VO/io 21s NO, 40
TERMS -411.!60 Perin. AUnl- 114141.140
7f- New Ntrergoolents.
-LA situated house to rent, "on Rattenbury St., next
to the' Methodist etzurete Bent reasonable' MRS.
at Clinton, a large Black, Boar. If not previously
redeemed will he sold by Public Auction, on the Oth
insat 1 p. m. L. TROUSE, Poundkeeper.
1.3 of the subserjber. lot 21, Ilth concession, Mullett,
a large Black and White Sow, :Any Person giving
sucs inf6rmation as will Joad to, its recovery will be
suitably rewarded.
*2in • CHAS,. TIGHE, Clinton, P.O.
Practical Painter of many„years' experience, is
urepared to do all kinds of work m his line. PAPER
ties. Work done at the ir.est reasonable rates and in
a satisfactory manner. Residence for the present at
Mr. Pinch's, below the G.T.E, J. MAYNE, Clinton.
40,41, '
OCTOBER IsT AND 2110, 1886.
MP.43.11M $13.425
, Good to return till Oct eite. lowest ratesS
to all points in Manitoba, Via route.
. r
given in pursuande of Section twenty-four; chap-
. ter one hll
hundred and seven of theevised Statutes of
Ontario, that all creditors and other Perseus heving
olainas against the estate • of EDWARD HENRY
TIGHE, late of the TownshIpoLHullett,
of Huron, yeoman, who died on or about the 21st day
of 'March, 1880, are hereby required to send by Test,
prepaid, or otherwise deiblei to the undersigned, Ad-
inistratrix of the estate and eftects of the sahl de-
ceased, at Goderich P.O.,. Ontario, orntrarESSES:
GARROW & PROUDPOOT, her solicitors, Goderieh,
on or before the 15tli day of October, 1886, their chris-
tian and surnames, addresses and description, the full
particulars of their claims, a statement of their ac-
. counts, .and..the-nature-ot-theseourities.(if-any)
by em. And notice is hereby given that at the ex-
piration of that time the said Administratrbt will pro-
ceed to distribute the assets of tite said deceased among
the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the
claims of which she shall then have notice, and that.
she will not be liable for the assets or any pert thereof,
to any person or persons, of whose claimshe shall not
then have had notice. .
Dated this 28th day of September, 1880. •
Administratrix' Solicitors.
-MARY TIGHE, Administratrix..
_ _ _ .
" After being thoroughly overhaided and rez.fittektrith
NEW MACHINERY of the most approvedlinds, these
mills are now in Spleinlid.rutining rder;,4mixl, vilLget
mill in the country. ,
Special Attention pm to ..GRISTING,
Satisfaction guaranteed. Parties wanting Anything
whatever in this line emend it to their interest AO
" give us a eall. . •
B. ItUBER,-Proprietor,"
• . - ••
'STILL -14k the "IVRAC
. •
••• - • .
The subscriber begs to return his sineeKVI.Lnits to
all who have so. liberally patronized him during the
past three years, and inforrethem that he is ski' on
, the track, . • •
' • •
HURON ST., crritrroic
With a full line of
or& best qualities, which he will sell at the lowest
remunerative prices to all win? May,favor lum with it
B113 stock include!) FLOUR, CHOP, SHORTS,.
all kinds qf Vegetables, BARREL SALT, all of which
1 will sell tor cash or coarse grains.. BRAN, SHORTS
and FLOUR by the ton or cwt., and ever tiktiLiolg sold
at mill prices. All articles delivered free I charge
within the corporation. My motto will orl
goods, jtist weight and ohe price." .
item Street, Clinton.
Sownotiip 404°4111qt litatteo,
THROWN OUT. -Mrs. Th -os Wren, of
- Chiselhurst, was thrown from a carriage,
the other, day, in the vieinity.,..o_f_Stafte-
The whed pessedeover her chest mid she
receiged quite a shaking up; we are glad
to !care she is recovering:
13ttertme-A large netheie of out villa-
gers and feemers from surrounding coun-
try, are away at London fair. Rev, Dr.
Ure, of Goderich, was here last Sunday
assisting Rev. Mr. Thomsen. Our local
grain buyers are now doing a fair business.
Ursnee-A sheeting , gallery mair had
quite an experienee here lately, kb e was
driving threngli our village, when one of
the tugs came undone. The horse then
backed the whole concern into the ditch,
and overturned it. With the help of our
villagers he got his waggon set eight aide
u,p, and with a few repairs he was enitbled
to pursue hie journey. Shooting gallery
men and others of this "'tripe, beware of
our village. •
Stricinte=lefefigram from Dungan-
non states that JIM Glenn, a well-to-do
farmer ef-this township, living about a
nine from Dungannon, conimitted suicide'
on Tuesday morning by shooting himself
in the mouth, with a shot Ono The
' charge passed out at the back of the bead.
Death was instantaneous. The cause of
els nigh act is net known. leaves a
wife and family. "
mereliant, Mr. 1'. OW-
eillees-Awayeette-London this 'week, per-
ehaaing goods and taking in the London
fair. A. Gledhill is eivety to Detroit on it
visit. The Imo rains have raised' the
river a few inches. A goodly number ot
the halves took in the Show at Smithes
Hill on Wednesday. Tho farmerielt 'tele
neighborhood are nearly throegh thresh -
BRIEFS, -We are sorry to say that Mr.
Geo. Sproat is again very ill; on Sunday
lase he was attacked with convulsions,and
his life was despaired ef ; on lest aeeelltltS
be is still in a very criticel .conclition, Mr.
saiah Hell has exchanged. his
elanitoba, for a house and Jot in T
er, belonging to Mr, Hugh Alexander;
Mr, A. intends removing to Manitoba with
hes-farnely;----elle aucl-Miss Heddle, of Ben -
miller, paid our section of the country a
flying visit on Saturday, Miss Mary
Townsenehas returned !rein her visit to
England, much improved in bealth.-
The 'body of Mrs. Nesmith, mother of
Mrs. C. Crabb, was Ilitought to Goderich
on Tuesday, from Alpena, and buried in
the Maitland cemetery. The ,deceased,
who was evell-knewo in town, died at the
age Of 70, through -congestion of the brain.
Mr. Mann, formerly of Goderich, now
of St, Paul's, has been skirmishing round
Goderich for a long tireee, and has at last
succeeded in stealing the treasure he set
his eye upon, Yesterday be took to
himeelf a ' perdner" and " she that was"
elise Eliza. Weston, is now on a wedding
tower" with a men.
Wedding bells were to have been rung
Wednesday et last week, they rang Weed-
nesderof this week ; they will ring Wed.
nesclay ofnext week, and again the Wed-
nesday after, and Mice more the Wednes-
day after that; hello, girls !coine to Godde
richef you want to get a bachelor or wid-
ower,our town is,foo/ of them..
the winter's lecture course are pearl
pleted. The town has beep divided into
sections, for the purpose of a thorough
ticket selling canvas, by the young
ple of bath elethodiet churches. Tb
'Miura is on the 29th of October, by
happy voice, but rejoice to know, teat she
"is safe in the arms Of Jesus ;" nuteh sym-
pathy is tele for Mr. McMillan and his
sorrowing_ lantilee 1(9hthas new iosehie
wife, two daughters and two sonsby this:
same disease. Mr, Wm Strifthers and
farm in' wife teek in the -show at Guelph last
eeswat- week,
FARM PENTED,-hii., Alex. Smith has
rented his farm for a ,ternt of five years to
D Stevens,at an aneuel rental Of $1.50,and
he reserves the house and five acres dr
land. •
SIILLVG Oter,--ler. John Torrance,ofthis place, intends selling out his entire
stock and implements, by auction on Oct.
20th. The farm, which consists of 1.5o
adzes, and is one of the best in the county,
will also be offered on day of sale. Mr.
Torrance intends removing to Manitoba,
where he has a largetract of land, two,
sons and a daughter,
Frotn'a casual correspondent.
BURGLARnY. - Mr, David
'I'ell heard a noise the oilier night, at the
end window of his laouse, and rese to•eee
what was the caufse, when he found a man
at the window. He had nearly succeeded
ineemoving two pH
panes of glass. eck-
cateped immediately, without leaving his
'address. It will not be wise to attempt it
again eroued here, as some of the doge
are on the scent..
• Serecaisme.--Our townsman, Mr.John
Brunsdon, has again carried off prizes at
the-Hullett-township-showe----He emir
-8 or first prize for single buggy, feet for double
coin ggy, and second for a double waggon.
The waggon was much admired by Illauy,
who thought it should have taken first.
ePfielesi .1t, is hard to beat him in that sort of thing,
aseils Materials and workman are always
Rev' first class, and he will noeturn out e poor
on "Elcime Rule in Ireland." • ReV 'Vl
Benson fellows in Novemeer, Bey
McCabe, of Now York, in Dece
Rev. II. Johnston, of Toronto, in J
arr. and Rev. P. S. Rupert in Febr
Tickets for the whole course, or five
ets, to be used as . the purchaser wi
will be sold at one dollar. .
• 'CHURCH NOTES. -Ret John MeG
ray, of Knox Church, preached in Vi
ia at. cbareh, on Sabbath everein
eebn le. eteeefelerrerlUnieetee—
Hensel!, preached in Knox church
a morning, and Rev. G. le Salto
the eyening; Dr. Tire took charge of
Thompson's pulpit. ' The Sacrarium
the Lords Supper will be administere
St. • George'se cfmrch next Sunday.
paster North Bt. church, exiietta
•take three weeks' holiday, beginfiing
day. . The young people of Victoria
chtirch,re-orgenized for the winter mon
on Monday last, a died address and
mission on the "ear," caused an ether
disagreeable evening to be please
spent: Next Monday, at 7.80,the o
people meet, and every gelidity af
wards the "eye," will be discussed n
meeting.- • .
. C. ,* THE COW NUISA.NCE.--Lontlesboro ORR
mber e county. for abreagey cow. We
aim- have one here thatecan go through any
eery, ordinary fastening of gate or,door. She
tick- wrecks several gardens every season, and
sees, in this way, gets her ;livelihood pretty
cheap. It is,getting- to be almost beyond:
mile. endurance; if her Owner was a poor man,
and could not afford to earreenareeeef her,
it might be borne with. It is suggested
ee that a subscription be taken , upetosecute
bale -
her pasture. where slae could, °build- an
n in
t of
d in
to -
F0r26 cents eash, we will soh d- the NEW-1EE
new subecribers for the balance (ADM year
PAILtimoUNT. '
to v
Jtvelt hood, and leave the. gardeners,
to gather their oven crops, 118 it is, she car-
ries the Bell just whenever she thinks' fit.
Bitiers.-•-111r. Edward Bell has botiget'
the house on thirritain streeteletelee emu -
pea by Mese-Craw-lore, end it about to
refit it and inowneinte ite-gree'OtAwford
will move to the residence of her seri Ed-
teard, on the gravel road. Mrs.' J. Brevet
has returned from Kansas,eand will occu-
py the new house buile ey1Mr. Q.:Newton.
Mr. George Brogden, . blacksmith has:
gone on a trip to the north-west, to elate
Le r_ friends ane see the colintry; he expects
ext to be away two or three weeks. Our two
• doctors are kept, pretty busy now, as there'
is considerable sickness in the neighbor-
hood. Mt: Richard Cele has been dan-
gerously ill, but is pew much. 'Better and
likely to recover. Mrs. Walker, Hiles
ire '
and Crawford all elderly Belles, have
, been vety ill, but are now convalescent.
ter Por 26 cents gash, we Will Sena the NEW ERA. tO
new subscribers for the balance of,the year. Subscrip.
Cons taken by G. brEwmtA., releaeseere. .
ea . naLLETT:
RIEFS.-MeMrS. .Smith and McGill
faking in the micursion to. tbe.State
former goes to Bay City and the lat
levy the; great exhibition In claim'
. Towle for some time. aeresident
place; but enverofStelfarys, has be
spending a 'few )1101:0$ with bee son
beet; she stillearetaies• her old time vig
and is sinititOr than many girls of eightee
wm.. McDonagh has been engaged
teach our school for next year, in place
Mr. Horton, whose certificate expires
the end of this, year. Mr. Caineron, S
Helens, is te each , Nee' 7, Ashfidde
place of Mr. Matherson, who conte
plates some other profession. Me: ler
Gordon from Seaforth., tbe helper
the seneiddyelediVable Assistlitir to ouF ve
liesy elatlismstile. Our yoaog men a
strongly courting tbe of th
"iguid wives," by shooting foxes, hawk
owls, minks and other animale tbat-do
much damage in thepoultry yard; soca
have already been recommended for the
steady aims. An interesting literary cep
Lodge next Friday night; the sides ar
led by Messrs. McIntosh and Horton, an
will. doubtlese be eiteitipg; the lodge i
now in a' prospering condition, and fie
new members joined on Friday night last
The Sunday school convention of ' th
Methodist church, wilebe held in our new
ceurch on Wednesday, the 13th of Oct. ;
many excellent topicrs relating to Sunday
school work vvill-be discussed, and an in-
teresting'and 'profitable time is expected.
Quite a number of Young people have
left our burgh (hiring the past two weeks;
to seek their fortunes. in. other climes ;
Messes. lefellia.rinicl, John. and Dan
McKenzie went to Superior City; Dan
.111cDonald toBritish Colanabia,eed eterehie
McKenzie to Michigan; the Misses Mary
and Flora Beatpu and Mary Ginn, have
also pee to reside in Detroit ; the Na-
tional Policy s'eems to have no charms for
them. Our new Methodist cherch is
about completed, and will be opened on
Sunday Oct, 10th ; the Rebe Mr. Griffin,
President of the Guelph Conference, Will
preach in the morning at half past ten,
and again in the evening at teapot six ;
there will also be service in the afternoon.
On Monday evening grand tea -meeting
will be held, at whieh addresses are to be
given.* some of the most talented minis-
ters in the county ; good music te be giveri
by elle lettramount choir ; proceeds in aid
of the church funds. On Wednesday af-
ternoon, Sept. 226d, Small MeMillareonts
of oer esteemed young, ladies, passed to
her long home, at the age of18 years; tihe
bad been ailihg for achne time, with that
dreaded disease, comumption, was
able to sit tip until fete days bolero her
e-leath ; she was aegeneral ftworite with
both•old And young, and her clesth leaves
a sadness in the heart e 001 who khew
her ; we miss her geniei countenanee and
AI. PEATH.,-,Ao old and eespectedreeident
Or, of this township, Mr. Wm. -Miller, of
n; 13th con,, died lest Friday evening. The
to deceased had been suffering f� r some time
of with a form of that terrible disease,deopsy.
at The funeral took place on Sunday after.
1: noon, ancewasevery eargely attended.
in li&SE ,:LINE Nornsee-The weather is
pi. very wet aipeesent, it is bad for those that
ni .have .not got their potatoes up. Roots
in are growing fine. Coon-huntieglaes been--
ry a great gar,ae for tee'elads around here;
re several have hien eaught already. The
e new houses are about, finished: the will.
. .
• I+
FAR:st Reerran.--The farm of Mr.Jelin
Sheppard, being lot 57, Maitland con.,
which has been recently edeertesee in the
New Ene,ehis been rented by
lops, of Colborne, for it terin of eeven
years, at a yearly rental of $260
.• Sonbilaaex,
OHUCIMEI4O.------------7,------___—______-________fionkedovh)g no; t ._ chanew
AMIDENT.-On Teesday, while about for the Clippers. alio w sn't
her household duties, Mrs. John Mitten.
wbriebury slipped and toile and in tio doing ding WEine ()Tillie -MA' at31"t bYe frit:shirr:bee 1;f -171Merds .-
ske ewtrwetwo rendesheorfibeger; aanskslhee, lasnd.floowthaerh-
Ceeneack, Elizabeth St., when W. B.
J1(1 1 d h
Cormack were united in the holy betide
Dickson, barrister, and Miss, Jeneje
neenatrintheyeRev. Mr. Jones tying the
knot, at 9 a. m.; Tuesday.. There were a
large number of guests sat down to break.
fast from London, New York, Goderich,
Kincardine, Seaforth,131yth and Brussels. •
The presents were numerous and very
eandeome. The happy Pair left for To-
tonto on the noon train amid, a treroetel.
ous shower of rice and shoes.
• very wi I be !slew -
FAMED TO Mane. -A certain resident
of theme line was in a terrible frame of of33thuerirruSc°4411-Mcrera. creamery, disposed AdriesCpolletrY;of-
en the streete, and not being very familiar
some means they became separated while the highest Price that ilea been !Mid this
Mc -
with the city, it was it considerable time Oartney is a thorough practical butter
and wife to the Toronto exhibition. By Guelph buyer; at lei°. Per ite This is
mind during the recent visit of himself rahlialcJeur,le and August make of butter to a
season, which goes to show that Mr. Mc -
before they managed to And each other,
McIntoshwell attended on Monday last, and stock
eeee,-The sale of Alex. Welsh was tee frame ee their new sale stable raised
Bniges.-111eGregor en had.
sold very well, steers bringing as high as on Thursday hist; it will soon be ready
$42 each, and cows over $30 each,. and for business now. Mr. Ohares Makin re -
every thing else in proportion. Mr. ern urned frothe Previncial fair, at Guelph,
Weleh was highly pleased Nvith the sa"le 'on Saturday last ; he succeeded in carry -
any of them
in 'getting good pawriacYes7itei for old stallion, McCartney. 'Mies Swan, of
ing off the second prize for his three year
and says that Howson can gee
stock-.• . this place. won .Vae priie for best lady
rider, the St Thomas fair, last week.
CREA.MERY,-The r men t success that has Miss 111, ivi rks-aetiel as.a judge ou fancy work
attended the labors of Mr. H °
Herbison, of At the Sear rth fati
the Goderich township creamery, at the would be hard
ed to' r, last Tueeday ; it
Provincial as well as theeledustriel fairsMucle and her sg a better judge. Mrs,
!speaks very highly indeed, having receive
with typhoid , on, fever who 11 ave been laid up
ed a 2nd and 3rd _prize in Toronto, and again. ' are able to be around
this week. . a
two feeet and one second at Guelph. He - •
. new subscribers for the b lance of the 3'ear
For 26 ennts cash, we will send the NEW' IMA, to
is also making a good exhibit at London
Senses SOLD, -11.1r. Robert McCullagh, . vaRN.e..
of the Huron road, who took his team of * LIRIENR.-Mr. Tippettla sale on Monday:
carriage horses to the Toronto exhibition, was well attended; he leaves for Michigan '
also showed them at • the Provincial, at very shortly; thoughesorry to lose MreTee
Guelph, where be was awarded a :second and Wishing him every success in his new,
_prize. Tilt:ethane was muckadmiredrand_bonierewe are pleased to learn that Mr:
found e purchaser in the person of Mayor 'Yates, who•combinee shoe -making' with
Iledgens, of London, Who bought there harness Making,. intends to move in et
for shipment to London, England, paying once; highly spoken of, and *ill
$600 for them. They were raised by Me, no doubt, be quite an acquisition to our.
McCullagh, and were retitle an excellent village. Mr. Cameron, DI Beyneld, who
carriage team. •.
' kept a harness shop here about ten years
DEA.TH,-A couple of weeks sineiciefe. ago, has opened out here again e he still
erenestmis...made-inethemecolunans-toethe- •-r--0-814-e"1-$47-field Plnit'' -Vends- the-daY4 n''''
illneeS of Miss Louise Parker, Of Bayfield, Varna. Rey. Mx. Goodwill,' who has sup -
who" wits at' the 'residence of Mr. Jahn plied the pulpits of Bayfield read and
Cook, 9th don. Her Maks, typhoid fever Berne Presbyterian churches, for four
we are sorry to say, terminated fatally on Sabbathsbas gee° from -the neighborhood
the evening of the 16th Sept. She was and another supply is expected for next
only 21 years of age, and Was a most esti- Sabbath. There is to be ellarvest Home
mable young woman, being greatly re-' dinner in connection with the English
ispected by her acquaintances. She elied 'church here,: next Friday evening, (Pct.
8.) It remises to beeof a very interestin
very happily, trusting in the supreme
power otethe-Almightye-MUch'synipitetree•-• . -4r .1 -. V . -11 •P , g -T-
is exteneed, her kelationa, over their af. pa,, on zeeeu .., ...ere:re--. '
dearactepr, end ie -ho ee*:111-beelar J
'flietion, ee.. - - ee--„,-- -.---- - -:- '4 ' ' , ,,, *.tlekEN •
' DEATH OF ROBERT BAKER."-.41r:POht.' A elreueeee-As three young bloods
Baker; (son Of the late' Robert Baker, of. froth 'the " hube were returning froth: the
theoMaitland:coneession,). died on Satter- " world's fair," at Zurich, they met With
day morning last, after an illness of sevee- an accident that mighthave been serious.
eal monthis, at the age_ole4.8 years-- -4n7- A :Fleet distance north -of this village they
his :younger. dap he 'was a Particularly meee teamster with a !timber: waggon
bright and promising ynung man, andlyas who claims he gave thew half . the road,'
for some year is employed' on 'the. G.T.Ite and that they. eau their buggy : inbo. his
as baggegeman, but his reason became .waggon, taking ode wheel oft' the vehicle,
"affected, And he was compelled to leave and precipitating the young men on to
the read, since which time; he has been mother earth, but fortunately they eseepecl
engaged in farming, • He has been living being injured. We would advise the
latterly'with his brother Henry, who gave young men to get home before dark, next
him every .eornfort and attention . that 'time they go to a show:kway.from,home.
• Mulct be.desired: His remains were in- Betees -Mews. It. McGowan and A.
teered in Goderich cemetery, on. Monday McDonald left here, with their horses for
last. • '' .
McGregor' has gone to Detroit on a visit. Mildiew, intenda to study for the-Univer-
- • the Western- Fair, on Monday. 'Me."
Campbell • of -11ills Green has been en-
Beetis.---Mr. •Janies Ruseele• of Sun- •P • '.
shine, and Mr..liebt. Russell, •of Glamynis„ gaged th teech the ,seheol ire Stanley kir.
arcdown hereviiiting friends; Mrs:Ches. tie next Year; the 'present -teacher, Mr.
„Tea meeting nt Iletliany °I'resbyterian: sity. . Mr. Phaff; one new shoemaker,' ie
church, this (Friday) evening e• le this. kept busy attending to the soles of hie .
connection we Might seythere has- been a custoniers.' Our grairt buyeee Mr. le..Met-
misundereeleiding ebout the- use ef Rev.e Lerman; liae ,pulled up stake!, and pitched
,T. Grayeenrime he not coneeeting to be
. . his tent atilleneate ' Threshipgandshows
.piesent at the 4a,' mXtertini owing to pre- areal' tne rage just now. : • - ' .
'emus engagenienti- r. as:Bowden, jree eF:regag:inbt: slIglihWeebtglier 03f4t1,alrylele‘:V ERA to
has taken a Situation in t--------------asre n , t • - .
of his uncle, at Harriston. Mr. Joseph BLYTU.
Rutledge has succeeded in finding water eromees' Lisee-The ;Voters' List °met.
near his house, at; a depth of 55'feet; Mr. for Blyth municipility, was held Tuesday
Levis, one of the well diggers, saye that ,28th Sept., before his boner, Judge Tones;
there's pet a better spring betweerrCiinton a large number. of cases were neuthelly
and Goderich. Mr. Scott., of Windsor, disposed of, thus leavingehly a few cases
and Mr. Breen, of Illinois, who have been to come before the 'Judge. The proceed -
visiting friends here; left last tv'eek, Me• ings of the Court are 22 Reformers struck
-Scott for -home and Mr. Breau forEvedon, off •ehele3 added; 14 Conielf,atives were
where he intends spending fair week •be. struck Wand 10 added, making a Censer-
.. •
fere returning home. Mr. Joliet Harrison vative gain of 14.
TOWN PARM.-,A hieetieg is to be heel •
on Friday eveningfor the purposeef mar-
ing arrangements for levellipg and build-
ing a track on the show grou teteehe society
Intene giving the use of the mends to
the-yillagee aud making it a town paelre
Now this is a splendid chance and the
cieiiens should make a ineveand all work
together, for nearly every village is mik-
ing a move in this direction, there is
none of them needs a park worse than
Blyth. So let there be a big:meeting.
R, IleridersOn 'wee pay-
ing his 'old friends a visit here this week ;
he goes back to Montreal at once. Thurs-
day wee our citric holiday, Some spent it
at London fair, others shooting, while
many worked as usual. Messrs..Slater
Sims took eve prizea, 8 erste and.2 seconds,
at Seleferth'show ; .they always lead the
Yen in their line, John SeeMeleinnon
and Will W. Sloan, left for the British
American Business College, Toronto, on.
Thursday, where they purpose taking out
diploma ; We wish them memos.
Sacrament will be dispensedin theriegbee-
terien church onSundey next; Missleopper
Arrived this:week from the city, to take
Charge of D. B. McKinnon's, millinery
dere; she comes well reconimended and
the ladies' may eexpect their headgear in -
style. style. Miss Emelt Anderson .Elder's
most popular milliner, has got back to
Workagaireatter examinindthe best houses
in the city; Miss He needoino recommen-
dittion, AS MA an old, triad hand and •
neetir gets Anything up but what is stylish
and new. Everybody says they aregoing
to Blyth show because they only charge
10 dents and give the best show in the
county. MisteSymonds was Ithocked dome
by it rig on Tuesday, and remaifted uncon-
scious for some dam but has oboe fully
is orng first-class_ work in threshing,
e y ttiem tlus winter, if it es as cold as having purchased anew, euefit. -this ,seaireen.
it was last winter. : Mr. James McDonald has disposed of his
Bitenns..-Mr: Geo. Hesk, let 17, team of horses, and. has got another span
- con.;
8, has, a good new house almost ready forofir
younger ones. An auction sale of the-
eileetegelietkeeeit -raekee-equiteLeie-aeld'itiG -
to the looks "anis farmDonohue) lneluding farm stock toad the
; we hope be and ro ert . AgeieeeforreeelY-Mrs.-
his familv. will live long to enjoy it.- plements, will held on lot 32, cob. 0, on
Mrsellonck, of the 2nd con.eleeveryloW, October 7th. Mr.1Vm. Elliott, of the 4th
and it is doubtful View will remeer. con., has gone to London, to attend the
Thos. leielby, who is trying to emit a farm fai
Mr' rtaking with him one of the best Ca-
me% he can find aey number of people nadian bred carriage stelliona, The re.
turn match of base. ball, 'between the
wee.alelf to sell: he hes eieveral-plgees ee„...G....etee the sneer stake, ee
evieweeThe e're` ' • ' Portes fljll, was played on Saturday,
Court of"Revision 'of the Voter's List for
CoTIRT OF RevesioN-jtidge Toms held ee the premises of Re Weston, eon, 6; the
Ile was atteeded by Mr. Manning for the Hullett on Monday last, in Loridesbore. score of:18 runs; the score stood Vitt1111
Porter's Hill 23.
Silver Stars cameeeoeue, victorioua, by a
Retermersi.and Messrs. G. Elliott and It.
For 25 cents cash, We will endthe NEW ERA to
Hays, for. tire Conservatives. Mr, P. now iubscribers for the balance of the year. . •
Kelly, of Blyth, else "Watched the Tory
interests. The whole list or appealii for riveenene. •
RIES OF AcetnEN-ese-Ohe day
k, et Mr. McCully's threshing,
Thompson earl the misfortune of
one of his flame betoken, While'
round the maebine. Shortly
rds Mr. T. Gilmour. had his hand
ute nom, while veorkini With
Mr. John Baird pint an ugly gash
g, which will lay him ep for some
nd to wind up, Mr.. T. Baird had
Uft into his band. All are recce,.
s. --Mr. James P. FoWler end
MooseJaer, N.W.Teettre speridipg
neymoon among thends in Sten -
s. Fowler Was formerly Miss M.
Gilmour. Miss K. Cameron, and Miss A.
McFarlane, of .Oreenoek, 13ruce-06, are
eisiting friendeon tbe arci coneof Stanley.
)511a M. Dunbar, of Ashfield, ietbe guest
'ef Mrs. T. Baird. Mr. /oho MeGregor
has recovered from his recent illness, and
Iia resumed his &ties in S.S. No. 4,
Stephen. le is rumored there will be
several weddings 'near the front Of the
township, at DO distant . "
Por 26 Mac; cash, we will send the tO
herr subscriboro for tAchalitulee,(
the eastern division, was unceremoniously :Se
thrown out, on'the ground that they were feet wee
entered too late. The revision resulted as Mr. H.
follows :--Conservatives added, -8; Rotor- having
mere added, 29; Conservatives struck off, woileing
7; -.Reformers 'struck off, 4. Two names afterwa
were applied to be put on by both patties. badly c
This mph an apparent gam of 29 to the an axe,
Reformers. This caloulation is made AC- in his le
cording to the parties entering the'apjeede ten& A
Judge Toms is au idealjudge in the mat- a fork, r
ter,ot impartiality, and getting aside tried- or-
tad' possibly be ;tilde ttotina wife, of
al techincalities andno word of complaint . leneee
1 BRIEPS..-OUCtOW.11 was enlivened Oil ley ; Mr
Tuesday evening, by the presence of TAW-
rence's graphoscopm car, Which caused
quite a sensation, Mrs. Pinder, of Clint -
ham, is th e' guest of Mr& Maley at present,
Robert Rutledge is engaged to Mr. M.
ICerizie, harness maker, as apprentice. .T.
P. Brown has engaged •.T. Melville for
some time; he intones turning out Foroe
erst-cless cutters this seethe,. L, Wett-
laufer is visiting Mende in Tavistock this
eveeke, • "
• .111.Thr..ii,
' ThIEVIN'O, - Several people around
here have lately been put to much incon-
venience, by having such articles as fume,
spades, etc., carried away from, their .
premises. It is time the thing was dep.
ped, and bops will, And they can carry
their jokes too far.
Accieeere-Mr. -McClellan met veith -
an accident on Wednesday, while thresh-
ing john PickartVe. Netts driving
on the horse -power; when one of the draw
chains suddenly broke, causing the exten-
sion rod to fly with great force, and strik-
ing Mr. McClellan across been legs., eause_.
ed air ugly woundin each; fortunately no
bones veere broken.
• Missiol.TAnY,4A.t a recent rneetieg.of
the Women's...Foreign Mission Stielety,, of
this piece, the. following officers . were
elected :-President, eirs.X1ford; Treas.,
Mrs. Stanley ; . Cor. -Secy., Mise Helms; ,
Rec. -Secy., Mess Elford. The ergeniett.
•tion is only small here but during the
past year, it managed to raise $45 for
missionary purposes,
ANNIVEMIARY. -The. anniversary eer-
eicei of Holmesville Methodist church, '
will be held on the 10th Ane llth ,
Off SiiiedierelieeG: le, Sefton Wireeireach " -7
in the morning and wed -noon; and Rev.
Mr. Kestle in the evening. On the Mon-
day following, a:lea-meeting Will be held,
When addresses are expected from these
gentlemene• It is also expected that Ree.
W. McDariagh, of Stiathroy, will be pres-
ent and deliver an address. ,.
Beaeas.--Miss Coleilhoun Hibbert, is
Wright and fatally left on Wednesday. for
their home' in Berlin ; his bealth is not
much iniproVed. ' Mr. le Calbick intends
to work his father's farrn; Toni looks well
since his trip to British Columbia. Edu-
cational meetings were held on Holmes-
ville deceit last Sunday, but Rev, , Mr.
Sinite Mulct not ettendete was-aienourieed;
on account of him not having announced
itt his own circuit, that Me. Feeler would
. be there. Miss Hollotetty,ewlea hue been
'visiting J. L. Courtiee's, roe a few,menths,-
retprned horn this week.
BRIEFS. -One day „halt week, Mr. Jos..
Hudson had two sheep worried with dogse.
persons owning dogs given to roaming
round the country, would do well to put
them out of the way.' Last week Mr. Jas.
Forrest lost a young horse by colic. Mr:
jas.egeMurdie left lag week to attend.
the High Sehool at Seaforth ;Jatnes is an '
energetic young. mine and will no dOubt
succeed. Mr. F Colman; the well-known ; •
horse 'breeder, got first prize forhis spring
colt at Guelph. Mr. Campbell resumed .
his school work last week: his' school was
:closed for a few days owing to him being
unwell. Mr. J. McAllister is at present
.laid up with inflammation of the bowels;
we hope to soon hear ()ibis recovery;
BETEFS-There is quite e ofeickness
around here at present ; doctors'
are bus-; there -are several caffeeeeredia.e
mer coniplaint that aie rather. seriouseee
Holman Opera troupe are holding fort in hall to -night.
Finr--The fire aleeni ivas sounded oboist
9.30 a. nee on Wednesdaye-which brought
the fitenien out in a Very few minptes.
The fire was in the Rayed block,. caused
•by a bad, chimney; but.being seen in time,
a few path of Water put 16014 without the 0.
aid of the fireworks although they played
on :it for e few Minutes. We doubt if
thereis,town in Canada; with a More
efficient fire protect:foil than Winghtun.
Assraimegte-A .geod many of our
citizens are interested very materially i
Mr: Win. Elliote'seAstgetemet, and all are
in hopes that lie may be able to eome to.
sonth satisfactory „ grangement, and be.
able needed -Again. .No • doubt ib will be
known soen-vott titelaroePects of a settle-
nient 4 InCeting hip ceeditore
is to be held in lenehenee-day. We- helm
tO see eimeStart agairearebe is a Ane
Fuit 13.411-:-,Q00own presented quite a
lively apeeiteandeem Wednesday, It being -
the dosing day of the Northwestern Fair.
Prospects for a successful ehow were pret•
ty gleerny on Tuesdey; the clay being wet •
and disagreeable. But, on VVednesdaYthe
weateee was jut beautiful, and a large
ecrowd turned out. There wast eery good
display of almost all Classes,' eserecially in
'horseflesh. At the time of writing we can.
not give rine particulars as to elle prizes;
The Managers feel pleased that they had
sueli a fine day. .1ire think it it mietake
te charge 26cts. at the gate At any of the
small shows, as that is all that is charged at
Termite or any of the Urge city ebows,
and iegeod number of people don't. and' .
take their ?ninnies when rteked to pay e5c
Cad.; if 14 and lOets were charged, it
Would be better.
• •
. ,
Hill; on Wednesday. There was neither
al Society held its fall show, at Smith's
riAtj, FAHL--The COtherne A'grietil UH -
L, . Olt tISSELS, exhibit it any class, Although the ehOW
a large attehdance of people hot a large
might be considered a fair one for it
Bluevale club to any club la Huron Or
BASE IMDL,--,The challenge iesuee tovenship, But it is money throWn rem
Bruce fee $50, has been ilecepted by the to.try and build up so many aOcieties, and
the eootiet tele is realized, and the alter.,
Olippere of Brussels, but note the //elevate tative Acted upon, the better for the coin. .
tleeleeleee' ike-Ae Wee -0-94, Pompipor . . .