The Huron News-Record, 1887-01-26, Page 6• :4 • 11 eateireve egiinteen* 1fl sYstem. —it lifentigerlIetekBetment, Lowell?. 1 was, during many months, a ufferer Vont eltronic• Rheumatism. The iaease afflicted:me grievously, hi spite of 11 too remedies I could find, until I coin need using Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I took a vend hott es of this preparation, rind was apeed- Hy restored to health. —J. Prelim, lade- Ventlence, Va. out else3 trace or I. Short', ass - Ayer's Sarsaparilla,, greperedrbybr,...A. 0.„&yestikCe„Loweit,Mass. gold by au•kpruggists. liriee.,81;!eix bottles, ttil. TliE DgAR MADE TO IIEAR. "After eight years suffering from deafness so bad that I, was unable to attend to n3y business, I wee. cured by the. use of Iltagyard'h Yellow Oil. With gratitude I make this known for the benefit of others afflicted". Ilarry Ricardo, Toronto. —The boiler of Preston Rider's stave, factory,, CrotFtorsville, Ind., blew ,up Tuesday. Two employes, Homy Mellina and Archie Warner, w re killled. FOUR YEARS OF SUFFERING. Mrs. Torrance MoNitsli, of Smith's. Falls, Ont., after four years of intense suffering with scrofula,. from which . her head became bald, was cured by Burdock.Blood Bitters after the best /33etlitial, aid; had failhch —A peculiar disease, said to be pink -eye; has been raging for the Nat few weeks among 'horses of the Transverse Railway at Pittsburg. The complaint bas rendered 46 horses unfit for see Ruda num- ber have died, THREATENED DANGER. I the fall of '84, Randall Miller, of Maitland, N.S., was prostrated, to his bed with an attack of incipient con- - sumption. Cough remedies all fail- ed... Ile rapidly grew debilitated, andfriends despaired of his recovery.• He tried.Burdock- Blood Bitters wit 4 immediate relief, followed by a speedy cure. is stated on good authority that Dr. Edward .McGlynn. of Now York, by. order fromItome,has been permanently debarred from the ex.ereise.o.f his,funetions as priest. Nervous. Debilitate= Men, -Yon are alio wt d 'a free Mal, of thirty days of the use of. Dr. Dye's Celebrated Voltaic Belt with. Electric Snspensory • Applianees, for the speedy relief and pe rinanen mire ofiNervivtis Debility, loss ofNitality and•Aliviibood,andiall kindred troubles. Also, for malty other diseases. Complete restoration to health, vigor -and manhood guaranteed. No risk is La ourred, Illustrateyi pamphlet, with full information, terms, etc., mailed free by addressing Voltaic Reit Co., &Anibal!, 318y -c343 ----Liees hanging prevent' der 1" It. a, luestiOn, which agitates an Eastern- State, YbU....laet..it.does.- Cases are very rare where a man .cmiuits murder after he has been ,ltanged.. once or. twice.. A CRYING Evii..— Children are often fretful and ill when worms are the cause. Dr. Low's Worm, Syrup safely expels all Worms. Major-General Sir Fred Mi ton has completed. his annual report. on the kt.tte.of the militia, and it, is now in the printers' hands.. It is understood that ho makes many bug - notions and, mom inendations cal- culatel-to bring the force into a bet- ter, condition of efficiency. A' LUCKY ESCAPE. Mrs,. ay„rus. Kilborne, of Beams - Ont , had whist• was thought to be a cancer on her nose, and was - about to submit to a cancer doctorl operation, when she tried Burdock Blood Bitters, which effected a iad teal cure. This medicine cures all kit ood.diseases... 'i'1 Stratford' Herald sayirthat• 11.0 Grit bribers who worked in :forth Perth during the recent ele.- tion were members of the saine,gang who worked w 411%0 deteelaen, iu North Ali &Ileac To Rotors DANDRVIM—Cleanse thee scalp with Prof. Low's Nfagie Sulphur Soap, A delightful medicated soap tQiie‘. ()Minion te appear - is evidently ved." It ie a rfeit, and per- -deceived by it, 1 engraved. 3his 878, check letter 11, le at Montreal. Its ranee is good; although g_ili.with the genuine the engraving of the counter - _fait will be fouud to be coarser, par- tinglarly the back of the• mita, which is also poorly printed? SURE CURE FOR RFYMAPM. If the system is properly cleansed by some medicine that acts upon the bowels, kidneys and skin, sualo as Burdock Blood Bitters, and the sufferer will use Hagyard' Yellow Oil according to directions,, there are few eases oto rheumatism, however bad, but will yield promptly to the treatment. —The Young Alen's Liberal Con- servative club of Lucan, has elected the following officers :—.11.1r. L. Stan. , liewapap.r, B u re a u . 20 Sprtsee. St, Mew York. P..; Mr. R. RollinsisSec; Mr. A. S. Send 10ous. tor 1O0 -Pao Pamphlet,. Treas. • tondiobvenaubitocitheamoovuthaieneblm VirmichwISGofillat en Medleal Discovery, clue good digestion, fair akin, inioyant spirits, vital strength, ana tarandrims of cenetitution will be established, G101den Medical Discovery cures all humors, from the common pimple, blotch, or =option to the worst Serena% or blood -poison. Es.. peolally boa it proven int eilleacy in curing Salt -rheum or Utter, Fever -sorts, Hip-infut Disease. Serondones Sores and SwellingseEn- larged Glands. and Bitting 'Ulcers. Golden Medical Discovery cures Consunin. tion (which is Saran% of the Image), by its wonderful bloothpurifying,invigorating, and nutritive pmpertiesk For Weak tangs. Snit - tine of Blood, St otness of Breath, Bronchitis, Severe Coughs. Asthma, and kindred affec- tione, it is n sovereign. remedy. It promptly cures the sovere.st• Covets. For Torpid Liver, Biliontiness, or "Ltrer Complaint." Dyspepsia, and Indigestion, it le an unequalled remedy. Solki by druggists.. DU. PEL11.11Tis — Attila a1141 Cathartic. Svc. a vial,,by druggits. 5 fill In returoing dislike to my many friends and patrons for pet patroreeei 4 wpul4., like to call their epewsi tfo Fay very complete etc/0k of — HARNESS, ?JUS, CURRY ...COMBS, IRUSHEA —Mat -ETL Seeia attentiTi t dirtinted to my Stock of . .• rt will be toned very complete, end for durability and finish cannot be excelled by any one. As 1 entploy none but the best working° and use Ibe hest materiel te he bought in the market, all who may favor the with :heir patronage may feel confident of getting satisfaction. -Itt"''.....t'PRICES AWAY DOWN. • Trunks and Valises in great variety and Prices Low. GEORGE A. SHARMAN ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost ; of any proposed line cif . • advertising inAmerican papers by addressing ' Geo. P. Rowell & Co.. lev, Presiabint,, Mr. • J. .j:•.ckson, Wants tam destroy children but Freeman's Wonm, Powders destroy Worsos). and expel- them from the system. --The name of one of the can- didates for municipal honors in Stratford wamaccidentally left oil the ballot paper, and. the fact was not discovered until after the polls were opened, and therefore a new election will have to be held. BE ON YOUR GUARD Against sudden °olds, irritating coughs and soreness of the throat. Keep liagyard's Pectoral Balsain at hand for these prevalent troubles of Fall and Winter. —Miss Woodward, of Brocltrille4. twenty years of age,, swollowed caa- boIiu she had been us- ' ingfor the to.othaehe,,and died a. few hours afterward. A twice '10 Morn E Its. —Are you disturb. ed at night and broken of your rest by a sick childwulfeting and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth i If so send at once and get a bottle of "Airs Window's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the pool little buffeter immediately. Depend -upon it, mothers ; there is no. mistake about it. It cures 1/ysentery aud Diarrhua, regulates the Stomach aud Bowels, mutts Wind ;Colic, aollens t 1 ia (Amok vet aces Indianola tion, mid gives tone awl energy to thi- ole system. "M114. W hISIOWN Seething Syrup" 'for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of 0111 'of ,the oldest and best female phys:ciatis' autl nurses 111 the United States, aud b. :" 14 sale by all druggists throughditt P' TT IR, INT =_ NEW STOCK I, NEW STORE T ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, •L CLINTON. JOSEPH'. CHIDLET, Dealer in Furnituret Call at the New Store and see the stock of Bedroom anik Parlor Sets, Lounges, Sideboards, Chairs, Springs, Mattresses, ete., and general Household Furniture. The whole Stuck hi from the very best manuthetarers, Picture Frames and Mouldings of every description. J US . CHB/LEY, one door West of Diekson's Book Store. X --MAS. NEW YEARS. • IC.A.INTTMIJOINT HAVE A FULL AND FRESH STOCK_OF RAISINS, CURRANTS, PEELS, SPICES, General Groceries, Crockery & Glassware, Specially for the Oristmas Trade. Special indueements when quantities- , are ordered. tilz.Farni Produce taken at Highest Price. • world. l'riee tweutptive cents a bottle. .13e Nare and ask fur "Alp: WINshow'i- SoOTIIINU SYRUP," and take no utile' j kind. , 39l -y THE KEY TO REALM Unlocks 'n11 the clogged avenues of Inc Bowels, Kidneys and Liver. carrying off gradually without weakening the system, alt the impurities and foul humors of the. secretions ; at t he •sauve time Correcting; ousness, Dyspepsia, Hea ccuhriensg, 3Dijizi: Acidity- of the Stoma% ziness, Heartburn, Constipation, Dryness of the Skin, Dropsy, Dim- aess of Vision, Jaun.dice, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Scrofula, Fluttering ot the Heart, Nervousness and General Debility ;alt these and many other simi- lar Complaints yield to the happy inflebnce of BIIRDOCK: BLOOD BITTERS. Sample Bottles- mc ;Regular size $1. For sale by all dealers. T. 31111.811101 d CO.. Proprietors, 'reroute PENNYROYAL WAFERS. Prescription of a physician who . has had a life long experience in ' 'treating female diseases. Is used monthly with perfect success 0,1' over 10,000 mina. Pleasant, safe, effeetuai. Ladies, Ask your drug g,14 for Pennyroyal Waters and take no enbstItute, or Inclose post , .tee for sealerPplirticulars. Sold 19 all drngtrists, 81 per box Address Tas PAIRMNA CHISMICAL (1O., DETROIT, mem star hi Clinton by J. H. Combo and druggists generally. S9S—y The Great Englisli.Presoription.. A sdeeesatol Medicine used over 10 years In thousands of Cases levee Sepermathrthea, Norma Wealtneex„ Buriesione, Impotence . and all diseases caused abuse, Datrottet indiscretion, or .over exertion, Perm) Six packages Guaranteed -lo Cure when all °there i_sg/. Ask your Piee liruggist forl'holinersii_g u package 91. Six .85, by mall. Write for Pamph• let, Address Silterella- Chemical (o., De. .31,11r1s. trAnld 15 OlInt00.411..11. ,Coubkapil all drtigele„, rzt,,:lragANs. 'Woral,kr.r .rovtDEn.174. Are pleasant to t Contain their Own i'll.r:tttiVO. It a onto, arm, cod ettortuo) &aro"r ot worma in C...ildrtn or Adults. CASH BEIEFSKINS, TALLOW; &c. Htgbest market price paid'. Ilring them along. A. COUCH, BUTCHER CLINTON, - 355tf ATTENTION! FARM ERS ! ImplemEnts ! Imptementi ! AI (CO R ICK SELF -BINDERS, REA PE RS, M 0 WEES, SEED DRILLS, 14014SE RAKES PLO WS, !CUTTING BOXES, SHELLERS, ETC., ETC., And all Implements used on a farm as Good as the Best, and as Cheap as the Cheapest, at J. B. WEIR'S IMPLEMENT WAREROOMS, CLINTON. ONTARIO A BARGAIN SPECIAL NOTICES. pimpLEr. 1 will mail (ran) the recipe Rill11110 VEONTAFILIC that will natiovx TAN. Pacoima, Pumas and Bumming, leaving the skin soft, clear and banal - :fill; also instructions for producing a luxuriant growth of hair on a bald head or smooth taco. Address'Inoltulhog Se stamp. BEN. VANDELF & CO., 50 Ann street; 11, Y. ' 392y MANHOOD Restored. A gentientan..hs. Mg °innocently eon, tractedtho habit of self.alinse lu his youth, one/ lin nonaorptence suffered all tha.horromal Sexual. Incapacity, Lost Manhood, Physical Decay, (len-, oral Prostr,tion, eta.. will, 'mad sympathy fear his feliows fferera, mail free thelocipe h 4licogiN KZ Elea,42- CedintML. PLOM 14011... 352' he wss Snail cured. Address its coratidenve. H CM STAN BULY.. —0-0— _c#44-rs gr) A POUNDAJW —0-0— The Beet ever offered in this vicinity for the. money. Also.. General GROCERIES, equally cheap. 4 FLOUR% &ND F ED always on hand. 80 -ACRE LOT. FOR SALE -- Heavy Timbered, excepting 10 acres. Well Wateicd. On Baylielti Concession. STORY AND HALF HOUSE, With quarter twee of wooed, ow. Rattenbury street, Chireori. Dining Room, Sitting; Boum, Kitchen and Pantry, 2 Balls, 5 Bedrooms, Haiti and Soft Water in Kitchen, Good Stone Cellar. STORY AND HALF HOUSE, AT BLUEVALE„ QUARTER ACRE LOT. Also, Splendid Half -Acre Lot. .A.FP X.."Y"TO . , Iron and Hardware Mei...rant, , CpIl\Trr'C)1\:T., September 20th, 1886. 1 0'— 'JOHN CUNNINGHAD1E, Has been appointed sole agent for this celebrated Tea. Of itself it is the - best value in the market, besides which A HANDSOME PRESENT is givex . to every purchaser of 3 lbs and' upward. It is put up in half: - pound packets at 50 TO 70 CENTS PER POUND,. • Purchasers need not buy 3 -lbs at once in order to get a Present. 100' different books to choose from. -71ty at 225 -cent. packet of Li-Quor Test- ' ficzt7-Sole agent for FLEMinIANS'ii YEAST, the bestz,in the world.. John Cunninghame, - Clinton NEW . DRUG STORE. . • 0 The undersigned has jfist.opened a -new Drug Store, itt JACKSON'S NEW BLOCK, on HURON STREET, two doors west of tiro City Bink atore, where will be Sound a cOmplete assortMent of Pare Drugs and Chemicals, also Patent Medicines and Druggists' Saudries—tal that the public may ask :Or .11 LIOta. A: WORTHINGTON., 'Clinton,13th .11:nuary, NW, P. S.-0Mce clanged from residence. to etors lines. Clinton Carriage Works HAVE BEEN REMOVED! REMOVED r 10 THE NEW PREMISES ON THE OLD PRESBYTERIAN LURCH PROPERTY TOWARD THE STATION. nopremises have been fitted up and are laiga. We are now in a better position then! ever to attend to the wants Of the public. P. W. Hayward, Clinton. LESLIE'S CARRIAGE & WACON FACTORY -, cIJIIrTO]Sr_ In Stook, a Number of Cutters, Sleighs, Buggies and Wagons:. The Material we manufacture:is of the best quality and the Iron work unsurpassed,. In fact we make it an imporiiiiit feature of our business to use only fro hest pro- ' curable material and the best workmanship. Those in need or CUTTERS said SHRIGliket.the latest,maltes and styles, should not tail to call and sce.tis. • —0— ALL WORK WARRANTED. • Sr Repairing and ReDaintine Promptly. Attended EACIT.ORY on. corner of .Huron and Orange Streets,, CILINTOF. • " •