The Huron News-Record, 1886-04-28, Page 7N 'LAWS I
0 0 " 0 to A. •
• .ftr•fr tbe Divini,,” coot .% .Goacrioi
tho speelat attention of P'ust
nie,ters• and subscribers to the following
tynopsis of the newspaper laws t— .
*—A. postmaster is required to give
make lir 1.13T1133 (returning a panor does
.1..a answer the law),whett a timbieribur does
'It take Ids paper out or the 011iee• end
nate the reason for its not bang talceli.
• Al1V1ISAITt to 410 so• wakes tbepoteutstei
ftspounele to the publishers for payment.
2 --If say peon ertlars Ids paper (Do.
'zontioned, Intiiit pay all arrearages, or
41 41. publisher inaY continue to semi it
Mitten t is :made,. and Oolleet th e
ski hole amount, whether tt be taken from
Tm Attie° or not, .There eau be' un lekal
ifiseeatietiauee the payment i$ made.
3 -Any person who tat.,es a paper from
the postwh
-othee, ether directed to. his
e or other, or Whether he has sob -
scribed. or Pot is responsible for the pay„
somyibor ordcr-s IAA pl per to be
*topped at it certain time, and thd publish-
erft*oitinues to send, it the subseriberis
hound to pay for it it lie takes it out of the
wst.o nice.• This proceeds upoil,t4saground
that a man lutist pay .fer what lte rises.
at •flte Noveitiber sitting sp
eewarer rub-
.. -fisher- seal fur v,e5. er, paper, The ilefintd•
ant obleeted paying .on th0. gonna that lte
had ordered a former' praprietor oif the
paper to.diseenrinue it. The Judge 1,14.
that that ..e;,tts not a •valia defence. The
vlaiuttlf, the present proptietor, tio •
/wave diseontinue.. and consequently
collent,, although. it was not denied
*that defendant hail notitletl former pro-.
'prietor •to aisonotititto.- In. 5((\''eVout
,lorembnit wag. lamina to pay for Vile time
be :kaki reed red the paper and 'Until lie
bail pall all tirraatsdoe for sidIseription.
get.ta. .
•• • c •
-- •
I take. them with' reverent fingets,
'Those tokens of passion now dead;
The line's full Of '
tenderest yearning .
"flirottgli whielt your love seemed. to be
Cita moVe 010 .11.5 when first I read. .
k noir love is nowstrailger to us, -*
Our path in world im'or will meet.
Atel yet when I born these old letters
I wish onre again fur the fettert; '
Yon broke, thotigh. :I 'thought" iltelit . so
ml now nothing's left tO remind nie
V t the 'days when eiur love Was trae,
"atilt still as. I ,sta,e thrcingh -wet lashes.•
'At the tire, where smoulder the &shear
I sigli for the past-74ml fur you.
a spark of irritation in his eleVer I faminarly him bebind his
blue eye,said a note of impatience back, never could be brought to
in the 'tattoowhich hisneat. bout approve of jokes between 8 in the
beats upon the 111-kupt floor, Some- morning and 6 in theafternoon:
thinc! has occurred to annoy him, Those were the hours for buSiness,
and 'le is on the point of "letting Ilut in truth business with old John
had all hours and seasons fer its
himself out" about, it.
"That settles tho business," he own. Ho Was 1311611(48B all through.
t. the lie,had never found time for amuse -
remarks, "I'll go at the end o
merits; he had uevor (to Mr.
month. I eau mit along with In-
Stop's airs, and 'actin drudge on like step's regret) found time to cultivate
society ; he had:neve): Arvid time to
(11,1015(1 on half -pay,. and there's
ono na, two other things dou'it like marry, and when interrogated on
this point frankly acknowleged that
but din stand. however, 'there's
he neve): expected. to find time" to
one thing I can't stand, and that's
this; I don't see how all you fel-
marry. lie had never seen lunch
of tir
lows can, either • you've had 0110 women, noveared very much
gi rl-t ime here thready "and you about them, never found it necessary
ought to remember what they're to include them in his calculations.
No sitting around eomfortable
But after My yeare-or forty-nine.;
in your shirt • sleeves; no •saying that don't seem qUite BO antiquated
-of absence, the feminine °lament
auythiirg that begins•with D with -
was about to obtrude itself upon
old pair of Startled blue eyes turn-
ed your 'way 'trial a how -can -you -be- Old John's 1Ue. Hs) in shoit, it is
Who acts as hero,' if hero there is in
'Mande,' o
se -dreadful look in them ; calling
this .simple midle-aged-romance.
r (Josie,! or whatever it is
without that streaked, grieved, why- The following kenday morning
are you so shamefully familiar giallo ;Baileyand his .friend the .cashier
that breoltf.e, fellow all up ncrany- happ.oned, by a coincidence • that
thring.except pAnty of chains, and seldom -repeated itself, tp cross Box -
rings, and geraniums, andkittens toe & Instep!ii.threshold together.
with. pink ribbons in their ears, and A mothent later Baily had opened'
young thing in montagneS saying his pocket book., placed .a crisp,
Ito "Tonupy there, "I know Bm• real ; fresh V in the other's • .hand, and
ignorant and inexperimMed, and I said in a voioe whose every:accent
want you to be Rio° and patient expressed the resignation which
with nio and Show.; me everything I-, sometimes follows utter defeat ;
oughtto kuoTi; tiOw;Wrilat your "Here, take it, Torarny,; won't wait
Aud. ,Turismy blushing up to tho till.Wednesday." • .
roots of his hair, and passing out ,Triatinside the door of oldJolui!s.
,tplarters- for halves, or halves for private ()thee .sat 4 little woman of
quarters, and the dickens to •PriY about 30 -..or 65, Beside 'herateod
generally. That•thing in the corner typewriter opened for work, in . her
there, is the machine she's going to lap lay her note -book, and herhands
perform. 'on ?". _--and. George were justputting, the finishing;
Bailey shook himself together .with• 'touches :on three ,or, four"
a groan of:disgust, while everybody points. Shdwas attired neatly and
around: laughed. .mildly vocifer- trimly in simple gray, With plain
ously, a8. his temperament' dictated _white linen ab ,her throat.and wrists.:
or. as his recollection ofthe last Not a •curl; or frill; • or firebeictw:'
yOling lady help promoted. And. 'as our_two young nieu entered
"That's the 'machine, answered .theiifted a pair of. eahn .grey ,,6yes
the cashier, from his window inst and 'said, in a serene %and Matter -of -
'above their head ."and the machin-. fact tbne: "Good morning."
ist herself is going to be around • "We won't wait till WedneSanYi"
•Ifferiday rao.ruing,, 1 Understarid. -repeated. handsome George -in
it'll .bo' time enough to .fly-7frem .awell..---ivhisper .1' while a 'fiendish
yotir firm base' then; ;better: wait chuckle came from, the boy, Whose
and see•what she's like. .You don't head was •-•popping .up. 'babe, of
Want to3.b6 down on all woniankind Congress gaiters not far RW0I3i'..
'.891e1Y,: .011 account of +poor • SusieThe•lady's narne'terned out to be
Afid .should Say you Katherine. She was , 'introduced,
-eitglitte be the last matehere to be however, • as kiss • Graiit,wlio had
undertaken Ito -shorthand and type -
!down 11.. Susie; , herself, anywey„
-W ho was ttehe didta Object to
A Middle,And Romauce. •. seeine' well -made" man in his 'Shirt
• . Sleeves/. Snide. • :Whe, ein,id alio
10R 'vit1):t
• • , •
• "No," replied George. 'Where
_were you. and what you seer
"Theatre," said the caehier. '"I_
was up in the lust balcony., in the
front. row, you know; best seats in
the house ; Wouldn't sit anywhere
else ; and along the 8000101 sat I
happened to look down, and there
right under me so help me gracious,
was-whe d'you, s'posel
"Couldn't • guess " responded
Bailey briefly ;7.4007" ,
• "Old John;•that's who Old
,johu do youunderstandl 'I haven't
seen the top of•that.head every day
for • four yeaor waling.' 'And
who -who ----..who do you think was
with him 7". •
"0, that•Dnbaque nn -Shank,
or whatever his Mane, is.".
aid write the. firm's ceriespondence ;
.A great manY of yon, -I clarWsay,. i1.4147 mind so Very mucklrearing a
know. --somethina about .Geo.r,-,0, hancleorne.fellew 'swear just a little
''')• • '' - ' ' '.0 - llONY (Mit thOli ,' 81.1sip.. 'Who' wris
• "PiLattiley, if not by name' why then at
always snipping ftWO.Y at Iter bcreran
'st bY 'sig -.•
Miht,' partiC,rtlarly4 )
. ..c).r.,
. jirls and.....thines to Make button
have oecasion 10 pos' fr.equently 1 iel e bouquets for 'Imaddoine George?'
through that part • of ....Chicago, Susie.. . AucliTho, if, my • memory
iTjfich lies between La Salle•street. 8o4Yn3 iliG, • ones said that if silo
. and 0 e bridge,. Yon. need' not' be' 81191'11---
. . . •
' Tire, cashier's. voicetbreming..eve,n'
reminded, then,' of the relation -that.
- 'moment. Moller and iinere emphatie •
'handsome Georet " as he jg known .1.,,Its.i•her..e..(frosmed •ici ,a • 1011 of
. .0 ) •
, iiI boot and .shoo. circles,' holds', to 'pteciativt,Raughter.;. but it emerged.
' thestreet at. large,. anti" You.41.1' ve- from • the•hubbilb• Wi'tlt the . remark '
call, withont any • help 'from ine h'
, is . • • . . • , i
'Which betrayed th e .inimusr'Of „hid
entire "speech i . •"And 1 clon"..t want
general appearance and. per;011:R1ity ; any fellow•to lint' 'tint 1U b411111100
hitw hp sits or ' lounge_s ' behind . a ,..,,,vas • ever...a Cent outnu'. acceti't of
-,partieulafly large and clear pane of Susie Simpsonor any. other girl."
• 'date -glass, neara certain 'corner, "Girl" with a most .sceiltiul .and•
where it i.b an easy -matter to .4400 and contemptuous emPhasis.. ..; -.1
. an easier one to be seen, with a. '' Y.*••wO re aVIII 011.1:711.1.8 b"c,•
.,. and. don't you forget it," chimed ill'
• '-vagrre-andindelinit6- vray of .black-. a4, grin‘ , ning youngster jusytemerging
lettered. cases for a background, .a. nd -1,rona• the stock.".!". - • i.; '
it little crplvd of nervous or appreci- ,. "We'llbd.death outhie 'olio,'" Said
..ative fellow -salesmen as toile and. Mr. Bailey, . majestiorally, adopting'
.suppo•rts-Youths_Who • &n put the jure/Li:1e formula,. • "'none week
. proper value upon the set • of h is, ' we'll .be ' bq. by '11°)-' 11'1
WO we'll. he tal-ine• her
liton'.1the;li;lilnite al -inseam cr''. so;no °othe'r
feest (of course lid ,,irl' in. his shirt.
--.--fil-ef3•V•43)3-13110-4L.14,44-1171f3 iiittryetraime„-piftee
leverse bareheaded);1116 rids- ••in three We'll collectively present
`posal of his feet -(of .course they aro • lier with a' parret-sey, tt." gilt
riot upon the 'floor) 'eqine -1,1 -cage ; and in font Old John will
,. .0 1, .
• coin e'lltiwn like e. thansamd of bide,
'of 8°11'nffibi°11°Y)' °xP6r.i°ne° and and..1\liss 3ennie, 'or or wha%f-'•
• felicity that .shows 'his :$1.1:41?) eVer her name is; .she will be polite-
' good-nathred 'blue eye, hand,-. ly informed that her- serv•icoe are
sonic, . cliesnut mustache, antb--1/18' no1on,ger indispensable to the .pros-
perity of the house. I have worked
••whole prosperous '• and well -kept
ttliiisorrikektot botforc,".lie 'Went on.,, with
,boing, and sets as. a sort of eroWn or
eight yeais 1 yon ask ;. and pray do 'inotiVes ,don't 800111 to have'lmen un,15:
halo upon his 28 years. Twenty. of 1140 cashiai"s Wifl(IOW liiib
aged."1 Not at (141"-iond '314 alo-Y might
• • lave been, Come, , Tommy," 91(1,
.a11.• Ilion this prepossessing yonng
nian, 'brace Up there ; • I - want to. bet •
r than is not tha. hero of yomitioinauce yop,,a five. thatP11 bc p11in this
and Miss Grant she Was called, and
itothing else, until-•—• .
. 1.7pon the arrival of' Old. Jelin 1,1e
bean ivir-k on the morning mail.
She "took down" from dictation be-
tween 9 and 11, .aud an hour of
elickings .followed before she • rose
to go oat of' lunch.; During -her brief
absrince one or two :venturesome
spirits took Upon theniselnes to
investigate the progress of her iwork.
Why not? they said its a firm. mat-.
ter, ain't it? Of course ; and so
they turned- 'over with awe.:the'
twenty odd pages' of tilgebraical,
phyro tech n ical,and cabalistic snatch hour:4. So Miss Grant itinnediately
"Not at all," ,eried the other
with great elation; "not at all.
The person with him was an aceoni-
Plished phonographer and type-
writer operator, as I'm 6 living sin-
ner, You ought to have seen them.
It was the laidy of Lyons,' They
mingled their •teara together, Old
John hasn't been to a play for years,
and tender as a Woken dosen't ex-
press ft, And Miss,Graaat was—"
"Are you telling : ine," , asked
"that• Old John has been
taking Miss Grant to the theatre'?"
"I am."
"Sure eneugh, sure enough," he
rejoined, with another wave (it.. OM-
barrassinent surging over his already
-crimson. face« "Me is for Miss
Kalherine (rant."
"For um, is it 1" she asked. in
the moat simple and unsuspecting
iiltorner the world. "Well, than,
jug, let m'e 11111thlough it and see
what it is all about. .' _And, ti„s she
ran over lipr hieroglyphics, a bright
spot began to burn in each .cheek„
and something like a smile began
to play around. hor mouth, and
something like a tear .begaia to start
in each eye. What she was rad-
ing a proposal, of marriage.
With admirable presence of mind
she turned to her typewriter. She
would pay 110)1 ni his own coin.
"My dear sir," she murmured, and
began to 11111 her fingers over.the
keys of the instritutent. Brie there
was no sheet in place, and she was
obliged to look around for pen .and
paper. . •"My dear err, .shey repeated
again, end dipped her pen into the
ink.. was useless quite, for
eho had. wetdhe handle of the pen-
holdpy itself, ."My dear sir,'" she
said once more, easting about ler a
final resource. -
Old John began to laugh heartily.,
"You are -writin•o'fi to a gentleman,
apparentIV.he'said. "If I am the
gentleman a verbal answer will do
tis well a,a, comer •
And. them she gavd Lim her
reply in rtulation fashion.
They ' ; a
month. l‘lr: .Instep, who knew,
• how these things . Were' managed,..
taw them. throitgh He had been
upon the 'point , of Providing a
gaodly. company . the' occasion
'front his •own wide circle of ae-
quaintanees, but Old John put his
fait down on that at the beginning.
They wouldn't go 'much on style, ho.
said, and. in doneequenee the ,Tiouse
itself and the trade at large so nearly
.thonoliOliztki. the 'attendance that an
odor of leather may he said to have
perfrrenira"-Jg entire :affair. Per -
hap S to this arrangement more than
to anything else was. clue the pre's--
ence of Mr.. ,George Bailey ; 'he was
no do* the most.. conspicuous
..orieinent 'Of 'the evening,. -And .the
:next' morning when .he resumedlts
..eet. •of
Bailey gave a prolorigincl whistle.
"The dime museuni is nowhere," he
simply said. •
. A W9
0,4 later lie received anothi:
surprise.; this time from the- boy
who was "death on '
Bailey, was- in, the 'deep recesses
of the stock when a juvenile figure
came sidling, up to himand jur on-
ile voice asked : ••
"Say;have you. heard the latest!?
', knew what he's been given
ler 7 Shall I tell you ,
"Who the duce is `he' and. who
the duce is %ger •severely asked
the exasperated Bailey. "W1131 are
you giving /no, anyhow r• •
"It's pair of. ary birds in a
'gilt cage, and a flue thing all
arbUTUT, Ern telling- You. 1 know
the fellow:that :took them up 10 .1101
plaoe---on • the :.North Side you
know." • . '
"Are you telling rne;,' ritinan(lt,
Ridley, torn by contlieting.emotion
;ghat John Boxtoe has been giving
Miss Grant,..a,.. . of canary
bir(10. Well she won't: Went. any
parrot now.", • .
Yes, old John had been ttdring•
-111.1iss Grant to the play and bestowed
nernerons -small gifts tip0"Rs her,..1.)6
sides, testifyilg his: appreciation -of
her in. nufhorous ways 'that- never'
became publie ; and late on a certain
Dec'ember afteriloon betook the final
step for which • eveiything before
had been merely preparatory. ' On
this occasion he hastily entered his
own priAttO offiCo' With th re a or four
letters. which had arrived by . a le -to
Mail and Must. be attended to, he
said, before the close of business
. $t. P..n1 s Chureh;-.--, on Sunday at . 1
. d 7 p. .1311m! CIRRT, 10 a.m. 33,umi*
school, 2.30 p.m. Service OUWednerglu.Y, 5 1L.141.
11:Nr. Wuma.m. Cita% il.P.,;neetor
Ibtterslmry Street 31ctlioilist.-Servicesat10.3n
a. in, old 7,00, p, Sabbath ISehool at 2.30
In. tier. 113.menT, Pastor.
Gouda Presbyterian...4- Services et 1114,10. EL;
1.80' 9. School, 2.3O 0. m. LEY
Srowaitr,.Paste,:. •
Ontario Street Notboalst.- Services at 4,0.30
m, awl 7,00 p, -sabbath School, tap p.m
Raw. w. 141`ARLING, Pastor.
Baptist Chureh.--Servieo at 0.80 P. m. NAL •
bath scbcol, 2.00 145 4, (laves %tater_
•:ings. which 'her note-lobok Contained,
and tried to trace eome eorresndh-,
'donee between the first letter in the
book and:the letter at thebottom of
her. pile .of printed' sheets.
Though they .failed. totally in this
411atter still they tip -toed out 'With it,
eierteiri "respeetfor shottland and 0X,-
vresse'd. tl, e iRion_th at she seemed to
be a pretty nice woman and. that.° Id
. &din would. probab 1 y find' her a con-
siderabIe help. .
Ho did7-Ild, 'was- 5104111 • upon
•••whoin predisidn, pnuctualitY, •ancl.
&pacify ward. 1).9\71er ' thrown
away, and by the 'end. of. the first
week he had collie to. wonder how.
help 'Of this. sort and had 'reach ed the
'firm conclution that he never should
be able to dispense with it in the
future, Everybody .' -i-, in the of-
fice, too, .beeame impressed. in the
proper degree With the promptitude
and capacity with which Miss Grant
dischttrged her duties, and she soon
gained -the .00mptete respect and'
good -will of the house. Even Mn
Georg() Bailey was carried along •in
th WOO, and. acknowledged that be
liked the neW-comer .11006 the
lull. afteridirrhad--distinetly-begun
to the, ornate attentions
witl-Mieli he seemera rather dispos-.
ditto favor la •
after all 1Not int the• least ; he id girl her Christian name before she";
only going to • servo to start,us on • 11010 three. days. What do yon say,
•our way -to have the "first say." . to that
- ,'"I. bet •you n'illi too," .elinekled
ft was 011 11 certain Saturday after-
. , , , , Toininy, frain 11 is post. "1,11 take
-l'°°11 112 -6•"gtist. wnqi °It •°t'431"- vou up though, and if I loose I'll,
g41114 leisuro.inore iiiiitlieil than tisnai stri.4,0 the boys for: a .g0u0' nil ,sab.,.
`seetue to prelade the establishment scription. , We'll settle on Wednes-
' of Ilextoe &•Intitep, when the at- (litY clt 6 1). In."
. titudes of tho group behind the . , What' 'other. rash arid reckless
great Vrench-glass window are ratli- wagore might have been laid then
er !noise neg,ligent ' and •insolleiant and there, had, not 'something ne-
tball ordinarily, ' and the cloud 4 of 'curved to prevent, I May well be
oi'rar sln eke 'hovering aexcusebove it rather 'd from ,re . lating. lhit nobody '
, 0
more dense and nn(listutheti than it joked when tho senior partner was
l' Will be trini "billets up," But for aroutiii, ail& it was tr.. john Boxtoe
. the first time in the history of his
1 .tionuention with the "'Muse' Mr,
Georgo 'Bailey fails h)"' altogether
' treatinent collies to in 41
Something of it neveltY," he'reodest-
ly said one day ; "hut .perhans it
will do me good. She's a nice little
woman, alltle same, •and ought to
have made somo man itgood wife.
long before thiti." • .
got ont her:book and her pencils
mid was soon deePlY.innuersed a'
communication relating. .ease of
overthoes ...that had 'started klor
Peoria but .hed never, efot 4.101:0.
Then folloWeU tWo Or dna others,
:of 'general similar. nature. They all
.related' to matters of Very sitnple
character and were not .espeeially
different from many others thet•hal.
left the establishment during the
list mouth Or tIVol, but the tWo
Made very • slow progress; 01(1
obn. • Usual flueney seemed to have
quite deserted. him; he . hemmed
and 'hawed and staanmered, and .al
tend and repeated,: and made a very.
Ordinary matter!. "Well, that's all
for', ho said, after a' long
pause had followed the completion
• of the hist answer of all, • .f0r, no,"
he• wont on, as kiss -Grant turned.
tteide to. • uncover her -machine,
"there'll • be "'just' outs more • 3'et.
ow, are you ready'? .111y dear
• nriuram t'dear madam ;. have yeti, got
•that down 7• My!,(lear • madrun-L-•-•":
" for a lady, apparently,"
said Alfss.Grant, looking up with an
din Used. smile,
• "Yes is," replied, Old , john.
"My de'ar Madam, I hope yen will
not he--ziot bo disagreeably stir,
prised if I • '
Poor old fellow) how he'Strunbled
and blundered, Irbir much ho
said, mid tuksaid, andletiaid • before
• he ,had really got fairlY under way
••ffolte•lie, blushed, and. .fidgeted; awl
, pet spired, y until • in 'desperation he
WAS forded to boldly take the bull
by the"horns arid litnally say his
say in two or three swift,. compact
sententes• that Were ont of his mouth
ate of Toronto, Honor Graduate 11.04,1 college
of ,Deuttil Surgeons,
• Coat's 13look Silinten •
\Vork Registered, • 11, Charges federate. .
r1R. •Driek .1310,4c,
U llattenbury Street, • Residence opposite tbe
Temperance Mill, Huron Street. Coroner for the
County of.littrom °Mee hours from 8 a.n.. to a:
p. m. • • •
Clintren, Jan, 14, 1551;!.?:
.44043 , •
Bffriet6,8, tjtt
11.4tn,- ••••
. a
ilti.3/2ey Loan;,',..
A, u. mAxxt,v6. As: sborr
• Bctrrister, ell
Mee, •fienrIels Atbert-st., Clinf!m,
Toronto ttgents ' ;‘.IcOarthy,•
(_t 01(12(111 • .
eir PRIVATE PSE414$ id LEND at lowest rates of.
interest.•• 381•.
,c. •
OTIA.613111 & uontori, llarristeri, ,17 , God-
1,Dorich and Winghiart, 0, sceser, Goclerieb.
5. A'. gorton 1-1y. . •
TIAVIS`617 di..10aXST011,, Obaneeim;a
• Cobveyandi4.. Ottlec-West street.. • so.t
. iloor tO POO Mee; (loderieli,' . • •:4,7,
P 0. MAAR, solicitor, .t.e. office, eorker 1,
.9(pit(re and West Street, over Butler e:Booh
-French er aas his. handsonie face- Stor.e, Goderith, pat, • - • ' , 07
, .
pe. Noney to lend,:4, lowest rates Ol intcrest.
CA.NiPt0:1; BerriatenAttorney, Solir:itor 1;11
4 Olhoieery,•Cmiveyaneer,. ,Sr.e. • ()Mee niei,,:.•
Jerdan's Disig Store, the. rooms .formerly wen• •",,,, ,,
Pied. by Judge .Doyle, , . ,.. ,
rra" Any aliment of 111 te lot; at, lowo,t, •
. rates 0:10te0e11.. '
W OTC .R , nud Wistful ex-
pression that, waS'not. often there.
The mornineestvas wet and'', gloomy;
.and he • stoo.d. ‘.10king • out. iliscon
solately upont 'the muddy; crossing.
and the'fallii4g .(4)00 the op-
posite Corner little girl Was: just
giviner .a penny.. to it :blind 'organ;
gkilder. • ; • •
• "Ali," sighs 'Phriley as he: looks
that way', "if She'Were only a little'
younger;' or had half his Money!"
, ,,
man, briefly ; he. happened to °Vier -
"She ,,puty . yet," sai4 the credit,
• ' _ •
One morning two Or three months ithnoet before he know. it.
later the cashier east, a knowing
look in the direetion of Mr Oeorgo '"Yotrs devote.3113r, John BoXtoei •
ilailey, itini :in the eourse or the „There l'l cried old Jobn niopping
`Ta 'When a man: • kisses: a Woman
.does lie show 'the dePth of his ntl'ec-„
'at the. tinier,.
Lion by the manner he'enibraces: her
. , •
"Why,as ft 31011oral.thillg 1..te does,
• • . .
But that is •ritther a„deep ;question.
yon wish te'be informed en
this point 7". - •
."Oh! nothing! Only -I 'noticed
when you kiss ma you take it Very
•etiey, Sifili1y. gluing her -a on
'the luo.411. or Cheek and. no more,
*lint that.wl fen yo ti kiss Sal, the hired •
girl, yea almost strainyour tirms, in.
• ,, • •
squeeztng her, •
• "Here, 111y dear boy,-.
orange. You are getting altogether
too smart for one, of .your years."
1 • ,
P,,urtt wrfrioq,
'A ijortiONIONt for Irur4tennt'y. $.1c1cci r-
• tended to in any rut of0e County, .
3ress.ofders to (.400111001 r 1-17.
• (NgS. TIA:VIDWQ.19";
A COTIONE.17,1t, 1:0141; loan and insurened agelit
tily611, sales attended' in tocvn•andgmntry, •
recisenable terms. A. list of farms rolit ',villas
lets tor sale, • Money to loan on Tual,eskste,,tct -
low rates of irterest. Insurance effeetecr,on ail,
'classes of prormrty. Notes and debts colreetcd.
Goode appraised, and aold on, eonuniffsiom Arnic•
ruptsiocks bought and sold. ' • '' •
Blvtli.,Deo, 1580,
ar E. BLACK. Ap...;
Veterinary Surgeon,
• • Tat Tienox XI:WS-RECORD, Vie
iist ltli'Oely•o'li•e7flated paper ?WIWi.
al in Clinton. t81•.25 ;tt ,ear (Id-
yawn. Solid in, 9e i;a1•1 aiid
Our itante,q tio. nifice.
FmorAN's Woair Powerlas des tr9y
aid renidve worms without injury to
adult or intent.
t h If I "1 d. 11.10 brow with rt-f.testnie lialf of re-
just entering with his sun umberella erectly lowered voiee if :NIP 11 I
. kief and half of expeetation.
and his palm leaf fan who inunedi. any idea where 110 had been lAst "Name and address, ple(fao," mthi
sitely cooled the nuninting ardor of. night "and What he 114 330011 1,3y Arbig Omni., ill her 11331ittl 7100. and
harmonize with his setting' ; there is Ids stall', "01(1 John," • 11$ thiy Liejlig• thao,,
. businom,hko 011,
. .•
• •
' 7111i,+ -
graduateof the Ontario Veterinary . College, r.i), .
. rant°, havIlw opened en °Ince in .0135101, is '
preonred to' treat all; diseases' 04 505105135 .
animals on the megt modern • uri».
" • 1..lules. ,A.11 operations carefully
nlit L'.'cln dtoelliirs (try° no'rP t:
irtr.. -F3.363 cooderat
. ,, .. .
•OSFICE,-;.415t• .door 'West of •Kert.,
'.. utid,y'slIetel., CliiitOrt, (int; IT -1 fi'.
Phoictii;. 17/ g
Life Size Portraits a. Sueeiaihr,
Edon Tiarble Worts
Stanirtaettirc0 ot an (feat or in 1311 kinds 1,1
Marble. & Granite for ;Cemetery
Work at figures that 44 eonmetitidrt
inAmiriteAltot, or tile eeleLrared
ARTIFICIAL Srexio • for fluilding pur-
poses mid Cpmeter;,7 Work. which 131137.1
he seen to In' appreciated.—All svnth
warrant al to trive_gatistitel ion.
TI-AIZICY FISHER, has retrieved his
stiaviog rsrier to tne Town Ran,
he invice,cr am, new 3ierwr.4 Jo .0111 • he., it
11 Mee ,0,..01 4441"0 and a *tow, 1,1,1t,
1 rittest ,ct 1 i13nt4t,4r..!151:14.
• 1, •••