The Clinton New Era, 1906-07-13, Page 1e•
Votablishea Imo
teatelaT HOrittEe, Publisher.
NEw 'StilISCRIDERScan secure
.tTiltiotileN.37st Rpreca., fr1094106,nofowr
Potty Cents: cash. Uove
quickly, if you want a bargain,
supsomprioN11.00 Per year, in advisee.
t Lai whee not se paid.
and Dollars
Go hand-in-hend. Theaflinent
'of to -day are those who used
good connuon-sense yesterday
and the day before. They made
a point of saving something
each week; and their wealth
and independence grew and
You coo conimenee to -day,
$1,03 opens an account.
Interest paid 4 timesa year.
The Sovereign
Bank of Canada
Put your motley in a place where
you can get it When you wfullit. •
11. T..RANCE,
New Ativertionituts
Sense and Dollars, Sovereian Dank ..1
Big Reduction, Newcombes 4
July Out Prices, Cooper & Co 4
areatest Ten Days Sale, Poppleatone
Harvest, Morrell & Holmes 5
Soitled-Teinlers-, Yred Gelitiae•
Are you looking, A.D Beaton 5
Stray Eleifer, W. Anderson 5
The 'Winghaan Union S.S.excursion. 5
90 in the shade, Hodgens Bros: . , ,,8
Our Great Sale, W. Tayler
_Clearing up..Sale,41adgens
Clothing, A. R. Smith 8
W. Tonge, a Young Englishman, em-
ployed fn the -Union Bank at Regina,
ts missing, and there is a charge of
porgery against him.
VVhilell'hos. Anderson, 61- Dunkin -
non, his wife and child were returning.
home Sunday night, their horse allied.
at something on the roadside, and up-
set them all all into the ditch in front
of Mrs Wm Stothers' con. 9, Ashfleld.
The little boy had his collar bone
broken, the older folk escaping. '
The Holiday Season
o is the time to get away from the wor-
ries of business life and spend a few
weeks in the Highlands of•Ptitario
take a trip through the Eastern resorts
to the Sea Side, which is one of the
most delightful and popular trips. '
Tourist tickets are on iale daily to
--, all -resorts.- ---Callon- • - • - -
R: HODGENS Town' Agent:
Business College,
(affiliated with Winghain Business•College.)'
September 3rd,
over Irwin's Store.
Three Courses
Shortjiand and--
TYPewriting, and
CEO. SPOTTON Principal.
Having bought out the
business of -Mr. Henry, de-
sire to ask for a continuance
of the patronage kiveti this
studio. All work- done will
be up-to-date, and equal in
artistic finish and pose to that
of the cities.
We inaLe a specialty or Out Door
Photo Artist, - Clinton.
June Weddings
Wedding kings
18 kt
18 kt
Are you looking for a suitable present?,
If so, our large stook of
and many other lines we Carry,
will make choosing easy
for you.
jeweler and Optician.;•
Issuer of 14arriake Licenses,
To Our Readers .
public There are niallY things hap-
pening which are of i
terest, but which newspapers
never get hold of, such, for in-
stance, as family re -unions, farm
sales, weddings, aceidents, and
items of a similar nature. Some
of these newspapers tnay get,
but there are others that do not
get into 'print. Now, if parties
interested would send these to
us, we would be glad at all times
to publish them. Write out an
account of them, and sign your
name. Never mind if the item
is not well written. Put in the
facts, and we will fix it up. The
name will not be published, but
is required as an evidence that
• the item is genuine. You could
I'put a. lot of items on a/post-card.
Try it.
DEA.T11.- Mr. James Proctor died at
his residence near here on July 51h,
after three weeks' illness from heart
trouble and diabetes. He was a car-
penter by trade, and had been a resi-
dent of ilullett for thirty years. His
widow, five sons and two daughters
suryive_him--Se...was an adherentot.
the Methodist church, and was a man
of many excellent qualities, a true
friend and a kind neighbor. He will
be very naitch missed, in the commun-
ity. Our sympathy is extended to the
bereaved family.
NOTES. -Rev. Mr. -Currie has la -leach-
ed twice, and bas delivered splendid
sermons. The "Moonlight Dribblers"
of Roxboro were expected to play foot-
ball with our boys on Thursday even-
ing, but failed to put in an appearance.
E. L.0Farnha.m has had his barn re -
shingled, and Wm. Lawson his house
reshingled. Mr-. -Stanley is putting ar
foundation under his new house. Robt
McMillan arrived home from the Old
countrywith two entire horses and
twenty-eight maresthey are a'fine
lot. Haying is in full this week.
Wm, rancisay is not coming ha* Co
take Charge of the threshing machine,
as was expected. E. L. Farnham re-
cently purchased some registered Here-
ford calves from. Wm. Elliott, of Por-
ter's Hill, Hiram Proctor, of NOW Lis-
keard, and Lorenzo Proctor, of Lon-
don,were home attending the funeral
of their father ; another son from Mich-
igan was also ' present. Miss Jennie
McCully, of Stratford, is visiting with
friends here. Mr. .and Mrs. David
Weir are spending the holidays at Mr.
Britton's. -Mr. Joseph Hugh, of To-
ronto, is the guest of his nephew', Mk.
Win. Hugil, carriage builder of this
place. A. football. match was played
hetw.oen the Moonlight Dribblers. and
-a7teainliere, in the lirst half the.herne
team scored one goal, while no goal
was scored in the lastbalf, leaving the
Constanee team the Victors by 1 goal
to 0. .
• Slyth,
NOTES. -Miss Edith Finnemore, of
Burlington, was visiting her lady
friends in town over Sunday. 'Among
'those who took advantage of the Hur-
on Old Boys' excursion, and spent Sun-
day in town, were Dr. Wm. Sloan, W.
'W. Sloan, .wife and son', J. S. McKin-
non and wife, and Hy.. Bellisome of
the former had not been in Blyth for
some time they look hale and hearty.
Mrs. Joseph Combs left this week for
New York state, on a pleasure trill,.
John Wilford- and wife left last week
for a twe months' 'trip through the
Northwest provinces. 'Word has been
received by the clerk of the council
that the carriage factory man, Mr.
Stephenson, is fulfilling his agreement
by coming here in a few days to look
aftet-his interests, in the way of select-
ing -a place to build. -Mr. and Mrs. J.
G. Moser left on Tuesday for Buffalo,
where • they will visit friends, after
which Mr. Moser, with whost oi other
coal dealers will be taken to the Penn-
sylvanian coal mines at Scranton by
the head miners, and where theywill
be both educated in the coal business
and entertained in various ways by the
officials ; it will no doubt be a benefit
to us as citizens to know that we will
be likely to get the very best coal, and
Also a pleasure to Mr. Moser to see
and be entertained thus. The Blyth
bowlers were in 'Clinton en Monday,
and played a friendly game with the
bowlers of that place, the score being
in the favor Of the Clintonians. Some
one should tell the Blyth Standard
that the Stephenson Carriage By -Law
has been carried, and there is no fur-
ther use in publishing the By -Law.
NOTES -A by-law to bonus a canning
factory to the extent of $10,000 will be
submitted to the electors on the 4th of
August, On Saturdayafternoon while
Herma,n,Kernick, son of Win.liernick,
of the 3rd concession, Usborne. was
walking across the loft fioor of the,
barn, he stepped on a loose board, pre-
cipitating him to the floor beneath, a
distance of about18 feet. One of his
ribs was broken and his wrist fractur-
ed. Jam es Mahon, formerly of Kirkton,
died last week at North Branch; Mich.,
the remains being interred from Exeter
station on Tuesday. Hardy's grocery
store was robbed last week; the thieves
were arrested and taken to Goderich.
Rev. W. D. Collins, was appointed
to the parish at Exeter Thursday. At
present he resides in Birr, where he is
rector of the church. He is a man of
high "repute and is highly esteemed by
all who know hirn. The members of his
congregation deeply regret • his depar-
ture from their midst, but also express
their good wishes for hint in his nets.
Tuckerstn ith -
Ounntirt-Rev. Mr Brown, of Varna,
occupied the pulpit of Turner's church
on Sunday morning last, and Rev, P.
Landesboroagh in the evening.
NOTES,-Miee Lily Hill, of Stratford,
is visiting at the homeof Henry Carter.
Miss Ella Johns returned home on
Tuesday for the summer holidays.
Rev.John T. Landesinro and his sister,
Mrs. Geo. Clarke, left for their homes
on Monday last ; the former for North
Dakota and the latter kr Putney,
South Dakota, Miss Alinisand Susie
Allan, of Goderieh, are spe nditig a few
days with friends here. Mr. I, Eleoat,
son of Mr David Bloat, Of California,
Is spending a few weeks with his uncle,
Mr• A. Eleoat, 4A number from here
spent the Gloriouslevvelfth in Seitforth,
,„ •
WEMPERANCE,-The Sons of Temper-
ance held their ‘regular half -monthly
Meeting on Thursday evening, July
5th, when the new officers were in-
stalled. Next meeting night, -July l9.
Anyone wishing to become a member
is cordially. invited to come and join.
PERSONAL, -MV. Edward Briggs, of
Heaney, Man., is visiting old friends
in this community at present. It is
twenty-four years since Mr. Briggs
left here ; a few yeats flgil he was elec-
ted to the Manitoba Legislature as
inember for Deloraine.
lowing paragraph refers to Miqs Hurl-
but -t, a native of our village. She took
her arts course in Toronto University,
and was a very clever pupil. Her fath-
er, Dr. Huriburt, practised in our vil-
lage for some years. Miss Lucy, the
second daughter, a professional nurse.
has charge of ill the west : -
"Miss Ahce, daughter of Dr. Huriburt,
of Mitchell, who is at present on the
teaching staff of the public school at
Portland Oregon, has been offered the
principaLhip of the Ladies' College at
St. Thomas, Ont,"
BARN Smuex,-During the electric
storm which passed over here on Sat-
urday last, the barn of Wm. Ross, on
the London road, was struck by light-
ning, although .nOt burned Sortie
shingles were knocked off ancl some
rafters shattered. The barn of Thos.
Citm.pliell,_on:_the 2nd con„_was also
struck by lightning; some damage was:
done to the framework, • and the stone
wall was cracked. Beth narrowly es-
caped destruction. John Gibson had
his barn struck, . but . no damage 'was
- •e-er- "
vices were held -in the Methodist
church on Sabbath last. Rev. Mr.
Kerr„of Clinton, delivered an.excellent
sermon in the afternoon at 130, and
Rev. E. H. Sewers, pastor.of the Pres-
byterian church, delivered iin excellent
discourse at night. Two young ladies
from -Varna, and Miss Pearl Wise of:
Ttinkersmith, sang beautiful solos. A
thankoffering. was taken up at the
close of each service, and amounted to!
$40, exceeding the antoont asked for.
NoTals.,Thos. Brown has. engaged:
with Walter McBeth for the sun -inter:
There will be no service in the Metho-
dist church next Sunday, on account -
of the anniversary at, Goshen church.
Fred Tomlineon's stable is nearly com-
pleted. Quite a feu: from our village
went to Bayfield on Friday evening,
July Oth, to spend the evening in daiac-
ing ; they returned honad : ata late
holm: Miss Jessie O'Neil, Of Clinton,
is visiting at Win. Rattenhury's., It is
rumored that there. will be- a Sunday.
school picnic under the auspices of the
Presbyterian Sabbath school in. a few
Weeks. 'Neil :Yellowleee and ferailY,
of Toronto, are visiting at the hOrne of
Mrs. Yellowlees' lather; D. McDonald. '
Mr.lie.rbert, of,Dakotai -who-purehased-
the McTavish fitrin; has returned' to
our Tillage Ross- iVorks the farm
for him. --. Miss P. McTavish, Biensall,
is visiting her aunt, Mrs. J.1Broadfoot.-
Master Regy, Smith was,. very ill last
week, with inflammation Of the bowels,
but is recovering: Rev. B. Ketchen
and wife, of Hamilton; visited at the
home -of his father last week ; they
have since • gone to • Bayfield to rust':
cate. Mr. Baumbitch, of New Dundee,
is the guest of Mr. Dunlop,' bank clerk.
McCalium, who . recently carne
from England, has started a dressmak-
ing. shop 111 our village. The PresbY-
tenan church has lately sent over $30
to the Fort Francis church, which was
lately destroyed by fire: Alex: Mus-
tard is having his logs drawn frorrAthe
woods. by Mr. Layten's traction engine,
which takes three large wagon loads
at once '• they are drawn Several miles,
so that it is a great saving an horses:
Atninnber of Tuckersinith young folks,
in one of INAS' carryalls from Clinton,
had a breakdown in our village, when
the wheel got heated and fell, break-
ing it all to.pieces ; they fortunately,
were able to get another carryall'from
Mr. Hart ; no one was hurt. Rev. Mr.
Brown,Varna, preaChed in the Pres,
nyterian churcb on Sabbath evening ;
he is ari able preacher, mid: was much
CHURCH FINANCES: -- Froin the an-
nual Financial report of the Methodist
churches in this =colt, the following
figures are taken: -Total contributions
and collections towards Ministerial sal-
ary by Londesboro members, $524.69.;
Total contributions and collections by.
Constance members, 1300.61 ; Connex -
Iona' Funds : Missionary,15411,00 ; Edu-
tuitional, $16.50 ; Contingent; $6.50 ,•
General Conference, $1000 ; Church
Rellef,$5.50 ; Sunday School Aid,$5 00;
Sustentation,$7,00 •-Temperance,$4.00
Epworth League, $'2.00 ; total, $305 50.
N6TES . -We extend congratulations
to•Miss Elva Brown, who has passed
her piano examination in connection
with 'Toronto Conscrxitory ; Elva is a
pupil of Miss Bell.' ' .rangemen
from this place went to Seaforth to
celebrate on the 1211t, The Creamery
shipped the balance ot i lie June butter
on the 12th, as they missed tbe ear last
week Several of the Toronto Huron
Old Boys and girls passed through
hereon Sattualay, Sundayand Monday.
Miss McGuire who assisted Tars. Ad-
ams with themillinery this spring, left
for her hone on Tuesday. Thos. II.
Cole had a horse killed by lightning
on Tuesday morning, Thos. J. Bell
does not improve any as yet, 'Mr. Jos
Lyons and Miss Rosa, who has been
visiting in Guelph and other places
have returned home, Miss Kirke has
returned to Toronto after visiting her
sister, Mrs, Will Lyon.
Porter's Hill
(Oar regular correspondent)
NOTE'. -Mrs, Robt, Hillock and
dauebter, from the Soo, are visiting in
tha neighborhood. Mrs. Smith re-
turned to her home at Ourries Cross-
ing on Tuesday. Fanny Lindsey, of
Woodstock, is visiting her mother,
Geo. Vanderburg spent a few days at
Kinloss last week where he purchased
it Jersey cow. Walter Lindsay leaves
for California, on Friday, after spend-
ing a month renewing old acquaint-
ancee, Glen MellOnald is spending it
few davs under the parental roof.
Miss Nellie McDougall, of•Seaforth, is
visiting in the neighborhood,
Another Correspondent
NoTEs -Miss Milne has been engaged
as teacher of the school here, to suc-
ceed Miss Swan, who "says she is go-
ing home to help her mother kcep
house We know 001)60 person Who
woull be mighty glad to have Miss
Swan keep louse for them.
WElarntua.-A pretty wedding took
place on Tuesday at the home of the
bride's mother, Mrs. Howell, when her
daughter, Miss M. A. was married to
Mr, kl. F, .Hartry, accountant of the
Seaforth Engine Co., Miss Hartry was
flowet girl, and Rev. Mr. Birks per-
formed the ceremony.
RECITAL. -MISS Idit 1301rees of
Clinton. teacher of Myers Muiic
Method, gave a demonistration of this
method to the friends and parents of
Iter pupils here at the Methodist Par-
sonage on Monday. Those present ex-
pressed themselves as very much pleas-
ed with the simplicity and thorough -
nese of the method and the pupils am -
quitted theiuselves with credit both to
themselves and teacher. -Miss Holmes
has closed her classes here for the
eummer, but expects to return. in
September. ,
DlIATU. -Oa readers will regret to
learn of the death of Mr. Robt C.
Webb, which occurred at Seaforth, on
Friday last, at the age of 50 years.
Deceased has only resided here for a
comparatively short time, but was
highly esteemed by all who knew hint,
as a man of the highest character. He
was„.born in England, coining to
Canada when quite young, the family
locating in Clinton; where Mr. Webb
Hired from 1852 to 1859. In later years
he ran what was known as Bingham's
mill in Hullett, also the 'millet Auburn
and the one at Londesboro. Owing to
illness_haretired_acouple_of years ago....
His ailment is supposed to have been
cancer of the stomach. He was a veey
acceptable local preacher in the Metho-
dis,-, Church,with which he had been
closely identified for years,__In pol-
ities. he NYASA. Conservative. He leaves
a wife and family The remains were
interred in the family burial Piet at
Staffa, on Saturday,
Onuncia.-Rev. Mr. Vansickle, evan-
gelist of the Baptist .Horne Mission
Board, will begin a series of evangelis-
tic meetings in the base line Baptist
church on Senday next. Service on
Sunday at 3 p., in. and 8 p.m. Services
will be held each night during the
week -at 8 p.m. 'The public is cordially
invited to attend these meetings. •
NowEs.---Kev. T. G. Barlow, mission-
ary to British Columbia • Indians, sus-
tained by Gcderich District, Epworth
Leagues, who takes Mr. Stone's work
et Clayoquot, B. C., lectured in the
Methodist church on Th ursday even nig..
Mrs: Greaves and daughter. Seaforth.
are visiting at the Radcliffe home ;
Miss Bennett, Blyth, at Mrs. Mutch's ;
Master Stuart and Verna :Knox ,itt
their grandparents. ; Miss IL Jones, of
1.4010itthtieh,aotor,tialte stoboe: patttrmSernsag.e
Miss 0, 13 Ferguson,. Oxencion„ at her
Imam her D. Patterson has rettirned
from .his -trip -to '-Alberta.--. Frank -Tun-
ner • of Winnipeg,- Miss Florence of
Wanehope, Asst., and Miss Olive of
Crediton, visited at the Kncx home
and called on Auburn, friends. :
llobnesvIlle. •
WalLEN'S INSTITUTE. --The Women's
Institute will bold the regular meeting
at the usual place • on July 19th. The
subject to be discussed is "the Canning
of Fruits and Vegetables." ' A good
time is expected as four 'different lad-
ies will deal with this subject, Ever -
body is welcome to these meetings. 0
Goon OLD AGE. - On Friday,
july Oth, Mrs. J. Holmes, celebrated.
her ene hundredth birthday,' at . her
home on the farm to which she came
a bride 73 years ago. All her .children, :
some of her grandchildren were *.pre -
Sent and greatly enjoyed it, having the
aged motner sit at dinner . with them.
In the afternoon more than fifty Of
her old friends called upon her and
tier health was such, that she was
able to converse 'with each one, 'Light
refreshments were served. Letters of
congratulation were received froth
many friends in Ontario, " Manitoba,
England, Ireland and New 'York city,
several of them from fornaer pastors,
that she may have the privilege of re-
taining to the end all her faculties in
the same goodly degree that she now
posseases them, is the ;wish of her
many friends. '
Wmomile.-The home of Mr: Amos
Fisher was on Wednesday' the scene
of a, very Pretty wedding. when his
second daughter, Miss A. Fisher, be-
came the wile of Mr, Harry Long, for-
merly teacher in the school here. The
bride, charmingly gowned, was sup-
ported by Miss Oliphant, while Mr.
Findlay acted as groomsman ' they
Look their stand before it bank of ferns,
the ceremony being performed by Rev.: -
Mr. Yelland, in the presence of it large
number of guests, the house heing tas-
tily decorated with ferns, etc. The
newly -married couple drove to Goder-
erich, where they took the 3 o'clock
train for Teronto and other points.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Long are very pop-
ular young folks, the beautiful array.
of wedding gifts testifying to the high
esteem in which they axe held. and we
loin with their inany friends" in wish-
ing them long life and happiness.
The following guests were present.
from a distance : Mr. and Mrs. A.
Turner, Miss Mary Turner,Miss B.
Nott, Clinton ; G. Turner and wife, W.
Townsend and wife, and Wesley Nott
and wife, Tuckersmith ; G. McMichael,
BEATU OE Mn. Harerr.-We are
sorry to record the death of Mr, Sam-
uel Hartt, which occurred at his resi-
dence on the 8th Concession, on Wed-
nesday. Deceased had been in deli-
cate health for a number of Years.
which has been more acute!of late, can-
cer of the bowels being the cause of
death. He was long a resident of this,
township3 and enjoyed the eonfidence,
end reepeet of all, to the fullest extent,
He was a staunch Methodist and&
Liberal. Hie wife survives him.
NOTES. -Dr. Dianniriond, who with
Itis fanny has been spending a few
weeks at the manse, has returned to
• Chicago to pursue his post -graduate
work at the medical college there.
Rev, Mr. Small, of Auburn, is expected
to conduct anniversary tiElfiViOOS in St.
Andrew's ehureh on the 22nd inst.. ;- an
entertainment will be given on the
Monday evening following.
Mr. G. V. White, soot the late Hon.
Peter White, has been eliosen to con-
test North Renfrew for the Oonservat,
Ives for the Federal House,
Mr. Norman. Joliftle, baritone, of
Toronto (son of Rev. W. J. Jolliffe,
Clinton,) will sing by request, in Knox
Church, 011 Sunday morning next, and
in North St, Methodist Church, in the
POwus. OomPA.NY, -The by-iaw sub-.
rnitted to the rate -payers. of Goderich
to guarantee the deben.ures of the
Maitland River Power Company was
carried lay it, majority of 135 on Satur-
day. As all preliminary steps towards
the -forming of the company, asrwell as
securing necessary estimates and date,
have been completed, the work of oon-
struction will be proceeded witli%Dvig-
orouiily. ••
LUMBER MILL Rulom.D.-.-The God
°rich Lumber • Company's property
situated a 4,Ite ki-at-etaa.ezid,of the her-
bor,*as Almost entirely' destroyed by
tire at one o'clock Tuesday, morning,
the loss being approximately $10,009
over insurance carried, The Govern-
ment breakwater is also damaged.
The loss of the mill is unforconate, as
it did a big business, and the roar:mg-
ers were planning to. carry on -work
more extensively than ever. • •
• !ellen
N0Tacs.-31r. Harry 1V1e13rien is erect-
ing a new frame house. The new
School House being erected on the
Base Line, at Summerhill, is a very
pretty one, and will add very much to
the appearance of the corner.
up here on the Huron Old Boys' ex-
cursion from Toronto, were W. Wal-
lace and wife,. the latter a sister of Mr.
Andrew janneson ; W. W. Tamblyn,
Wife and . family, and. Miss. 13eer, -who
visited at the home of John Tantblyn ;
W. Morris, who visited his brother, E.
DE';%.Th Or JOHN Caosny.--Johla Cros-
by, who for many years Was it rasident
of this township, died at his home in
Seaforth on Mondayr3 une 2911i, having
reached the age of nearly 71 years. Mr
Crosby had'heen ill arid confined to his
residence uthst of the winter.. 'He came
to this Country when quite it paling
man andllocated in this district about
50 years ago. For a time he Worked at
Itis trade as a carpenter, but finally
settled on a farm in Hullett, near•Hat-
lock. on which lie continued to reside
until a few -years ago, when failing
health induced him to retire from the
actiVe ditties of life and he purcha:secl it
nice home in Seafeith and went to te,
'side them. 'Mrs; Crosby. who was a,
neice of • the' lateJohn 'MCMillari, and
one daughter; survive .
Local•News •
THE SICK We are glad to knew
that Mi Sid Smith is improving... .111r
R. ltwin'we are sorry to say, is not
nieltiog the improvement ;his-Met:ids-
hived Inc.; Mr. Argent is still in bed
with inflamoratory rheumatism and is
not getting much better.
'LADIES' C1RCLE.-A ladies' circle
was organized in connection With the
Ancient Order of Foresters, on Friday,
Oth inst., the High Chief Companion
of Toronto and the High Marshall of
London being present for the opening
ceremonies. A goodlynumber of ap-
plicants were initiated. We are pleased
to see this movement.'
strength of information supplied by
tVro, parties prominent in educational"
interests; the NEW ERA, has been stet ,
ing.that the new School Act went into
Operation at once, and applied to en?
gagernents of teachers •made for the
fall term. Inspector Tom Says this is
not correct; that the new act does not
go into operation until the 1st of
january next. '
INESS. --Three. weeks ago we an-
nounced the sale of the shoe business
of Taylor & Son to Mr. Tassie of
Listowell, the transfer to take Place
-on Monday text. That it was the in-
tention' of Mr. •Taylor tngive up i butii-
ness'we know, because we saw the
-written agreethent; Signed by both
parties to the Contract. For reasons
of his own Mr. Tasiie declines to cail•y
out his part of the agreement, and Mr
Taylor will, under the circumstances,
continua to carry on the business, it
fact the public gerferally will be glad
to know.
ONLY ONE VOTE; -Evidently there
is a difference of opinion , in the legal
'fraternity as to bow niany times ,an
eleetor'can vote on the question efLocal
Option. • In Owen Sound one of the
reasons for quaihingthe by-law was
that electors should have been allowed
to vote in every ward where their
names were on the list: At the tinie
the by-law was submitted here,a, prom-
inent lawyer in the County gave•it as
his opinion that when the law author-
izing the election of the council by
vote of the whole *immune into force
itsdid away -with the ward system and
therefore electors should vote only
once on Local Option the same as for
Mayor and Councillors. His advice
was followed, hut no doubt the result
would have been practically the same
whatever system had been followed.
A FINE BANNER -Clinton Lodge
of Orangemen yesterday went to the
lkh of July celebration under the
folds of a handsome new banner, '5x6'
feet; trimmed with gold fringe. 'It is
made of merino, with a large centre
piece on one side, of which King'Wil-
Liam, mounted- on a white eharger.
crossing the Boyne, is the chief figure,
surrounded by the usual emblems and
mottoes; the reverse side contains a
large soon, in the centre of which is a
pillow ; reposing thereon is the Bible,
surmounted by ft sceptre and crown.
Beneath the scroll is a wreath of
maple leaves and orange lilies. In' ad-
dition' these there is considerable
such as "Cur God, our Coup -
try an our Xing," and similar em-
blems. The painting has been done
by Miss Lizzie Graham,a young lady
well known for her ability as an ar-
tist, and we understand that the Com-
mittee has expressed itself as Well
pleased with the banner,
• Stinutteria111.
IsToVas,-R, G. Reid, of Varna, spent
Sunday here. Work on the new
school is progressing rapidly. Mr. and
Mrs. IL Oakesspent Sunday at Holmes.
ville. 1Virs. 11, 13, MeVittie left this
week' for her home at North Bay.
1Vtiss Sara Nesbitt, of Clinton, was the
guest of her sister, Mrs, 0. Lowery. on
Sunday, Mrs. We Sinclair 18 spending
this week wtth friends at Ilensall,
Lineal Sporting Matters
The Clinton base ball team go to
Orediton to -day to play a genie there,
arTehsechfoodlluolievdintg Intermediate games
July 18, Seaforth itt I.Vingbarn,
is, Go:bitten ht Olin,t0f1.
27, Clinton at Goderich.
Aug. 3, Whighain at Clinton.
3, Goderion at Kincardine
8, Kincardine at Seaforen
9, Kincardine at Clinton .
15, Kincardine at 1Vinghion
• ' A thing ocburred on the
Bowling Lawn on W, ednesday. A
link game was in progress. five on a
side, the Alps being W. Jackson and
C. E. Dowding ; the iast end was be-
ing played, when every bowl on Jack-
son's side -10 in all -counted. Such a
thing is a record almost withoot pre-
cedent in bowling history. '
A meeting of the Members of the
Lawn Bowling Club 'was held in the
Council Chamber, on Monday even-
ing, to arrange for the visit and enter
tannnent of the four rinks of English
Bowlers, on the 18th of Aug..Differ-
ent Committees were appointed the
members of which will co-operate in
making the visit pleasspt itnd enjoy-
able. As far as possiffre accommoda-
-tion-will--be-7IFOvided for spectators,
special provision being made for
ladies. A rink front Winghani and
one from Seaforth, will play here the:
same day, so that only two • rinks of
°Hilton owlers will participate in the
conteatIlie inembers et' which Will be
selected by the President, Viee-Presi-
dent and Secretary.
Several rinks frounBlytio came down
for a practise game on Monday, :The
members beings as follows : • •
Uncle Emigh . .
C.E.Dowtling skip 13
J. McKinnon
J. hIchlurchie
W. Jackson skip' .. 12
3. Golden
.1, Hamilton
Dr, hlilne
W.F.Spatilding skip 10
J .Reesey-
D.B. hicKinnon • .
.R. A.gnew skip ...
F. Ketcalf
8. Giciley
J.. Fair skip
t 3. Wiseman
.11. Holines
D.hiceorvie •
3, RumiSall
J. W.Irwin skip'. •14
R. Graham
N.130,11 skip.- ..... 21
J. Chellew -
A.J.holloway '
W. Brydone
D.McFlierson skple •
A., J. Iforrislx-
jas. Ford .
. W,Graliam •
J:L.Connter skipI2
• • 67
Dr, Long must be an old Bowler'hy the way he
lays down -his -Bowls. .
A,W, Kean and W. Sims were missed„this ten;
but don't fail to come next time, . -
Every team must have a man that can shout
-well pond -San- Gitiley-is- tho
Doc Milne, Frank Metcalf, and Robinson are
hardly experts, but they are getting there.
Did anybody notice Xrwin's smile when he got
7 end. • Xt was the kind that Won't 001140 off.
Jim Hamilton says the game Is alright, and
when time& thinks that way, he is boundlo be a
good Bowler. .
Jack McKinnon, or Toronto, a member of the
Yacht Club, was on the team, and showed that
he knew a good deal about Bowls. •
• Uncle Emigh and A. McKeliar eay Myth will,
have one of the'best Club houses in •the county,
and when they say so, that's enough.. • .
D. B. McKinnon says he thinks more Of the
.gaine every day,and if he is not the most enthusi-
astieBowler in Blytn next year. we Can't guess
Biyth will send one rink to the bigToUrnament
in London this year This is the first time that
any club has done this thefirst year of as ormin-
ization and it shows 'good sportmanstap. Jim
McMurchie will be the skip, Sam•Gidley vriil do
the shouting, and 'Uncle Emigh 'and nr, Long
will make the shots. They will all have a, big
time, and •thO will see the largest and finest
Tournament ever held in camas.,
In it gaine of football ' at Wingham •
on Saturday the Albions, of Toronto,
Won from Wingham by a score of
2 to 1, • •
The final genie of the senior W. F.
A. series was played at Dundas, Sat-
urday, between Seaforth and Dundee.
The result was a win for Seaforth by
three goals to two, although a protest
has been entered by the home team
on account of Referee Harry W.
Brawn's decision in not allowing •the
last goal shot by Dundas. Dundas
won the toss and decided to play with
the sun at their books. The local boys
rushed the ball up tt once, keepingit
near the Seaforth goal and forcing
several corners after several minutes'
olay.• Corkin scored the first goal for
Dundas. The next goal went to Sea -
forth; being put in by Munroe. The
next goal also went to Seaforth on it
nice pass from , the corner, which
Shittle put through. This ended the :
scoring for the first half, the whistle
blowing with the score standing 2 to I
in favor of Seaforth. The second half
started with a rush, and .Tones scored
for Dundas within the first minute's
play,' thus evening up matters. Sea -
forth now forced the playing and
Shittle again shot between the posts.
Just a couple of minutes before time
was called from a TIAN up in. Vent of
the Seaforth goal, Nelson scored for
Dundas bot the referee would not al-
low it. 'The final score stood 3 to 2,
pending the decision which is given on
the protest.
Clinton Public School
Promoted from Miss Wilson's aivis,
ion to Miss Shepherd's :-Dell Miller,
Edna Levis. Elva Johnston, Russel
Harland, Laura McDonald, Violet
Barge, Retta Cook, Elmer Ker, Carl
East, B. 149.:Vitl, Clara Walker, George
McKenzie. On trial -F. McCaughey,
Promoted to Third Book, Miss
O'Neil's division,: -Nellie Lucas, Mar-
ion Gunn, Manly Shipley, Bessie Ross,
Maggie Easeom, Norman Millar, Ber-
nice Glazier, Earl O'Neil, Jean Morris,
Stewart Scott, Fred Lucas, Willie Rut-
ledge, Willie Pinning, Pearl Glazier,
Willie Walker.
'Front Miss Manning's room to Miss
:-Irene Wilken, Clifford Har-
land, Milton Cook, Geolge McTaggart,
Jean McGuire, Lulu Connell, Mandie
Cook, Lizzie Carter. Lulu Howe Fred
• Thompson, Ebner 13eaconi, Chas.'little.
PromOted te Second Book, Miss
Courtice's Clarke,
Olive Cole,Violet Argent, Willie 13rit.
ton, Wilfrid Diekinson, Roy Chewen,
Willie Appleby, Lily Thrower,Itetta
Ostrom, Walter Shier Austen Martin.
On trial --11. Grealis, '0, Moore, Mary
Levy, A. Grant, 0, Horsley, L. itenAteilv
Liberal members of Parliament have
presented Hon. Chas, Fitzpatrick with
a cabinet of silverware, it valuable stick
pin and it set of rid cuff links,
R. P..IZeekie's
iGustroxt, ONT.
N. B.—Ipternattonal
Carnefac and Prat s Poul—
try foods.
There is a difference 111 '
Paris Green, and we have
bought it quantity of the best
English Paris Green that is
made. • .
The price is the seine as the
' cheaper ones, that's all,
25 .cents per
. •
Whale 011 Soap, Helle-
bore, and insect Powder.
.pbm. Et:
Ilanufacturhig Chemist,
• Post Office prug Store.
Not Strictly. - Lobar; but . 'Closely
Akin' 'Thereto
• The differenioiubsi-literary'and otly- *
ervvise, are living examples of what
woman is doing to broaden the Mind
of her sex, and in broadening touch
other lives and cause them at least to -
form some conception of what their
mission is in the world. • " • -
The more pleasing and pleasant any-
one can make farin life, the better it is
for them. Our cities are overcrowded
with worthless loaters that might he
honorable and respectable farmers.
As we all have to live off the farmers, • .
nothing should be left undone that.
could be d one to•niake thp farminvitinv
1Ve•know a father in a neighboring.,
town in this county who used to talk,
to his boys like he did to vicious ani
niale,•ancl'Who used a strap on them at
random. He said he was curbing their
dispositions. In years to come every •
one of those lads went to the had. In
age they had no more respect for that
father than they had for Satan: By
some means it father should gain the •
love and admiration Of his boys.
In these de,ye of strife between two
great political parties we must remenv
her that after all we,are just a band of
•brothers -here on earth, travelling
from the cradle to the ,,„orave. We liye
side by side, our children ette.nd the
same school, and after the smoke of
the battle has cleared away, we will
still be friends and neighbors. Let the
bitter dunks go unsaid. At beet, life
is short, and we get out of it a full
measure of sorrow. Let us in 0111' little
town live as one big, good-natured
family, -
While the modern system of school
work may be deficient in some res-
pects and no doubt the tendency is to
take on more work and too many
branches of study for the pupil to mas-
ter thoroughly in the time the average
boy or girl is allowed for echooling,.
yet there is a fault on the part of par-
ents which is persistently left out of
account in the argument of the critic.
The pupils, especially in the higher
grades, are allowed to spend the nights
during the week in various amuse-
ments which distract their minds from
school work, and the loss of sleepin-
capaciates them for good work during
school hours,
mtrsio.—Mr. R. Northam Ji lliffe,
who is spending the Summer at hie
home here, is opening a voaal class in
town. Those desirous of' studying
with him are asked to call ait the Wee -
letyeceturch ,parrnage on Rattenbury •
Moisons Bank
ncorporated 1855
Capital Paidup $3,000,000
Reserve Fund,' $3,000,000
• Total Assets • $30,000.000
by depositing hi our Savings
Bank. Xt does not require a large
amount to begin with. We pay
3 per cent interestOn amounts of
SI ancl upwards. Better begin
now -deposit what you can spare
-add to it whenever possible.
We will welcome ,your account,
large or small.; ,
A general Banking business
• Nisasser, (*dot