The Clinton New Era, 1887-10-14, Page 31fll;Ij)A', OPTOItElt 14, 1887. • "We hive •. , e 11G caw e Celli}ti; ttr'elt) »)slat for prohibiti0e than this. It comet, front four hundred couviets in the Ashville State prisou there. Of their own 'notion they have signed• au appeal to the people of messes to favor the prohibitory amendment. Their closing words are : ' Wearing the garb of disgrace, being dishonu:rd and counted un- worthy to mill,t° with the people of 1 our Stage, we yet have the same love for our wives, the same devo- tigiete our mothers, the same affect- tillrfor our sisters, and for their sake, and for the sake of our chil- dren, we appeal to fou to unite as one man, and free the State of a curse created by the hands of men, discountenanced by the law of God.' The Advance comments thus upon the recent parade of liquor dealers at New York : ' That would have been a capitally significant display if only inplace of the carriages there had been a thousand hearses, with a liquor dealer atop of each as driver.' General Fisk says that those speakers who say that prohibition cannot be enforced should have stood , on Mount Sinai when Moses emerg- ed from the cloud with the two tables of stone, and said : ' Take/all this .Decliogue away, and tell God it will not prohibit ; let us hare nothing prohibitory ; it is demoral• izing.' It has been mitten in the richest and reddest American blood : A question is never settled until it is settled right. • If a man's dog has hydrophobia, the Government has just as much right to _stick a stamp on his nose, and turn him loose to bite and kill, as it has to license the whisky traf- fic, which both kills the body and damns the soul, King Sol is a great temperance fanatic, and tho way he strikes down the topers and beer guzzlers on hot days is an invasion of ' personal lib. • erty,' Which the most radical pro. hihitionist would not tolerate. - ` We do not claim that every criminal act was perpetrated under the influence of whisky, but we fear- lessly assert that three-fourths con- fined within these walls can trace their downfall directly or indirectly to that cause.'—Petition in behalf of prohibition by 401 inmates of the Tennessee State Prison, July 1887. The Supreme Court of Foresters resolved against receiving into mem- bershi bar -tenders, saloonkeepers, - and l -keepers who sell liquor,in their houses. __ Theloledo Blade says : ' The rum power must be pnlveriied, that the steady march of debaucher:, ruin and murder shall bo stopped.: Don't put prohibition in vonr prayers and whisky in your ballot. The. vested 'rights c£ ruin are vest- ed wrongs. The liquor traffic has a murderous grip on the Canadian home. The party who dares to fight the Saloon has the future in its grasp. If moral suasion is right, legal suasion is inevitable. An evil should be killed and not regulated. . . . _ , The liquor traffic is organized to boycott its way to power: Criminal is that ' indnstry' which reduces women and children te• bone and soup diet. If the Christian Church of the country were as united against the liquor traffic as the traffic is against the churches, it could be suppressed in two years. The Christian WW1 whose oppo- sition to the rampant evils of the times is so feeble as to elicit no op- • position to himself may well ask himself whether he is doing, his whole duty. The unscatn'ed soldier • of Jesus Christ lacks one feature of likeness to hint in whose hands and tett were the prints of the nails. . THEY ALL DRINK. It is well known that at eert;tin Central agencies a record is kept of the name, position and standing of nearly every business man in the country, Careful Hien are employed to collect this information ; and it not only includes the amount of pro- perty which the parties are -worth, but also their standing as regards punctuality, promptness, integrity, isfac temperance, morals, etc. A 001- re,e• her of years ago, it is stated, a firm �" of four men in Boston were rated as 'A L' They were rich, prosperous, young and prompt. One of them had the curiosity to see how they were rated, and found these facts on the book and was satisfied ; but at the end it was written, ' but they all drinks' He thought it was a good joke at the time ; but to -day two are dead, another is a drunkard, and tbi fourth is poor ant living putty/on charity. ,HOW LIEN .1)ItINK !'AVMS. The plowman in a charaeteriiitic way tells how men drink .farms : My homeless friend with the chro- live l.ttfndi eci ►ntl tdl V square feet. hand, to arrest an inl oeent person. EsGititating.,-.rsa,t �ur.vetiuence.- sake,..wouId Cause ltgreat deal of trouble. the land at $5.:; :.ti Per sera, you The object was to identify the man will si e that 1 •' t "1 •�n it r • hr . ! L h 1) t ,1 t, 1.1 ' t If pesstlile within a few home. In one twill per stn:ue foot, ,gras vent ! this emergency the Boston rletectivq for tea signal ii t,•,•t. Nue 1.,111t the 1 in charge ,if the case examined and fiery dose and i u:1-1 1ie)on ;).r,• swill-++ cross-examined the this-f'semployers lowitig a rat i,'t't 4.1 t pat l,, ('a:1 in I as to lila peculiarities. They could fire ut'your t'rie•1:'i. rani Ir.ty,• theut I hit upon uothinh distinetiye, till bele gulp dueu 'lent tine hundred tidally the detective inquired, in a foot garden. Get 00 u prolonged moment of inspiratior,if be had any syree some day, and tree how long a peculiar way of expressing himself: time it requires to swallow a pasture Yea was the reply I ndver large euough to feed a cow. Put knew, l the fellow tutalk three min - down that glass of gin; there's dirt utes without Buying "'believe you.' " in it—one hundred square feet of In Milian hour the information was good, rich dirt, worth $53.56 per telegraphed to the West,within four acre.' hours the Minnesota detective had a long chat with the man, and be- fore night the thief was arrested. Ladies Only. The complexion 1-1 Aften rendered un- stghtly by Pimples, Liver Spots and Yel- lowness. These it is well known are caused from an inactive Liver and bad blood. Dr Ohase's Liver Cure purifies the blood and whole system. See recipe book fur toilet recipes, hints and suggestions nn how to preserve the complexion. 13y all druggists POUND A FORTUNE, ARKON, 0., Oet, 2. --Washington Richard and Willia.m,Snyder yester- day while chopping .trees at New Portage opened a log in which they discovered two shot bags full of gold and silver coin, besides a roll 'of bills containing not less than $5,,000. The bills were badly moulded. The men at -first, kept quiet about their treasure trove which amounts to fully ..$10,000, but were so happy over their sudden fortune that they went to town and bought grand suits of clothes throughout and then re- turning to New Portage,a coal min- ing and manufacturing village, and set up drinks until the population of the place was drunk almost to a Man. The source of the money becom- ing known, older citizens recalled the fact that; about fifteen years ago Jacob Trackbach, a miser, died at that place. He was supposed to ,be wealthy, having done a big business in land speculation. After' his death his house and land were turn- ed over to find his cash,but all witti- est avail. It is now claimed that this tree had been the miser's trea- sury. The tree was cat down to- day, and about six feet from the 'ground a good-sized hole was found ' which gave evidence of a plug hav- ing rotted in it. The silver dollars rolled out when the log was opened, and the, treasure which had' for years been searched fe,- was laid be- fore the eyes of poor and now al,'. most crazy men. DEFYING A PRINCE. During the lite manoeuvers of the cavalry in Prussia, territory to be used was marked off Icy poles flying a bunch of straw. Prince `William considered one of these poles much in the way of a regi- ment, and perceiving a peasant standing by the pale for -the appar- ent purpose of protecting the field, he role up• to him demanding the removal of the. objectionable, pole. 'No,' said the peasant, ' it will not be removed.' Tho Prince rode away and sent an -adjutant to repeat the order more percmtorily. Brit the 'peasant returned the same answer. ' You do not seen to know who the officer is that spoke to you first,' said the adjutant. Tbe,1easant ac-, kinowledged his ignoranee. 'It was His Imperial Highness Prince William,' said the_o%}cer, not for a moment doubtful of the efficacy of 4)is communication. The peasant turned toward the Prince, who• was at a small distance froth them, re- moved his cap,nlade a most respect. ful and deep bow, and said, ' Your devoted servant wishes you a good morning, but that pole,sir, I cannot allow to be removed,' and it was done as the peasant' wished. QUIETED BY A PHOTO- , • GI APHER, Speaking of pictines, a friend of ours took her 4 -year -old -girl to a photographer. 'l'he child couldn't be made to sit still. He of the camera was as suave as he could be and worked every device of gentle persuasion to make the little wrig- gler sic still. Filially he said to the despairing mother : ' .11adarne, if you will leave the little dear Alone w.ith me a few minutes '1 think 1 can .sacccetl,' '.rhe mother had. scarcely withdrawn when she was summoned hack by tho triumphant photographer•, who exhibited a sat - tory negative. When they ped home the mother asked : Ilio what did the° roan say to you when 1. left you alone with him !' ' Ho. said,' lisped Nellie,: thit thtil, you damn little rathcal, or I'll choke you A CUTE DETEC"TJV I•;.; A writer in the 13oston Post says: 1 heard on State street yestorday an authentic story of detective acute- ness. Everybody is familiar with the trick that many men have of capping' whatever they hear said, when they do not dissent,with some favorite expression. Thus, one man says ` precisely,' another 'exactly,' and there is a considerable faction for whom tho words 'just so' or 'to matte nose, while you are stirring be s need. rail t t Cigar in that ten -cent glass of giiY, let me give you a fact to wash stole it dawn with, Yon say you have empi test for years longed for the free,, iairle- i pendent life of the farmer, bit have recti never been able to get, enough mo- jig; ney together to hey a farm. But his n• that 1s just where, you are mistaken, oraph For several years you have ben eye a drinking a good improved farretnt al'1>ea .the rate of one lunched 5900)e feet f'ren a gulp. if you doubt this statement elicit figure it out: yourself'. An acre of in, 01 land ,contains forty three thoroenel was s -------- mine Children Cry for pi A FIGHT BETWEEN SEA FIS II ES. --- The passenger s en the steamer City of Para on a trip recently to the Isthmus of Panama w,cre treated to a great fight between ai3lack and a sword fish just the other side of Fortune Island, It was in the afternoon and the sea was Very calm when suddenly a big black -fish, ten feet in Iength, was seen to leap out of the water some 30 yards from the steamer.: Poking out after him carne the long sword of a monster sword- fish. The black -fish wriggled in the air for it few secfmnds and then fell back upon the perpendicular sword. Then the two fishes tackled each other, dashing the water to a great height in their fury. Presently the block -fish was, seen to leap again. Its stomach was ripped open and its entrails hung, down several feet. The sword -fish, which had got in its fine work, again appeared under its victim. When the black -fish again fell into the water the sword -fish caught him and carried him o$,leav- ing a Iong wakeof blood behind him. •y heal1Mothers 1troubledwitlil ahppaleness in hat seems incurable or if they suffer from gene rai debility, nervousness,langor, wealcuesa. or loss of of Johnson's Tonle Bitters and rocure at you wilt not regret the outlay. The Tonle and general- ly strengtlientng effect of this medicine is truly uiarve])ons. 60 ets, and $1 per Mottle•, at 'Worthington's Drug store. BRIGHT SAYING`~. The silent man is often worlli lis- tening to. The Bonapartists do their kicking with manifest toes, . A compositor is gond for nothing unless he is a type righter. The butcher is bard up indeed when she can't raise a stake. Laboring under a mistake is the most unprofitable of all employments. Good resolutions, like a squalling baby at church,should be carried out. As, poultry dealer would probably make money by starting a sla.oe store. 'The snail 18 in parodox. It is pro verbially slow, yet ita.pace is withou bound. The horse is a noble ani tooth -brush handles are m his thigh bone. • Has anybody ever allude fact that painting the town cardinal sin ? A dancing master, having } a new style of waltz,aunounc movement on foot. mal. All ads from d to the red is a invented ea a new - Ifithl 'receiver is as bad as the thief ,what's the use of having one appoint- ed for a busted bank? A poet writes :—" I owe no man n dollar." We never did know a poet who could get any credit. There is a tide in the affairs of men which, if not skilfully dodged at the proper time drowns them. Haavthorne did not write his 'Scar- let Letter' with red ink. It c.rntinues to be read notwithstanding. A young man who loved a very. large girl named .Ernma, stated that he had met with. an Em -fat -ie refusal. Death is a reaper who isn't content to take the crop of the man who sow only wild oats, but takes him with it. The happiest men in the world,just now, are those who are getting ready to play star parts in autumn weddings. Was it Shakespeare or Macon who wrote: ' The rope swings slowly in America, but it gets there just the same.' A pretty dressmaker at' Manistee has expressed her desire to marry her dentist because he dosen't hurt her when he draws her teeth. "Bright things • fell from Bessie'a lies,' in Mrs Holmes' last novel, pro- bably means that Bessie dropped the gold fillings out of her teeth. The sophomores of a Western col- lege have got themselves into trouble by painting all over the seats devoted to freshmen, `Just for greens.' "Iwo knots an hour isn't such had time fora clergyman,' smilingly said the minister to himself. just after he united the second couple. • 1 he said the h tel bell ib yu as he wet Fin a nttherounds awakening patrons 1.60 bail left orders to be called ear}y, The -man who wouldn't tike `no' for an answer has got into an amateur photography and is taking negatives right,,.and- left wheneve, he gets the chane. 'Camino' tried to swallow a fifty franc piece en a wager, and choked himself. ' 1 guess it was a counter- feit,' he said then he carnet() again, ` it wouldn't pass,' A magazine writer has been discuss- ing the question. 'Wil} the coming man read books ?' Not if he has to nurse the baby while his wife attends women's rights conventions. Morrie ---No, dear, it was; not a° editer who tire' seem to fill the requ•ire(`" beginning 'sCome,tre td Ito me at pl oem, Not long ago a Boston man some simple and heartfelt lav,' We a large sum of money from his) don't know who or rote it, but it was oy'ors and fled to the Nest, A not an editor. iption of him was sent to de- ` What does a diploma mean?' is the vs -s and police superintendents heading of an article ire an exchange, .ally, and about a month' after it means that the boy has bled his c'seape a Minhesot,I officer tele- as r's pocketbook just about as long cd that he thought be had his as the old man will stand it. Some• leen 1110 pees o wonted, his times it means a great deal more. When Jay Gould was 21 he did not ranee, hmvever, way very flit.- have a dollar. At 52 lie was worth t, floral that described in the $100 0)0,000, When Kingdom (mould lar, The situation was a press• was born he was worth millions, At : if the st}pposcd erivainal 12 he may not have a dollar. 'filly rat h in fact, lei might, at ;any is ties any the thing works sometimes, rat fly to (1.1ftel a. I )n the other Children Cry for tepee's Castoria.' Pitcher's Castoria. A for Infants and Children. "Castorllalasowelladaptedtochildren that Cluitorla cures Cole, Conetipatton, I recommend it as superior to any prescription Sour Stomach, Dlarnccea, Eructation, !crown t0 me." H. A. Amman, M.D., Bills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di. 371 do. Oxford at., Brooklyn, N. Y. Whtkout jttrioup medlgatton, gn Tau CENTAUR COMPANY, 77 Murray Street, N. y N ew odds just Recd Big Reduction in /he price of our Watches. Every boy in the land must have one of those CSD LEBRATF7� `) OR L�]E3F,Ar.T'�Z7 WATT L � FOR • --FRc)1I 2.75 R W COATS, Clinton, THE RESTLESS' AND SLEEPLESS JEWELLER NEW S tn* ,I(-S'r RECEIVED A LARGE STOCK oh COALJCOOK!NG and HATING J OI', 'illi; IIEi'I' ANUFACTUPE• ,AND LATEST PATTERNS. Also an immmense stock of LAMPS of all descriptions, from 25c. each upwards, in- 'clufiing the Celebrated Rochester Lamp, for which we are sole agents. .Also COAL and WOOD FURNACES.— Sole URNACES.— Sole agent for Harris' Celebrated Furnace, manufactured by Gurney & Co., Hamilton. FULL LINE GENERAL II A IZDWAPE S. I)A- S ,a4, - - ( I.I�'•Tr.>rc ; THE MAMMOTH. HARDWARE AND SrOVE HOUSE. TM Ccidr81,61 ARGEJS Spectacles & Enlascs THE I3EST IN USE B. 'IAMM'S Sp;ctacies and Eyeglasses at Cost CALEDONIA Mineral Water Aerated. 1't INS II . `J C) �.l'1.3 Lis. t;tlEN1I. T AND DRUGGIST, CLINTON, 's31' CI -4:N T RA L_ •GROG I-4: R '. Ti1,d),I313's 41d fe41:t.iia. fh,r ,-uli,cril,e,' hits bought i1 the Stock of P. Hobb, consisting 01 G tOe;i;it.(ES,C1_()CftIi l',G 1.4AsSI AISE Which, being bought at low rates, he is enabled to offer at the very clos- est prices Patronage respectfully solicited. ;t II ()tele, s4 promptly filled. Rooms to let, H. R. WALKER, CLINTON. iti‘mEitioNzE ST. THOMAS MoNIii iEE NTs WHITE BRONZE MONUMENT CO eg,„ '' • ST.TIIOMAS, ONTARIO, 44) 44,41 404The tiHr nze �p�w 1RT�4t, ey it�Dolot #Ague xm Oar material is endorsed by lead- ing scien-tints as being practically imperishable. ;It cannot absorb moisture, and conscq iently is not Alred ell by On fr'Ft, Send for Designs and Terms to W .M. GIFFIN; OL/NTON. NEW 'FALL and 'WINTER BOOTS a SHOES: If yon want anything in the Boot end Shoe line, call on CHA 1:LES C'RUI('KSHANK. He has everything from the heaviest Farmers Stog,t, to the Fittest ladies French Kiri, Both imported and of his own wannf,tt'ture. No shed,ly goods kept. Ordered Work a �)peoiltp. Call on C. Cruickshank, the Boot Maker, ALBERT STREET,. BRICK BLOCK, CLINTON Change ofBusiness 1lililitI1lIllll I!l Tir ill iii r( [1[l The ,indersigned begs to notify the people of Clinton and vicinity that he has bought the IA.IINESS BUSINESS formerly carried on by W. L Newton, ,And that he is prepared to furnish Harness, Collars,Whips, Trunks, Vaiises,Buffaio Robes, Blankets And everything usually kept in a first-class Harness Shop, at the lowest prices. Speen, attention is directed to my stock -of LIGHT HARNESS, which I will make a specialty.• REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. By strict atention to business, and carefully studying the wants of my customers, I hope to merit a fair share of patronage. O;ve me a call before purchasing else- where. .REMMh1BEER THE STA "ti D—OITOSITE TIIE MARKET. G -MO. A, S .,A..IR.ail.L A 1\1 New :Furniture ;Stock Opened out fn ELLIOTTS 131 4CM. NEXT DOOR TO THE CITY 1300K STORE, CLINTON. BEDROOM SETS, PARLOR SETS,LOUNGES, SIDEBOARDS, CHAIRS, &c.; ANIS A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OI' THE VERY BEST MADE 'FURNI- TURE AT It eAsorsauen PRICES. To be had for the askingN Strictly THE OLD RELIABLE • vz�v�G.A.R, S. PALLISER & Co, CLINTON. .FRESH ARRIVAL OF N EW FALL GOODS 'JUST RECEIVED ONE CASE OF THE LATEST Enali,sh and American Styles of Hard Hats. ALSO A FINE :. SORTMENT OF AM1-HICA N NECK. W1:A6t,, 1 I;GATrVA SRIRTS WILUTE `;i!IRTS, S1L' PENi)l,:RRS, Vie., ctei,• ....'._. -C':1LL ANI) SEE US„ I1'WILL PAY 1'13U. (". (>tLASGOW, Stttitts -i€lock, Clinton. Clinton Refreshment Rooms, BUSINESS CHANGE C. COLE having bought out the Refreshment Rooms of Mr. J. Anderson, desires to intimate to the public that be will continue the same in all its branches. He has just added a fresh stock of Confectionery, &c„ which will be sold at lowest rates. FRUIT OF ALL KINDS KEPT IN SEASON: OYSTERS KEPT IN THEIR SEASON AND SERVED IDT ANY STYLE FRESH CAKES IMPORTED DAILY FROM TORONTO. ' A�iI3 ►."'OCCOS, ('GAIL', PIPES, POUCHES, &c,, &e. C ole attention given to business, and. all orders entrusted to him will be promptly filled.' A trial respectfully solicited. Remember the stand, next door to the Grand Unioa Hotel. C. OOZE, - - OLIN TON. Wools and Yarns. A LARGE IMrdRT ORDER NOW TO NAND uB THE FOLLOWING KINDS Berlin, Zephyr. Crewel, Ice, Fleecy, Pompadour, Robotic) and Andelasian. Peacock Saxony, Baldwins Bee Hive, Peacock and Ranker Fingering. TAMOSHANTERS, HOODS, DAPS. &O, DON'T MISS US W COOP riEZ ,, -- Beaver Blo