The Clinton New Era, 1906-10-12, Page 3•
Advance in
News. Notes
I John ,T. Billings, a London teamster,
. .........—..
was run over and killed.
Robt. Simpson, Owen Sound, stepped
off a yacht and was drowned.
David. Marshall, Conservative, was
electea. to the Commons in East Elgin.
Although Sugar has ad-
vanced 40c per hundred
since the fruit seasoncom-
menced, we are still sell-
ing wo lbs.
Extra Standard
Granulated Sugar
for $4.60,.
The LARMOUR School
And General Training for
Railway Service.
The new method of instruction' adoptedl by
this school has proved a great success.
etiPils graduate in the:shortest:possible tim .
'therefore at the least expense.
Employment provided at once.lirWrite for a
free pamphlet which vrill give full,inforrnatiom
School room in Gordon Block, ,oppoeite Pos
Office, the most desirable location in the city
Inspection of classes atilivork cordially invited
• Principal and7Instructor, formerly
District Superintendent G.T.
A p ri120th 06-07. • •
Anchor -Mere.
This is the port for High-class
Confeetionery, and Fancy Baking.
Have you tried our Cakes and.
Bread, if not why not?
We carriaa choice line of fruits,
and our chocolates have no equal,
we handle GANONG I3ROS' of New
Brunswick, and HARRY *EBB'S,
Toronto; we beat them all in fancy
box goods.
While out strolling don't forget'
to visit our Ice Cream Parlor, . •we
are always pleased to see and Wait on
you. Parlor open from 7:30 to 11 'p.m.
NimeNs' erire.
W. W. Nimens,
Phone 42 Clinton.
Now that harvest is nearly;
here you will be needing Bin-
der Twine, we can supply you
Bailed Hay.
C JIA N T4) N.' ,
Before placing your orders for
your veascin's eupply of Coal, get
our prices. The very hest goods
carried in stock and. sold. at the
lowest possible price:
COrdersanay be left:et Davis
& Rowland's Hardware store; or
with •
W. J. Stevenson,..
• lat Electric Light Plant.
One disease of thinness in
children is scrofula; in adults,
consumption. Both have. poor
Fire in. the business section of Arm- blood., both need more fat.
strong. B.O., caused a loss of $20,000 to These diseases thrive on lean -
$40,0a0. nes. Fat is the best means of
The Michigan Central Railroad will
of is
to" overcoming them; cod liver oil
arm. 1 makes the best and healthiest
park envies comma ow for am%
A.McLelland,ef Birvie, has accepted, fat and
the Conservative noinination, for
North 13ruce.
The fire in, Fraser's lumber yarils at S
Descheue, near Ottawa, consumed 20,-
000,000 feet valued a t $400,000,
It is stated that Senator: Ellis will
succeed Hon 3, B. Snowball as Lieu-
tenant -Governor of New Brunswick,
The Swedish Government has ban-
ished a number of Finnish students as
vagrants and persons dangerous to
Wm. O'Brien, aged 7E years, a' life-
long resident of Peterborough county,
expired yesterday while eating dinner
at the Albion Hotel.
The G. T. P. is building a $40,000
hotel at Prince .Appert, the Pabilie
terminal, and are, Clearing 1,000 acres
.9f land for a town site.. ,
It i understood Jiat thePos trnaster-
General will elect to sit for Wipe, .so
that the bye -election consequent •upon
his choice will take place m Nicolet.:
A. report on Montreal schools shows
them to be in a very unsanitary con-
dition, and the children suffering from
diseases of various kinds. ,
Mrs. James Hanly of Maidscone was
given a verdict against the M. O. R.
for $3,950 damages for the.death of her
husband, who was killed at a crossing.
-Excitement has been caused by the
discovery that the notorious Anarchist
Dutto lately gained admission to the
palace at Racconigi, and shook -bands
with King Victor Emmanuel.
The Lincoln Paper Company at Mer-
ritton has purchased the Lybster Mills
there and will convert them Into up-to-
date paper mills. News and wrap-
ping paper will be manufactured.
Grumbling and complaining will not
take out ths pain of an insect's sting,
• but Perry Davis' Painkiller will do so
every time. Apply it with your finger
to the sore spot. Price 25c and 50c.
• Many of bur exchanges are publish-
ing etiquette rules for 'phone use, We
Would like teadd one. If you happen
to hear something over the 'phone that
is,not meant for you, it is not beat to
• The prevalence of the cocaine habit
among young man inLondon has reach-
ed so serious a stage that Dr. F. P.
Drake has publicly asked that the
authorities take some steps to prevent
its.further spread. •
John Ruthern, of Mono, pear Shel-
• burne, in sliding from the hay movi at
a threshing, fell on the tines 'of his
.fork, His stomach was penetrated,and
he died instantly.Ruthern was a.
.Barnardo boy, 16 years old.
It.' simons & Son.
We are still in the' But-
chering business, and are
in a position to -fill all or-
ders for seasonable meats,
ictusttd tc cu:ca.e,
Our new business sand
is in the Combe Block.
I. Fitzsimons & Son
1108C 76 Clinton
• Piles quiekly: and positively cured
with Dr. Shoop's Magic'Oititment, Its
made for Piles alone -'and it does the
work surely and With satisfaction.
Itching,. painful, protruding or blind
'piles disappear like magic by. its use.
Large, Nickel Capped 'glass jars, .500.
• Sold. and recommended. ,by W. S. R.
• Ninety-six thousand inainigrants dur-
ing the present season ef navigation
have been landed at Quebec, which ie
• Headquarters
Choice •
Always fresh and up-th-date
We have just passed info Stock
several beautiful new Dinner Sets,
China Tea Sete, and odds, of all
kinds and desertptions.
Call and see for yourself and get
our primes, before you purchase
The People's Grocer.
Prompt Delivetea 'Phone 111.
is the easiest and most effective
form of cod liver oil. Here's a
natural order of things that
shows why Scott's Emulsion is
of so much value in all cases of
scrofula and consumption. 'More
fat). more weight more nourish-
mOnt, -that's _Why. .
d2461- free.isample.
SCOTT & BOVINE, Chemists
Toronto, Ont. •
1:10c. and $1.00 is ss es es All dirtt
Airreirelike Beedneis Thai Covers vast
Territory list a Vesta
"If 1 had a cent efor every mile I
-Walk daring °Mee, hours every day 1'4
00911 be able to retire," Is a remark
frequently heard from usea anti wo-
men. who aro Icept on their feet while
at business. The general impression is
that the distance tratelea daily is very
great. And So It may be. But the slut-
ple experiment or carrying a peilome-
tea' for a few weeks will probably •
allow that one's income at A • ce.nt
mile would. not be worth collectaigene
til tbe end of a year,
A downtown office um has jest flp-
%lied an experiment of this nature, Ile
Carried a pedontense six weeks, ropes-
-tering its total each night. At the end
of that time it was found that the dis-
tance traveled, though vat:slug Rattly
from day to da,y, came to a fairly even
average at the mut at each week..
! . How many miles do you suppose he
walked on the day of highest rec-
ord? Twenty? Thirty? Villa? No,
• only nine miles. The lowest .recorti
came the very next day mid WIN a
mile and a balf. But the everage
,eacir week was thirty-three aila .one•
• 11144 miles or an average of sla rine a
half miles or
each • Workink day. Thw.
six weeas. showed totalS as follows:
39ea, 271,a, 37, 34, 321,e, 30, or au eggre-
gate of 200 miles and a half mile over.
At the end of sl x weeks, therefore, he
would have collected $2 at it cent a
la the course of a -Tem:* this office
One Accounts ror ,Cwitom
seeasoner, an Enemy.
Among the many myths of the North I
American Indian the disposition oe the
sent after its separatlou from the Italy
and its elese eenueetion with the eenip
varies aciontaling to the religion of the
tribe. With some the journey to tiee
• "eappy hantlia," grounds" begins ine
mealatelYl with others die, spirit
maine mar the grave, Again, if an Te-
am ales away from the lodges or isie
people the spirit returns. at once to
them, wbere it hovers as la reluctant
to leave. Aniong the upper Missouri
• river tribes it Is believed that before
the spirit finally depute from' •those
who have died from wounds receivea
In battle it Boats toward a great aft
overiatoglag the alissouri and carves
upon the wall of rock it picture show -
lug the manner of death.
It Is believed by most of the plains
tribes that the soul attaches Itself to
the scalp; teat the soul of it person
scalped does net suffer from the
wounds Milictea ou the body,. but that
the opposite is the case where :the
scalp is not torn off. .•
An Indian who kills himself in bat-
tle, accidentalla er'peeposely, has posi-
tively no bereafter. ‘aIe Is irrevecably
lest. -Those who are struck by light -
tang or. die by Oast other, apparently
direct .operation of the Great %that
are burriedly buried Where- they fell
Without ceremony, and- no eel:tuna or
mark is erected over them. If after
battleethere- are tound-corpses not
. scalped or nuallated it is positive eva
• traveling reeresents an ludpressive donee that such persons came to their
• News Notes.
1 walking tour, with its total of 1,733 death by their •own band, for it IS. it
miles. If made as a continuous trip tenet of the Indian religion not to scalp
Meaford will extend its waterworks „Across country it would take aim from
system. - or mutilate the body of an enemy who
New York to Bismarck, IS. D„ or to
Queen's University .expects to have Galveston, Tex. . commits suicide.
• .
tenced to five years* at Kingston for PERI L I N PAINLESS FACES. I 'When the tip of a doga; nose is cold
1,200 students,the coming winter. '
MattheVe Granger, aged 17, with sen-
foegery in Stratford and moist, that dog is not sick. 'A
• Victims of Dread Malady Mny Be
William Vanhorne, of Lethbridge,
Alta., was killed by a vicious horse he
• "The redhot wire," said the electra
Sart Without Knowing It,.
elan, "burned the man's cheek till it
' To date the grain receipts at Winni-
was training falling.on him. •
peg have been ; Wheat, 13,070,000 sizzled and smoked. Yet he never
bushels ; other grains, 719,001 I Moved out of the way. are continued
•The Midland .Railway, a poition of to laugh and joke and pull. on his clay
the Hill system in Western.Canada, is pipe, and a smell of burning rese Into
now completed as far as Carman, Man. the air.
Many men give lavishly of gold, "I pulled him to one side.
To build bridgesand castles and towers • a. 'Would you stand there,' I said,
_ . of old ; • . 'and be burned to death?
If you want everlasting fame, a bone- "'Was I burning? lie pia, with ft
' • 'factor be, scared look. And he put his hand to
Give the poor and needy Rocky.Moun-
. tainTea. Ask your Druggist. the side of his face—the wrong side,
The Great Northern • Railway was Was it possible that •he couldn't • feel
• that horrible hurt.? •
condemned to pay the Quebec Harbor a a•
Commissioners $2,653.23, with interest, • Gentlemen, that man had no feeling
and costs, for rent,' etc. in his face whatever. He told, me that
Lieut. George Dittman& less he had been operated einfov tic dolou-
Strathcona Hotel • at Emerson, Man.,
ee of the . ,
reux, and the operation, eveile it had
which was burned recently, has been cured the tic, had left his face dead to
arrested, charged with arson. , • all sensation.
A divorce has been granted to Ali s.
W. .3. White, of Cleveland, wife of the
chewing gum man. Mrs...White alleg7
ed desertion and wilful neglect.
feverish dry nose means sickness with
a dog. An so with the human lips -
dry cracked and colorless lip, mean
feverishness, and are as well ill appear-
ing. To have beautiful, pink, velvet-
like lips, apply at bed -time a coating of
Dr. Shoop's Green Salve. It will soft-
en and beat every skin ailment. Get a
free trial box at our store and be con-
vioced . Large, nickel capped glass
jars, 25e, W.S. R. Holmes.
Takle eleaaere; ••
. . ,
Parents, .eVen in a humble tettiee
home; should pay attention to .the con-
• duct and matinees of their children
at .mealtimes. They cannot .tell what
position their will fill in afterlife, and
•a man or.w.oman. whets ignorant' of the,
most siniple laws of table etiquette is
• terriblabandleappede Were the parents
to reprove the ehild who conveys its
food to its mouth with a knife, who•
drinks fts tea, from the..sciocer or who.
."I had often taad. of tie doloureua in sticka its elbows .put at. right anglea,
English novels, but I thought it was e the lesson so taught 'would never be
trilling diseeSe. This 'chap .saia it was, .fprgotten. There Is amount
a facial ne,uraigla so painful that In of freedom at the family table, Where
' City Clerk Lang will be aetained by the past 90 per cent of its victims ee one scarcely expects to find the cere.
the Stratford City •Cooticil at a salio y thee, Wept: cre.Zy or killedathemselves, moulous deportment of a. set dinner
of $800, a decrease of 5150, he will be :•
given an assistant at: $,100 per anneint. but now there is . an oeration that
minor rules and observances. which
Party. latit even. in the bent° there .are
When the employees of W. G. Begg, .gl,vmesl. ,reerlyiefl.rictim. of tie unotgoes. .th
should • always .be followed.. The toy
of collingwood, opened the store one • - •
operation; hence there are a lot of two- . or :girl on ' whose mind they are im-
morning, they were surprised to find a
• d a f • ple walking the earth with no 'feeling . pressed at an early age will fiever lose
' them, and. then,. after years Of strug-
gles, it may , be, the "manners that
make the nauia will be thelr thief pees,
porte into the circle of their new ac-
qualutances. . '
. coin er p ona
in their. faces The condition is a dans
Mr Slate Curtis, of- alicidlenairch, gerous one, . because yon are likely eto
dry goods. • • •
. •
Onf. while attending to • his horse, get. hurt • without acreesaing, It." • .
the largest immigration in the history was kicked in the face, forcing his eye . • •• : • .•
of theSt. Lawrence. One of the grand- out of the eocket and breaking the .• — : es
est fea,tures of the flow . of new settlers eheek bone. . ' ' . • .. Tee' Speed of tight. .
of British, also the largest an history. . Peter Wi'son, was ordered detaiiied 'Just think ot iti Oeven times
to this*conetry is the large percentage
for three years with the Children's Aid around this. globe of ours le the spoke
Society at ' Guelph by ' Jusace Magee . of
for the 'manslaughter : Ot the tittle a a
sixty eecouils! Can . you imagine
esessaaaananer gas.. . . anyplace diet 1110,‘ft.tivitb such remark-
_ • ' • , . able speed? Sound trayels only twelve
This is the seaeon of decityaod weak- , and, a • half miles pee minute and a
eped vitalita. • Nature is being shorn fete ball (if its speea were not tlimin-
of ite beahty and Means. If you'Would
retain,youra fortify your system with Isbed by resistancte sixteen cold a half
Hollister's Rocky Mouritain 'lea. 35c, iiilles' Ligli•
t passes through ,a 415.
Tea or Tablets. Ask your Druggist..
Eighty -live per cent Britielt, have ar-
rived, ana out of the total immigration
fairly about a per cent were booked for
the United States.
The tendency Of Canadian farmers
to concentrate their .energies upon'
cheese, .rather than butter, has con•
chiced to a shortage of supply, in Eng.
laud, and a rise of two pence a pound
is probable. From May to September
Canadian shipnients of cheese to Eng-
land were 150,000 boxes more than the
corresrionding. period last' year, and
the shiaments of butter', 135,000 tubs
less. Canadian choicest is already 7s.
.to Ss cwt. dearer than ,last year.
A: very unique and, praisewbrthy
tase has been reported to the Provin-
cial License: Department. • A lady
holding the only license in an Ontario
village voluntarily closed „her hotel
bar on the days of the annual fah' for
the reason that in former years some
of the young mien attending the exhi-
bit had become. boisterous As the
fair days are ' probably the Most pro-
fitable ot the year, the aecision was
one of financial sacrifice and entirely
• Theusaeds of women suffer untold miser.
Ie g overy day with aching backs that really
have no busibess to aphe. A woman's back
wasn't made to ache. Under ordinary
conditions it ought to be strong end ready
to help her bear the burdens of life.
•It is hata to do housework with an Bah-
• ing back. Hours of misery at leisure or
• at work. If women only. knew the cause.
Backache comes from salt kidneys, and
what alt of trouble sick kidneys cause in
the woild.
But they can't help it, li more work is
put anthem than they can stgficrit'T iio
to act wondered that they get out of order.
Backache is simply their cry for help.
Will help you, • They're helping siok, mot.
worked kidneys-- all over the world --
making them strong, healthy and vigorous.
Mee. P. Ryan, Doughte, Ont. writes; "For
over five months 1 was troubled with Tams
back and was unable to move without
help. 1 tried Ali kinds of plasters and
littutient8 but they were no use. At last I
heard •ttll qf Deana Itianey Pilis ind
after X had used three -g meters of the box
my back was as strong and well as ever."
Price 0 Goats r,er box or three boxes for
$1.25, till &alert or The 1/00,11 Kidney Pill
Co., Toronto, Ont.
tance equal to • seven ana a alt reeo-
Iutione of. the earth -in one minute, but
Magnua • Oraigie and his two sons .
eleetrieity travels se:astonisaingly . fast '
Were upset it then: • fishing. boat On
Lake 'Winnipeg, butgot ashore after :that it is, able to complete the circuit
souie hours ; William, the younger lad, of theearth eleven e ed.a helalluiese in
died of eXhaustion,.. .. • • . sixtY Second's. • • • • •
'Th lil . n d o tea at a . .
e le1 suith as 6 bee
against Ald. Wnt, Gordon,
who refused to withdraw his state -
Merit that the Council hattput through
"a crooked transaction."
The new .0. T. R freight sheds at
Winahani are not . large enough to
Meet the dernandfot storing freight,
and an Addition of 60 feet to the pres-
ent shectiss being etected.
• •
• .
finance conimittee at Hanillton
hits decided to have a bv-law submitted.
to the ratepayers !text .January to vote
for neraexpeediture of $30,000 for. the
Home for Incuaables in that 'city.'
If you have loseyourboyhood spirits, ,
courage and confidence of -youth; we
after sant new life, fresh cones ge and
freedom from ill health • in Hollister's
Rocky Mounteht Tea. • 35c. Tett or
Tablets. Age your ,Drogeast.
Mrs, Fredeviee Pabst, of Milwaiikee,
widow of the anetiter head of the Pabst
,Brewina Compares and daughter of
13evt, *milder of the . brewery
died at midnight of pneemonia. •
Alleging that her busbetal has sever -
'al times turuea on the gas lit her mem
letting it esc,ape until she discovered
her dangeatouise Doyle,of Cleveland,
.wattts a diVerce from Frank Doyle..
It is stated on good authority that
Hon. 3. I. Tarte will not be dustman
of the harbor • board commission of
Montreal. It is also saki that be has
not been an applicant for the position.
Oratery TO the Commons.
• .011e of the Xatedon Weeklies laments
the decoy , of oratory in the 'house of
• 'commons. An observer bas classified
• the stylc‘s of parliamentary speaking
.thus"thew haw", style, the "hum and
A haw" style and the "be haw" - style.
The first, he says; Is used by the
-haughty gentlereen whO 1611 in triumph
The hotel -keepers in the lonal option
townships of Elgin are said to he con-
sidering action against Police Magis-
trate -Elie tio-eatri p el bimeter p
iissertions about iannibrality in ta lic
on thetreasury benelie the second dis-
tinguishes the utterances . of the keen
• atidewatchful aetalemen on the, faint
oopciAtlen beach; while the third: sort•
I fairly deseribes. the effort of the •pri-
vete meinber. • • • •
OW lettere found by the Coatsworth
fe miler researchers at Ein esville show
1 het tobacco Waft stiecessf tiny raised
andmarketed alone the laresterd(lan-
nclian take Erie sliore one hundreal
years ago.
The new Pure rnod itna Ttrug Law
will mark it on the label of every
Coneh Cure Containing Opium, (Noroform or any *titer stupifying or pole.
(mous drna. But it passes 'Da Shoop's
Caligh Care ne mole for 20 yen:re. en-
tirely free Dr. Shoop all Mona has
bitterly onposed the use of all ()Writes
or nareotiee. 11to, Shores Cough Cure
ie Absolutely cafe even for the youngest
babe • and it (ewes, it does not eimitly
spippress. Get ft safe ciad reliable
Cotigh Cure, bse eimnIV itatisting on,
having Oa Shoopaa tot the law be
your protection, Vire eheerftilly re
Mend and sell it,, Holmes.
A Loud Call, «
William II, Crane,: the actor, wits
once .asked how it was that he never
attempted serious Shakespearean roles.
"But I did once," replied •the coine-
(Ban. eYears ago In the west I played
'Ha " • . •
"Ield you, indeed?" .said an admirer
and friend "Didtat you have a great
success? Didn't -the audience call you
before the curtain?" • , •
"Call me!" roared Crane. "Why, man,
they dared me!"—Argonaut.'
That Wao Different.
Landlady—I will let this excellent
men at reduced rates because there
Is a woman net door watt plays the
piano continttally. Applicant—Oh, that
won't mate any difference! The room
Is for my nephew here, and he is deaf.
Lan ady—Ah, in that case A. must
la ge the Nil price! •
• Dangerous,
"Would you like to seeety aquaria?"
asked the naturalist.
"Well, If he's securely chained I
might, hut I'm so afraid of wild
beasts," replied the visitor.
Neutrals are soused. from above and
iiingrel front below.—GermAn Proverb.
• Neuralgia attd Netvottions mad re fay ey
AJAX PeithVIAllfelirs
Tat.,guzt., 1,,Leatto,
lohestesrieri damiestmesawir
Dear Editor:.•
Who': you persist you met Accept
The st,Ories (.1)ti 1 I
• I 'don't believe. that you regret .
,.'ro send Ihern back again..
1V1y.'sforloS T do ailnefit,
ridicule provolaq• '
•3ttlt, v',Itli.s:our sharpened .pciin't of wit,
• . wee don't. ,yiet.t,1„..ticl.,,,•Ttf.e.unixo,ke?
• Noveity„
• "'aye got the greatest lace you ever
• hearel of for' a strenuous play," de-
elareS the young wither.• .
."Whift, are 'you acting to dramatize—
the cookbopk?" we .ask with fine saa
Casio. • •
'Dramatize •notning!"he. S retorts.
'This is to be purely' and• entirely and
• antazinpay origioal: The heroine Is to
he. a mother-in-law and the. hero a ,
' oasehi1hl emoire "—Judea.
• ,
S to in achfeels like.a ra infernal math-
ineeind:yoix want relief mighty quick: '
Nothing does' the work half so soon as
Polsou'e Nerviline. Why, it kills the
pain instantly; •If your bottle -is empty
get another. to -day. •Nerviline keeas
the doctor bill small, because it . cures.
the little ille before they grote big.
Nothieg 'for indigestion, 'heartburn,
and cramps like Polson'seNertriline. 25c
for large bottles. :
Old Papers.
Old papers fer sale, 5 emits a banal?:
• NE W ERA Ofilee.
• Seed Wheat.
The undersigned has it quantity of Seed
VS heat. for aide, of the Ole Seott variety,
which tented 62 lbs per bushel.
21 HARVEY JOEINEI, Clinton, P. P.
Subscriber having moved
his Restaurant to the store
recently occupied • by F. W.
Watts, will be glad to meet• e
his old customers,and as mar
new ones as may favor him
with their patronage.
}laving also bought out the
King Bakery, he will supply
the public with first - class Cakes.
Great' NeWS
We want to increase our etre
• 1000 subscribers. and in order to
we make the following liberal clubbii
• new subscribers,
The New Era and Montreal Week
-Herald, from now to lst Jan, 1908,
The New Era and Montreal Herald
and Weeklv Globe, from now to 1st ot$
January 1908
The New Era, Montreal Herald.
and Weekly Mall -Empire, from now to $ ‘65
lst of January, 1908 " .
• •
Subscribers cari take their choice of any. �f
these liberal offers. The New Era is admitted to
be one of the best local papers in Ontario.
The Montreal Herilti-is a zo page, non:- pont,
ical paper, filled with excellent readingand it .
worth $1 a year itself. Those who subscribe .no
get the balance of the year free with either,; of.thel
papers mentioned.
This is a rare opportunity to get a Tot of read-
ing.for little money. All subscriptions " must,be ac-
companied by cash. •
Dont Delay. Subscribe at once.
'Clinton, Ont.
GOO thief daily. Call ands see our Dress Goods
Our Fall. Goods are arriving tamoSt
• Prints., flannellettes, yerapperettes.,
Sea our Ready-to-wear Pants with Btirglar POO Pockete. A• large stock of
Overalls and Sint:teas. Hardware steca'repienished with Eosilage, Beat, Chaffe
• . .
and. Man area -Perks. A fulrsupply of Groceries in stock at all times.
. ,
'Highest possible price paid for Butter and Eggs.
Emporium, Londesboro, Sept. 14/06.
R. Adams.
• Big values in Rugs.
!For Health, Economy, and Beauty, Itugseithe tile favorite floor coveriug.
We show several patterns in each of the following.sizes. •
UhionEugs, sizes 3X3 $4 0 size 3x4 $6.50 '
Wool Rugs, ,, 3x3 5.50 ;, 3x4 850
Tapestry Ruas, „ 3x3 8.50 s • •„ • exa 1050
Brussels Rugs, „ 3x4 15.50 •
Velvet Rugs, „ 3x4 21.00. •'
. •
Buy your BIliggy where quality- as Well as
appearance is considered in manufacturing,
and have your repairing tibre by exper-
ienced men,
Allare found at
Rumball & McMath's,
• Huron street, alinton., •
. • , NistPliteSsetion
You would rather trust an old, Mead then. it stvanger, wouldn't
. . . • .
.. . . . .
g ••
You? Our Baking Powder is a tried anl trested•friend in many
a ' homes. It does not pay to experiment with untried . doubtful
/ 'brands when yon can get ours, made with Pure Cream Tartar '
and the best.English Bicarbonate of Soda,' at only 25c a lb.
i i. • If you lievenot tried it, we will be pleased -to . give you
0 •
iaefiree sample. •
O. •Ja E HOVEY, . Clinton.
6 . ,.• 4,.....e4,4
k ...n.....,.......,,,....,
v , ...........
N.. rottly-rpar,
Dispensing Chemist.
oNeE AGAIN'''',""-.
• Last week we told you we had nailer, Tea and Toilet Sets,
and FancyChina on the way from the potters in England. We
talnow heve them in stock. They are up-to-date in shape and neW
' decorations. Cheaper than over. Call and see them.
. 131ask, Green and ,Tapens, from 10e up. Our ' special Mixed
•• 215o Tea is extra value. .
Special cut uriee in 100 11), bags, 'We handle mile the best in
• TomatoesCoen, Peas Mal Salmon. Every can guiteauteed.
..i. W. IRWIN
cAsn )An.) POE EGGS AND. Iltritz' It:
il*SART 1-41 F F *********444**********