The Clinton New Era, 1886-11-12, Page 1• v01. 21, 46
317100,18-0..50 Per known in aavatiee
ONT., FRIDAY, NOV. 12, 1886.
ek •
Coma:x(4-111e council met on the Ist lust,
All the members present ' Minutes- of last
meeting read aud approved. All the Jobe let
by tender were dumbed satisfactorily and
Drama to lie paid. Moved by Wm. G.
Bp:m(1foot, see. by P. Kennedy that the fol.
lowing accounts be Bien, cutting
hill and banking at Jae. Crich's bridge, $24.
- •
B. culvert on boundary line of Ilay,$12.
Kehl" culvert boundary of IIibbert, $4,
F U RNIS R S J.'Kehoe, gravel, $26.06, j. Crieli, timber,
$8. Sam. ldeGeoch, culvert on eon. CH. It.
•._ _ S• $2.50. M. NiTilliams, • ditching on eon. 4,
S., W. $17. A. Kennedy, stripping and
4 . • cleaning out grivil-PiK KaanadYs
ditching and grading„cou. 8, pa. A. Mo-
Kinnott ditching and culvert. con, 4,
S, $7, A. McKinnon, ditching' and, grading
eon. 4, B. S,, $14. 11. McKay, tiraber for
11.1I. S. bridge, con, 4, $.0, X.Blown, spreading
gravel, Limon road„ $1,00, Coldwell,
spreading gravel, Hensel', road $1,25. Wm.
Angtirmrepairing bridge, nom 4, 13, •It. S.
$16.60! Elgie, teaming...cedar, $1, W.
J. Sillery, ditching and culvert, eon, 8,85,
It..Pedper, grading and culvert, 838.00: W.
Bullard,, oulvert, eau. 18, $5. J. Gisher for
gravel, $69. . Or. Campbell, medicine for
coo, $17.-70, goltuested; for advice, 0,
.1. C'ameron, for repairing culvert, 82. D.
McTavish, cleaning nub culvert, $1. ' Ise.
Sproat, cutting an outlet and making sp.'
•'preaches to bridge, $70, jas, Bell, for gate
• into gravel pit, $4. l!doved by Saml.
• Sec. by Itobt. Elgie that the following .sums
he granted in charity ;----Edmond Comber,
$5. Nicholas Price, 05. • Ms, McEwen, 85.
Tim clerk was instructed to notifyallpsrajes
baring fences upon the road. allowance to
have them removed immediately, that snow
drifts rimy be prevented as fat as possible.
j Moved by. Sarni. Saddle, Recd. by P. Kennedy
I that this counoil adiourn to mut again on
Monday, 22tid day of November, at Ill o'clock
1- a, tn., at Dixon's hotel, Bruiiefield.
W. IdeConsm, Clerk,
=• •
An elegant stock of -Novelties naw
,he seen in oily &mous establishment.
IA lc •
er0 l'Ilisitery. of onr buainess'
have we: Oltt6d:02qh betutiftil
eetiOn'et line goods ne
• SHIRTS,. ,
EN 00,144AS„.
' S
We are convin iir easort Went
is not •equalled •.1. 'district. ' We
know we are offing. heatiest goods
• in this section, quebt • eidered. We
are continually relleie" 'ell the lateit
thinge..frori_the-lesolin‘yeznerket,.e, and_if
you want the finest arid nobbiest goods, -
code and see us,
kiler.the.little reeks' we ere showing thee:
si • Itteet"•novirties
. .
5tikritTts, ASTRACIIAN
• •
Comiyind sin our Boys' Palsg, 400
OisOsind issiOurBoys limItititnA0a
Coin 'Ind SO' our Men's. AittIC 50s
The above !hies are a -wonderful bar-
gain et cents.
kin t tersg, Clinton,
' • ' smeeneire. •
Ginerowezet ,PeeeTes-The Members of
the V0T0 a •Orange Lodge celebrated the
Gunpowder Plot on the evening of Nov.
5th, with an oyster supper at Mr. John
Johnston's, at Whith a eonsicterable num-
bet of the members and friends of the or-
der met and spent a very good time.
:. FEasONA.Ls.-Mr. Jae. Dunbar, 'of Ash.
held,paid a visit to Stanley last week ;. 'he
finds .a'great iMproVenhent •since he last
visited it .twenty :years .ago.' .: gm. Thos.
Ward has'ieturited from her Visit to Ash-
field. ; Mr. Jos; Dunbar visited:friends in
Stanley lanetveek. '• Mies JeminiaTbomp;
son has. returned 'hod her visit to her
friends, at M0080. Jaw N...W.T,• she has
•enjoyed, excellent health „during 'her visit.
: Biterses.-Mr. J. Peekesold his year-old
Tentitie. colt to Mr. peter McGregor, of
.12,recelield, for the siem of $10. . Last
week Mr: Jos. McEwen, of Bayfield, last
a -eliciting colt by a cow running its horns
into the •eoles side, • and, Mr:. Jas. Wells
lost one the same way about two 'weeks'
ago. . Mrs.. .Tames McClyn2ont returned
last week •,froin a three months? visit to
friends in. the Manitolia," and the North-
weet: - Mr.:Jas. McFarlane has isoldeorne.
of his •splendid Shropshitedown sheep to
Mee Thos. *lee, of Varna, . and •
:Mr: johns Delicate 3rd con. of Stanley;
Mr. McFarlane has still a few others for
sale.• . , ,.. .
: Fe.nitwnete-L0e Monday 'evening Sth
ef Ntee.;,b_eingetheeessee_eLthedeparteteof
:Mr. Chao,'Wells-and family to-Missenri,
about :one hundred of his friends and
neighbors Met at his 'residence and pre -
Opted him with an address and a silver
open cased watch, • aid Mrs. Wells with.
severer articles of silverware, as a slight.
token in .which. tiicy regard : Mr: Wells
And family, to ,whiele a heartfelt thanks
was given by Mr. Wells. • Then -.4.11 par-
took',of a hearty supper. 'which the good
ladies of the vicinity had 'prepared:- , The
reit .of the evening was. spent in singing
and: music, and all • dispersed ' to .'• their
homes sorry to part with Suth.nit hid fam-
ily; but 'wishing thene peospetity in 'their'
new horde - ". • ' • ' ' • ' ' ' -
, ,.•
. . .
•GnirtiAnt.--On Wednesday, the .3rd
ins.t ;there' was .called to his rest one of
the ioldett tettlers in this. &linty. .: Mr:
Donald eraser, of t lie ,grd tail: Of Stanley.
after a Imigthened illness;borne with' great
patience and resignation,: died in hie,77th
year. - Deepened Was a native Of 'etalen
Urquhart,. Inverness-shire, being born
about 15 mileis from the entient toC,Wri• Of
Inverness, in 1809. lie paSsed.his 'youth
in his native eenntry; married Jane Nrbille
a native of .Ross-shiter,in-1.379; and Mili.
grated to America. in • 1850,- He aettied
in the township oflikeGillivray, , then an
'italkoken. wileerhees,,,and se part Of ,the
county of Heron, • He cleared . his farm
-and-iived-there till 1870,. when he sqldletit
andeneved 10 Stanley. He lived. n fir
t on., where he remained till his death.
again sold....ntit_and Moved ' to thett ird
Hilt"s'OreenTor Abut five Oars; wife, i ts,
He was a liberiiLin politics, and was wont
to bout that the candidate ho voted AO
was always auriceigifille In 'hisdeath'Ithr.
Mr: Rot'', trucefield, loses a stituchiMeno-
ber of bis church. The subject of this
sketch waktpriet and phObstriiiive"; lied
good jtidgmenk Was well read , •• auk -had
accurate information. He leaves a &Mlle
of roue sons and five daughters,. the eldest*
John, is Meyer of Petrolia e-Thoinatt of
this township; Colin is attending the TO-
ronto University, and Win. is teaching in
efiddieeex Chi. Ills daughter, Isabella, 18
now Mrs. Young, of the township of
Minto. The other ' inehrbers of the lam-
ily Are at home with his widow, whom he
hag lett° mein th6.16eitiot 4tentleiTlind
loeingitestilhande , • , l' i, • ' rl ;' '
1.,,,, , :. • ' ......0.1.,;,,,,, .:,'''t. tEte..7
Fe$TIVAL,-$The congregation of the
Methodist church here have announced
for a dinner . this (Friday) evening,.at 5
o'clock, ti be held in ,tbe Temperance
Hall. The addreeees will be delivered in
the chUreir; and the Revs, lioWell, of Sea -
forth, and Musgrove, of "A'inthrope aro
eitpeeted ft> deliver them. The acimistsiou
is only the • usital quarter. Music from
the choir. A good time is expected,
'4Aoneetturt TOWN 4HOP •
• found him lying on a -sofa. Some neigh
Id bore soon arrived when a doctor waesen
ne for, but shortly afterwards the deceased
C- expited. There is, we think, some un
ug certainty as to the exact cause of death
ot -aerneit our informants stating that it wail
en• caused as described, while others think
s, it was caused by the fall fro ,02 the wegoli.
(.1 Mrs. Reid was•in town on business at the
y time of the accident, and returued home
a to find her partner in an unconscious
ce state, from which unfortunately 'he never
es rallied. The funeral took place from the
deceased's late residence Sunday afternoon
a .very large number of relativea' ,and
0' friends following to the township cede.
Tery whereetlite-i.ernains were Interred.
The deceased gentleman by industry had
a• accumulated 'considerable of this world's
U goods, and by his stern integrity and gen,
eral courtesy had won' the esteem of all
0 who knew him. The widow was a mem-
ber of the well-known Morris familg, and
,_0 sister to Mrs, Andrew Beck, Universal
sympathy is expressed' for the members
h"• of the deceased's tensity.
. • .
Bann. ••-Dr Sloan leeway ih Muskoka,.
4 for a couple ciweeke bunting. Mr.W. 13,
Dickson and wife were in town on Tues.
..f day ; they.were going to Goderich. On
Monday night we had a narrow escape
d from fire ; the svindow blinds in R. J. Mc -
Gill's store caught fire from a lamp in the
f window add very soon were in a blaze;
• and but for the promptness of Mr. McGill
in smotheeing it out, it might have been
a 'serious affair. . . •
a ..,•
YRESENTATIOH,-The congr of
. tbe Presbyterian ehurch held a social) op
. Monday evening in honor of the 29t1.1:$in;-'4
nitersary Id Mr. McLean's residenetilon,
Blyth as pastor. The ladies more •than
surpassed themselves in arranging Ali'
e tables, and to otty that they 12reseot&l:
grand appearance would not be aeything.
- like the. reality. Just after tea was over
. Mrs. MeLein was presented with an! ad-.
, dress and a dinner set by Ole members of
the bible' class. MeLean replied on
behalf of. Mrs: McLean, thanking the
•bihle class and members of the congrega-
tion in general: • All then found their evay
stairs when speeches were delivered by
r•MeLean, who gave a brief history of his'
connection with the church in Blyth, then
followed speeches from Rove. McDonald,.
of Seaforth, Pritchard, of Auburn, Law,
of Belgrave, and Remsay, •of Londesboro;
The choir rendered several fine selectleus
. during the eyening.• • • :
FATAL ACCIDEtty,-0n, Tuesday a chi
of Mr, Geerge Miller,. of Goderich tow
ship, met with an .aeculeut, which has r
stilted fktally. Tfiey had been killi
Iwg8 Orl thd df0,1111, and wlien. they g
through scattered thd lire that had be
left. The child, aged about two year
playing around, set its clothes on fire, an
before the flames Could be subdued, the
had burped the child's legs and body in
dreadful manner. -The child was at on
put under a doctor's care, but its injuri
were such that it died on Wednesday.
Brieers."--1Mrs.D.C. McRoberts, of Lo
don towbship, has been visiting relativ
in this township. Mrs Abel Reed,
Ashfield, has been visiting friends her
A few days since Mr. John Molecule set
large trap beneath a bench to catch a•re
wanting something a dey or two after,an
forgetting the trap, he put his band dow
without looking, when the trap Closed o
his' hand, tearing the skin from the bac
of it, Mrs.Wm. Stirling has gone to Sun
shine to visit' her brother, who is bad wit
sciatica. Mr. Walter Weston and Wrii
()row have gone to Glarnis to vial
friends. W. a Steep evidently think
that apples pay, for he has bought'appl
trees to plant six acres with. The sale o
Wm,Townsencl's, last week, was not large
lY attended; stock told well, but imple
ments not so well; Messrs. McCan an
Cook have *finished their. work at repair
ing roads in this township and some o
Bayfield streets they have beets on th
roads for about 6 months .and at from $3
to $4 a day they must have cleared
handsome slim; There was no'echoel in
No. 10 Bayfiehline, on Monday after
noon, to allow Mr. Cooper, teacher, to at
tend the funeral of his uncle in Clinton
Sahbileh eas 'sensually dull at Cole's ap
Pointmeet, quarterly services being held
at Bethel. thereforerthere was no servic
here. 'Farmers have resumed their usua
quietude after the great excitement aris
ing.out of the heavy culling for their ap
pies beiVir. David Cantelon, apple packer
• BainFs.---The regular meeting of the
Literary association.vrhich'ishould be held
.on Friday *ill be postponed for week
on account of: the• concert in the • church
last night (Thursday.) Mr. Joe Coventry,
of the:4th, With' his engine, now supplies
the power to Wile:ban &Gosman's thresh-
ing machine, R. WilscM's engitie, being
:in need of repairs; these threshers have
made an ex'celletiteeason and have sevetiii
week -a' Work yet. .
A. VETERAN itinerant, coin-
- I -' 0
f.' • . Bay Fir gun, • ,
t ! iluttcrs,-The, regniar meeting, Tif-co u rr.-
1 CU was held last Monday evening, in the
. I tewn,hall ; Reeve Essoa in the chair, and,
, I councillors' Conner. Bailey aud Pollock
.1 to the . .alitation,_ Army -0114110 1141.94
I present; the use of .the lifill was, granted
. is itAFo were.
terms, returning officers ,for the coming
, election were appointed, . -a few accounts One 0.•the.moit gencroas employers in
Paid and the council Adjeurned. . eer'('s hear town is Mt. D, D. Wilier!, the noted egg
Moorehouse is again in the field as :reeve
his many,,employees wIth a ticket fottlie
dealer. , Every yeer he presents'each of
-the third time is the chalets: Out new
hotel keeper, J. Swarts, es,malring large . Mechanica,,Tnstitute. . , '•.;,, ;
improvements in hise house. COuncillor '-.e. little eight year aid see Of Mr. Th04.
Bailey has made a grand road to his plAce Jordan -died lest Friday .evening.e The .
up the hill; Ben Higgins MIR the con,- funerawalatvoeorky p4lragceeiionfoSteuVelidY. atreseit'ot .
tractor, and be= generally inekes e,goed kndan Arnm_ivaike4 in .the ._promailion
job. Morgan &Marks are preparing their
IlAtet'impther of the Child being a member 0
storehouse for 'wheat buying again. Our r
harbor is open riowebut the fence built by that bode, Il • -
Prof: Addison again shows signe of 'decay; The et:latterly serviees;.eonducted, by the
-1doubt the led made a very bad job Of
that contract. So our friend Wieless. has (pliassttoor,uirepz.,...T4.41i!lagedi;yel,l,sitilrett.atialet:448teetefliea.
I "'-
got to be Police Magistrate, without s,ala. intere4,e. -1,,Plie leve.febeteffes.beld at 9;30:
iry, for South: Huron, Keys 'gape the a, me ipid 'l Isere was a "g9cii,f4tecciaucc..
appointment reminds him of the dead'fArnong th:Oesee'resenewtree-e Ile inherfrera
who put a mustard plaster on a cork leg ; , the,`;'Alma appOintnient rhere „Special tier- .
well) we will see, (The • little, -town of ACC'S aiii holing hdia. • : •
, i.ipla often . ill.) oh
Varnaitsits upon a hill,,
the streets are 'urrlia.ei:l'i, ' gave
lTirof 1 i risltiedt'fiftlet
very muddyand the per. 'i.els)roefsig,lettii8
That's not bad poetry, is it? 'Friend in the churchslast Thesday,evening TIM .
Smith, of that town, visited our borough wne libik astieted by iome et the hest dee
the other day ; he looks well .and hearty: cal talent. together With 'Mr, Jas. ohne,. , •
good old Rev.. George jamiesen on Our P
We are plecised to see the smiling fade of ofrolVrianuilmiaerai,,,,4tIsir' sTehn(/ .
streets this .week. ' 'Geo. Castle, ex -deputy enjoyed themselves. . . •
reeve of Stanley; has rented-his-hirfn, and Marriage was discussed by the Rey'. Mr.
comes to town to live; we extend to him • 'Dyke, ofToronte, at the 1VIethodist Church, ,
a hearty weleoree ; we went and have room on Wedneselay last week. The '
for thousithde more. • WO-liaVe the finest attendance was not loge; probably owing . •
4:?yrcomualdY ibeea'ena
titz.31L.tioonipLaiitwoawyri.: ignodthievounpipder4por.toiveinfuciieee gtoboicit.mbiteineygtihsauwgeht tetvhe4ribibig4
"ee'lergeits4`dtory, and as many other good isTa g000dtuclebatilensawr;avbero,utt-iheeiltottituerierrhoymerey...
things eliat may come. dlr. *sty. ' •
.. .
_ . , cleverly brindled his subjectand 'threw.
• .__ fikrtiq A : . .
out; a few 'ntieful.hints to 'those present;
• neee'Le•Ifev.• Mr. Jamieson, seinefitne especially the '•,s-• ems' p'ciple:'
-46.1n.:oliaite of Bayfield. Presbyterian • Net long since the Rev. J. E. Hewell)
coegregetion Preached in ..the Methodist of the Methodist chsirob, delivered an ex- •
church on gabbath •eveningeeiwith. 'eerycellent sermon on temperauce. The tem -
great acceptance, and has.teeh rendering perance people in ' town `..have .requested
valuable assistance in the epeeialtheetiegs hid to repeat it for thehenefit Of the'gia7
now in progress in the village ; he has ere] public,:and bailee ' consented to do
been stationed in Aylmer east for the last so .0n .Slinay afternoon. Nev. 21s1, in
five yeese. Prof. McKay of. London, is Cardno's Hall, The ministers' of the other •
trying to work up an intereat in music in denominations .in town are expected to .
the public echos:Ile- of this 'locality; - the be present. to participate At the •meetin-g-
Prof. is quite' 'enthusiastic over it, but the '''' •The GoodiVi-nislistaef this, place held - .... -
- :------- -.
public require ,a good. deal of pushing; 'another'. of a series of open meetings in
doubtless it would' be a good thing, if it elle teinpeinece 'belt lret ',MondaY even -
wee heartily taken'hold- of, '' • "•• .' ing.• The prousinme consisted •of read- ..
• Suet -nor linivrix.-Xt: is out palmist -ings, recitatiense"Vocel and iustramentel .
duty.' to chronicle the, sud.'n death on mole T.liere was a geed atteedance and
Tuesday eveninghist nf Mir Win Clarke, all at 0,0 it was an eyeetag.•welt tipaiie
'et., Of this village. Deceased was one of rn
A hese' opening Meetings' have been Ann- •
the'first 'settlers in Huron, and by induSe diretive of good so far. ' Thelodge Mem, .
try -and,-economY, became posselised of a ,beeseie has been itsereesed, :led some who,
nodpetepce for his Old age, besides set,' '•fiive long' been slaves to intemperance •
tling a number 01 sons very comfortably. •have been induced to loin the great telt- :.
ills family oftwelve eliildren, came tO t-heTsperance army;
estate of manhood and womanhood, with , • ..• 16.0•Notsetie 0401.: '-
one eXCelitLOD, and are nearly •, all living . . .
within the bounds • of Stanley township‘ STILL. .111414EG NP1t0vgigimrs.-IVIr,
and enjoying in a high degree, the respect John Bruntidanhatithareughlyeverhatiled
aed confidence_e_f_theeconenttnity. Xelsrlei his choepingemill.. .ITe heejtist•put in an- '
it year ago Mr, .*C., with his bereaved •otbei. set Of rollers, andeeoartenged the
partner, - became 'rteindents of this eillage.. 'machinery that the grist is first Chopped ..
During thiseetme; he enjoyed altneet un- by •oneset of roller!: . and then pessei. .'
ieterruptedelicalth until Thursday . of lett through thaepouts to the Other set of rol-
week; whedealartdingsymptonie of heart lers, and through them -thus securing a .
diseasseetppetteerallied.--egainehosie good crushing for 'anything_ that 'passes
ever -and continued better until about five through the mill. ,His •.hati also',reversed .. ' •
O'clock- -one-T-tiesdaez-,"eeening.-whin--he- -th'e-apiilication'-ofLthet power-i!so-as-te • --e- •
was again attacked, and .thia time sue- double its force, and -secure geed' work ' ....
eumbed to his 'disease.•. Deering his brief every time. It hs Wen running about
residence among .us.he 'has gained the ea- three weeks.and giyee entire satisfaction... '
teem ofall,the announcemeht-olehis We notice Ala& A neW. Set of Stairs to, his.;'
death has cansed sadness in everrheart, carriage shop, and a neW:fleor. to his blielte '
Oiiiefeliiirfeti friend waS a laver of the ...seeith slic47; - „ : , . , . • • :: - ' ...
merlins ot grace and mere • especially the . •FeemeeeReeeTee .06 -ting of t.he For,
Jainistry,t_fithe., Lord, whiaii. was ..,eeer
*datet's hall .wae•ii'grand 'success beilig•the,
largest gathering ever seeii•hrth'e village,
being upwards o( 5001n • Bell's_ Hall; < It
was literally jammed .tehe door there not .--• '
being any roonfto el tease 'Majority had,
to stand, but they were well paid for their
trouble as there wasa. megnificelit-spreed . •
at the tea .theeting in the new hall, to
Which all done ample juselee; and at the•
entertainment a. grand programme was.
this township, has rented the farm of Mr. listened to, ccineisting or Oonkii; comic and .
Edwaeci Snell; who livee on -the boundary sdennettism. ental . readiegs,, recitatinns, solos,. •
trios, tind• quatteiteo. Our:total - . •
or'.West Wawanosli; .for.three years, at e talent deserves special -mention. . ' The .
rental Of $230 k year. ' T'llea. farm cantiiins , Askwith's tire a host -in theniselvea; also
100 acres, and Mr. hits sectired a lif r..Bennett, of Clinton, and Mi,sTliornp-''
good place.. • Mr. Snell's lietilthc
, ompels see.
j0.06:iive. up, fahning. , , .. to a charm. Iastel
et Tb.l3o
wnieinsgdhtniaectoeind ehdivecipoanr •
•ftuetteinat, CkerniDeTne.--4, large and .
ntlineigistie meeting. of ' Reformersre was ecielereCe°g'e.erceten iei.u.'"Treesse4enelteMeatrierie.ise: .
held in the Temperance hell) Londesboro,
n Tuesday:6qt, to noinioate eandidates citatien was something grand, far beyiend e
me tee. coping- mu n id pat•eleetiona , ' Mr. •Iiieeeseet,i)Pet.i?tell'eViedn'alleitille.tii•61,8hecri'afft6iiihea.,viveasanYa .
H ' Snell occupied the chair, eint'' after
attire consideration, the following tic- a
good one ell- througneenel..the', few' Who
et was selected :-.For Reeve, Jobe Mc- id •not attend itlinuist'aeirnmiledge ' any •
lVIeDbeald, missed the bigge,st treat: ever.held ih the.
Milian, for deputy -reeve, A T
For coubeillors„ J Brightitne Thos. Cate Air. John NeAlano. oecupied•the'
chair. Owing to the hill being so hill arid .. ' •
ett end Itobt Scott. . •
so liot,'Bro, R. Elliott, ' ]3.0.R,.gave a
Aeeenuene-Mrs.Brodwick, who resides
ti the town line near Blyth, met with it short but very appiepriate address. on
forestry, resulting in applications ooming
erious aceident last week: She 'vent th,
in. The proceedsof the lea meeting end
he barn to eee After some ot the stock-, entertainment'wereabont$125,.. The snoial
nd whilst climbing 4 ladder it gave. Way on sattirdaynight was .it : 4iitce8s a:sq,
rider' her, and She fell heaVily to the
groued, and dislocated her ankle. ' What realizing alinost as much no 'a gond tea -
makes the matter more seriotis to her, is meeting, the hall beingjell .to the dooi. "•
the fact tbat'for along Utile past, her little- iltI4ftverers,f°ollail,ritgi rtiiiiiie
Rielliteity ollatlitai
• 4aubliiener, •
cider has taken it place. • 'Dia yen see ,
ehlr;-So-and-Seethe tipple hover; wonder '
if he is corning armlet" soon ? my apples
are .in the ;orchard yet. Mr, and Mrs,
John Sprung.,are off on a visit to Prince
Edward county this week,
monly knovvii as tinkme-Reberteenee, *lee -
n -takes frequent calls in this neighborhood,
is around again after two weeks sojourn in
the Londou hospital, where he underwent
an eperatioe by which a •cancer was re-
moved from above his eye. Eight years
ago Ise had one cut ; from his lipeand he
is, now in hopes that he will not agaia
• have to stiffer a similar operation. , He is
a man of seventy or upwards and wanders'
arotind among the residepts of E. anclW.
Wasyanosh, seldom . staying more than a
day at one place.. •
. nureciitayir. •
BEIM'S. -The " beeutifur snow fell
heavily 'mi. Sunday evening, and few
Th" tri-On't , The boysl
• are organizing a string band in Taylor's
hall; and several instruments have been
phrchased ; Harry VVinfield has a very
fine banjo, The Exchange ,hotel•is being
-fitted up slOwly by 1'. E. Nixon, who will
somegive accomtnodation to a few friends.
A. -TAylor getting rid "of his stock fast,
since_he started his big diSponnt sale'; he
is now handling' large quantities elpoule
try. ,eggs and Suttee. The Orangemen
elebrated the 5th of November in a -loyal
manner here; Rev. J. F. Parke preached
a sermoh to them at 8 p.m., and at night
they had a-sirppel in their hall, which was
well attended *Messrs. McArthur -And
McKay shipped two car loads (240 barrels)
of apples to the old country,' from -this -
station; this week; several !wide of wood
were shipped to London.' :John Rolled -
SOD, ef.East iffawanosise' was delivering
hay on Tuesday, for Mt: Alex. Stesiart;
the firat load upset while turning the cor-
ner on the gravel road. Mr. 'John Gilles;
station agent, and fatting, were. awity for
Iwo weeks 'holidays, he being relieved by
Me. Glebe, of Neustadt. ' •
• comet/ANL • •
leenuenbie.--OisTueedaY the:2nd Neve
the :Rev. `John Young wits ordained and
inducted into the pastoral charge of Ni-
agara, Fails Setitheand Ohipperva,• in the
Presbytery ands:41ton. Mr. Young is
a son of Mr, Alex. Young, . of this town-
ship, anti reeeivod 'hie 061160a:to atethe-
°logical training at '..Queen s •University,
Kingiten; arid epent last yeitt in Edin-
burgh at the Univetsity there. •
PRIEFs.-The Rey. Mr, Kestle (pastor
of. Colborne circuit), bits closed revival
Servides Ball il char* Mullett, after
haying great. success. Mr.. Thos. Lacer,
formerly Of Colborne, married a Stratford
lady hot week. Mr.N. Morrish discovered
• a leekage-tinder the boiler of Ina saw mill
and has been idle for the last feW days,
Mrs. Wm, Treble, while getting iri a
buggy in Goderich, on Friday last, fell,
breaking her arm above the wrist in two
FATAL AOCIeENT.-A correspondent
of an exchange furnishes the followitig
Account ot accident by which Mt.. Alex
Reid; of this township lost his life :-Mr.
'Reid and boy had been digging a dram on
the bed pert of the farm. , Having
ished the job they were returning to the
stable and when driving over the newly
excavated ditch Mr. Reid was thrOwn
of the wiiggon,by a sudden jerk. This
ghtened the teamt ayoung one,and they
started kicking, during sehich,it is thought
Mt, Reid was atm& on the book of the
heed. The horses then ran to the barn,
and deeeased getting up told the bey' to
follow them and he himself walked to the
olt !use, where the boy, tor* afferWarda
afte.mitsvelet.u: .• .
Fotiespnge..,--e-...The-billowing officers or
Court: $elwocel• No. 87 0 0 V, were in -
:stalled by D D 0 R Hands, Of Benz:oilier,
.ots Friday evenin last: T. Murch. ;
•Sam Stnrcly, y ; A. Halstead, Chap;
Ed; *Leers, •R S J. W. Phipps,. F S; O.
W. Williams, Trees ,• Wm. Johnston,
W;‘ John Trewartha, W; R. Glidden, S
13; George Levis,' J B.
Tun •PQ.sT oFmcn.--Mr. Peter Fisher,
who has been for .a long time nominally
postmaster here, has taken active charge.
!lVlisses Fisher are,. we understand, going
to move to Paisley very'sliorelY.
THE C. P. --While the salt bleck is
rapidly . nearing completion, it seems- a
very herd matter to make the C. P. R.
dove, so that it is not ideal' likely they
will fuIfil their promise to carry, our salt
outatChristmas. They seem to want to
grew', the very last cent. they can • got.
They now demand that, the town pay for
all deeds, .ete., connection with the
_right of way, and also close several' streets
• crossing the proposed.lipe. • ., •
Nowee.--A petition airiongat the user -
_chants to close at 8 p, mi during the win-
ter, , has ' been largely signed. , • We beer
that Mr. Wee. MeOlymont is 'going to
open out again in the carriage business
hear. Mr. Alex. Kelly has completed e
large extension to.his already huge barns.
k' •
p 1
this time at Gordon dz. McIndoo's,
.A., W. Webster is moving this .Week, one •
deer north Of Gordon & McIndoo's. A
representative 'gathering is expected • at
the Temp -mete Convention here, on the
'10t1E Mr. W. Rutherford has rented Mr.
O Jobb's farm in. Turnberry. Mr. Jas.
'Watson's; the mill man; effects woreitild
Ander seizure on Tuesday. Thme ise_We e
hear, a difficulty in the Cong-regatienal
church, and the church has been Owed 0
for some•Sundayes., Mr. Roderick MeLen.
Han his told •hi s betide and lot on Maple
et. andeis•going to eiove to Stratford.- '
Therc ere special services in' the Roman k
Cattle' d church, Sunday, Monday and
Tuesda Mr. R. Walter's bare near •
lower Wi ham& was destroyed by, fireeon b
Wednesda orning, A great many are
mourning the loss of Jas. Watson,. agri: 0
culthral implement agent, svha has depart- s
mi suddenly forparts unknown • he ss Fe- t
manna to his soul, "We rejoice to know,
that our loss' is his: infinite gain, And we
pray that Ged may comfort ehe, heart of
his dear companion of, more than fifty
years, who lingers a little. longer on the
shores of time, and who has the heartfelt
sympathy of the entire community.
. • HULI4Err. •
ResTnn,-Mr. Bielby, "Of
ported to have," dohe up' one of our le-
wd money dealers brown, Mr. Thos.
131ack has edded a shooting gallery trOhis
tinkle-1,room. • Mr. Jos Mason, photo-
grapher, was called, by telegrain, To,..
ronto, by the death of his father. Mr.
Jas Markham, son of Rev. J Markham,
called on wine of "the boys" this sveek.
Messrs. Sell & Co. have purchased the
Hendershot steak and are•busily running
it olf. The new Captain and •Lieutenant
are drawing large houses; perhaps the cold`
weather and curiosity. assist them. Mr,
0 E Williams has received a .nunrber of
fine toboggans. There is talk of an as.
eembly of the Knights of Labor being
formed here. Mr, 8 Merrifield, for a long
time with Messrs, Scdt & Bell has trans-
ferred his services to the Union Foamy. in
nerielw \vslits101A4s4)kettvler'ns
band has been suffering Item dropsyefrona again taking part, and "closed by singing '
which lie is not likely to reeOver-in fact n A
he is censidered to be in a dyleg condi.' ,eou save the Queen, at an early hour.
tiTa'reti's..-The turnips are an extellent 13}0"8-111e aPPle'Paakera are flir"gh
crop this year,and are got in in very good with their work in.the neighborhood, but
order, ae the late weather could riot have tha.°4.1eP are not an daiivPad Yet' :The
been tnore• favorable. Mrs. john A. Al- council have beilt a tenet), along the side
leandylieeortinwk:dvneertydapyrecmieroironuisngcosnhcleitiovvnpse of the road *bore the ci0 'woolicc factory
thought to be dying and her medical ail- stood. Our joviel toilettes., Mr. W. Van',
viser remainedwithSer for 12 hours, on stone, has stetted on hie rounds ; he re-
* ports money as being plentiful so far.
The lecture in Zion churcikon,Wednesday
night was fairly well attended, Mr. Mae -
del, it respected resident of thio place,
pasoed away on Sunday, not Olt. Al- .
though he had been ailing for soMe time
his death Was rather sudden ehe had been
engaged in tanning Galilean here for sev-
eral OM and had made fist himself many
warm friends; his remaine were interted .
in the Colborne eemetery on Tuesday ;
r if the lino* is going to last. Water 6011004d family 1"1" th'' aYmPat'hY of
down to zero at'present, as a. think- all-iii-theit9mid-bereartrisetit.' -
. .
r. Andrew Murray has given up his
blackeinith shop and enoged with Ur,
Wm Gannett. The Caledonian Society
Will hold their annual haggis supper on
the 30th, Messrs. Gordoci & McIndoo
have engaged a utter, and are now run-
ning hrst-class tenor shop in connection
with theit•dry goods business. Miss Haley
dress and meetle milker, is. moving over 0
e ees ay night • the symptoms' *ere
uch more favorable and hives ate enter-
temed of limreeevery, a Steward is
Under the dettOr's care, but is improving.
The thertnemeter stood at 76 degrees or
et:Maser heat," Sabbath a fternootx week;
not bad weather to wind up October with.
Mr. Joseph' Govier has disposed of his
stock of sheep to S. Andrews of Goderich,
The general exclatnation heard is 0Won-
Gordon & McIndoo's store. is