The Clinton New Era, 1906-10-05, Page 7e.
e, -
ek Node Woman Who Is Engoceed In
Noble Work.
,Ae Caroline M, Phelps Stokes Of -New
ork, Mrs. Robert Hunter was reared
in, the lap of luxury. Fier father,. •An-
Seee Phelps Stokes, 1$ many tulles e. nlil-
'ilonaire, and her grandfather, Anson
(Phelps, was numbered ;:along; the
greatest oaP New York's many great
Her home on Fifth avenue was one
Of the most maguifleent in that city of
splendid mansions. I.,ivetlea servants
Were always at her call.; Iter every wiser
was gratified. Notifin; that money
could buy was denied her when echo de-
sired it. She is said to have a L)rtuete
of $10,000,000 in her own -tight. •
Blossoming into won iiboocl afiss
Stokes followed the example of her two
brothers, the Rev. Anson Phelps Stole'
Tn, and J. G, -Phelps Stokes, rind began
t}aork In- the slums' of :Sew 'York's e,ist
ttrineci, 11{1`...b'uk lamasthe ostial
pleasures of the t•kh and the Invit:ltions
nrxs. ItcniElVe nex.ree.
of her soda! set, and, with reuufi•kalile -
devotion to the (•an'e. set :theta allewl-
atin; tlle'sulheriags of thntie who were
far less fort:mate titan herself.
It• was while engage(' in this `Volk
• that she met Robert Ilneter,• a youtfg
man who had been brought from the
I 'west to take charge of a .large uni-
versity settlement work in the • east..
, side. He had nothing. more to offer lie
than a cleau 'heart, a clear, head and
strong character that wets all ' aflern
tani a INTON
RSV?. EltA
WO.IFN ' N1 LUC `,
AMMAN'S W ITM A MAID Au Absolute Cure For
width Time. Lost Is Restored by Lydia E.
Piakbam's Vegetable Compelled,
'Tow many wom en do you know who
are perfectly well and strong? We hear
every dale the same story over and over
again, ' 1 'do note feel 'well; I a»n so
ttrecl all th
e t
• more than likely you speak the same
(arils yourself, and no doubt you feel
',fee from well. The cause may be easily.
faced t<
•some eran
euent of •the
fe- d
anale organs Web. nanifestsitself
depress:en, of spirits, rrll'ie 'e.i.. j;;j
anywhere (.,r lot anything, backache,
.bearing -down pains, flatulency, nervous-
neSA, sicepleesnet;s or other female
weakness • e
These evmptonts are Iwo iVarnin e that
there is ditrtger ahead, and unless hee;lr a.
a life of suffering or a >tei'ious operation
is the anon tta ee result: •
• Thb nev er failing remedy for all these
symntorns .is Lydia E. 1'hnklliirn's Veg.
etable Compound, '
• ;Mev Clara Ileaubien, of. Beauport,
.Quebec, writes:
Dear Mrs. fine Baur:
For several Vt;ua I have suffered with '
a female` vv saltie -•y whirl l proved' a serious
drain on my vitality, sepieng my strength
end causing ,rever:h(elect,b , beath:le-down
pains and ri general w•' rrt c ut feeling, mail
I really bad no desire to live 1 tried ninny •
'medicines, but di 1 not get` pore:Meet relief
until I toot I ; clia i !criant a'Veretul,le .
Compound T.1 two mint he 1 was 1nneIi
better and stronger, met in four months I
was well; no mere deogreettlee discharge;
no more pain. have every reason to
praise. the Vegetable (•,inponuul, and Leers
eider it a'it iett'equ d i .c tlieitls ofvwontee."
For elite -two years airs, Pinkhanre
daughter-in-law. of Lydia E. liankhain,
.has under h. i• ditveti0n and since her
decease, .been n pialt V: omen' flee
of charge: elleradvis. is floe and always -
helpful; •.P ddrese, >✓} iur;'.liaps..
Mew ewe Honsekeeper Mooned of
the Henri&Int Problem.
rinsing fifteen years, writes a woman,
to Good Heueekeeping, I have had -in
My service elx girls Who have been a
Comfort and help- !pick as., no mere
servant can be.
I have
e ve r
paid n wages higher than
my neighbors have done, and our home
is so small that a maid has to be, con.
tent with humble accommodations.
I have given, however, what every
mistress does not bestow—frequently
does not believe in—a certain friends.
nese, cordial sympathg, au interest Iu
the inner life of a girl Whose flesh and
blood, whose. heart, ambitions and
loves are not ea different frons my own.
One plan i have carried out for years
has aided me largely in making the
best of each rnaid who comes into lay
household, Once a month x give her an
afternoon of companionship, not in the
duties of the house, but in some little
trip or recreation she chooses by her.
•,Sometimes I accompany her to -:1
matinee, while on pleasant summer
days we go picnicking in the woods or
to some shore resort. There have been
A revue ns
o spent in
museums . art ,and. •
lies s, •when 1 h(tve been really
ed at: eels:We glimpse of thing;
rare and beautiful menus to such a
If you will try it,' making yourself
a key to the mysteries of such art ox-
bibit,'you will really find a greet (it':tl
of pieasttre in it, Hundreds of^itiot:ten
go out -of their wayto do such wo1:1;
from a settleinent standpoint, but it
never occurs to them to give surer it
pleasure to a girl 'svorkju'' in their
own kitchens. . •
It is not alone the,-pleasnre gh'en
that 18, appreciated: it is tho compan-
ionship and kindly interest I find mo :t
valued: • The holiday, I give is not tee,
weekly 'Lhursday off; it. is .some otlarr
convenient clay, and you`}will find, as I
do, that the work has all been setts
factorily completed before the vaeation'
I. Dyspepsia. Indigestion, Peleliu)/ _ of
gas after eating, mean Weakness,
• By. means of its muscles, the stomach
it should churn solids
into liquids—mixing lu the gastric juice
to start digestion.
If the stomach is weak --then food is
not properly churned and mixed with
enough gastric juice. Then you. have
indigestion and then dyspepsia,
OR "FRUIT LIVER Tsel.E•re• '
strengthen tete stomach --just as juicy
beef and eggs and milk strengthen the
wasted frame of a patient getting over
I:RLIIT-A-TIVES contain tete elements
that give ntew--;vigor new energy -•.
to. the muscles lining the stomach
stimulate the digestive glands and
assure a copious time of gastric .jwee
for each ileal,
Islore than that, FRt IT-A-TIVI?S
correct the Constipation, wlrich.usual]
• attends stomach trouble—and by action e
direetly•on kidneys and liver, pet the •
• whole system in healthy condition: '
FRUIT-A-TIVI;S are a peculiar com-
bination of fruit juices dud terries that
are known all over Canada for- their
wonderful cures in all stomach,. liver
(• and kidney troubles.
5oc. a box or 6 boxes jot c ,ro-
• Sent ' on receipt of price
if your -.druggist does not'.
handle them.
Teter stir eake after final .beating.
occurs,. • • Beating motion should always he last
used. ,
When • interrupted while frying in
4, Pretty One. Can De Hada Ont of a.
Handkerchief. • •
A baby cannot have too Many bibs,
and there is nothing a mother apprc'
dates mole than gift' bibs forher lathy.
• The pretty- bib,heire shown is made
a handkerchief. One corner cut out
!tar temperament, They • should' be.
:aught to gover.0 ilot only their actions
l,ut their thoughts iind .,feelings, •by
their reason anti ju,t _ uteut. They should
1=cshown how to argue .their misery
silt toits lowest terms before. allowing
themselves es tti be blade miserable 'by
Imaginary. sorrows •
r. For girls or; for those -older who never -
a : ha've teen truly:disciplined •such train -
t with enthusiasm for the'. betterment. o
the lower strata of 'humanity, but:. siis
\,),Stokes had not been impressed by. tit
I. verage young Ten lit her social set
the two were married,
Not long afterward their friends •
•;Were astounded. to learn that the
!Hunters had .abandoned .their. palatial -
;dwelling on Fifth avenue:atfti'had gone
!down fate the lower west side of New
1 'York, a section that -had been crying:
out for help .for years, 'to, make their
bo '
me there.
'They took :a modest 'house in Grove
street, :and there they have
sided.. ;their, days are spent receiving
seeahe-s—,nut those .frons the•fashionable
set they had left uptown; but from the
• squalid regions about theta -Lin extend
• ,Ing the helping band and studying.`
what next to do . . in tile- campaign
against poverty .and 'its accompanying
evils. -
"Aih day long white faced 'misery
throngs to the door of the humble lit=
Ile house," Financial assistance .is.
given one, -advice to another,- a: tangle
in the thread -of this .life or that is
straightened, • -
"We have taken this small house,?'
. said M% and Mrs. Hunter, to„an early
caller, "in -order to keep our 7ivessini'
pie. There isn't half as lueh inter -
(est In the .lite of fashionable New.
York as is to be found .iu the kindly,
homely circles .of •humbler fdtk. We
(want to live the rase .life, the. true
Auleriean Life. Itis for the purpose of.
being next door to poverty .that. we.
- Lace c -erne here:"—Philadelphia. `.pith
Perpetual Y•(n(ctft.'
Every Troupe' desires to r'etein • im
long as may be her youthfulness of
Lace, form and movement„yet the true
u i; e
f I
u . i enduring
i•outh 'Is .. is b .
no means its un
t still
recognized, y 1,
lett A
wonlnn Is happy just in lrrirportion as
she Is content. The seri has a way
of changing the spots upon which
-it shines. lespeel:My ie, this true of our
land, where one is up tocbly and down
toulorrow and vire versa. ` ”
4 a. Ih
c. wisest
woman is site who tr'11818 .in xt ttJ itpr-
rovw. but • never looks for it. To sit
down and wish that thie might be, that
that would b different,
e deo;, a'tw0rilau '
no good. It does -her harm, In that l:t
makes her dissatisfied withIitts(elf.
unieeasnnt to her friends, and ut tkes
her old before her lithe, happiness is
not al wa ye iner'tse+l in proportion to
Ilul•ge sic cess. 'Phis linty sound like
an old saw, and so it Is, but there is t1.
world of wisdom fit tunny en old
proverb, just the same. t'outeritnierit
is a wonderful thane; 'to eultivate_
There would be I'ewer.preniaturely old
women, Kays Woman's Lite, in file
world, if it were given more of 11 trial
and it becnine a more trnivef:ettl (lttnlity
in womanhood,
SenMitlre WOOlert..
Srnsitivo women, 11 !awe all others,
have need of that grand sph'itnal VIZ,
toe, common .ellSO. And sensitive girls
should be in'ztructed •enrefi111y as to the
capabilities and dangers of their peon -
Cook's Com Root Compount
The greet *Marine Tonle, and
only eatfo effectual Monthly«
Regulator Mt which women tan
depend: Sold In three dogreeti
Of strength -.No. 1. V: No. 2,
10 degreed stronger ' 3; No. 8,
for�neOtat cube., per box.
Sold' bye all drii tits, or tient
paid t �Loya reoe t of price.
Z MTI,ONTT, Ill lyWinalgoar•)
!ng. is necessary ere they can find peace`
of mind aiid Cornfor•t arbid the conflicts
,ol' au emotional: temperament. .The
fitial virtaie of the sensitiS'e spiritual ma-
Lure le to be !nappy: • .And 'though it
ke many struggles to attain this
state the ruil}d should, be made up that
:happiness is flue. right and Highest con-
dition and that only weak minded peo-
ple•believe it tine to be miserable,
'The Two Woman's Clothes.
One of the unsolved mysteries. -is why
the 'average thin woman is inclined to
wear her clothes in such a way that
theyonly accentuate 11er thinness, In-
-stead of diminishing the length of her
'back by a -deeply shaped belt. she ten •
:often wears a belt sonarrow that it
:looks, es though she:bad taken;•partieu- '
lar pains *tobunt down the. narrowest
to be found, and instead of wearing her
: blouse• generously: full and pouched ill
front she seems to take: pleasure ia,
•pulling it duwie skin tight. lu fact, the -
thin women should • wear frills • and
furbelows as much es" possible -instead
of accentuating het long Ihiies and acute
angles by clothes that seem to be cut
on her own uattern. ,Newv .York
No substitute has over been devised
that gives the quirk, painless results
of Pgtnan's Corn Extractor 'Per fifty
Tears its success has, peen- rtnegnnlled.
For safety artd thorough mire ust:"flit•
nail's" only.' -
44.• r.
AS to jtist w•11;i reeetistIt11((s4cele beau-
erne peoples 81)(1 in•ilwi hells Meet et). -
ways diener. 'Thes0 ;ire; l8OSwet"er, eery
tale lice( Sali ('103033t (i1' GR':11e111111,1'111
lq ('1(''., .1111,1 v hic•l; u" i i' 1)3131ceiil els.
10s auIni 3 dos Mettle. Ynt,i'i''.ut w,•;rt1;011)
,., tan ..,
1 lhli h(,•, s,•,heee ere
priltcip,ily tbtee •it s.(1 it be suite ele,
silflple , and leveeing 'these three.
eolitt:,, 'which lartn'ly lletormtid' the net
of dreAeing, fix one hall' the p.':rhletn ol'.
economy; the. other half is f;t . kn(iir-
Ing cx uct13' hove nlucli one !nay spend
011 dress. I:wc^t' h tenriiwvolhaf flint
3 'knowv tag
t excel „lilt ninle •
Ilras(s, anti every rt• tuember of the fn1111ly
tt; cinis.ldOre(1 i r.1;; g la.r elf• IIu:L•
n(,r's 1lazar. -
,deep flit drop a Crust of dry bread, into
tate fat to prevent its brazing.
-When the tints for coot utg .regota-
bles is liuilted pour broiling water -over'.
Ahem, then dram and comic in the usual
When, frying croquettes be: cure to
plunge the basket In hot fat before, the
et :ghettos ire placed in It, This will
prevent thtmsabering to the wire
when lifted
T\'I•teu roasting meat to make the
:gravy.. Mee f; .uiit' hr v -
o vLt .take a t(tlile=,
,. ipooneul. of sugar and melt in a, pan
till It smokes, ,then add boiling water,
stir. vv ell and mis zvrtll.:the gravy. •
Cracker Lir bread crumbs used in coy..
.ening the tops of stidlops, etc.;.. should
:be well greased in :melted butter. This
makes a-. better ec t; than the dry
:at the back forms the little frill iincler
the chin. A pretty baby pin set. lnto
the bib.makes it a more valuable gjft.
' Another pretty bib , can be made of
-sheer lawn, einbr'oidered- 'WitlT t13e
transparent' embroidery, which.. con
gists: ; of eatatitch done on :the wrong . •.
side of the material.. For tile` flowenv
+ana :simple outline stitch .for the stems
'and 'ei'olls'.set the embroidered ,lawn
on to 'it. beevy linen .back. Trimthe
whole with a pretty valenefennes' lace 1.
ltendlng. Aloud at Heine.
Trout g girls should bre encotnetgedto
read aloud frequently, . There le no
lovelier ntcconrl)lishment. Not the de-
claniatory style of reading which pro-
feeslonei. elocutionists acquire and
which, because it:Is Intended for .public
use,, has a degree 'of • exaggeration in
both its tones and its • action, but the
quiet,. sweet, Sympathetic . and intent -
gent rendering of a book into the liv
tog speec'h is What we should seek for.
• Agirl frequently spends .a great cleat
of time over • studies which •will. do
her vett little good in. her future life,
.says WM-na1ff; Life. The- alt of read-
ing well nild acceptably would' enable
iter to ,once 'any circle of friends; It
would :tssiitt 91st• to brighten the Ionise -
held; at wvotild perhaps `cause her to
be es eyes to the blind and as au
anted of relief in the room of- the
inralitL '
tn'^nl(tr t, '•ed raven.
The best way to correct a case of en-
lttrred: poles is to lay down certain'
hygienic roles of living and stick to
them. Drink a great deal of water, so
as to keep 111e kidneys in' a perfectly
h011111ty condition, tat fruit tokeep
the digestive organs 'active. 'take a
tot,(of .complexionhit.i
tm n.t
s that
incln(10 massage and electricity. The
idea is to set the .glands and blood
vessels about their business, so the
fuklu will refine itself. It is when the
pores are inactive and In an unhealthy
state that they become .small Indenta-
tions; TT's&tlle complexion brush every
night With warm water and pure :eas-
tilt some, afiet'wartl applying creme
teargtlf;;, The friction is good, ,and the
habit of cleanliness Is always Cont-
Are no
of •
People lr men'. walk O* life are troubled.
Memo toss tit 1.akachei' If you have It
I5 the Cat ego that the kidneys are not
Working' prb(+crly, i
negfrteci Backaclic leads to serious
Xidner' !'rouble.
Check it in time by taking
They tete?, all kinds of Kidney Troubles 1
from Backache to Bright's Disease,
1100. bola or "i for $lL2af
1111 doalera or
't'.iv►httk dos,
tie.ALI ( AXIOMS. •
A had tempered vroman can never be
Itarnaoriy in dress pleases more eyes
than costly gewgaws.
t!ultivate graciousness, for it Is na-
t1u'e's.greatest beautifier;
Daintiness has mule to' be the triosee
ern woman's chic." charm, .
If .you have no thought for yourself,
remember that others atitnitr,„leMAY.
Iieattty may be only skin deep, but it
has ,more Vaine .than most Icinds of
Thingsw1 bcht beautify an old Woman
now det'rac't from the appearance of
the young girl.
i)on't wait lint!l tomorrow to think
of the graceful emit told comely face,
for by that time middle age settles and
formidable crow's feet will be with roll
to may.
erutnbs dotted' with ..butter and
less• of the latter ingrn.7tnllt,
'When i the ton off a dog's. -nose is cold
and moist, that. dog is not, sick.: A.
feverish. -dry noseinuans sickness with
it dog. And so with the hlutiatn 1i11-,
dry erai ked and . eolorless iipe inean
feverishness, and •tite::ls well ill appear-
ing. '1'o have beau iful, pink, • .velvet.
like lip's, apply at bed tinie•a.0.tating of•
Dr. Shoop•s Green:Salve. It'wiil soft-
en,and heal every skin ailment. • (Tel:
'fr'ee tvial loos at our store anci"be eon-
viilced. L(u'ge, nickel soliped gllu.s
jars, 23c. V.S.,Ii,. Holmes.
. Stale Spoi(ga ( .'Lac.
Stale' sponge :cake •('an he used to.
make a delicious pudilleg, fitting slices
of ii,iuto a ilakirlg dish_ .R'u,tter.the
dishfirst lend sprinkle wift sl1511:
•:Pit. in the Sponge cake • and Sprinkle
• with Cll'Oppell,;milt]Onl1S and ee.coe11ut:•
both of_ which Bade • been slightly
browned iri -the oven._ Pitt• in another.
,.Mayer of cake and eover•us before until
the mold is full; and pour. In a pint of.
:milk whish. has ,neon. Treated to the
• scalding point mild rills 33 81) three
1 yolks of eggs beaten with sugar' four
thiS In, bake in 't1 Pau of water and
seriie wide a nice sauce.
l?reventics, asthe narneimplies. pre-
vent all Colds and Grippe when' taken
at the Sneeze stage."
Prev(utics ore toothsome sender tab
lets. Prevcntiee - dissipate' all • (gids
l c1 sly, and taken elites/when you .first
feel that ;ia, cold is corning, th"y (lherk ..
and prevent them. Preventics tti'e
thoroughly safe for .cltildren; and as ef-
fectual fu' 1L(itilts.. Sold •tinct rec,(stttt
mended in tic ,lrld ' Dq hose's. *by W. S.
A' Si(up14 txperilarent Witlt. 5glpl.gret
of Corbett.
A very beautiful and interesting ef-
fect may be obtained by a simple ex-
periment with sulphuret of carbon;,
This is a colorless liquid 'formed by tate
union of sulphur and Carbon. It slloultl
be handled with extreme eitutlou, an it
is highly inflammable. ;Co produce the
effect shown In the illustration, you
have but to 1111 a small flask with sul-
phuret of carbon. Fierce a hole through
the center of the cork stopper: Roll 1p
finely a piece of white paper and pass
it through the hole lu••the eot'lc tin:ii
'the lower end touches the bottom of
the flask. The upper end should pro-
1S PACKED iN SEALED LEAD PACKAGES to rteserve its goodness.
25e, 30e, 40c, 50e, 60e Per Lb. At Your Grocer's,
m f
A LTtrm ur, SNOW TiOrtatTION..
jest somewhat- allose the. cork And be
• eut -into narrow Strips like a) tt ,li?t e,
0a011 etl',•i keine thole to • stance out
well front the refit. Let the: al:per:ltes
stand, and :at the'end of -fftee'n nen-
'atesSyou will lied the etit paper euv-.
eyed with little particles of snow.
The liquid hit nrcaunted in the paper
ily capillary ;shorn.. ('otning i+r see
tact wills the (ler, Its rapid 'eva,t nal:eu
e teas such ;t slid(len drop iu the toui-:
per1ltul'e of the . alt bines diaicly sur-
rolliidin;*- it that file Moisture contain-
•ed in the atmosphere cormeals eine me
pears in the form 0f snow. Ties e:
per'iment miiy be successfully 1(1(01 ea
midsummer irnd in full.suusltil1o: It le •
ridsletth e, heWevor,-oeyeng.•-(0 tlti' pew-,erful and de.
isagreeablodor or tli' Ell'
emplo%ed;'to condu(•t the iti'eratiou
out of doors or on a Window' sfli '
A :1[Cssat:e .the lS'in(1, mowing Over
•tlie Garden, Drought ,Them.
• The flowers get hate • a dish ltd . one
menting as to vvlrkch oC 'their calm the
flower of God, and :the rose said, "1
elil the: fl i -er of • God, for l ant tilt
fairest and the most perfect In beauty .
and Variety, of forth ;lute delleace (if
fragrance of all flowers" -
Ancl the' crocus: said; "Nos yuiu:are
not the flower •01 (Toil Whys I .was
blootiiing•long before j ou blodnlid d. 1'
am the primitive BowersI am the `first
Anil the lily of the valley said ruucl•
• estly "I' ant stuttll, but I. tuii white.
Perhaps 1 am the'flower of God,' ' •
And the trailing arbutus. seise Be-
fore -any of Lou cable forth i was
hboenling udder the leaves and' muter
the snow. An: I not the flower o1, God?'
IEut,.all tile'fiowers cried out:.'•No,
you are no: flo\ver at all. You tiro
Conte outer." •
' '1'h:eu God's wind;: bloating ever t:ll
;garden,, brought this •niei8ige to .0)6'1
',Little flowers,. do eon: not know that,
0.017 flower that 'rrnsw'i:L s (oil's sweet
spring call (nuL pines 'out. of 'the' (3)1(1
cluk teir'th;:lull lifts its head 8be\e
the .sod and .blooms forth; Catching the
starlight -and dinging it- b Lek to men
taking the sweet south' WIIIEI 101851.
(10;1 anci, giving• ft.liael: to'. others 511
siveet and blessed and h(ritbgiving
ftngrtinc'e, (10 you know they ere ti!1
(Toil's flowers':" --7 yMan :Al llot.;
. Jura Like .ri tory. •
Ryssus, 0f vvhlrh flue, iridescent
otos kinge and ,bawls are . intute fn
81011Y, 1, 'a ', lk, in tc;e.'by n 11.4 i n
piths;1;i> •r \feditcrrnlleail shellfish ti18t
has. an :gild lltl Ie tuba :tt the end of 115
.tont,«iro. (Jut of thus tube, spider rash -
ash -100, or sil!•isorm f tshiop, .11 spins a
silk thread with ,which it fastens itself
to any reek, that it visiles tri adhere to,
t\'hen 'ihe ;mina 111O3'e.e on its fasten -
:Ise, tins sdeen
asten-nse,ity'smll.e;i calk i'crnaius:hrltiucl.
This cable \wbic•ls is caned bj'ssns, the
(111tn (lettermen]l t1M1 rite
al li�s
'R. Holmes ,.
netits haft rho^softtst, finest, K1100111-
.81: oC fabries, but it Is very t y rate and
etllerr'ilve.---I'osunlar .Science
1.11 inn nconal. t
• Nicholas II, is neither tear; rear nor'(
tsar of Iltuisia but emperor of all the.
Itussi•ts, To call the emperor:of :i1ur�
, to at•tzar is ti tn•is,totuer. He is'tzar .I (
(kiugi of aloicow, 'I'oiand, l$ttetkhant
and Teti iii, 1"11t11 the eevenieenth eine t
• ttliy Tlu.
n ra
t t..
two) Of Moscow." .Peter the (;root as- I
8)1tned the tl(1(1 "ett (tarot' 01 ail tato t
Itussins'((,rent illis5f.1, l5'lr(te Russia
and Little or heti lttts:ial, n
• Corti: treys.
t'ui•iut15 toys may 80 lsiade of :Coii:.
hie of these is the Welt known -little
ambler sect as. is generally t'otu�tr'uc•t-
cdcif liitlt, lint cork, especially if it be
rollaiccd, tWWili answer elle purpose.
0111e as will, \hese• the puppet of.
h1(r., or eau. corks, shape and tnlirit It,
s skillfully as you. can and glue to tate
'(('t or taller theta little ltemisph-t'res
\Then thrown 11310 any posi-
Lh 11gure sr coarse rights itself -
nil like' a cut, i1iweys falls on its feet.
t is. quite .possible to make a eat of
iib. of of mirk. 100.
'tete t'rtr0l('r,R Doll,
1 tools my. dolly for a walk. before •ide
r' t(iu'•d (Ile Auto
She kl. hrn one 111th rlitrper oft, and soon
srie•(ost the matt,
I toots my dolly for a ride; it was; windy
Baty, •
She broke her pretty parasol; her bonnet
flew ((.31,83'. • ..
1 took my dolly for a sail, and what did
dolly do
lint drop her eeelti(ice overboardeat was
• her .best ono tool
An51 then, • the More I scolded her the
'— ntbii1'Rii'e smiled 'and smiled.
Now, would you take her out eaten -she's .
eie b sl peeebie slim.?
1Er11 YYOU RAMO $2000122 A
1EA1i ` tt is beitrg- done with our goods,
Voris is pleasant, permanent end profitable.
:omit used in every house, every day. No fake,
cid no need to creme the demand, r,egitimate, I
reputable business. You can start without a cent
of capital. Write to day. tl MvMnnstial.t, fit Ca„
Wholesale Zeas, and Coffees, London, Ont.
lOt will nay for the 1e•e' Pre to row sttllserillr
as, for the balance Of this rear
Dysentery., Diarrhoea, Cranips, tlolir,
Pains In thestomach, Cholera, Cholera
Morbus, Cholera Infantum, Sea Si*.
noes, Summer Complilint, and all
Mutes of the Bowels.
Has been in use tor nos,* EC years
soul hat VIVO f`ailod to .give rellOf
arceive syttrine whieh Yon- cannot afford to omit from
. your be -sees; d ;tea ; ;me - 111 hes. dap:, when everything
enst he (Ione ae9n tet v• h11,1 rapidly. the system used
• Gregg ;:hori hand is viisy to -learn, easy to write',..hud
10 I (rad after it It,
edalegue V re tell y6.11 ell about -the sp•tenWand
sate..1 t1.1.'n1 :ember tin Stole, inclusive.
The New Method.Treatment of Drs.
K. &K. has restored thousands of weak,.
'diseased' men to rothiet manhood, No
:natter how many doctors have failed th
cure you,give our tre,atment a fair trial
and you will Inver regret it. We guar-.
antee all cases we itecept for treatinent.
Not a.doilar need be paid unless cured
for yeti can pay after you are ctwed.
Drs. R. & K. established 25 years.
We treat Varidocele; Nervous Debil-
ity, Stricture, Blood Diseases, Kidney
Bladder and Urinary Diseases. If un-
able to call, write for Question Blank for
Heme •Treatment. Consultation Free.
.8 Shelby Street
,86 KERGAN 14
van ce in
•.Although Sugar has ad -
\fanged 4.0c per hundred
menced; we are . still -sell-
ing ioo
Extra Stiridard
Gra p, ulafed Stip r
'Highest price paid.
Telegraph y,
And General Training for
nallWaY Service.
The new method of instruction adontedi
t schen). has proved a great sneeess,
Pupils graduete In theshortese:possibie ties
Sebool room in Gereoe Bieek, opposite I%
Office, the most desirable I-beetle:lin the cite
LARAtotra Stratford, Wit
psimoth, 00,07,
:Before elaeing your orders for
yonieseasen'e supply of Coal, get
our puck.' The very best goods
earried stoek and sold- at the
lowest possible price;
. Orders moy be -left at- Davis
W. .Steveynsfm,.
• Itt.Eleetric Light Plant.'
R. Filni1111011S SOIL
We, -are still in the But-
Chering business, and are
in a position m fill all or-
ders for seasonable meats,
int.ustul le Cu. t
Our new busincEs s,:and
is in the Combe Biotic.
It, Fitzsimons Si, Son
Phone 76 Clinton
Always fresh And up-tio-date
We ISaVe ,just passed into stock
several beatttiful new Dinner Sets,
China Tea Ne4,_ and Melia of ell
kinds and descriptions.
eall and see tor yourself and 'get
The People's Grocer.
Prompt. Delivevy. 'Phone 111 1