The Clinton New Era, 1886-08-06, Page 6v.
id. 6, 1886.
1.,yeeb e,,aw.
San Francisco. Cor. N. Y. World.
The danger ef,appeeling to the rope
and tliti oak tree without first malciug
thorough inquiry into the case was ez.
emplifiect recently in this section: A
short time ago a blacksmith living in
• liaine Valley went quietly among his
, neighbors and told them that a young
man named lIfcCoy, who was in his
„employ,,had grievously maltreated his
Httle teneyeat,old girt Naturally
enough; this arowiecl the indignation of
the people and they determined to deal
euminarily with the offender. ' McCoy
was entirely oblivious to the clanger
which threatened him, and retired that
night iiithout a suspieion of his neigh -
hors' Mtentions. . About 2 o'clock a
party of awned men went to McCoy's
rem and ordered him to accompany
them, • Wondering what they wanted,
and. not at all reassured, by the sight of
angry faces-, Wiechester rifles and huge
revolvers,McCoy perforce complied with
the order, and lialf-dressed, and shiver-
ing'e sharpnight air he was es-
cotted to a widei:spreadieg.laak near by.
..A..rope. wee..prodneedemd, a noose fast-
ened around the now thoroughly kright-
ened inan's neck, and then be.,. was
' informed of the charge against him and
asked whether he was guilty or rioter-
- 'He indigeently denied the 'crime, when
the leader gave the _order, 4.Tp with him
boyser and in •a minute he was swinging
in the In a few moments .he waS
lowered and again he was asked whether
he would apknowledgebeing guilty of
to:crime. Again. he denied it,. and Was heisted into the .iir. A
third time this was repeated and at its.
conclusion some difficulty was experie
ended in xeseseitating, the poor. -fellow..
'y this tine .141eQey .catne .to the
oonelusion that, his life Lung by ' a
thread, and nocerdinglY he began to
parleY with his self -constituted .execre
, --Fcriaityliereierthern•tnproreise.
that.they•would let am go • if he would
confess. So, in the' certainty 'Of paying
with his • life sheiild' he persist jn his
denial, he finally acknowledged OA he
• was. guilty as, charged. :The vigilantes
then gave hitn feet 15' menu* iu which
to leave •the country,. betmuelt less
time sufficed to 'enable him to slip oe
his clothee, saddle his horse and disap-
pear in the darkness.. .
McCoy ostensibly. went sonthieard.,
and for severafdays nothing was beard
Qf hini. Re Wade eewide 'detour, bow.
• eVer, and finally broUght up•at Salinas;
• the county seat, end' told his . story ,
the officials. He claimed that he 'was'
. entirely innocefit Of. the .clitari,°e laid to
him, and that he had confessed aiwply
to save his life. • He, said further that.
• the father of the little•girl was indebted
to hint for back wages, to a large
amount, and had taken thie method to•
avoid the necessity etpayingehina, --Mc-
Coy swore out -the necessary ,warrants,
and oddly eiterfgh 0;0larger number .of
• his assailantsput in,. an appearance the.
, next day at the:Court houne to ‘prove
lip' their land'-elaiins, 'and theY:' were f-tt
• once 'arrested and locked ev.' • They
made no. .detence whatever,.., and . were
held to answer: befere the. grand jerye.e-
tineethice all _those deincerned -the
' affair have been captured, and it 'new
looks as if they were in, :ft, ,fair Way to
pa, y rather dearly for their little 'mid-
night clivelsion. •
• A."role of A. Lever.
- 'Do you see tliftt--row of poplars on
'the Canadian Actin, Sfandincrapparently
at equal distances aped?' asked a grave
faced man of .a gtoup cif passenger§ . on
the Fort Erie ferryboat the other 'day.
The group nodded assent.
• • 'Well, there's gaito.a story -connected
• with those trees,' he continued. 'Borne
years ago there lived on.; the bluff in.
Buffelee overlooking the river, it- very
etealthy whose-Only-darfglife
---Vels loved by a ;young. surveyor. The
old num was inclined, to -question, the
professional iskill of young Rod and Lei --
el, end to pub1,m t� the test, direeted.
' him to set out, on the Dontinion shore,
a row of trees, no two of which &Mild
be any farther apart than any other two,
TlrtireVidlhe lover's ineffidiencV,
child c ctt'nndStrVIHPla Weide
rickety by au esiniviser reps.
A. Savannah, Ga., despatch says
The full aecouut of the Tetuan county
cannibal affair is as follows few
days ago some of the colored people in
the lower end of the county held- a pic-
nic. They had engaged as Conk aud gene
eral overseer of the culinary departneeet
an old negro woman, Great prOpara-
berelob xxecii. 7. In reference to the
politeness and grace of listening in con-
neetien with cenversation, see Prem.,
xelii. IS. Conversation is sonietimes
different trona mere chit chat and gossip,
according to the bible. Rules which
relate to its tree perposes or instrun-
tion,. improvement and... pleasure. are
found in Prov. i. 5 ; Job vi. ; Prey.
xv., 53 ; Prey. xv,
44. The politeness or silence is cotn-
niendad and its. discretion shown inPeov.
xii. 3; Prev. xxi. 23 • and Job xiii. i.
Carefulness in. cone -08461m is to: be eni-
tivated : see- Prove xviii. 21 and Matt
--ea. 37. Good temper in conversatton
Hens had been made for the festivities
is the mark of polite manners: Prov.
and the/sport'ran high. it was a ht)pg.rY
XV, 1. And as to the way one (should
band thas gathered. „ for Jlinner' and
do -when insulted or snubbed, see Prov.
awaited the summons. It was served at
last, and the merry -makers fell tewith xix.
a -will. • Hardly had the eatibles-begun s. .Eyklence of the highest polish in a
found in the
to disappear, when a strange bush fell Young Person's manners are
way of acting towards superiors. The
upon the boisterous group; die had
been served to a piece of meat that clung bible rides are imperative here. I'n re-
, It did not look ference to parents theresis no exception
to a snaall-jointed bone, to . the rule in xi. '12, The respect for
like anything he had over seen come
age is seen in the ride found in Lev.xix.
from a fryingpan before, and he showed
it to his neighbor. The other looked at it 32, Manners towards employers
taught in 1 Tim. vi. L
attentively for a moment. 'It is the
finger of a child,' be said. - • fi, True politeness never puts on if-
ferent ways toward* inferiors in social
There was a sensation which quickly
spread into a panic. A hasty examine- 1-ife• • The rule is given in Epla, vi, D. '
0. As
tion of other plates was made. More ' a concluding general rule, to
apply to all cases and under a
lingers were found, and pieces of meat all drown
that. were -evidently human fleet were stances, which, if followed, will make
held upon forks and gazed at by now one ea perfect •gent/omen or a perfect
thothughly •excited negrpes. Thelady, observe' the direction in Matt. yii.
at -each otlaer ite,p, frightened way,:and
irj •
• Be Kind to the Living.
Do not lceep the alabaster. boxes of
your love and tenderness steeled up until
your friends are dead. Fill their lives
with sweetness. Speak approvingrcheer-
ing words while their ears eau hear them
and while thole: hearts can be thrilled
and made happier by them ; the kind
things you mean to say when they are
gone, say before they go. The flowers
you meant to sencl for theitecoffins, send
to brighten and sweeten their home be -
foe° they leave them. If my friends
have alabaster boxes laidaway, full of
fragrant perfumes of sympathy and affec-
tion which tlaey intend to. break over
my dead bodv, I would rather. they
would' bring them out in tny troubled
hours, and open them, that I may be re-
freshed eecl"cheeredeby them while I
need them. I would rather have a plain
coffin without an eulogy, ;than it life
without the sweetness of love and seen -
pithy, Let us learn to • annoint our
friends beforehand for their burial. Post -
Mortem kindness does not cheer, the
burdened spirit Flowers' on the coffin
cast no fragrance backward over the
Weary way:
ror or Pass. ,
There . is ': a general interchange of
passes among railroad men and the pres
iden and vice-president of'the Pennsyl-
vania railroad have passes all over the
President.Roberts is 'a veil'
One very Alton:of day in
on the New York division'
in the middle car, The
iim as We all do, and
the president simply
etch and Roberts
was only trying to see Thie man would e
break the rule§ and net eke Iffin'shoyi ,.
his pug. The canducto ell ,into the
'bap. When he passed three h the train
again Roberts arose from his\ eat and
e /
tapping-hinennetheeshoulder-saa e-- -
- ' 'See here,' you have not see'it my.
. ' Norsk,' faltered-tie:acme
-but 1 know who you are.'
' ,',That makes no difference,' 'retorted
Roberts with "it frown, ' the rules are
Made to „be obeyed and not to be tits- ..
obeyed and not to be broken. •• The rules
laid clown for your iniclanee eay that
any passengee 'Idea has neither, a ticliet
or apass must .pkii his fal.e or else you-.
must eject him from the train,' e .
' 1 know .te,' , replied • the. ccinductor,
'No, 'bete. NOW: you May go.' - ,
1 ' I haven't • Seen pile pas,s yet,
the/teeth,' deintirelf -reinarked the ticket
puncher, Wishing to demonstrate' :the
thoroughnest .of the lesson. • - .
.'. Thetis. right,' • replied': Roberts' ,tp-
proyingly, ' make no difference between
then there was a simultaneous break for ' strice ma
•apitinsons why yowshouldparehase 'Eluld Light
the cabin, in which the cookbad pre-
nwinter be e
g prefereuce to all ol.lier remedies
e tieligeudivio trouble -330 lost tine.' lit •43-aoei noi
staidly, It is easily ap and took a se
conductor kne
door;brandishing a large knife. _A wild snoeoart,Illet zalt:gplication is circa-
inirr; ftati,t,ir itchaill when he passed hi
light -like theeof a maniac--glooned nal' '
11a7 tither remedy in existenol
Headache Mumma time,: nCidded, It was a
from her eyes.. 'The crowd paused as
0 ( tq, eoe per bottleby Worthington E "
ward with a shr* le ' M '
i° ei • y child ; what . t . k tta•brisderv. • -
tliQlcilife was fiourishe'cl s 11 a. ...... w 1, ruggist
over their heads • •
all feat one, a Woman, who rush d' f ' .' '
e or- i• •
. cannibalism In
haye you clone' with my child I' There 'TI1.5 ' . '-"-/
. •• •
pered,' the meal, She met them at th Rapid restilt-cures in
:••EIRE•--Hava.H.,,_fr9m the old co.*. I 11IA.IIX•-•-••WHOLESALE DEATH FROM ETAR'
left it here in laer ebarge,' cried iTie-ci-X7 -.-V4TION'••••EATING-.-THE---DEA-D‘---WHO.LIAD
• reins
cited '1i:tether,. appealing, th the• friends ' syrivilgliB:trelf:ICIXS °Ti),I Sonti OF THE
'about 1 . . ere is my child'? She . AND .A LARGE leo
mi. • ' \ft ' '. itrien. or otireae. ee-
X , !tit DirsENTERY
has killed it.' With her
. _____
yells the. ..: TAPEED AND PEVOtiliED.4.1r DEARg.
dusky 'army, fired by nie agonizing/cries' . ' '
' Boston, July 30-...-e ' ' ' Joh m;(4
..bOre down upon 'tire coo - and -in spite- .
of her frantic,. strugglesetore the knife -special says :-Harerrigv.-eenciaAidiisStie-r,-•--onn;d'o-f-t-he,
Est -plumes who on the Nanoit 7
'from her grasp. !.Evidence of the mi.. Barrett troth- Okhab, Labrador,' o
de Were abertt them, there . Was blood ttopulation of that se4tlemreandt•rwi. aneYseatihlye
nn:thh. .e. floor and the table was Smeared 130. tYwiirtahMilia(tiviiffoeodnotn
h El eairl.
twi , iti The living oliffel was nowhere out.
.of lie seen, but in its. plea° .was a portion -8o wEasvetz. drop of -oil. and. bit of gsaeva?
1 d and;at rare 'intervals a
()take little heman body which had been' Kt
bear Was klifleed. Finally supplies. were
Om' the . oven. ,Pieces of flesh' equite-exhaueted:T -0 June 3rd -they had
hade'llitefern carved .from it. ' The excite- • eaten nothing for sixndays„and goaded b
wildest .kind. eaTihneyin' to.7.rey.teir,Y.th_ing. to P .,several!ii,heitYesentead fuepinutdrans that •11:d
in.ent aniong the setircheri-Wds of the hunger th f • h corpses of
pieces in the' le' . tf °lid, i iy. It. was been . • • . ..- '... ..
i plain' enough that. the o ..wornan •beel. . 1,.711 on •• oxpeieirrtheeiirri(;neoptafit•,.t.k,
did flia
neerdered the childthere, and, bad cook- •
hoely:ivaa cot open, ,the.".Olitritils were taken
ed half ,t -,,t ' the liodtC. 'Where was .tlia out 'end the-remaindee wait frozen. iip •for
Other half? There Were drops of bided
across :the 'floor. ' SO rn eene, leda. excited
than the 'rest, followed tlintell.tale trail;
It led ter it barrel just outside, and be.
•Iiiad the shanty. ' . A shout informed his.
companionsthat eho missing portion had
been found. They rushed. °et to fled
-hinr pulling-if:4ton. the barrel, Where it
had been .salted down. 'Then there' was
si general crY•-fOr' vengeance, and. the
frenzied Sheets nine' thlough4lie trees.
Elem.° suggested lye-I:Ching' het -there was
no rope, 'Others wanted to back her in
pieces:with the sarne knife that toqlethe
life of .the child.'. Still another eeiect
....litirri,lier l' and the cry' taken up
and.. 'repeated. tiptil . all ift.,:the,,ecitvi
• crowd were: crying. ' Burn her I. bi
.her I' . • She fo4ight like n wild''beast.
She crouched, and ,eti.tieeeOlecli and used
he feet •and .• hands... 'Nit" her earateru.
were too• Melly to cope with successfidly,
•and: She Was .led , ant to the 'slaughter
kicking and shrieking. They d ragged
her to it tree and...bonnd her tiglitlto
it,. Then they heaped brush •around her
end fired it In .a dozen places. • A circle,
of 'fire • surrotincled. her, and fretu . the
:midat61 it She begged for therey • one
Moment .tand shrieked hei imprecations
next ;And around her steed the eXcited,
negroe* watching4 the -flews . as they
scorched. her.flash and seized. upon her
clOthingeend enveloped her -in a 8110e.t:Of
Le' -'ell'IrtoolOrriblericepain ,
but •not one of them took their oyes
from her,until she fell into the; asbes.a
blackened corpse. The, women waseitn-
doubtedly insane
Our Children.
Raving leased the p' combets now occupied by us, for another ter& of 7 years, we are
prepared to give the BEST BARGAINS possible. We .have on hand a large and well
selected stock id
We have ail; largest BtO011 wit., Combine quality with price, and we cannot be
eleeeeveundersold. • • .
use.' From 'this . food :tertible• dyseutery tbe president of the_read and the poiiresti
satid amopg the survivors', and nn July passougme • • p .., .
7th therdnere but. 16 persons fele alive,- 'I -Ie reached. in 'his 'inside pocket and
the bodies of over 25 having.: been eatery,
Sixteen survivors started. 'then into his vest•pockets. -•His face grew
down the coast ,red and he fuctibied iteeend his hip poCkets.
in niiitiges drnwn by :dogs, . the only living The condittor grinned. Roberts' sallow
creatures left them, the ponies 'having complectien grew paler'and .then redder;
been sacrificed td appease lineger long be- He went through his tickets battle passes.
'fore. When 'about 24 miles from Cape
Megford a heavy • Snow storm eet he
While.the party.- were andeavirritig to. firid.
their way they, were . • '
. .
'to- the number' Of 25 or 46. athieh aillectall
of the party but two, the Survivors. W-
it* among the number at. Cape Mugford.
Itatereported that. More than one-half of •
the...population;,:have 'died of ' hengete.
Thousands'. of bears- have. &Prised Peer
'from. Pennyleed, ransacked -the shores of
:Okakh, decippen-graVe‘spict deVenred the
dead and ataeked the They have•
devastated an immense district. The j.
The.speonducter's sini e grew more expan-
• • emplr P exclaiined - the:, president. •
Singelar Just stop asyou pas way
again.' • . • . _
The conduetor stopped, and the'Presi-
den t dryly banded hitn a $5 bill and tor& chea,
hip to take out the fare. lie had left his ,
book of passes at his office. „ee•
A erectile- etoneanee.
reat Inducement.
,t1lavieg bought C.' 3.-Tuthill's Stock of..
_onacirERY ce4, CLIASSWARE
At a discoent, will sell Wholesale Prices tintil all is cleaned or.t.
. .
EB•4 ITEM. ociea YEAST, formerly. kept by Tuthill &Co.. filn4lys:en ban •
i3°.11.iS.414.3..)E11.$ CAt
• • •
• • A .rotnantic' story caine to: a happy
dinling..iti• Mayor 'Whitney's, Office; in
'BrOoklyn„ N.Y., the' other -day, 'where
habitants are abandoning the. smaller set,
-11-c -.married Item:an Irraus .and Anna
tleinents, and have .flocked to the larger.
fishing pone, Where they he;ve been.fol.; Prussion,-war Medals; de -
lowed by hoards of.bears,:iind •. edlitted the envonei. breast and pOme-
Devotaten IN GREAT :Nu:elms. • Ting' unusual ahont their demeanor led
: The, neighborhood Of the .iovvie of ilepee. to quesiiOninge 'which developed' a
dile, the centre Of a considerable (seal fish. • mantic tale. liOrman and: Annalived
ing truffle, has also suffered': from- leek .of at Friederichstah I, me the Rhine, end he
food and the ferocity of the bears and • Was. 18 -witeri-the.i.Frento-Trussian' war
w.olves. Within the pasttwo mernOis (Ater tr• ke out. 1e 1marched-off to fieht for
.156 persons have perished (rem. cold or •
ie sweetheart rode
hunger; ' orthe Veaterlancl, and h
-by falling u 'prey to the wild
.•lieasts. *Mon, 'driven • mad 'by hunger, atter bit» itt one of, the waggons of the
have fought e kit beep over the remaining Red Ceoss, hospital °wets. • • A:t.:Gettvel-
of their dead companions, the .beare being hotte a:fragment. of a shell' situck Her-
usuellyesucceesfureand seouring7e,-clouble--mitn-a' -nd-when-the-soldiers-eamenrotin
repast. " ..• • . • • . . •
after the battle to bury the dead he was
• ' put into a shallow. pit- with twenty or
An ImpOrbint Decision.
thirty other bodies. Grief at the news
- of his death droveAnna out of her -mind, •
A hem wae recently brouglif &tore a and wandering on the battle field, -she
yaokton, D.T„ justice of the peace on sought the pit -in whIch ,he had been
tne charge of assitult and battery. PTie
bt riecta d due out. his body' Soldiers
..complaint, sap that votanttacked this Man n
name upon her .and forcibly carried her
off te the hoapital, where she was sent
back tGerniany,Pley did _ not
bother to re -inter the liod`y she 'had re-
gurreeted. That night it rained nem!),
and Herman was revived lay it. He
was nursed back to life, but it portion
of the Skull pressing on the brain neele
hini itrane. Anna recovered her reason
end, thinking bini deact, came to live
with her father in America. Last: Fall
a °elevated German doetot. exatnined
Harnett, and, by trepanning, restored
him to reason. Ile tnade enquiries
about his betrothed, and disceyered her
location in Brooklyn, and wrote to her,
learning that she was free and loved him
still; A week ago he reached At'n ica.
" • .with a knife and nearly _killed him rliew
and forth With he was forbidden ;the
Most aspiring youne pitons wieh to is it?" said the justice. - "Yes, I etabbed
-110-come-1p_to my_
house and began abusing 'me und calliPg
ftrktrg And -7." "Thatie, rreason
for eseitultieg hie* the wayyott did."
tliold on a, intoute, judge ; then he jerk).
ed around and said he couldliek me and
struck at the -r-" • "StiTl, you had no
business to attack him ee savagely ; , you
pearly kilted him." "That's all._right,
Your Honor, explain; then he went
on tq abuse my wife and begae chasing
the children around the yard and---"
.'Thet Will do -you had no.exeuse for at -
reeking him with a, Icnite ; you should
have called a policeman to remove him;
1 must hold you for attempt to kill."
"Just another word, judge; after that be
walked over and kicked iny dog and--"
"'Hey t• -kicked that liver -coloured bird-
dog of yoursle " Bet he clid, udge ;
walked right up to him when he wasn't
dein' nothing, anctkicked him right in the
.aide.! "Yes, and jueteas likely es not in-
jured hire se you can't hunt with hint this
season •, why ditheyou, telrme thie at firet,
Yon did perfectly' right goieg at hirnwith
knife, and a 4010416 you. Me. Plain-
---houseen•nd ineeleepaiee-dreewned litniselfe
in the , Petluipe some of You
grintleinen , with ' keen .eyee' .an * tell
*which two of de .1. trees Aare the fartlPOSt
apart." • . ' . • •
the eroUp took a critieul:view of the
sifeetion, and each iiieniber self,eif h
different it ef trees,. , teler
much discussioe, .appettl was taken
to the solemn -faced the
'The first and. the last,' said be, calm-
resuming his e'igar, •ifnd walking awaY,
with the air•of sage.. ---Buffalo Courier,
the best (moiety. Any one will soon be
reetaguized as inteing lithe Wii
aiVeS siecero attention to the rules for
conduct found in the'bible: Let tut nolo
a' few of the exeellent precepts Whioli,
fitithfully observed, Will lead to linn
manna) s. • . • .
1. The root and moult° of all true
Politeness must be understood. Real
cultivation begins with, beer
Psal m.11. 1.0 and Luke 46, first claust4
are plain rules on ibis point. •
2. As to .dress, --An exeollent tele to
• .....„-,..... eft-- - regulate the whole mattet ei foniel m 1.
- Invisible: but Insiantalieotn. ,,,s-„ ' In re.. „„„,d ,,,,,i,,,,,,iii,,,,,,,
All pains or lichee will he iniitantly removed "'"''' ""'' ,'-', r'' " - '-`1„ -..; - - " ",- -
by ri, reit, drops of Maid Lightning applied over on account ot norvotte • teeilligs •Itioof
medicines needddf no poulticing or using ono 8 allPale); one 613"Ilid 'th'sei've the
Ug mr.,;sted ports, NC tune test ; no nauseam:
rreaq nob-n(1M. it Vill not blietat or discolor rule found in Matt. vi. 28, 29. Cord:ion
ihe skin. Sold at Vie. o bottle by Worthington
Draggist. sufferers from xeuralgia ammo ns aphid -an exeeedingly bad liabit in ter.
tlitit they never fear it whet their mime con- ferenee to one's personal app, avanee is
Mitts a bottle of PlUla Lightning, •
--,..--,,,,...4.......--..........-... given in Matt, xviii. 6, first chime, In
There are several towns in. Tilentaita rewrenee Y into en/ t„lie. ( 1 te
.. e ,.., e
to y�ung na • 1
without, it single unmarried women, awl wiii°11 is to Make thetiv noticeahl,
A Mack
of all diseases follows an unhealthy eondi-
tion of the liver, one of the most impoi-
taniorgana of the body, Impute blood,
eumption, sick. litadaehe, disease of the. - +ORANGE AND CIT11,0-X PEEL. 2lbs. GOOD MIXED CANDY
P I ON ;111172.11P
r • •
FOR P11-410PLI24.1
ALT, cheap -Crit0 Op7RIES a..n4
diavinh. a. lava() stook of Sat on hand, (...cfors iviAl be filled
the'.1plerelo. prices.eei riffered in Clinton, as the Salt Works will be sold whoa arrange- .
bents arc,ciimplotsct. Will buy and Bell TIMOTHY. and CLOVER SEED. A lot of
SALT SACKS and (..BAIWBAGS-for sale.
0.r.Oraia Axe -GARY& OLINTON
. _
BOOTS and at Remarkably Low Prices.
BABY .-CARRIAGES just arilved, latest .Styles, Very Cheap.
TRUNKS & VALISES bY the hundred, cheap, .
----,---11-fghlartd---PINE and CEDAR' SHING-1,-(1.41S-rat-LaWierPriees.:
• • „
• f'.) *
. u
We have .eecured• 20 half chests of e:erY line 60et4 YOUNG TIYSON 'TEA.
which we will sell for a mOnth at 45ets. lay the 511),,eaddie, Thie
• is the best value ever offered in this colints. Don't • -
:foil togo a ceddie beforgeeit is. all sold.
We have opened a fultlitock a - ••
Ne* Valentia B,aisins, Extra Selected Valentia- -
SRaisins Black Basket Raisins eedless
Raisins Sultana Raisins.
bronchitie, asthmar malarial diseases, con, NEW CURRANTS, NEW SHELLED ALMONDS, Nit W IJEMOINT,
• ""'" Jus" " 4 to minty attion, or toeptchty tho ever. FOR 25ars. Call alid Inspeet one Sibpkw
filt. 4 nAnm.„ skin, kidneya and eiect--all may be 'traced
t 810 fine to this court k t • . k V
all tile loced papers tell piteous tales of
rieli and eligible bachelors tearelling
about from town id town looking for a
wife. In Gonne parts of the -Territory, it
elioivn to no something else t, ,.4, for kictittg tie) dec."
fashionable clothes by Prey. xx; 21, 'trst , • No other known preparation so rapidly and
clause. And for yoilndladies, the whole A I Question..
Di. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery.0
thoroughly restores a disordered liver as
summary as to adernment is found In gaes'ion: t's life werth 1. • 24, .
'"" Is pleasant to the taote wind but sure in
fereoiedieyel,enentre fsolorrreet grie•oeidlt SelrOtifeei ei$ 21101 2%tl. P•Ants., !)/v04 -ti'. vo'llotion.....w bell to iici.',,eFincedhorbaiiinies%'f,!111, ea,11,:teetigr.iPerrttiftieltirittiti: firtotheoen 10.1,0fatithdostrooifitt ts! ottot'le, ffeeeertionfrhentlyiniaitentaintY8
conversation with clior,porgp., Veleetri. bonyancy, . A . Of the age,
, • .