The Huron News-Record, 1887-02-16, Page 7ni rf • r t![ ,r .� �.� F� t nem•.' - •f Siuggish Liver Vausea tbe B.toiwatV* and Bowels to, be. come disordered,.11nd the wholk._eytitem til duffer Amu debility. In all Duch Caseif Ayer's Pi11e give prompt relief. After much suffeting from Liver and &t inac'irrfroubles, Iiiave finally been cured by taking Ayer'e Cathartic Pills. 1 always fled them prompt and thorough in their action, and their occasional use keeps me in a perfectly healthy condi- tion.—Ralph Weeman, Annapolis, Md. Twenty-five years ago I si fered from a torpid liver, which was restored to hbaltlly action by taking Ayer's Pills. Since that time I have never been with - oat them. They regulate the bowels, assist digestion, and increase the appe- tite, more surely than any other medi- cine.—Pahl Churchill, Haverhill, Mass. INVIGORATED. I know of no remedy equal to, Ayer's Pills for Stomach and Liver disorders. I suffered, from a Torpid Liver, and Dys- pepsia, for eighteen months. My -Atm was yellow, and my tongue coated. • I had no appetite, suffered from Head- ache, was pale and einaciated. A few boxes of Ayer's Pills, taken in moderate doses; restored ore to perfect health.— Waldo Miles, Oberlin, Ohio. Aver,'s Pills are a superior family medicine. They strengthen and invig- orate the digestive organs, . c'roato an appetite, and remove the horrible de- pression and despondency resulting iron* Liver Complaint. I have used these fills, in my family, for years, and they never fail to give entire satisfac- tion.—Otte Montgomery, Oshkosh, Wis. Ayer's Pills, Prepared by Dr..1. C. Ayer 8: Co., Lowell, Mau. Bolt* by all Druggists ant/ Dealers in Medielae. The Indians of Mor.*viantown have formed a Liberal-Cousorvativo Association.. WoRJts often destroy children but Freeman's Worm Powders destroy Weems, and expel them from the system. —Joseph Nelson; of S. Eastltope, died Jan. 13th aged. 60 years. Ile 'was' a native of the county of 11Iou- oagan; Ireland. • As, an articl') for the toilet, Ayer's Bair Vigor stands unrivalled. It cleanses the scalp and preserves it from scruf and dandruff, cures itching and homers, restores the hair, wheu fa.dod or gray, to its original dark color. and promotes its growth. —The slain building and contents of the Simcoo Woolen Mills were destroyed by fire last 'Wednesday causing a Loss of $30,000. A Cttxtve E'vie.—.Children ere often fretful and ill when Worms are the cause. Dr. Low's Worm Syru;, safely expels all Worms. U —Bight Lev. Dr. Ilollmuth, formerly Bishop of Huron, has en- gaged passage from Englund for himself and . Mrs. llelltuutll, and will sail on May 14th. • 1\lOrlliallts, do you not see the pallid face, once so bright, growing thinner ? D,, you not hear the Invoking cough; null note the, languid indifference, where once was mirth, brightness, and keels e11.loynlent for all the plea -- tures orlife ,z 1)o not be -mistaken or deceived. 'That child is dying of consulnptionstotvly,, butsurely. Yet thousands are living to. -day whobave becu cured by thc.use of Dr. Pierce's "Golden Medical Discovery," which surpasses all other medicine for the Sure. of that disease. S.:nri ten cents for pamphlet and testimonials. Ad- dress, IVorh.Cs Dispensary Associa• tion, B.uffalo,, N. Y. —TILE BLA.NSIT-An» POISONINC ("ASC.—As intimated in these col- umns some time since, Dr. Ellis, of 'l'oronto, the analyst, on efianliliiflg the contents of the stomachs of the •tw) Rigncy children, whose mys- toi Taus death was reported in the NEws-11Eeotto et the• time, found strychnine ill the stomachs and also in the Epsora salts. which they are supposed: to have pai;tak.en- of. Iu consequence of this, Dr. lossack, of Lucan,, will convene the adjourn- ed inquest.. JOYFUL NEWS. ft is certainly glsd tidings to the boor invalid to he iuforined of a reme- dy that will give prompt and sure re- lief iu.case of painful suffering.. Sucli a renisdy is liagyard's Yellow Of,. adapted for internal and external aye i n all aches,.raaius,.laineness.an,l sore- ness. It cures rheumatism, w''uralgia, oae throat, croup and all infratiiina- tory pains. -- horse breeding under such Ltvorttblc, circumstances as are avail- able in many parts of, the North- west, says the Regina Leudet', will prove, it is safe. to say, at no very distant date ant important industry. Tho demand for Canadian -bred horses it on tite increase both mot home and abroad, and we' only need .sten of enterprise and a little capi- tal to go, into horse ranching on a large scala, and the Northwest would bo capable of supplyine a. retry large share of the ever-inereas.. iug demand. Wo have certainly aa good facilities four this important branch as our neighbors in Montana., and to the uninitiated: the money that is shade in horse& in, that, torri- ttRat WQu141 Fait uatuuncting, NATIONAL p.11.1,4 are the favorite purgative and anti-bilion.s medicine; they are mild and thorough. —.kitten who gave the name of Peter Kelly was arrested i-u,Turoutu for attempting to rescue a prisuner. At the Police Court he acknow- ledged that, his name was Peter King, of Cincinnati, and that he left that city on account of a ruw in which his brother was concerned. He is supp')sed to he a man wanted in Cincinnati for murder committed about three years ago. The disfiguring eruptions en the face, tbe sunken eye the pallid cow• ph`xion, indicate that there is some- thing Wrong going on withiu. Expel tiny larking foe to health by using , Ayer's Sarsaparilla.. "—Police officer Spillane, o1' Detroit, arrested in that city, Henry C. Kimball, who is a resident of Windsor, on the charge of tieing a "confidence" man, and of. being one of the parties who "worked" an old faimier some time ago to the tune of $.1,800. Oh his person in- numerable devices for luring the nuwary were found, besides .numer- ous letters from those whom had victimized by sending ilium bundles of old paper ou the understanding that they were pur- chasing counterfeit money. THE BEs'r TAKEN. "I had dyspepsia for a long time. Was entirely cured by two bottles Burdock Blood Bitters. The bust medicine for regulating and inyigor- atiug the system I had ever taken.", F. P. Tanner, Neebtug, P. 0. Out. —A despatch from Luther, Mich- igan, says :—`tA man named Corey *felts fell between the cars on the logging train ou Canfield's railway, two cars passing over him, fatally injuring ]him. Itis parents are farmers near Glencoe, in the Town- ship of Ekfrid. IIE SHOOK •I1'. "I was subject to ague • for two or three seasons, which nothing wonld eradicate nntil I tried Burdock Blood Bitters,siuce which time, four years, I have had no return of tbe disease." W. J. Jordan, Strange, Ont. —Dan., of Godcri.ch, apologized recently at a Tneet•ing in West .11 itrou fur Ananias Canter011, by saying— "\We all know that his throat is not. very reliable." It ought to be "raw" front all the fibs he -has told. about the Indians.—Stratford Herald. 'Anvlcr:To MoTHErls.—Arcyo.t,listurb- ed at night and broken of your rest by a si •k child suffering and crying. Reith pall) of Cutting Teeth 1 If so send at once and get a bottle of "Airs 1Vin•luw's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. Its value ]s iuea'c tlable It will ieliove the Toot little sull'eter immediately.' De1enil upon it, mothers ; there is no mistake about it. ft cures Dysentery and Duplin ea, regulates the Stonracli ami Bowels, cures \1'iud Cola•, softens the Owns, reduces Inflamma- tion, ami gives tone and energy to the. wlolesystsnl. "Mrs.-Winalow'sSoothing Syrup' for ciiltireu teething is pleasant to the taste and is the preseri1 st ion of one of the oldest and best female pltys4•isus and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Prise twcnty•tive CCilts a bottle. lie auto and ask .for "nl us. IVIssi,o 1''S Soorutx,t SYRUP," and take Ifo other kind. i1J1.y; WILL CURE BILIOUSNESS, DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, JAUNDICE. ERYSIPELAS,, .SALT RHEUM, HEARTBURN,. HEADACHE, - OR RELIEVE DIZZINESS, DROPSY, FLUTTERiNG OF THE /MART, ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH, DRYNESS • OF THE SKIN, And every species of disease arising front disordered LI VSR, KIDNEYS, t3TOMAGH, �►t DOWELS1r�OR BLOOD, T. Mt a CO.. ProprITOR6NTo PENNYROYAL.WAFERS. Prescription-ef a plI sict ti tvho Teas bad u Iife long experience ht. treating female diseases. 1s used monthly with perfect success, by _ over 10,000 ladies, Pleasant, safe, 6 d effectual. Ladies,ro nth your drmg- ,. qi.•t for Punn,rovnl Wafers alai' take no substitute, or inclose post q"„T�,,•� Age for sealed partieutar•Sold by all dr, i i5ts, s: - 51 per box Addresu 'rile. ISUItitKA CIIr.HmAr.. G:.,. DIMWIT, MICH. rS s old ill Clinton by J. III. Combo and druggists generally. a,#t.-y The Great English Prescription. T A successful Medicine lined over ai years In thousands of Cases. lures Seperntatorrhea., Nampa(Mt Weakness, Emissions, impotent), r ` and all diseases caused by abuse, sucrose.] Indiscretion, Or over exertion. IA9TKI1lI Six packages Guaranl,rd to Cure when alt others a,l. Ask your tirags;ist tor'rheOreat Dego Halt Prescription. take no substitute. One package 51. Six 55,1y *roll. write for Pamph. MS, Address Eureka el►eintem1 Go., Dee, trait. 6ft. h. ie. r,.gotoa bZ, Jt. 0.. Cambs wd W SeptembeE ?Otos fat. • Por "worn-out," "run-down," debilitated eehool teachers, milliners, seamstresses, house- keepers, and over-worl:od women generally, Dr. Pierce's Favorite I'resetiptinn is the best of all restorative tonics. It is not a cure -an," het: admirably Aliens n singleness of purpose, being a most potent Specifio tor all those Chronic' Weaknesses and Diseases peculiar to women. It is a powerful, general as well as uterine, tonic and nervine, and imparts vigor and strength to the whole system. It promptly cures weakness of stomach, indigestion. bloat. Ing, weak back, norvoes prostration, debility and sleeplessness, in either sex. r avorito 1 re- Geription le sold bydrnggists under our pet - the eucrenrce. Seo wranperai'onnd bottle. Pries $1.009 or nix betties for 0.00. A largo treatise en Disensos of Women, pro. fusoly.illush•ated with colored plates and nu. morons woodcuts, cont for 10 cents in stamps. Address. Woua.n's I►rSPr:NSA14Y MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, flr;l NAM Street, leaf ,-.1a, W. Y. SICK HEADACHE, Itiltnus Aen,lacho, and Constipation, promptly cured by , Lr. i'ieree'a *'ef. '211c.a vial, by druggist8fete. ADVERTISERS. can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co., newspaper Advertising Bureau, ' 10 Spruoe St., New York. Send toots. for 100 -Page Pamphlet. AO -CJ ± rsr 1 T -CT P1= i NEW STOCK ! NEW STORE ! ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, - CLINTON. JOSEPH CHIDLEY, Dealer in Furniture. ' Call at the New Store and see the stock of Bedroom and Parlor Sets, Lounges, Sideboards, Chairs, Springs; Mattresses, etc., •and general Household Furuilare. 1'lie whole Stock is front the very best manufacturers. Picture Flames and Mouldings of every description. JOS. CIIIDLEY, one d*or West of Dickson's Book Store. 80 -ACRE LOT FOR SALE Ileavy Timbered, excepting 10 acres. Well Watcted. On Bayfield Concession. STORY AND HALF HOUSE, With quarter acre of ground, on Rattcnbury street, Clinton. Dining Room, Sitting Iiuom, Kitchen and Pantry, 2 Halls, 5 bedrooms, *laid and Soft Water in Kitchen, Coed Stone Cellar. STORY AND HALF HOUSE, AT BLUEVALE,. QUARTER ACRE LOT. Also, Splendid Half -Acre Lot. APPLY TO FR ace Iron and Hardware Merenant, �t.la/ T .I I fit-/ .ru • IMPORTANT At1f. In returning thanks tg my mMewlsaMewls and patrons for past patron, -I agewould like tooalYtheir special attention to my very complete stook of HARNESS, WiiPS, CURRY COMBS, BRUSHES, ETC., ETC. Speeial attention is directed to my stock of :-:SINGLE :HARNESS:-: It will be found very complete, and for durability and finish cannot be excelled by any one, As i employ none but the beet werkmvn, and use the best maieiinl to he bought in the market, all who may fsvor roe with their patronage may feel confident of getting eatisfnction. '�,�c'PR ICES AWAY DOWN. Trunks and Valises in great variety and Prices Low. GEORGE A. SHARMAN NEW DRUG STOE. o u • The undersigned has just opened a new Dg -ug Store, in JACKSON'S N EW BLOCK, on H U1tON H'l'REET, two doors weal (.1: tie City Book JStore, where will be found a complete nsportu (1 t of I*ill's Dengand Chemicats, also Patent 7flie demes and i/rttggilsts' Sundries—ail that the ilnhlir may a.1c for in these 111158, a:;r.:=•+fir'; t� V Clinton, 130 January, 1886. P. S.-Ottlee changed from residence to store A. WORTHINGTON. Clinton Carriage Works II AVE BEEN REIV[OVEI! REMOVEI! 'f0 THE NE.V PREMISES ON THE OLD PRESBYTERIAN GlitlECH PROPERTY TOWARD THE STATION. The peptises have been fitted up and are large. We inc nes 111 a butter position that,. ever to attend to the Balite of the public. P. W. Hayward, Clinton. LESLIE'S CARRIAGE & WACCH FAC a CRY, CLITg-TOI-_ o. o In Stock, a Number of Cutters, Sleighs,. Buggies and Wagons: • — u o -The Material we tlianufacture:is of the hest quality awl the Bron Rork al snrpasad. Iu fai;t We make it an importau'tfeatnre of our busiuers to use only tit, host pro- curable material and the best workmanship. Those in peed ui C1,1 TE48 and SLEItllIS, of the latest makes and styles, shuuki,not lad to call and sec tis. _t, --- ALL WORK WARRANTED.Repairing and Repainting. Promptly Atte:Lied to. FACTORY on corner of Huron and Orange utreets, CLINTON. • i+glitz'` t:t 'ORM POWDERS. Aro plecrant to t..ko. Contain their own Parattito. IJ a a:.1o, Timm, anti etAcctuira destroyer of worn in team., un qr Adult& CASH HIDES, SHEEPSKINS, SHEEPSKINS, TALLOW, &c. Highest market price paid. ' Bring them along. A. COUCH, BUTCHER CLINTON, 355tf ATT ENTI.O N ! FARMERS Implements! Implements WWII WICK SE1,F'1>INDEIISr It EA PERS, NIOWE1tS, SEED DRILLS, HORSE. RAKES. PLO WS, CUTTING BOXES, SHELLERS,- ETC., ETC., And all Implements used On afarul: as Good as the Best, and as Cheap as the Cheapest, at J. B. WEIR'S IMPLEMENT WAREROOMS, CLINTON. ONTARIO A BARGAIN. r�.._ .�.. .. '•,,..-, :.^: app URES(IU-CHS COLDS SPLCiAL NOTICES. PIM?LES. I R'Itt tllailSPRBR)theY051n0 f�' it J fora ehtlpl5 VRORTlalU, BALM that wi pumpLES. TAH, FRaCaLRu, PIMrLRs and Nuorinrss leaving the skin soft, clear and beauti- ful; also instructions for producing a luxuriant growth of hair on a bald head or smooth face., Address, Including 8cstomp. nKN. VAN PELF & CO.. 50 Ann street, N. Y. . Sidi' MANHOOD Itietoted, A gentleman having Innocenti)* tea. $e.eted.the habit of self-abuse in his youth, and in consequence suffered -all the horrors of Sexual Inch iaclt,, lost Manhood, Physical Decay, Oen. esti Prostration, etc. will, out of sympathy for bl. follow sufferers, mall free the recipe by whir& be was finally eured. Address In cont I ate. .11 , 1'IN$NET„ 4S Cedar -i6, 0aw YvA. ` `iArt` ii,1t -O—e— lawCENTS A POUND. 5J0 —0-0— • The Beat ever offered in this violnity for the money. Also. General GIROCERIEiS, equally cheap. FLOUR AND F 'ED always on hand. T ROIS. STABBURY. Y