The Huron News-Record, 1887-01-26, Page 8OL•i11.e'uf/ 1
et 1I rbh News -Resor
i Wednesday, January 26th.
Jn,aittl Around the `'Huh."
•OWII ('il aih.
BOT -WANT %D, to learn the Art
,••oY' Printing. Apply at THE NEWS -
RECORD office. •
Presbyterian Hymnals als from 8ets.
'npniard. at TV. Cooper's Book Store,
_heaver block. 426
CREDIT SA1,E of Stock, implements
rets., on. Lot 36, Con. 9, Base Lina,
-Hallett, the property of Mrs. Jona-
tban McBrine, on Thursday Tany 27.
ala,. Howson, Auctioneer.
a .es pride
Otis they put
nt and publish
retail to their
,.of.the feelings of
I. the community.
Fl='aiot only impolitic blit
in pertinent to do this. There are
private -Rets of -private citizens which
newspapers havo no more right to
make public property than they
would have to make use of the
private funds of the same par-
ties. What may be. fun to news-'
paper gossips might .break the
sensitive heart tendrils of the victims
'of their impertinence. The gossip
for several weeks past In our town
cotem regarding the "intentions"
of a respectable young man here,
and a young lady residing some
distance away, twill place these
young people in anything but an
enviable plight.
A PORTLY unmarried gentleman
was walking along the sidewalk one
day last week •whon his feet slipped
forward with his toes inclined up-
ward, and in order to save himself
from the worst results of falling up-
on the broad of his back, which
seemedl imminent, he vigorously
stretched both arms outward and
backward. Unfortunately a young
lady was walking along behind the
gentleman at this supremo moment,
mindful only. of her own steps,
when one of the outstretched arms
of the gentlemen struck her forcibly
on the forehead. The gentleman
preserved his equilibrium by his
iuvoluntary ungallant action,. and
the young lady, though for the
moment stunned was none theworse.
Of course the gentleman was profuse
in his apologies, and made all the
reparation in bis power, and the
other party being. a real lady. was
of the Huron Presbytery- was held
ill tno Presbyterian church in Sea -
forth, Tuesday of last week. Ow-
ing to the'st.ormy saber and bad
roads. there was a •small attendance.
The Rev. Mr. Barr was'elected Mod-
erator for the' current six months..,
A. resolution of sympathy with Rev.
Mr. and Mrs. Acheson, of Kippon,
on account of their illueess„wasj)ass-
od and a supply provided for Mr.
Acheson's pulpit for next Sabbath.
.A report from the committee.,to
consider if -remit from the .assembly
relative to the question of marriage
with a deceased, wife's sister was
toad but was left over.forconsiwlera-
tion at next meeting of P esb.ytery.
The report, which is a lengthy one,
is averse to.the position that roar.
tinge with a deceased. wife's sister is
scriptural. _ The next meeting of
-Piesbytery hold•in Clinton
ou Tuesday, February 1st, at half-
p:ist ten o'clock, in the . Presbyter-
ian church. The Rev. Mr. McLean,.
clerk of Presbytery, drove through
from Blyth, notwithstanding that
to many places the roads were al-
most impassible. Mr. Ramsay also
drove from •Londesboro. The ot-
her ministers present, besides' the
moderator, were Rev. Mr. Simpson,
L'rucefield ; McCoy, Egmondville ;
Stewart, Clinton, and McDonald,
A SAD IiVEN.T.—Tho decease last
4)f all kinds, suittible fop High -and
The New Pres1..ter1fl K�trtrtals,
In 'various styles of binding, in large and small typo, also with'
.,or without music.
Our Prices are Law.
We .aro carrying one of the most extensive stocks of
SEVERAL BARRELS .of apples, the
growth of the county of Hurou,
Ontario,,were entered at Port Huron,
the other clay for shipment to China.
The freight to their destination will
:amount to about $8 per barrel.
Tin Chief of Police of Winnipeg
was abused by the newspapers bo -
:cause a man Wanted for a great
laeceny got away before lie. could'
be arrested- The chief Licked two -
reporters, resigned his office and
bought a farm. •
• Too thaw that set in last S der -
day has settled the snow down
. :several feet. We are told that the
average depth of snow in the woods
in this section, ]where there was no
ebance of its being drifted, was
fully four feet.
TnE SMART ALEC of our local
totem says councillor elect Doherty
:has not -resigned, as stated by our
town ootom, but by the effluxion of
lingo;" we dirt not say how he had
rosin od, whether by •'t)ie eftluxiQn
of Lime" or any other process.
STILL Ir,T,.--Mr, P. W. Hayward
had so far recovered as to be able to
be up -and around tl h iteorbt t Itis
many friends end acquaintiances
'will regret to learn that the gentle-
men* had a rolapse.last _week. Ho
leach to take to, bed a second time,
as ry is-ao ilii -s �v#y impitirvino :-e-
\la, Jour I;rirti, of the . town-
, rhip of Hey, announces in the' cul-
tunns of the Seaforth papers thathe
sril# be a candidate for South I.-Iuron
in opposition to Mr, John McMil-
1' n. Mr. Reith . describes hiinself
as "a Reforincr who will support
,t'•liiclie' r party will do most to.
n irl Prohibition, anal use its in-
lluenco in defend°,of the Bible."
PEDESTRIANS will do well to note
the `great gna.ntit•ies of ice and snow
henguig from the eaves of buildings
11ush.•with the streets, dna lcoop as
' the outside of the sidewalk
Saturday morning, .Taanuaty 22nd, of
Chris. .Dickson, 'Clinton.
ForntA•STER FAIR is getting
MR. B. CHURCHILL, Of •Hul1ett,
just outside Clinton, saw a live robin
last Thursday flitting about in search
of spring. It's a coming.
TUESDAY night, 25th. Mr. Robert
Porter will address a public meet-
ing in the town hall, in the Conser-
vative interest: Ladies invited.
Mu. E. Cotrnrr, ,'of Clinton, has
been appointed Returning Officer
for the West Riding in the pending
elections. He is a capable man.
MR. JAS. HEARN found a pocket-
book containing ii small Juin of
money last Saturday. The owner
can have it by calling upon Mr.
Ilearn and identifying.
THE PETITION for 'the repeal of
the Scott Act, which has been filed
in the office of the Sheriff at St
Thomas for the past ten days, . will
be forwarded to the Secretary of
State At Ottawa on Friday.
THE.ONTARIo Street Methodists
•will make an extensive addition to
their church edifice the . coining
summer. Considerable money has
already been subscribed for the
purpose and uo doubtt more would
bei accepted.
Mn. W. IL.Coorn.R, we regret to
learn, met with an accident while
at work in his marble cutting shop
which has confined hien to his room
the past few days. Everybody will
rejoice when they again see W. II.
C's appearance iu public.
WE had a ¢n11 Tuesday from Mr.
Reith', the independent Reform
candidate for 'South Huron. Fre
seems a vigorous gentleman of the
sterling principles ono world ex-
pect in one who has issued such a
manly address as he has, but which
we cannot publish this week.
The municipal Council elect of the
township of Willett, viz John Mc-
Millan, reeve, John Britton, deputy•
reeve, John Lasham, John Brigham,.
and Robt. Scott, councillors, met at
L nudes oro on the 17th of Jan. 1887.
Made and subscribed their respec-
tive declarations of qualificatiou and
office and entered upon their duties
for the present year. The members
of the council were appointed road
commissioners respectively. Council
appointed David Jackson. and the
reeve appointed Jas. Campbell audi-
tors. Relit. Snaith re•appointod as•
lessor and Thos. Neilans, collector,
salaries $90 each. J. McMillen, Jae.
Braithwait, Geo, Watt, John Sprung
and Thos. Carhert to coustitute the
local Board of Health" for the town-
ship. A Young, M. D,, inedical health
officer, and Geo. A. Newton, sanitary
inspector of said. board. Widow
Staples granted $1 per week charity.
Accounts -to be paid as follows :—
Municipal election expenses, $114:25 ;
F. Fowler, gravel,: 18.li0 ; Dr. Smith,
medical attendance on Jim. Donavan,
$:t0 ; J. Bell, dog tax refunded, $1.
C.mncil adjourned to meet again at
Loudesboro ou the `L'2ud Jan. 1887.
JOHN BaAI'rHWAu'r, '1'p.. Clerk.
es,'.possible.' The formation of the
Mrs. W. d. I'aiiatr,y at the early ago
of 33 years, is ono of tho most de-
plorable events that has happened
in our town for years. In the very
prime of womanhood, quito.well the
previous day ; with, iu the ordinary
forecasts of human probabilities,
many years of life and happiness
before her ; surrounded by all the
comforts of •
doutestio life, a loving
husband and family of bright chil-
dren—to be parted from all these
and the many social ties incident to
one who has always heli the esteem
of many t'i h n Is, is indeed regrettable
—mournful. The cause of death
was the labors accompanying child-
birth. All that human skill could
do to avert the calamity was done,
but the Groat Arbiter of human
destiny willed it to ho oven thus.
Deceased was daughter of Mr. and
Mrs, James Patton, Goderich town-
ship, and leaves, besides her hus-
band, a family of sic children, the
eldest being about 16 years. To
the immediate family as well as the
parents of deceased we offer all the
sympathy poor 'human words can
convoy under the distressing circum-
stances; and we but echo the heart-
felt regret of the entire community
in doing so.. The funeral took place
on Monday and was attended by a
very large number of persons from
Clinton and,vioinity.
roots of some buildings has caused
very large masses of ice to overhang.
• frim the eaves, bet the propr'. tor4
intend to alter them next season So
. thet.dangm• from them will cease in
the fuleie.
A LADY writes tis to say t.hst she
was much pleased to see in the \rws-
Rreconn that seine of her sisters
have sufficient reverence for God's
Word to nerve therm np to protest
egiinst their spiritual pastors' denial
ut•_the Master, wide -It -is involved in
their declaration that the reading of
the Holy Bible should be indulged
hi with great caution and some re-
striction. Tho1 ply /I"Ms that "Meth-
odist. Conservative." slid well to make
lmhlic his "experience."
J1urLETTDtsTnicr On,k OE. -.-Ow-
ing to. thn very severe and stormy
state of' the weather the District
greeting was postponed to Tuesday
of lest week. Tho roads wore still
blocked as bad, or woiaie, than the
previous week, and of course the at-
tendance was not large. The oleo -
1 ion of officers rose Itell as follows :--•,•
Itro. E. Floody, W. M.
" (Geo. Hanley, sr„ 1). ;+r.
" Peter Oantelon, jr., R. S.
" A. M,, Todd, Chaplain.
" 1)..Cantelon, Treasurer,
It, Beacom, D. of C. •
at Jam es Miller, Looter co,
• • ON 'inn • way to Smiths IFill ..last
Thursday to attend •the Conserve-,
tive Convention, the sleigh contain-
ing a nuniber..�:q b edelegates• was •
broken so that "they • had to stop for
repairs at Londoshoro. Several of
the delegates were comfo_,1,•tably
wrapped in fur coats and • made
quite an impression on the Grit
natives, as they were taken for what
the Globe calls "boodlers" with lots
of "swag." And the aforesaid Grit
natives were quite complaisant,
evidently having not forgotten the
late 1;linented Goo. I;rown's way of
making a. •"big push;'- and consid-
ered that Tories were equally un-
principled., It is needless to say
that • they "reckoned without the
Waoxo As . USUAL. --Our town
cotein iniparts • information with
amazing : "previousness." It says:
"For the Dominion elections there
will be eighI.,Polling places in Clin-
ton (the sane number as thorn were
for, the Local elections) but .the
places have not' yet been decided
upon; when they are a •list of
them will be published in these
columns," As it is likely that sev-
eral years will elapse ere there will
he eight polling places in Clinton
for Dominion elections, tho readers
of the .E a twill t e much gratified by
the announcement, that when they
are fixed upon it will give a list of
them. For the present elections
there will be only' four polling pica, -
es in Clinton. \1'ith few exceptions
the same division of wards will be
adhered to as at the last Dominion
elections, as will lie seen by refer-
ence to the voters' lists.
In this section, and at present we are prepared to sell them at
t *, t * t * * t * f * t * as .t, t *
Tonder1u11y Loi Prises
5 to
77:77-77,, * * * * * i x
`We are TAKING STOCK and balancing our season's trade and we are
anxious to
At figures which will surprise yon. In a short time we will prepare for
next season's trade and we can only say thus early that in the matter of
Clothing & Furnis/iing Goods
We will present such a stock that will not be equalled outside the cities.
We are working hard to sell the very best goods at the IOWEST.
At the annual public school meet-
ing of school section No. 6, town-
shipbf Stanley, a motion was carried
by. a largo majority condemning
the S'eriptural Selections' authorie-•
ed by the Minister of Education :
it was therefore resolved to discon-
tinue their use, and to use the Bible
mot dt Varna, Jan., 17th, 1887, ac-
cordiug'to law. The members hav-
ing taken the necessary declaratious,
it was moved by Wie.Clarli, seconded
by Isaac Erratt, that Geo. Stewart
be clerk for the present year.—Car•
ried. Moved by Wni. Claris, seconded
by J. Aikeuhead, that J.Hough be as-
sesaor for the present year. --Carried.
Moved by Isaac' Erratt, seconded by
A. M. Campbell, that John Reid be
-treasurer for thepresent year.—Car•
tied. Moved bet A.. M. Campbell,
eeeoneled by. Jas. Aikenkoud, that in
future no accounts be paid until they
have been passed by•the council, ex-
cepting the road grants.—Cari.ied..
Moved ley Isaac Erratt, seconded by
Ww. Clark, that Jane McDonald be
granted t O.00 as charity, she being
an indigent person ; and that 8_5.00
he granted to Donald 1MicNair and
wife they being in indigent circum-
stances.—Carried. Moved by Wm..
-Clark, seconded by Jas. Aikenhead.
that the following accounts be paid :
—F. G,.N_ eelin, $36,(35, for printing ;
Whitley & Todd, $2.00 for printing,
carried.—Moved by A. M. Campbell,
seconded by Isaac Erratt, that the
.following persons constitute the
Board of Health for the year 1887,
vii :—John Torrance, A. M. Camp-
bell, coo. Stewart,•and J. II.,Secor.t,
with Drs. Elliott and Gunn, Medical
Health officers. --Carried. Moved by
S. M. Campbell; seconded by Jas.
Aikeuhead, that the clerk he instruct-
ed to ask for tenders for the township
printing for the present year. --Cyr•
ried. Moved by' Wm. Clark, second-
ed bit Jet). Aikenhead, that ;John
Beatty he auditor for the present
year.- Carried. Moved' by James
Aikenhead,secondod by Win. Clark,
that the auditor have the books audis-
ea1 ou or before the second Saturday
in February next.—Carried. The
council then adjourned to meet again
on Saturday, Feb. 12th at one o'clock
pen. Geo. ST1swART, Clerk.
ORANGE: The Godoricll District
Orange Lodge mot at Holmosville,
in the hall of 189, on the 11th inst.
The attendance was large, consider-
ing the very stormy weather. The
following officers were elected for
Bro. Wm. Crooks, W. D. M.
" Oft. Hanley, D. D. M.
as John Beacom, D. R. S.
• " John Reid, D: Chaplain.
" Geo. Caritelon, D. Treasurer.
" Louis Elliott, D. D. of C.
" Rich. Tiehbourne, D. Lecturer.
• Clothiers, Furnishers and Hatters.
—John Campbell, of McKillop,
John Gemmell,ot'TuCkerRnlith,John
McFadzean, of Grey, and Jas. Arm-
strong, of Hullett, all young men,
have gone to California to seek their
—A Chicago butcher imparts to
an interviewer the following inter-
estin� information :—You have eat-
en rabbits, haven't you? N o ? Oli,
I guess yon have. Ever oat canned
chicken? I thoughtso. Then yon
have eaten rabbit. Frozen rabbits
will keep for forty days. If during
that time they cannot be sold, they
aro gobbled up by the canned meat
men and chopped into chicken. 50,
you see, if you don't oat rabbit one
way yon do another. I think two-
thirds of the canned moat sold in,tho
nierkots es chicken is nothing 'but
old frozen rabbit.
If you are in need of anything In the Clothing Lille call on
fflscout of Ten Per Celt. for Cad