The Huron News-Record, 1886-04-21, Page 8-t
Me Huron News.,Recorc
Wednesday., A I ft t 1st,
I n-ti><>til ArO4tufl •1tirle "nub,"
T. wwz. WS RECORD has posi-
lively a larger circulation than any
paper _published in this section .of the
Province, We ataree several te),r•ns
,proved this to the sat i.f zetion of ad-
vcr•tiser's'who have .exa„ ainecl our testi
which is now and always has been
accessible to those wko Mean business.
.And we have added .over one hundiled
names since the. last occasion ,on
•which we satis fed cdoubting Thomases;
-'tao fess than seventeen 'additions last
week. • The. thmhle. eircidatkin Pi Tint
NEWS BEQOEEA lays over them all, -
11Th W. J.acitsozs left for Toronto'
yesterday" morning, •
Tim Doherty Organ Co's. laud
will give au open air concert ,on
the afternoon of Good Friday at 2
,o'clock,'veather permitting. •
TUE- S'ozar-Axxual; I METING of
the. teachers of West Huron will be
holden in Tho Exeter Public School,
May 21 and 22. -Parliamentary
Librarian Mre William Houston
will take part in the procecdiuge.
,IIAs WoN Gomm; Orixioivs,='f ho
i'Vj:arnoch correspondent of the
Wingham Times•says : ",lir. Plum-
mer,during liis' Dight month's res-,
.idence here has won .for himself
-golden opinions both as a gentle -
mien and
entle-m ienand teacher." The gentleman,
referred to,is,a son of _lir. Plummer,
now of this town.
PansoN4s.-,J•.udgo Doyle w[ s in
town ou Monday ou his way . to
' Winghani, .Gorrie and Brus;;ols•to
hold Division C"cii.•
i5 D l[clioti.
ald,.Loca1 Registrar of;•ITtgh Court
and Surrogate Registrar, of Cxodorich,
was in .town Monday. , on his wad- to-
E3oter,--Tuspect:or Yates put in a ap-
pearance on Monday tp further pros-
ocetioin,befoivthePolice lfag'strate,
.of co.mplaintsifor violation of the•
Scott Act: -
Lssr week Inspector Yates, i.0 ac-.
corclance with information furnish,.
edhiiu;''fiiitda':a, cit n;iant 'anon that
preitises of four dilicrent person in
town Where it was said.intoxicating
'liquors were kept •in, quantities
-greater titan required for the Pro-
prietors' own use,• • Tho search was..
a fruitless .one;there being rio ap-
pearanee• of the provisions of the
.Scott Act being violated by- thepu
t referred to.
ONE. h.x THE TAi3f,E..
—"Landlord;" said a traveller ern -
ergine; from the dining room of a
western hotel ram? fin unsatisfactory
. tussle with"thlr viands'',n the table
"L.andioril there's ono thing you •
31ave Here that's, as „ood'as anything.
lin its lino that • I' ever saw at the
"Queens" in. Toronto." •"I ani very
;glad to please you, sir, said the hiiil-
.tlord.` What 'was' it Tho 'salt"
said •the :guest,• "0, thanks,": said
the -landlord, "that is the genuine
article;:.siuo,. it'r; 'the real Cliuton
table article:J.'
ToWN town
assesaorshave completed tloeir labors.
•They have sipplied as with. the for=
r -'owing abstract : • Population 2.731;:
.an riircroa;so of 63 • over 1,•it t year:
Dogs 81, an increase of ono •'There•
is an •increase in • the vel Ile.. of : real
property .of .$!16,865 ; 'of personal
,property other than, iitcorne $6,250
of 'taxable income ,$6,250. •:Che
. total.iuctease . of taxable assessment;
is $29,365; n)ade, ttl't: as above of
516,895 in real property and .$12,500
in personal and ineoilie. Thc:'total
, wlate Of 1Jcesumtlin I , , i t. talo ..
able inoone is $54,150, of rear pro-.
,poity $529,9615—total taxak;lotssesss-
nient $58;4,1.15;. •
MAS3NIc Taxct;115av'.Arulnr tiT:
The following refers to an aeeideirt
fast summer on the (..'J'. 3i., ori the
• tta'y`o"` hb--xlI:tllouic excursion front
Clinton, etc. : "The shit brought by
White t& 11011, ,St. Thomas, ltgaiuet.
o G. T..11., to 'recover for loss of
:"lUrse, buggy and liltii,nc's; in the se.
eiden.t..hy which „\ire.. P.; Sanders,
her son and. brother, Mr:' 1)einpaey',.
.lost their Jives, has been, settled out
of count, the company agreeing' to
Pay $3t377 irlatrrages, and all costs be-
tween solicitor cunei, client. itt is Ie.-
ported that- the 'company had. settled
with 'Mr. Deliijsey,. of 'Hamilton,
whose son was killed in the sante a
eident,. by the payment of $1,000..
W}rether an action will ie instititrd
by T. Sanders depends tip an the deci-
sion ofthe privy council in a step ,
lett case in which the hrsb.tnd
rained a1:11nttges in all the courts till'
the s,tp1'nrne court was reaeltefl,tvhett
the, vrrdict was spt asilt0 cit the
grounds that a }tug ami ,could nt,t
ri'cover for the piss of a Wife whrin
�lte 'btu!' no life atillutty or (Alva' in-
iekme w}tint benefited the litieb nd},
aryl t; hiel; tu•nr:;t 11 :at, her 11 ':•.tb, •
CANTnLoN Baorugns took in over
250 dozen eggs- one day last week,
• nsi•r ns. •A large number of
persons visited Clinton Monday and
Tuesday es witnesses in the Soft
Act prosecutions,
Doltso us 13,86u1). --An educated
i ontlentan of ,,considerable local
prominence volunteers the follow-
ing t ".1 congratulate Tan Nrws-
li,Eouitn for producing a live paper,
excellent editorials, very breezy., in-
dependdeitt in thought," Thanks,
Tibio Soixoor..—Tho journal in
connection with the High School,
known Lis the This a Brae, ,wi)l. be
'read on Wednesday afternoon by
the Editors, , beginning at three
o'oloek. The ex.pnpils of the
Sobool are hereby ooraially invitee}..
TUE 24Th pt Alar., -Howl rtlt's
great sppoialty company,
ed the great comedy of "The Two
Daus" in this :place some 15 mouths
ago, will again appear in the • town
hall ou the evening of tho 2.4th of
May. They fire one of the best
orehnizations on4'the road..,
'IIIc,.(rorianr, is waking .,up th
Street or Health committee. In
going past the woolen mill and
-Doane's- • tannery his elf tetorios
there offended and ho reported to the
proper quarter .*hen it was found
that in the vicinity referred to ;z+
small drain . had boeome choked,
causing, stagnant water. This being
relieved everything now' is sweet
and childlike and bland in, that
SCOTT AOT.—The • fust' charges
laid -before Police-Miigistrato Scott
for violttti.on•of the Canada Temper-
ance Act Caine before hint this•
week, Oil Monday, Mr. Fisher, of'•
Auburn, appeared as defendant
through his couusil _ Mr. C. Cain -
pion, Inspector Yates conducted his
ownmoaso. :Postponed until Tlrurs-
dit}: On I.,Tuesday ••• tl[ere were
chanes ' against lir• .Peacock of
Godeviuh and Mr. Gee_, Smith of
the seine place, ,
I•lis. I;tn,•rnLY Tiz>r,tsl.RE-;.this'
from Illyth. r Bill • lay, as ire
thought, at,;t i• point of death. He
Balled a companion, .Who •hit l' been
very .,kind to him in his 'illirestl,
"Toni," he said, we liars: ehuim;nled
it; inaii and boy,. for years; As::a
rlienrente of my gratitude to you, I'
w11 leavo you all my earthly tI'oaanre
—all that is .of any' value," • The
tears welled a .l ,t into. Tonics. honest
tt R 11e. -c = h
b t e iii. n.u'e' '•
yes as 1 d.. :Shat.
is that, vial l" "A standing prescrip .
tion" said,•1301,"for Walker's ; seven
year :olrl eordiul cls'wn • at
drag store."
Di rr.oa's 17oiaoc—T)etlor's gala
spring time was on their opening
clays, - last Friday . and Saturday.
The evening of Saturday :was an es•.
pecially brilliant t ne, • 'There were
the. newest things in. millinery and
dress 'goods, ..on.iy. three • days' from
New• York; and many. of -the,', natty
articles were s0 eagerly songltt, for
and 'purchased that repnr t • of ders
have to; sent.. The firm of Dctl.or'
t&.l,o,, rho to -he" cc ngtrtttltlttted' on'
their, judgment.`.tn selection, their
•artistic. display, and last though not
least „the 6nancial success of, their
lrt b�; opening of inillint..ry' .and
dress goodo
Prehension. seems to.eist 'ts •to the
number of caries. added to the :last
Ontat,ie':doter's•.lists and. thus. fair
coinprised in...the preliminary lists.
for the Dominion.'• Somo'- have
thong, ht- that the .numbers which,We
,last week gave as added: at. the pro-.
' lilninary.court. of. revision., were the
Whole nutnber• over and above what
appears in the Ontario list. This is
i1 et ,stake. of course, its for instance,
in the case of Clinton, there wore
-'Only—two Coliserx iiv.e and 'live I,',e-
.form .yotcs added. at the court` refer--
rod-) •liut*'.tite. total ntunbet
added to the old lists in'Clititon is
Conservatives 94, Reformers '45, ;incl•
a1L:these with the exce')tion of the
two and live reentioned `aro in :tire'•
preliminary • list as printed.. "The•
ttvo .and the five (tames adixccl by: the•
court we.'re• alums •subnritt,Ct1 Rafter
the proli1nint;ry lifts were printed,
'and. the • ol:jeet • of h.oldiug.'.tllr,.
court wee to'take cogniz'rneto ot'rticb
omissians,:and any objections oriain*
nrulruexits Made, by representatives ui,
either patty. Mr. Corbett and • Mr.
Jas. Smitlt wexo on liand to look
atter the interests of their ii - pective
fellow patriot of Clinton • In ad-
dition to the 94 Clinton Conserve -
titres phi, On the preliminary 'lint
there Wore; 12 that appeared upon
the a5se.s4111t'.0t roll, brat not on the
Ontario voters', list, which Were put
o11 :by -the..-Revising '' Clerli; and
severe that were added at the' .last
rrrunicallttl court of hf;visi0u. Nils`.
,Hakes 11.3 ),tore (loliservativo rotors
ss1'far for thti town of Clinton. than
:►ltpr,p,red un; the 130, voters'. list of.
Clinton, The Revising Clerk also
added 5 lit4Eermets,tvh1011 he found
on the As?iessi11olit roll ;int Was taut
the voters! list, '1'hi.4 will nri.14,
n showing prA0 11irI1,' 1st'•I'tlItlrl•r�
its;ni:ti, it
Nearly 500 different kinds of Wall 1'apeg and Borders from
5C. TO $8.00 A ROLL.
1i3 ,Vali Paper and etorilets this yea) consist of ,
Anzerican, English & Canadian
Patterns, ranch superior• in finish and more elegant in design than last year, and also
touch cheaper. Save money by purchasing from me.
• T can volt for the Allan Line of Royal Nail SteaniQJais.
Importer,. Wholesale Arid Retail Dealer is 13oolia, Stationery, Fane''Goods, &e.,
0.14I1\71101\7" 0 ''T...A,.RD °
. Sr.' Pavi's ,Cm noir:—Sea 'ic
every clay this. week, both ruornin
and evening. On Good' Friday
services at 11 I. ru, and 8 p.
Phone: -71301i00 Magistrate Soot
-fined a young man named Davis o
Exeter, ,last Wednesday, for di
turbing the meetings of the Sal
vation .Army in;that place. Ton
'dollars nucl costs. was the tariff int-
posed. .s
POSTMASTER FAR. }Pill re -open
the old office Saturdny'morning, the
refitting of ,`which has been accotn-
plished iii n manner that attests to
the liberality of that gontleniau, and
that\w�i1T conduce to the convenience
of the•
''-Tur Scoiv ACT IN lin olv.— ,t
a speoial meeting. • of the Miltgu
town council bald on-11IAnday of
last woell'ait was decided to mauler-
ia'lize the D"o•ininion Government as
"Resolved,That. it is the
opinion of this council that, aftor.a
trial of the Scott Act extending eve
a periocl,of four years, •'and based
upon the- atrongest :evidence and.
our own observationdaily, that not-
withstaitd•ing •the loss of- revenue
consequent -Upon this lag'• being in
force, the results are that the, town
tiffs Veen ' seriously injured, that
clrunl,enutss has increased. instead
of diminished, that drinking of . ilt-
toxioating 1 iquorss: has imp been con-
fined to tholso avbo hil'fore the. Act
.oanie into t.fOrce ware considered
habitual. -rt t�, tn•.
drunkards, nlcarda b 1t has•
fearful havoc:limmng onli'-ytii[na ruen.
'who • have: been enticed .into •she
'boons as well 'as plied with liquor
on the streets, • that these •slidbeens'.
httve•boon the cause of serious•
morality' in at)r niid t,` and.. that ow-
ing to these undoubted filets, which
may be Verified by anyone tiosirous
of ca'doing, it almost impossible,
for: tlio lonal authorities to maintain"
that condition of the lav and order.
which ie desirable, and which was
the; wonted condition ..of our Town
hofol the advent of the .Scott Act;
tliero o>.o:`'this council puffs tour.
*honourable. body . to remove :•the
use. of co serious a :scandal 'from
.our midst, bt-: refIttepealing the.
Can it fan Telupernnoe:Act of 1578;',
2nd—Ot .grant -the rightto. bring bn
a repeal•vote oh a petition signed'
by one -t irld of the electors itt iny-
eonsti;ilenG'.y. in which it iS 1ii force;''
3rtt Ir, to amend the Aol so,, is•.to
permit ,the sale' of ale, beer, and
light wines." Atter some discuss
ion the resolution was put, and ear
ried by. a vote of 7 to ;3: '
es Judaic belief and re-ombracediCllris-
g tainity 'deponent saith pot, The
, ' fact remains that Mr. A, interview-
ed Mr. H. and tried to get hie pork '•
t back and he would refund the Money.
Tint ,lVr. H. was.. averse to any such
s_ child's play and kept possession of
_ the moat. Whereat Mr. A., became;
exceeding wroth and used very un-
Ana's l' nr,r, TIIAT ENDS 'W tL.—
It so.:netirnes happens that trivial
eventslead to important results,
The noise of a few geese prevented
the capture of Rome; a feeling 'of
'friendship prevented the success of,
the Gunpowder. Plot ;. old Blucher
and a handful of.inen at the proper
Cite gave Waterloo to the Allies and
lil er.ty:to ,,•Cr drops , a paltry tax on
tea deprived Britain' of Anit i'ica: ancl.
uutold millions of woatli, Airs, :0',.
Leary's bobtailed noiv 'and a coal oil
lamp •eauftod the great Chicago' :ire;
and the sale of a'}ittnched weight or
so of pork set' at couple of Clinton
citizens by ,the ears- and threatened
to seriously disturb the' foundations
of pleasant social Mations in• a ccr-
taiusection of, the town, .And the
endit; not. yet, although a local en-
clesiet0tical„cuui't ibis disposed df the
:matter NI' the •p1 errant.. Ti seeing
that the 'heads .of tufo. respectable
families belonging tar, the sarins
chur•nh Wore on,intimate social terms
visiting back and forth: As our
irif.rruutiiun goes one of the gentle -
1714'n,' whorl we shall efi11'Mr. A.
had scruples Conscience abunt us-
[il.g tate .t108)1. .0 ills: aililnal that [lath
a -eleven hoof and. i hes oth riot • the:
coils The other gc,irtlontan,....ivhgni
vont 811ill nill''1VIi'. 1i. 1:1elonging, as
Rev, Dr; '•Wylfi woitld'saw, to the
Tribes' of Israel. 01i tonna. i11
the Ogle S:txou men, 1;cI. no sueh
eertrplesl, Mr. 11. thavefore purchas-
ed from 'Air. A.. what quantity ot'the
sl.anghtorcd lyoi'eirle he had, and.
brought it home. Ilut after a time
Mr. A. repented hint that he had hotel
iturit fat a Raa1•11100, W11011111' it
via.. {nr,;alrwcs his ii.atl' tt'liatie,r:cl, hilt
cam plimentary'l=gunge towards Mr;
H. and circulated reports adverse to
the morttl•eharaoter and integrity of
M .
H. who in turn said:the man of
Jewish scruples was not as good a- a Christian: M. A. held
at lin hacl been overreacbed by blr.
H., when he bought his pork. at
about one-half the market price..
while hs was laboring. under .eon-
scientious serttples' about the .pro-
priety of -using it. Particularly
damaging reports were circulated
against Mr. -II.'by Mr. A...and tlie.
~whole disputed matter Came' up bo -
fore a. church -.court last weeps,' a yd
the ogle -time anti-por'kistwas. order=
ed to eat .the leek and express hisre-
;ret that 'he had circulated slanders
against Mr, H. 'and sign a dooument-
to that 'effect, so that for the present:
all is' comparatively quiet 9.1' 0136
Potomac. And yet rumor heti
that 11Ir; A.>has not ceased rcfeirring
to 11i:H. au:odious terms --And it is
hinted that the latter will Seek stlive.
for the wounds upon his . personal
ehavacter' by an.alipeal to the civil
courts. • It • were bettor for all to
bury the hatchet right Where it is.
tI;Right Pe v. 'Bishop Baldwin
will deliver his Lecture in ' the
"Peoples .Lectnte Course,", in the
"1'OWn I1•nll 011 Wednesday, April
• 28th.. Tine 'twill bo'a fish treat aucl
1;ver3'hudy is sdi:isecl to ,attend
(Corrected every _ i uesday afternoon . .
Flour, '-
[Fall wheat,
Spring Wheat,
Burley • .
Apples,(tttnt8) het1)751
• Potatoes,. '
Butter .i.;
Eggs, .
Cordtr ood
54 80 to 4.50
0, 70.' to '0'80
0 Br to 0 80
050. to 006.
0 3'0 to_ • F 31
0 55 to .0115'
1 00 t0 1 1,t
0• 0!10
• 01,,• "to •,o 10
0 .to 011
::5•. 0. eo
5 00 to 5 o0
300:to 400
• 000,.to 000
017', to 017
T�OtSE TO ,LET., Near earner of Icing and.
11-t Cutterstteets, Rent Low. ttpply,toP,lt.
•1ONLLIr, Searlcsblouk, cJllpton, . 380
A LL PA RTIES INDEBTl`D TO Gs will please
pay 31000nts iib . ,l 181'0 M IN,' manager
of -.the god64ns 13 bite, before 'the let alar, as
aftcr'.that data aec0unts will. be placed in Courtfor nolleetio0.-�.C. J. T7ITUTI.L •& 00. 387 .,
x 1•\irNA'PION --TUE rN'(71:ANCl EXAM
iJ IN.)TION for at tillssaon to the I[igh School,
tvrll he Held ill Seitforth, Clinton and N'inghmtt,.
00 31030,', Trssony and WnrSssnAV, the:5th,
Otlr and 7th days of•.)u1y next, commencing itt
o'clock; P:1i„ on 3louda, , All candidates who,
intend to write are required sand their names .
and addreef.,uot later than the 1st May, to either
of the foilowin J. 0, Ilarstone, ll.4.,,Seaforth
Jas. 7'urohnli,- Ir. A , Clinton; W. Fl.' Groves;:.
nsq., w'#ngliain; or to the undersigned.
I), 1f ,1LLLC OOIr 1 r.S., . •'rail trnroo. ,
110.1101) T1 N 44,'
08111. addre 8e0 to the Post -
`J matey Oeuerat, m•hl he reuoired at Ottawa
,until.nool, on k',1t10AY, Jcth APRIL, 1101, for
the u,ntyaneeot tier 3t^jest).'e ytalls, `on aero..
pose 1 t outraet tit font \'air's, 45 bier s t ; r lgcblr,
001e1t way, betweeti Qiinto0 PostOfllct. an elranrl
Trmlk IttiiwayShttine, (role the 1st.1nly,
• Printed, notices containing further infoi'nmtio i
as to conditions of proposed • Contract may be
:Weil, and bianit forn)y of Tender may he obtained
at the. Post (Mien of ell Men,
•lf. M.134RICE11,
Po a Utlt • 1t 8 e to
tl '' ,1 p n r.
fest Office fitOeetnr's Mace,) . .,
• Luuiluu, 10th yhtrgh, ieas. 1' • Ss•t 3t
Di VT t1s. New Good ,
Ph•otograph . llbunzs.
rl utotrraph' :41b?a ns.
rases and Ch•inenwri'.
Pu,'oca and 1i'afletp.
rA-rJcv .00005
of .ill lrigicjh, ehiieper than pro.
\ L Cob'
,� r'11'S :{ llt;A" T.,
Onr Seeia1 :a isi►I:ay
I TS .
We1diow one of the lar ,est'and finest selections Of thes-s -
goods . iii the ,cotrntr3r and we want every purchaser -to ,
m-..� call and seQ-ourr-stie s-_Weshow-a _
} IT11 . far 1,
DOLOR D SHIRT , with T�r� Ga a� , $,
which I5 grand value. In. connection, with our dii, jl
;on Saturday next 'eve: \v ll'oftei' a
reinforced,:. contiiiiious . Risings, hack and sleeves and it
• splendid quality of Cotton,
Sizes 14, 14? 15, 133- This • line will ' only be offered Arat;
Saturday i e t at this fig ne, •and is"•tlie greatest bargain
ever offered in _.Clinton. It, will. be. tt mistake' to nii,s' it.
j _O•lothiers,.,'.Furnishors and titters..
1- 'a' , f- 5: (.
:< i :x 1. :l:
WC.ali' too busy on St'1.t'
'to write dot: an adArtisement
this week. .
•1 W;j;.. Nt JutC�ltill I10 eri'i
0. 0 RANCE & CO•1,
•ItIqr,v't t(ttioeit BOOK.'t`/e1'1C E, .m......r•.o� a.>•�..�.