The Clinton New Era, 1906-08-17, Page 5'1111111111111114MW .4
ripplommesswR too s 4.4 upsual.SSSISISIV!!!!SSINS4
This store has the name of being 'the BEST
STORE in wh:ch to buy Rain Coats. The assort-
znent we show is as large as you will find in ordin-
ary -size cities Styles are exactly the same as are
shown in the large fashion centres, and last,! -but
not least—the values we give are better than you
will find in any other snre. If you are thinking of
buying a Raincoat this fall, don't buy until you see
what we are showing:
At $5.00
Ladies' Crasenette Raincoat, full length, in
$5,00 1411.16;iiit;n&l.':711.11e'tt %.7;titcYh'el'iiiililt;t:'ctisiri:ifdre(11ti,..
t eqmil us any $7.:41,_sters.pecialairice,
At $5.00
Raincoats at $6.5o
Ltd ies' fawn tialecoat, nettle from proofed Covert .
soth, three-multi:es length, tunde with four patch
p4.e•ke,s, loose fitting, speoial
Rairic„ats at $7.50
I different styles at this Price, in
t.kwils, and dark grey, scene trimmed with fancy
}iaid and strappitigs. plaiit. sleeves and some with .
teal's. These coals /ire squal to many $10,00 dines. $7.
id price
Raincoats at $ro.00
our,.k of full 1)(alar Coats ec.ntainz niore than)
a (lczen of tin, newest and prettiest styles we bave•.•
yet s. hewn. 'they too made risen English.shower,
proof crevenette Covet t Cloth and Tweeds., near e .
ly all are the looseeittiep•-• style in thres-quarters•
sod tell length. )••• e have- a full assortment 'Of
slzes,i on, :S2 in. to 11 in.. Remember we give you.
yt,tir eitoiee front mare thane dozen 3f the veryltj norm
sekve:,.t styles shire n, ;it the special price of • to
We wiil give you our word for it, that no such
C.Icat; for 'Fen Dollars. -either in..
Nu.m.erous .other arg3.111 s
Come L•Int.1 see.
• Stilts
MS Clothing Store is better prep area
for a larger business than ever, with the
largest Stock of Boy's Clothing we have yet shOwn.
Values were never better than at present, so if
your bOy needs a new suit, bring him here.
1 ..„. . With every. BoY:s Suit at $3.00 or over,
a if bought, at OUR. -CLOTHING STORE.
'this week or next, we will give FREE . one
e extra pair -of Knickers, worth from soc to
i75c per pair.
Boy's Tweed Suits, in a variety of good, strong
4.$1.75 $2.00 and $2.5o
Boy's' Twio-piece Suits, made frOm peat, Canadian
Tweeds, Norfolk and other new styles,
2.75 $3.00 and $3.25
Boy's two-piece and . three-piece Suits, in a big
• ralige of Tweeds and Serges—a big stock
to pick from, at per Spit
. .
$3,5o 'to $6 75
Numerous .other Bargains
• Come and See.,
Our Enormous Vorciatt Trade. "lie carps tor lift"
I .
The grand a ggsegate (..,f Canada's.. :Sly exiled Scut could 'seek a place
foreign ti•inle for i he Iasi rises 1 year 1 Wherierest is found,and darkness flee
will reach the enori nous sum of SS50.- I And thee I •know that there is One ,
854 246, a ga i II of tet-ss-ss,sse ;is sons- , Wliose sympathy goes out kir me:
pared with 18416, and of *St1,70,ss,`„1, as
1 he i„,,vions :rein., (.n.. Ngt wealth is mine—no stocks or'.gold, .
',omen red w i t h
.:1.1!'.' per emit and 17 pvi. rent ioespect ive- 1 Jost Its 1 :M3. iny oriry.plea :. •
Brit, wealth of peace:tomes to my 'soul,
Taking the trade hy eounttles. Ole i Tis arn I khOlv.. 1/.0., Cares -ter rue.
Why' is that 110 oi .. t t 1" •
total. impoits from ( i teat Britain sy.t.,..,t fi ti ,,,.e Inv- war Ili re't,y. aSatiit. .. .
are • Henry. Carssallen ' It. ,0 , 31 P ' - P
. Anionot.. io ,r, i.._..,1.) s 1 b ‘ is. ••• • And slim' the el nth I talitiOt SO i - • i
. in the CoUnti.y any mord ? Cities
.0.a.milton,la in a erz2tieal Condi:Mon.:and
$100..13h 811 for L114. year ending Tunr ; .4%...6.1 y 0- t t bei,e 7')OC.,a bias. ad ta,_ ei,i-ght. Ifttitoiluotfh,„peaonedlezhhoose
30, leo:, Of this amount the dutiable ' 1 tyous thoughtsIle eases for me iticviteai'fweet)anitthhtinsdretp°-
.ny the physicians in. attendariee.
'little hope 01 recovery is entertained
vneds a itmonted to :02,718,6211, a gain I. W.! yesented by. thc. clothing they have on.
$7 zr1; SI I over t lie preceding- yesir. l l',4tv burdened heart untv.Welcomes film will.have'tlia 'largest 'exhibit
Years go hy "•and these persons never . . • • .
have abome. . They lose thatindenen- '• Canada • •
The imports l'ITi.. (.f iltity.tot died $10,- 1 'fo whom. 1 hiinibly. bow the knee : ,
5.50.138. an titiprovonwnt or $1,135,126, . T A t!I'll I Icnow,tho sorrows.conie
. 1 .
dence thet the proud OvViier ofka farm r anyt i,lutsidei conetty io the:empire,
as compered with 19 II -5. 'Elio exports ; That there is One 'who cares for me. has. If there is one needed:Se/form, it' iaenPtc:7113e'eahtelHdr!a,tatindhatristhchenhrtgche,xNheihy;
. . , • • is to keep people On farms and away
t, i Grdat Britain oi Oa tauliaa in nulls n- I . •
Zealand, in November next: Besides'
dise well. $127 4 5u. 711, NV h i I 0 r,. di , Tile (11 117 of sin ne, more can' bind, .from cities, . ' • . . be Domieion • Government exhibit;
preceding year they ;Lintel nted to $.97.- i No &leis so independ nt 'as the fa - sixty-nin manufacturing interests in
0: ke,ee sue slave, No, I ana free : •
111 .86-7. The st,,, re,,a,„.0 „1. Ili„ yree from the curse ofhroken la.w„ iner ; he doesn't have t:tritekle.; if bre the Dominion will have disblays; '
Siecelhaye 4. 77 ceres for me,
1.1 4417' retiemS l'-'• OW very sithst am hal i. -
, is insolted• he • 1
an. resent the iustilt
improvement in 0141 1(11141 dealing
between Great 13 111 713 and Callada. Tu, clooin and darkness. all disPelled, wtthout fear of,, losing trade, and there
°Troll 'aWs oat;ircl,a;ilS• inge.n:koj:
; The stinshioe of his grace-1sec.: '. , is no earthly. reason, with . the itn- w_if .d .
• . . ge4 Pi "
Items—Ot 'Interest . News.: NoteS
To the MOW
Tteturn Tickets will be sold at
Single Fare $3.70,
Good going Aug. 27th to Sept. 8th,
except on the f allowing
Aug. 28, SC, Sept, 1, 4 and 6, when. the
fare will be
.A,Il tickets good to return
Secure tickets at G.T,R, Town office,
and avoid delay at depot.
F. R. RODGENS, Town Agent,
The .thintan 1118W Ea
ClifiNTON, ONT., AUGUST 174 nap.,
Quite a compliment
Aniuot 1.7, 1900
It 1040***11011411.11••••• 00414110,isei _
Personal Notes:
It those bowing^ relatives or idea
visiting in town or going _was
twits es or the fact each wee*, •we
44 'weald announce it In tbe Nsw FAL,
H. B. Combe was a Toronto visi
on Monday.
Mrs, A. J. Grigg 10 spending a lio
day in St. Thomas.
Miss Mary Robb is the guest of M
Mar e'ae Shepherd.
iMr, Lester Whitely, of Bellevi
Collegiate Institute, is visiting here
Mrs, W. L. Peffers of Millbank, h
been renelfing acquaintances in tovv
Afr, and Mrs, Sohn Manning, Woo
stock, are visi VI n g friends i n this vicini
Mrs. W. L. ()Incas, of St. Louis,
here on a visit to her brother, W.
14'itlYtiir.. and Mrs. W. Brydone leave
day on a two week's holiday at Atli
tic City.
Miss.McDonald, nurse, of Boston, to the serious illness of h
I' 11 R
, school, home or office?
iss 144•••••••••••••••••••• ••••••
Do you need one for your
au '
ty he only accurate and
is I official rnap of the County •
One would hardly expect President
Roosevelt to compliment Canada;
the expense -of --th-o-United-Gtates, but.
ire'ffid 80 a few days ego. It is ,well
known that a good many Americans
are coining into the Canadian- West,
and the fear been expressed that
they might Americanize that part of
the Dominion, Mr,fHenbach, resi.•
dent of Winnipeg, recently bilked this
matter over with PresidentRooeveit,
who is reported as saying
"The danger is even less than you
fear. The Americans now going into
the Canadian Northvvest will tind /113
good laws as those left behind, and
they will find them better administered
into the bargain. They will at . once
settle clowirto work, arid will never
Amercanize the Canadian west." .
This is aline compliment to Canadian
institutions, and proves the President
to be a mart of keen observation and
appreciation of prevailing conditions.
Let Canadians go on building up their
country; and cultivating good fellow-
shiP with their neighbore, Let them
see to it that they have good laws,
equitably administered, and that every
Man enjoys the broadest liberty com-
patable pith the equal liberty of his
fellows. And a country enjoying such
conditions need not fear to welcome
'all who come. to make an honest living
under her flag.
Effective .
Last week the following item ap-
peared in the NEw ER.k : .. ' "
• • . •• '
. "Men have varione this's of careying
moneys. grocers, butchers,and Millers
tarry it in a wad, bankers in clean
• bills, laid fell length in a pocket -book;
brokera milk fold th0. bill once, donb-
„ling it; ats:it were : the young besiriess
man carries it in .his• vest pocket far-. .
ets, whether it be $50 or 15 cents. I
niers tine drevers in their inside pcicic.
Printers usually ,carry their money in
other people's pockets.”
On Wednesday the following letter
- •
came to baud, with - a dollar bil. at,
rimas...........,,,.....,„„,„...6,..........„...a• truic,hichde teonictiorsed-,
item, taken froin last
week s 1NiEw hats, struck me so foreib-
ly that I enclose the (Inc dollar of your*
Building material is still going up, • John 41. RobinSon, , the well know ' which I'have been carryingin I it 1/ ..pock.:
et -since last • April. I had intended
leaving this matter till I was home on
1n3r vacation, hut changed 'inS? mind'
when I read the enclosed clipping. I
could not do without the Ngssf Ens,"
Now, ifetny More" of our subscribers ..
itre earrying around soree of our noon-
ct" T
is the
George Routledie, 'wife and faini
in town,
tmveller, spe
'Sunday anti - Monday,-at-thell'ome
his mother..
Mrs, .A. T. Cooper and Master Wil
ave gone- on a visit to. relatives
Mr. Alex. Macpherson, of Londo
eldest brother of •the TownCierk, w
here hist xveek.
Mrs. A. H.Manning and daught
Miss Edna, are spending a , couple
weeks in Muskoka.
Or Blyth, spent unday with frien
Mounted' on linen and.
73:i I, suita.ble rollers., — Size ;
AIL x.rff,, f
ilst 1:'..' . -....t ;
1; : aent express paid, on re- t
er, .
' I '`ceipt of price. ' 1
• ••••,4••••••••...•4••••••1
J. J Holdsworth, of Drexel 'Only
sity, Philadelphia, is visiting his o
friends in. this locality,
Mr. and Mrs. H. Clams and M
'Dark, of Toronto, were guests of Mr
J. Rattenbuty over Simday.
Master Percy end Miss Magg
Wheatley are visiting at the home
fheir grandparents in Brucefield.
George Williaths, of the. William§
Shoe Co,, Brampton, spent Sunday as
the guest of Mr. John Jenkins.
- Miss Maude Tohnston, Summerhill,
left on Monday for Goderich, to spend
a couple of weeks with relatives.
Miss A,lice Seaman is visiting Mrs.
W. Q, Philips, of London ;.Miss Lottie
Slonain is also visiting London friends.
Misss Lyda Garrett and Master Al-
Vanley are spending a few days in town,
the guest ottlaeir sister, Miss Florence
Garrett. ,
id I Wa COOPER =
rs. •
• .
L.. ••••••1
but in these unparalleled prosperous barrister of 6t. Thomas, died- Monday
timee the high prices do cheek morning at Port Stanley, aftersa short
buildings frotrt going up also . - 'illness. ' . ' •
The leading secret societies eontinue • ' e .. • .
to increase ..1n membership. There is .Hon. N.. A..• Belcourt, ex -Speaker,' of
something hi . it secret organization Commons, is reported to be serionsfy
that stronglYaPpeals to'a m Allied man ineau, hear Ottawa. '
ill at his stinuner reSidence oil the Gat,
eir, we *Will be glad if they will send it
1 to us. • .
‘144,e4t 0.4 ••••••••••40•••••0*-
' ••••••N••••••••Nsi
Church Chimes
Rev, NV, :E. - Kerr and Rev. Mr.
Brown, Varna, will exchange .p.ulpits
next Sunday.
• ..
• Miss Emerson, of Kincardine, wh
has been the guest of the Misses Clu
for a couple a weeks, returned hon
on. Monthly. • • , • •
Thomas jsirnes McCartney and wife,
'who have been residing in town for
some time, leave this week forPilot
1431111sisd'I(Mataen'Taylor, trained nurse, of -
New York, and Mrs. GeOrge Leight, of
Toronto, sisters of Ars. A. D. Beaton,
are here on .a visit.
• . • •
Miss Ilene Matheson went to TOMO
: -
to on AlonclaY, to work at the millin-
ery wholesale establishmerits and at-
tend the openingS. •
Mr, Davis, Custonis ;Officer at Win
ham, was in town on Mondayshavin
aceorimaniedhis son here, who was
his way to Toronto. .
Miss Rena Pickett, the efficient assi
tant at the -Post office, is this week en
ioying' a holiday ; Miss .Scott is titian
her place in the office.
Mks. McDonald, who has been visi
ing relatives in this city, returned t;
her hoine in Griswold, Man., last week
being ticketed by W. Jackson.
Personals •
Roy Grigg is visiting at Waltcm.
Mr. Arthur Tyndall leaves nn. a trip
west to -day. . •
• Dr -John Gun has returnedfrom his
trip to the coast.
Mr. Ed. Dinsl „ ., of Chieago, is here
on a visit to 11 ether. '
Miss Edith odgens leaves in a few •
days for holidays. ' •
R. J. McDonald, Toronto, is here ow-
e ing to the serious illness of his mother.
Mr. Angus Cole.aed da,ughte.r, Clara, •
of Wayne, Mich., are yisiting with
relatives in tOwn, . •
Miss Ella Lindsay left for Toronto
yesterday, where she intends to stay
fey a conple of weeks. •
Mrs. George Rands Was visiting her
parents; Mr. and Mrs. Martin O'Don-
nell in Paris last Saturday. :
Mrs James .1%Iabaffy, Courtright,• and
Mrs Rev. Neilly, Dover Centre,. are the
guests of Mrs. J. B. Lindsay this week.,
'Mrs. W, L, Galbraith isevisiting at
Owen Sound, Buffalo, and other east-
ern points, and will be away from
g••••• towu for three *weeks. • •
rt • Miss Lizzie Richaedson; of Fulton
street and guests, Robert and Josetths • '
s_ ine Breverton. of Hamilton. 'Ohio,
: were entertained on Wednesday by.
Mr and Mts. jrfo. Smith, of the 'I5th •
. concession.
ts Mr." W, cf Lansing; Mich„ is
0 -here on a visit ; he is nephew of Mr.
, John Bailey, Of ,he
and was for.:
merly employed with the News-Rec-
f Ord, but is now in a restaurant husin-
. ess. •He came over by automobile, of
'which he is the owner. •
Mr. Moat .(son of David Elcoat, o
California) who has been viSiting rela
tives -in this vicinity, leaves for hi
home in Los Angeles on Monday next
Messrs. Russell Andrew.s.and Frank
Walker, both printers: left here this
week on the harvesters' expursion
. ,
They had .tni definite phials. for the fut-
Rev. Mr. olliffe left. TuesdaV for
a two weeks' holiday ; his son in khil-
adelphia has •a 'cottage at Pierpont.
flay, athnderte?geth:er they will spend the
• Mr. NV. C. Searle and wife, Clinton,
are visiting friends in town this week
The latter will spend a week or two a
the fares home of Mr. Robert Jackson
--Mitchell Recorder.
Miss Maggie MeNaughton, of Clin
on, was called home owing to the ill
ems, of her father, but the patient im
ChaS. McKinnon, of the Collegiate,.
who with his wife has been spendirig
the holidays at Port Elgin, is suffering
froth an attaek of typhoid.feeer, and.
they were compelled to shorten their •
holidays, returning to town on Wed- •
nesday. WS trustMr. IVIcKinnon may
soon, be restored. to his usual health,. '
• Rev. J. B. Aylesworth, aged 71, and
for forty years a Methodist minister
s in Ontario, died Monday in Detroit« ,
He was an uncle Of Iion. A. B. Ayies-
: wosr.thT..
Bastedo, one of' the victjnis
of Whitney's partisanship in the On-
- taxi° civic service, has been atipeinted
manager of the Annuity Company of
Canada, a recently organized and
strong financial concern. He is too
good a man to lae long out of a job.
(; rest pc:toe of heart pervades rny soul, proved.ferrn machinery he now has in
the tariff reformed "to catch the pop:
ri %vitt at the next session have During the absence of Rev. r. Jol t
litre on a two weeks holiday, the pulpit
Tile fermi, of Prpttlati• It is enough He cares for me. • use,,whv he should not have an eign ts „ . •
d such leisure for readine. ular fancy, anti then there win be an ot this church will be supplied,by Ti..- P
hour da ati
— 1 This is :tn original composition by a ano stud as would soon make him
0 aimeal to the country. Well, the tar- )
. s,,„,i; ties e , n lie el( (merit, a na ,J:, , gentleman who is a. visitor to Clinton, iff might be worse. handled. Sir Wit.
one of tKe best -informed Men in any
wonderful .7 4)1 is t.)1(1 by the Cana. and one who is also an mithor of note, calling, N'trhy. shouldn't the fartner be frid has a great faculty in meeting the.
dion immigration returns for the fiscal and morpopular fancy. Bette meet that than
all till.% e S. Surely he•Ints the
ye:tr ending June 3o, U. Reciprocity. • possibniueg; . . may to the combines. 1
the total 10' 11,1 ion for the twelve '
• . Brigadier HoWell, interviewed at
v.ts..lso,, 007, as against 1 16.266 l'l e Washington' correspondent of
, Farmers aa rl
s ue are kind-hearted Liverpool on his retuan 'from Canada,
in the previous year, an increase a mu: ciiicaiiii Tribune says i The Cana- and Sympethetic, and ;Abuse of the said the SalVatton Army. had seet
1114 ,
12.71.36. or :i0 pH vent. The sumn"wized Han Parliament, Which recently .act, beasts of burden is something faselY a,bout 12,000.endigrAnts to Canada this
retut its was as iollows : -
MO Tmt •
j,,Ittned, will reassemble in November ;witnessed in the country. ,In tile eit- year, and another 1,000 were going in
British .... ... .(15 1S9 86 766 21 437 and 11):IICA Ilp the tariff question, often- Les. ore oftee seen horses, after being September, •There have not been 20
ding to advices received at the bureau
Contineetal „17, :514 4 1 462 7 1118., of manufactures. -
13nittol States.... 13 513 .57 703 1.4 253'
Finance Minister 'Fielding, and his
colleagtas have ...been •'working on a
Teta; iminig'u I 11 2'1; 189 061 42 70t.i proposrd tllich is said- to be in ati.
T114.4 port ion of British untnigint ion is
sit/did/441 1" i."1 ma; jority for the GOvernthent . in.. Parlitt;
:i.eto; is so large that the passage a as
3Tng' is -11 . IS s (7 65 135 16 21N
IVe14411 „7711 7517
Mr. Phillips. of Hull; Englprid, who is
at present visiting friends in the viein-.
ity' of Holmesville. ' Mr Phillips has ac-
ceptably filled different pulpits in this
vicinity, and will be a good substitute.
He will have charge of the services
next Sunday and thefollowing one •
Louis •Simon, whO has &inducted a
driven, tied to a post, exposed tti Wills complaints received regarding any of store at Dashwood for over 3r. years,
try winds and cruelly neglected. So- those sent out to Canada, and be was has sold out and arioved to Einura.
cieties exist .for the prevention of an xioinithat 30,000 of the class of people Mr. Ivan Johnston and Miss May
other, and the duty of owners is to
cruelty to animals in one form or an- the army had sent should go in 1907. Swartz, two of the popular young pee- t
exeeptionally tortvard. etate. The ins.- hotme and- care for their animals, Our . ple of Winghain, were Joined together d
The name of our town stsinds thr a in matrimony by the Rev. Mr. Fare at
town has ample stabling accommoda, .icture in the minds . of all who have Gorrie on Monday. July 30th, NVe
unders'tand Mr and Mrs Johneton hi-
tehd taking up their residence in Tor -
roved so Moats that she was able to
return,--Biussels Post.
t Mr. Feat* O'Neil, of Moosejaw, ar-
rived here -on Tuesday night with the
body of his nephew, A. S. bleQueen, of
whose nnfortunate' death partieulars
will be found elsewhere. •
John W. Broderick, of Goderich,
was intown on Tuesday. Re had been
downtp Exeter, where he bought the
boot and shoe stock •of Mr. HoWse,
who is going to the Northwest,
Misses Elizabeth sand Louie White,
of Philadelphia, who haVe 'been the
guests of their aunt, Miss VVhite, Rat-
enbury street, left foe home on.Mon-
ay, first visiting a sister in Detroit.
tions, and mercy and geod care hes- ingered even for 0. feVii fleeting days
ea hi net 111(.31lb ure is a foregone conclu, toived upon the dumb brutes brings within the charm of its ivooing beauty.
Sent ...II 11 74 i 15 Ste ,1 102
' .... . It Stands not alone as a pleasa,nt pic-
rich returns. ,
tare. but as the future ideal to its awn
Irish ..... ... ....3 fil8 5 OTS 1 020
• 7)77) 177 A rvement with the tinted
An owning will be made for a reci- - St does /lot cost so very much to (Mtn loyal citizens. It is imitme among its
. . .
The proportion ol 744 74 to '.3 444 l; 4,n • ‘34,tt Canada vin ro ose is a home in our tewn. Lots,. splendidly sisters in this enUnty li,s an ideal town
among the noncom, 1.4 is . ti•
. , the( e 1 0 one. .. P P located and „ of tiimiplloenes.ize a be •
The marvelous gr(mth of i 411 I ni grit thin , 7";it,i knii(3'wir..):i
e . 0 nt r;•fer eitial in puechased. foi lit e n )r. 1B(luil)Cling"` 2orrh?trwse' iteliti aftzt•itlitrir Itistit71 inis auitilg:1
in Eh(' 1DISt (1‘. "'id" hi U:1114t'l Med in ' w . . I' 1 -e .. P '-. P . . .., material is as reasonable here aS Itt attractions.
tLcze figures: 1 ft‘vor ot B1 tt ish goods to DO actinittect other points. Able architects end con -
,` 1t1l7.. • :1,4
,nf ot e,erentothrates mite specifically
16 83-) nichtiontel.
21 7 .
:31 "/ / A "i 1, inl at our elbow suggests that
44 5-12 Itest way hi' bead Off •the mail oe21 -
:405 des houses is ctn. the 1000,1 merchant
.41) 1)41 to sit sort isc fievally and get the trade
,(„i7 t hcolsel VON. It does look reasonable,
1:44 31/.> All of the successful mail order houses
VP CH at 0 heavy rdiverfisers, and if tileY eau
.146 266 4. why not the lo&il inerdh-
1S9 0"5 ?
traetors are ready to satisfy every de- Word comes from Wood Mountain,
mend, own a home is within Manitoba, that the remains of the two
the range of possibility, no inatbe, little' Hoffman- girls, aged nine and
how meager the salary- or limited the eleven, who wandered away. from
rums; If a man is honest. npright, their hone whils going after 'horses. on
11 and displays a willingneas to helphim- May 213rd last,. have been found by is
self, there are people here, many, who sheep -herder In Porcupine Creeksonie
will give him whatever ,help 14 needed, forty miles from their father's ranch,
so long as, it be within the bounds of They must, therefore, have lived for
feeson, some days, and finally? died of starves
tson. The father has goneto Wood
Did you ever notiee that "talk" dees Mountain to bring the remains home.
7 h19 rat,- Canada is 7I1 get over a 1 Tin' farm, rs of Dehree%in,, Hungary, not hurt 0 than Much Perfection is At the time df their disappear/Mee
14 717)047 irnmight la.; in the ttela 114'v 14%. ha ving a devastation of locusts this not looked for in man, and when SOMO search W178 made for several days and
years, in atlit ion to t he oat urn' • inlimn' h. Tile insects are sweeping one tries to injure 71 man by ranting their tracks tracedfor 1117108, but with. •
• of the population. A bountiful through the lanand
d eating every- about it feW faults he has, the absent. out , •
harvest this ,i7 117117, 141 top of the • thing green. over 60,000 iterea of one, who is probably attending to his •
great milux of wealth proditeers, 111. erops have been consinned already. own affairs, is elevated in the hearer's The Labor question is becoming
, mires at lenst another year of plenty Vires have been lighted', but the loensts estimation, while the informant Is acute in the Northwest, and in British
'end prosperi t y. 1 swarm into the flatnes until they are lowered accordingly. Ha 11)1713k/1001m 00linnbla. The fruit -growers in the
Ina nistual; while the sorvivers con- along, doing fairly well, people realize ,hitter province finding it difficult to
Untie their nia.rch unimpeded. In that while -he hits some fauns, he has to obtain white -labor, are agitating.
Percival Baxter and Paul Walde. of one place it is stated that twelve steam more virtues, MA they ere charitable for tire reinOVel of the $500 tax on
, Winnipeg. are leaving! he Revel Alex- 1144111 .71173• being used and rollerbrborns enough to overbook thee"; faults. But ()hi 11080, 80 that they may be able to
ender on Wednesday inornitur to Atilt are sw,,,,viing up the bodies • of the it iedifferent with - a girl or woman. obtain cheap coolie labor.. To this the •
A cycling tour from winnineg tII eritslied illsnett; The locitgts 1fl many No 'matter how good and pure it wo. organized tabor men are strongly op,
,isinwyntk,via St paill,minne,,,pnlis and plasm eoVer the, ought to it depth of •manonity be, let some one start an 7114 posecl. A more difficult question te
e-slItletsysts-s.nivinglividera-bet.41m-two. about -herr and--everione,is-Aeal-WitIvhattieVer,„Is.the-itindoo..ot
'piing sportsmen .w 141 iee vi' Winn ifu,g. [nen are emplOyed, and willing to pass it along, and there is I Sikh invaw
sion, hich threatens these
etethont 11,0003', intending to (Attain '1477 soles of desperate means are being AlwAye someone to beheyelt, mat 1h, these portions of Canada, Apparently
.,1,11tr living through 71441 generosity Of t ei wiuhmit avail to keep back the can never be lived down. It may burn there is not enough White labor in the
passing villagers, i blending host. The 'plague first 4- low, but gosem•lovers are ready with country to inset the demand of the
Gold win Smith xrd ST years young neared last, year, 11111. 110'.'.' the positio.ri new fuel. Did you CVO think' how railtvitys, but there'll; no likelihood that
tott Mondav. May his intellect remain of affairs is unteh WOrttte and thousands
of forrner8 aro threatened with ruin,
, Undimmed for many more yearts. •
On 'Thursday lagt a number of farm- W
ors were ithDungantion to give evidence
before judge Doyle on 7111 appeal from.
a drain award to drain some swan...13
lands on the farins i1' Messrs Kirke,
Nivins, Smith°, 7111(1 perhaps
some others, but no prbvieiori was
made for keeping the 'drain in. repair.
Now, some of the parties wanted the
(111.111)deepened and widened, and its
all parties could not agree,the engineer
wits bronght on and made an award, •
which David 5,4)771744appealed a airist
Case, of Dungannon, was in
on Monday. lie had been on a
visit to his mother; who resides a
01141)0 of miles from Hensa,11. He is
ne of the Conservative stalwartsin
est Huron,
Mr. Sutherland, pOstreaSter tif Hen •
sail, was a caller at the New ERA of-
fice on Monday. He and Mr. Yung -
blot, of Hensel!, had been renewing
acquaintances at Auburn, where both
„formerly resided.
Miss Evelyn Turner started back for
e West old Tuesday, and restunes her
hoot at Maple Creek ; her sister, Miss
mily, will . not take a school imtil
ter Christmas, and, therefore, will
main home until that tine.
Colin Shaw, brother of Dr. Shaw, is
siting here, -11e is connected with a
rg'e departmental store in Springfield,
Is haying an interest in the same,
his is 14 place of 40.000inhabitantseind
t it has practically only two general
ores in it,
After hearing the evidence of a 1 the Lt!
interested parties end some of the L'e
neighbors and the engineer. His Honor
reserved judgment.•
Mr and Mrs I-Itigh Norrie of near I slit,
Cronierty, have reeentiv 'happened "
with sett rnisfdltinies. A.bout six weeks
ago their horse earl aseay and their
little ohm only, it few months old was
killed. Last Sunday- while they were
visiting at Mr, Sireraoni anoth littie
child about two year! Old Woe bully
bitten by a dog. The animal was lying
under the steep and when the little otte
approached it sprang at 11 4)13(1 bit it on
the face. The taste of blood seemed to
infuriate the animal, and ib contirined
the attack, until driven away by mem-
bers of the family. The . parents pro
eared !their horseand dreveatainnens.
pace t,o nensall with their child, Whc n
they rettehed here, both were eovered Lb
*with blood, and, after a litthl (1elay, se- tir
mired& Doctor, who stepped the bleed- te
ing and stitched the wounds. Though co
damnably mean some goody-goody the Government will permit anything very weak from loss of blood, it
people are in this respect V , like the nand cootieslavery Vi.oughtthat the child will recover. be
Vz. 1) Soviet, of 13e1grave, who luta
returned from .his Old Country
till WAS in town on MondaY, Miss
tompson, of town, aml Mr. ;fames
Campbell arid wife. of Londeriboro,
who were of the same parttelh,
over, sailor home to morrotv,
Nirs. Robt. McCulloch, of Cleveland,
who luis been visiting her relatives in
MIS YfeitlitY. loft tgrAPAPP nn Trie.g.dllY
's Angeles, W'6'h
ho Was heremialt tahtlgeallat%
710, acceMpariled her back. " The hat -
r says that since the great earth-
ake in San Frimeisco, a number of
ght shocks have from time to time
en experienced at .Lcs Angeles,
Conthienting on the failure of Cana-
dian couples to obey the primarcom-
mend to be fruitful and multiply and
replenish the earth, the late Dominion
statistician, Geo. Johnston, points out
thatin three. counties of Vova Scotia.
there were 1,000 fewer children under
ten years of age in 1001 than in 1891.
Ontario is not the only province in.
Canada Wherethe small family is pop.
E. A. Partridge, of SintAtita, far-
iner„and president of the Grain Groiv-
erS' Co., says he has traversed the
west thoeoughly the last few months,
and belimied too 'much had been said
in the newspapers about sdiumpeit?
crops." There seettied to be a desire
Ito get up a crop boom, which waS
doubtless very tine frcim the stand-
point 01 14711(1 companies and 81)8(111111 -
tors. 1)111 would have a baneful effect
upon the interests of the'fartner, who
would be stampeded into „selling his •
wheat under tbe idea grain would be
a glut on the-. market. Me. Partridge
was sure the- 'prospects were greatly
exaggerated. There might be a fair
average crop, but nothingbeyond that.
1)4 many spots the yield would be
splendid. but there ;vere seores of dis-
triets where it would be apoor average
Mr. Thomas Southworth, three( or of
colonization, some weeks ago cabled to
Mr. PeterJ3ryne, the Government im-
migration agent itt Liverpool, asking
him to make speeial cifrart to induce
farm hands to come and settle in the
Province. He received a letter fronts,
Mr Bryne, stating that an advertiSe-
InStit had been inserted in over CO Eng-
lish newspapers, but thatoinfortunate-
IY for Ontario, at the same time the C,
P. R. issued an offer tocarry fart*
hands straight through to Winnipeg
for a $0 fare, with the privilege of re-
turning in Noveinbee at the same rate.
As the uSual steerage rate to Torento
is about $37,50, their offer to carry pa ,
serwas right through. to Winnipeg__
'leis than VA"
strong a counter attraction to be re
ted, and many who had made arrange -
merits to 001110 to OrItario,have decided
to take advantage Of it. This prae,, .
Callputs an end to the Ontario' &OM.,
ersliope of additional help this sewn