbo was ovor
other elephants. He is a beautiful
roan, six feet four inches high,
eleven feet four inches around the
girth, three feet four inches in hip
points, and eighteen feet from tip
to tip. He has tremendous bone,
and when fattened and filled out
will weigh 4,700 pounds. Notwvith-
standiug the enormous size and
weight of this remarkable. animal,
he 13 its active as an oi'divai•y steel'
of 01443 thousand pounds. This new
acquisition to Mr. Forepaugll's
collection of .animal • curiosities
is very highly prized by that great
exhibitor, who considers "John
Shornlan" the greatest animal curios-
ity ever exhibited under canvas.
'Arr. Porepaugld also bought of Mt.
McGregor by way of contrast a
Leaswvater cow that weighs only
350 pounds, stands thirty four in-
ches in height, ant} yields three
gallons of milk day. 81143 has
11,111 f0111' CalYO4. This is also a
wonderful curiosity which will. add
greatly to Mr. 1''orepaugh's attract-
—A sad circumstance eseu''e:1 its
Sietene the other. morniut. •Jliss
Fiele-n Sebring, daught,•r of (i11.111(i4
lienry 'Sebring, w•114) r :t,1 with
nor mother, lett the bre:•t't1'l,t. ! a1,l11
for the purpose' of mil -king a row.
A•4 she did not return t)"4,' mother
and mister b4e. me 14lttrrt.etl 111(1 trout
Out 1.0 Nei' what was detaining lirr,
when, to their horror,' they found
her lying on th'.• ground ostlin'g for
breath, oral she immutli:ttelw• died.
I)r. St.aoton 4y -t' mutt: for, anti, on
t-xtietisI4 tion, found Iger neck had
been di,lncated. \Tu ornrks •wwnre
found Ott 1144. person, It. fa 141tp110sed
that, having eMnl'leted the Milking,
she attempted to 414)1414 11114 feller,
but slipped,ttui fell to the+ ground,
breaking her neck.
ills. Mary 'Thompson, of 'I'orolttc,
was afflicted with'l'ape Worm, 8 feet
of which was removed by one bottle
of Dr. Low's Worm Syrup. 464--4t
!US unsurpassed facilities for
the execution of all kinds'of
Job, Printing. in all lines we
can ularantee :t superior class
of work at moderate rates.
itor heaves your orders for Fall
Printing with 'file laws -Record
Awl- 3"18 :=1'4,:
Bear ill Mind thh1 The Ne'4S'S-
llecord is positivttly 4)11(1 of the
best advertising t3leiii)III4S in
Westerni Ontario, 11111 to the
business men 4;!''i"lintotl oill'(et•,
many advantages.
TD1iE iiDO1r4,;'aa; 4 :1 1,411,1;a'i4f i
Talks t() '1'lla71'i011,1.,.
W111'111,11 k, T'ODI), - - lltlblisIi rs
&pecia/ Notice
Get your Notes and Accounts collect-
ed by
He collects A'otes aur? Accounts in
and/ )art at the most reasonable rates.
MONEY TO LOAN ret /oldest rates of
interest. Fire, Life, and Accident
Insurance Aflont. (,win's, hint a cull.
Office :-Jamea•ut , ' E.refer, Ontario.
ate of Toronto, donor Graduate Royal College
of Dental surgeons,
Qoats's Book, - Minton.
All Work Rogletered. Charges Moderate.
4 •
elft. (REEVE. Otpce-"Palace'• Brick Block,
LJ Ratteabury street, Residence opposite the
Temperance Kali, Huron Street. Coroner for the
County of Huron. OlMce hours from 8 a.m. to 6
p. In.
Clinton, Jan. 14, 1881.
C7lai•T ,
All hinds and nothing but first•chtss, as we aro
ROW building a fine assortment of r(ge. Do not
fall taw 01111 and se0 them. Ali kinds of work a
specialty. S. A. CAN'FELON. Clinton.
rtW W4pyfy.M4
010400 to Wend,
lit.:ay to tertn�d in largee Or small sante, pn
tlhye' lowest current mortgages
U. HALE security, .,t.
Clinton, Feb. 38, 18h1 1.1r
liD"RIVATE FUNDS to lend on Toll n and Farm
property. Apply to
OMtee, next Naws-Racoaa(up stairs)Albert•St
TIE M068095 IBL
incorporated b, Act of Parliament, 18(1,
CAPITAL, - - $2,'000,060
REST. $L00,4.100
Head Office, - MONTREAL
THOMAS MIASMAS. President. •
J. H. 1(. 8101.80S, Vlce•Prosident.
F. WOLFERSTAN'rHOMAS, General Mimeo r
Notes discounted, Collections made, Drafts
issued, Sterling anti- Antalya]] ex•
change bought anti sold at low-
est current rates.
Ines AT 4 PER CONT, 4LLOwil o5 DBiot118
Mone, advanced to formers On their eww11 not(s
With elle or more endorsers. No mortgage re-
quired as security.
11.0. BREWER,
Februar, . 1884 th.uvrON
it. Otif
k„...) Meets Lodge, Nu.
4 Meets uteri Friday
moon Visiting brethren
J. \rat Nr;, (4. 0,
84, A F. & A M.
, on or after the ful
cordiality invited.
.t. C'Al.LANDFI), Ssc
Clinton, Jan. 14, 134,1. 1•
L. 0. L No. 710,
Mets snort Monday of eveily
month. ilall, lad Hat, Victoria
bloc.';. Visiting brethren always
800 :nu10 welcome.
C. TWEEDY, 5V.•3.
1•:. l'1 0001 , Sccv. T. C. DOIIEItTY, D.M
,looms, third flat, Victoria Hoek. Regular
meeting every Thursday (netting at 8 o'clock
sluwrp. Visiting Knights nude welcome.
MelnbersToronto Stock Exchange
Private woes toTOl
NEW V0111 , CIIICa.t.u, and
IONS awl OIL; bought and solei
for cash or margin..
$terqusole's L';uck (upstairs), Albert Street.
Unlock. all the cloarea 1r tf rue
BoweTs, Kidneys and Li at c: rlying
off gradually without weakening 1i1. synteny.
al) }he impurities and fool hu..crz of the
secretion's ;'at'the same time Correcting
Acidity of the Stomach, curing Bilin
ousnesss, Dyspepsia, Headaches, Diz-
ziness, ` •Heartburn, ConstipatioL
Dryness of the Skin, Dropsy, Dins
ness ofVision,Jaundice, Salt Rheum,
Erysipelas, Scrofula, Fluttering of
the Heart, Nervousness and General
Debility ; all these and many other simi-
lar Complaints yield to, the happy influence
Sample Bottles IOc ; Regular size $1.
For sale by all dealers.
. IIIILBEURNY at CO., Proprietors, Toronts
.41111faciten 6711=31.111111
•,nutitt111 :r:ct.
1 tins t :te•
entitle. %Vett lc tresses at/ 41 Gi4•(retn111••: t^�
t)•, Purely Vegetable. lftrl11••
r•enll•atell, Pleasant. NIiTerl.4)14 1 0'
s(k ler Dr. Dodders ('(ou4411)(.•1:ttws
Tieka and other Sold every tw hrrc. 1 r:. t 7.1
ent4 per bottle.
:,old everywhere. Price, 25 een14 and Cin , until
ter bottle. Proprietors nod not nnfact rcr4,
i'ltr. Union Medicine Co. Toronfo,Can
1111i11At1 Du!NLOP, the popular
,Tread, Pastry and Fancy Cake Baker,
109 opened ant fn STANI,CRY'N eld SHIM l.
All orders attended to promptly. Any.
thing not in stock halted to order on the
shortest notice. Try his bread. Wedding
Cakes n specialty. 449tf
Barristet'e, 4c.,
Mone;' to Loan. ,
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary
Public, etc.
Woo, Sea le's Block, Albart•8t., Clinton
Toronto agents :-3Iessrs. McCarthy, Osl4r,
Hoskin ,St (W4:111fan.
se' Pa r,TK-Fusns Tot:"ONo at lowest metes or
interest. 381
`t E.4. 1El1 ,L t1(4IITO\ t ,rriste)s, d c.,,t• , (rod -
0 •r )15 nut OLIhaie, 4.. su:lr;er, Jr., uoderieh
). ,1. Murton ri'wghtuna___l ._ _1,i)i__
t t.w1.'l4 IN .L• .1011NSTI1S, Law, ChiuiOery,:u)d
L Cont e, aiming, Mike . (t',,t Street, next
lour to i'ost pinta:, Oudurieli. unt'- 57.
> 0.• UA VS h e
rticitul ,'. 011w4, corner of
1 le Square and West Street, over Itptlur's Book
Store, Oodurich, Out. 87.
stoney to lend at lea est rates of interest.
If, 0.1111'10N, Ilan'is er,Attornt Solicitor in
IU„ Chancery, 4.'10 ;timer, 4', Olhee 01 er
Jutdun's Drug Store, the royals formerly ow)pied b, Judea Doy9a,
late Any amount of money to loan'at lowest
rates of interest. 14y.
^T- _
: — ____
H. W. BALL,'
uCTIoNElslt for Huron County, Sales ut-
tt tended to in any part of the County. Ad•
dress orders to vuutt,twu 1' 0. V.17.
(BIAS. II,t711L'j'ON,
�+ U0r1ON EER, land, loan and insurance agent
i Blyth. Sales attended in town and country,
/:. ) is eta•.le terms, A list of f:,r • :1:13,1 'Olive
lots for sale. Bon,/ to loan, o.. 14., odtitte, at
low rates of interest. Insurance effected on all
classes of propert, . Neter and debts collected.
Heade apl;raised, and sold on commission. Bank-
rupt stocks bought and sold.
Bluth, Dec. 16, 1880, ,e
PI) •!agr 'n'iei s
w;; •ice, ,=."'�tl!(� Q�
Life Size Portraits a Specialty.
Clinton JEarble Works,
IN . H. COOPER, dr.•,
31 .nufaeturer 1:1 an dealer in all kinds of
Male & Granite for Cemetery
Work at figures that dory competition
Alm manufacturer oI`the Celebrated
1.R'rt?ICTAL SrONE for Building pur-
)"see and Ueem(t(sry Work, which Int1Bt
)0 seed to be appreciated.—All work
yal'rllnted to vivo satisfaction.
'l7IIESUBSCRIBER' offersyfor sale (cur eligible l
•j_ Building Lots fronting on Albert Street; also 4,
wo fronting on IAtttenbury Street; either en
(40 04 in separate lots, to suit purchasers. For
amber particulars apply to the utul41 Si(nu1.—E.
MNSLEY, Clinton,, 382 ,
LIAltltV i(8114(it the ruioven 'I'om:orial
1 artist, Sharing p"ler two doors west of
(.1114. dw a 110,444 where be mill Lo pleased to Kee
I440r11 ,, ( niers and as mato few• 4nes 114
VIII f n ut• Lim wt Rh a Nil. Lutist, and , bildren's
lair ntti,,,nig)r'u1l4%148
truing ought out 1osh:1it VA
n 1101101iulb, '4' 1,40 now prepared to fur
ii4h, on reteionalile terms,
(IRANI H A :5)'ECI4i;l'1'.
11'43 are prepared to sell cheaper than any
other limn in the county,
'allies wanting nnyIhing is this line will
ilii it to their interest to 1.••4'9 ye t11e11•
alder, 1L.r Its.
Ito IiEIt'tSON .;',I.IELL.
flay 1 i th, 1996. 592-301
e; ,I.
i. '''',...:',:.:1; , 1
.t' -•
(.-4:44 1 I •
;antelon's - Carriage --Works !
C7lai•T ,
All hinds and nothing but first•chtss, as we aro
ROW building a fine assortment of r(ge. Do not
fall taw 01111 and se0 them. Ali kinds of work a
specialty. S. A. CAN'FELON. Clinton.
rtW W4pyfy.M4
010400 to Wend,
lit.:ay to tertn�d in largee Or small sante, pn
tlhye' lowest current mortgages
U. HALE security, .,t.
Clinton, Feb. 38, 18h1 1.1r
liD"RIVATE FUNDS to lend on Toll n and Farm
property. Apply to
OMtee, next Naws-Racoaa(up stairs)Albert•St
TIE M068095 IBL
incorporated b, Act of Parliament, 18(1,
CAPITAL, - - $2,'000,060
REST. $L00,4.100
Head Office, - MONTREAL
THOMAS MIASMAS. President. •
J. H. 1(. 8101.80S, Vlce•Prosident.
F. WOLFERSTAN'rHOMAS, General Mimeo r
Notes discounted, Collections made, Drafts
issued, Sterling anti- Antalya]] ex•
change bought anti sold at low-
est current rates.
Ines AT 4 PER CONT, 4LLOwil o5 DBiot118
Mone, advanced to formers On their eww11 not(s
With elle or more endorsers. No mortgage re-
quired as security.
11.0. BREWER,
Februar, . 1884 th.uvrON
it. Otif
k„...) Meets Lodge, Nu.
4 Meets uteri Friday
moon Visiting brethren
J. \rat Nr;, (4. 0,
84, A F. & A M.
, on or after the ful
cordiality invited.
.t. C'Al.LANDFI), Ssc
Clinton, Jan. 14, 134,1. 1•
L. 0. L No. 710,
Mets snort Monday of eveily
month. ilall, lad Hat, Victoria
bloc.';. Visiting brethren always
800 :nu10 welcome.
C. TWEEDY, 5V.•3.
1•:. l'1 0001 , Sccv. T. C. DOIIEItTY, D.M
,looms, third flat, Victoria Hoek. Regular
meeting every Thursday (netting at 8 o'clock
sluwrp. Visiting Knights nude welcome.
MelnbersToronto Stock Exchange
Private woes toTOl
NEW V0111 , CIIICa.t.u, and
IONS awl OIL; bought and solei
for cash or margin..
$terqusole's L';uck (upstairs), Albert Street.
Unlock. all the cloarea 1r tf rue
BoweTs, Kidneys and Li at c: rlying
off gradually without weakening 1i1. synteny.
al) }he impurities and fool hu..crz of the
secretion's ;'at'the same time Correcting
Acidity of the Stomach, curing Bilin
ousnesss, Dyspepsia, Headaches, Diz-
ziness, ` •Heartburn, ConstipatioL
Dryness of the Skin, Dropsy, Dins
ness ofVision,Jaundice, Salt Rheum,
Erysipelas, Scrofula, Fluttering of
the Heart, Nervousness and General
Debility ; all these and many other simi-
lar Complaints yield to, the happy influence
Sample Bottles IOc ; Regular size $1.
For sale by all dealers.
. IIIILBEURNY at CO., Proprietors, Toronts
.41111faciten 6711=31.111111
•,nutitt111 :r:ct.
1 tins t :te•
entitle. %Vett lc tresses at/ 41 Gi4•(retn111••: t^�
t)•, Purely Vegetable. lftrl11••
r•enll•atell, Pleasant. NIiTerl.4)14 1 0'
s(k ler Dr. Dodders ('(ou4411)(.•1:ttws
Tieka and other Sold every tw hrrc. 1 r:. t 7.1
ent4 per bottle.
:,old everywhere. Price, 25 een14 and Cin , until
ter bottle. Proprietors nod not nnfact rcr4,
i'ltr. Union Medicine Co. Toronfo,Can
1111i11At1 Du!NLOP, the popular
,Tread, Pastry and Fancy Cake Baker,
109 opened ant fn STANI,CRY'N eld SHIM l.
All orders attended to promptly. Any.
thing not in stock halted to order on the
shortest notice. Try his bread. Wedding
Cakes n specialty. 449tf