The Huron News-Record, 1886-05-12, Page 8The- News-fLOCOKED r►'eilinetad , Mn r 12th,. LOCAL NBSTS. in and Around tie snub." shwa aI.. THE NEWS RECOR17 has post- .°t vekpa larger circulation than any paper published in this section of the :ProvinEe, .httu,° Amoral Ouzel „proved thi$'ta the sctefsfaction,rrf ad- vertisers who have. examined our list, ..which is now: and always• .hits been, -aecessib2e-to those wko 'Awn business.. .And awsuave cui4eii; over one hundred .names -since the last occasion on which we satisfied doubting Thomases; no less than seventeen additions last ..w.eek ' The double circulation of Tar;' 1*plvs RECQRD lays oyer them all. ;Fireworks 1 Fireworks I Fire- works I for 24th May; all kinds at Broderick's, .Huron street. •a cord, .N9 anosva—'In inatty parts' •of.the`icouvtty of Huron, iuoluding ;the .once moral town 9f Clinton, there are at the resent ,time "local brethren" occapyitug lu.0 lath,, "filling appointmei to and "staijrrng itiner- ants," whose very apparent -and un-• disguised inconsieteney and filthy conversation would be a disgrace to a professed bar -(nein loafer. The querulous and backsliding members of dead churches not only tolerate, but encourage, these self-important spotterin their wickedness.. Birds of .a feather, &c.—•judging by the quantity of gold, yellow tips, feath- ers, dead birds and other ingenious devices, after the Style and, fashion of infidel and irreligious France, worn by those who are in the habit of attending divine service, they assemble not to .worship, but to he worshiped., Ohl how . pretty they looked. ---A lass hailing .fr91w Bea-,' forth and a lad residing in Clinton; after a sanguinary but aueeessful encounter with the adveiary in the barracks, retreated in good .order to a limited pgrtlon of Princess street, east, toward the sun -rising. Here they stood ,.i maunder "arras" until MOO in. the morning ; the "lass" with . her head against a waistcoat,. while the "lad" discoursed to her of things divine. Next morning the "lass" Tanned to her home in Sea= forth with her spiritual strength greatly renewed,. and feeling quite gingerly, -while the "lad" felt none the less 3•picy for the seasoning im- parted to a fellow -soldier. May; their Shad --Cows never be less,oM: WANTED, AT ONCE, A GOOD ACTIVE BOY TO LEARN THE ART OF P};INANAAt, APPLY ATTHE NEWS-REQ.9 rD4OFFICE. 3'oHN Mona -4N., of It 4ownship of Stanley, has been •.gazetted Clerk of the Seventh Division Court (Bayfield). of. the .County of Iluron in place of W. W. Connnor,' and Wm, Cash License Commissioner ;for'Zest Huron .in place of Shannon. • R. C.. HAYS, of Goderich, Solicit for of the Supreme Court of Judica -turn for,Ontario,-.has been gazetted notary public in and for the Pro- vince of Ontario. And WM. Lewis, of Stephen, to be Clerk' of the lith Diyision • Court of Huron: in the ;place of John, Lewis. . WgoDSToaa PROGRESS,,—Wood- stoek is fast approaching maturity. 'Three tip-top weekly newspapers, ;pow comes Mr. Denholm; of the Standard with a creditable daily edition.: Itbears impress. ' of . the ' same vim and vitality that °liana-. prised the inception of the weekly Standard, and as Denholm • does more than deserve success we hope he will command it n .1 s latest venture; . A:ar TTrori'is directed to the ad- vertisement of a musical and literary entertainment by St. Paul's Guild on next Monday' evening. This entertainment is in aid of St. Mary's ,Church,.: Virden, Mon. ' It may be mentioned' that former residents of this town—well known andrespet;t- ed -Mr. and Mrs. Joslyn. and :fam- ily, are 'much interested 'in :this ,church. The following ladies'hnd - gentlemen have kindly consented .assiet in, the musical part of the • >rograini is :,=bits. : R. Rensford, Misses M. Jackson, Giffin, Kendal.„ Robertson, S. Greig; and Messrs. pro tem.assistant in the sore wvhe GOT WHAT SHE • W,ANTED.=-T170 reputation of ow. Linton. merchants fax supplying custorania with just the goods they want' has become proverbial. .Whether the article' Ought for is the latest. thing out in bonnets or' dregs goods or mantles ; or a nebhy" suit of'clothes supple- mented bye hat that is a. hat or a caddy of ted of such exquisite flavor that a draught of it would . Make a Chinese. mandarin swish' that Lis Palate reached down to the corn on his off foot ; or:a. set of harness such as Sharman is sending out to the de- lectation eleetatioi of •these who prize, laicely caparisoned roadster ; .or a leggy of the light -tuning qualities and spring- midden pring- •c shion comfort of : diose made by. Leslie or Hayward, .Clinton is po-. �verbiai . far supplyiuig "just the thin" in these •lines. But an in- stance of the' very acme of adaptabi- lity-on daptabi lity-on.•the part of our merchants to the ' exigencies of the `dernands • of customers '' moon • t?ieir• resources' C ai'riage la$1.Q0up. LLPAP ER From 6a. a Roll up. Carpet. Fait, Baskets, Fans, Silverware, Croquet, Rubber Balls, Base Ball Bats, Hammocks, Foot Balis, School and Office Maps, Building Paper, &c. -WINDOW 'SHADES AND ROLLERS,CHEAP. CLIRIS DICKSON, . CLINTON. a - was told .in put:. hearing. . teat •iO4, The . statement is given as we heard it, A lady `from a huts. not a iii;ndred miles distant told her. ,dealer at llprne that she -"would go • to 13linten and buy a,cati ge sot her baby,theyare, not suc..r 1amo ,a is thee as you are," She ;foun i• an excellent ani otme*nt` in a sto' a 1.:.,, As luck would have it here ,was agent for -a boot and shoe firm.—A noway team orses ca seri o down Albert St. towards Fair's skill cls things lively for afeaw uainiitos Saturday afternoon. They t, were owned. by Mr, McVettio.-.-Mx. Frank Jones, 'Atm of Dakotui, is temporarily 3rero. and he will offer house and. lot, opposite the woolen mih,,for sale on Wednesday th.•�Mr, Calbiek,of Holmesville, making a move to sell his farm d will probably purchase a place Clinton and reside hero. --Mr. R. win contemplates putting up an open iron fence around his grotty grounds.—A minister last Sunday referred to the 'brilliant :financing of one his, flock. Upon toting up ox- naes for the year he foundtittit he d figriretl down hie church cont;ri- tions.to twenty-five .cents for that xiod..=Our town totem refers ,to e� maniifaSture in i;otVn of buggy tops, aeticr:#, etc., by Mr. P. W. Hay- ward, as 'a . "new industry"' ]fere The fact that Mr. Hayward has done e largest business in.tliese lines in - the one of the' largest the Provinco, for more 'than a year past in the •harry ,Gantelon shop does rgt' make it in><ich of a w ltnclu�stry:" W: H. Cooper was witness .in a libel.; suit at St. homes lets, week. He can give ewspapeir men a pointer or two ow.=-Streetrumor has it that Councillor Coats resigns to take the clerkship, Mr. %Irnlling' 'will also and offer fgr the vacant deputy ooveahip.—�l.rbor day was a shady one, not many enthusiastic lovers rosary were to be been. j'E'I�es;;'ro Pay end Canniilghame, Tnspseto allocli. anal the teachers. took; n interest i:i as;aitttn the.soholara plant and • neige flowers in, the- Model:Sohool g o::.:gid.-=Mr. W. anFgroonrl and. family .have re- moved ao tativn from i,1,;9,i};—'rh Baird. :Comedy. Coinpa�a� had a fat case Ma�clay:irgstai;d the.•�aiidi ace v�wo well n1F.a�ed; they \x111 ere the belance of. the tveeic:-- ouncille-: Cooper was in the Queen •y last week.—Mrs H. JVIeLea:n ot,uit}er1,'rom Detroit last week. E�'l"Er��S'.. TO .. •THE. ED/TOR c:z�'or ATewa-Fecord, ' S;6, ---As a property ovt-acr a ep�t•yGx a.•1d•onettmesupportoran oyFt to' yiip. Scott et, I 'challenge any of alto •coanoiwlora whR vote against endorsing the AmendTnept t he Septi ? et, to resign and. test th celitis of the ratepayers in• the mat ter. I em willhia to lies.( �>ny shat L ',be expense that 'IV fall upon orn.jost to �teaoh the ,mall clique wno'9hink•tliey ieprrsent thesoot Troiiiloft.a�s law e'<,xidit7g commodity •-ti`'r„�f�,"'xtaY=e6e=r�-w,w�i�..�ere�ie-=a hence for Ambitious Ii. Maiinint� cduira anee: lussy ec ll y I''o i s I'cl atar.l°S�tUs-�'�cOs d: . _ mt. 17cnr. believe, it i�1 noiv. certx 'tat ii(.r. John Cellan lot; our p. erietit tot 'et'<, fy ,�Alith to tempi and � that it ,lto et}iE: likely that our 1>re;ien`�7)ertt Reeve will its},;n his Ir�sitiott,anei• lie: ttiY,licaor foe flu) Clorkahllt �.owin�, aH sir, in •all faii•uvas to the•eitrzeas pf, oivn If t},e1n is itQ other pei'sott qualified as that position than 1M1'iti. Coate.. 'la t first l,lacc, lits. does not acct] the ptfa ioittg a jyartper in a • 1vepltLy fiPtn nerchgp;@ doillga gond trade in town:. tlir; sot:oild•pispe ho 1(L$ no tight to rest his ppnsitioti of Deputy Iioeve u}}til ilio of the year as it Will cause sit unnecessary. espouse upon ilio rategiYels ; in ilio th ,Taco there aro many worthy citizens well gnaltt}ed io Illi the position to'wllom salary of two hundred. Liollnrs,, thou small would ho atttato>;ial hpib,'tasupl', their famihcy. Also ho is alt et.^tro ietly ntau,a and a member of°what ;noiv •ut town, to be "tile ,'tug'," by t ring known meati a. little circle of "its, selves,;, ygit, l;ttow," who cl�igl to have t eight to qty who shall be • Mayor, shall, bo ],eche, whd ghslll be lost shall : who Reeve, who ells]] bo Clerk sign ilio office pf Deputy Reeve and w shall fill that office. Remember l;o "ti,igs" havri ]]veil broken nl, before a can be age}il. ti}l'Ito best laid schemes step and 'plea {tails aft n,teo:" My ail? as 1}n o�d ratepayer pt Clinton s,Willi� gill to •n oft k 1 r ti do u f don't roam , jA i Yu. Y Flown the cllalltsit$!+ frtl' one of the fiercest ontests that Clinton shpt polieltl. C, �inys, you �t1i,n't"hi<w'h"%ttis vategroFtlto ra payers of Clintpjll,� ill 3'P.11r breeches pockets: Lists �71'1'It1t trltCQt1. " All Ona Its?•r::rwYai runaway of h v ing dow ma ow Fr te. his 12 if) an. in ;Ir. B pe ba bu p4 tli T th tit t in 'no T n .n if cl resign R of forestry r 1VI o : "a to V - m e B r h e be h C C i Brewer, J. -Jackson, Stb'er,;J,.Ctyts, the :at.y 11ed I"e: was a -a. ad young ai.e.n w' :.'a a solemn fate a tri 1•ie evi,'eno:y. iriapMesae3 :•ie' lad;,.• favo.ably ab mtid:s knowv:i he-. want•:= -waned in "ingenious batty - dead'," "Well . madam,"::said the solemn faced ;young rna:. "we got just the thing yen want, ir..genioits 1 I should.•, dint gut' b l y coaches were ingenious," he salt',` SY'as1ibg his bands' in the air.' "Heroic aa arrangement to pat tile baby on t'.e back every time it ci .e . ' You Ti eft, a button attd it coddles baby :o }naturally that it can't tell the did'ar- m:me hi:14a n. th 'po',tie' a trI i:e (M I mother At +'.11e same ti:ue a. speak - ng uu .e,.$ QQ&a:,?a t ak, ..e the ki �';i ear, -says 'Wake mane:'.,' or Goee seep, pet.. Then theta • is a pocket in the side of the coach out of w'iich pops a :Witting ,,castle and.,altnets it=: a , .1 mouth, a •'a nret�... e 'iii 'laity's o sl d 1, la finger tucks down the bib, while a wooden finger tickles it on the liners, and wo are ;pinking of adding the Jgnes. nether. Awfully ingenious did you say, T rather think .so., ]tut. awfully espenitive.._ Then we have yet another. kind with''a spanlciPg. attachment .wvhicji can• be wo, Led. by 'a donkey engine." "Ah," paid the lady, "do they they i1r ow you in with it ?"' • "Iloyyever, t ao like this one. Whet ! WY sixteen dol- lars. Well yen eau seridit to this a ltlreee-- ;. • If • the coact] is not inienious yeti certainly' are, good day." -Now dwi't gq and say i;l)kat this. tools p'aea at Dicksun.'a bock Cbiibei MT Pilcher w{.il gry RA' Orgar; solo; Ci.ow - "i t�h� eat crow," said the Kentuckian, "biit:haig me of I hanker arier it." Mr. Blake by his Iri;eh resolutions in the Iiouse . the Athey slaty as much as said; "T' can get: along with the Iris] -votes; but Jiang me. if I hanker •arteir the . Irish." All -which brings pa the rontkrthe• statement', that Pr. Blackall' and J. W. Cook, owner of Young 'Accid-. .ental, kin shoot crow,: bi;t Jiang ine • ,ef'I think they hanker very ntegl} _, arter.it as an article of food.' Tlow- (ever this maybe, these two sports . - gra'-leisur-e13� .d•ivsivg.�.ixlto.�to... alone the Seaforth road .one day last week'when'thereput in an apt' peep pce'a feathered biped specimen of the blecic carnivorous tribe, of as "himself as 1tZr Blake i •e a acct sombre s .,. e a .. . and with as musical ib croak as ever Cartlyi:ight regaled the ears of • the Cenest. yeomen in. the• adjoining township of Tuckersmitii. .eawship, "caw.'cl." 'Pr. • Blackall. ivol:tcle, ed -i f Sir Richard had• got lost Char or thargbottts while exlilain- ing to the Scotchinen 'qt. ;.Tinker- pinitli that he had voted for Blakeis:re- • cblutions of syropathy with Parnell and dynamite 'on acaount o' his rash side, tlta','by tie•lausof here- dity he inherited from his maternal ancoate 13t�t J.'W, Co.ik, lacltell'c leonipanioia, ?yfth the ,Meering stinet of a born spomtawan,'' c i• ?t sight„of the crow just as it flewv•over. the'lierse'e herd. Quicker than, but equally as certain as that, Cameron will be do' i erl }n 'WestHiu•oit, Mr. ,Cook'.s..pistol. was levelled; at ..the aro',t*,'a 'd he shot hin} on the wing, the horsy just going ,'apt. eurough to • +Mn .f' that the iittL! t ce b a a rwrid so y bi id l pedonth) it as ba3.ly word: ed a. t; .intro' and Carttyri ht have been by the "ti?ur" i o rii at Ottawa 4116 ctlr;:e)atJsossken of Parliament.• r , 'i3 ti�rs nY iii4-1114,—The tett]: poem rc in pile of the town chureliee g • nst Sad ath was so cold Cutin the . lli , a time of eerviee tie tc pi oy'e ixotir nu=- ' ,Comfortable and iajhriolls to tl10 • worshippers, &soutbled there. gg: Jit} tiwood can still be bought for $3 THR COLONIAL AND INDIAN EXHI13ITTON Was opened in London, England, May 4. The Queen attracted much attention by. her toilette, which con- tained a conspicuous departure froin the sombre black' in which the pub- - tic have been so long accustomed to see her. She wove- a black silk dress trimmed with, beads and'lace and a black bonnet relieved by a large. white ostrich feather. The music w ,.grand. 'Among the num- bers wag '"Dome Sweet Home." This was sung••,by Mine..A.lbani, a French Canadian, and thrilled the vast cenag'urse.'beyond expression., The immense choir of carefully drilled voices,�iccompanied by the great organ and orchesl;ra, rendered • the "I3allelujah Chorus" with pow- erful effect. The, Qhlef. features of the opening- ceremonies,, however, was the singrng, of the new British 'ode composed by. 'Lord Tennyson and sotto music by Sir Arthur, Sup lime for the occasion. The Queen was much affented by the singing of the odea She -smiled and nodded approval ever each patiotie •senti- nient rendered and was fairly radiant . with pleasure. when'the vast'audience caught up• the poet's. spirit,. and vented their joy .in ` deafening thunders gf applause:: THE TEXT OF. THE ODE' . is as £ollowe :�• Welcome 1 welcome! with one. voice In your welfare we rejQice, Sons and brothers, that have. sent, . -From isle an'd' cape and Continent, Produce .of your field and flood, Mount and'ntine and primal wood Works of subtile, brain and hand; And splepdprs •of the:, morning land. Gifts from eyery British zone;;- -.. Britous'1 hold your pwa1 - . i. • -L and rd. v e. d A, e f mat- . 0 e othe i - y' to s:,41'0, thovi; there two• 004,1jnl rt some very tuttenious baby coaches rrzmp Lo .tr s. -• TI'Eis d dwa1 ds. of Goderich,' shetnt o� few hgurs in (;iiia.( Mon ono day as week on returnintr • Stretford n i S t fr a i t , friends > c v } s f in enol London 9 A young lady lost a. sil)all open-faced slyer watch on the streets of Clinton a short time ago, If the finder wishes tg 1'ectore it to the owner and will ca11 at this office 0. Iva .- y full infprmrrLion will he � n. . Sharman the Harness masker is tug`n: ing out 'excellent wo}i{ and large gnailtitlee of jt. -;It isre nosed that towtl plct'l allon4cr` will resign gad ii}lco the position gf poi111rie>cial a • May we find, as-agea gen, The mother featured in the: son, And may yours for ever be That oln.strength and constancy Wbicli hasmade•your fathers great In our :ancient island state'; Auld where'eraier•flagmay -$y Glorying between sea and sky, - Make the might. of :Britain known- Britons 1 hold your own 1 Britain. fought ger eons of yore ; • . Britain failed] and never more . Clareless•of our growing kin, -Shall We sin oiir'fathers' sin Men that in a narrower day— Unprophetic rulers they— Drove from out the mother's nest That young. eagle of the west, To forage for. herself alone - Britops 1 hold your ower t' . • ii. vn- i ty nit if, ,� this t ed } he cn j .0t' in ;;n end ry irct 1 e11 the gilt art me }is hc' t our. 1e • t who uy IY , lin Ys, and of ice. William, ow est no, to- Clothiers, - Furnishers and. Ratters. CLINTON.C Linen Collars & Cuff's An Immense Assortment of all the New Styles, Q-4 One. of the Largest- ks and F'i�nest Sloe West • of Toronto, in all the .Latest` Shapes. Igl'Conie and see our' Goat Display of .SHIRTS, a . 3. Prices ever quoted' in Clinton, the �:�rveut Px v f41. MEN'S FINE HO )IERV, .. ° cKN'S FINE: BRACES. Off- MEN'S FINE UNDERCLOTHING, Sharers of one glorious past, Brothers, must we part at lust''? `' Shall we not through good and i11, Cleave to one another •still ? Eritain s myriad voices o .ill : Sous, .be ivejctod, each aid all, Tu:;o one Imperial"whole— One v,tith Briton, heart and soul,'; • __ (1rie li,•e,oneflag, one tleei,ono throne-( Britons, hold your own 1 And God guard all. The last part of • the ode, as will be seen, mals s ig nifa t allusion to the present crisis' in British pol- itios. At the Q.onclusio_t of the ode, the•Queen prpneunced the Exhibi- tion opened, and passed out, the. choir singing. "Rule Britannia." Her majesty received another ova- tion during her departure, and plainly indicated how greatly. pleas- ed she was with the enthusiasm which her presence evoked erery- where. The Queen's deolare.tion that the Exhibition was • opened was signalled to the public by a groat fl.ouvi.,h of . trumpets • in. Hyde Park; ,followed by the .firing of .4 royal salute. . Ne »t day the Queen telegraphed' the Governor General s London, 'May 5th, 1886. "The opening cif.the E;„hihition went Of splendidly, I was delight ek to see so many of .iny Canadian iFbjopts'. 4 t T •,',y. 1 ' f A lL.a . VTCB J.LI nd i-ts ERCETVENT D'J ff" NE.,I,EC!RAT,#i D Li.Cr MAJ : 1 " TirE QUEEN 2 ' - • C.Le,wa, :tizay 5th; 1883, "Lori. Litnsaowne returns his. humble thanks for your liIiijesty's t1ss age, whirl{ he will make known, here', and offers his congratllatiot a r>a STvORB f of Camcda. T ,REE DOORS WEST 'OE:DIO3 SON'S_B OK _..__ on behai Tly command, : jt.A., On nanny, mmememmmllMnrlilMMIIaMllft 01%, T • FOUUff 1 Those wlip want a Suit,' iV 1 That C.'C RANCE & CO; carry -- --1-The Largest Variety In the County. Call"and inspect before perchasing elsewhere, 0. MICE & CO., THE IIUD CLbTHTE404 �\ C Ret, gf $tate, •e