The Clinton New Era, 1906-08-31, Page 1. Job Printin4.
Xfetablished 1865
itOnRAT HOWES, Pubilsber.
' True economy enables one to ceieY
many luxuries of life-- which the
spendthrift eau never hope to have.
It is true economy to open a savings
account in The Sovereign Sank of
Delwin et tram tun am tome*
Interest paid 4 times a year.
Put your rooney la a place vrhere
you earl get it when Yon Want it
Batik nfCattaha.
11. T. RANCE. Manager.
Watt• Abtrusturguto .
•Just the' -same, W. A, McConnell..1
Makes knowledge, W 8 it goimes1
True economy, Sovereign Bank 1
Ready for fall, Newcombe 4
.Are you, Beaton's -
iSchool supplies, Cooper's Bookstere,.4
Dr, Ovens
,• 5
Room wanted, R. Adanas 5
Rooms to rent, New Era.... 5
House for sale, Dr Shaw 5
House for sale, Geo Davis 5
Auction sale of farm. F. MoIlveen.. • 5
Bull for service, E L Farnham 5
House to rent, Dr Fowler 5
Telegrophyscentra,1 telegrophy school 5
Clinton evaporator, Town alt ease..5
Store news, W D Fair & Co 8
Still clearing, Hodgens Bros 8
Getting back, Hodgens Bros 8
•• • •
Fall Fara
Western Sept. 7 15
Toronto Aug 27 -Sept 10
Stephen and ITsbornefExeter)Sept 17-18
Blyth Sept 18-19
Mitchel Sept 18-19
Kincardine Sept 10
Zurich Sept 19-20
Seaforth Sept 20-21
St. Mary's Sept 26.27
Wingham Sept 27-28
Lucknow Oct 2-3
Brussels Oct 5
Goderith Sept. 26-27-28
Bayfield Oct 2-3
• ,.Det 4-5
Nine years ago Mrs. John Woletnan,
so she 'seys, murdered her two-year-
old daughter in Towaeda, Pa. For
nine years she kept the secret, to her-
self. She•has been a wanderer and an
outcast, pursued wherever she went
by the thought of her crime. Two
months ago she was sent to the Pente-
'costal Rescue Mission. last Thursday
during the revival camp meeting at.
Port Dickinson she made a public con-
fession of her alleged crime.
Girls and Boys, to wOrk on
boy's clothing-. Steady employ-.
ment all the year around.. For
more particulars, apply to
The Jackson Manfg. Co.,
The Mgets Musk &Hied
Teacher, Ida G. iloimes.•
The Myers' Music Method, for child-
ren, provides a thorough preparatory
course in the rudiments of music. The
lessons are conducted on Kindergarten
models,• and include practic 1 Piano
Miss Holmes will resume he se's
in town on Tuesday, Sept. 4th. For,
terms, etc., apply at residence, High
teaching, making the study •
and interesting. •
Bread a Butter.
Business houses have, this out year, made,
TEN TIMES as many demands upon us for
young ladies and gentlemen who arethor.
ougbly grounded in business principles, as
we have had students Co'nend.
(Affiliated with Wingliara Business College)
Opens Sept. 3rd,
Cron A postal for information to
When Seeirig
is Painful
It otter toot -kin%
awhile your eyes,
sting and burn.!
;immediate relief la
.obtolned by, ouf
perfectly -adjusted
Consultaticirt eted4
111 Jor.
A. ORIG(11
The Minton New Era goes into the flonies of the People and is Read by all elasses.
Oliuton Business Conese °eons Sot ard.
Tim POULTRY STaTiox-The people
of this. particular locality will be sorry
to learn that the government has de-
cided to close up the Experimental
Poultry Station here, in accord with
its determination to chose all such in
different parts of the Dominion. Start-
ed in various parts for the purpose of
demonstrating to the farmers the
possibilities of poultry- raising, these
experimental stations have more than
done what was expected of them, and
farmers will be Jett to profit by the
object lessons they have had. The
Station here bass been well managed,
and has been visited by hundreds of
persons interested in the raising ot
poultry, and it will be missed when
0.0ffia, milt will be before the 1st of
November. No decision has yet been
arrived at as to the disposition of the
property,' but we believe the govern.
meat is willing to sell it outright, or
allow its ,use subject to certain con-
ditions, Mr. Swallow has not yet de-
cided what he will do'other than that
he will not remain here. He has a
couple of propositions under consider-
ation, and may go back to Clinton to
reside: He will be missed here, and
will carry away the esteem and good
Will of -a large eircle of friends.
Laws Sociam.'- The change in
the weather, on Monday, looked rath-
er unfavorable for the social on the
lawn of of Mr. Ross, but %would evid-
ently take mere than this to keep our
young people especially away trope the
good thne they usually have • at .this
social. Although the crowd was a
little less than in former years, the net
returns were nearly as great. because
the expenses were Iess. A good and
well served supper was provided. The
Salvation Army furnished excellent
music, and all seemed to have a good
POSTMASTER HERT. -The other stay
While Postniaster Galt Was ridingdoWn
the Maitland Hill on his bicycle, he
was thrown and got pretty badly hurt
though no bones were broken. • •
SICIPPED.-A Barton, clerk of the`
Hotel Goderieh, skipped out, on Mon-
day, and is supposed to have taken
such funds as he could lay his hands
on, He belongs:to Ann Arbor, and a
lady who also belongs to that city,
went with him. It is possible his ac-
counts are all straight, but. the • books
are in sueli confusion, that only an in-
vestigation will provestheir condition.
Wroi. _Loam 11,1oteny, . An.
thiefle;t1u-6 Iatilidoitakitiaravho has the
contract for. the 'granolithie walks
here, states that be is likely to lose
money on the work, on account of the
unusually longsorossings required: The
streets in Goderich• are exceptionally
especiallisthosesnft --whiehattle-
walks are•being laid at present, and
the additional quantity of oement will
make the difference between profit and
toss, unless the council indemnify him.
Grant, eating for Dr. liolmes„ 'Medical
Health Officer for Godericlas secured a
mandatory injunction from Judge Nic-
hol:um ordering Mayor Tilt to sign a
by-law passed by the Goclerich
in August guaranteeing the bonds of
the Maitland River Power Uo. The
guarantee of bonds to the extent of
$150,000 was to be in consideration of
the company supplying the town with
power and light for Which the cum -
party was to receive $7,000 a year. The
by-law was approvea by a vote of the
ratepayers, and passed by the council.
The mayor efused to sign it and re-
signed. His resignation was not'act
cepted. Now the eourt says be must
isalgwr) mayor Tilt has signed the by -
xnanofactitring concern from one of
the western States had a representative
here Saturday 'canting oaer the ground
with a view to the establishment of a
Canadian branch. The proposition
provides for a loan frees the munici-
pality of $50,000,repayable in yearly
installments, and $150,000 is to be ex.
pended on buildings and plant. The
one -with very little coni -
petition n Canada, the manufacture
of baby carriages, go -carte, rattan Work,
etc., while there are said to be 110 such
concerns in the U. S: Members of the
board of trade and town council were
seen, and Mr. C. A. Nairn, president
of the former body, states that the
proposition seems very, feasible. The
representative will send statistics
showing the amount of trade done in
Canada, to support his claim in regard
to there being a good nein... He has
also taken the matter up with one or'
two other townsabut is well pleased
with the shipping and other facilities
of Goderfch, and provided :the loan
part of ' the proposition goes through
the firm will probably locate here.
Clinton Business College opens Sola Sta.
Mem.- Mrs. Hare and her son,
Willie, of Sault St Marie, wore visit-
ing old acquaintances on the line this
week. Mrs. Saealustard, of Chicago,
is at present the guest of Mrs, D.
Me -
Ewen. inesst s Gs Graham and J.* Mc.
Cowan paid a visit to Goderich at the
tiret btthe week. Mrs, P. Campbell
and Mt. Thos Campbell were visiting
at Grand Bend this week. Mr. John
Gibson has gone to Muskoka for a few
weeks to recuperette his health. Miss
JCLLHIe tailmour and Mrs J. J, Cameron
have gone to Ashfield for a few clays.
Miss D. Walker, Clinton, is spending
her holidays at the home of Hugh Me.
Gregor on the second, Mr. Alex
Walker end IVIitor Milky Smith, of
Clinton, visited at the home of Mr. G.
Baird on Tuesday.Miss Aggie Camp.
bell,. of Kincardine, is this week spend-
ing a few days at the home of.Mrs. P.
Campbell. Mrs. Win Hogan aud her
two 60118. Wm mad Edward have been
spending theitholidays with acquaitt•
ances on the second and fourth, Mr.
Campbell Tweedie, and his sister,Mur-
lel TWeeeie, left for their home at God -
midi this week, after spending some
thue °Along friends here. Mrs. Ed
Glen and Eliza A. MeParlarie go this
.vveek to the Toronto Pain .
Exeter •
CARETAkelt'S HOUSE Bi./ItN101).«-On
Thursday evening the house of the
Caretaker of the Cemetery wee discov.
ered to be on fire, and before anything
eould be done to save it, the house and
coritents vere entirely' destroyed. The
Lions e belonged to the town. The
jeweler ancl Optician. caretaker and family were away at the
time, and the otigin of the fire iff
issuer of Marriage Licenses. niyetery, ,
--in order to supplement their finan-
Wel resources, the Ladies Aid Society
of the Methodiet Church here have
issued a neat little booklet entitled
"Soevenie of Baylield " in which are
published a number of views of Hay -
held and the more prominent buildings
there. The -work is very creditably
done, but would have been inaproved
by using one kind of paper through-
out. The following history: of the
Bayfield Methodist Church is taken
from its pages te In the early days
when this section of ectuatint was but
sparsley settled people walked many
miles through the bush to attend re-
ligious services ,which were held in-
frequently at the various. homes.
Later. the old log eahoOlhoeSe.',
ed the bank of . the river was meal
and meetings held More regularly. As
the country became more thickly
'emulated it was found necessary to
build a church. All the land where
the village of Hayfield now stands,
wassowned by . the Honorable Colin
Campbell, of Sarnia, who made the
liberal offer of free sites for church
buildings, and a further offer of one
hundred dollars towards the expenses
Of erecting the first church. The
Methodists were the first to claim the
offer and in 1856 the church was built
on what has since been known as Ann
street, and the opening services were
conducted by Rev Thomas Cosford,
then President of Goderich District,
Rev. John Berrie being the first minis-
ter. The first' trustees representing
the church were Messrs Jas Switzer;
Thos Welch, Isaac Erratt; George
Erwin, John Wallis, James Wallis.
Bayfield was, for a. nunaber 'of years, a
mission in charge of Goderich, but in
1856 was organnzed as Bayfield Circuit;
which now includes Bethel and Ooles
appointments. During all these years
there have been thirty-nine ministers
stationed here. One who has piece
gained much prominence, being Rey
James Livingstone. who was here in'
1879, 18SO and 1881; The movenient
for the building of A new church may
be said to have been commenced' dur-
ing the pastorate of Rev J. A; Snell,
(1963 4) who was most energetic in the
matter. A Ladies'. Aid Society was
organized by Mrs, Snell, 'tains as Vice -
President devoted much thine to the
work. in June 1005 a chance of minis-
ters was made by the conference. Rev
T. A. Steadman beingstationed here.
It' was not till the spring of 1906 that
definite official acSion was taken. It
was then decided' to Undertake the
Work arid in dne course the conteacts
were let. The last service was held in
the old cliiii•nh on Sundays Aprik..15th,
and -the work of dexnolashing the' •old
building end erecting the new com-
menced. While the work of building.
was going on services were held in the
Town Hall through the ,Itinclnesa id
the council,- &scour tesy-thataves-great--
ly appreciated.. The contractors for
the new building, which is situated on
the corder Of Louisa and Colina atreets
were : -Cement- work, James Spank -
man ; Brickwork and Plastering. Chas
Shoemeker ; Carpenter Work, J.
Kalbfleisert ; Seating, Valley Oity
Seating Co;,, Dundas. The Corner
Stones *ere laid - with s -appropriate
ceremony on Monday,luly 2n6. 1906.
One by Mr. James Wallis of Goderich
township, an honored meraberfor over
fifty years, the °thee by Mr. Lancelot
Clarke, of Stanley township. another
mentber of long standing. The build-
ing committee, Henry Peck;L. Clarke,
John .McDonald. • James ' Switzer,
Matthew Bates, Rev. T.. A.Steadman,
Chairman : .Henry Drehmamis Sec-
retary ; Petk,'L. clerk, ,Jas Switzer,
James Wallis,IL NV. Ertein.Secrerary,
Officers of the Ladies' Aid. under
whose auspices this Sou:m.11h, 13ooklet
is issued :-President, Mrs. IL Little ;
Vice-PreSident,•Mrs. Geo Erwin ; Sec-
retary, Mitre C. Parsons ; Treasurer,
Mrs, H. W. Erwin':
Gaderich Township
Clinton Business College opens Sept ard.
TIM TAxga.--The collector's roll for
this year represents a total of about
$13,700, which is some $600 less than
last year. (Inc to the change made by
the egnalization.
Soon-itir E. Wise, who makes
a speciality of raising good stook, has
sold aline 15.month's old Shorthorn
Bull to Mr. Robt, McTavish'of Ripley,
receiving a good figure fair theseme.
He has still one more to sell; ' •
Sroox X itantn.-Mr. E. Wise had
the raiefortiine to get a couple of cattle,
killed by lightning last week -one was
a steer, the other a heifer. They were
standing hi the open field at the time.
They were insueeci in the Hay Insur-
ance Co.
Vo'rents' Uwe, -The voters' list for
this township for 1900 was posted op
on Diescity of last week. The six di-
visions of 'pert 1 central' 654 voters.
part 2, 134, and part 3, 46, a total of
831. The number of jurors is placed at
No'res-Mrs. Brown, of Fullerton,
sister-inda,w of John 0, Elliott, of the
Bayfield road, and two children, spent
Suisday at the hottie of Mr. Elliott.
Miss Crooks, of Attwood, who has
been visiting her u ncle, Will lain Crooks,
returned home on Vrtday.
BE -ENGAGED., -The trustees or S. S.
No, 4, Con 15, have re-engtaged Mr, J.
IL Lowery for nextyear AG an increas-
ed salary. He is not only a, good and
painstaking teacher, but his moral in -
/tunes ia a decidecl factor for good,
ttnd inust have its effect on the schol-
ars who corse under him.
Arno's, Mein/sea-Mr. John Huller,
who has been engaged in -the apple
packing bUsiness for several years dur-
ing the season, has gone to Gilford,
where he will be engaged during this.
season. Tt says c good deal of his abil-
ity and integrity that he gees back to
the same place where he has been eni-
Wettest before. .
investigation recently- made IA a Pro-
vincial auditor into the municipal af-
airs 01 11)19 township has amounted to
it little over WOO, an6 it is hoped that
this nifi be the full amount. It will
rnake quite a difference in the tax bills.
it would have cost considerably more
had not Reeve Middleton opportunely
stopped it after it had gone far enough
to show that the accounts were cor-
rect. '
DP,Asers-rilre. Secord. who is one of
the Old' residents. of this village,. her
husband having carried • on linsiness
here Many years ago, died on Monday.
She latterly math' her home with her
nephew, Mr, Ward, She had no
The New. gra from no
till the 3xst Dee..ooi6 fcr
Tncentrarrive 0ents
If you want a u4rgainio •
StraSPRIPTWX f 7414=0:04413!"
Clinton Busluellss"Cloillette opens Sept ard. laragleYtphu;ob e r are tel.:-
nice feld
ition and °theta are on business, Mr.
ing advantage of the cheap rate to To-
ronto, some are taking- in the Habib-
Gotteredge, the cement contractor tor
the building of the foundations of the
0, P, R. stations and watertanke has
finished here oh Wednesday, it being
six weeks since they continence(' the
went to tile garden - pa,ty itt VLriut "wit', which tiatiehtaLinat.
Tuesday evening. Mr. Earl. and Miss atrste. tibii8.tleartnitiggies, of t(htfemsteasitil.-
01V.PahteninttyTivveertilstrt.(14LbtsnayMunr:11°,ewkjeta''', dard stalfy left on Monalay morning
nesday, 22n6 inst. Air, ciauson J. for the town of 199)1. Mr. John
O'Lejl, of Clinton. visited in nue cams Blows who nes beeri with Mr. Joseph
triunity last week, Robt Hotharo is g.stst>111101.1'slpfobt its1.1e01;isttiotte iLeatiskatvhbSigs
til. chelk:ncet44(1 boys played with the
painting ).. T. Scott'e verandah, Tins bought out a, busineit. for binteelf
of -Imams' against ' "Cmanthiaus Of Adea Craig. toswhieli place he moves
22nd, we refer to Obaries A. Mtietard
En011(V' °11 'WednescitlY' Augu" 1WItatb)nlet:;tre'lli'llietft;t. Osstr ttle: ellstilyttosi
and A. P. MeKenzie, Charles Must- 'the river bed in. town otnit is now
ard will have charge of the services in digging a new bed for ate rivet to run
the Presbyterian church on Sabbath in, when this is completed the shoal
Rev.n:xtE. ilSa:rswill esW°Itwill l)e 4tTind°:eSev,oai 0.mjas vAchgaPtrte, as egttitoite tnd
gone to visit her Sister, Mrs. Grey, of the con tractors. expect to be here Inv --
Dunnville, Rot'. B. H. .Kitchen has ing rails by the 1st Ootober. Mr. J
Stewart haa his. men busy laying a
numbee of private Walks in town,
whichatilds to the appearance greatly.
Miss Ulan.), Motfatt, of ingersoll, form-
erly of this place is tasitieg laer lady
friends in, town, Mr, :Lod Mrs. Johil
Wilford arrived: home on Saturday
from the west, after ;t six week's visit
With friends in that section •.
ti. ViI-
tordwas as far north as Edmonton,
and is greatly. delighted with the vast
°wintry, he brougat a sanaele of oats
as they came from the bag in the field
after being threshed, and they were
of a perfect white quality, and tested
47 tothe bushel, he also had a sample
of soft coal front the mines at Edmon-
ton, which was of a No. 1 grade, and
was very aceessible get; in one
sense it is good fer our citizens that
John is up In years, if not so he would
eertainly be leaving ifs witheut lunch
notice or cerniony, bet as it is we are
hoping to keep. hlin with os.
NOTBs.-We understand that Mre.
Crawford, of the 13th, waves shortly on
it visit to relatives in Clevelaxid.
Nrov Houss-Mr George Thompson,
on the gravel road, whose house was
recently destroyed by tire, is haying it
new One ereeted, anal it is rapidly itp-
preaching completion. Mr, Thomas
MeKestzutiadolugsthe necessary work.
GOING NVEsa-Mr. R. I1oltliain of lot
1! con '4 Hallett, will ha,ve eaten -
sive auction sale of his farm stock and
implements on 'Monday next,Sept 3rd.
This will be the first farm stock sale'
of tbe. season. Mr, lielthwat intends
going west. • . •
WEstnEro,.-A. quici • wadding, at
avhich only the huntediate friends of
the parties uoncerned were preeent,
took place at the home of Mr. II.
Freeman, 2nd con„ on -WednesdaY
evenang,, when his daughter. Miss
blertrude became the 'wife of Mr.
Thos Glauzier, of London, Rev, Dr.
Stewart officiated.' .
A Comma Evarta. --Inaitations are
but for the Wedding of Me Thomas returned to congregations in Hamilton
Mason, of the Oth eon to Miss 'Ella Mc- after a two quottths ' vacation., Mr.
of the base line. The event takes NrceOwen, of Detroit,) who bee been
place on the 1.1th; The bride is a
Brien, daughter of M. W. as memeen, Antes and bride (former', Miss Bella
visiting at the home of Mrs.
charrning young lady vela° will have and other friends, returned oMnelVjailtra
the beet wishes of a . large circle of daY to theirdunne in North ea,rolinat
friends for her happiness. . . . Oats in Clinton market are quoted at
•. , • 27c per bushel, our geed .buyer„ Re .
. Londenboro . • .8eott tan beat that price. hti about 10c
. . ger bailie'. %Mrs. II. 'Mustard And
' Clinton Business College opens Sent 3rd. daughters, misses Catherine. and
Tun CrotAMaire. -A' correspondent Matilde,' aeccanpanied by 1VIrs. D. Me -
sends the following •;- Londesboro Ewen, of Stanley, left this week for
Creamery 'hits'nt been blowing its born Toronto, they intend going down the
like our neighboring Creamery, but St Laweence as 'far as Montreal. and
it's net alWa,ys it good Sign to hear too we wish them a . pleasant teips Peter
much self praise. We are glad•to ito McGregor and sister, Miss Bessie, left
form the patroint that we are • getting thisweek thattend the funeral of their
in. A geod supply. of creana yet. While . sister, Mrs. MeFarlane; . Mtela .
the neighboring _factory has sent their ' -Tattitatratioa.1--Thet"Sons of Tern -
Butter maker to the wild West to seek °ranee" held their.intlf-niontlily meet -
employment on acconnt . Of .scarcity of ing on -Thursday evening, August .23111,
Cream, ' one Creaniery is doitig . well
here under the earefuamatiagement of saanrdyigtrwtosunddeciriidgeeciatOti]heb,lidsothnes rotnenTiveeinr.-
.:Aceingsrr.--A. serious -accident hap-
W.e . • . '
3: Kennedy. •We . hope to • .make it. neasaee efi seat oath; tam oassysanar Pent:cite Dr Charlesseerth, ter Monday
one of thhestIt nowranks amen
yeare ago in New YorkSthe first Sons afternime, in whith he had the /Ins
them in regards to price and quality of 'of Tenaperenee Lodge, was begun an fortene to get his eight wrist broken :
Butter.: The patrons are hopingto be since that time 'has prospered well. he and Mrs. Charlet-mortis and child
able to send. till cold weather. •• . were proneeding out of town, when
NOTRE:Sant.. E. Bell sold his hozse, sAoncteetnye, pwleaisliseinggivaetotheurrintean7eisthto tbihniye
just opposite. Mr. Kelly'a blacksmith
(Sonthpoitt to Mr. '. shop the horse Shied .ainl. started . to
T-HertYntf Heasall, of the menaberaz as the expects
ago: ' Mr. Riley, pathmester, hee pm- . ants
&Mu winam be purchased him 4 ye tis
In what could . you breaking theDiss wrist, after which it
a big in ittation On the evening of Sept; kicksone of which was the means of
'ceeded in putting down eement side- spend your.evenings, and where could becesne ueManagable and got 'away
walks on the'eapt side of Main Street von bave so good a time far so little fions the rig, 'Mrs,' Chasleswoith and
from his man house to the postaiffice.. inoney, as the temperance lodge -room, child wete: atilt in the:. buggy, ..Wheri
RSV. Mr. McNeil. Of.Baykield, exchang-.. resenrers got tolit, and sacceeded in
The fees ate. riot high, 50 cents to join,
a-8°B.teliPsifeclual'asaCri'tstly';dri-t.'ShLueRnQslkley. :-'1'll":1L-ni b41-4..!abevviks;`:01..6.'ite's'e mthrm'enrad'bIr.rtiwtosuflir 'Atoll' 7,84.11 th.eit, .advetture. • . The , 1)...r, .0b -bis
and35 cents every' 3 menthe for gentle- 'getting them out, greatly excited ever
will be taken by' Me,' Andeeivs, who' .fuither informations • • . . 'his Weti :Witraseli's.tatitditnePr Or tgd•e'Cl-rier.
has . - been . in •Olinton Presbyterian • . . .. . a - The lar's friends hive 10 990 • him able
iOhnrch for a few weeks . Toronto Fair '. to move tinound shortly and be ebleto
8,8 the drawing cod for the people here • a Monti*. attend to his patients, . s • , a.. -
t peesent. Messrs Watson _ & •Gerty Baatie BURNED: .,.- .Tite• lightning on.
.shippedsafevrcars of ...erttleiast-T-hurs $und4ey4ight-st9uck;,a-ba1.n-•-e0 Mo-
tley and SaturdaY t they report a good farm of Mr P. clantelonsand clestrOyed
market. Messrs 13runsdon • suffered it, together with its•contents. ' •
the loss of their smoke staekby. the
Wind On Sunday. Mr. H.MOon, of the
llth con, had his house struck and con-
- • . COnotiknee: ' • . •,
siderably -damaged by lightning on ouateelitaluess College ovens Sept 31'd, .
• Of
Sunday evening. one etthe family . Noans.--The Enworth League meet.
arere hurt. Mr: latigh, lateteaehet ' Porter;s Hill .
ing Tuesday evening, was inhe t'fetal)
;No. 8s and Miss Paul, and Mise E. CheD, eif an entertainment ; the Rev. • Mts. ALT i OB -NT -.While Vietbe 811iOtt Was
ley; spent Saturday and Sunday with Birks was.. present and delivered a.. returnieg 'home' on -Friday. evening he
Miss.S.Berr, of the 12th con. Misses splendid nussiofiary addreas. Mr. J. got otit to open the . gate, and when
Wisetnan and Chidley. of Clinton, T. Rogerson and Mr. Sitmes Parish left getting in the buggy reached for..the
spent the first of this week with Mips •fin• Manitoba last. Wednesday: misslines whim had fallen on the shaft, the
Barr.MS. and . Mrs. •Clampbell and. Tenalifacifetagor left -on. ThutedaY -to horse started to rtnatincl he was thrown
Miss Soott, arrived ,home from -Scot. visit tier slater, Mrs. Atriarew..Best at out and badly bruised,- but no bones
landon Wednesday: Mt- and -Mrs. J.. 01 How. .Mrs. John ..Sunderceck Is were brekeit. We are pleased to note
D. Ainslie, of Leenittigtdra-arevisiting spesant,g. it weeks With her de:ugh- that Ise is sine to be out, again:
friends here this week .ale. al„ Drama .ter at Dauphin, Man. . Miss •Alnia 111.- NoTES.--sltirs. Dittman, Of Chicago,
wears a broad:smile these' days -cause
a young lady assistant in the tacitly. Rowe, of Fotest, ie at present visiting visited at elent: Newton's • last "meek.
.. McKay'has finished the work at w,-
with her'sisters, Mrs. Jewitt and. Mrs, Wm-.. Elliott returned t� Washington
Britton Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Riles' territory bit Monday. Janaes. Thorn.
the .bridge, near ahe yillaae. . . attended the wedding 'of Mrs: Riley's ton is in the neighborhood buying
.,. 4 . • . . sister, Miss. G-ertie Freeman,' on Wed-, apples for D. Cantelon, Mabel Newton
. .. •• pesday last, . Mrs. John -Brittoii, isatreturned home oti Wednesday after
. :Auburn *. Present visiting with her :daughtee, .spending it, nionth 'Slatting atStratford;
. _
ClintOn Busimiss College ovens Sept aril, .. '; sr, is able to be out again
E. Emersor; at Stouffyille • • The M
heavy vain on Sunday evening last was • • after her severe illness. Mrs. : Blair
'RUNAWAY -013 'Monday, Jas.Youngs we coined by everyone, doing, good to. .
horse, known aS "Billy". took it ' iuto remains very low, with apparently
its bead to have 4 heat all by itself. It the pastures and rootcrop, also mirth- very little hope of recovery... 111r. and
was drawing e load of .heading from. ling the farmers to till .the soil ' with Mrs. Johnson and deughter; at' Galt,
gteat'satisfaction,espedially those who returned home teat. week.
the mill to the cooper shop When the
are. about to sair fall wheat. Mr. W.' - ' '
driver stepped and went behind to fik ,
. . • .
Lowrie Sold a fine three year. old geld-
the toad. Seeing such a good oppor-
tunity, Billy started up the hill . from ing recently, realizing in the neighbor-
hood of $2450. Mr A. McAllister, who NEW SCHOOL' -The new school erect-.
MaLawler's, leaving the heading scat-
tered along the road, and galloped recently taught the PublicSchool here, ed here ori the east side t1 the' base
around the village,. :.- was calling on friends last Week. line, was completed' by. the contractor.
' Norm:a-Miss ,Stelker, of... LiicknOW, Messrs McIntoshaudor and 111103-, who Me. McDonagh, in time, for its opening
haVe the contracts of the mason and after the midsummer holidays,and is
is visiting Mrs.. •J. STolanitou. • 'Lilly carpenter 'Work of the residence of Mr ' now lit dailyuse by the pupils. • 11 19 it
Youngblot, Hansa; spent a few days Jas. -Stanley, Postmaster, isnearing it sting and 'peetty fittla building. , •
visiting °Id . friend a here; . Among oompletion, and soon we hope to see
those to go to Toronto this week are: the old gentleman. comfortably settled
:r. and: Mrs , O. Beadle, Mrs. . Geo. in his new home.. Mrs; VIT. 1EL 'Cook cuatea
. ' • CO
M . ..... •
Beadle, Miss Mabel Erratt. 'The S. S. has returned home after it three month 1111911139, cousect emus Seta sol,'
of St. Marks picnicked 'with Trinity visit with her daughter at Brandon,
S, S.. Blyth, at Livingstones 'grove, Man., and'brothers in Yorkton Sesk ,
about a mite notth of Blyth on Mon- also °Wittig on : tnantas other 'friends
day. Miss Agnes Ladd IS Spending._ it throughout the vaest. •
few days With Blyth friends. Ida
Currie, Goderich, is visiting -at Erratts. • " -. -Tunkersmith•
Oppesitionlittery started "frorn Blyth, BAnte ntriorne,-A large, barn ot the
outS! Mr. Ladd, at the wooer shop, is farms of Mr. Ferguson, .ots what is
busy et the present time turning da known as the Kippen road, was' struck
barrels to Supply the apple packers. At by lightning,: on Sunday night, and
the League nieeting On Tuesday, llfr,J. totally deatroyed, with all its eontente,
B. Robertson gave it very interesting whichembraced his erops of this year,
address on the 'industries of the Soo 1
which place was visited by him durine together with his. implements. '; • .
his holidays. We understand that Mr -
Lorne Grosse, of the Gravel Road, in-
tends going to Oincinati to study for PALL Sno*.eilie A.shfield end. Vira.
• .. • ashrield, - ,
the ministry. Rev. A.E. Jones retern. 'anosh AgriculturarSociety, *ill hold
ed from his holidays and occupied his , its fall shwa! at Dungannon, on Oct.
ownpulpit on Sunday, Mr. William ;$.5, • This is one of the feWliourishing
Hewett, NeepaWa, Man., hi spending soeieties that are let in the courstys
few days at hie former home here t e and invariably haS a good show arida
came to Toronto to' see about apples large crowd. The NEW' ER& has
and other sepplies for his extensive pleasure ,in acknowledging a coraph-
fruit business. Wilmer Wilson is the mentary ticket thereto, '
proud possesser of a tittle girl. Mrs., Imes Hussy,of Kingsbridge retur.
W. T. Riddell and Mrs. Jas. Medd are lied Saturday night last froth' Chat -
camping at Point Feral for a tveek, ham, where,he had been in the hospiti.
Mrs. (.J. Younghlut, .Efensall, spent a, al for about free -weeks, owing -to the Paoatirsant erriZers Diee-Mr. john
short tittle With village friends. Setae Nutlet received from go:isnot wounds S. niliott, V. S., died on Sunday after
rat merebere of the Auburn Workmen At the charitari affair $0018- tWO a lingering illness from Tubercolosis,
attended the funeral of the late Jas. months ago, lie purposes spending He Was 42 years of age, and held in the
Tebb, of Colborne tp, . which .took the fall and winter With busitbrother. very highest esteem, having been at
place on Wednesday. itir. and Mts.D. Rev, rather klussey, at Vi7est Lorne,. one time a member of the town (10110-
E. Manro grjent A few days thie week Ont., dil. A wife and two children • survive
=wog friends in Goderieh township, him. fie wits a member of the Mason-
and.holidaying along the lake.
ic order, anctrwas buried on Tuesday
uuder its auspices.
Clinton Business College opens Sept ;Rd.
NOTES. --Rev. Mr, McCrae, of West-
minieter. preached two excellent ser-
mons en Sunday last. A severe
electric storm passed over our coin-
tuunity on Sunday evening last, no
damage was done near at hand; David
Ferguson's barn. near Eguaoodvil le was
burned. Quite it few.rrow. our village
• °RANGED nArrns.---The ,13Lyth Stan-
of %V. H. Kerr, of the Brussels Post.
He is, a, young naan, with good news-
paper training, .and will publish just
IIS good a newspaper 'as is possible in
a plate of this size.
Votins' Lver.-The voters' list , for
this township was pobsted01l Monday
Aug 20. Part 1 con tains 512 names, part
5, 119, part 3, 10. a -total of 611 IlaITIOS.
The aggregate number of jurors is 350.
BA.RN EITILNT.-Dpring the storm of
Sunday night, it barn near Smith's
Hill, owned -by Mr. Robert Bean was
struck by lightning and destroyed, to-.
gather with the contents, being a part
of this years crops. It was • not the
barn on the farm where he resides,
but on•another near by. Ile had some
insurance on it. • ,
DEATH or MR4 .TAlit4S TAM, ...MIS
tOW13811/1) lost one of its inost highly
respected residents on Mianday, in the
death of Mr. .James Tabb, at the age of
57 years. Deceased basbeen ailing for
yeartathough able to be ablaut and,per.
form his work, lie was noted. as a
sheep breeder, and xas-invariably
prize winner at the full fairs, He was
a man of sterling integrity. A wife,
four sons and three daughtees surviire
HonsgDnowision-One of the strang-
est accidents that has happened here
for sane time occurred last Thursday
evening. It appetites that it young
mari tarried tovvIer was driving a
tenni belonging to Me james- Reid, of Ono evening hist week a lady sat on
Ashfield, and had gob° up to T.H.Tre. het verandah, when a stranger came
lenven's mill for chop, and on return- along and said to her "good evening',"
ing the horses lost:the rote:land tell in. She courteously replied "good ' even-
t() the trail race. The yOung man did ing." • •
all in his power to rescue the horses, "Are you alone P" ,vas the next in -
but it was impossible to do so ari the solerit question he asked her.
water WAS very deep. He gave the "None of your business whether
alarm,but when assistarice•arrived one am or not," WAS the quick reply, as she
of the horses was deed. After some arose to go into the house,
hard work the dead horse wits lifted "Oh, don't get gay,' the fellow re-
but and soon after the live hOrge was plied, as he continued to aAvance to.
taken out. 11 18 ft Mystery that both wards the house, but elle hurtled With -
hones were net killed1 in and bolted the deer.
The following from an Ardoch, 8ask.
paper is reference to the death of a
son of Mrs. James Symington, Au-
burrol "James Symington passed
away'at Gainsborough, Sask., on June
27t1t after a lingering illness extencliag
over many months. Deceased was
fiftysix . years of age, abd for elev-
en,yeare was a resident of Ardoeh,
where he managed an elevator, and
was universally popular. He leaves a
wife, daughter and son to tnourn his
loss. The •reirtainti were brought to
Ardoeh, where the funeral Mot place
from Poreifters' hall under, the allSpiC-
ed of Court A.rdoeh, Z. O. IP., of which
order he was a a member awl in which
he carried $4,000 itentrancta
He was Inipudent
Just the Same
1V0 wish to draw your attention to the
"fact that our
is hist the sonless you have been lathe
halAL of talkin(f *9 9(1114 store. It couldn't
-be-improvedenjtrswe-Are•ining--blier -
same formulae. Sea are selling it at
the daille old 1)rice-165e Pep poeutt.
Try our Extract or wait strawberry
.•-••I('S OWL
• 4,• •
_,I111)1) are in tuAN't of anything in the ,
Pickling line. we 11 We. it':•"••••Sineerl, Rob -
'her Rings.. Wn.x: *16 „Corks to At any
laud of bottle or ,tar.
Tidw about the ales? W& eau supply •
YOU WitIll POisop or sticky' ernaesr.
The special sale of Ws Roo he
Continued until Saturday. Sept:. Ast, at
2'5G • per' bottle. After that date the
price will he higher.
W, A. McConnell.
• P4m.•
O.P.11,, Telegraph Agency
OE Takes Knowledge.
as well as good Material to make good S
(11 goods. There are /Pie essential things
ed to ale our business a
. Purity success: 0.
00 We nee these, itnd " pure Cream
Tartar, to 4nske
.$ • "Purity"
,Baking Powder
We the beet 34;U oats nse,
25o poi pound.
W. S. R. liotrnes
Phtn.B. . •
Sellery Drolt110d,
• ,Clintoii..•
Repotter, refers to the father of Mrs..
A. T. Cooper, of towns to whom univ-
ersal sympathy will. be. extended in
this sad bereavements,. The coreinu-
nity wag greatly shocked on Tuesday
afternoon to learn of the drewning 01
Robert Sellery. For Months past his
health bas not been very good and he . •
Was IncliDed. to nielancholy anddespon- •
dency which was actete at times. flow --
ever the Wilily had no fear for his
safety. He had been in the habit of
going out •with the McGawe 011: the
Bah treg Onward, aud took an interest
in the operations of raising the nets,. '
On Tuesday leniorningas the boat was
avinjoined.leaving the the crew
and went up to the fishing gtpund.
John MaGaw, jt;, says rale. Seliery ap-
pea,ted in his usual spirits, bat bad not
broughta lutich with bins as he usually
did. For the first thne he did not cotne '
to see the nets raised, and when last
seen was sitting in thestern ofthe tug,
this beingabout 12.15 o'clock; He was -
missed 11.1101. 11. 12.45 and 130 111(0(9 of himi
could be found. The heat was lying oil
Inverhuroxi road about six miles outin
fifty fathoms of water. Just how the
thing occurred will remain it niystery.
whether deceased accidently fell over-
board, or whether a sodden fainting'
seized him eannot be told- He leaves
a wife and family of five sousand three
daughters, who have the sympathy of
ll n their terrible bereavement.
' Robert, Sellery was 65 years of age,
and it man highly nespeeted in the com-
munity. For years he led an active
business life, being in partnership with
his brother Frankin k n the tannery busi-
ness. His sad encl. will be reftretted by
all who knew hindsLittle hone is en- .
tertained of recovering the body.
County Model Schools. -
The Board * of Examiners for" the
County of Huron met in the. Public.
School, Seafoith, on Saturday, August
2'6th, to arrange for the session of the
Model Schools of Goderich ;laid Carsten.
All the members wete present;
It wag resolved to admit students to
the Model Schools, who will be eight-
een years of age on or befota the open-
ing of the schools at the 'Autumn term
of 1907.
Teachers holding okpired Third elase
certificates will be vented renewals
for three years on passing ex-
aminetion of the Model School in De-
cember. The final examination begins
on Monday, December 10th, 1906.
The meeting thenadjourned to Meet
on Deceniber 24th ab Seafonth.
./lAtitn, Secretary. „
Molsons Bank
Incorporated 1855
Capital 'Paid up $000,000
Reserve Pun' $3,000,000
. Total Assets $304000,060
by depositing in our Sayings
, Beek, It does net require Marge
amount to begie with. We pay
8 per cent interest on amounts of
$1 and upwards. Better begin
noW-deposit What yee can spare
-add to it whetever possible.
We will welcome ,your accoutit,
Itiege 09 sinall.
A generalPauking; huoiness
transacted. . *AO'
CAM AND San. Ina
C. n. DOWniNG;
stataior. caw*