The Huron News-Record, 1887-10-05, Page 1is
TEE 11101,41,25 per Annulus in Advance.
• 4,
'MUTELY da TODI1, Publishers
° Ori VIIL--�NO. 42,
g' Ca (Farm pul4deuce Wont (gorl'c,palt:le.?ce went Cnorrt pendens
Juuanza Suit $6.00
Bufferin Suit - 8.00
Lorne Suit . 9,00
Lansdowne Bui. 10,E
The allure Snits are
Manufactured by OursetYes
And are not equalled iu the county, qual-
ity and snake considered.
$Z, $3 and $4 Suits
are wonderful goods lot the money.
It will hay anybody in tho county to come
and inspect our stock of Children's Clotb-.
ing. We show the
Lurgest Assortment
and we fully believe OUR PRICES ARE
THE LOWEST. We are busy mann*-
. taring a line of
Boy's : overcoats
AT 12.50
which will startle the public. The goods
were purchased in Scotland at half price,
and at the above tigtite will be tha most
wonderful Overcoat ever offered in Clinton
Jison Bros..,
The. Famous Clothiers.'
Xocai garrropalilteure
Rev, .J.i1.:.33aljis ire taw.n_ dsiti
his parents.•
Mrs. J. Doyle is Visiting friends
in Detroit.
Mr. and Miss McIntyre left for
British Columbia. on Friday:
Mrs. Price and children have
gone to visit friends in Detroit.;
Miss Edith Campbell left. town
last week for a visit to Detroit.
Mr. Frank Smith and daughter
have gone to Detroit for a•few days.
Mr. E. N. Lewis left on a trip
East last Thursday.
Mr. F. Jordan returned from his
Montreal trip on the 27th, ult.
Mrs. 'and Miss Newcombe are
visiting at Saginaw,
• Next•Tuesday is•.the regular meet-
ing night of Maitland Lodge No.
33, A. F: and A. M. •
Captain Babb had the life boat
out practising the crew last Thurs-
Miss Cattle left on Friday for
Saginaw to attend her brother Fred
who is recovering from a fever.
• Miss Annie Gordon left town on
Friday to visit her brother wlio re-
sides in British Columbia.
Last wook a large quantity of
grain. was shipped' from the G. T.
Mr. Goo. Acheson has replaced
the plate glass front in the store -oc-
cupied •by Miss Graham.
goal QQarra pandenve
Next Friday is the regular meet-
ing night of our City Fathers.
Miss Fannie Ball is visiting Mrs.
Jeffries, twee bliss Stotts, at Detroit.
The Misses Rose and NI, 8w,lilield
are visiting at Hamilton.
We are sorry to hear th11t
George Acheson is seriously ill.
Dr. and Mrs. Johnston tete s
to their home, Toronto, last woe
Mr. Robert Porter, M. P., i
GotIcl 'eh,
Mr. Fred Widder spent Sunday
at his old home.
Mr. and Mrs. fanner of Toronto
spent Sunday iu town.
Mrs. James Elliott of Hamilton
is visiting her mother, Mrs. Smith,
Mr. of East street.
Mrs. H. Sharp of Toronto is visit•
ttrd ing her parents in towu before
ic. leaving fur British Columbia.
A in Rev. J: A. Ball read part of the
town. morning and ovouing services at St.
The-. Hon. A. M. Ross,' M. Y. Y.,
The United Empire called iu on
Provincial Treasurer, is in town.
her wily t0_ the• Sault. uu Sunday
Those attending the show to -day nod took on a load of horses,
will witless some lively trotting. - The Ariel with a cargo of lumber
'The {Y.'W. C. T. Union will meet for Josh Williams arrived at her
dock on Sunday.
George's on Sunday.
,itttXltox Church at 7.30 to -morrow.
--'he Knox Church Band of Hope
met- in the lecture room last. Satur-
day afternoon. •
Miss Rose t5aults returned from a
short visit to Bluevale, last. Wed-
Miss Annie Elliott, of Saginaw,
is the guest of her parouts,Mr. and
Mrs. William -Elliott.
The County Board of Audit mut
on Monday and tansalcted the usual
Board business.
Tho Lxhibitiou buildings are in
excellent condition, 1t11d
ample a0cumuludutiolt for tite severci
Rev. J. B. Wallwin has been ap•
pointed pastor of the North St.
Methodist Church during the re-
mainder of tho Coul'erence year.
Messrs. A. Allen and A. M. Pul-
ley last week received a splendid
2 -year-old imported Clydesdale,. and
three Shetland ponies.
• Huron Lodge, No. 6`f , 1. 0. U. E.
is having a prosperous time, appli-
cations fur membership coining be-
fore it every meeting night.
Several of our merchants have
fine displays at the Exhibition,
prominent aulougst them being an
exhibit by IL B. Smith & Co.
The United Empire on her last
trip up took° on -a large quantity of
freight, including' largo shipments
of apples, salt and general metchau-
d isc.
John Eno was sentenced by His
Honor, Judge l oms,_ last week to
six nion.ths' iiiiiitisonnient for horse
stealing and the same sentence for
false pretenses, to run concurrently.
Mr. Carpenter,..of Detroit, arrived
in town last weal: to accorupauy his
wife, (nee Miss Forg.uson), who hid
been the guest of Miss Davis, on her
rctturn home.
_ TttescsolbornesstoriculmratitlieW
took place last Wednesday end'
Thursday, and was largely atten-
ded. Tho exhibit, a good one, re-
flects much credit on the township.
Quite a number. of uur townswen
took in the commercial 'annexation
sleeting iu Clinton last weak. • So
far we• have not heard of attyon'e
being converted by it.
F.R: Powell, barrister, of Clinton,
was in the eircnlar town last Thurs- ! assembling takes place in the High
day. School, and commences at 10 as nt.,
on t
Several days loot week the' ap_ the first flamed day. There will
pearance of the watering cart would be a grand concert in the new opera
^have been hailed with great re,joic house on Friday evening in sial of
the funds of the Society.
Tho apple king, of Clinton,mallo The Musical and Literary Enter -
another large shipment of fruit on lainnlent held in St. George's school
the United Eml,irc house on Friday evenin' was very
Mrs., Mr. Fred and Miss Widder
left Friday for a six mouths' visit tot
On 1Vedsueday.Mi'. Geo. Robson,
formerly of this t„towa, and now of
Petrone, and Miss Nellie Morris
were- ited '•' wedlock's bonds. The
presents to the bride were nutllerous.
and of groat•value. Shortly atter
their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Robson
loft on their houoymoou trip. Ou
its conclusion. they will proceed to
their home, Petrone.
The High Sebuol Literary Su-
eiety held their usual mooting 0n
Friday evening. After the minu-
tes of last illeetlug were read and
the roll called, the following pro
gramme was given : loecitation,Miss
'Wiggins ; solo, Miss number ;
recitation, Mr. Kaiser; address, Mr.McIntosh; chorus by the members;
reading,Mr, Strang ; editress' solec•
tions, Miss 1t. Strang; chorus by
the members, and the, meeting was
brought to t. close,
The Fall Exhibition opened yes-
terday and will be continued to -day
and to -morrow. There was a grand
musical opening last evening. 'to-
day and to -morrow there will bo
spending on the track, and this
evening the uniformed members of
Huron Encampment a1 ill ri11 ander
the electric light. So far the pro-
spects of the show are very bright,
but as many of the entries for live
stock, etc., will not be made until
this morning. It is impossible for
for us to give details this week.'
Un Monday Miss 1' iuma Meldrum,
and 31r. 1I. flays of Walkerton
were united iu wedlock's bonds.-
The ceremony took place at the re-
sidence of Captain Gibson, Bay-
field road. • The bride wore a very
pretty costume of cream nun's veil.
ing. The -bridesmaids, who wore
Miss L. Gibson and .Miss Straiton,
also ' wore cream111-e presents
were both numerous` and costly,
:!along others ono from the Presby-
terian church choir of which Hiss
lloldrum was a valued member..
Mr.. E. C. Rua9Cl1, �t"ho was pre
sent at tho marriage of his relative
Miss - Nellie Morris, returned to
his Northern home accompanied by
Nil's. Russell.
Mr. Hodgens, Insps,'or of high
Schools, was in tow, :.1st week on
his regular tout, '1•., • gentleman
inspected the school, a u 1 examined
the several classes. ,
We think it won! 4 pay our
lumber men to have a I-. v platform
car always available, si; that our
town engine could be Moved with
rapidity through the yards if its
services wore needed.
Cupid must have been dory busy
lately, judging by the number. of
weddings that have taken place,
and those shortly to come off. Those
little affairs would be a great. help
to the town, if those concerned
were fair enough to buy the goods
they require whore they or theirs
earned the money.
The meeting of the teachers of
West Huron takes place next
Friday and Saturday. As usual the
The smoke in town last week 011- well attended. The following ladies
scurod the vision, tickled the nasal and gentlemen n took part in it:
organs,and in many instances caused Mrs. Tumss,, the Misses Radcliffe, 11.
eyes to run. p Oonagh, Marvell, X. hall,, True -
Wo regret to have to record the Caulman, and 'Messrs. Strang, Mc -
Belcher, 1[yslup, and
death of hats, aged 8 years, only Llov d At the close of the enter -
) r. and Mrs, i nam tamment it Ives moved by Mr. J.
11011011(1, of Ashfield.
child. of M 1 1i William
Williams seconded by ,lir Shaw,
Thai schooner Todnlcln with a
cargo of lumber for „II. Secord,
reached harbor early on Wednesday
Sti nky. .
Mr, Geo. H. Johuston, of the
Goshen Line, sold a four year old
golding to John Mc'Iann. The
animal was sired by Turner's Far-
mer's Glory and,brougltt the hand-
some suns of :350,
XocaI Co>`t'e$pontlalte
Auburn. Blyth. 1 Bityticld.
Don't forget the Douuybrook Several of our townsmen took ad- \Vo have beon annoyed with
tea meeting next week. vautage ut' the cheap trip to Detroit smoke for some days, but are better
Mr. John Ferguson has enlarged uu Saturday. new.
the blacksmith shop ,to accomodate Messrs. Milne and Shaw left here 1 \Vo had three deaths iu our via -
his ever-increasing business. uu the Friday evening train for the ; last week—Mrs. McLeod, aged
The- Methodist parsuuage is re- ' Medical College, Toronto. ! 83, Miss Eliza Jane King, aged 37,
Galvin(' a tnuc!t needed coat ' of j Mr. F. M. 'fanner left lien ou and Charles Middleton, aged 75.
Mr. Fred \Vinmill, who has been
in the neighboring Republic for
the past si\ years is hum() Ou a
visit to his parents.
The Lodge ut' t/trod 't'empt'ers
hors are preparing au excelluut pro-
gramme for their coming eutertaiu•
moat, duo notice of the date of
which will be given at sortie future
time. •
Cold nights have set in and the
front gates will have a rest. We
know of one that has stood many a
jar this summer but the jarrers will
have to seek warmer haunts "till
the robins nest again."
Rev. Mr. Mcl)uwell, of \Viug-
ham, is expected to deliver a lec-
ture hare under thea auspices of
-tile--O1`at• Oren -go -met of this vicinity-. --
The precise date is, nut yet decided
ou, but timely tinned will be giveu.
Tho water in the Maitland is 80
low at present that, Mr. Duffin has
had to bring in the aid of steam to'
run his flouting chill, business
being too brisk to •illuw of any
stoppage this .season.
Alex. McKenzie, our Auburn
horse milliner, In order to keep
pace with the nl.u•Cli• of iniprove-
inent, has concluded to extend the
frort of his shop by putting in a
new glass -front, t to in Alex,
there's nothing .seeeeeds like suc-
cess, .
A tea lueeti.ig and literary enter-
taiuttlellt iii connection trill the
Methodist Chtu'clt hero will take
place on the 19111 inst. the proceeds
to be applied to renovating the in-
tcrior of the church. We hope to
see a large turn out on the occasion,
a, very plentiful supply of food for
mind and body is in.preparatiou, •
An old -tinge resident of this
vicinity has returned to this place
after an absence of a decade of
years with tate avowed intention of
taking another wire bank with him
to iris home in 1t[iclligan. Samuel
I)-tiivid, my sou, you. are a little too
old for such but ish tricks and,
although you 111.•tend to charm
warts antl._ti'ens aatvay, you'll find
the charm • • won't work on our
Auburn girls, they are neither warts
nor wens and don't auuex "worth'
"worth a cent."
Mr. John Rob, of Morris, is
visiting friends in i'uckersmith.
Miss Day, of Guelph, is visiting
.at Ml'. 'Turner's. -
\Liss Sarah Turner is at present
seriously ill, having been confined
to the house for several days.
We are pleased to learn that Mr.
john Thorp still looks after the
honor of Tnckersmith in horseflesh.
lie carried oft two prizes at the Sea -
forth fall fair. "Jack" has some-
thing. to talk about now.
\Ir. t\'tn. ,2IcVety has 10tuuled
from his extended tour through
Manitoba and other parts. He re-
ports the crops generally good.
William is favorably .impressed
with the advantages which these
Northwestern territories afford to
mon desirous of obtaining wealth.
The Farmer's Club still continues
to hot&P Meetings at No 6 School
house every Tuesday evening. Some
important topic relating to farming
is discussed every week. Last Tues-
day they discussed the subject,
"Plows." lir. W. Elcoat was ap-
pointed to read a paper on the sub-
ject but was absent.
\[r. Wm. Brocelfoot, the much
esteemed trustee, councillor, aspir-
ant of the r'eeveship of Tuckersmith,
the not very profitable dottier in
horse and cattle flesh,&c., has lately
made one of those monstrous bar-
gains which makes surrounding
farmers wonder how \Vm. makes so
mach money with so little effort.
Solite time ago Mr. Broailfootbought
that the thanks of the meeting, be brood mare for ` ''S0 perhaps over
tendered to 0'0,1\c -ties and8genlle-
mem who had I;indly given their
Godcrtch 'I utvu;1iij,
Mr. W. Ilerbisun is as suuces:dul
as usual at the city fairs' in taking
prizes fur his Cre.ttn• ty butter.
• The stock and of
Mr. George Bu1us. conducted by
that boss knight of the haminv,r,'1'. C.
Carling, was a• :narked success.
"Tom" succeeding in pleasing both
buyer and seller. The goods real-
ized some *300 mute than the own-
er reckouod on.
The people maned out iu large
numbers last Sunday to bear the
Rev..Mi'. llcDc,nagll at I[olmos-
villo. This is the ,sone energetic,
earnest and talented Christian tnin-
istor that SOmu of the "good" peo-
ple hounded out of your town a few
years ago, because 110 did what con-
science commanded ltiut--roprimaud-
ed them for their .slsi,rt ouuliugs.
Friday` for a lake trip to Sault St.
don't to our fair noticed in
Marie. ; your paper, it is un the 13th and
lir. Burchill, the new principal 14th Oct.: the Guderich band trill
of the Blyth public schools, eunt-
meneod his duties on Monday.
Messrs. A. M. 'Todd and Edward
Floody, of Clinton, paid this burg
a flying visit last week.
Mr. G. H. Handy left here ou
Monday for Walkerton, where he
has secured a situation in a woolet
be one of the uttl'ultiOua.
There Lias quite a stir over a de-
tective being here and prosecuting
a 1)r. McLeod, of Goderich, at
Sebfor•th, we hoar that he was sent
to goal. Ile did a great deal of
good to poor people here, which
our two Cauadiau quacks could not
do. Alt parties here think it a
great shame' to punish a good doc-
tor for curing the sick
The member's of the Foresters
Cuurt here were largely represented
at tate sermon preached to that so-
ciety in Clinton last Sabbath.
Nits. A. Belfry has made an ex -
00110111 improvement to his residence
by having tits apple trees iu front of
it cut duwit
The excavating.. . fur Isaac Roger -
son's brick tuuenteut, is completed.
The stoUeln 80u'e are to be 011 in a
day or two.
Our popular auctioneer, 0. [Iam-
iltuu, is going to have lots of exercise
this fall in wielding the hamnier,
by the appearance of the sales he
has OU hand so fair.
Owing to uuforseen circumstances
]lev. Mr. Hedgous, of Bayfield, was
unable to officiate on Sabbath iu the
Episcopal church here, as was au-
nounced iu last issue, but is expect-
ed on Sabbath next.
We aro glad to hear that'Ir. Geo.
Martin's wounds, which be received
one day last week through the acci
dental discharge of a revolver, are
healing up fast. It was a pretty
close call for George.
Two of J. ;1'. Carter's "Kentucky
Star" colts returned huure s+i-5atur-
day with two first honors and one
second, which they received at the
Clintou and .Seafot'th fairs. They
are bound to follow in the footsteps
of their sire.
Will E. Burgess, the Canadian
ventriloquist and elocutionist, is to
give one of Ilia popular entertain-
ments in -the temperance hall on the
12th inst.,uudortho auspices of the C.
O. F. of this village. He it highly
spoken of by tho press.
'.G', Yates, who has been carrying
On a harness shop here for about a
yoar, tool: a sudden departure last
week under the pretence of taking
in the Clinton fair, Leaving several
creditors t'o--to• his Apartm'e:
He will be greatly missed among
the tetnporauce fraternity, as he was
an enthusiastic worker in that cease.
'Lr. .John Johnston of' Goshen
lino is seriously ill with congestion
of t110 lungs.
Quite a number of our villagers
attended Clinton fair nod spuite
very :highly of it.
The farmers .ire 1ejoicing over
the. last lain, as 'irony had to quit
ploughing, the ground. had been so
Lieutenant Cargill gave his fare-
well address, last •Sunday evening.
Tho Army here 11,19 lost. a good
commander. Anil we wish him
mach sue,c0,. \vh-rer"r his lut n1 iy
be cast.
Wo understand by hast reports
that Benjamin Franklin of tho1Parr
Lino is going t•o 1'11,10 Sam's Do -
111 1 11 1 0 11 3 t0 1)e a 1, 4,','triatl fol' tela
benefit of the 'n ulna.
11'o aro sorry to learn that 'Ir.
\Vn1. Johnston while threshing nt
NIr. Torrance's 1'e11 from a straw
stack and got badly hart. \Vo hope
tiro old gentletn in will soon bo
around again.
There is a Yui and and a couple
of kids travelling in this vicinity in
the name of apple liuyors. 1f the
work they hav,• slaw+ 0n 1,110 Parr
Colborne. -
School report.—P,olow is the
standing of the pupi'Is\iu S. S. No.
7, Colborne, for the month of Sep-
tember, based on diligence. and• at-
tendanco :—Fourth Class.—lst. Jno.
Babel, "30(1 Willie Stevens; Sr.
3rd class; • 1st. Fred, Durst, 2nd
Willie Schwauz.
Jr. 3rd : 1st dames Little, 2nd
Mary Knuckle.
2nd. Part: 1st Maggie McMillan,
`sup Walter Wilson.
1st Class: 1st Clara Fisher, 2nd
Quite a number from this town
shill attended the fair at Clinton
last week.
'THERE isauapproximato or empiri-
cal method sometimes "called a rale
of thumb" by' which a life insurance
agent, in the absence of his table,
may roughly find the expectation of
life at any age. It is thus.—De
duct the present ago from 80, and
take two-thirds of the remainder.
'l'hus•to'fiind the expectancy et the
age of 35, deduct 35 from 80 leav-
ing 45 ; two-thirds of this is 30 ;
and thirty years is therefore,
approximately the expectancy of
life for one who has reached the age
of 35 years. - •
Nix Coat 1R. Itocsts.—R. louse, •
a farmer living near Lyndon, was
charged at the Hamilton police
court on Saturday by Joseph Pea-
cock, acting food inspector, with
offering for•sale two bags of potatoes
that were under weight. Tho pota-
toes weighed 82 pounds, while the
weight required by the law is 90
pounds. The magistrate said it was
a great shame the way farmers im-
posed ou citizens by selling fruit that
looked very tempting on the surface
and contained deeav„d frnit under-
neath. Ile fined 3 and
ordered the potatoes to be confiscated
and ,sent to the Home of the Friend-
less. He also instructed Mr. Pea-
cock to seize the balanco•of the load
if they were under weight. Rouse
claimed that he weighed the pota-
toes before he left home, and that
they wore all right by his scales.
Ile seemed .to be all honest young
—A Tilbury Centro factory turns
out $50.000 worth of axe handles
--.1(11311 Boyd, of alau'ris:on, has
fullest hair -lo $12,000 ' and 200
er,•s of-htnd in-L'nlrtaarnial. —Wm. Chambers, of Dawn,
celebrated his 100th .birthday on
Monday'. He is still'llale and hearty.
—Goo. Moore, of Waterloo em-
ployed 200 hands to pick his 52 acres
of hops. Tho yield was about 30,
000 lbs.
H. Wright, of Southend,
Niagara, ]las 50 acres of grape vines
all loaded. IIe has shipped 3 tons .
per day, since the season began. •
• —A huge black -bear• weighing
over 400 pounds was killed iu Log-
an; not far from Stratford on Thurs-
day. Two bears and a cub have
been stilled in Perth this summer.
—Regina Leader :—"Mr. 11. Stan-
loy wealth' citizen of Lucnu, Ont,
las been in i town Tor smug days, ar-
riving o11 \VC(lllesday morning
hast from the Pacific coast.
—A rape case of unusually brutish
character was. corunlitted at Lion's
Headr,a few days ago, in which
'child of' Mr. .f. 11. Tyndall, of about
11 years of ago; was tlio �'ictiin of
the lust of W. 11ilaud, of the same
place, who is nowhere to be found.
—:James Franklin, of Miuto,
who was committed to take his trial
on a charge of attempt to have
carnal knowledge of a child of tender
ago, was arraigned. before Judge
1)row at Guelph recently. The
,Judge said ho was sorry the law diel
not permit him to administer au
oath to the little girl who is under
eight rears of age, but he listened
to her story and said he lleiiev,:d
it was. true, but for the foregoing
reason he could not Convict.
—Four persons—,Upas. Heyward,
Miss Wilson, Morpoth,and two sous
of 2(1.r Nation, of the same place --
all atttended'Iorpoth school together
and were friends. They were taken
ill with typhoid fever about tlsu
sante time and threeof thein have died
within a few days and the fourth is
not expected to live. The desats,
Nation live in Brandon,' Man. Ily
telegram from that place it was learn-
ed one had died and the other was
dying. It is a strange coincidence.
They were class mates, of about
the sante age, all died of typhoid
fever and about the same 1 nee. --
Nt Tlu,uarr.a Tiu,e
CLINTON 'ro (i0Ln0RNl'a.-011 Fri-
day afternoon last Messrs. E.
Floody sand A. M. Todd took a
drive -out through Colborne via
Holnlesvil1e. The roads wore good
and the now 1iolmesville road and
bridge very convenient ; by this
road a distance. of some six miles or
seven miles 'was saved in this jour-
ney. Tho object 'of their trip was
a visit to L. O. L. 153, situate on
the farm •of Bro. J. II. Million,
some four miles from Auburn. The
lodge was in session and the visit-
ors were given 11 right hearty wol-'
flume, 153 is well oflicer'd and is
ill a prosperous 'state. The breth-
ren a1•e talking of getting up a lec-
. Lure, to bo delivered at Auburn
shortly, and will likely be brought
to .► successful issue. This lodge
has a temperance pledge which a
number of the m.lulbers have signed,
a step that deserves ' words of
praise, The lodge can hardly be
otherwise than prosperous ; the
Mews. ,Million—three brothers—
live side by side on hundred acro
farms and aro industrious young,.
Hien. And to further sti►nulatty'
work in the good cause, tllo Sd
cicty has the united support end
a lruua ata _ ,
Line is n fair 9anple ul' their work, assistance of the ladies of the die -
it, Notwithstanding that, she was a many of the f u ul.,r; would wish 11 ic1•. Several are insured in the
great favorite of pia, he sold ant' the ) them ;it itoul at tending to the , and 11101'0 a130 likely to join.
other day fur ;150. duty of nursing. l Success to 15:1.
L .,.: 1.3'-..9.n