The Huron News-Record, 1886-04-21, Page 5Pedigree and Description
Owned by 3. '.• CAli'rn11, Llyth, Ont. ,
• KENTUCKY Y S,TA]1 is a bay stallion, with 'star and snip, and •near
bind foot white, has It 1)erfect disposition, is perfectly sound and a sure
foal getter; foaled 1879;; bred by K 3!. Miller, Irvine, EentfiCitz.
Kentucky Stiu', 10. bands high, by 31ambrino I'1>,toheu; by Manthrino
l'hiet; by Alalubriao Paymaster; by Alatubrino; by Imported. 3'tessenger,
Bost Halts -Pricer, .2.:28; by Gatlisle's- 'L''uknlioo; by E win's Tuokahote, hall
brotlfer, to slant of Smuggler, 2;15}; 2fr'l dam by !Whipp (thoroughbred);
:(.rd dam by Ulel Balctlioruct. See Wallace's American trotting; register,
/ol. 3,' :saga 53'<
ill': n>111ino Patcl'aen, t ae sire of Kentucky Star. was'a full brother to
the faiuous trotter, Lady Thorne, 2:18;,'being by A!anlbrind Chief, dam by
(luno, eon of AluericanrEclipse, 2itd'cltua by a son of Sir William by Sir
_ Archy. Ile was the sire of Loudon), 2:20'x,,- Katie•Mi'd•dlctou, :23, Maui.
brim) Kate, 24, Ge ewes, 2:24}, l'hc Jewess, 2:20, Nyu>'pirli, 2:2fi.;; Mani.
->"lirino.l oy, 2:26?, Jessie Dixon, 2:27, Lottie Thorne,. 2:27,.Kitty Silver,
2:2n, Stout, 2 29,'1• anker, 2:`?e9 , l arnbrino Dialuuutl,.' 2;30 and
JI istlot'oe, 2:30, : •
Mambriuo Aachen is also the sire of the dams of Rosa 1V.i.lkos 2:18},
(.(vitt(,\4 years, 2;18?, Guy 1Wilkos.2:18 •„Cloora (double' 2:161)
A le,atitata,'4 y,ears,,423, Wilkes136y 2:2 kj, .St. Louis 2125, • Gcorgiana, 4
years, 2,201, Alcyone 2:27, Angltu•`2:27, stral ?:.28 -; Topsey 2:29,
George lI .ltyselyl. 2:20-1, St. 'Arnaud 2:29ia:Bern tc-ta, `t yet)§, 2:29 ;
lledfotd, 3 years, 2:30. Suc,lt performers as.Patron,)rq,Silver-
oue, 3 yrs., 2'24• , Alpha 4 yrs, 2:213, Hunter 2:2G}, �. J Douglas 2.:2311,
White Sox 2,281, ,L2::2k) ,are included r'emun his great grand child -
're 0. :1,3 a proof that illambrino Patchou's sous are breeding i.u. the 2;30
list, we give the following': -,Joe Davis 2:17;x, by.J)r. IIe>:r; Jerome Tur
ser 2:17 -?1, by• I3yerley's.Ahdallali; Lida Ilrssett 2:20;t, by (surest King::
lleudale 2:.20.1-, by llanibriuo 1' nt;n s; Kitty kitchen. 2:21+,- by .7ub•
;quart: R.F.C. (Woodlake) 2:23}, by I)aribay; John W.. 0 23:11, by :Alan)
!(!lino 11 ours; McLeod 2:24, by 'Iftnttphill's Ptttchen; La(ly Alert 2;24}, by •
1.tiniln•h o Lance; Lelaii. 11;2:2411, by ilduror; Lady Thorne 2nd 2;25, by
. r):tiIJ'r:ty: Lady ,rl:ick 2:2&1;,:bar Ma►nbriuo King; .Billy Dayton 2:27, by
:11(:hv Mitiubrino; Darkness 2:27, by Job Stuiait;. Lizzie 11. 2:27.i,, l,y
\Ianj)rino Boy; Lady !'Alen 2:28; by Carr's AIlnnblino; Any Ktii•g
h) llaiiihrino King; Freestone .2:28i, by Republic; Ike Sheppard 2:24;
;by 1)r. Herr; Novelty 2:28, byGra1,htc;:Four Ooiuors 2:28?,, by J•Ialubritio
!'ions; Lillie C 2:291(., by Dr. heti, etc.
lltunbrino Gillet Was got by Mannbrino Pitymastor. 'I[e ;vas the .sird
of I:uly Thorne 2.:18•, `'\rQodfordTMarlbr•iner 11*,:Worth Star 11itiubIix)u'
t:2t;4, Bay [Ieury•3 913 r A2amb:4no Star 2:24*, andl'ariguoli
a;ts :rho the sire of the slums of eightecn,trOtters with ieedrds of 2:30, or
letter, they being Director 2:17; 'Piedmont c 1.7•'+,,: Voltaire 2:20+, Iatrlittn-
:(;tolls 2:21, I'lainbliuo • 2:211;•.11.dttio Graham 2:21,32-, ''T1ior'ildale ? 32;1,,
tilrurgler''s Daughter 2.24 , llip•West 2:25, Onward 225},Alp11012:252,
Ilninhline.11ellt 2:25.3, lie(ardy's I3ambletonli)n 2:26 ;Resp Medium
2:20:, :Dainty 2:26,!:, Almont Eagle :r,:27, Ilia Clnyr '3:27}, Administrator
2:29 •, . P11ven o'1' these performers—Director,. 111:0iudale • and Onward_•
•are. ouf•of.t)oll.y;'two Piedutesntand.Almost,Eagle—out:oft 41ag=Porba._'
soli: and two—Mattie Giuliani and I)'ainty :out of • Vic •(tis grand-
daughters have procluded' eighty trotters in. the 2:30 list, no less than 15
<tl' them �ia' rug. be'ate n 2:30. -These. lire 1'htallas • 2:131,, INItijolica. 2:15,
i:dwin 'Chortle 2:101, Wilson 2:151, Maud Messenger 2:161, Santa .Clans
9:17?r, A(tolaiide'2:18, Proteins 2:18, Monroe Chief 2:18+, .Pickard 2:18j,
Rosa Wilkes 2:181; . Elvin; 2:18*, Grey Wilkes 2 18k, , Cieoi•a
Romero 2:11, i'ine:of these granddaughters of 31anibrino (Thief have
irro.luceil two .or niore'in the 2:30 List, they' being. hullo (Adolaide,.
2:18, Milo 2:21); Sallie Christer (Protoitio 2:18,: Ucllti'Brasfield
lretchen (hungers 2:10:*, -Pei Sur 2 24*, and- Inca `1:27), l;a•.ar (llont-
i op1ery 2:21, Fanny Wilkes o 2i*),•Alissio(Ktiig 11 ilkes 2 2)}, (;:weariilit
•a:25&), Nonesuch (Lady .Terpin .2:2;3. I butnck:ian 2r27+), Alma Mater
ttAlc:intai•s 2:23, .Alevy rvo.2:2 t ), 1letty Brown (Wilkes'}3uy:2:211; Anglin
1, M. \i. MILLET; certify that the above pedigree is correct..
,!worn to before me this Sixth day'of March, 18851. •
hotter aud. higher than: uiau's
thoughts. .The Bible should take its
place in every department of instrup-
tion and as a minim.] of ethics -it
steed alone. The words of Goll wore
tile Only i)nnitahle-stantlard'ot right
• that had existence. r ftnt' rrrttning
<rveir these . four. demons' why the
I.liblu should be circulated, the
speaker broughtorwar(1 the .fifth
rea,on,.which was tlutt.tlfis book, and
-'.it alone, revealed salvation unto -men,
The great question was not ',What
should a man eat ? that: c`vasi the
grocer's gntistion; not W11,tt shall a
loan drink ?. that was a brewer's or.
.iistillci's gnestion; not .What shrill'
• a mail wear ?• that was a mann.
bait:Hirer's question, 'Elie ',great ques-
tion was "What shall bceome,of your
atuL u souLto-a.11-etet;nity :,v T1 •
,ki hook arena gives the answer, and the
sante• question ill .being asked of
i r in(•u, and therefore should. Itl�e sent
!h, to thew:. (Applause): ' ' .
T111; ,II I \ .X 2SOTA C Y CLO N 1�.
There Was great loss:ot B'e'rn the
west and northwest St;tte's last week.
The revised est itaile.s, of. the . killed
1 and wounded u) e, -St. Glotid Jail led,
al; in,jure<l,80. •Sauk lip pids'Lyitlled .
a7• injured 100. At Rice s' Station
a(ud,a injured,.
country,-Killei1,, 151. in.
".jird, 33; making a total of killed 73,
and injnl•e.1 213.
.1nrnestowli, .1)ak;, Aliril iti. '!'Elis
town was Visited yesterday afternoon
by a small cyclone” rollowed by heavy
electrical rbToi'uui. l3ufhltngs . and
sidewalks were torn up
raw.► vistritn, . • -.
' ('hit:ago, April 1.5.-!1 cyclone.
street; Extra, It., and the' country
south of here yesterday about four
o'clock, wrecking the horse of .4V,'
liiutn.i', late First Assfstaut Door
• keeper of -t-ht) luwa Senate,and It.
schoolhouse. near Inti,• The stone
t.heti took a north eustcrly diretaic+n,.
and wrecked the•hoines of gilt Don,-••
niell, a Mr. Reynolds., \'irgi is 5nlitlr,,
gat:. Pattinson a 1 1]10h01as Martln
ill its track,. The storm wits..aceonl.
parried by a severe 11111 in Extra,
tti'1`iieh dial no damage other thin to
break out window glass•nnd 1•richten
wi,ruen. We could plainly see the
elements ttvisting in vrtrioue shapes
• in' •he town, but the storm had ceased.
ttx I(e a•oytilone and was just a straight
‘‘111.1 when it rendre(!. h('r n Trees,
Aect. %%vied off.n,fi, acid 1,aiu%%0..ttrunu<i:
like straws before tbc- wind,A :oa•
clone struck, the town or Goon (tap•
• ids and laid the town in ruins
.Chicago, April ,1,5, -The. Inter'
Qce(ili'tt Sbtl'aul, ,lIinri,._spee.ial,• re;
i.ferring to the 4t. Cloud cyclone, says,
the cyclone began about three o'clock'
in the basin of the llasonic.ceniotery
forming it whillw,nrl•aliouto'ne thous
and feet in (litunetS), m
It took nlosi.'
every tree in the air Iron) the ;round
ortwisteditbillet the trunk. (:rent::
stones were torn riga. • and carried
alang with the wind. Moving slowly
a,•.not th• t4,est direction, it wrecked
the Catholic (,'Burch .and several
houses in Its course across the prairie
adjoining the, town. 1t 'cotiipletely
cleintiliihed J: Schwartz's lavge,brick
house and scat tere(l .fifty or. •mbre
' fist-tne-4rotts-es-111.a feather:.
:l•it most eases 'nothing is left to mark
the site of the dwelkings but the cell.-
ars. The prairies were strewn with
timber, furniture and ' The
freight depot'"of/the11'Ianitoba Road•
is• a total wl'eckr.,• hiimerou;# '-:cars-
loaded with ,l'reigh.t.were blown half is
mile, and the rails were . Wrenched
'from the tic's, it/passed the limits
of the town; jiist west of .Lieut, (lov,
(4-ttor 01tian'st.residence, killed sece-
er•al: horses; and crossed the ,ltlseks•
sippt• at the Sauk Rapids wagon.
bridge, which it demolished.•
widened ro six 1101(1ered. Ieet and
levelled',Statrton''s grist mill, From
tlret'e it swept through the centre of
the town, taking the best•of''the nus
iness portion, iueluding the. ;Cour't
house, public school and every ion
portant lIlISin 555 li 1111 (ling in the town
except one'stni'e: The village. is sir
tunny wiped out, faiir•til'ths of the
buildings, in it being levelled.
•'rnr•1 r:1T;1timit::s
in, St. float(, though. kreat, are hot'
egni}I in ')amber 'to thus*, ill ;turtle
llalaids. 'In the'Intr;y douse most, nli
11)0 i u)rutnti• were more or legs injur..
ed.- .The 4kw,' at ;St. Cloud so lar :as
known are as follows:.--.1fr, Ko11k-
0100,1,'Irrs. Wiseman and -tittle girl,
a fnuryear olid tion of 0. 'Uwersl:1, at
seven :c'ear sill son o' le, ft. 7+,iiiskoff•
ski;- Mie„ St'in, a•• four-year old soil
of .P. Walllerfs, S. A. '1 sung,11 rad -
man, whose Mother. Win, had. boor
legs--sntaslte\l and they had to be stn:
petaled; an:unknown railroad pin -
poo; e, 8..•T• Wohnt'sen. 'l'a'o y`nung'
children :of Mr, Inca and hairy• of. were nisi) tzrllc'(i,
'r►u' 0kl117 hM ?.tTfl tt:Cr►n Y.
vn rat' na heard, riot'( ,1, .13 ► loan t .anclt.
Grand Success
0 0
Our formai opening on Saturday was a splendid success in every partienl;rr'w It.was admitted by the verylargo'
1unnber who paid us a visit on that occasion to be b
The -Grandest Display of ie
l sery Fancy & Staple
Ever exhibited in Clinton. O0r Millinery •peparltment'is now in splendid workin order. Any ordersgiven
� }' � rel � will bw
attended to with the leans possible delayand at prices that distance all our competitors:
Stock complete in every department. Seo our (woods and. compare ..rices.
state late JOIN lio'DGENS
5 per cent,.; off for Cast. ' ...
Is s now in good working. order and under...the th - `
� �aYla�; eYY1ei?l,t of
MISS D , R S, who: s o favor . bl•
. � .. � � � �� � and has been sai
succesSful in that p de. art en
which : • we think • Vis' sufficient
for .perfect : - sa sfact on. We ; ask
guaranteeaninspection .of '.
our . A TIE .GOODS,.
• ORNAMENTS,': &c..
{) h�
• ( nit ilinitior
'1, :gids . and atiurday; -
The,Lat�estA American iean Noueltiesr Bila
�rtrr,:as�s c,. Tweeds of 25 per. can
evr Prints,, .e* ()ie. ... • dew _Gloves New .n.s.
,�vq� �••y�
New Ottoman and s arin' Merv. Mantle• Goods, MenVand.
toysNew•�,e [�°'.'�i� a .y� ' .L- :. .. .
ySpring. Hats, • ew Carpe s, New lobi
his ttiio•elithireti; ,John Kenard, conn•
ty 'auditor; (•leo.',Lindley, cottuty
trestsuret; twe children of C..(,, Wood
ElIgaa' 11111, 1 resident'of the ernit►n.
American Nti(l
tionitl. Bank; Abner
Stir's, a. child of ,P, • Carpenter, ',and
.ludge.13eaupre were, all fatally ujtic=
Prom Sauk Rapids the storm went
to Rios.5tntioo,.11i•nton ()Ginty, de
molishiug the village and kidingt or
injuring neatly the entire population'.
•. oll5Ai1'r nKxntNo sesNi,:ti,
• Saint Cloud ,lllinn.,.April l5.: _When.
the mgrs( trains . from tit.. Paul.. and
4)inn'eapolis reaehett here last eve.-
mug. n6 physicians hlsicii:ns ivhn 'came to the aid
of the cyclone sufferers .(8(1 15 , a
huri'ied.survey of the work the); htltl
to perform, 'At St, 13enediets has
where ttte wounded had been
ttt►ten, a heart re, ,11 ng • scent' was
etaennntered. Twenty eight wounded
persons had been carried to thn Inas-.
(,flag and men, women and cliiltkren,
lily in broken shapes, bathed, hi their
own 110011, their faeiwi blackene41
eitt(1 ;;rt'n ray, arms and legsbroke n,
scalps torn and. bodies• lacer(at`a'dl:
A 1 the engine ' house, which has been
converted into a temporaryniorgne,
a still more dreadful- picture ;vas to
be set):. 1';ighteen iifelr•as bodies
were sti'etohed on the floor . in two •
rows. While moving : xutot1 .1. tire,
dead, scanning their faces and tvtrttr-
itig."at'pttrol by feeble light, of
lanterns, moved many" eit.i'J.eite, ]
searching for trie101.8 and ie•la(ivee-!
arnnetg the tli.ingure+d, and in maw/
(11(Nes •e;in,ist ittirtitognizsbla. tncovs• ')
the it -,til' . 'rio: 111' the
1n ,St.`(aoucl'Lis etiinate(i :at between
tr` 12,,,000 and 51 5O, J0.
4 Y .'i �n.
T. I.T. i.
. A. report conies •front Mice's sta.
tient, about twelve• miles Off, thitt a
rousse to which a wedding arae in
progress was struck by t;lts (30 011e
.and twenty persons killed, '
iv wtsCONsiv.
Stitt(; fattids, April 15.- 1+(very hue.
mess house in loaf* was destroyed
hy,yeeterelay's cyclone, and only the
City • Hall remains ietagth >•11 the
present, time 22 deaul bodies. have
been. reeoi'erati f1'nai the rutins an•1 a
(trate niuilber • of , persons •injtired.
The total loss of property is nor less
than/ 4,100,000, • without a ((opal of
oycfone insurance. ';
liig Lake, 31 lin., April h). -Drs.
Ilfgtrhy and (nigra:; ori Minneapolis,
just Troia 41. (loud, ,ante that new
bodies two being- recovered hourly
from the debris, and bring brought,
in from the country to the track of
flue tornado: *Twelve beloved peep];
have been brought in, . revers( or
whom .will die. Pour. persons have
died at (heir Nolan is since morning,
At a elntrch' east of ltfee's Station,
Out tertetrod 'a.1 of ten o: a avedding
per•ty w re killed, including the nal-
elating minister At St;to1C Rapids
31 sloe ah'ea,ls d.uul, The lot, will
swell to forty. • Dr, ,laser', o1' mitt-
nenpnlis.'a ho is' on duty at at. (`(snag i
1014 1)t'. Dalvarr `that: at. 158) 1 .t.ltipty
denl)15 will. re tilt tar • the i:air'tr1011
There, • `b lie lose at ,$lt. (haul wilt utlt,
if, is t iinni'h1 a' eys tR ! t'tr r,t,O. 'kWh(• '
.t'mviio;. ort' tl:c 0eatal of .,':5o.1 ►(tr.
re.tro„nlralrlr, lie>tri�. •stn flctely crf
l lKh•, .
eel. and blackened. 'Crete was • • l .contractg. matte
B to rt' r 7 g� �(yT fbt !III 1'hPi'.ii
'titstrKarila number injured. atantit 1)i -s•J �ti+' l,l which is kept.m'(: .
1 filo a.t tht•oaie¢ .of .IO1t11W31h?ll:i
{,fits; and si!iue ' Many- of the sur- Corthi.k ?31(ici: t:htcago It1
!hats' IVill• 60 disabled for Ole,• h 1
• St, Paul ,Jlinn., April 15, -The (.')i r•
fr'eiuue.if i',:5,000- t 1 4 I_
d . it, cash, `Y1
to aid the cyclone•stifl'erers;. and Gov. `•, __--, ' ;
ernor•flubba):r4 dispetohed ai car' lobe( < +� `.
(a( dlruvfeions to 5rteilt Rapids. '. (' ".
1v Itltti30tritt.• g ` . t/ f' ti -::'";...i..:9''' •.
Skidmore, giro,, April {5.-.- A fear- c .`t`i
Cul cyclone. passed, over "(tuoe
TI -2 ,
township, Nodotvay count- last eve: .tl: ' + �: •
idiot, T.lestroy�irig• 'd wellin s:3 ' Barns . c s z..` .
outhouses ".. �.
1 r'.):1:4
killing In
dnl • ,, f; thrinsaneds of � � . tzl , � "., ,sir �:
I,rs•lyseth of 'Three per•- •, 94.-' c'"y: , ..,.:
sons ,were kilted any n)ariy injured, Cyt -j t'; + ' . 1
4 . �y t
��. @alb i
'•pp� 'V� .:y tS � .1.
1 \''itt,i,: to kat,. L'ttLlitae• 1 �• `•v t'1 .� t�•
.," tV1NUt1s .
( utter.. 8�9 C,5 ,Y (. ("?+-
-Sts►) :].I, lid�rrOP
!:rr 'ri S`,
r1;1: Clover ns:l Grasp,
Y:.S_.� ` C . 3.'
Iftart.7'•t71' ( (Y?ti9.j11,'1G'7[l, 1)t:sh1as.' •.,sial j w r
a 111G(, Sten,11711,W11, 1y.. ( . �,.
d1. tF • ,1 ti�
�l'Itits. 11'7tv,,'ictil'13(ti'71r,/, ,Srpia/;7't:u.'r, i w %-' trf1,zi
( 7.1+. x Prraw, 131,e Awe, BAnfie pip 11r,
,st,'. j r.'' �
\i`triTil 1.l';4111AX OA` $: Mhntf9 13' tt.t t . �: t f " w' rw:
:ei,( ]i'<:ctl (.:'. rOi l,ih(1C,.:•.t I ,',r✓,! ,''
JAKI'iES t',:'''3 SEEP'