The Clinton New Era, 1906-07-20, Page 6Undigested --Food
When any Portion of food reiheiti$ in the. Stomach and refuses to
digest, it causes the torments of indigestion. This' Undigested food
.rapidly ferments, irritating; the Sensitive coating of the stomaCh,
while other parts of the bOdy, particniarly the head, suffer in,
consquence. . . .
So long as this undigested food remains in, the 5teMaCil, the
discomfort continues. °A few doees ef
"w.,, -,u.
Flom of tho Cempbelle Orme More
1 Flutters in the Breeze on the Tower
of inverary Castle.
I Greatly te- the Satletaction of alt good
1 Seotehmen, the flag of the house ef
I Campbell, known up 111 the north a-
1 "The Galley of Lorne," once nvire flat.
; ten in the breeze On the tower ot In-
eerary Castle, showing' thet the
istrangers 'mare departea froti th.• an-
t eeStral abode Of the Dukes of ArgY11,
, and that the Campbells, have conm t.r
itheir own again, writes the Marclulai
de rontertoy. Trtle, it is not the Duke
of ,Argyli himself who is in reeldenee
i there but tile youngber brother,
. George Campbell, who has talent fit' •"
the tease_ of the place from Mr. Ore: s
I Well, it recent tenant, f 1.. the rionia.e.
der of the four years that it has 1.
run, Mr. Cresswell was only to at
loua te get rid a the place. For tli ro
Is ext old. sunerstition itt Scotland, ate!
especially in the County of Argyll, io
the effect that the occupaneY of Inver.
ary Castle •brings misfortune to att.
one who is not a Camphell. • Certaini!:
tie exPerletteeS of, the tenants of di •
place, since the present duke decid .4
to let It after the death of his fatlio.r
would. seem to lend e :tor to the, stery.
For , during .the six years that hav,:i
elapsed since then, several lessees bast
succeeded one another, two of them
stop all fermentation, sweeten the contents of the StOrrlaCh and give
natural assistance that relieves the stomach of its latirden. The use
of Beecham's Pins gradually strengthens the stomach nerves and
soon restores them to a normal, healthy condition.
Beecham's Pills positively cure all stomach troubles, while their
beneficial effects on the liver and kidneys greatly improve the gen-
eral health.
Beecham's Pills have been used and recommended by the gen-
eral public for over fifty years.
Prepared otay by the Pl'OPTICtOr, Thomas Beecham. St. Heiens, Lancashire, Eats.
itold everywhere in Canada owl U. S. America. In !ewe as cents,
Mortgage Sale of House and
Lot in Clinton.
" Under and by virtue of the powers contained
in a certain mort•gage which will be produced at
the time of sale, tbere will be offered for sale by
Dahlia auction by David Dickinson, A.uotiorteer,
on the premises on, SATURDAY. the SIStIrday of
July. AM. 1906. at the hour of two ;O'clock' in the'
eaternoon, the property known and described as
• thesoutherly part of lot number four in Gib-
bing's survey, in the Town of Clinton, in the
County of Huron, consisting of that rectangular
rtl f the said lot fronting on Ontario Street
baying the full width of the said lot and extend- ,
ing back from Ontario Street on Gibbing% Street '
seventy four feet northward.
Tbere is on the property a small frame house
the interior of which has been recently repaired
and the location 10 000 of the most desirable in 1
For terms and conditions of sale apply bo
either of the undersigned.
W. BRYDONE, Solicitor for the Vendor. I
D. DICKINSON, Auctioneer
Dated at Clinton the 13th day of June 1906.
SEALED TENDERS addressed to the under-
igned, and endersed "Tender for Sunifiring Coal
for the lionalaion Buildings," will be received at
tiles Mace until Thursday, August ifith, 1906, in-
clusively, for the supply of Coal for the Publie
Baildings throughout the Doininion.
Combined specification and form of tender can
' he obtained on application at this office.
Persons tendering are notified Litt tenders
wi'l notbe'considered unless made on the mint-
ed form supplied, and signed with their actual
a eee•rextrat rot- 'memo ream.
• Buluway eorreseicenclenee of 'South
Afriett" (bondon): 11 need not say
much more about the adVaiicement of
Rhodesia at Tesetit, but I might record
the saniSfacti n I experienced on hear-
ing of the great progress made with
the tobacco Industry. There is a big-
ger demane already.throughout South
AfriOa for 'Rhodesian cigarettes than
can b lied and my, .readers will
be interested. to know that Lord Grey.
recently ordered two large cases, of the-
cigarettee, at the same time issuing a
good-natured edict that no cigarettes
but these are smoked •by.the staff
at Ottawa Government HOuse. His
L'ordship's heart beats true to Rho-
desia, wboie progress, is not to be
measured be purely sordid considera-
h ever these may ef necessity
enter into the calculations of holders
iof chartereds orithe possessors of min-
ing scrip—good, bad and indifferent."
eons, ow
Livid to Be Ninety -Three.
;me death occerred the Other day: at
Oakville of Mrs. Thomas ,Jaffray Rob,
ertSon, widow Of.the late Thomas Jai-.
Cray Robertson, first 'principal, of the
Normal School of Upper Canada, af the
advanced age of ae. year*. At :the -time
of her death Mrs, Robertson Was re-
siding WM* lierdaughter;Tark: Apperbe,
Each tender must be accompanied by an ac- where she had lived for the past thirkr",
cepted clnime on a chartered hunk. made pay- nine years. 'Her boohoo& died about
able to tho order of the lionorablo the Minister .: :
Oety year:: ago. Mrs. .Roberton loaves:
the amount ot tile tenderrwhioh will be'forfolted - three daugliters ani three s. no. . Tt•o,
of l'ith:i.2 works, 0.4pal to ten per cent (10 p. c.) of .
if :he party tendering decline to enter into a con- latter. ere:. Mr: Thomae Jatiray . nob -
troet. when called uPon to do so, or if he fail to ertson, barrister,. Newmarket: M r. • L.
complete the work contracted for. If the tender
. }I Robertson,• of ' the Imperial Loan &
• • -
accepted the cheque "1 e e k• •
'1 h.? Deliartnlellt does not hind itself to e1:01/1
et.e .owest or anY tender.
By order,
, Secretary....
Departs:neat of Pult1iC Viorsk,
- Ottawa, June ea, Mi.6.
Nav,apapars inserting this adrertisenteurwitIV-
0114 .uthorIty from the Department, will not .he
Paid for it. June e9-6-11
NO WIG t;E .S11.4E
1N THE ,1•4.
TO/instal) 1' uUe1t.
Udder and by virtoc nf the powers contained
Th certain Mortgage, which will be produced at
the time of Sale, there wid be ottered for sale by
PUBLIC A.LICTION, by Thomas Drown, Auction,
eer, at the premise,. I,ot Not ti. iion.O.TownshiP
of Hullett, on FRIDAY, tne :17th y ef,1 uly, A.D.
1009, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon.
tho To lowing ProPertS:
Parro Lot No. 5, in the 0111 Con, of the TOWn-
Shin io the County of Huron, in the
Provinee of Ontario, and Villiage Lots numbers
E. F. 0. I. 1., 3, 4,5, 6,1,8, 9. 10, 11, 12, 13, 11.
15,16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 92, 23 andel, according to
a plan of part of the f;ald (original) lot number
ftvo known as the Village of Eiriburn, contain-
ing, by admenstiremeut, one hundred, Items 111 I e
or loss, excepting thereout one acre and 0110 -
quarter, more or less, heretofore sold off as
lage Iota at the north-west earner of said farm lot.
The farm is all cleared and under cultivation,
ealsept about elbven acres of pasture land. The
soil Is good and the locality is excellent. The
buildings include& one -and -one -half -storey frathe
house, Sexal, with frame kitchen, 18x20, a, :ink
barn, 40x50, with stabling under it; n, barn 30x30,
with lean-to 15x30, and a driving Shed and stable.
30-W There is good water supply from a drilled
well, with a windmill pump. The property which
is all in one parcel, adjoins the Village of klitt
burn (Constance P.O.)
F07 particulars and conditions of sale. sooty to
Auctioneer, Vendor's Solicitor,
• Seaforth, Out. Clinton. Ont.
Dated at Clinton, this 5tti day of July, 1906.
Investment Co„ Toronto; and. Mr. 1'. •
N. RdbertsOn, emitter r Ey the Pullman:
Co., Chicago. The daughters re: 1.1 Ts.
Bristol arid,a(Ers., :A.1.1pcilak,. of ,
"arid Mts. Lesets". Wire' ef -ere A. rt,.46Nvis,
barristOr, Toronte.
dYing sliddeUly, While a third Wos ov
taken by financial disaster. No w many
therefore, that Mr. Cresstvell has Iheen
gle4 to give tip the place, • "'
lavererY Castle as it now Stands
one of the works of the fornOus
tect Adam, who began it in thi• your
1744 for the third Duke of Argyle Tie
banks of the River .A.rny • luitv1,
ever, beext the home'of the chiefs.of t•lie.
great elan Of Campbell for more than
500 years, and the ruins of the old bete.
onial hall, bunt by the 'first lentri
.n:rgyll, are still te lie seenclose to :the.
Present castle. The letter- is construct-
ed of a sort of .siate eoloxed stone In
the castellated style, with romnd tan-.
.ers 'at the..angles, and surmounted. by .t
great square tower in the .centre. Th"
great hall. of 'the eestle, whin is b • •
!Leath this 'central Oiwer, is filled with
atteient armee and, weapons, ComPills'
ing 100 mnskets iwere used in
1745 by the ,Cartipbelle, '"when "Prinee,
as pretender, had alt • Seen --
land up in arms.. One side -of the
tie elopes down toWarcis Loch. 11-yli.e,
one of the MoSt fan:Mils and b.• at: t I NI
of the lochs of the Westera Highlands.
The history of the Campbells is tir•
history ,of Setitland. • No family hes
Amnia a larger share in the trials an4.
triumphs that northern ithiedont
than the clan.' of • which MacCalturn'
More is the chief, . It is owingfto tine,
that the riarile-Ot Artverary figures • 96
:frequently •both in Scottish hi:stork end
"Scottish literature, and it 'Will be fain,
` iliar eVery reader of the noVeia
Walter. Scott. urns, tota hes been
eloquent abOut the ea,stlelo liis poeuss,
altough in an unfriendly etrain. • Per
'failing to, xeceine proper hospitalit'y en
the part Of tlic duke of his clays, wh, n
.he Visited the castle, he revenged him-
self by the MiltiWing
-Whoeter• he be -Unit eee-intttrA • be•re,-•-;
pity inuely his cage:,
lIfileas he `!tiOille WEde • "
'The lord, their god, his grace', ,
There's. easthing'• here but Highland
" pride
-- •
July 20th, ZOOS
1 HE WHITE MAN'S ROBBERY. Perfection Attained
0 M I Au Educated rlatun- Indlatate 'View ot
3 In a cabin on the plains ot Mentauo„ 1
, three ot us eat talking -1M edlleated i
•W Plaine Indian, A gevernment eubagent ,
Thousande of women suilnr untold miSer-
les every day with whine; backs that really
have no biteineea to ache. A woman's haek
wasn't made to ache. Under ordinary
Oenditions it,pught to bo strong aud ready
to help her belr the burdens of life.
It is hard to do housework with an
Ing back. Hours of misery at leisure oe
at work. If women only knew the vauwt.
eneche comes from 'tick kidney!, null
What a lot of trouble oink nidneye eaute in
the World. —
But they owns help it. If more week ie•
put on them thee they can fitautl it's not
to he wondered tliftt they get out of Order.
Bs.okache silnply their cry for help.
One of the most unique lawsuits in
the bistory of the Canadian hair has
eniiired in the decision ot Chief Justice
• Falconbriclge that John Wigle of
Kingeville should gay William Chalk
$1,00t) for fifteen years'. service, and
also the cost of litigation. More than
fifteen years ago ta Miami Chalk came
to this country from England. He
was taken into the home of John
gle, a wealthy farmer, where he re-
mained up to a few years ago Semis
time before- Chalk finally decided to
leave lVig e, he married and brought
his wife to the farnthouse to live. Af-
ter a (parrs' °hall:left his benefactor.
Later he began suit, for wages -tor the
titte be had been etnployed: included
in bis hill of pat•ticulars was a claim
for three years' wages for his wife's
services. NV igle contended that Chalk
wits the same as tt member of his fam-
ily, that he had provided for him et all
times, and that the young man had no
just claim for compensation.
Business • Eitaosti • .
N.othinge Will stand you in better.
teed la the hatd, cold, practical, 0i -cre-
do- world than --a good, sound buknetea:,
education. • You -will tind, the* your. sue•
cess In trade, 'occupation or profesSion
will depend' as xnuelt Oa your geticrel
knowledge Of men :and affairs- as on
year technical trebling.
If You Suffer with
More important.
'Nell—May doesn't Seem go quick, to
deny her age now as she used to be.
Belle -No; She's got -very stout lately.
Nell—What has that do With
It'? Bell—It-takes ail her time ii0v,f id
deny her weight.
be. Mieop's Rheumatic Remedy Mil
Bring the Utmost Relief that
Medicine Can.
ote remedy which many physioians rety
to free the system of the Rheumatic, POis0
Olden Tillita.
"Why do you say olden times?" ask.
ed a little girl who had bean listenina;
to a Bible story. "Times are ever so
much older now than they wore in
these days." •
A matt never shows his own charac-
ter So plainly as by his Manner el
portraying another's,
r, Disease talces no .summer
if you need flesh and
strength use•
StOtt95 EMI:4511On
4 as ill Winter. -
1 i \y,1 fr2c 2aniriie.
. f.:)TT & liONVNIi., Clorn1mt,
; .1. 101:1 $hoo; a.. t.r1r:',1' 4.,f . , • ),
•t•,...? s .0 ...•,......*00•0e-i—s-ress00.-.sittrrtrzeitfttav; •
And Highland cauld and hunger; .
. Frovidenee.has sent ine hero,
.,'Twas surely .Iri his anger.
Inatemeichae tile- union of the ..prE:s;
erat Duke Of Argent and of Princess
Louise has remained childless, the next
heir to the dukedom and 0.4 the many
. other dignities and .eetates is his bro,
titer. Lord . Archibald. Campbell, •wli;),
'being a rich man' and an enthusiastie
Highlander, devoted to the maintenaaee.
'Of all the old customs and traditiona of
the land' of • the . north, -may, be relied
upon not only to estahlish his head-
. ,
quarters at .inverary,'when, he
ceeds te the dukedom, but liketvlse•
-revive .all of Rs- foriner gteries and.
gin ••
tending this td her sad event and of •
-taking.- leave'7Of Hushey House:, -Ixi• eine
letter she Weote:
nTne Duke :of Cumberland his been
here Mr these two hours expressingihe
strongest feleanship fen m',m',and bop-
.ing that I shalleafot go into the cotin-
. try again. but mike a permanent. en-
gagement •'-in Lendon.: ' I de not krioen
whether he spoke from higher meth;
piety than his cavn,ibut lie seemed very
strenuous on the milijects he appeared
quite at; a loss :for your going.".
Practicallyaii the letters are unpub-
lished, and they were acquired by a.
Mr, Dale in competition with Mr. "Qtta- •
riteh for $1,675, or jbet $5 a letter.
r4 'S
and myself. I was telling of the splen-
advanceMent of the Apecliets ales
how well they would work. At the
close of my Story the agent tweed te
the Indian and asked nim, "Why don't
your plespie work like that?" All about
tbe cabin, as a decorative frieze, was a
, • f buao S1UlJB.
The Indian looked up at those skulls,
• saying; "They tell you why, While !
those buffalo were alive We did nOt 14
need to worke Only niggers and whlta
.eop e arm e were a superior
people aud lied wattling' Mit contenapt
fee those who worked. Do you realize
that I, a comparatively young man,
know ;Ise, des% 'when if we wanted food
We had oaly to ride out on the plaittS,
t shoot bufralo or other game; and the
women would go out and bring It into
camp? Do you expect us In the free -
tion of a lifetime, 'In the quarter of the
age of an old man, to have. changed
our -whole life and even to for-
gotteu the days of the. old freedotti
when we were lords of all the grefie
• plains 'and mountains?
will help you. They're helping stick, oVer- "In what way does your clvillzatloa
worked kidneys—all over the world— .
making them strong, Imalthy and vigorous.
Mrs. P. Ryan, Douglas, Ont., writes: f'rer
over five months I was troubled with lame
baulk and was unable to rno've without
help. I tried all kinds of plasters and
liniments but they were no use. At last I
heard tell of Doseee °Kidney .Palle and
after t had used three-qoartere of the box
my baok was as strong and well as ever.*
Price 50 seats per box or three boxes for
$1.26, all dealers or The Doan Kidney Pill
Co., Toronto, Ont.
Sold at Nuotion, 300 of Thorn Fetch •
Five -Dollars
• 'Recently there - was witnessed the
sale:at Sotheby's, of a .collection of 331
love letters written to an English tln
They were writte.n. by 'Dorothy ..T.Ordan,
the once famous actress, and the Teel-,
pint of the missives was the Duke of .
. Clarence, kaown to history as William
IV,- • . ' . •
• Theee letters were given:. to Lord
Frederick lekteciarence by Queen Ade-.
laldb on her takingepossession of 13ush,-
. .-
eey House, -the .residence of . the Duke
of. Clarence, and ,theY.give •a full and ,
.minutentlescriptiorre-Ofe•-lefrse • Tordtuns
theatrical life, as well, as much 'cur-
ious 'information on the polielcal and
court life . of the- period. They abound
with exPiessions a her attachment to
the .-Ditke •and her solicitude ter' the
Welfare of her children. • "
• Toward 011 e' 010Se. pf 1811 It was Metes •
ed• that .she -and the Duke should part.
• th eoncluding letfere glYe a Mi..
'benefit us? Before you had attempted
to force your so called civilization upon
us we had every desire of the heart.
An easy, simple, care free life, and to
the worthy. and brave a certainty St
a future life of Plenty and comfort.
What has Your civilization done for us.?
Robbed us tit our bond, ,our strength;
our dignity, our content. Hien your
religion 'las robbed us of our cella-
dence in the hereafter.
"What have you given us In return?
Desire, corruption, beam', discontent.
You, have robbed u.s of our birthright
and. Scarcely 'given us ei husk. You .
said we did .not make use of the land -
as, the wbite nuth woeld, So you took
It from ns and use it as you like.
could tie. well. go to tbe man • win:etas
his millions loaned at 3 per cent and.
fatty: "You are only getting e per 'cent
tor this, 1 can use it a.nd make 10. I.
will take it becalms: I will make 'the
best use of It.' "--E. S. Curtis in Scrib-
ner's Magazine.
, e
. note a0Courft of the eircunistannes at -
I.3ord Archibald, tO whom' the Scotch'
iegiments of the British' army are in,
debtedfor the retention of their distinc-
tive itilts and tartans Which the War
Department was bants upon aboll.shiog
. 1-881,. is to -day the senior partner .
and most active manager of Coutts
bank, where *both the Xing and Queen
keep' private accounts, and Wnicb he
entered on the' neminatIon- elf Lady
Durdett-Coutts five and thirty years
ago. Previous to that he had held a•
clerkship in a firm af wine merchants
at Bordeaux, arid had afterwards spent
foul' years in a similar capacity With
a Grin of tea hrOkers in Mincing lane,
laird nrchibald's cult for everything
Seottish has led him to organize the
so, -called "Highland Assoelation,"
whieh 'does for old Highland music
much of the as the Eistedd-
fod dies for the Welsh folk songs, and.
the moveMent has aceomplished a great
Oat towards reviving the eldHighland
spirit by encouraging tilt children to,
sing the •purely national .'airs to the
music of the clarsach, as the. artelent
Highlandharp is called, Lord and Lady
Archibald are talented people, and the
open all' performances of Shakespear-
ean .plays at Coombe hill, their •place
• at Kingston -oh -Thames, were, at one
time, famous.
Lord Archibald is, a wonderfully
clever artist with his brush, and was -
an intimate friend and close associate
Of Whistler. Ills ohly daughter, Miss
Elspeth Campbell, an extrentely hands
-some girl, possesses the queer opium.
plishment for a we:alien Of 'being able
to play the bagpipes. Hee only bro-
ther, Niati Campbell, who has sitoven
strong leanings towards Roman Oatho.
licism, has so fax ohoWn no alga el
wishing to inure.
Ravages of Noe Feet;
Indian Princiess and Western Nuree:e.-
Hamilton and Gel:stun,
trained nurse in the. re.r
Haat wiates as foliews about a "case"
On which she has .been engaged -re-
eentise I am on a case noW, .and am
writing .from the pala,ce of .am
nursing Her Higimese the Maharani of
---. She is tuffering from fever and
brencnitis, and two doctots are also In
attendance, She is a most trying case
to matage. 1 haste stieh trouble! She
ilaspeets we wish t� • polsoo her 40
that the • GoVerninent may seize her ee-
tates; and we Uwe td taste every doge
of medicine before ehe Will take lt.The
"Inch "e the "e" " alt Rh'imati4m* balnee eorgeously furnished, and she
isefgetattea, Gout, is Dn. Smoot. a RIM* - - -• m
perimentine be- tore he discovered- 0 trittrble with Persian rugs and
110 BOY. Dr, Shflop spept twenty yeag. Iles on a golden bedstead. y matt Morn
Ined chemicals
almost always
ettniatism, etc.
turn bony
in—that is
tittan and
pro , the
hag.. And
of thepain
soda the suf•
Where acute is
up in tablet or it.
'which made eossib
oerrtain Ohre foe gaideri (hot gilt) rnirrorse but, alas,
Not the t On. no hatiatoont / have to go Out in the
XtrIlm/Ilit garden and -wash at the pumpi"
impossible I Lieut. -Gen. Sir Ian Ha,milton, in his
joints into dean •
• Mr, Geis , E. •Geroux, -writ:ng -from
Pembroke, tells bow he was injured in
&lumber camp. "A heavy log rolled
against my leg and I was laid up. with
stiffness and a hard senelling. When I
applied Poison's Nerviline 1 got relief.
A few rubbings with this liniinent
cured tile." In the bush, Nerviline is
indispensable ; it cures neuralgia, polds,
rhetinaatiem and internal disorders too.
No person can afford to be Without
Nerviline. 'Useful for all internal and
external pain. lefige bottles 25c at
all dealers. .
• . •
wiii drivel boolt on the Itusse.Japanese Wele're-
weishe etieu 1 lates an amusing incidt in 'connection
o sin an with hie stay at Tokio, where he wag
thenthatisthe I enchanted by the smiles Of tile geisha
teaenffidg.eeeneing I kites. Ile met one who was ealled Bon.
Thisrereedyneves Miss Sparrow, and • asked an Interpre-
PoSsible. Ideal)* ter to Say to her that he would like to
Buffeted Bud sto lee miry net' off in at beautiful golden cage.'
(Mid form—ask foe ., .;
' d hese: hieh you The einripliment did not please the
ague td ous Debilitt. Mental anti Pratt Worry, lk'
or twinges of tie n in done. -.wealth r
A near light is thrown on tb,e dersafin-
latiori of Ireland by Judge Adams, "who
at the Limerick Sessions humorously
blamed it on -"cruheens" end the tievaae
to,ting mixture which Irishmen consume
with them. "Crucheens" are isigS feet,
a oustome,ry deljoacy at Irish race
meetings. But no true Hibernian will
touch them • Without bisculte, and a
dealet was awarded 01 and costa by
the judge for the less• through
n.on-deTivery of biscuits by the Great
Southerre Flaitway. .tudge . Adams 'said
the usual Course Was "ertibeeral," ble-
Quite, lemoneele,... more bisouite, then
POrtet.• stirvived—not many.
Crubeetts In London, he edded, were
• spiced out of reoognition.
GET MORE' yin.'
If you are tired; nervous, sleepless,
have headaches and langour, you need
Dr; Barailtelet- Pills ; they tone the
system, assist digestion, brace you up
at once. Taken at enight, you're Well
by morning. Sickness and tired feel-
ing disappear instantly. Vim, spirits,
happy health', all the joys of life comes
to everyone that nses Dr. Hamilton's
Pills, No medicine so satisfactory,
Get Dr, Hamilton's pills to -day; 25c per
box lit ant:dealers,
No Pritee For DIseoverere. •
It is reraarkablehow Ce* of the die -
coveters and conquerors o the new
world.' died in peace. (101U1211)LIS died
or e :brokeneheart, Ealboa was dis-
gracefully neheaded, Cortes was dis-
honoeed,. Sir Walter Releigh- was be-
headed, Pizarro was • atuidered; Ojeda
died le poverty and Henry Hudson
was left to the. mercy of the , Indians
along the bay which he diseciverede
• •
1714 (Treat Paolial& Betned
Vrood.'iti 21losplvoilial
ening triday from mane netts:am trete, makea ne
nt eause—Put try DR. S)1001"S ItHE find (+et why, ann he eventually discov- kentieneliedette' .4ttenillAdjnyWeetatkeneefseetelftenlesr Eiet,981
0 MEE. Isle Wet the kind et areal
u who easily become stiff and tante with° went away. Slr Ian took nonte n .
ered that ilig. speech had been trans- coin per box, sixforis Otto wiliplease
curie Sold bcoatiarguover matte
-s000mpliane4 --AMA gold ana
W. S. R. HOLMES.. boxr \ . . (rtneriesily ifulaw) Turoutoolt,OlAis
there Ton whO have Tweet end invigorates the who e
Ow to be Ithettmationsti You Who :leerier. enuag peraon: She sulked and soon .13104 in o d Veins. Cures 1sTer.
lated "Ae yeti are a Sliarroaren
plain eke. on red° nt Dr co. an panto
„ wIall you Would shut yottreelf up in A wesesseresse The Wood fillodltilrie CO,
VACKBTS ONL•Y '&70°NotrIeltjaValr, P). .
oh -est award it St. Louis 1.904.
'able Goods
I1S1 no Jewelry Store in Clinton, or
towns, will be found
a more reliable and up-to-date stock
of articles usually carried by merchants
dealing, in jewelry wares.
Call in,land we will CONVINCE
you itat we excell in many lines.
" R,epaying is our specialty.
All articles bought hgre engraved. Free of Charge.*
...isoessee tsoreesiasea.
4:ikelPeterslaiirgeortiegondent sayl
obeli& GerensAlh,, avho bah suceeeded
Count Witte fte premier: "He is a bii-
reaucent of the buteaucrits, who hag
sat all hiS lifetime.behind the walls of -
a Ministry, protected again* the slight-
est puff of fresh air from the •outside
. world. Buthe le not even a good work -
4, as many einciels are. Heaviness,
indolence and cunning are his main
characteristics, according to the verdict.
ot his colleagues. So little disposed is
M. Goreniykin :to concentrate his ef-
forts on any hard work that he cannot
remain half an hour in e rooinwithout
lying down on et sofa:" -
car; Scik!triff.,
AbOilt a year ago the late Cerl Schura
asked; "You bane been'Aii the
Milted States senate, at the head of es
cabinet department and editor of
gyeat newspaper. Which position was
most. to, your taste?" Pie answered, -
'The senate—lnconaParably."" No oth-
er man of foreign birth ever showed
such fine command of the English tan-
guage. ear used it so felicitously.
man who objeeted strongly to his poli-
tics, but admired his talente as a
writer; once said, "I wish air. -Schurz
Couldn't write '80 welt;I could hate
him better."
Don't, f.ite Hawk.'
hari sinned Anon than any other
neitnal in trifling with nature's nal -
woe% illover oriels end the killing .of
ha wits aro eapparently atireheted, yet
the bents eat tile bele mcce, the Male
udee prcy en' the lenneture bees, and
the bees fertilize the elever blossoms.
The -death of • a. liaWk Means •nit or er-
lovrease of noel, tniet. Met a .consequent
destructioa of the trees.
Reproducing icapoleouto Dinner.
At a cookery exhibit recently held In
Paris an interesting feature was the
reproductfon of a dinner offered to
' Napoleon I. exactly 100 years before
by prince Talleyrand, hie famous for-
eign minister. It was an elaborate re.
past rortwenty-six persons, and the
original Menu of 1800,- prepared by
Talleyiandea famous cook, Careme,
was faithfully followed. The pots and
pans used and the table'upon which
the dishes were prepared, were actu-
ally the same as Msed at Talleyrand's
house 100 years ago.
A Cliftritv lOnnoe,
A Wineard 1:410:15•,‘---1 ..A1!0 (11111' EiOt 11; to
have a genet charity bell. ntd you
o'er Claliee for chavity? Pretty .
Of eortrne. Don"i yoti renneeher now
I need te 'lake pny 00 you and (hien
tvini te ?hoe we fleet met?, "•
Dr. Shoop's Restorative brings last -
bag reliefin stornach,kidney and heart
troubles through the inside nerves. No
matter how the nerVes.becatne impait-
ed, this remedy will rebuild their
strength, will restore their vigor. Re-
member it does no good to treat the
ailing organ—the irregular heart, the
rebellious stomach, diseased kidneys.
They are not to blame. Go back to
the nerves that control them—treat
the cause—use a' remedy- that cures
through the inside nerves. Sold by
W. 5.11. Hohnes,
"Dees your papa get much pra0-
tee," asked the visitor of the doc-
tor's seven-year-old son. '
;he doese't have to praeticat any
more,' replied the boy.. . "Ite kno*s
how now.),
, °Medical Student—What did you op.
*veto on that Man fore
I Ilhatilitint Surgeert—Pltle hUndfed dol.
1 "I mean Whitt did ho hare?
t'Tlfet htladral d011ate."-Vtget
A Perfect Bowel Laxative for caii-
stipetion,sallow coinplexum,heada,che,
dizzinesss,sOur stomach,coated tongue,
biliousness. Laetets acepronnatly,with-
outpam or griping. Pleasant to take—
Lasets—only 5 eents. Sold by W.S.R.
ansetenen atesola In it itigxenau.
"The thatched roof, which makesthe
English cottage picturesque, is doom-
ed," said an architect, "Pot' some
yeats it has been going gradually.
Soon it will be altogether a thlpgf
the past. • tire insurance is the eause
of the thatebed roof's disappesrance.
No company will blame a cottage or
its conteots If the roof is thatched.
They who want inserance 'Mist tub-
ooe. As
stitlong as the Knglisti cottager A. FORD
ute for the roof of thatch a tiled I A a
I-IERE is A.
Newspaper Bargain.
We want .to increase our subscription list, and Make
the following offers to NEW SUBSCRIBERS :
from now to 1st of
The elintan New Era,
Jan,..1907, for 25d.
The Ntiw. ERA and eeklyGlobe. to xst of Jan.,
. 1907, for 50c. •
The 'l\rEW ERA and Toronto Weekly Sun to of
• • . Jan. 1907, for 50c.
The NEW ERA and Montreal Family Herald to 1St
• of Jan., 1907, for 50c.
Subscribe at once, and ger the full benefit of
• this liberal offer. Cash Must accompany each sub-
set -Union.
R. HOLMES, Clinton.
Nothing adds so much to the decora .
tion of a house as good Wall Paper. I
am in a position tu show you the very
best and choicest patterns, as I -am
agent for the
Empire Wall Paper Co.,
of Toronto.
The samples for 1908 ate entirely
new. ''Priees min *Om 50 a, roll to 850,
with, borders at same price, Every
oll of paper guaranteed to contain 8
ards, Sainples gladly shown to in -
ending purchasers, at any time.
HouseMeeorator and Paper Banger,
C or. Queen and Princess St., Clinton
flinder TivIfle
Now that harvest is nearly
here you will be needing 131n-,
der Twine, we can supply you.
Galled Hay
remates very poor so that lib? house
'arid furniture are not worth insuring
be keeps a thatehed roof over his head.
As 8000as he begins to -prosper and -
lays in household goods Of value bit'
takes out a fire policy and away then
goes his thatched root" -
EU Style of Meting.
"And, now, Mrs. Sullivern" said the
eounsel. "will you be kind enough to
tell the jitry whether your husband
was in the habit of idriking you with
"With whet, sor" queried Mrs. Sul-
livan. •
"With Impunity," repeated the coma.
"Well, he was, sot, now ind thin,
but la* ethnic me oftener *id his tisht.
Steamers leave Hainilton 4.30 a.M.
Toronto nt 4.30 p.m. Tuesdays a,
Thursdays, and Saterdaye, for Say
of QuInte ports, 1000 Islands,
Montreal, and intermediate point .
oa, •
Exclusive sale for D. L. .8z.
W. Scranton Coal. Orders
left and money recerved at
„Harland Bross., Hardware fot\
all kinds of Coal
cox, mum
TORONTO and NOMA unit.
- Commencing June 2e steamers lean
Toronto 8.80 p.m. Daily except Sun
days, from Ally 1st. `Daily for Roche
eater, 1000 Islands, Rapids., St.
Lawrence. Montreal and Inte
mediate points.
Por tickets apply to R. R. agents, o
Western PassengereAgent. Toronto
We have opened up a choiee, fresh.
stock of Groceries at 181aott's eld
Stand and now ask a share of th
:patronage of the 'citizens of Clinton .
and the surroueding coranaunity.
GOod Quality & Fair Prices
are our special caree.
Oustomers will mad our stock the lets
value in town. The Med Feather
bands in Teas and Canned Goods
are satnnies of the values we handle
We are strangers and -must.
get acquainted,
It will pay those who sell farm pro-
duce to see us, before disposing of their
butter, eggs and potatoes, elseWheree
We wilibuy, at a good price, who
you heve to sell, and will sell at a fair
price; What you have to buy.
'WARD HILL 'Phone 114
Neuralgia saml Neweeseera geed* -
AJAX Ilitalitta