The Huron News-Record, 1887-09-07, Page 2'ib S'{ AtN1 u{vont twgt + u Evart Wndnliaday laoraiag \t, .4 A. 4; 44.1A, AT Mts. POWER PRESS PI;INTINO HOOSE, Ontario Street; Clinton. $1.25 in advance ; d' ' ii not so paid. The proprietm•sof Tni;Gonr•'niou Perces, having purchased the business and plant of Tun Hutton Recoup, will in future o ublish the amalgamated papers in Clinton, -----iuf4lat-•the_title-of-leTareelieotoselie lvs_• Racoon." Clinton is the most prosperous town in Western Ontario, is the seat of coaslllet•able manufacturing, and the centre of the finest sg icnitui•al section in Ontario. The combined circulation of Tan Naws- gaeoitn exceeds that of any palter pub- lished in the County of Huron. It is, therefore, unsurpassed as an advertising median. ssr•Rates of advertising liberal, and furnished oil application. t. 'Parties Making cUiltl'ame fur a spoci• lied time, who discontittlte their advertise- ments batore the expiry of the same, will be ehargesi full rates. Advertisements, withunt instructions as to apace and time, will be left to the,jmlg- ment of the compositor in the display, in- serted until forbidden, measm'od by a 'sc'ale of eolid',nonpareil (12 lines to the inch), and tlbarge 1 10 cents a line for first insertion and 3 eepts a line for oath sub- leltueut insertion. Orders to discontinue advertisements most be in writing. as'r Notices set as It1nn1N1'1 3i.VI.1'E41, (measnted by a scale of solid Nous at iel, 12 lines to the inch) charged at the rate of 10 cents a line for each insertion. e Si a Ka . I JOB WORK. We have nue of the host appointed Job Offices u'„t ot" Toronto. Our facilities in this dellu't 0011t enable 08 to Ito all kinds of work- from a calling card to a mammoth. poster, in the hest style known to the craft, and at the lowest possible rates. Ord'•rs by until promptly attended t,+.. Ad.b esu The News -Record, Clinton. Ont The Huron News -Record Wednesday, September 7, 1:S87 ,4N ENGLISH RAILWAY OI'T. RA OE, A been consider tble sensation has caused throughout England by tlio following account of (\• crime Which was culutuittud on Saturday (tight asst on the exptoss train run- Windt between: 'Wellington and Shrewsbury. The rictitn is :t .hiss' Catharine SeraAo, a governess, who do4311 ittitr' ,,,e ltitl 'Another poiull. to bq.cotteitietre l tit. that if tirgakenn,ete 'be a difteatte,, •itt is the viotiltw of it that ahpul'.i be tout uWier ireattOent, Clot the entire omitinftnity subjected to penalty through Ouch, an instru- ment as the Scott Act. Puuiah the drinkers, who number only, about ono or two per cent of tbepoiiulatioe. -London Free Press. CURRENT TOPICS. TUE SAFEST PLAN. Detroit Free Pries, It is easy enough to abuse New York landlord)) for turning out their non-paying tenants. but it isn't easy to'"finis-till editor anywhere in this country who is giving away the rent of fifteen or twenty houses. It is :safest to stock to abusing the Irish landlords. exam COMMERCiAL UNION MEANS. Detroit News. Detroit, which sits o» the bottler, with one hand tied by commercialrestrictions, :should be the first to move. To her comtnert•ial union would mean an expansion of busi- ness and an acceleration of growth that wuuld make her .rival Chicago. it would substantially double . the territory which would be tributary to her. 11 would open a market of two millions of cousuutors from whom she is now taint out by the nrbit.rary tiet of government. It would, in fact, give her a boom to which those of far trent cities were trifles. AN INALIENABLE 'tuna.'Par bl)ectotur says : The proal, hi; ion of ietexitati(.g liquor hat teen incorporate.( into the consti• •tution of the state Of Iowa, it is found that tile se ()peen is te nl- ii.g into fashion there. 'flet' health aullroritinr( of the etate report 10,000 opium oats rn in lova, 6,000 of whoa) a• a constantly under the influence of the drag, An anti opium party Will probably spring up in Iowa, and the .tate cunstitatio.t will be amended by inserting an uuti•olliutn clause. The prohibitionists have undertaken a big jot) when they (have decided to take away tuna': inalienable right to leaky a fuoi of himself. A 11'rl'RODOx S1(1 310N, ;Yesterday .hits. J. S. Bowers cot - ducted the nel,t'ices in the New Jer- usall-ill Tabernacle. E'm street ,T4,5 5 nbto, in the absence of the regula. pastor. His sermon in the evening was particularly intcrasting ice that Ira exoustel skeptics and fret't111) ken; who rofusud to believe in a bluoel- thieet'y and revengeful God, Its TIB is desi'rile•d by orthosluxp. -ITo held that timely t1 eethiiikITS were, teen unont i t omen ('dec.tted 14)1(1 itet:elli•,_ 'tit 1)101), tt 1") foelid it utterly ici'pos• slide to lu'lirv('1 the doctri0(',w ;18 taught from the old pulpits. Ileapl, ,(esti held than, laud tented 1111.1 punished no )nor('. Every mean was 'resl,n',sible for his own Io'll, The;ire many things which , trr'' impossible with God. For instance, it is impossible for llim to break: Elis own latus or to force a Iran in- to heaven ((,matt his will, The preacher held that, to paint Glad esti a reveeg1'ful tyrant only hold b1u'ICC from wreaking wholesrle slaughter anti ruin by the interposition of an- other, as nue of the most, fearful. libel's that degraded nie0 could put upon the Almighty. . wets roturning to her post at the eon- , elusion of .her vacation, (4101 her statement is .1s follows :-'':18 the trent '.sits leaving Wellington for S11r"'vshury a ruuglt'loolong luau sprang into Lite compartment its which 1 was alone, I thought of jumping out, but the train was al- ready going at a High rate of speed. 1 began to read, (1hereto; e he in- terrupted 1110, saying that lie. Was 011 the way to Sit relvsbury to sial his wife, whom he had not met. for some weeks. 1 made no answer. Ho then approached ((10, put an arta around' 11y neck (Inti attempted to assault 010. 1 fought hard and screamed loudly. leo beat lie vio- lently, trying to render me uncuu- 801003. made fur the door, .opened' it and was about to spring from the_ trail when I found that my dress was caught in 111e door and that I tvould be drugged molar the train. A gentleman 10 the adjoining coln- • pertinent saw my position and pull- ed me into his eoulpar'titient through. the window. My assailant followed, yelling with bathed fury, but the gentleulan who had rotecued Inc drew a sword -cane, whereupon he immediately retreated," After, the report of the occurrollCo had been made to the police the whole line of railway was searched for the black -- guard. 1{e1 Was at Inst found In an uucooscious condition, having jum11). ed from the train while it was fun- ning at 1t ep0c(1 of a0 tnilea an (tune, to escape the consequence of his act. Twelve 1lunrs later he regained con- sciousness, :eel will tc-:loner be afra1811td, eb- i'ged with Attempting to nlirtler and outrage. "PUNISH TILE DRINKER," ( :\ report ten -le ty 1)r, I'Lliott of Griffin, as the result of long Study of the qu(.+stile", and personal in- vestigation of the trading i(,Mlituions of the 1511i1•ni States for the treat- ment of victim- of the drinking hllhit .sols forth that (1ipsnnetnin ('t 110ty ret•n'nired by 0:oeliunl authorises as a disease, the wietint of Wil1cht 1a as ele,uly irresponsible n.9 a lunatic, The cost to the pthlie of putting a '.(rank' through the rolice. Court awl jail is estimated by 'the police of different places to be about $30. This includes cost ofarresting, trying, and maintaining in jail. The cost of asylum treatment of dip.. sotnaniacs (of whom about 50 per cent ale cured) is on the average, $31 per,head. That means that it costs as much to get one chance in two of restoring a than to citizenship as it riots to stand hit» down to jail and run ten chances to one of mak- ing him a confirmed drunkard or a professional criminal, or of hiieaking QN TH. u. V 1 OLE. •ilk •1§T:h1R'Y4 Tice, oft thre rfilautba l...C,aulsl retchNeat a tu11 niteal a ppe doe dl y'0 wank. I bought:bought4 binitle of BurclooltISI d Sit- ters, began nsing it and in Oren e days spy appetite returned, in a week I felt like a new man. It was wonder- ful what that one bottle did far me," writes Arthur Allchin, of.8.untsville, Muskoka, who suffered from Dys- pepsia. 460,2t • --Henry Saunders, of Oak Lake. Manitoba, lost his vaien two years ago thorugb exposure in the North, west rt bellion, and hart since been comphrtely +knish. The physicians had given up all hopes of hie rec- overy, One morning last week Min. Saunders •• as greatly burinised at her ht's husband taking part in the conversation ns though nothing had oevurrt'(1. Th' Government granted him a )'sourly !tension of $200 which Ile now prays may 11e continued. PROF. Low's Sutra oa Soar is a cheap and handy form ofobtaning the heal• ing virtues of a sulphu^ both. 46041 --They carne from the neighbor- hood of Morganston. Ile has net 184 reached the thirtieth lllilepest of life's racecourse, but she Had ode - brake] the• s4nli•41411telu(iui of her bit 1.11 before be Was out of his ten" ; the). sere sweet on each other, (tow• ever, 80 they drove into town one den_' last week awl sent worts to the Hey. M. (looms to meet them at the Arlington hotel. When the n.iuil ter arrived she wished to know if i e could tit: a nuptial knot -not one of the t,ewfnugled and fo' hiotirthle slip- knot erne. tr, hut ;1 r('gelltr old time herd !neo!, 'tar1uot(d to stand all stratus and1• keep in ally climate. After the knot wet) tied and he had xet ':em ' up for thtt buys,s11(1 took 11110 in low au'1 they drift, d (lots'): Front t•tl'eet 1told seated tllrnttrltes on 111e x1(11!., alk in front of Leonard's hotel, 0 here they (llscueeeil ploys for the future shill' the (corse w•an being hitched op.-11a,tillgs Stor.. Wore:s LAusI Mt'cu SICKNESS among children that Freeman's Worm Powders will surely cure. 960 4t THE PAPACY. Rev:'Jatne3 T, llaefaddin, pastor of St,•Tanws'ltrforttuld Episcopalrhut'eh [lentil ton preached a forcible sermon Iasi Sunday -eventing on the above theme ; but his remarks were as 5)4(1411) a.cr'iticistu of 'high' Angtic:alr cborchisnl as of the papal itlea. 'H.is text wets : "Buy the truth, anti sell it not." (Prov. 'tx1li.,'23.) Among other tide gob)) said : "Christ never had et suae:•1snr, and the twelve (141014110s Dever had successorn ; for Christ 3s mid the twelve apostles,are, peel the church of God exists in the' midst of nx to -day.. The great error is to regard Christ as a dead Christ instead of a living Christ --ns n bat loth' who (1'(1(14(114 14)' directly rtp- Branched, but (1pproeche d t h' OuOI( a '•uleditute. ()heist has not given !lis church over to ally „mortal or mortals. Tt is His, and ITis alone. It is His bride cat, He forgot her ? Would 11e ever have taken her if lfe intetelted to forsake her ' r ;,rive her others? Ti.' evil arises out of 11 desire for 801110thing t,neel- 1,1.', 811404' risible symbol of the churete Something that we can touch and see. Tide comes from n lack of faith. Alto true 0hild of God 'Wants n visihle, material head of the; taloses 110 more than 110 Wants a visible, tnuteria! head of the universe. 'The k (,f l ln' :1p'rstle.e has item mi in in giving us the whole chronicle of (led :sufficient to make us wise int" salvation, The true church of Christ is spiritual, not materiel.. • A FAC!'!' WORl'LI REMEMBERING. Mr. Jas • Binnio of Toronto, states that his little baby when three months old, was so bad with summer complaint, that under doctor's treat. went her life was despaired of. Four doses of Dr. Fowler's Wild Strawberry cured her, she is now fat and hearty. 46C 2t --Notice has appeared in the oliicia CJazetto to the effect that the heti% ti0ne'(8 intend to apply. for Pel'11ris". stop to 541 h:h'ned lhFi1' petition against Sir 11et:ter Trul;,(lviu Ile cause, as stated therein, they cannot prove itlt allegaOOons, but in I eelity h'raus(1 the party leade:r1. Lave arranged t11 set off this emotlstivion tet aittst cert in sphere act tinily p' tot- ing. Mr.Pelletier, L. P. who rolls 1Teetor 1414)) !1111('8 unutrc(•8..fu1 tldv('1'snry at Three! ivers; Is out in a letter protesting alaiurst. the settle.• meet of the case under ,lob eircuu)- stan('eS 1 M p101111141 tt pe rutin til ten l llllm"rnJlt)• nt , •Iettinfls 111 fntlll't'. Fla 111•.11 0(111s Ill 14tt0n;inn of the elector-, of Three .I{iv.e're In the 1,r11- i,itm +1f the last•, welch enables all'." (10(' qunlilie'I to coma' forward ontl Le auJi„tituted for the outgoing peti- -Sir John and Lady Macdonald returned to Ottawa from the East last week. • .7'ite ; retlerielun, N. B , O1va, no of Thurstlay"' last •says of''the" opo atiou of the Scott Act in that city .--ries believe there never was. t tittle sines the adoption of the Scott :het ill ttMat liquor Watt (halt out 80 freely or ill so barefaced a wanner as it is et prrstttlt, A PLEASING DM'. "1 feel, it my duty to say,)' writes John Burton, of Desert, P. (,t,.'. "that Burdock Blood Bitters cured my wife of liver complaint, frons which s' had been a chronic sufferer. Her distressing, .$painfulonymptoms .'• n gave way, and I can highly recom- mend the medicine to all suffering as she did." 460-2t -The Carnelian T'aeifie Railway treflic returns for la'lt week and corresponding weeks were :-1887, $220,000, 1886, $204,000, an in-, C"ease for 1887 of $$16.000. • RELIABLE TESTIMONY. . Mr. John 11. Wright, representing Messrs, Evans, Sons et Mason, whole- sale druggists, Montreal, says -Nasal. Balm cured me of a long standing ease of Catarrh after, many other re- medies failing. • 460,41 '.fire report shows that the health of the city of Hamilton has steadily improved since 1876. The population of the city was then 31,000 and the mortality was about 21 in a thoustn(1. Li 1886 the population was 41,000 nod the »(Ortelity only ((Lout. 18 in a .thoua- and. .41r. l3rlrkteeil, Chemist. Dear Sir, --I wish to testify to the merits of that celebrated Corn Cure of yours. I was troubled with three very severe corns, and tried every Corn Cure advertised without relief, but yours completely removed Ahem, and is worthy of the name, Sure Corn Cure, anti is a great boon to those afflicted with corns. I hope all suf- fering with corns will follow my ex- ample with same results. Yours truly, Thomas Taylor, Tailor, 99 King Street West, London. 460 21 A BIG STRIKE. A big strike was make when Powell a Davis issued their Extract of snap. villa and Murdock. 1t has met with great success, and it must, for it is the moat powerful blood purifier its the roar ket. It is used with the greatest success do all diseases arising from a debilit eted coodit:ou of the system, and everyone needs. and should use a bottle or two at this senso a of the year, of Powell's Ex- tract of Sarsaparilla and Burdock. Bear to mind one 50c. bottle contaies more solid medicine than most dollar so-called Sarsaparilla and bitters,. Also remember that it is sold In Clinton by all druggists, price 50c. a bottle. Sold by ail drug- gists and medicine dealers everywhere. 44311y A RADICAL CI'IANGE. "I had got so bad with dyspepsia that I hardly cared whether I lived or not," says Frank A. Swain, of the '1'oront Globe Office. , Three bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters cured him, and he says, "it now seems a pleasure to live." 460.21 -The Guelph petition for the repeal of the Soot Act bears the mane of 850 of the qualified electors of the city, nearly belt of the avail. able voters on the Het. Oleprelleaterlar Harvesting in Manitoba is nearly finished, an average wheat yield of between twenty-five and thirty bush- els to the acre being assured, with other cereals* in proportion. Tt is estimated that at least seven million bushels of wheat, and_ ..probably . mos, will 1.0 111ailabie for export. QUITE CORRECT. "I have used Dr. Fowler's Extract of \Wild Strawberry, and found it the best remedy I eIver used for dysent- ery and all sutnmer complaints among children,and I think no house - bold should be without it:" Mrs. A. Baker, ingoldsby, Ont. 460.21 -The,S1('kitiehewen If veal,' 111)8 :--Sone- arta.-, ago a colony of grasshoppers hatched out on • the plains betw,',tn the lois!! awl Engle Creek, ea 1' o ifs Cmi'rc'nt trail, 14(1.1 fru' t he. )Batas, e,, of al,out s (lay's (rat el resoled nil every green thing, lint their appetites was titrOlrgt'I' them tlioir growth ; they the down all that wits w ititiu !heir react, while they tw(.t'(' wet t.0 )(lung tot) (ly, And so starvtd to death---__., RELIABLE. ' "I have used Dr. Fowler's Extract of wild Strawberry,and found it a sure euro for summer complaint. I was vory sick, and it cured 1ne entirely." Alexander W. Grant, Moose Creek, Ont. 460-2t - A by-law to raise $ 20,000 to build a new Collegiate Institute was adopted at Lindsay t (',tei'lay by a niulorii j t I'QD-'flit Isulltliu contract crit! lie !('t at um4e,: IF YOUR ChiId is STunnonw or hard to administer medicine to, Dr, Low's Pleasant Worm Syrup will be appre- ciated. 460 4t e. Ex Steamship "Corona" from Antwerp. -:Q O T.,L T i Q Q - • and those BUILDING will find this ani opportunity to get supplied to advantage.11 Mao Linseed Otis, Paints, &c., tfe., at Low Figures TO CLOSE OUT SWAFFIELO'S STOCK. 1 ATi0N:l r, Pi (.1.8 will cure constipated bowels and regulate tlto.liver- 400.41 • --The Elmira ebbe-et/we is res s,:onsil,le for 111,. t"nllutviug :•-leers. J. 'Truer. lititeg at Si. elements, nt herr;' pleel:;: neer Croeshill (1111' slat' le -0 wi ee, 11,1 to elft' smr• tris" fI.tlf1 1 ,i.„t'( :x:100 '' 01111 Of v1 -1.•.,•:r ill :, i,,.!1,,,c , (1)11!'. 0 liacey Iroa and hardware (Merchant, CTI1Trro "_ June„ 1887. Cure's Dlzztness, .Loss of Appetite, indigestion, Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Affections of the Liver and Kidneys, Pimples; Blotches, Boils, Humors, Salt Rheum, Scrofula, Erysipelas, and all diseases arising from Impure Blood, Deranged Stomach, or irregular action of the Bowels. w• . _ ..s•a..-.a ^sUa;} rk:ys' ' c: ff',.._ x spm• rt'T+7nr is;•1_:5 :+s.= .. _ .., •$ 1.111991,14,67,751.10•11.1911.69.49591M/.1.14 FIL1199.1941, ADVERTISERS. can learn the exact cost ►* of any proposed line of , advertising in American p.0 Geo. P. Rowell & Co., Newspaper Advertising Bureau, 10 Spruce St„ New York. i Send (oats. for 100 -Page Pamphlet. papers by addressing NSW DRUGSTORE. 0 0 Tim undersigned lion just opeuetl a new Drug Store, 1(1 JACKSON'S N1,'\\' ,LOCK, en HURON tirromr,• ttn (emirs wt'stofthe City Chemicals! dist> Patent Medicines and .;s•1 11-1,111,oesk. Store, Miele will be found a complete assortment ot !Pure '411mM-es-ail that the public may ask for in those .1 Ctiutva, 1:tt(1 Jlu10)i'y , 1"0. A. WORTHINGTON.. Utiles changed from residence to store NEW STOCK Z NEW STORE ! leotlir'r ( 4- a T.N • ! rot- ,,, ).:len,_ Eo 'wt a1k'Ks TOen.ty 31.1 n N. i iti1,,,11f_,,••el the matter, ' end 11••1•. 1„11 ;eine. in 11', i •.t the nlwt(11 'vat) c: ill' -..1'•1 unlit, hid 1Ile ware, ' 1(1111 lt!r'. 1+t ,4!4^1 !(rat 1,(: Il::d ;Anotll('l' lot of 111e eel'''• hid epee Ilailu'y,s bait, to tO.,;)e :iie iie e•leim'4 to have brouei11 (111• ell " 's'. pro front Englefe1. Anvies 'ro MUTIsas -Are you dis turbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child snffering and crying with pain of Cntlitrg Teeth? If so send at once and geta bottle of "M -s Winslow's Soothing Syrup' for Children Teething. Its value is incalculable. It wilt rel Leve the poor little sufferer immediately. De- pend upon it, mothers i there is ao mis- take about it•. It cures Dysen:zry and Diarnccea. regulate) the' Stomach and Bowels, curel Wind Colic, softens the .Gums, redo es Inflammation, and gives tone ane energy to the whole system. "1lrs. Winslow's Soothing syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and hest female pl'3'sicians and nurses in the United States, end is for sale by ell druggists throughout the world. Price 25c. a bottle. lie sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no Other kind. 4421y CURES Lire?. C'u ):,herr i ntr, Iiilir,n»nera, Impure Blood, Dyspepsia, homer/ Complaint, est tit Diseases THE Gitlin►'!' ItEGI`L,aTOR of the Stomach, Liver, nnwols and Blood. Cures Headache, Constipation, Female complaints, and Builds ut, the System. Road the'tn1(08ing : "For years past r have suffered frou11, . yspe 1stik and 1 Wag recommentlel to try 1)r. tiedlnesCoinpound. I did so and fonudit it perfect cure. -If. J. CUIt- TiS, Toronto, oat." (01d of et) where, Price,75e. DR, It00t1E1t's ('0(0(I AND LUNO CURE Never Fails. (tlartrltntmed, )'rice, 25e and 60e. The Union Medicine Cn,, Proprietors, Toronto, Ont LUMBER' W NTER'i Canteloo's Carriage Works;! cLIN''I'ON, oda A11 kinds end nothing but arst-elnss, as we are now building n nitq assortment of riga. Do not fall to Call and see then( All kinds of work a spectaitt. 8. A. CANTELON, Clinton. JOSEPH ' CHIDLEY, Dealer in Furniture. Call at the Nc?w Stare tend seeet e stock nt' Bedroom and Parlor Sets, Lounges, Sideboards, Chairs, Springs, Mattresses ete. and general 'Household Furuiturr. The whole Stuck is trete the Very r, hest manufacturers. Filth(•(' Frames anti 11uultlin44 of every description, Jars. CIIII/1.E V. cede' door WC(:t r1' Dickson's !Book Store. • Buy Your GROCERIES FROM ---- THOS. ---COOPER----&----SON. 'l'he largest, cleanest and best (issorted stock of GROCERIES, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, etc., in town. (b' Our Prices are as LOW as the Lowest, and we warrant everything Brat class. lick Sole a;/eras fur th'e Celeiratr'd "Coopers Baking Poerder,"kiitt Best Brands of CIGARS by the Box or Thousand at Manfr"s, Prices TEAS A SPECIALTY. THOS. COOPER & SON Give us a call. Corner store in Searle's Block, Clinton. HOUSEKEEPERS ! HU1 YOUR • Genertal•Groceries, Crockery & Glassware,, y Flt.O t ' WHOLESALE .'N1).,RETAlr, GROCERS. The wants of every family supplied. Stock always fresh. SPECIAL INDUCF.- MENTS when quantities tire ordered. ssr A HANDSOME PRESENT GIVEN:AWA\' with every 3 or 5 lbs. of Tea.''* ItC-Farm Produce taken at Righest Price. LESLIE'S CARRIAGE & WAGON FACTORY • 0 -0 In Stook, a Number of Cutters, Sleighs, Buggies and Wagons. --- o 0 The Material we manufacture:is of the best quality and the Iron work unsurpassed In fact we make it an important feature. of our business to use only 1t) best pro- curable material and the best workmanship. Those in Aced of CUTTERS a11d SLEIGHS, of the latest makes and styles, should not ail to - • call and see us. -0 - ALL WORK WARRANTED. thr ' Repairing and R,eaaintine Promptly AtterL.ied to, FACTORY on corner of Huron and Orange :Streets, CLINTON S s 14 '1