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The Huron News-Record, 1887-10-12, Page 4
rs rf ltteSdt . $* 1 x S re h LOCA NE C�WS. In and Around the "nub." BOX `1.N.TEn t0 lea%n 'the print- ing business ; must bo a fair reader and intelligent; one living with his parents in town preferred. Apply AA Tag EWS-REOQRD tiffttle. WQonEN SToxtE,. Coopoes old stand. Yarns, flennels, shirts and drawers, top shirts, tweeds, &c., all factory made and at prices that cannot bo undersold—F. E. CORBETT MR. JOHN STURDY, of Harristou, gave us a call last Thursday. ACHAT with Capt. McDonald, of Porter's Hill, the other day, was quite refreshing to ye editor. MR. GEO. MOTAGGART, now of -iirolsons Bank, Morrisburg, is home on a couple of weeks'. visit. MR. ALEX. WALLACE, of Code - rich, is the guest of Mr. John Mc- Garva. • MR. JAMK.s STAVELY, a well known capitalist of this town, re- turned last week from England, and is again dotnioiled in tho "hub." 'ANNEXATION.—Miss Moore, daugh- ter of Mr. Hugh Moore, town, was married last Wednesday to Mr. R. Bailey, of Michigan, formerly of Clinton. JUDGE HUGIIES, of Elgin, has ap- pointed.. Miss Zealand, Edmund. Holmes and J. M. Gibson, M. P. P., joint•ildnlinistrators of the estate of the late itir. and llrs. Zealand, of St. Thomas. Mn. BEN CHURCHILL, adjoining the corporation, in Hullett, bought th.ee yearling colts the other day from his broiler George who lives near Bluovale, for $300. - A (Immix chemist has invented n compound which is 280 titles • sweeter than sugar. Our d-1 says the cheek of a country lassie is only ninety times • sweeter than sugar, but -tills the bill to a clot. P. S.—Here is a postscript to a girl's letter : "When you write next answer tie in confidence two questions: Can you lace your boots with your corsets out And can you put 1 on .your • bonnet with your bodice on? I want to know. M." . • \TEii� LLT. — Just as we go to prose we learn of the serious illness of Bro. Thos. Rutledge, District. Master of Morris. It seems that he took sick after tho Clinton show and has been sinking ever since. His Orange brethren and many friends ho'po he may yet rally :old recover. THE ProoF.--For ,the quarter ending Sept. 13, of the 108 convic- tions before magistrates, 68 were made by P. M. lir. Williams for' violation of the Scott Act. And still the word is passed around that the Act is working excellently. The more convictions the '-more 'illegal selling. the: mote illegal selling the stronger the proof that the selling of liquor has not hoeu stopped. ALLEGED INCENDIARY 'FIRES,— filet 'lIut'sday evening about 8 o'clock fire was discovered in \II'. M. Sillnln's carriage shop, Seaforth. Fortunately it was ex- tingnishod before doing Hutch damage. Fire evidently incon- diary. At 1140 same night another inceudiary fire took pTactl, with more serious results. The large•' 'sew barn of 1). D. Wilson, on his farm adjoining Seaforth, was found to be. on fire, The content: ill the upper portion being Brain and strliu', it burned so lorioLudy that g nothing could be saved from the b,isenie at, and five valuable horses and twenty thorouglrbred imported 1 sheep were; burned..[nsuraeca on building, 500 ; on contents, $1,1;00. Loss over insurance, $1,000. jos W. Jlltot o£' 'ortet'la'bllill:t%ctl 13 prises oderich show. Amort; �'o'�tt4er,�l' ud 'F��41,:,,d. �, Itlo f clip Pfd ty' aun, oa Goderic1roppped -iu on us Tuesday. He was amit return- ing from a visit toChieago,wherehe saw many. old friends from' this Nett of Huron q1 L4, O t Otp Orman., -411 *1e eajt of Jas'Srithev'§ v. G. Vit.' for the loss of his wife and his child at the recent disaster at St. Thomas. Mr. Smithers boss agreed to accept the eompai yea offer; of 33,100. • The young man Moore, of Wing ham', who had his heel badly otuail-• ed while attempting to board a moving train on the Port Dover Road, at Woodstock, has had his foot amputated. The heel was first taken off; but it was afterwards found necessary to amputate the whole foot. GoniaiE ' RGlAL UNION — 11Ir. Liv- ingstone, the Liberal member for South Waterloo, is strongly oppos- ed to Commercial Union. As. a. loyal subject of -Her Majesty, he could Hot favor a union which meant deilill to our manufat.tures, and annexation to the United Status. Those who favored the scheme ho considered would be showing more common SUMO wore they at once to remove to tho other side, and not try to take this fair Canada of ours along with there. To THE EDITOR :- 11 in not my intention to remove from Clinton. I haul, received au appointment from the Singer Sewing Machine Co., through their agent, to look after their interests in the city of Stratfurd, and guy family will still reside iu Clinton. I hope in a lit- tle time to bo able to do business on the C. O. D. principle, and would be in a better position to do so if those who are now slandering ale had paid their honest debts. I alt in a position to clearly show that those linen who toot their own horn are not any more upright than the law allows.—W. C. MouRisoN. HOW IT Woltics.—Tlwso who attended the fair in Seaforth on Friday last were able to see for themselves how.tho Scott Act works in that town. Liquor of every kind is said to have flown like water, and it c.luld be had on the grounds and almost at every street corner. A9 it result, there were many drunks in town', which was iu lnat•Iced, con- trast to'a' fair illy in 11itc17ell, where the sale of Liquor is controlled by license. If oyer there was a fraud the Scott Act is one, and if temper- ance melt were not so narrow-mind- ed they would set to work to. have it, -repeated at the' very first oppor- tunity.—Mitchell Advocate. A 1)EsrEnATE SITUATION. --Mr. Jaunev Merlihan, produce dealer, is walking around the city partially with the aid of a big walking stick. How ho came to bo injured has never been Published. A Month ago, Mr. Merlihan, and Mr. Janes Keleher, of Arthur, were in Buffalo on a pleasure trip. They wout into the corn exchange and wanting t0 go to the -top of the buildhrg-wtdkod oto the elevate!, the door of which was open. No soouer lead they got in than the door closed behind them, and lookiug•nl>the rneu were horrified to observ'o the huge hoist descending upon thong.' They could not get out, the floor being fastened,' All they could du was to shout, and this they did with remarkable lusti- ness. Still the 'hoist kept coming nearer oral ucarer and still the. men shouted. Boit oil1 to no purpose. When alley • saw escape from the impending danger was impossible. they lay down on the floor and tried to squeeze their hollies into Tl ie Stisllost possililo space. Zito. 170151 deeaueted 111011 theta and �;Iv71 1hc1 7 ;t tight squeoza, lrut for. tllnately the oie''ratur heard tlluir cries ill time to save them from a lurrible. death. Both were pain- fully but not seriously 1njer011.— Gnelph ll�ivr/ei. A PROSPEROUS On Deur: LolluE.— 'lhere is a thriving (:)range Lodge, .No. 813, on lUtll concession, 110- Killup. The warrant dates book to 1S74, and is in the mune o.f Bro. .banes Price* it will be seen .that, the lodge was organized when the Huron district was a forest, and during all those yowls has boon in good working order., 'oho present hall is on the farm of Bro. Samuel Scarlett, and was erected about twenty five years ago. Bro. Scar let wits made an Orangeman -ill 11'ernlaungh, Ireland, over 'JO years ago, and has not lost hi-. love for the Order yet. it alight 1,.. metitiun- od that ilro Scarlett took a trip north of Calgary, N. W. T., a short time Ritmo to visit his son Samuel, whom 11e h•ld nut seen for a num- ber of years. Ile was delighted with the country and his son is prospering; Orangemen are nu- merous there as well as in Ontario Bro. Join Scarlett, P. C. M., is the eldest son of Satuuol—there are six brothers and five aro Orange- men — and has been W. W. of 813 for fifteen pars.The brethren commenced repairing the hall to- day ; o -day; it will be shingled, painted and otherwise repaired. With its present good membership the lodge tnust continue to bo 1mosrous. As long as Scarletta aro in tLleh© -district it will continue to exist, i IIS BEN EA L.—A fro' the moon li1lrt walks of the summer follow the cozy weddings of winter, and the present pealing of wed'd1ug bells mingle with the minors of others yet to lotto, so in our burg society topics have a decidedly matrimonial jingle. Tho sacred torch of hymen Intl departed from its wonted cus- tom of burning 'with a steady flame and is indulging in a spasmodic flare-up. Tho Inst engagement which has met with matrimonial consummation in town gauged on \Vcdn"slay taus Oe:t. 5. at the. rusi- 11.nL: , of ten- eateelil 'l tU'.e°117111tH Mr. John Leslie, the contracting parties being his oldest daughter Miss Maggio awl Mr, James Watson of Seaforth. The promising young conpl0 left on the noon 11;•lin, be sic'geel with congriltnlations and amid showers of descending rice, fur Niagara, Buffalo, Toronto and other prominent cities, on their return from which places they will make Seaforth their place of residence, whore Mr. Watson has a well estab- lished business. Tho words which made them man and wife wore. uttered by Rev. Mr. Stewart. The bridesmaids were Miss Jessie Oliver and her sister Miss Hattie; the gloom was assisted by Messrs. John Steet of Seaforth and William D. Fair, Clinton. eq VO.11411# ya7idIZ stall took wls fRr emit Q�1 1X1 A .5x eodext , ,-sass .., y} Pit o d ' i jol�s6\#s4 �'t atl(`1°ri shoe.store, Who's lie will' be glad 'to renew the souls of all old friends. Wes are indebted to the Signal for proo el1pkpf doiu s of West I tml0jt Tee01,0, r f ate oda.'. 0141a4f eo�1�.71 4 i 0 d lie far this %VOek s 198ne: QNOE IN A Lu'ET1auE.-Those who live until January next will have theprltlmlego of ;writing one figurer throe tunes In the dateof= rheic l.�t teror As it= will: he ouct h; 4di d'1' • 1}nd,.elnvslp parsleforc asci °coot: again it is notalikely that many now living will have this privilege more than once iu their lives. MR. W. J. Blooms, of Elmhurst farm nein' Clinton, took five first, two second and a diploma for thoroughbred Durharn cattle. at the Great Northwestern Exhibition It Goderioh. Mr. fliggous though not the most extensive brooder in the Proviueo is not excelled by .any. in the Province for the quality add breeding of his stook. HURON ASSIZES.—Will 110 held in Goderich Oct. 34t1i, before Mr. Justice Rose. We notice two cases on the docket in which parties in this section are interested : Connell vs. Canteltou, the .Fnu•ties to which reside in Goderich tuwnship, and Graham vs. Corbett. Mr. F. R. Powell for the defe'nee in both 00855. THE meeting in Clinton on Fri- day to consider a 1e ,livision of the comities for Orange purposes was not Hugely attended. South Hun U11 . had a..Pllm .rteprosentatiou. North Huron was ably represented by Bros. G. Gibson, (ilfyth) W. H. Clegg, (Gerrie), .1. 1-1: Mooney, (Brussels), It.. Me\f1uuts, (Luck - now), M. Hurt ison, (\Valtou), Jno. Barkley;, (Belfast). BIBLE, lit 7lnNCt,-A AMA prencaer on lust Sunday evening gravely in- formed Iiis hearers that "Noah built Ills Ark to save ilia house from be- ing washed ;Tway !" And fucker, "that -the animals all wont into the Ark and were saved, but Noah and the rest of the men were drowned !" As it would be an evidence of un- belief to contradict what street preachers say, we simply publish the story. He was from Clinton.' —Stlatford Times. . ANOTHER CHILLING EXPERIENCE. —T'h0Int 1 co 1 elcill union .advocates had a chilling rocoptiou in Ingersoll on Tuesday evening of last week. Tho Meeting 11ai1 been well advertis- ed. The great guns, Messrs. Fuller and Shaw, of IInnlilton, worn both present ; but the audience was absent, so the half dozen friends of the movement had to content them- selves .with passing a vote of thanks' to the visitors, and postponing the speeches for another occasion. HASN'T GOT TII r; Harr ria.—"A hat made the grand rounds at the Cliuten uprising for °Conlnlorcial Union. The gross proceeds were a collar button. This result is orien- tal insignificance to the gentleman who oneeet:ook • up a collettistl--sk- Guelph and did not .get his hat bank."—Torouto''l elegraru. In other words, unlike the late lanlentad Geo. \Vlishiigtcn he haseu't gut his hat- chet. IMPOIITING WHEAT.—'1.'110 Rudd Billing Co., Galt, although 1.nlrclt,ls- iug vc7 large supplies ofwheatin the local market, have found that they can afford to purchase wheat in the American markets, pay .the duty and freight on it, anti `lily iv down in Galt at the sante or a slightly lower figirre than 1.t pend fur it here. .Several cams of \ii�;rie1ul wheat were reoeived'at0:111 station for this t,omlr..liy on Monday and 'Iuesday Last.—Th/ ei'fGv'. • ACQUITTG111.-At the County J u11gu'>. Criminal Cuutt ut ('rudericli,tiatur- dity, before Judge Tong the ease of 1. (,'ol dough, of Meyrie, charged with stealing three steer's front 011,1 Smiles, was tried. 1)e10ndont had been committed by Police Magis- trate 11.(.'lintutt on what What appeared sutile:i:'nt evidence, But Upon the de tendout being placed iia positiul7 t.) stat0 his side of the case the Cunrt• held that there we,; nut sufficient evidence to convict and Colclough was acquit- ted. The County attorney for tho Crown and Messrs. Powell of Clin- ton and Campion of Goderich for the defendant. Mn. BEN.; CASE of the London Road, has returned with part of the stolen property which sus taken from his premises a little over two weeks ago, a mention ut whiuli ap- peared in theso columns at tho time. 1[e found one horse in Sunlbra village, near Sarnia, the.other horse died a week previous, by being overdriven. ile gut the democrat wagon at Marine City, 'Michigan, across the river. The cushion, robe and double sot of harness are still' missing. It appears that the thieves! tried to got the horses to swim across the river, and failed as the animals were afraid of the writer. They must have succeeded in getting the buggy across on a boat or raft of some kind. Mr. Case will bo at a great Ions, 110 oxpo118e9 to recover his stolen property will be heavy. Tho thieves 111Q9t have driven the team about one hundred .miles the day after the ani1.flO)1 were stolen. ,..,,...... �' Boot Store, •FOlt ALL KINDS OF' School Boks —AND Sc!iooI i! es HO! FOR MANITOBA • Nobodylikes spend too much money in Children's Clothing from tho fact that they grow so fast that it does not pay. This is especially so in the Overcoat line, and to meet this trouble we have placed upon the mar- ket the BIGGEST BARGAIN in the shape of a 00000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000 Child's overcoat oaoouuuououvvon000000n000000000000o O000000000000000000000000000a000000 That has ever boon shown in the county. We make it ourselves front a material bought in Scotland at HALF-PRICE, and we will charge British Columbia and Dakota, And all points westward, TORONTO and 1111 p011177 Eastward. • 4E' "'Leorect hater to All Point$.'' Coupe n Tletets reading via Toronto and short line over the Canada Paelac Railway to all points. .teltagirage Checked through to dosttnattoa. No exellaut/ilatt Ticket$ or Baggage. Parties travelling will 1111,1 it to their advantage to call uu we to purchase tlukets to any point they desire to reach. JAS, rl'1I0MPSON. Agent}G. T. It., in Grand Union Block, opposite Post (Kea, Clinton. L. 0, L. 710, CLINTON, had a very successful and largely attended Meeting Monday evening. Steps are being taken to organize a fife and druid Baud and to have regular drill practise. The regular meeting - second Monday in November— will be a dogrooe meeting. A number will be .advanced to the several degrees. IIMINIONEMIIIMMMIMINE=n 11•1 —An Exeter,Unt.mau was as- tonished on unlocking his post -office box to see a sparrow fly out. —Mr. 'lows. Cowan has been officially notified of his appointment as post master' of Galt, —The Bauk ut' London on Satur- day began the redemption of its bills, a considerable, number being presented. 11ar Majesty iia eons tract the honor of knighthood uponChief Ju+t- ice Wilson of the Ctrurt of Queen's; Bench of Ontario. ' —More than 1,100 cies of Tome - foes were put up at the Delhi, Oxford county, Canning Factory one , day last week. 186 hanrlsare employed. —On Sabbath evening • last, a young elan named Kennedy, of Saugeon, fell dead ill the Methodist church, at Burgoyne. Heart disease was the cause. 11 r, White, Minister of Int,•r- icir, has assumed the position (1 Septa intr;ull.e:,t-Ge'n1•raf of Indict ltlli4ir,y, r.•t i'ececl by 5tr' Jolla Hao- ---A convention of Liberal Con- servatttvr.s for \Vast Bruce will bo. held in.tll0 Town 111111, Kincardine, on W dies lay, October 12 at 2 o'clecic p. ►n. Tho questieu of . placing a candidate in the field fur the corning election ivill be disposed of. 'I'Ite writ for an elCCtiun to '1111 the vacancy in West • llritco carried by 1[r. Blake's retirement has been issued. Nuluiiatiefie will be held .on the 19111 .instant and polling Oil the/ •?lith, 1di. 'John Bowend of Saugoen, ie' the Grit, 1101111nee. , -7E. Wicks, a short distance from Drersilen, Out:, found a specimen of pure coilper ore while .boring for water en his fail► a short time ago. It was found 45 feet below the surface A specimen of silver ore Ivan also found at tate salve place. 'filo 'Toronto Aualyists pronounce it the best specimen of oro they over saw, even better than that of Lake Superior. The quartz boiug much greener and darker. —About seven o'clock on Wed- tesday evening ihet a Mornington farmer left Spahr's hotel with a double waggne, in wi-tieb het -trail a grist and ., barrel of salt, for his home near Carthage, about eight miles distant. About three hours afterward word was brought to the village that he had driven or allow- ed lois team to full into 'a gully be - aide the turnpike, whereby his wags got was upset and ho had been. in- 8tantly 1(11)0(1 hy bis head coining under the hub of the waggoti. wheel, a $2.50 i For this Overcoat. No mother who wants to clothe tho boys cheaply and comfortably should miss this lino. It is.a bargain that is not seen every day, awl should be picked up by everybody wanting a Boy's Overcoat. We call the attention of the Boys themselves to this line and if they don't worry their parents for ono they will make a mistake. J :o: 0 N B THE FAMOUS CLOTHIERS. 1= FALL & WINTER.,= 0 CALL ON C. RANCE & CO'Y, FOR YOU1:� FALL and WINTER CLOTHING,, �`� �1ii'THINGs, ., 0.0. RANCE AND CO. Fine Merchant Tailors, Clinton. •