The Clinton New Era, 1886-07-23, Page 7n^1lll.) J, 31TLv, 23, i8SG. r .'IdEAiS10'l 'rfl#rowT�,...-......-+. I „..1 t' Years se I wrote and pub! .shed in a Aid Carbuncles result from s debilitated, Louden 1 Magazine all 511:1,11e 1.1111011 I ipugoverishad: or -mune condition of the . cures these eruptions and painful tumors, und�at k to .provfe,tkib: olcli grc>tifr . blood Ayer's Sersepar l1 la prevents and groin the same .as grain or potatoes pr anything else. I reckon I didmy, work crudely, not kknowing any't,iing about chemistry or the ordinary, terms of ex- preesion about such Watters, and eo my earnest and entirely correct sketch was tont to pieces,: and laughed to. stein• Well, I #lave at last found positive prof of my general statement right here as the Mountains by the Pacifio sea. Briefly p4 ai -ply; I have found -apiece of petrifed wood with a little vein or thread of gold in it. How did that gold get into that piece of wood Was it Placed, thereby the anger of God on the Morning of creation,a9 men have claimed was the case with gold found in the veinsnf the mountains Nonsense. Gold glows ! Certain eouditions of the air, or certain.combinatidns of the earth and air and water, and whatever chemicals may be'retjuiredy and •,then a hock, a piece of quartz, 'or petrified tree, for the gold to grow in, and there is your gold crop ! Of course gold grows slowly. Centiries upon centuries it maybe, are. lequt a to make,the, least .si'zor of •grow., ing.,,:But it grows jest as I asserted years ago ; end here at last;I hold in oily hand such :testimony- as no -man in. this world . would be rash enough to question; a•portion of petrified tree with a thread of g ht in it.--Joagtim 1llillen . in Chicago Times. by removing their cause; the only effect. McGregor ,t Ii+,arke's Carbolic Cepate. Have you an old Sore.. Cut; Burn, Bruise, Corn, Bunion, Salt mourn, Pimple, Blotches, Rough, Elands or Face 7 'If se; there is but one Cerate. 1f you but try it it willor rconvince you. It costs but 25e. at Worthinerou enrugenore. snrrilndered'o a .fluhlfrog.' •One of the best of Sam Small's war • stories is this o. -"when things were hot. around Atlanta, C'aptaiti ''Even..Howell • received an or*tl7 re1011nOltle-ae TOSS Chattahoochee River and ascertain if '.the Federal 'troops had retired: The night was -black as Ink.. He reed the ordei''te his men, . but 1; as snrjliisec1 to find them all disqualified for 'the risky job. One eonlcln't- swim, 'another had rheunlatisul; still another always ;took cramps in the, water, and so. it went down the whole line.. • But the:order H 111 n ei nal tray 0* treating them. .& r r'a Seraaplarillai has prevented the usual course oat Nona, which have painted. and distressed mealier, seasonfor several earn,- .Geo Scales, i lainVill4, itch. I 'Was badly troubled with ',simples U;li the tate; also with s discoloration of the elan which also, itself in ugly dark patches. No external treatment id mere than temporary good. Ayer's sateapa- _rills effected A Perfect -C -ore• and I have not -been troubled Pince.-- T. W. Roddy, River et., Loren, Mass. I wan troubled with Boils, and my health Ives, touch impaired, , I. began• using Ayer's Sarsaparilla, -and, in dna time the eruptions all disappeared, and Any time, Was completely restored. -- John It. EESking, Editor Stanley Observer, .;Albemarle., N. C. I was troubled, for a long time, with a ' humorwhich anotered otkru t4ue i i uga pdmple.• and Blotch cone y�t,ep best rills cud Arae `I ids Ch theeer est blood purifier in the wbr smith, North Crattabury, Vt. Ayer's Sarsapar-ilia. Is sold by all druggists and dealers in steel cipo..,. 51; for A.yer's dSarsaparilla, and do not bo persuaded to take any other.. Brepsred‘by Dr,J,C. Ayer tC Co.,LoweilA1t4►i� Price *1 ; sill: bottles, 115, FARMS FOR SALE. _ ON TR' Ft4tb eon of 6h township OP 1In1 8tt, contain- g pb0at40acres. 'formate suit _ppurchaser. Apply to CAAISItON,IIOLTS CAMERON, Barristers,Goderich. TH ■. ONDESBORQ. **549G-- learing Sale is a Grand Success. Wcijiave- ouch pleasure in tendering ow thanks to the public,. far the prompt manner in which they responded- to our • an- nouncement of a .sale of summer dress goods at clearing prices. Ml last week Mir store was c 'owded with cwitomerst all of whom we Vrust were pleased 'with the bargains 'we offeree!. Wg STlr'L .HAVE,'A VERY �NICIi; LOT al? . A now offered. for 8e. PINTS sold at 12�c. per yd. • Still a few pieces of FINE SATTEEN PRINTS .4 v�roxth 15c; .to 18c., New Goods,. Choice .Colors and Patterns, now offered -'for •110; .. . Don'tfai to'see-ours Tress` Goods at�1O w t Wt are con--vby ley our large sales --et' READY MADE 'WARM FOR SALE, -TIIE ESTATE Or TUE JJ late JohnLn8'aon,68acres g odland, nthe'north or e side of lot 4, Maitland block, B. , are. on tho promises, good frarn0 house and barn build- ings, about 9 acres orchard, well watered, 1 mile froth Manchester, 0 miles front Clinton . end 7 from Blyth. Apply to•JORN KNOX- and JOHN SPRUNG, tors,.Aubtirn. "sin' Fast PI., fPoll* coimpoSed of los „2.9 and s0, con. 8, Mullett,:200 acres, of this16Qacresnre cleared, tho balance good ltardwaod- bush. .Bearing orchard of 3 Peres. Ordinary. dwelling house ; good frame barn i ed Vann is well watered, and sift ut and outbuildings• a about5l,tulleafrnnithoTavv;nofpClibton; Terms easy, Apply tc St. ALcTACCA1tT, Clinton , • r1.1 A10,110. BEAT,--Tli c S- BSC,tIBElL , 9tlrcu,tS'. to rent his farm of 80 urea, , 6 lot of Ilul,ett, Jt is 6 miles from Clinton, has 80 acres cleared,'Nith good spring creek running through it.: Small house, good barge, -shed, orchard, ,&c. One of the bestgrazwg•farms in Rune%. •\1 ilI bo-ronted for a terns of years nt a reasonablo rate. Possession oven as shim as harvest is over, to that fall wboat meg be. put in this year: A. DOQSWORTI4, Clinton ': 1 have now on bawl one of the• Lar t' Beatt,a_ c1 moat. Coale Pte Stoeka of BOUTS and SHOE ever tlisplate4 n •t lxntott, ablty will sellthem at the LAK Lowest possible ;'rices. If you want goott,'rdliti fix Booto and Shoes, call on 'vs: and you will not be dtsappeintetl;,, " arop,stilx niakiag the Celebrated' Sewcd B whteb al's so favorably known to require no comment. &1l, kinds Of costae' • work promptly attended to, and at reasonable prices. CdT OFF ;Iron. Con. • Enos TAKEN IN Z' Z0BANGE: Call (III +C. Cruickshank, the Boot Make- • ALBERT STREET,: BRICK.. BLOCK,' CLINTOAI '- mC LOT H I N G that We have the right 'goods at right. prices, ..L'iAR\L FOR $41,B. -TRE FARM ON THE I3U1t•- ��`v 1 ou rcasnpablo bad to be obeyed. So arse '.l) tl r oN Rnad,' lots 0 and 7, Godcrich township, con - into the •water and made for the other. terms' Aboutl?u acres cleared ancl.tn good tato of *and liar( nom 6,ail fruute i •sistin eof.144'acres, is offered for .sa o. side. He wasa remarkably good swim- - .Ind -felt save :lie w>i-makag ir! inei noise, yet_ he l eeaine so frightened- the!, each stroke seemed to hint to.arouse the wb „ , Now and then a lightning bug appeared, and confident that it wag a Yankee musket, he clucked 'under water.. Byand-by lie .get so near. the shore that'he could wade, end be ' was creeping along as captiously, as les; sible, his teeth chattering with'. fear;., when of a sudden he'struck against an' old tree that had fallen into ;the 'river. -rust then a hugh bullfrog gave ti sonor- ous blast and jumped into the. river. Unable to retain his self possession 'any longer Howell threw up both hands and yolletl in terror," rte i, final! reaebed the on applieaton to ileo proprietor, '.NT RUD h,'p m- When 1h y 1 NE11' IIILA OFFICE, Clintoir. ' Cultivation; Lala nc good house, Ace,, general buildings, plenty of water, hearing rchard, 1-t--olik;a irot0• the Agog -Own -el Uintah. Particulars may bo' obtained on. the premises, 'o• r by addressing JAMER PERDUE., Clinton i',,0. f�IARAt, r0R SALV.,-THE SUBSCRIBER,Oe FERo X forselc`iris-sltinrrtitdfa, ouf-i00•aerer,-b g-' • 44. Ind con., .of 1'ockcrsnith, Goad WOW Story.and 'half frame liouso, 2 aorcv• splendts..orchard, ;good buildw s, So acres Iron from -stomps; 15 acres iitfall wheat Tlie whole under good cultivation, and_ well under drained, live 'spring on the firer ante L is from ooti wells :;lose to ohurchci and schools • 34 the town of Clinton, 5 frnnt-Seaf0rth Witi be sold; :on retsoriable, terns. iItiGf{: MCDONALD,' on tit Premises, orC;linton.P. 0. • rs • f the e cloth fi t the crit and workmanship good, the' giialit� a c class and prices are very ovt,, . ' of FRESH 'GIi,Q `, �1�CIES., inn line � . • Remember this is tho only_place iii ,the county of Haien where you can buy 20 pounds of: Furs . taw Sugar for $1: • Inas • 0.1111,XIVIT i arly: c04e-ing ,fol a Suit, ti Pair of Pants, a 'Vest. or Overcoat or Is �oG sucp�srcd dor complotcu��s ; 11) -HO fosty.... Prices consistent' with 'fine 'worl;l. �@��T/ ARE• NO. SULLIVANJ '.. :. i t:t11e.r'tile has very few,e ceptious,-that every ono w40 buys LONDESBORO. SBORCIte,'. . K DRUG: ." STORE Are so Well • i that when t `L"Ild•.wandel-signed•-bae7:jusaopened- t1Tove--Drug Store -in----.- _- and Send or �rc�lsa.>n L'�Tewv .I3lc�tel .•' a1Lli �aUx1 rLve4> , i • • u nut of Pit-SOarid elfE 1TI0.2VE5-,-1r1so-PA.TEi l?- kfC+-H'1E F S and TEI. m*-G?i�&. S'r`S. SUNDRIES. All !that .the l ti,b1io'uiay ask, .' Ter in these• lines. .RUC GI :. ' •I• � , � , i � ' ,.•�'1S�ihe g idence to Drug •Stole. . Fisei:ie1 .t: x o ),: i!I •: •:. , . P. 5:.=--Oflice G1laubed from r if n.tOn:. the body at e E HALL � CLOTHING HOUSE r satisfied with the .Fit, Male, .and . the Triniraings, ie want another suit they.always conte back to us,. Ming' their' friends .wit! theme.. This„ is, why. ,our, ly. u �iness t�ts• ,ltekeased .so rapid business • orsWest of the Cit Book Store, where will be found a conTlete`ussort- ( Two' tC10 � Y c+ 9II,. Q. liLENDID FARM FOR SALETIViT EtidEt Q t;su't Lunt of X3.1 .set eti being Iota 68, 70 - and 71, - on the Maitland 0encession, Ooderich township, About 135•aares cleared and in good; state of eultiva lion. On the premises is u good bricl: house, with all conveniences of stabling bank'biirn, Well Watered, &c.' good•lreartng oreblird, ehurch on, the farm,and seh',01 not far awgy, about 0 miles from tho town of Clinton 'f f rut is ono of the heat hi the tabrttshilt•of (lode-' , ins. u, I surrender, I su l t en • 1 possession .iven at any time.. 1� all part ars. der.' len a tpq I'; 0„ nr of E te. stns nota Yankee co..ald_be-seen,,l)na_ c smolclering fire gave evidence that .they. bad recently decaw ped "--Chicago. Herald. • .:t - AleFtdnplitaiilo�ta,aestl. "Whenever 1 feel out of sorts,' bilious, any liver not working right.. or ed withlltbeAd„ I take Dr. Chased . ache, :Pore real benyitlt from :our, dose of gam Liver Care titan in many bottles of some niedielues. --John M,Nasser, Bond fiend.. • For sale by Dr:. Worthington. • 4 onrleal js esue,BQsent - t-,1' iSioperS. Intelligence wits -received helve that e. Young lady and 'gentlenhan, living -near the Red Sulphur • S.pring, and whose llatrle73 al's omitted. on aceduitt.of their;• ' families,. eloped from the house of the lady's pat ents s for the purpose of getting married, The flying pair. were in a buggy and made good time until .Indian; Creek was, reaclkod The. creek wasvot'y .- high, but an attempt was made to ford• ...it, ;when midway in the stream tine' vehicle was washed 'over rind the occn pants were thrown into the Willa :�'Theyy. lodged. -.against a''{n•ob:Aii ticc....in "tltrr middle 'of the. et eek. • .The young, man caught the lady as• the ttisbtti; waters were carrying her Clown and held heir' Fortunately just at the root of the tree there wale sufficient. foothold for the youth ,Mall to stand, so that tihe wa,toi :only came up to his twirl'pits, .but on • Dither side of him it wits too •deep. tttid ' the current, was too strong 'for him .to venture to reach -shore. ,ITtl:hold the. young. lady for 'two hours :bolero. -;hey. were discovered. ' The 'positiOl Wti:S.. ,:►britt Ih101'0 Unpleasant by the'nihil• so'ar'- ing; his rays upon thorn; ' 1'ortutlately when the• buggy wtis, overturned .an umbrella. was thrown in lotion of the FLOI$ I it N b 'l'U •1.11' (�'1'1r`11,•. Oers.-• PPa''IL C��7.,. ::. I7elir�f ed n:ny, inhere in town free of elharge young man, and he nlnthngot[ to open ;end hold it neer tate huh. ,.Novel as" was the etttaati'Op11y, the 'rescue Was I even more novel. A young than, al- though though the risk wall gt•eab, swam a strong.; horse to the place, and the imperiled lady and getttleinan hong on the ani • min's tail and were, brought back safely, The father caught up with the .pair sit the desk and the wedding :lid not take '{ place.- { Rich imnntl, Vat., cor. 13ia1tiritoro ,•i A in eric an. 'Varicose veins, old Pores, ulcers. swelled ilYlbs _l 011 : B 1 TA7Olt_i 411 bi not EL_ C`ila, subset'ii)or kr r 1;s tile' finest . SK1+.rI S a'11d COI:TINS int_ , Alwa.ys o,i hand, Funerals cvr �L pill d at • the shortest notleo stn. A k, ALL SOI.ICITLII•,' • Eeaullug ttitdertairees: ltnitiStLnJi 1. Till. PLACE, . OplroSITE. TIIE.TOWN- • �,HA�I,L. ticks 'A THOS, STEVENSON ST�.I,ANE 8 £I?�ItILS. •Xhf• Cro :m, • eaurm©r .FRESH ARRIVAL$ THIS WEEK• , ..' ' t.CASICilERE BooneT Ph131L`Ti114I+'. :' UI.ELi,EL'OItl+I. •. ' , , , T , . , '• • •: !fine line, of HAND ,11IFnnoRs, cheap. • UAJ=.ItIAG.G, SP()1\ Cr>Jb • liLrltTLb1\DS' IiCI:1k: YP•,1tFli\LL ,' ,' PURE Il�?S1 C'r POWDER . .'.C.ksunrie BoaoE•e UA.P.-' 'ATLANTA SEA SALT ' ,,pEAi;s (ENCLis1I) SOAI' • '.FRESH LIME JIJICE •PkkARs VIOLET Poa'iDEItS `PEAR§ ;t5L00AfOF 1ilNOV.1 PUlE PARIS G1EPN` ' 1 Manager. ":31-,YEA* •E'. STAIiLI;53mr.b: ~_ .rya AVES- e : u ec/a tit atron, to q'I; JSS>✓S,, ftntk 13avt _tire ]::gest stock > n lite county , r le. O1T S, 111i�13i1 �LCt111 .S: Ll Y P Rest r cent 1731. Alt in town • tool .ria*Lge Doors. ,, ()LINTON; ILUG(IIS�' fitted With C.13�)11151 AND D All t 1 s f l''i>•eproo£ Safes ale es .>. ., O*31•ems, is'oxi Gonda ting C+�L�Js...L±o� !ostO-IticeM In there:ri lois numerous cast iners for their ltberal'patronage in tbo paitt, begs to announce' • that he has, just received aspleudid assortment of ; . : • 61=11l\?'- C a-'J017SS- , an AIR .'CIIAIo]BER to event nen s ess - ° ''l.ieis: A-��largc assortment of S�ECONDp• HAM•) 'SAFES prevent dampncss'to papees: o for silo atlow prices and on easy terms of payment `Catalogues on application 1 gn 1 11:9 Trak Street; Tltsrt - Toronto: • y • ;c o�tratsrsa_rill:"Ll_\o AIe '\711ies I� •ti.' _. .. - r.L, LDS'1?l3:ESh COODS111USLIhS, gi,tiGlinALS, •" finds, oryiil,nlas•in the face, swollen .joints,. unions e0zr•nla, salt rheum, are all curet! by l b (mete Lintroreit Tail itleArerntlrir:t Write Dr. c: -las, il,x 3,4N2, Vow 'Yowl; 1'. 0, who will 'i,..,,,, „.,„,,„, ,,,,,, ,„,„,„ „,,,,,,.. prescribe and civ ‘.01. n1vino rot k,`•n''laic els ' +ti :t .'Co' y;" canal Erre of elm; ;,•. Too T,'het,urlht• it S. 11. 1 ..lA,cytsat.r'11r.nt•R,'3lt;t;,r`r Sl•rttsr,'1'. t'r.txlr,N, . by all druggists. -ta 1i,113RCiDklI13c, fIliT NOS002r(NADES, D UCh.S SL DEN'1111s = , • .1 r specialty, sad li first-class 1`ailor ttdtoj;narantens a fit:. A. full supple a hand'; I1� e BO a ape y, made BOOTS and 51111I1S just arrived for tile slat er trade. A fresh • n;ssortlnent o i 1 ]?k J}1.; Hary 1 li • , •: 'resp: "Illy tar 131) dent 'Young( lfysun 'TEA, best { visitovo GIed to the.S •iii d.HARDWARE, li)d i ., -, ), '"KI'R and t 1 LASSWAIU , a full , value over. offered to �ptl1tO N OIL 'Machinery, ery, •masa s on hand, and everything ! supply. TARTANS unci CROWN' OIL for mach inery,O eitnty gallon. highest market usually 'kept in a•firtdocla-st; country store,: 1:011 per .rice laid in trade for .13CJT'r1;tt, •EU(iS, OATS, etc, Conte runt and all enc! inspect my MA I stock. No tr0U1110 to show, geode. p 1 l i' . quantity of tbli litt1J L 71N:"1'kS,tx f3I ;"1)INll.'.1'l.`,'I'A'TI; N;li, --C have a13est inrothe m a a g0 quantity gTlest the market, which S opt' at the lowest possible rata • , ) .,--; TRE WORX $ 'l~er 1st July at VAENA, MarchMarchutll, IMO. � r :..:... �.......�_ . anima r<; 'sr coEs`sors TO • H. .STEVENS..,& SON. CLINTON., Manufacturers - of ..SAstI, Poopsj. 1Ia iii*, 1i'I,00ltlso, • Sionst i,' ' CEILING," MOj LD:EN s, P•ti:tMES, ,PicKETsf', 44.c., and d All kinds of . interior and Exterior FinisllngsLATA and- 'SIII tLE% kept on hand,. Mill on.Wellington. St.,.opposi.te`Woollkn ANL - i314NS Ain • S.PECIF,TC':AT.ION,S: PX'I PAAED. . - . W. i+9 . ri ! caffie iFTJRN1TTTRE .....r nxT DOOR O•. T1' 1, t�tTS�r BOOK STORE, CLINTON, E. OOi SETS, • PARLOR, SETS,' LOUNGES, SIDEBOARDS.:' CHAIRS, 8tc. . ' . A,NO' A GE?:T TtAT, AflanRTl tic'-` Ole 1111 `1*111t`Y` tr•.B'r ,:1TADY..1 i?iiIllITTITRE AT'' �y REASONABLE P' Itli`Rt~. ange 0� BusinesS' till rIItilrtiitltlttltalttr'tttttt.tr 'Tho nndorsigned begs to notify the people of Clinton. and vicinity that he has bought the HARNESS BUSINESS. formerly 'carnet by, W. L Novick, -And that he is prepared to furnish - Narlless� Co�- liars Wh1 s, Trunks. Valises, Buffalo Robes, Blankets. p A.nd over!. •thin . nsiia ly 'kept in a-first=Plass-Harlrest:-Sliopyat•tlto lo'tvust:p ices.alt Speat% attention is directed tartly stock of Lrolrr lunar 0:at which I will na!ke p i Y IttP,A.tRrtNG• . 'aolt1p vLir Ar, 7 INTDED .TO 13 strict attdntion to busino'ss, and carefully studying the wants of tnyri ant ern here. hope td y merit at fair shark. of p`trnnnge Give Inc a call before amelia i ItEMIISIlltit THE STP 1D• -4O1 POSIT141 711.1: ICI 4 e �1 ,c1 -,:m '4..I. •rA aero.irw....hr.K.-.,..`1r�•..+•�'