The Clinton New Era, 1886-12-10, Page 6if,
141I1)AY, PBC. 10, 1860.
demantt fer. the enforcement of a
between the Government aod the Ofinft-
ditto Pacific( Railway Company, -which
was to have been completed last week.
Your correspondent called onthe
ter on -railways to ascertain, if poseible,
image of his father—the perfect image:
Don't yon think Ito?" "Well,' I don't
know. I 'toyer. saw hie father. We adopted
An editor who bast reached the advanced
btlt thto age of eleety attributes hie long life and
local law against smoking to the 'streets the nature of the disagreement
. ) tuexcellent health to the fact that, he never
i ' s mildly agitating Boston. geotlean stated that he i
was -not n a expeeted to pleatte everybody and never
Most of the Uglier shops of St.Stephen,
11.E.I., have been closed, owing to the
efforts of the temperance people, who
bave been enforeieg the Scott Act.
B. .B. MacPherson, President of the
Thorold Woollen and Cotton Manufac-
turing Co.ralid an old resided of that
town, while on business in Buffalo, was
seized with appoplexy and died.
The Scott .Act women in the county
of Frootenac have depided to work in
the coming municipal elections, and an.
effort will be made to bars the -entire
incoming council. in favor:of the A.ct.
During last.montli 4,752 cattle and
3,2,808 sheep were 'exported from Mon-
treal. 'or the year there were 58,498
cattle and 80,657 Shesp exPerteci, being,
as compared with last year, a keduction•
of 8,714 cattle, and an increase of 42,-
436 sheep. '
• At Matamoins, Mx., Manuel 13erri-
ent and his wife Maria, celebrated on
December 1st the eightieth anniversary
of their marriage. The husband is 102
jeers of age, and the vrife 96,- A. grab
throng of offsprings • cotnprising grand-,
children, great grandchildren and great
great grandchildren,crowdedtheir home.
The aged couple are wondetfully wiU
There. was great excitement at the
lower bridge in Belleville, on Wednes-
day morning. If was alleged that a sea
serpent had just been Seal- in the' river.
Several hundred persons quicklYcolleet-
ed, firearms were produred, and the mon-
ster fired into many tinim, and finally a
barbed Bah spear was plunged; into the
• object, and: it was brought Ashore, and
discavered to be,—a long strip of cedar
There is a' man at Duluth who has
ty years in lotteries, raffle'', polioy-play-t
inis, and dice -shaking, and has never
iron 'much more than a glass of beer.
He says he is bound to keep at it until
he hits a fortune, but his four bare-foot-
ed children are a bit doubtful.:if they
'can get along without shoes until- that
time arrives. In the last raffle theman
bought twenty-four Oat of fifty chance,
and lost at that. '
Prof. FOrbes, State E'ntimiologist, has
coreplet,ed a thorough moiruination of
Southern Illinois wheat -producing coun-
ties, where losses have been cansed by
the ravages of chinchbegs, and he fihds
that the infested area. has largely in-
creased during -die -year. EtessettissiciOr
the outlook in Consequenee'VerY gloomy
bfor the 188-7' wheat crop in that section;
unless some unusual fitato of weather
should destroy the brOod while betebing.
A deputation front the directors a
the Infants' Home, Torente, and citizens
waited upon Attorney -General Mowat,
on Tuesday afternoon, and.called his at-
tention to the rapid development of
baby -farming in: tbe City,- and: its atten-
dant evils. They seggested the license'
system as in Ileglaticl -and sem of the
States. It was stated that in many Of
these houses there skere4roecilliiiriri--
nine children, and most Of the keepers'
• were ...connected with lying-in hospitals:
Mr. Mowat expressed •bie•'surprise at
these statement's, and said he would give
. the matter his earnest etttentioti. . Exs•
Mayor Boswell was asked to•nrepare. a
'report On the subject. and subtnit it to
the Premier.
A Bismarck, •Dak. telegram says :
A phenomenon is reported 'frOin Coal
Harbor, 50miles north: Dtrring the
coldest hour Monday the heavens seemed'
-aglow with the most brilliantfire, and
about 4 o'clock in the afternoon an im-
mense blaze of fire shot down through
0. the frosty atnicasphere, its passage being
accompanied .by a lend., hiesing_noise;
As the flame descended a breath of
warm air passed over the vicinity, and
the stl'ange visitor fell on the opposite
side of the river. Its 'contact with the.
, earth was accompanied by an explosion,
which, sounded like thirfiring of newt;
.non. An examination of the Spot where
the fire setimed to :fall was made soon
after, and the only dvidence of aa ex-
plosion werethe shattered' ice and a
bare depression in the earth. No one
can account .for the .phenomenon, but it
is believedto have-beena meteoric frag-
ment. Its' direction was • from north-
east to south -110E10.
About a it:tenth-ago Laura Chartin,
young French girl of renSarkable beauty,
was arrested in Portland, Mna. on a
of vagrancy, and was tient to jail
for four months. •Quito' re`dentlY, a young
• Swede, named Frank Evetson, called at
jail to see her, and without loss of time
asked the girl to marry him. She con-
sented. A license was obtained, and
they were married on Sathrday. The
.girl as Everson's first love, but fate
separated them and be married another.
His wife died, and, after a season of
mourning, he crossed the ocean in search
of his ldst love, who had removed with
• her family tO Canada, fle found on
arriving itt Montieal that she had gone
to Portland, and so followed her, He
was shocked to learn of Ler arreat, but
found that she had been taken from Oil
assOciateil, and had only been imprudent,
A greet interaitt is felt in the pair, and
• it is underateed that Croverner Relate
will be asked to add to their haPpiness
by letting the bride goft'.
An Ottawa correspotident says:—It
iestated on the Very bOat 'antbOrity to-
day that there is sothe hitch itx the ad-
.ustmetiVoradearritta and -final -set tlement-
position to say what%the difficulty was,
It is learned, heweVer, fromr otlaer reli-
able resources, that the Government are
opposed to the Company making thqir
Atlantic terminus on the United States
seaboard, itnd refuse to cone to a Anal
settlement until the -Company give Some.
assurance that they will have their ter-
minus in Canadian territory. In order
to secure the passim of the, contract
with the Canadian Pelapific through Par-
liament, it will be remembered, Sir John
Macdonald had to pledge himself to see
that the terminus of the road was with.
in the Dominion, Be pledged himself
to the people to see -this carried out, but
the railway company, who by their eon -
tract are not prevented front running
thoir line to an Amerioen port, are not
willing to accept any such proposal.
How matters will terminate it,is hard
to eay, and if the Grivernmeni have to
accede to the demands of the Company,
no final eettlement will be effected, at
lout before the elections for the Pro: -
vines) of Ontario are over, as the ac-
knowledgement that he, Sir jeltp, had
to ,back 'down, would very materially
affeot the cease of the Conservative
party throughout the Previa**.
witikt three bey., two seas ef
Geo. Lee, ag*4 6 and 6 years respeetively,
awl a son of B.. Pulver,. aged 6, ware
drowned at Joy, a village leo Wayne Co.,
PC Y. Tim went -on Aim lee in Ike mill
pond and broke through. -
' poor but wicked, yourmen in
.Winston county,. Miss., ,dmiring to get
married in•good shape, without too much
expanse, boteght a Suit of clothes on credit,
wore them at the wedding; andthe next
day returned them to the merphant, say-
ing they did not fit him.- •
A. fewbights since the wife of Mr.Forbes,
a resident of thutown line between Lebo
and 'Loudon townships, was aroused by
the labored breathing of her husband,.
lititriffiiiis ligirraliturprhirtrowrotortring-
to the bedside fouud life .extincel. Heart
diesase was the supposed .olinse of death.
tried to. •
Thia is the glorious season of the year,
when yet; wear an overcoat one day, gad
a thin coat the second, a porous plaster
the third, and a doctor's bill•the fourth.
A Halved in church, after, the contri-
bution -plate had recta passed, 'complacent,
ly end audibly saki. "I paid fur four,.
mamma ; was that right 7"
.A. Cedar Springs, Mich., young man
&lied on a young woman tbe other even-
ing; and fell *sleep in hie chair, with one
arm around •hr waiet, When he 'awake
, he found filet be was embracinsiSe, churn,
.---and *kat the girl wag gone.
"The darkest hour iu just before the
dsvn." Yea, w0 believe that it is about
the time yen eet00 ia conteCt with the
rooking-ohair Tat, in the middle of the
vim "and eager for the fray."
While Joseph Mellott; of Anthereiburg,
was threthieg clover on the farm of *Jamea
Pehnore, in Anderson township lust week,
sparks froth an engine ceased the clestrac-
tion of th'e barn and Museum:- Three.
horses and a clovee mill belongiug ie Mel-
lott were also•desroyed. • .„7
• • • •
'George Seaman and James &lidera, aged
12 and 14' years respectively,' of, Reading,.
Pa, abaenter-theineelyea from sehool on
Tuesday, and, being afraid of punishment
from their parents, did not go home ;but
crawled between two het ovens at the
Henry Clay furnace, where they were suf-
,fecsaed and burned Almost. beyond .eecog-
, nition: • Their bodieiwere not found email
tete Thursday evening. .
• Chas, 00x, oLthe townshiwef Hinchin-
• brook, near Kingston, fa tafifferer froth
smallpox. Twelve days ago; While return-
ing from the Levier Provinceshe stopped
eff in Montreal; and believes he contracted:
the disease then:. The nogessary sanitary
precantiinis have boon tiken, and the -On-
tario Beard ofIlealth has been notified of
the came.The members of the' family
have been vaocinated, -"ittici will' 'be placed
under onrveilenee. . • . .
• The Executive colninittee. of the Tororito
OitY.,GeldneiLlfaie •refused to vote the
2,500-refifing gratui,ty tit Chief Drapir;
proposed by the' Police •Commiinsioners,
Tosu rip peaertsto be. a ri'41Stittin actidir.,
Mr. Draper had .11 salary: of $2,500 a year,
•and he shotild have no difficulty in pro-
viding for hisnwn waate. Suppeaing• the
ex-chiei, had beeir employed by a private
firroe instead of bythe corporaSian„, would
it have been expected that; on his retir-
reent. from dutya he Would be .presented
with a.purste. of $2,500, Hardly.-
-A Buffalo. Courier special from Birch
Run says :—TM,) dwellibg of Jesse Stock -
ford, two miles west, in Taps:loath town-
ship, was discovered on fire Wedneaday
night. The ternperatiire WaS only six de-
grees above zero, and a cold wind was
blowing. The fire spread so fast thet neth-
trig wag saved, A boy mine years old per-
ished in the flames, and 'another, 'loved
years old, was burned an badly that he
died, Mrs. Stoekford was also terribly
• burned in the at mpt to -save her children).
Mr. Stockier ran barefooted a mile to
neighbors r assistance, aud.:both feet
wen) badly frozen. •
Labouchere in Truth last vreek says : . I
hear that the remedy born eon of Primates
Beatrice is to be called Albert Alexander -
Victor Henry.. A Tory contemporary an-
neunces that as a Minister of State has to
be Present at the birth of g royal infant,
•Lord Randolph Churchill was hastily suns-
inoned for the purpose. This is, absolute
nonsense, Princess Beatrice would have
been in a bad way if she had been taken
ill when Lord, Randolph was summoned,
as both be and rattly Randolph were invit-
ed to dine and sleep at the castle on 'Tees,'
day—neatly a week before --and their visit
had`no counection• whatever with Princess.
33eatrioe, who was not taken after
the dinner company -had mpalstted. Lord
Randolph was -comfortably asleep when -•
the intesesting event was goiog on, and
heard nothing of it till the following morn-
ing. It would have been a heinous breach
of etiquette for the Chancellor Of the Ex-
chequer to have attendedaa this
duty always fells to a Secretary of State.
The child's cradle was bought by the Queen
in Ediriburgh. It is of polished oak and
lieed with pipit. It was exhibited in the
artisan e section of the Edinburgh Exhibi-
tion, and is a very neat and substantial
piece of furniture,
Iltizaorou.s sketches.
"Are• you a Honse-Ituler 7" was asked
one of the candidates at the late eleetioe,
A. \voiee from the back seats answered
; but his wife ia,'
A. writer says that thirty years ago a
man tithe wore hair on his upper lipara's
enrisidered either a !natio or a foreigner.
Now he may he both
" What a beautiful child 1 What an
extremely Itandaome fellow 1" says the
gulling visitor to the lady of the house,
"Yes, he is it handaotne boy, X think."
Judge ; "What is your wife's Chris -
Hee lama Witu'eam ; "Don't know;
we're been alarried these fifty years, and
I've never smiled her atsything but my old
"I understand," said a deacon to his
neighbor,. "that you are bOaoming a bard
drinker." "Thatis down right slander,"
replied As tieiglileur, "for no mall oan
drink mere many."
"Will yen please give tee a penny,"
aaid a tral4P "Vall blind!' "Yon uo.n
SOO sub of etre _stye as well 03 I oan," re-
plied the gentlemen importuned ; ''you
ase oily half-blied."' "Then give me a
half -penny," mid the tramp.
* Parke's Creritolle Cerate
Rays yoe• an old Bore. Out, Burn, Braise
Corn, Bunion, Salt Rheum. Pimple, Blotches
Rough Hands or Vaee IP If so, theme is but one
mire, namely, McGregor and Parke's Carbolic
°orate. If you but try it, it wet coavince you.
It costs but 25c. at Worthiutton's-Drug Store.
Sluggish Liver
Causii's the .Stoinach end ,Boivele to -
bome disordered, and the whole syste'in:
to suffer from debility. In all...such
• After rouch %suffering from Liver and:
Stomach' tratibros, SC have finally been •-•
cured by taking' 'Ayer's Cathartic Pills.
I always find them prompt and thorough:
in the•ir action, and their Cbcoefonal use
keeps me,in perf•ectly healthy- condi-
tion. Weeman, AnnapoliS, Md. '
. .
. 'Twenty-five year ago. I suffered -from -
a torpid liver which was restored. to
healthy actieb! by •taking Ayer'S•• Pills.
Since that time I.: have -never been with, .
• Out them. They regulate the
assist digestion, and. increase .the appe-
more.surely than. any other medi-
cine. -- Paul Churchill, Haverhill, Mass;
, 1 know of mi,retnedy eqiud. to Ayer'
'Pills for $toinach. and Liver 'disorders.'
I.suffered from a -Torpid Liver, and Dys-
,pepsia, for eighteen months. My in •
.avas yellow; and. my tOngue coated. I
had_nia.n.ppetite,,, suffered -from-a-lead,---
' ache, •.%-as ,pale and emaciated. few •
boxes of Ayer's Pills, taken in.moderate
• •descs, restored Me to perfect henitll.•
Waldo Miles, Oberlin, Ohio.. • • •
Ares , Pills are a 'superior family
medicine, They strengthen and
• Orate -the digestive organs, create an •
. appetite, and remove the horrible de -
:.pression and•.- despondency .'reaulting •
froM .Liver OoznPlaint:- r have Used: .
these. PillS, its my family, for yeas, and' •
• they never fait to give 'entire satisfac• ,
tion.-0.tto Montgomery, Oshkosh, WIS.- ,
Ayer.s Pills .•
• •,
, .
.• Prepared by Dr. tr. C.Ayer &Ce,, Lowell, Most.
•-• Sold by all Druggiets cod Dealers In Medicine.
We have enlerged. our premises by an addition of one story °tithe rear 4k or store
and have now on hand one of the larkest and best assorted atooks of STOVES zz
lite county, having over 100 to select from. We keep only; the leading lines a
are Sole Agents for the CELEBRATED RADIANT -HOME, ART, GA.B,LA
LOR STOrEs in great yariety and at redueed prima.
And 'satisfaction guaranteed. We are now manufaebniing a HOT All FU -
NACE mailable for ordinary sized dwellings, They eome low ita Fie* lad g,
the best of satisfaction. Also a: lot of SECOND-HAND STOYAS °KEA . i
- ,
HARDWARE in all its branches°. Amoriaaa• ad• '
• • Canadian COAL OIL. -
it will pay you to give us'a-call beerespurehasing.
HARLAND BROS SWn• of the Padlock,
II 3 Alisert St, Clinton. •
WM carry a heavier weight than ,nnii
. :waggon made,
-.7F-hpridm frOel4igent• *an tOants .to pur-
hitys.lcont parties talioSe.,standing in
...t ervcrixt oral tios.'ifi z .000-reentee .1-.9r i
• U(11 y: of tkeiri Th IA sterling intittetS
ou lily 'true la reell.r..(1 to •patent medicines,' buy
mityt hose inwie btpraction.1-.profoesiona1
c.-C'ii tSli: is too wollanti•f.titeralknoVva by
_ r•in•ilpt b•ooks to raluiro itay-ted4=monde:-
Son, •
. Cti. Ass'it-I.tvcr Car -6114- -a•reonipt btiek••••
every battle which is Wortli.ite
1 (I
:14. ,ver it guaranteed to Curs
fli.yOl` a torpid or inaalve
-.Iivcr• 1,r Vosta5t..ii010,:e asssepeesta..
-• tasstaasseutes-ettLseaeuroci, Jeuxistabe, Stead-
• : ktiDN.E.Ys
CtrASeS J.fVor Ciin'Ote h -certain. euro for
Oa in lower sasstion-of thenbitimen,
. . :
.8. •
'n-11 o tato .kallieys,such as alit in
- -• s
o• J4 710. all 11 leery's t otos, etc,
t011118S1/011g1. 110tO. 1 *',S yont.
it. tatta mi ether,: it will cure Sold
Itv t,11 detiers 00 poi, bottle. . • 1
71:11MICArgt-1-014 & Co.
ad LC AGENTS rOtt "CANNDA. • 13AAD*1:4111)
• . .
Aft:or being thoroirghly'overhanled a id ,e4itted ith
NEW MACHINtlitY nt the most approved kinds, t iese
mills tire now. in splendid running order, and will not.
be surpassed in the ipialitv tile work. dons, by roty
- • • niiii in the country.
. . . • .
Attentip (4611 16 'GR1STING
..• . .
I •
enormo nowt ON SU:OUT NOTWE.
• .0 , •
Stitishiction !guaranteed. Partics...wanting anything
whatever in this line will find it to their interest•to
give its a. call- • _'
9 • .Thanking niy customer& for past favors, I redpeetfully flak for ri• continuance
• .
• _ Pregeription of a physician who
. ";.i..,o, has had a life long experience hi
.4 ., treating female diseases, IS used
monthly with -perfect stiecers by
fty•" over 10,000 ladies. rPlensant, safe,
effectual. Ladies ask your drug
• gist for Pennyroyal Wafers and.
-take no substitute, or Iname post-
age for sealed particulars. Id y
tv, • N. . s all druggists, gl per box, Address
seta in Clinton by S. II -COMER andDruggists
everywhere. a
. •
S.• WI ILS011- - •REPAIRING proinptly ;attended to. • All kinds of ' TINWARE on,„,han . .
• -4
• Our stock for the. Christmas Beast:in' is new complete, in
ioceries Crockery. China: an
-Kim Currants- vary iholoo.- Goirsi Corrants sAra aboloo. ilLomon,--
:Orasgo & Citron P. Figs9 $uti, ac. Fut; iiao of G000sol . Goods,
%lees Cogtees..and•Purailiv.s.otos a Specialt7
. •
See the rioveltide--;cow ‘'being:opened iti CHINA and GLASSWARE, Mostly .
suitable f,or presentels Low prices being the order of the day, the above'gooda-are
marked at a small edvatice on. cost.. Frptii our experience in the past, we pan&
dentally pxpeat to do large amount' of businese this season. Goods delivered
promptl,y anywhere in town.:
• , ,
The Peo NESS Depot
. .
,.• 31.40.r.srp•-m.siztdc).)R•citc.
Having ,enlarged my show room and ,."gotrio full -stock of all classes of geeds
• sesually 'kept: In the •
matt r.1.71zuvv,24,re
I am -prepared to 61 -nigh the public with all kinds of:HARNESS, BUEFALO,
A large stook of tivat-class HORSE -BLANKETS, kt..: lowest lstes. SLEIGH.
• 13ELLS, have a large stnck. which. I will sell cheap.
f.inake all . my own COLLARS, and will warrant them to give satisfactiore-esi
• E. HUBER, Proprietor.
. •
oRANGEs, Ll'il()•.1.5S and CoLeetriseal- THE MERGHANTS'
• EltY "Or.ALT, .
Prote..ctlye and Goilacting
• •
of their patrcinage.
n gROCENIES•-i have decided ou going into the groeery. business, in connection
Repairng of all kinds promptly attended to at reaso
wtth my other lines, and hayepurobased a nice and select stock of all goods usually kept in •
able rates. A. trial solleited; •he grocery line. Parties wautieg anything whatever in this department can save money
•. by calling on me. •
s6 iir fBaltimore. •
, 20c. per (fish,
—Ohoice soll 1Sntteris -h Wiest
c. per q ( HOtrom
price pan]. Few) ef ail kinds intlight,
E X OI.' S.
Xmixsor; ntecit, nertox STREET. C0I1ITOR.
The Great Engttah Prescription.
'A sticcessful liedieine Used over
80 years in thousands of cases.
Cures SpettnatotThea, Nervous
Weakness, Thriissions, Impotetto
and all diadems caused by abinie.
'[astens] indiseratfti, or over-exertion. tarries'
tam packages' Guaranteed to Curt ',Wiest ral Oilers
rail. Ask your Druggist for Th. Greet Neenah
Pretteriptios, Mike_ ne On6 package
E. Bit SS, by man. Write for Pamphlet, Address
Straka eantrastcat Cor, Detroit, Illiehr
. .
Sold in Whiten by .T. II. COMER and bruggiste
sulome rm. any busitia.,s, in settees meek ea
Lena, yceine of Credit, Also
017e Diireiliog 11014:10,
controy situated. For terth'er ;;Srusulars spoy to
sl; 0:4CP:tag i—OtiN-TON:
. • • .
" Head Office, (kit.
Efirdlibtollap 1884.
en Association of businees and professional Mon,
• haying for its object the •
..COLLEOTI-011 OF D,EtTS;. .
---A-Tat to prevent its inembere making bad debts by
furnishing them With lists of parties who do not pay.
Merchants and others having accounts to celled end
'Wishing to hoconio members, by remitting 87' to our
Managers, Hamilton, Ont., will receive by return mall
full -particulate, certificate of membership, etc.
J. B. Mnis & Co., Managers, Hamilton.
i .
Or to Js. THOMPSON', Agent, Clinton,
N. 81,-411 persontrare warnedagainst a Man net&
ed ranikner,Wittig from St. Marys; wo will not
recognize any members taken by Min after this date,
or monies Paid to hilt. '
Read This aud be Wise.
I have opened ifi Blyth, a first-class
BOOT, SZEOE lo and
• .
I Make and•Mond all kinds of Boots and Shona, pad
keoppn cxeellent etook on hand, Hirst -class work,
AAA/0 )
DIV vQ‘,1 lino
5 if you want anything in this
It will pay you to COMO sod
see ine. I keep front a hone strap to 5 Ns. I set of
SINGLE or DOUBLE IIARNDSS, best of etock and,
werionanaberinmy always be egpected. Please gird
• eno a call;
IIas commenced and—we aro prepare& toshlow.. one of the
.., finest linos of
S041/3 SHV3A tA3N SUN
In tho .counfy. Our Stock of
• •
Vases, Toilet Sets, China.F gures
and Fancy Chinaware
Is unsurpassed, Also a r.plendid line of
YARNS, and a full assortment of Children's .
SLEIGHS from .50o. .up. • "
Call drid inspect, our immense stock.