The Clinton New Era, 1906-10-05, Page 1te
Job Priniing
Established nee
140BEeta HOLMES, Fuelleber.
A Savings Account in The
Sovereign Bank makes you
happily independent of the
future, which keeps .you froin
worry in thepresent.
Open a savings account to-dae.
Deposits of from $1.00 and
upwards received. Interest paid,
4 times ayear.
The Sovereign
Bank of Canada
It T. RANCE, Manager,
New Advertisements.
'Your future, Sovereign Bank.. page 1
Soaps galore, W A McConnell 1
Purity Bakine Powder, WR Holmes 1
Live hens, W T Riddell 1
New Grocery, A J Holloway
Dress Goods, J W Newcombe 4
Thanksgiving Day, F R Hodgens4
Interior decoration, Cooper & Cb 4
Table linen, Poplestone & Gardiner. 5
What are you, Harland Bros 5
Caretaker wanted, Business College 5
Dressmaking, Mrs Galbraith.. .. . 5
Household effects, Mrs Hamilton...5
Dressmaking, Miss Deverell 5
Notice to Debtors, Mrs Browulee5
House for sale, E Jordan . ...5
House for Sale, Mrs Pickard .., 5
About the watch, Hodeens Bros$
Fall samples, Hodgens tiros 8
Big sale, A R Smith 8
New goods, A R Smith 8
Copy for change of advertisements
must be in our hands on Tuesday. '
- Boy Wanted at Once. Good -
wages from start. -NEW ERR
Groce y Store
Johnston Bleck
The undersigned has opened out
with a brand new, up-to-date stock of
- Canned • Goods,
Crockery, Glassware, etc.
. Nothing but the very best in every
line, because no better can be bought
Prices as close as any.
Patronage Respectfully Solicit ed
ALBERT St., Clinton.
Telephone 63.
The ?Ages Husk Method
Teacher, Ida Q. Holmes.
The Myers' Music Method, for child-
ren, provides a thorough preparatory
course in the rudiments of music. The
lessons are conducted on Kinderg_arten
models, and incite:1e practical Piano
teaching, making the study pleasant
and interesting.
Miss Holmes will resume her classes
in town on Tuesday, Sept. 4th. For
terms, etc., apply at residence, High
are being formed in the
mutated with Wingham Business College.)
Special Penmanship Class
Office open every evening, from
' 7 to 9 o'clock.
Call or write for particulars,
When Sean
is Painful
if after reef/tine,
awhile your area
tilting and barn.;
..)ternediate relief!!
(obtatnud krr our 0
Consultation ere.;
(lar( sgtietige
e e ire*
lie/t nate \lb
jeweler and Optician,
bower el Marriage LICOnSe$
The New Era from now
till the put Dec., 1906, kr
Ten eents.
The Clinton New Era goes into the Homes of the People and is Read by all Classes.
GETS APTRR 11-exteveee. -Miss Haw-
ley has tilled a writ asking for a de.
elevation that the Guelph & Goderich
Railway has no right to expropriate
harbor lot No 1025, or to proceed with
arbitration to determine the value of
the land ,
STIR ?REAMED,- Victoria . street
Methedist congregation was treated to
a mild sensation on Sunday. The pas-
tor. Rev, NV% H. Graham, was absent
at Sparta, and Mts. Graham took the
morning service and preached as ex-
cellent sermon. In the evening the
minister, who was to have preached,
failed to appear, and one of the breth-
ren took charge.
Bonne' Rootr Bratertp.-Tire des-
troyed the boiler room of the Fume,
ture 001Tipany early. Wednesday, and
will temporarilYweripple the .facteaere
Which employs fifty or sixty num.
There was no watclunau on the prena-
ises, and the fire got quite a start be-
fore it woe discovered,lant the firemen
were able to prevent le spreading to
the factory which is a frame building.
the damage mill be repaired at once,
The loss Is covered by insurance. .
Close CALL. -What might have
been a fatal disaster occurred on Lake
Huron Saturday afternoon, just off
the Government breakwater. Thres
young men, Bert McDonald, Arthur
McLeanand Kenneth Boyd,. attempted
to reach the lake in a skiff In the face
of a northwest gale. Just as they
cleared the north pier a squall struck
them and capsized the boat, throwing
them • all into the water. Although
McDonald is agood sailor, they were
Powerless to right the boat, which,
with the encumbrance of ballast and
Clinging canvas, was hardly buoyant
enough to sustain the weight of three
men. Their signals of distress were
seen by eome sailors on shore, who im-
mediately proceeded to get a gasoline
launch and hurried to the tescue.
When taken aboard the adventurers
Were almost exhausted. •
Aacording to .a later dispatch they
are still soranping. The excavation
weak of the .G. T. 13d. has again been
suspended, throturb the intervention
ot the G. & G., with anotheranjunction.
After carefully going over the ground
it was mutually. agreed, by engineers
and officials of both companies, that
the G. T. R. should not excavate out-
side a line thirty feet aWay from' the
Goderich Elevator & Transit Co.'s new
elevator. This would still give the G.
T R. sufficient clearance for their ad-
ditional track and preseree the piling
and teestle work of the G. & 0-, directly
above. 'The G. 1'. R. tearn shovel
.was started in the new out ancl along
• the,division line: However, another
injunction was served Windier morn-
ing at the instigation of .the G. &
under the contention that the shovel
wee exeavating several inches outside
a the divisional line agreed upon. •
UNParearrne TRAcRS.;-lite war
between the rival railroads continues
merrily, and the prospects appear nt
presentee though the recent events
wilt result disastrously for the Guelph
•Goderieli Railway.- The Grand
Trunk Railway steam shovel has been
workiog steadily at the spot where it
Was placed after being released from
the temporary enelosure which the
Guelph & Gocierieh Railway erected
around it. The officials of the former
road claim that, they ere working on
their own property, making necessary
improvements for the better operation
of the read. -Incident. to the belaying
but of these ireeroveinents, however,
is the undermining of the tracks of 'the
rival railway and possibly the removal
of a portion of trestle work upon
whicle its ' tracks_ are berried. It is
claimed a portion of the trestle . is on
Grand Tem* property, and should
the steam shovel in making the .ex-
eavation come hit° contaet with the:
supports of the trestle much darhage
to the Guelph & Gocietich track may
result. It is estinnited that should the
Grand Trnnk Railway continue work
according to present plans the cost be
the rival road of constructing retain-
ing walls will be in the neighborhood
of $100,000. There is some talk of a
conterence in orderto settle the dif-
ferences 'atnirabiy and avoid the heavy
Txpense in which both roads will. be
Involved should the struggle continue.
Mr. M. K. Cowan, K. 0:, of the Grand
Trunk. RailwaY, legal department,
when spoken to in reference• to the
trouble intimated that the Grand
Trunk Railway were peacefully purste
ing their way, making same'verk.
necessary improvements on their own
property at their own expense.
East Wawanesh
WRiObINO.-An interesting event
took place at noon on Wednesday,
Sept. 26, at the residence of Mrs. Greg-
or .McGowan, East VVitevanoeh, when
her youngest daughter, Maria, B. was
united in rnaeriage to Wna, T. Jenleins,
only son of Mr. Giles Jenkins, of the
same township. The ceremony was
performed by Rev. Dr. McLean in the
presence of over fifty invited guests,
who, after congratulations, repaired to
the dining room, which was tastily
decorated with white astors and ever-
greens,. and where lunch was served.
The bet& was becomingly attired in
cream crepe de chene, with trimmings
of braid, chiffon and ribbon, and car -
vied a bouquet of cream roses and liliee
of the Yellen.The bridesmaid, Miss
Fraser, of hdmonton, niece of the
bride, was dressed in cream Japanese'
silk ; Mr. E. 'Wilford, Blyth, acted as
groomsman, while ;Usti Maidorie He&
ley, of London, was a very picturesque
little flower girl. Miss Shipley, of F8,1.
kirk,niece of the bride, played the
wedding march. Guests were present
from Edmonton, Toronto, London,
Goclerich, Clinton, and 13ressele. The
wedding party drove to the station.
where the young couple took the four
&chi& train, amid showers of rice and
good wishes for a long and happy life.
NO -res. -Mist; Iva Govier is visitieg
at home for e few days. Miss 'Sella
Scott has gone to Blyth to.learn dress-
making. Mr. Robert Morrison has
been on the elek list for a time, we
hope it will not last long, Our School
Social was held at llag,home of Mr. H.
Mogridge, of the Base line, on .Friday
evening, the house was filled to over
flowing, and a very enjoyable time
Was spent ; supper was served by the
ladies of the school, and it good prog-
ram given, consisting of recitations,
dialogues, readings, epeeehes, songs,
and gramophone selections, A. Scott
sold another fine colt for a rood price '
last week. Mrs. William Brown, Of
Moncton, hair been spending a few
daps at the home of her brother, Mr.
Wni rattera011e Of 18th co,
STOCK W, Glenn has
just disposed of the remainder of his
Leicester Ram Lambs to A. W. Smith,
of Maple Lodge, who is collecting a
oar load of thorcebreds for shipment •
to Wyoming. This cleans Mr. Glenn
out, but he sees there is good znoney
in good stock, and he will not remain
long without others.
many people here who Will learn with
regret of the death of Mr. Riehard
Spear, which occurred a few days since
at the home of his son in Oxford, Kent
Go., at the age of $7 years. For about
ten or twelve years deceased resided in
Stanley, on the farm now occupied by
Mt. E. Glenn. He was an Englishman
,hybirtin, one of the most highly res-
pected of men, of sterling attegritY
end lepnote, He. Was a member of the
Rpisbopelitin',' 'angel), Mit a Coeserva-
livei though he occasionally vcited bit
the other side.
NOTES. Advices from Moosejaw
convey the sad news of the death. of
Mrs. Hugh Thomson of typhoid fever;
one of her children is also in a critical
condition. Mel. Graham left last Sat-
urday for Toronto, to prosecute hie
medicaletudies. Mrs Lonie, .who has
rpent the summer with her Mother,
Mrs. Jno McGowan, and other friends,
is leaving this week for her home in
London. The cement bridge over
ROSS'S Creek, which has been a -build-
ing for some months, is now finished
and open for traffic. Albert Nott has
returned from his trip to New Ontario;
he is favorably inapressed with the con-
dition of things there.
&moor.. Repona.-Thinfollowing is
the September monthly report of S. S.
No, 14, Stanley. Names are in ortir
ofmerit :-5th-Etta Jarrott. Joan
Grassick, Norman Jones. 4th -M. M.
Fisher. Ageie Gemmel', Herbert Jones.
ard-john Kehl, Jas Gemmel', Sarah
Rethwell. Sr. 2nd -Arthur Jones,
Lola, Rathwell, Allan Fisher. Jr. 2nd
-Anna Hood, lciti Batlawell. 2nd Pt.
-Allie MoMurtrie, Wallie McBeath.
1st Pte -Nelson Hood, Gladstone Mc-
ICay, Anima Fisher. The best spellere
in the monthly spelling matches Were :
-5th, Etta Jarrott ; elth, Murray
Fisher ; 3rd, John Kehl ; Sr. 2nce.
Arthur Jones ; ,Tr. 3nd, Anna Hood,
W. H. JOHNSTON, teacher,
LocAt. OrTiox TO nE SUBHITTEn.
At the meeting 'of . Council, held on
Monday. last, it was decided to submit
a local option by-law to the people at
the next naanicipal election. The lite
requires that a local option petition to
the Connell lutisthave the names of
25 per cent of the ratepayers : in the
ease of Stanley this meant a petition •
signed by I40 persons'but the peti-
tion Aubmitted to the eouncil had 250
gendine signatinee. On 11 certain con-
cession line, in a distance of about
eight miles,every farther' on the hue
but one signed the - petition, and the
Only objectiou of this one was that he
haa not resided 111 the township long
enough' to know conditions. There
are two hotels in the townsnipe ohe et
Yam and the other at Kippep. .
To TOE FRONT. -A, P. Ketchen, for-
merly of thisvicinity, has lately moiled
• from Winitioeg to Regina., where he
has obtainea the -position of Deputy
'Minister of Agricaltere, at the modest
salary of $2,7U0 per year. His many
friends seneongratulations.
. ' OlitiRcH-Ctn Sabbath last Childrens'.
Day service was held in the PresbYtera
Ian phurob, when the pester preached
a special sermon:to the children ; the
music was provided by 'the S. S. Mind-
eetee choir, Rae.. E. II. Sewers pre-
sented ten General Assembly diplomas -
to those who recited ehe Shorter Cate-
chism at one time. Those Who received
diptoriaris, also Oxford Bibles.given by
the pastor, were J. A. Peale, Annie
and Lizzie Foote, Maey Laing, Eliza-
beth McBeth, 'Sydney Gemmel', Maey
Swan, A. P. Petrie. This makes 29 in
the congregation who have received
Bibles and diplomas for saying' the
Catechism.. They should , be well
grounded. in Presbyterianism. •
NoTES. - On Saturday afternoon next '
.the Children's Mission Band will hold
its closing meeting when. Miss Gil-
mour, Of Orowstand'Indian School, will
give an address. Alex. ivIcBeath, who
has been ill with typhoid fever, is how
recovering. A number from our vil.
lage and neighborhood attended the
funeral of Mrs.Smallacombe' of Hen-
sel', on Friday. C. Mustard' left this
week for Toronto University. Miss
Gilmour gave an • address -on India,n
work before the ChristianEndeavor
Society pn Sabbath evening last. On
Tuesday the remains ' of Miss Ada
Rouett, of London, were taken to Hay-
field from our station, for interment;
she died vereesudderily at her home in
London front pfieeinenia, Henry Mon-
teith and wife,. of Nev Ontario, have
returned home, after visiting in our
nuidst ; they attended the marriage nf
their niece, Miss Jackson, of Ripley ;
the sawenill of Monteith ds McBeth, in
New Ontario, is now running full time,
employing 22 hands.
Noans.-Mr. Ernest Wallace, Mis
Edna Wallace and Miss Mabel Nicoll,
of Newark, N. J., are spending a few
days at the homeof Mr. S. Cole, Hallett,
Smoot. REPORT. --The following is
the monthly report of S.S. No. 9, Hut -
lett, for the month of September, 5 -
Bert Hurikings Sr. 4 -Prank Fingland,
Mary Patterson. Sr,. 8 -Murray Ping -
laud, Alex, Manning, Sebert Henry,
Ernest Patterson, Samuel Govier. Jr,
3 -Roy Rdberton, Ehia Wa•gner, Jr. 2
-Flora Pinglandi Murray Scott, W.
Good. Part Good. Sr. Pt.1.-
1Catie Wagner; Gladys Robeeton,Dora
Mogridge, Melbourne Cox, Harry
Hunkings, Jennie Govier.
friends of Mr. Isaac Lawrence will re-
gret to learn of his death, which oc-
eurred at his home at Leamington on
Tuesday evening. Deceased has not
been Well for some time, and his death
Ivaig bot unexpected, lie was for many
years a resident of this township,
where he was born, and was 5 Man
held in the very highest respect. He
was tvvice married, hie first wife being
a Miss Hiles, and his second wife Miss
Susan Lyon, the latter dying about
three years ago. He gold his farm
here a couple of years ego, and moved
to Leamington, Where he was engaged
in the manufacture of cement blocks.
ILe lea,yes one daughter. The body
Was brought to Londeshoro, and in-
terred yesterday-rhursday.
NOVEs-Mr. A, T..Cooper will give it
teraperatiee address in Tucner'is chureh
on Sunday afternoon, eopeeiallr deal.
Oi(wi Liocal ONO,
DEATH -Mr John Levy was. called t
Mitchell, on. Thursday, to attend ti:
funeral of his grandmother, who ha
readied the age of 100 years.
MITST iiii TAROA.LizED, -The Town
ship of Colborne Win a peculiar medic
Atinent regarding ts G-oderich&ieuelp
Railway ctebentures. A. bonus of eieeS
was granted thereto, under a bydai
passed by the electors, and debenture
were issued accordingly. When ther
were offered for sale it was discovere
that in some way the words "each an
every year" had been accidental'
omitted from the by-lew, and no in
would buy the debentures, not eve
private individuals to whom they wer
pinsonally offered. How to rectif
the matter is. the oroblem, and mai
this is done tlui deeentures are vallie
less. Some ope euggests the salmis
seen of another Inautiv, but it is doubt
eta if it coultelee.earried. • -
Noa SRTTLED.-It is said that th
long-standing dispute between Col
borne and Goderich Townships, ave
the grant made . towards fixing the
Goderieh township hill, is as far away'
front settlement as ever. At a recen
meeting of Colbornee-Gotincil it was
deeided to pay over to Goderich town
ship the sum of $75, which that tovvn
shin had agreed to accept in full of its
legitimate Mann of $100. It was
'naturally thought that this would end
the matter, but under one pretext and
another the Reeve refused to sign the
order for the $75, and it is reported
that an effort will now be made to
' burk peyment altogether. If this be
true it is not creditable to the Town
ship, and we do not believe the people
of Colborne will approve of such a
thing. The honor of a Municipality
ie involved, and a paltry $75 is too
sata,11 a 511111 to stand in the way of the
township meeting its just obligations.
Gederich .TOwnehIP -
Duivrit.-A • good deal ofe'eympathy
will be extended to Mr. Thos. Wiggin
ten over the death of his six -weeks -ole
baby boy, which occurred this' Week.
That afflictions do not come singly has
been brought home to Mr. Wigginton
in a, very heart -breaking manner.
' CLAIM KM DA.IVIAORS,,A. claim has
been entered against the Township
Council, for the value of a horse and
rig that came to grief recently Ori the
Leke Shore road. -Lt is slid that ..the
Council does not believe it is in any
Way liable' and will contest the claim.
Geo. Cantelon, of Goderich townsbin,
celebrated the diamond jubilee of their
wedding on n..iclay evening, Sept. 30,
at their home on the 7th concession,
and 'ivere surroundedhy about sixty of
'then. friends. The occasion Aires a
happyone; all the. guests enterine with
fine spirit • into the celebretion of the
event. The seppere was Pal excellent
one. Tim evening progiam had noth-
ing but ' enjoyaole features ; Miss
Gla.dys Cantelon delighted the guests
with her singing. Among those mak-
ing sp.eeches- were Messrs. Geo. Cooper,
McIlwain, Peter Cantelon, Pitney Oen-
'. ane Rev. I?. Swann, who occupied
' he chair, Mr. and • Mrs. Cantelmeare
enjoying excellent health, and their
many friends extend warn -mit congret-
ulatigns upon their reaching the six-
tieth milestone in their wedded career,
and offer best wishes fee the,: futire
happiness. .
item conoessNOTRS-un aria y
evening last Mr and Mrs J 1.1 Lowery
entertained Messrs A Plummer and
.wife, and J Hartleyend *lie, Principal
Blyth 'Public School.- elms Winnie
Thompson, of Blyth Public School, was
home over Sunday.. Miss Tessie. Jen-
kins, the chearning daughter of Mr It.
!'enkins, won first.prize lady driver,
et Hayfield show, in a field of four.-
The ectiool was closed on Wednesday,
to allow the tetteher to attend Bayfieel'.
show, Mr and'Mre Sinclair Were call
to Hensall last week, to attend the fu-
neral of Mrs Southcombe, a niece of
Mrs Sinclair.' Miss Richardson, West
Lreuch; Mich._is Visiting here Sister.
' its John Smith. The year old child
of Mr Harry Thompson, met with a
painful acCiaent a, few days ago; Mrs
Thompson was carrying the child in
her arms, and ale° the tea pot, when
the bottom fell out of the pot, scalding
the feet of the childseverely.
o Novis.-Messrs A. Plummer aride F. Toll are holding an auction sale of
d farm stock, implements and housebold
effeets on Oct 10th, the saki to be con-
e ducted by J. Garness, auctioneer, of
- Bluevale.; everything will be sold as
I Mr. Plummer has taken up land in the
) West, and will move there at once.
v Mr. N. Chiming has' purchased. the re-
s sidence of Mr, A. H. Plummer, Mr.
e A. lee Bredvvin is in town this week,
and is making preparations to moving
(I his family to Toronto, where be is en -
y gaged in the printing business. Mr.
e uhas Butting nes been taken down
n. with typboia fever, old adage "trouble
e never comes single" in this case; Mrs.
y Burling is just able to go aboute she
1 having been laid up with the same dis-
ease for the period of six weeks. Mr.
- Peter Gardiner has moved into the.
- new house of Mr. Luxton Hill, on
Westmorland Sa Mrs. Robt David -
e sort, left foc heahome in Wisconsin on
- Thursday morning after visiting her
e parents, Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Cante-
ion, for several weeks ; it is 29 years
she left her home, and this is her first
t visit in that time, she pees many
changes since her youthful days. A,
. large number from here took in the*
anniversary services at Westfield on
Sunday and Monday evening.
Before selling's get our prices for old hens and
oblekens, live wght. W. 1'. RIDDELL, Auburn.
COOPERAGE. -The present' barre
season is proving the most successfu
ler several years, at Young's shop
here ; they have five workmen in the
shopa-three coopers, an apprentice and
a toy, and turn out about IMO barrels
per week, which are delivered as fast
as made.
NOTES. -Mlle Jas. Johnston of West
Wawancish is very ill ; Mrs. Geo. As-
quith is consideiably indisposed ; also
Miss S. Pierce. The Harvest Thanks-
giving service held last Sunday hi St.
Mark's church was well attended, the
contribution amounted to $02.80.
Rector Hartley occupied the pelpie.
Similar services were held in the Luth-
eran church, the Lutheran niinister
from Listowel taking charge. Word
was received here on Tuesday of the
death of Mr. Isaac Lawrenee of Leani.
ington, who formerly resided on Con.
13Xullett. Deceased was a brother of
Mrs. D. Patterson, and well known in
this neighborhood: , Uri Sunday a bane
tism service was conducted by Itev.etai
Magee, of Clinton,. assisted by Reveille
Wright, of Godertch, at the Maitland
elver at Ball s bridge. In the presence
of a large congregation four persons
were baptised after a short address by
Rev. Mr. Magee. Mr. Hooper, retires.
enting the Manufacturer's Life Them
mice Uo., was itt the village again last
week on business. Mrs. Vat Moore
and child, of Goderich, is spending a
few days with heir . parents in this
place, On Tuesday of this week, the
evaporator WAS liot working. Butter -
nutting aeeins to be the order of the
day now, several having .gone out for
that purpose, and returning with bag-
fuls of thein
DEATil.-Mrs, Garnet Smallacornbe
wife of one of our business men.passed
away on Tuesday of last week to her
last resting place after tt lingering ill.
nese of consumption, at the age of 25
years. The' deemeed was a grimed.
daughter of Wm. Chapman, of Tacker -
smith, near 13rucefleld, with whom she
resided before her marriage. Her
mother died when she way a child.lier
father,Mr Henry,is a resident of Mani-
toba. All that care and kindness
could do was done to make her last
days brighter, but for a long tine her
friends realized that she eould not re
over, She Was a consistent ehrietiati
Woman, for tome years a member of
the Itrueetleld Presbyterian Church,
Atterottli o Ow )4ottkod1ot oliutolt
Catinen.-The people here- are look-
ing forward to next Sunday with much
pleasure, in anticipation of the visit of
a former Methodist pastor'Rev. J. -S.
Flatter, and his wife ; Mr, Fislier•will
preach morning aud evening, and Rev,
leir, Steadman in the afternoon at 2.30.
A. thankoffering will be taken to Clear
the indebtedness off the shed.
DREAKERY.-ViSitors at the factory
express estontshment and pleasure (it
the manner in which everything is
being run. Mrs. Ross is doing fine in
theabsence of Mr. Ross, and putting
upa first-class quality of butter, which
is n great dentand and sells at a high
price. The patrons were peed Mi per
pound, butter fat, theirlast payment.
PRRsoRAL.-Rev. E. Phillips gave
en eloquent sermon 011 Sunday welt
in Lite Methodist church.; he appealed
very earnestly to the unconverted, and
hoped all would rnake the best possible
use of lire, as God had. intended, •The
reverend gentleman has made e host
of friends clueing ,his stay here. We
hear he has accepted a call to a large
Baptist church at Dresden, and leaves
shortly to take °huge ; we wish Win
great success, .
•Nores.- judging by the number Of
rias heading awards Hayfield on
ednesdity, their fait show must have
been well natronized, especiallyif oth-
er Dihni
icipalities • ,:,,apried out n any-
thing like such ne-nbere. It. S. CaluP-
bell was called tu Wine:ham last week
bythe serious lilt es ac his father ;we
ave pleased to state 'thathe is improir•
ing, and': is likely to eecover. . John
McCarthey and daughters attended
the diamond jubilee of Mr and Mrs
Geo. Gantelon, con. 7, on 1 iesday ; Mr
and Mrs. Cantelon's many friends wish
them geeat happiness and the abiding
ioy of the great Giver 01 1111 blessings,
pa the eloang years of life.
SCHOOL. -The follovetiii is a report
of the pnpile of S. S. No. 3, for the
month of Septembeabased on regular-
itye, good deportmeut and proficiency
..thClarice Bedard, Clifford McCart•
ney, Myrtle Trewarthe, Clarence Pot-
ter, John Sturdy. Sr 4th - Rette Rose,
Emnieline . Holland,. Frank Williaeus.'
Jr WI -Lorne Jervis, Percy Binnailf0e,
Lizzie Bedard, .Charhe Lava, Homer
Cantelon, Sr 3rd-Alhert Proctor,
Jr 3rd- Jeasie Ross Lone McCartney,
Norman Holland, 'Stirling Dempsey,
Ernest Huller, Ella Colclough. Sr.
2nd -Annie Ross, Ernest McCartney,
Joseph Palmer, Deltert HuIler, Lottie
Levis, Teenie letareinis. Pt 2nel -Frank
Jeakins, Clarence teethe:ill, Carl Maly,
Herold Lavit, Elyet Proctor, Clifford
Holland. Sr. Pt. 1st -Verna, Jervis,
Proctor Palmer, Stewart Mair,
83. Milton °irPnt
1st -Rey Munnings, Leslie Jervis,
Leslie.Huller, Clifford Pro
Holland. Number on will 40, average
N. W. TitEwArereta, Teacher, h
Londeaboro '
ANNIVRRSARY. - The anniversary
services of the Methodist Marcie will
be held on Thanksgiving Day, when
Rev. David Benison will be present. A
tea will he served in the evening, and
an excellent program provided,
SERVICES OLOSED-.Lue special Ser.
vices which have been going on here
in the Methodist church, for the past
few weeks, were brought to a close on
Tuesday; and as a result nearly forty
persons have experienced 'conversion
and joined the church. Wednesday
night Mr Ranton gave his lecture
"From the barroom to the church"and
no more thrilling recital of divine
grace has been heard in this locality :
the church was crowded. In view of
all the circumstances, the meetings
haye been well attended throughout,
and the church hae received an uplift
thatevill be of lasting benefit. Mr Rate.
ton left for Toronto on Thursday, and
won the highest esthem and good -will
of the community, while here.
NOTES. -MISS 0. Brigham of the
teaching staff of Blyth Public School,
spent Sunday at her home here. Miss
Goodfellow it missionary from India
gave a very interesting talk on her
work before the meeting of the W.
F. M. S. on Friday last. Mrs. D.
Floony, of Blyth, is visiting under the
parental ruof. Geo Snell, who has
taken a course in Telegraphy in To-
ronto, is at home this • week. Edwin
Adams, n ho has been with W. H.
Helyar, Jeweler, Clinton, has gone to
Toronto to take a course in watch
repairing. John 13runsden left last
week on a visit to relatives in Man.
itoba and other parts. Large quanti-
ties of apples are being_shipped from
this station. Miss E, 'Whitely and her
friend, Mies Bean, returned to London
this Week. Mr. Isaac Lawrence, a for-
mer resident of Hullett, died on Tues-
day morning at Leamington. His re -
Mains were brught to Londesborough
on Wednesday evening, and taken to
the home of Mr. Jetties Risley. They
were accompanied here by neva/emit.
ton, Rev, Dr. Medd, Mr. .Alfred Law-
rence, Mr. J. D. Ainsley, Mrs, Greeley
and Miss Lawrence. The funeral twee
plaee on Thursday to the cemetery on
the 18th con. There was a very large
attendance of friends and aequaintate,
ces. Rev. Mr. Hamilton will, in all
probability, remain over Sunday, and,
if so, Will eceupy his former pulpits in
Buena and 1Cnox ohurehee.
10E44E01 MODO)ittitif COM 0, 'Wed
Wawdnosh, died 1* Wfteiti90 the age
Oi 90 leant
8IMS0131PIWN 110° Toaglicliv"
tHARILIED.-A Sarnia paper contains
an account of the marriage, at that
Place, of Mr. nos Pearson and Miss
Susie Burgess, the event being solem-
nized by Rev. Canon Davis. Miss
littrgess 18 11 well known resident of
Hayfield, and her' old friends here
extend their congratulations.
31:71)G3IENT. The suit of Moor vs
Burne which was brought before Judge
Holt at the last sitting of the Division.
Court, was decided m favor of defend-
ant. his honor finding the mode of pro-
cedure advanced by Mr Moor did not
justify a decision against MrBurns
DEATH, - Wounded hemes again
bleeding. We are obliged to speite of
the death of Miss Luelie Rovieetteaeaine
died feecently in Loneord of teitetneterite;
Miss Howatt grew front childhood to a,
ypupg lade while •the lived 1.teee age:4'
yeas a great favorite a‘nd high le eseeena
ed by all • who knew` her. • The fenaily
recently moved to London, where Miss
Rowatt spent her last days. Her body
being beought here for Interment, on
Tuesela,y lest The deepest sympathy
of the public goes out to Mr. and Mrs.
Rowatt and family...
' The Rev. Mr. Davidson, of Varna,
preached in St. Audrews on Sunday
last, and may again preach here next
Sunday. Chas. Parker was obliged to
undergo the lossofa valuable horse
last week. Mr. T. J. Marks who recent-
ly received a telegram froze& physician
in Seattle, Wash., to "come at once as
his son was dangerouslyell with typh-
oid fever". Mr. Marks at once left for
Sisettle, on arriving there he sent back
word that Jatnes had taken a turn for
the better.
• Gonstence
NOTES. -W. Cole, egg merchant, lost '
Itis driving Mare last wee e • though
not a valuable beast, it is gate a loss;
as horses suitable to the business the
not easy to procure. Geo. McCully, of
Stratford, is at present, visiting hie
mother here. Mi,S9 Ade Drake, S
is the guest of her aunt, Mrs.' R. Roth -
am. Mrs N. ' T. Adams has returned
from visiting friends in Goderich,
Mrs. A. Nicholson luta the Misfortune
receutly, to cut her thumb, almost sev-
ering the end therefropn ; .under the
doctor's care it Will soon be healed,
While Howard Aanditrong :Vas pull-
ing applesrecently, lie lost his balance
and fell to the general, receiving a se-
vere bruise on the shoulder that will
jay him all duty for sonte days.
NOTES, -Abe. Will. IVISOR Pet oripzid
home last week; after speeding a few
days with her son-in-law, Rev. R.
Berates add family-, in Belmont. 'Free-
born Johnston went to Torento last
week, to enter on a course of study in
the University. John Jams returned,
home last Weent iay, after Spending
a month with fri nds in Toronto and
London. Mr. end Miss. Goward, of
Elimville, visit el Mrs. Trap uair and
family this Week. Mi. and Mrs. ,J; J,
0 Brien, Sexspaith, visited Mr. and
Mrs. Johnston this week; The puttee -
kin pie social in the Methoilist caurch
last Friday evening' was quite it MC -
cess, all present spending a very pleas-
ant timeel eplenclid addresses by Rev.
Messrs. Urquhart, Toil and, Hart were
given -while the ntusic by the choir
and Mr. Alden Jones, London, de-
lighted everyone. . • . •
° Summerhill. •
Jordan has
rented the Willie Currie, farm, On the
Oth con. of Goderich, township; from
-his son-in-law; W, J. Currie, 'lierents
it for a• term. of severeyears, and takes
possession next spring, His sen-inaaw
will go west..
KILLED INsTANTLY.-.Tames Jobb, a
laborer, who has been a resident of
this section for a number af years was
instantlykilled . at the Main sitreet
crossing n Winghaoa about al o'clock
on Friday night. Ile, had spent the
day at the Wingham Pair, and was
driving home Alone in a buggy, when
the accident occurred. The engineer
SMV the rig on the track and blew the
whistle, but could not stop the train in
time to avoid the accident. Jobb was
about 45 years of age and was unmar-
ried. An inquest showed that he had
been drinking, aud a verdict of accid
(Intel death was retudned.
FALL FAIR. - The Witighara Fall
Pair, which closed -on Friday, was one
of the most successful in the historyeof
, the town. The exhibition in horses,
cattle, fruit, produce, fine arts and
ladies' vecirk were the largest and finest
ever' seen here. The directors decided
to withdraw the professional speeding
events, tend it is thought that this,.
with the increase in the amount of
prizes given in the various deems, will
have aehenefleial effect and result in
placing the annual fall exhibition in a
num/abetter standing. The directors
contemplate enlargeng the buildings
and making extensive inaprovereents
to the fairgrounds.
Gun Mb Naps
Pelee to leaving forAustria • the
Gun Club presented' Dr. J. N. 'Gunn'
with a beautiful Silver Cap, the pre,
sentation was made by .1' E, Cantelon.
On the sane day they shot at live
birds and targets. Scores," 10 liy:e
birds. •
J E Catitelon..80 yds, ; • 0.
li Gunn 26 yds... O.
E Hovey80 vas... 8.
R Gra,hana 80 7.
Itoberton °apt 4 Dr McKim Capt..8
Hovey 8 3 E Cantelon ..*.0
N Ball 8 R Graham
3N Gunn5 05 Dowding...5-
25 26
Hovey has received from the
Lefever Arms Co, the Gun he won at
Ilamilton as a trophy, with the good
score of 58 out of 60.. nee's° received
a beautiful medal from the Dominion
of Canada Trap Shooters Association
in eonimeration of his win of high
average at Toronto, 1003..
The 16th annual shoot Of the club
takes place next Tuesday and 'Weil-
nesday, Oct. 0, 10, The club guar.
aritees $350 in prizes. Amongst those
to be present are F 11 Conover, 'of
Leamington, repreeenting Du Pont
Powder (lo., and 311 Taylor represent-
ing the Winchester Repeating 41'ins
Co. Mr Taylor is Considered one of
the best 'Mote on the eontionent, be-
low is &brief record of his shooting.
6" John It Taylor, of Newark, Ohio,
only ittarted trim shootiuk about two
nub iv% but Rao tlat-tiat At low
Soaps Galore
Do you believe insigns ? Our signs are
above the door. Don't Avis or play it
alone. Call and look over our assort-
ment of Soaps -As nue a ,line as you
could wish to see.
Toilet Soap*
Scented with Rose. Violet, Came,
Wm Fink, liyacinthe, Crushed ra,
lies, Crab Annie, fleillotrope, Sweet
Clover, et°.
eaStile Soap
tras pure, importedItalis Soap, in
cakes andtbars.
Laundry Soap
.vo141Paattkg the Mos( delicate
*04;'4..-itutertals. •
col -
Anitni10010-Nexttni,40'. '
"Tar sotos. Medicated soaps, Darboltc
. soan, shaving soaps, in awes and
sticks. -The very best.
W.A. McConnell
Plun, B, '
'Prescription Druggist;
C.P.R, Telegraph Agency
1161141v,Ir 144,11.1111.1,11#1114
t The way to a man &heart
is through his
• 'Your cooking and baking
• will be better if you
" lairkeTT
2.5e per lb.
We make the best for yon. $
W. S. R.
Made the ,experts sit • in and take
110(100. He is good for at least 90 per
cent. any thrie, ancl ueuelly does much.'
tiluthe lihisi
gh 'amateur average
at the Ohio State Shoot in 1904. At
the Grand American Handicap that '
year he scored 98 targets out of 100
from the 19 yard mark, which gave
him second place. He also tied one of
the leiuling experts of the country at a
-shooeheld at St- Louis during 1901,
making 4 score of 98 out of icp. :
This year he has been doine except-
ionallY good work. At the 'Hamilton,
(Ontario) shoot, held at the beginning
Tofbithwe yaesaaanhee;toinie filarsotstarmpo
both the target and livo. bird eve.nta46,
"florae held in the Provinces, and .
„Canada's best marksmen' _were pre -
Mr Taylor holds the Gilman & Bar-
nes Tronhy2 emblematic of the Inter-
national Live Bird Championship,
having won the Sante this year with a.
score of 25 straight from the 31 yard
mark against a big field ofe experts- •
He always uses a Winchester Repeat- .
ing Shotgun and Winchester' Factory
Loaded Shells in all his shooting, and
'the fine work he has been able to do e
demenstrates the wisdomof his choice..
The club has been donated a beauti-
ful Medal by tbe Hunter Arms Co.,
Mfrs of the celebrated L. C.Stnitlegun,
this along with other trophy will be
shot for during the coming winter.
Proposed New Station
ERA: teiontoernntihntheegsuggeeskteicolioof the anew'eNn
station here, the Mayor communicated
with Mr. F. H. McGuigan, 4th vice
president of the G. T. R.'who, under
date of Sept. 29, writes asfollows
"We quite agree with you that our passenger
station and other' facilitieS at Clinton' are .not ,0•
nearly as good as they should be, but our diffieut.
ty his been that we have so. mans, Places so much
worse than Clinton. that we have been Rifted te
give them attention first. 1 ant glad to say,how,
everthat we have had in contemplation for •
some tinie,the improvement of our station facili-
ties at Clinton. While we shall probably not be
able to Greet a new station this fall, we hope Vo
So 130 Barb'. neXt Wing. Mr. BroWnlee.SuPt. eX,*"
Deets to visit Clinton in the neer future, and will
endeavor to arrange!). meeting to discuss the
matter, and the best Means of improving the
• Nang nappy Returns
Harrison Wiltse, borne October 1st;
Many happy returns.
Mr. Wiltse does not look to be a day'
over 45. •
Moisons Bank
Incorporated 1855
Capital Paid upl $3,0000060
Reserve Fund'', $3,000,000
Total'Assets s30,00e.000
by depositing in our Sayings
Bank. It does not require alarge
Winona to begin with. We pay
8 per cent interest on amounts of
$1 and Upwards. Better begin
now -deposit what you den vete,
-add to it whenever possible,
We will welcome your accouht,
large or stutall,,
.A. genetialL'13anking, busluesit
eats Amp S. tS
tiramlor, ounsoa