The Huron News-Record, 1886-05-19, Page 7NEWSPAPER LAWS
cp.1l the special attention of.Post
nesters and subscribers Ito the following
lynepsts et -the newspaper laws
po8tmoster is required to Ore
notice Limon (returning a paper does,
ootansver the lawywhen a. sebseriboo does
sot taik8 his paper out of theollice and
tate the reason for its not being tiiken,
Any negleet to. do so makes the postmaster
espousible to: the ptiblishers for payment.
any person °niers ds naror 'lis-
,zontineed„ he mast pay all arrearages, ar
;the publisher .inay continne to .send it
until payment is made, mid coiled -the
wholeamount, whether"it be taken from,
'the (Ace or not. There .can be no legal
4iscontine5nee untilthe payment is made,
3 -Any persot who takes a paper from
'1.1nt post -Mlle°, whether directed to his
name or another, or whether he has sub-.
-scribed. or net, is responsible for the ^pay,
4 -If a Subserilw °tilers his paper to be
'stepped at a eortam time, and the publish-
er confirms to send, it the sahseriber .is
:beim(); to paylarit ifhe takes it oat of the
poat-otfleo Thi proceedsupoe tbe ground
-that a num must pay for what he • uses,
. F . •- Dt.
-oarto the Divisihu Ceart iu Goderieh
:at the November sitting a, newspaper pub:.
Indicr sued for pay e.,•F paper. The defend-
ant'objected :paying on the ground that he:
.11541 ,ordered a former proprietor of the
!paperto discoed:me it. The Judge. hold
:that that , was not a valid defence. The
the present :proprietor, had no
notice to discontinue and eonsertnently
could eittlieet, althongh it was not deniedi
that defendant had. 'notified fernier ,ThI)-
:prietor ,Jo discontinue. In any •event.
dereinligt was-boundto. pay for the time
'he, hairi.eeeivel the paper and until he
hal paid all arreara due for subsertption.
R km
It was 5,p. u. and Mr. Grayston's
day's work was over. Leaving the
%London and KamsChatkan. tank,
,Whigh he was prineipal cashie‘r; he
:.walked to Moorgato street station,
.-took 5 seat a first class' carriage,
1and plaeing his black bag on the
seat beside him, was speedilyalasorb-
ed in the Pall Mall .Gazatfe: To.
look at hirn,—prim, portly .4nd. re-:
..spectable—lou !would havei .eajd
Lthat Mr. Oraystene had not a 4para,.
ess a aecret; in. the' world. And,
yet •AIr. Gingen° had a. secret; a.
secret, the. consciousnosss of *which
every now and then smote him with
sudden terror, as he thought:of the
consequences if, by
:porrie fatal chance, ft shoidd•
come out. Not to keep the •reader
.1.enger in suspense, Mr. Graystone,
;unknewn to Mrs. Graystone—sniok-
l Thoughtless` young baohelor
•eatiors ,nlity fail to appreciate the-
gravt.t3r of his crinie ; • but , Married
wilyake a truer view of his
liositiOn. 'When we state that Mrs.
;Graystone Was a lady Who had ,not
(4e.arnallelt toleration for even one
deadly sins, .4nd...that
k.he whole of thew with ,Soyeral
others, were to her mind included
ii the same vice, smoking; it wilibe
tOnderatood that 'Ml'. Graystone pin
considerable risk in indulging:Au
lhis hidden weakness. himself.
1 •
trealized'this only too • keenly;
'felt. at • a times as though he Were
seraited on a keg ef moral dynamite;
;.ivhicn /night 'go off' at any moment.
It is hardiy necessary to sa.31' that
be used every precaution.
'Which he smoked inimedi
bis luncheon ; end by..:
lienging his clothes and
,deodorizing himself will • ions:
.,and costly dentrifices ha Wier -
to managed to escape &do, .
Irever bought more ilia ozen
i.nrgars at a time, and thes,aw rth-
With carefully hidden his
:private drawer at the bank 4 tit'
,the most vigilant'of n -
:not be :always on his guar At
:this very moment, in 'the in tint
10Olcing ban' at his side, ince any
Witha bottro of it noted hair ester-
rst with which Mrs. Graystone was
alit to disguise the ravages of time;
,fty a packet of cigars which he had
mrehased o11 his way 'to • •businessmid, by, an unheard of oversight',
,had otalted. to deposit in their kits-
lomary hidhig place. . .
At Farringdou street statien 'an.
other passwer got inta the carriage,
Oa with a- black bag. ;This vac .
Alexander; Norman, a rising young. '
barrister '• and by a strange' oeincid-
enee, his .bag Is Carried thq weight
or a Bernet ; ;Norman, after the reprohensiblo manner of gay you iigbriehe.-
lots, bed been on teri
ms of ntimneY
with a young Indy, Miss Topsy 'fel.
nit of tho yrivolity theatre. Of
00, however, his affections had '
oen attracted in another and more
legitimate direction and be _.inlike.
'an honorable Man, 4.,,-i„,,,,.4 o' .-7-1 being -
/pit with the 041 love' before hong
. /
'on with the new,' he had made up
ids mind to bid s permanent fare-
well to the ennheuting Topsy. At
the present moment he was on his
way to St. John's Wood to reclaim
his letters and returzr those of -the
lady. The black bag beside him
contained the latter, as well as a
couple of photograplis of Alias Topsy,
one in professtoultrand ono in''prz-
vate costume, and a diamond brace-
let, designed to -soften the pain of
parting, which Norman's self esteem
led hint te suppose must be, On the
lady's part, censiderable. The bag,,
this occapied, he placed on the seat
beside him in close proximity to Air.
Graystone's and, taking out a Globe,
began to study the latest news. At
Baker street Normau got out to
eliange for the St. John's Wood U.
AleanWhile, however, the position
of the two bags had been shifted by
passengers who had got in the mean-
time, and asluck would, have it, in-
stead of taking his own bag, Norman
walketl. off with lf_praystene's,
Tho latter went• -on to High street,
Kensington, ma then, equally uu-
conscious of the exchange, took up
the bag that lay beside him, and
walked cheerfully homewards. On
arriving there'he placed the bag
under the hall table, and with a
"smile which did its best to stimulate
calm integrity, walked into the din -
in, room, where .dinner was already
lard. Calm' and placid, little think-
ing of the volcano beneath his feet,
ho saluted Afrs. Graystone's cheek,
and then. planted himself, with his
back to the. fire, in what MO ahnost
be' called the national attitude.
• '1 hope dinner is ready,' he re-
•maked, after a few -penal observa-!
lions. feet more than ordinary
peckish.' . • •
'The dinner is quite ready, I be
neve,' replied Mrs. Graystone, her
face‘hardening,'into a stern expres; .
sion, -`There May be some 1ittl5t
shortcomings about the waiting,' but,
we mast excuse them, as "the 'parlor'
maid is single handed. They° had
to dismias the' page. at a Blornont's
notice. Would yon belieVe• it ?
actually ought him, smoking in the
coal celled'. • • •
''Gbod..greeioni 1 you don't say so
81141 NET. Graystone, with a thrill. of
horror, as it flashed. 'across his mind
that he had never taken the bundlo.
of cigars • ant of his bag, • and ,that
they at that very- niernent•lay under,
the hall table., unsitspeceed witnesses.
of his. Own equal' gqilt.
and•you. have really sent him,
0w5y1'. • • • ;
• .Sent .him Way? of • course I
,have ! 1Do you 'suppose. I would
tolerate vice and debanehery in my
coal cellar '
my dear, of course ...not;
nobody who, knows you would;sup-'
pose so : it a little severe
It might—of course; I don't 'say it
was so—but it might have been- his'
flthei•offenee,- you know?.
. . - , •
, 'Samuel, 1 am reallY eurprisedat
yon -L --you, of all men, toe attempt to
exeriso such an.. outrage But
hear Mary 0.0 side: Let me beg,
that you. will not allow her to hear'
yon eipreee such unchristian senti-
ments r • ' . . •
' Tat, my dear --2
‘,NOt'a word,;.I beg.' And Mrs..
GraYstene lield up a warning finger
as: the parlor maid entered with the
soup,- aird tha pair sat down to the
table. •
The ,1hiner proceeded., brit the
keen appetite, cif -which 'Mr. gray -
steno had just before boasted, had
neW comPletely forsaken.him.
felt SS if 110' could no asil_12,1.r.
and absent
manlier tb bis Wife's .oteasional. re -
Marks that he 'could not avoid.,
noticing.' 'it. During one of the
waitinginard's . temporary absences
from •the room, She suddenly incprit-
,'What's the tatter; Samuel? 'Are
you ilil Yen are. :•eating nothing,
though you said youverasahnngry,
5o.4,. you answer inb in,- the most
ri(toeuIons•manner.. 'Yon haven't
been:drin king; have. you she asked
with 'N andtteu suspicion, •
'Are,.my dear saik peer Gray -
stone, mopping lus 'forehead With his
pocket -handkerchief, and inaltin,
feeble attellIpt • at jocular ity. 'Why,
,1 might almost ;have 1.s.en blue
ribbov, for anything I' have taken
this afternoon!' .• •
• 'Then, you're got:' somethingon
your mind,' retorted.his Wi
ife wth a
keen glence: 1 haven't.lived with
yon all 'these years, ZIP. Graystone,
wItliont . knowing When you ere
keeping something:T. fnen me, Yon're ,
keeping something now, and
mark my words, ktiow what
it is
GraystoriVW growing; mere
and. more uneoneartable, but the ;
rottlfri •Pf theservant 'kia,VOC1 him the
necessityof a reply, andhe content-
ed himaelf by trying to throw into
his expression the stronge,
negTilne of Vida his countepance
Dinner proceeded in solemn
erne: When the cloth was removed.
Atr. Graystone,in her loftiest manner,
Raid :1 am going to my own room,
Mr. ;Graystone, Did you purchase
the bottle of hair restorer I asked you,
to prOOnte for mel
did, my dear,' saki. Mr. Gray -
stone, 'I have it in my bag, I'll
—I'll get it for you at °nee,' ,
Mrs, Graystono waved him book'
with a motion of her hand. 'Thank
you, I will not trouble you. If it is
in yourbag I can get it for
'Nay, illy dear, allow me,' said
her husband, in an agony Of terror,
lest the cigars should be discovered,
'It's no ; trouble, and. rather
think it's locked.'
411e moved rapidly to __the door,
but the spirit of. • opposition lind
taken possession of Airs.• Graystone,
It did uot strike her thet her hes-
band had any speoial motive in.wish-
ing to open the bag himself,, but
she was determined not to accept
even the semblance of an attention
from him,. Sho reached the bag first"
and took it in, her hand. '
'Give me the key,' she said.'
Mr. Graystone :nada a last desper-
ate effort to save himself. Ho plung-
ed his hands into his pockets.
'Dear ma, I'm afreid I've loft. my
keys at'
By this time, however, lils• wife
had. pressed the spring. 'It's not
locked, it appears, .after all. But
pray Mr. Graystone what is this?'
She held up tho photograph of
Miss Topsy Holland, in the kind of
costume which hesbeen,cribed
by a 'serious .minded person as begin-
ning a little too :late 'and leaving off
very. mall too scion. "With Topsy's
love to dear Sandy.' Well, Mr.
Graystone, what have you to say to
say to this 7 No wonder that you
did not desire that your inucicent
i•fe should open the 'repository of.:
,yoururimes. This is your eithful-
nesa to your lawful spouse, is it'?
'Alaunping Jezebel 1' she said with
sridden rury, could tear her • ey
out 1 Let lie see what we have hero!
Letters for sooth I And tiny nasty
cat has_the ithpudence even to make
oame.of your personal' peculiarities:
'Dear Sandy, indeed I' Sandy
her. And what is this4. A brace-
let—a diamond bracelet, es I live.
'Arid your poor. Wi1:6, MT. Graystono,.
has to go alinast.on her knees to get
a now bonnet.' Bet I'll be avenged
.I'll find out that woman ; find
her,out,.I tell you'kill her
_ha ! ha ! And Mrs. Grey_
stone •sank en the sofa in hysterics.
. Mr. .0;reyetonehardly knew
whether ;he was standing on his
ll'oad or hods; .1Ia was doubtful
whether to feel relief that his actual.
secret had esoriped diseaVery,. or ter-
rofiat 'the", false aceusatiou raiset1
against him by the arne,xpeeted dis-
olosuree of tha bag., On the whole,
howutes, he was rather He
felt that hereat'least, he was
oent, a.p,a that the undeserved insin- as the meetingopened, 'tun fno'1ios-
uatitns of th'e• bag would be dis- .s'enee elf •fe•e;ev. denierteffnee_lnie? •ef
provcia semehfiw or other. But Still do • •
speerit of.coneession an' loss of
the, question:. reMained, 'Hew . ceme, • •
st011. ocki,•piolnising • arti.doshi his • do Speerit.of deetruckshan—mpl. of
bag and -whore were the eigais and the speorit of mutual interest ,an'
the hair- restorer 7! It never struck' less of do speeiit of rule .or
him for o. mpinent that the_bag itself • • "•
Was a substitate; 'and he could 'only 'If I put money into
,SuppoSe that some onc'et the' bink, an! makea. snecess of it, I °min on -
by way of a practical'joke,' had ex- titled to a fa'r interest on my money
;changed the contents. .Ile was do- invesieclan' a. fier prodt on market
ing . his ' best; thought .withaub 'the • '-
values Beond clat de income•be-
Bundled' succees, to persuade Alm ' y
Greystone that such. wee . the. ease longs to de workmen .who helped
end she was still rolling on the sofa me to make it; • It am a ,plahr priu
in _hysterical penveisien,e, when cipin of justice in which no one:
;there was a ring tit the outer. boll', need be inistiiken; all' it has 'only to .;
maid brought in. 4 card.'inscribed .oeiployo •en the'best of terrns.
'Alexander Forman.'
• findy.nian firn legally an' Inolahly.
. '1 can't see him now,' •thltitlod to all ,the money lie Can'
said 'Att. Graystone, Your mistroSs ' accumulate wideut ehiCanery or
is 'very unwell and I can't leave her.' preaSion. .Dat Woam not all worf a
!The f!;entleinan saidbo,would inillion dollars apiece ain our mis-
not detain you. a Minute; sir ; but fortene, rof •bleiviri' Jay' Gould, lip.
hie birsiness was very urgent. if belp our case
You like tOrgo to him,: sir, I could bit. • • •• •
attend to ninsus, replied the maid; fi)tn! should .be no reduelcslinn.of
who scented a -family mystery, .and pay to faithful workin on except to
like all her kind determined to got prevent loss of capital invested.
at the bottotn of it. 1 Dar' shonld 110 no, strikss until coin -
Mr. Graystone, holdine, his card nromiSe hag 1,),09n ofreroll
and rQjoot-
in his hand, went into the drawing- ed.
Tooni where he•found a tall •gentle, 'While mon w.orkietit;itarvashith
numly men' holding a black bag. wages' may become desperate, .it
it haven't the •Iileasure) sir—' he sheuld bo reiriambortbit ebery,
began. . idle feoktery in the kintry ain an-
hayeirelieved my mincl-Jimmonsely.
Indeed, without knowing it you,
have done mos most important 'ser-
vice. May I ask you to do me 'one
nr.ore favor?, Will pie—with a
sterious glance .at the door and a
sudden lowering 011ie, voice --`will*
yell accept these 01901e1'
411cally,' began. Norman.
'Don't say a word/ interrupted
Graystone, who was in deadly fear
of the possible entrance of his wife.
'Top will find them very good
ones, 'Please put them iui .your
pocket and say no more about it
l'll get your own bag in a minute.'
And so saying he fairly thrust the
cigars into Norman's pocket, and.
catching up MS own bag rushed in-
to, the dining room, .
• 'Here it is,' he exclaimed, 'my
own bag, my dear,. with your bottle
of,'—he suddenly reCollected the
presence of the I. eau
.cologne in it'! This,' • pointing
• to the other, 'is not my. bag at all.
It seems 1 accidently exchaegodbag•s
with another gentleman in the rail-
way carriage and he has now come
to claim his own property and
brill, me back mine.'
'Mary,' said Mrs. Graystone, 'you
can leave the room. Samuel you,
are sure that this true 1 You don't
know anything of that—that. per-
son?' ' • • -
. .
•'On my most saered honor,
Marin,' said Mr, Graystono. • •
. 'Then 1 forgive you this
Bull trust itiw11l be a lesson for
you'in the future.' •
. Mr. Gritystone determined that it
should, only too glad that hie i•intl
offence•should have escaped .detec-
tion:.• Jrio tenderly embraced his
.wife, and returning. to •the (halting
room handed back, the aompromis-
fug -bag to 'its -proper owner, who
forthwith took bis departure.
Mr. al reformed
character: • Novel.'since the experi-
ence of that. awfu 1:• day, has he'. been.
known to .inclulgo. in • evon,...the
mildest of cigars, still leas does he•
'carry a. surreptitious supply in a'
l'aeg, Alexander Norman is It. sober
pater families, 41,DC1 never gocs near
St. John's Wood., .11o. has Inul
many a laugh ()Voir the 'episode of
„the two bags; and the remem-
brance of his. own disearufiture
when, in Place of a' diamond byace-
let, he bronglit out a bottle of hair re
,storer by Way of anodyne for warrnd-:
ed 'affection.. But one question has
cerieed to puzale him Over and never
over again, when -thinking of the.
affair, has ho asked himself the
rioa.$tibn,. 'Whet on earth induced
the old gentremanta give mo. those
capital weeds 1' •
' "Whet Seems to. ba tha, need of 1,1re
hour •jiSt now,", Said the
•'',Aty.d.oar air, neither have T,' ro- other burden Adcted,. to taxaslinn,,
plied Norman; 'bet I believe Iwas ship laid up at do Atlifitf not only
your fellow travelleran hout or so • carries no cargo, but she .am gel& to
ago, MO 1 fftney 'c'Zie must have ex-. d.4053''. . ••
',chang('d lags,. Y01.1T3' n nc). m Eno are 1)6 workman .,'"? tun , t. 1 14'
vei'y much alike, and was Quite ta render (tars work. is ft:ileati
unconseiens of tho mistake' till, on '1./e emPloyer r40 looks upon his.
opening this one a little while ago, 1 Workman as a beast of•burden sin a
found. that the ClOntelli8 NYC:TO—not tyrant ,
What, they should have been, and 1 queshun or Capital versits
Labor 'kin be simmered doWn. to
this, Reasonable houra—fa'r pap—
friendly erhitrashun on all points
of. di:spite'. •• 'Dor' am man fur
either side to lose by. concedin'—
dar' am eberything fur hoar sides to
• ultimately disoovered your panto and
address written inside the lining,'
; Ito opened•the bag as he spoke,
atut there, in ealm 111,18011a0i011811OSS
lay the bouro of Julii. restorer and
the tireadutLeigars.. • •
eAry dear sir,' said Att. k rraysione,
gain by n frank and muttial under.
$ 10 119 1 s e. Lis ire y, yen •
St. Paul s Church-.-:8"ervIces 013 *Imlay at 11
<AM. %nil 7p, u,. Bible Clam 10 a.m. SUnday
School. 2,30 p.m. tiervlee on Wednesday, 3 p.m,
Ratter:Miry Street Met hod ist.-Scrl ices at10.80
5,811(17.00 p, tn. Sabbath Sehool at 2.80 p.
m. Rev. Me. Bores; Paster.
Canada. Presbyterian.- services at 11 LW,
%SO 0, in. Sabbath Seht101, 2.30 p. m. flsv
ALEX. STewasT, Pastor.
Ontario Street Methodist. -Services at re,ao a.
m. and 7.00 p. In, NII1Math tio11001, 2.80 pan.
Rev. W. W. Scaimora, Pastor.
Baptist Chureb.-Service at 0.30 P. nt. Sah
bath school,. 5,30 m ni, Rio J. OltAY,. Pastor.
* gtittiotry.
ate of Toronto, [toner Graduate Royal College
of Delital Surgeons, "
.Coats's Block, -
Work Registered, Charges Moderate,
11, REEVE. 011ice---"Palace" Brick Block,
• LI Ratter:bury Street, Residence OPposlto the.
Temperance Hall, Huron Street. Coroner for the
County of Huron. 00I0e hours from 8 a.m., to 0
p. M.
Clinton Jan 14 1881 1-y
Barrietere, Oc.,
Money'to Loan.
Saleitor, Arvtaryj
, • ,Pacblie; etc:.
•Offiee; Sear1e's-11100k, 4.1.11vrt-st., Clinton.
.Toronto agents :--111eparS; McCarthy, Osier,
Hoskin 8:-Creelniam • • • •
PRIV'ATE, it.ISDO TO LEND. at lowest. rates of
Interest. .
ORTON, Barristers, .Pe.,,b , God-
. .
orieli and 1Vingham., 0. Sortger,'Jr., Goderleh.
J. A. Morton Whist:um ,
TNAVISON & Law,' Chancery,and
Con re:sluicing. °Ike -West Street, next.
door to Post Office, Ooderieh, .Ont; • . 57.
R...C. HAYS, Solicitor .6e. Offiee, of
• Square Mill West Sereet, over Butler's Hook
Store, Goderich, Ont, • ,67.
tar .Money to londat loWest rate S of interest.
.PAMPION,Ilarrister,Attorney, Solicitor .
Lt. Chancery, Conveyancer, Office.bver
Jerdaffis Drug Store, the 'rooms formerly 0003.pled.thy Judge,Dopa. .
ge7' Any 'amount of money to loan at,: lowest
rates& leccoist:. • • 1.1y.'
A UCTI0NE101 for:, Huron County. Sales at-
e -1 tendcdto in any part of the Comity. Ad-
ireskorders to. Cootcateit P OV -17.
• • .1611.1145.1121141f1F0,1,,
.•AliCTIOJNEETi, land, loan -d ha
' Blyth. Sales attended in town and conntry,
In "rea.sonaffie terms.' A liSt of farms and
lots for Sale. 101103, to loan 'on real estate, at
lew rates Of interest. Insurance 'effeeted 011 811
classes of property. Notes and debts -collected.
Goods apputised, and sola on commission. .13ank
raptstocks boneu
ghtul sold.
• .
DI Doe..10,1880,.
Vtonty to
$100...i000 et, mi.,,IFTANNI.END
st. POWELL, Barrister. Solicitor, eta.,
383-y Stalrla'S Mock, ClmiTOR
.L!1. 800d lnorigag0 or iel8c1i1 securlty, 11*
Cl.nton, Feb. 25,1881. 1.1y
D ItIVATE FUNDS 7--o lend on Town and Farm
property. Appi to
Office, next NeWs-11 0.c» (up irs) Albert -St.
THE molsols BANK.
Incorporated by Act of P rllarnent, 18557
CAPITAL, - - • - 82,000,CCO.
.- $00,000
Head Office, - MONTREAL.
J 11 R MOLSON, Vice -President.
WCLFERSTAN TiunuAs, General Manager,:
Notes discounted, C011ertions made, Drafts •
_issued, Sterling and, Atheriean j -
ellaticese in:tight nuttsold at low,
est mirrent rates. ^
Money advanced to farmers or: their own notes
with ono or mere endorsers. No mortgage re-
quired ASSIMnalty, '
*1.0, iMEWElt,
• .,Nanager,7 '
Foliruary. 1884. ' CLINTON
(*.CLINTON Lodge, No. 84, A. F. 84 A. M.,
tJ meatif every Friday, on or. after the ftil
moon. Visiting brethren cordially Invited.
Clinton, Jam•14, 1881.
.L, O. L NO. 7.1.0,
CLID•TIC401%T;', • ,
moOts onc6PD Monday of -every
month.. Hall -upstairs. 'ormosite
the Town Hall. Visiting brethren
• ;LTA mo always Made welcome.
C.. TWFlEDY, W. M.
B. FLOODY, Secy.. "T. 0. DOHERTY, 11,20 .
. •
Xfir• G.94Ir or to
"ElA RNI FORS:ALF, OR TO IlENT.--That vale -
able tarn) .composed of lots 20 and -80;,Oon.
fullett, 2COluires, of tide 150 acres are elettred,
balance good hartifted bash. 'Bearing .orchard
'of three acres. Ordinary., 'dwelling imuse;* good •
frame barn and other .unthuildings. Farm. is
watered, and situated aboht 51 miles fermi '
MM. Town of Clinton: 'Corms easS% Apply .to
31: • .1%1 eTACO ilItT,- i n ton. 353-tf . .
OUSE AND LOT FOR, SALE -.Being lot 25, 1.
Dinsley Street in the VILLAGE OF IILYTII.
The lot is one of •the most eligible building sites
in the village hnd )'asa geedhouse, stable, hen -
d '
ery, good hard ansoft , :der allt; 01'011111'd 011
the premises. APP1Y to A. C. VAN EGNIOND,
on the premises.
fr HE SUBSCIIIBER offers, -for :sale •feur el ignite ;
• Building Leta frontIng on Albert Street; also •1* -
•two fronting .on nattenbury .84reet; either .
.Lloc or in separate lots., to snit purcthasers. For •
further.parIlculars apply tis tit° ipidorsig °.
• °INSLEY, Clinton. • 382
. ,
T-1, IT • FOR • onv;000ns• OR onocnul.
12 (less, ID good. or ig; only been In 1100, two
SOILSOnS. Apply to ' • -
•It. COATS ,0 SON.
Clinton, March 25111, 1885. ,- psi •
J,„ E.
YetOripary: :,Surgeon,
GrathMte of the ontorio Veterinary College; To-
ronto, haVilig opened en office in Clinton, is
. prepared to treat; all diseases Of domestic .
aniunaIs on the most modern prin-
ciples. All operations carefully
ly attended to' 41,”' or
^ night. Fees moderri.te.
OFFICH,—lot door 'West ,of IC.en;
nedy's Hotel, Clinton, Qiit.'17.17,,
r Fhotegrr pi.ers
---er ;Bpi L'Ell 1.
Life' 'Size Portraits a, Simeialtv.
Minton liarble Works
W. /I,. COOPER, Jr, ,
Alotaifitettirer of an dealer 11011 1(10(13*411
• . •••
Marble & Granite for Cenietbry
work ot ogres. ary compotitAop
. ".. . • • '
Also nimilifeetitrer of the -Celebrated
MITTFICIM; t-troxe ler Building Par -
poses and Cemetery Work, 10401 rinist
130 0>011 t6 be appreciated.—All work
warranted to :rive indisfnetion.
• AMIN' has removed hia
vn 11'111l, tii
uteri elean .allave and a eh. ;di hair but.
qf ladles laiir.cutting.
MITE udersigned offers for sale Ms Haase and
Lot on queen street, Clinton. The 1)008008,
newly, bullt ; six rooms, three upstairs and three
down; borcl and soft water; good cellar. Situate
In rising and :healthy locality.' Terms basY,
Apply on the premises 00 address Clinton P 0..
8274f ' J11811 CIA HAMNER .
111 Poltoree township, eeimty. 01 Iloroh, he,
composed 61• portions of 'block 0 and E,
N: eaten,' thilsion, containing 220 acres; about 25
ROM bush •land and balanee eicared; clay and .
sandy Sprhig creek running Owen tffi
• .the Dir011111g out, buildings on the
premises, The, whole or part > 111 he sold on
.11beval•terais. ./Wo1). personAlly. or hy letter tO
WM: %YELLS, en 'tfic flyeltMes, or to truNity
wer,Ls, salaam wo.,' (Mt. STO, Sm.* •
. ,
tiOlt RENT. --The bricleatere in Searle's block, •
• 11:1 .sito the market, 'lately 00(01)1311 by
RON & Co. ns a dry goods qtore, premisee
ore new and well IlMod Up, witli (eller full 5120 '
SIM loraTI 10010 11.11 italrs With geed entionce.E:j
Apply to IV,T. ARABLE, Clinton. , . •
• Dwfmt,ixe upstairs pie. •
mises on •Affiert street, over store. compris-
ing seven roollIS. Apply to,N. 14.0IISON, 1308-13.
• • •
Ordered Wor
pro„,,,,,, attended' to,
11... BEA Gall
EO. POTTS', lious'0; 67107,
n ',toe onxnllAr. 7'.4 L7 -7.f.'7:,
Papeq, 11418111n3 a!,4,1(ribrottaliing orryl
woze.• &buil Markhntinix *We% .,et,••
0o' 'm Ourtrantnerl frpil oe:tw (he tintre.