The Clinton New Era, 1906-08-17, Page 14ob. Printing
UOUNIIT 1101,111.0e, rinnisher.
The Sovereign
Rank of Canada
H. T. RANCE, Manager;
Watt AdvatIsetututS
'Football match at Seaforth ....Page 1
When seeing, J. Grigg ... . . .
Notice, W. A. McConnell 1
Going west,W.S. IfsHolines 1
Toronto Fair rates. F.R. Hodgettea • st
New raincoats, J. W. Newcombe ..
Maps of Huron,Cooper & Co...... „ 4
The Kn ow bow, W. H. Hellya,r 5
Baking Powder,J,E. Hoyey 5
Bargain s, Tozer & Brown.... 5
Reducti onallorrell & Holmes 5
For Bar gains, Galbraith Co.. ....
Brooch Lost,New . Era ... .. .. 5
Farm fo r Sale,A Badour • 5
Farm to Rent, A. E. Allin 5
Your fri ends, W Roberts 5
Notice, R. PrReekie ..5
One quarter off, Hodgen Bros ....8
Worki ng Suits, " " 8
Store News, W. D. Fair 8
Suits, etc. A.R. Smith. .... . . • . . • • • 8
Peac hes, Cantelon Bros 8
To Our Readers •
• There are ' many things •hap-
pening which are of public in-
Iterest, but which newspapers
never -get hold of, such, for 'in-
stance, as family re -unions, farm
sales, weddings, accidents, and
items of &similar nature, ..§ome .
of these newspapers May get,
but there are others that do not
get into print. Now, if parties
interested would send these to
us, we would be glad at all times
to publish them. Vdritemut an
account Of them, and sign. your
name. Never mind if the rtexia
is not well written. Put in the
facts, and we will fix it up. Tlae
name will not be published; but
is required as an evidence that f
the item is genuine. You could .
nut a lot of items on a post-eard.
Try it.
Corinthians of England
Hurons of Seaford',
August 22nd
Game called 3.45 pan.
The f6116;ing is it Partial list of the
Arm Fl engaging our graduate Stenographers
witb In the past few days:
Gage & Coo Toronto
Barrister Vanstone, Whigharn
cottain Seed Cor„ London
Narks Electric Co., Detroit
Monarch Typerfriter 06„ Toronto
(Affiliated with Wingharn College,
tOpetisfSept. std.
Drop a postal for inferneation to
When Seeing;
is Painful •
It atter **(whilst;
awhile *our *yes;
sting aott burn;
I tatnadiate relief is'
obtatatld by our
. glasses.
.consultsuou tree:
A. J. OR10(1,
jeweler and Optician.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses.
mania Business College opens Sent Ora
No.rns.-Itey. E. Sewers and Rev.
Mr. Larkin, of Seaforth, changed pal,
pits on Sabbath taet, Miss Maggie
Campbell and brother .Clatirge will
leave far Regina on Friday, to soin
their father, who has been there for
some time. Miss Grace Gemmel],
leaves Friday for Moosejaw, where
her brothers are fanning. Misses
Maggie and Kate Taylor, of London,
are tbeguests of their sister, Mrs. Sny-
der. Mises Mary and Jennie Beatty,
of Westminster, are visiting relatives
in our village, Mrs. John Swan has
returned from London, where she at.
tended the funeral of Mr. Peters, who.
was drowned at PortStitniey a 'Week
ago, the funeral taking place on Fri-
day. Thos. Carr is building new cern-
entsidervalke toward .the taitway
ion. . Jae. Foote leaves on Ftedity11;
Snaffles Falls, where he will have
charge of a congregation until the
opening of McGill College, Montreal.
Frank O'Neil, of Moosejaw, was in the
village Tnesday. D. 13. Kennedy, of
(Hinton, was here Tuesday. Frank
Dodds, of Vermillion, Alta., lettsfor
his home on Tuesday
DEATH or A. J. AloQuanta-Last
week we made mention of the very
sad death by drowning, at Mannville,
Alta.rozr Tuesday, Aug. 7, of Bert son
of Mt. and Mrs„ James McQueen, of
con, 2, Stanley. • Particulars have
since been learned of the way in which
the deplorable affair occurred. De-
ceased, who was a vety fine young
man, cleyer and bright, was a student
at Toronto University, preparing him-
self for the ministry of the Presbyter-
ian church. He was, putting in the
sonamer vacation as a missionary in,
the Northwest, having taken charge
of the work at Mannville, Alberta, in
connection with Knox 'College. It
appears that the young man, who was
an able swimmer, • was bathing in a
small lake, in company with a young
man who was unaole to swim. They
had a small boat, and when about to
leave -the water, tt. ey noticed that the
boat had drifted out. . Mr. McQueen
turned beak to, secure it, 'when it is
supposed he took cramps, and sank.
As soon as possible help was secured,
but the body was in the watet some
boors, before being secured ;' it was
located in seven feet of water. The
parents here were at oncemotified.
-and the remains sent hornet arriving
in Clinton on Monday night, in charge
of Mr. Frank O'Neil, of Moosejaw, an
uncle of the unfortunate young man.
,They were conyeyed next morning,
Tuesday, to his father's 'home on
the 2nd eon. of Stanley, the funeral
taking place the next afternoon to
Baird's cemetery._ Deceased, who was
just entering his 22nd years'gaxe prom-
ise Of a bright and useful career, and
his death came as &great shock to his
parents and friends, who, though their
grief is very great, sorrow not as those,
that have no hope. He leaves a fath-
er, mother, sister and two brothers,
who have the sympathy of all in their
sore bereavement; The Edmonton
Bulletin, in speaking of Me. MeQueeWs
death, says,: "He was highly thought
of, and his untimely death has' cast a
gloom over the community."
Dungannon -
Dun/gm-Ike barns and sheds; Of
Robert Durniratwo miles West, of here
were burned last night with a least
quantity of hay and some barley, also
some of last years grain. It was insur-
ed in•the West Wawanosh Insurance
.Company for 8500. 1,ightning was the
cause of the fire. ,
Clinton Business College opens Sent srd.
WEDDING. -A quiet wedding took
place at the home of Mr. S, Series on
Wednesday.Aug. 8th,. at 7.30 p.m.,
,when his niece, Miss Gertrude Arm-
strong, was married to Edgar S. Vain
stene, of Colborne township. The
ceremony was performed by Rev. J. L.
Small, only a, few guests being present,
including the imanediate relatiyes and
friends. • The bride was becomingly
attired in white silk, and was unat-
tended, .She was the recipient of
many catty mese-fits. Mr. and Mrs.'
Vanstone will take up their residence
in Benmiller. Their many friends ex-
tend congratulations. ,
NOTES.-Xiss Emma Symington has
returned to her position at Miss Cam-
eron's, Goderich, The Misses Doble,
who have been spending their vacation
in and around Auburn, Wis.
consin this week. Several from the
village and cornituniby leave fat the
west in a few days ;Miss Rena Patter.
son goes to Alberta to see her sister.
Wra. Yrioirblut, merchant, Arcola,
called on friends in this, his boyhood
tonna last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. D.
Brucefield; spent a short time
aineng old friends here the first of the
week. 0..F. Yungblut, Mensal'. vis.
ited friends hero recently. Mrs. Crad.
dock and son Will, of Chatham, visited
her brother; John Ladd, '
OlintoriBusiness C011ege opens.Sept 3rd,
15EIATD OF Msi. THos. *.ott).--.44,,,
Thomas Ward, for many years real-
dett of this place, but lately of Eg-
tnondville, died on Monday last, the
remains being interred at Bayfield on
Wednesday. Deceased's son, who re-
sides here, is a son-in-law of Mr. Jos-
eph Wheatley,' Clinton, Mr. Ward
was a Liberal In polities. At ime time
he Wes an extensive grottoes• of chieo.ry,
and used to ship large quantities of
thie root.
Cannott-The quarterly meetin_g
,held on Sunday, Aug. 5th,•IVAS well
attended, and was a profitable service,
The Quarterly Board met on the. fol-
lowing Monday evening, The Sunday
School's- report showed great interest
in the work,. S. E. IlernweIl WAS els
ectect delegate to the Distriet Meeting
at Goclerioh., The expanses of the del-
A Movement Was made towards an in-
crease in the, pastor's; 8:derv:, leaving
the matter in the hands of the stew-
ards, to report itt next meeting,
No'rnst --Mr. WilsonsCitylor, 13. A.. -
of Chatham, with his wife and tivo
children, have retnroecl home, after
visiting sit the parsonage, Mrs. Taylor
being a sister of Mrs. Brown. The
go rden party held here Monday even-
ing. under the mispiees of the English
C11111'011, WAS it great $111000g£1 ; the pro -
reeds; were $1531. A number from this
disttlet attended the imminer echool at
Goderich last Week.
eaderigh Township
cuntonnusineos POlioge *Peas Sent 'SrA.
NEW Honsg.-The handsome new
brick house being erected on thelluron
road by Mr George Jenkins, is rapidly
•approaching completion, and will be
decidedimprovement to tile Appearane e
of that corner.
ACCIDENT,-Mr.°E1, Oakes met with
an Accident on Monday which was not
very pleasant He was backing the -
wagon out out of the barn down the gang-
way when the trip rope became en-
tangled in the :upright of the rack,
breakingit and carrying the piece back
with such force that he was not eon.
• seisms forseine minutes. He will not
.hesata wOrT5Va4b:zgg4. Kw
Ches. Jarvis and *wife,
Mr, W. Cole iind 'wife, of Clinton, and
Mr. ()Orris!, and wife of Goderich, were
guests- at Mr, S. Merrilrs on Sunday.
Mr. R. Holmes very acceptably con-
ducted service at Ebenezer on Sunday
afternoon last. ?dr, Henry Beacons, of
Ointort was a visitor at Robt. Thotrip-
son's this week. Miss Winnie Thomp-
son spent part of last week visiting
near Zurich.
Contretts-sCouncil met on the Abb.
The minutes of last meeting were read
and passed. The following accounts
were paid:_ J. A, Fowler, serviceS at
Maitland Bridge 8111 ;, J. Rodgers,
drain across road,' 810; _O. Lee, tile;
821; W. Wheatley, tome elm plank.
$50. A by-law was passed striking the
following rates for the current year.:
00121341 0 3-10; Township, 2 3-10 ; gen-
meal school, 1 910; also the various
scnool section rates. Council ad-
journed, to meet on the first Monday
in •September at .1 •o'clock.--Nixox
STURDY, °Clerk.
Sununa-Wrii. Gleason, vidie at
one tiine kept the Langside store, but
of late years has lived on. a farm near
Luckricivr, committed suicide on. Sat-
urdarlast by taking Paris. Green. No
reason can be Resigned for his com-
mitting the rash act, which wale evid-
ently premeditated, as he had arrang-
ed his affairs with the evident expect-
ation of an early death. IVIr. Gleason
was well-known and highly respected
throughoutKinlose and the news of his
tragic death occasioned a great shock
to the community. He I eaves' a widow
and two children.
East Wawasosh
NoTES -Mrs, Jno Solar, Oth • line, is
slightly- indisposed this week. 31r Jno
Hall -of Toronto has been apending
week with friends in Westfield.
Robt. McDowell (ith line, intends to go
to Godetich this Aveek to•work at the
carpentering. Mr. Thomas Walsh, jr
of &Set Wawanosh who has been
aniog 'for the last mon'th is still very
poorly. Gordon. Winhtnaan of West-
field.very kindly filled the )rlpits at
Donfijrbrook and on Sunday in the ab-
sence of Mr. Jones, the pastor. Mr.
Wightlirian preanbed a very •able ser-
mon, and was listened to with close
attention. .
Itulllett •
FEST VA L. -The congregation of
Burns e north, wilihold a har-
vest festival at the residence of Mr.
Gavin:Hamilton on Wednesday even-
ing, ..Aug. •
Nciens.--Mr. Geo. Moon had the miss
fortune to lose a year old colt on Satin -
day last from infliumation. It- will be
quite a loss to him the way horses are
selling nsw. Miss.•Annie 13raithwaite
was the guest of Mrs. W. Moon for a
few days last week, kfiaS GliVe Rd"
Who was on the sick list Is improving.
Mt and Mrs, IVm. Moon were at .G.od-
elich. attending the Sommer School,
and report -having had a pleasant' trip.
and. speak very highlY of the schoo
Mr. Moon also attended' the District'
meeting while there. Alis Floy Cele
is visiting friends inLondon at present.
.Mrajno. Philliph had the ' misfortune
to lose a six weekl oldcoltlast week,
PRESENTATION.-3ir. and Mrs: las,
Hunter, who have resided. on the fith
con. •tor about fortg years, having
made up their minds to join other
members of their fainily hi the west,
were the recipients of :L pleasant ser -
prise on Monday evenings They were
Invited to spend the evening at the
, home of Ma W. Carter, With n few
other friends,and in the course of the
evening Mr., Hunter Wag presented
with a gold watch, tura Mrs. Hunter
with a silver tea set, as an expression
of tbe high esteem in which they were
held.- Short addeesses were made, ex-
pressieg deep regret 'A t their removal*
'and wishing them unbounded success
for the future. Ma James Donaldson,'
of Bayfleld,. a brother-indaw of Mr.
Hunter. happened to be in the neigh-
borhood by chance, nod Was present •
on the oecasion.
Clinton Business College opens Sept ard.
,EATir.-Vlie death Of MM
Mrs, W.
SDims occurred on Wedries'day evening,
after a severe illness of Several months'
standing. She was highly respected
by all her friends. Besides, her loving
husband, she leaves . to minim her de-
parture two sons, James and Arthur,
and they have the sympathy of the
community in their sad bereavement.
Noaas; -Eight of our town bowlers
paid Hensall a visit on Monday, and
by all reports they Were used right
royally. Five, rinks came up frorn
Clinton on Tuesday and • played the
home men, defeating them by a small
majoeity, which was fully expected,
AS the Blyth players have not had the
practiee the others have hall. Mr.
Rantties Zurich, " was a visitor at the
home of .T. Gt. Moser oyes Sunday,
Quarterly service was held in the Meth-
odist church on Sunday, and on the
following Motatity evening the usual
business meetinn wits held, wher, ivith
an almost imaininous vote; it, was de.
eitled to give the pastorallev. Mr. AD-
inereasesmakmg tits tabula
ineluding soperennuation finicl;'$360.
Mr, mid Mes. A. Spiel', of Brantford,
were visitote at' the borne of Mr. A.
'MeNally over Sunday. Mt. Ceetelon,
(if Clinton, the popular 'nipple king."
is shipping it tar of fine apples from
here this week. The eement smile of
Ike C.P.R. station are completed, Lula
the linen nre now etatring to build the
piers for the wider tank, . Mr. !Steph-
enson, of the Comnington Carriage CO,
lArliS 111 town last 141day looking after
the purchasing of bind to build his fan.
t oey on ; retinned Saturday, With.
out Notting to nil). definite understand.
ing regarding the site he Was after.
Noens..--john Jackson has returned
home, after uudergaing an operation
for appendicitis in the Clinton hospi-
tal, Harvey Huriking had, the misfor-
tune to fall from a pair of stilts and
hurt his back, which might have
proved serious, Mr. Whitmore,jr.,
with his wife and child, are visiting
his parents here,. Mr. and Mrs. 13.
Whitmore, , Jaxoes Webster, Percy
Cooper, Wm. Archambault, Wm.
Marsh arida number of others intend
leaving on Friday for the west: Mrs
1Vebster has engaged A. Anderson to
run his farm until he returns front the
West, Most of the farniere here expect
to finish harvesting this week, so boat -
rowing will he freely indulged in the
satassassaier of tbe•bot weather.
THEtsr.--A bicyele was stolen from
the King Edward on Thursday last:
and Albert Montgomery, a lad former-
ly of town, was suspected ; Chief ran-
notarian recovered the wheel in Tees -
water, where Albert lied sold it ; the
boy was sentenced to. three months in
jail, ,
NOTES. ---The rate this year is 24 ,
mills. We have it on good authority
that a farmer between AVIngliFtm and
Teeswater has threshed his fall wheat,
and it has_isided over fifty bushels to
the acre. W F. Vanstone lost a good
horse on his farm near Whitechurcha
while on the gangway, a loose plank
canoed it to break its leg, and it had'
to be shot.
PAWL:METE OHANaEs.- Win. Well -
wood purchased/from C. Lloyd & Sons
the property used as a storehouse on
John street. G. C. Hanna sold to O.
G. Vanstone the •clotable frame house
on John street, occupied by P. Tans
ley and P. itlitebell. Mrs. Thos. leynt
At. Helens, purchased the house and
property owned and occupied by T. a
Ross, on Francis streets 0; M. Welker
has purchased from, Mrs, John Robin-
son the residence on the corner of
John and Shuter streets.
' Ralinessille
Clinton Bueinesi College opens Sept 3rd. *.
• APPOINTED. AU. Rhodes, of
this place, has been appointed to Tees -
water, and. has already entered on his
work.. The family will not move for
some time. ' Teessvater itself is aanice
little piaci, but he will have to build
up his congregation, which hes been
without a .pastor for some tinies His
mitainfriends here wish hilt the larg-
est measure of succeed..
l'kloTEs preparatione are
being made for the corning winter
Several of etre villagers are .puttiog in
their coal supply. ALlitite packers. are
moving aroond again. Mr. G,Swallow
has been painting the ceiling of • the
Scheol.dionse, Which adds.ionan tothe
appearance insi
•,orter'sHill: •
Nosn3a-Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johns
stmn and daughter, of Galt, are vieit-
ing at -John Pickard's,- Miss Newton,
of Chiengo, is spending a few days at
Clem Newton's. The afisses McLean,,
*of Dungannon, are visiting at John
Cox's. Mrs. O. W. Potter and child;
ren returned home from Currie's Cross-
ing on. Saturdey. Mrs. Thos. Tich-
borirne and daughter, of Goderich, are
visiting at H. Routledge'e. Roby and
Pearl Potter are spending A few days
111 Itohnesville this week. 011ie Lobb
IS visiting in the neighborhood. Rev.
Dr, Stewart, London, and Rey. Mr.
Stedmari exchanged pulpits on Sunday
hist , Miss Maud Pickard, Gait, is vis-
iting under the •parental roof. Wm..
Elliott, from Washington territory, is
home on asyisit. Miss Nellie MODoro •
aidis visiting ifi the neigh borhoed.
Clinton Business College.opens Sept 34
No*rns -Mullett Council has changed
the date ,of its next meeting from Aug.
27th to Friday, Aug. 31st, at 1 o'clock.
About half a dozen persons took in the
excursion to Detroit last SaturdaY
from this place. Ma Charles Merry,
of Detroit, is renewing old acquaintan-
ces here this week, .Mr.Iohn Manning;
Mrs, Manning !yid son, of Woodstock,
are visiting friends here at present.
Rev, Mr. Leckie will exchange pulpits
with Mellen; Mr. Larkin, of Seaforth,
next Sanctity. Burns church congrega-
tion purpose holding a Lawn Social at
this home of Mrs. Gavin Hamilton, on
Wed oesday evening,mtagnst.-22 • •
There are likely to be quite a number
start from here for Manitoba on Felder
to help at the harvest. Mr Isaac Lang -
strath, Seaforth, was the guest of Mr,
Braithwaite last week. We arepleas-
to hear that Miss Esther Jamieson has
been successful in obtaining het Sec-
ond Class Certificate • in connection
with School work. Miss Olvetta Brig.
hare has returned home from the west
Olvetta thinkethere is no place like
Ontario yet, Miss LavintaBrighttni, of
Hamilton, is visiting under the paren-
tal roof at present. Among those who
attended the Summer School at Gode-
ich from here were Mrs, W.
Mrs. Squares, and Rev. Mr.OUrTie and
wife. The public schools ' open next
Morala,y in this Township. Idle price
of Hogs took quite a drop this week,-
dits per cwt, •
ACCIDENT. One day last week,
George, the eldest son of •Tnoalohnson,
while climbing Up A post infthe yard,
had the misfortune to Clip and fall on
a rusty spike nail, tearing his bowels
considerable. The little fellow was
iinmediately put under the influence of
ehlorofortn, and four or five stitches
put in. We hope to hear of his speedy
fin:v PasTon.-A despatch from
Beaverton makes the following refer-
ence to the new pastor of the Presbr
terian church here : Rev. A. C. Wish-
art, 13,A.., who , for the past six years
has labored here, preached his fare-
well discourse to the congregation of
Knox church on Sunday evening,
&emir advances have been made all
along the line during his pastorate.
'Mr tididinfly-iiiinings the snore you W-
W1 element has Mr. Wisbart been suc-
cessful in his ministrations, and these
Itave in a marked degeee expressed
their regret over his retrieval to Brus•
sets, where he is in future to preside
over a purely urban congregation,
Ma Wishatt's groat popularity has
never been more fully attested than
on Sunday evening, when the large
auditorium Was- crinvded in all its parte
by those All)(10118 tri listen to his fare-
well words. At the conelueion of the
serviee Mr, 'Whitten stood at the main
entrnme find Wide eVerr tnenaber of
the congregation a persenal farewell,
Clinten Business College opens Sept Sra,
NO=8.-401111 InffelaSbY, of Pitts-
burg, is visiting at Thos. O'Brien's.
Miss Carrie Johns attended the Sura-
tuer School in Goderieli last week.
Mrs, Herbert Criaah is on the sick list
at per:sesta Mr. X. Robson spent Sun-
day with friends here. Mies Pearl Mo.
Gillivrity, nI Goderich, visited at
C. Landsboro's lisstsweek ; on her re -
torn she wiss accompanied by Miss
Jessie Landeboro, Mrs. IL O'Brien
and Miss Armin, and Misses Annie and
Esther Valely, • spent Monday with
West end friends. Quite a number
from this vicinity attended the. funeral
of the !ate Bert McQueen at Brocelleld
on Wednesday.
NVEntuNa,-A very' prettyAvedding
was solemnized. at 7 o'clanienstAater
days at Hensall; when Miss Blanche,
daughter of Me. and Mrs. Geo. Petty*
svas xnarried to L Lorne Scott, ae,
countant of the Sovereign Bank, Ex-
eter. In the absence of Rev. Dohecty,
the ceremony was performed by Prof.
Burgess, Losidon. They will reside in
RunawaY.--Miss Ida Cottle was
driving Saturday morning, .when the
horse took fright at something on the
roadside, and turned around, upsetting
the buggy and throwing Miss Cottle
out. Beyond a fa,w bruises she was
• • • • Stanley
Clinton Business College opens Sept 3r0.
SHEEP KILLED.7-1101' some tune far•
mere on the .2nd .ancl 3rd concessions
have oeen,losing sheep, a dog 'worry-
ing them to death. Mr. Glenn lost
about a dozen, and other fanners lost.
smaller numbers. One night last week
a certain farmer heard a disturbance
among his sheep, and his son went out
with a, gun, finding a dog at work
worrying them. A well-direeted shot
mit the dog out of business, and it is
anticipated that there will be no fur -
they trouble. . • . •
Noams.-Itte. Jas: Ferguson, of De-
troit was last week visiting tie-
qsraintances on the secone. Mr. Per -
orison was many years ago a promin-
ent teacher in Stanley and Tucker -
smith. He is now engaged in prepar-
ing Directories for cities - and towns.
His work is chiefly in Michigan. Miss
Scott, of London,accompanied by
Miss Ansley. was visiting a few days
last week at the home of Mr. John
Butehart;Miss .Brown, of Blyth, is at
nresent at:the home of the Graham
Bros. Mrs. John ,Gilmour returned
from her trip to Moose law. She was
aceomPanied bylber claughtett, Jeanie,
who is matron of the Orowstand Inda
an Schools and:is home on furlough,
tilt -s, John Falconer, of 13rt•YRekl,, •svas
visiting acquaintances on the line last
week. ittraFitch,of Turnberry; atten-
ded the funeral of Albert 'McQueen on
We'dnesdays which was very large.
Misses Lottie and, Kate Wylie, Tarn -
berry, are 'visiting relatives and an-
nuaintances on the second: Mrs, jas.
?Monson; Bayfield road, left Monday
for Moosejaw ; she was joined at
Georgetown by her daughter, 'Mrs. J.
Rayner, Mrs. Alex. Thomson went
to Georgetown on Monday.
Clinton Business College enonS Sent 3rd,
Nogas.--Rev, Mr. McNeil ocsupied
his own pulpit last Sabbath, being the
first time for several Sundays, Owing
In the kindness . of tourist preachers ;
Mise Riehardson tendere(l a solo beau-
tifully, Hi Holden is a guest at the.
Commercial. Miss -Whidden, Godet.
lch, visited her friends this week, A.
new signal pole hail been erected. in
place of the old one, which was des-
troyed by lightn1n7,. itliss Mitchell,
Mrs; Jatitson -and Miss Kuhn, of The
tfilithere )29erdeee at Mr. Ferguson's.
Dr. mini; London, ie the guest of
Mrs. •Whiddon. Will Whiddon at-
tended a large ball at the Hotel GOdera
feh, given by the ollIcere. of the 33rd .
Huron. • •
West Wateanosb
McGuire & Me Donald commenced the
season's threshing on Monday, at W.
E. Gordon's, 011' it_ten acre field of
wheat, Mr. Gotdon had a yield of &vet
340 boshels, an average °Dover 34 bush-
° the store. This is counted an ex-
Jos. Flynn met with a very painful
accident lately while .working on a
housanear Belove. Ile was.worliing
oria scnliokling, whieb•gave wits., let-
ting him drop it cliatanan of nmeteen
feet. He lighted on his feet and se-
verely injured one of nis heels and will
be laid up fot• some time.
Crisp County Clippings,
Rufus Keys, organizer for the Cana-
dian Forestersds ill with .typheid fever
at his home oil the Babyloa Line,Stato
ley, • * •
Abner Mollard, who • recently sold
his fine farm adjoining Grand Bend,
has bought the Grattan farm from his
brother atathur, who intends going
West, „ • ,
Messrs. Albert and Geo, Smith; of
Zurich, linve purchased a fine 80 twee
farm with stock and implements, neat
CrossWell, Mich, „They intend to move
to it this fan, .
Robert Elliiot, Goclevich.ex ;meta to
purchase and ship Mideast 30,000 barrels
of apples this season, The prospects
for the old country market has not
been bright so far.
The death took place on IVIonday itt
the notate of her daughter, riles. Wm.
Dowson, 14th con. Hay. of Mrs, 111Ary.
Jane Peek, at the age of 00 years. The
deeensed 'was stricken down witli par-
alysis, and never reeoveredfroin the
effects of it. • .
A very pretty wedding wise ‘soletn-
nized at the home Of Mr. arid Mts. O.
Troyer, on Wednesdays Aug. 8th, 113.
the Rev. 'Win, Hart. of 'Bengali, sylien
„their,younitest daughter. .Miss Mary A.
ivriS inetalirge•tat'lifta•Cinoista
Innis, of lYloorflekl.
An unustially litrge sh tomer' tof eattle
was DIACIO from Seaforth station lag
Saturday. The SWIM:Olt ernbrAced 2:0
head,weighing 313.270 vowelsand real*
izing to the owners the very handsome
Stilt of $17.455.. These cattle Were-purs
chased by Mr George M. Chesney, and
shipped to the order . of McDonald &
Maybes., of Torofi to. They Were ship.'
psd right through to the Oki Coutitry"..
The diameter ot the animals May lie
judged from the fact that they averag-
ed 1,450 pounds eftate
. NEW SUBSCR DERS can .secure
The New Era from nor,
- till the 3 tst Dec.,. 1906, for
Twenty*live eents Mow
quickly, if you want a bargain.
avo,,30121/1,/oN r n.r aeatsiniedvseco
woe uot so rine.
Local Sporting.Mattefs.
WIsionast LAcItoseg AEUIRROATtOX
TalleiXED TO Tun trust: on 5-1.
In the presence of a large attendance
the protested lacrosse game of Seaford)
agamst Wingham was played on the
Clinton grounds on Monday Jas', • The
first half of the game was charecterised
as particularly good playing.. The
Wilaghern team, appeared to be the
better of the two in general combine. -
..Um), but nere exceedingly Week in tile
"home" at which paint. the Sinforth
teanralsnappeared lacking. 'The hala
_time score was 2-0.
Tins second -half- of the- genus ,was
porne.what rougher than the first but
Prcreed.that Seaforth lane too much
for Wingharn. At half time the Wing -
liana teens changed the places of .some
of their players, which rimy() had
been anticipated prepored for by
their opponents. and proved to be
their undoing. It is needless to ssy
that the majority of the speetators
were somewhat disap.pointed at the re-
sult of the garne, havmg derived to See
Wingharn temporary victors, hnowimt,
that Clinton would eventually capture
the district honors, Seaforth knew
full well that if they did not seize the
game nowdt would be their las t chance
this season. However, we ventore to
say that they will not travel tar in the
send -finals, unless they pot op A little
better class of goods then t•bev did in
this game. Pickering, of Toronto* ref-
ereed the pane.
Seaforth IN:Ingham
Powel goal Al ers• il I i eray
McKenzie point AI cGnire •
Stewart C.' " • " Wingharn
Holland ist def. I)Insley
Bell 2nd " Morin) • •
•Ooppin 3r1 " liemkes •
„Case . centre „rront
•Duffie 3rti Horne (losk
IrIcICay 21111 " T. Elliott
Johnston lst " 8, Elliott
• Ivlunro outside I On ing
Jackson inside IVicLean
' The C. L. A. debided that Goderich
:and (Milton must play. over again the
gime that was playeda tie at Goderieti,
on CivicHolidan. . It was arranged to
play. at Seaforth. Whieh IS neutral
ground, but Goder•ich•has defaulted. •
At the Gotink from (Hinton had th'e InAlor of.
derich tournament one
winning the Association prizebeating
both London and Goderich In the semi-,
finale and -Onals, The rink was com-
'poCed of Ed. Hoard, lead, MeCsie,
Dowding, Agnew, and Hoover, skip.
In the singles Dr. Agnew • won second
Four rinks of Woodstock . boWlers
tame here On Monday and were beaten
by 30 points, every one of the Clinton
riultii being up on. the score i'. follows :
Woodstoek Clinton
J. W. Mallon . J. tCone t
147'. J. the W. Grabarn •••
A. K. Kerr W; Jackson
O.R.Clapp,skip 14 13, Anew, ..Skip 28
Rev, Mr, SaithHWiltse.
3. RssEIMeLelpLooe VSteve
17 NV.P.Speolding-10
R.T.Whitelasv ' J. Taylsr
FW.m. Jaenn.kskinips 12 R11.7,1113:7dol, skip
J.M. Cole • , D, Forinetee
T. W. Grace G.F. Parkes
A.J. McIntosh .T. Hunter
T.G. Wallace • • S. Fair :
AsGardner,sitip 11 GdgeTiaggert sIt'pr
Having purchased the- Drug
business of R. V.Heekie, I make
my initial bow to the people of
Clinton and vicinity, ax)d would,
ask A coutinnence of your kind
patrenagst, as enjoyed by this
store in the past,. along with as
snarly. new- Who- Rasa -feel dies
posed to give ne 11 teiel. • WP
iisstire everyone of. proiiipti and
eaurteous tiervice at all timeas
Speeiel -attenttonwill be pitid.
In Physicians' . prescriptions,
doctor orders, • '
• .,
W A. Mt. Conn* 01
Pion, 13.
ereSfription Druggist,
(IPA Telegraph Agency
WeS1 444; If go yon may need"soral*-ing..;li
$ , Totiet prof:41%010ns, or , $
: Extract of Wild Strawberry t
Perry Pails Nit) Killer
0 Radway's Reqtdy Beller
.11. • Bettor sae no b4ore von go -
Rill your hZaloo of Fliap.
1 Sticky—catches and kills,
.• • . .,,i,.so.:-.. ,
# Brigg's .Fly Pads :5 cents ,• 1
4° Wilsoo's Fly,Parb 1) cents #
Wt- S• * R Holmes
. .
British Bowlers;
Shorda theswesither prove fine, ort .
Satorday. the visit oi the BritielaloWte
ers to thie place, will be an oecasion of
note, and it is not likely that very
-Much b,usineSswill he clone on Saturday
afternocin. .
-An -exhibition game .of lacrosse be -
tweets Clinton' ancl Seaforth will be
played on Recreation Park from II to
12.- An admission will be charged to
till hut the guests to covet the expense*
cif the team, and as the British players
have never seen lacrosse played, it wilt
be an interesting sight for them..
The Harpers of London have been en-
gaged -to talay at the down ball during
the luncheon and also en the grounds.
• while ties mat& is in progress. , • •
Play on the- ground will commenne
1st 2.30 and Mat ontil abOnt• 0,30, The
44- grounds will be open to the pnbiie Whd •
wish to witneSs the game! itncl
t eVersa;
effort Will be made for their accoltedaa .
bot• pvobably rpany more will
wrnit to sea it 11)517. 0.21) lie arsionsoditt-
ll1 it is hi) ed.:people will adapt
no themselves to the cnrotnnstancefi Space
6: CI) IdleY!S 13/Yrty ''ani a Innob-
4. t9r: the ladies Wilt be ,reserved 011 NI%
gid, r
sevedhem divingtthe afternoon,
Myth Bowfin Club had its first Oa'
side competition. .,on its own lawn,
Tuesday afternoon last. The Iawn
club house are n credit to a place the
size of Blyth, and for new beginnet
the local players 'mit up a good game,
Five rinks from Clinton drove out in
the afternoon, a double carriage and
carryall conveying the members ; the
latter was drawn by four horses; dec-
orated with lia•gs,,arid giving the im-
preSsiontbat it _might he a melts nro-
cession.. After a photo had bean taken
ofthe club house, thssis-gasin
• aneness•
AP.POINT3IENT.-Alr. Jacob Miller .
has accented it position with the G.T.
R. as repairer of the engines and mat-
er -tanks conn'ected with their vvesterit
Coteriesystems; and. commences hie
duties on Mondayarfext, Hais a good
man fora position of Dais. kind. •
„---DIED_DETROIT: r. '
• au- TIT,- wt.
out tmcl feed store here, And nisi) tan
Trick's Mill, died. in Detroit. a &AIM -act •
weeks ago. He hes been living thieres. -
over sino he left Clinton. lie • is a,
brother of Mrs. E. Holmes, St.:Cather,
meneed, and was not finished until af.
ter six o'clock. A large number of
la,dies were present The lawn was a
little too dry and hard for good play-
ing, but this was equel for both sides.
Clinton won out by azdhreargin,
Scores the rinks and being as follows :
W. Jackson R. McKim
W. Graham .T. Coorniis
I Pair • O. Deese
R. Holmes,. skip 25 De. Milne, skip 10
F, Jackson ;r. H. Chellew .
J. W. Irvin . G. Powell ,
Dr. .Agnew • P. Anderson '
Dr. Shaw, skip 21 J. Me,),furchie, 813
.I. Ford . T. Vit. Scott
J.' NVAtt • X. Ernigh
B,•Idoover B, Stuart
J. IsOourtice, sk 27 Dr. tong, skin 14
J. Taylor .T, Johnston
O. 0 Ranee D. McKellar
W. 13rydone A, Mel:Cellist
Wiltse, skip 30 A. W. Simon sk 7
R. Graham Stothers
J. Stevenson F. Metenlf
G. McTaggart • 0; Somers
J. Hunter, skip St A. Robertson, lb
At the conclusion of the mime the
visitors were entertained to a sump -
tutors simper al; Enaigh's Hotel.
A. mateh that onght to be worth see-
ing will be played at Seaforth on the
22nd, between the florin t hinns, of Erin.
land, Ami the Hurons, of Seaforth.
No doubt a munber of talr sports will
go down to see it,
Mr. ,T Cobbledick, giants' merehant,
parthesed property in Calgaryaind
Irrepttattory •
to removing to that city with his &m-
10 October.
The country judge heir given likl (he -
0181011 in the appeal of Mt, Iohn Itobb
agitiest the nesessment of his farm in
Trickersinith, rediteirig the assessment
from $4,300 to $3,800,
° Andrew dohnstomof thitliOndon
Road, hes Ptirchaseil the Heckman
farm on the Broneon Line, itay, eon -
tattling no iteree, It Ims linen Worked
by Mr Conrad Siernon, who intends
moving to Ilensall in the fall,
Notwithstanding the many other ata
tractions and public evente with which •
the week was crowded, the interest
and attendaneeat the Summer School,' '
for Goderich District, beta in the Har-
bor Park, Goderich, has been such as
to please its promoters. .
On Tuesday of last week a , weds -
ding took plane at the home of Mr, Ifs'
Hainmett, Seaforth.when his daughter
Mrytle was married to Mr. John Gs
Mutrity, 'of Seistorth. The ceremony
was perfornied by Rev. A. Ia. Birks.
Mr and Mrs Murray will reside in
f irth. •
I •,
Molsons Bank
Incorporated 1855
Capital *Paid up $31600,000
Reserve . rtou44 $340005000
Total Assets $30,004.000.
by depositing in our Savings
Bank. It does not require alarge
Amount to begin with. We pay
-aver, cent interest.ort anioinitnef.
$1 arid upwards. &Atm: begin
now-depoeit what yott can spare
--add to it whenever possible.
We WIII welcome youtitccount,
huge or snaell.1
A generaT,Banking: hiteinees
4onteri elintext
. ,