The Clinton New Era, 1886-07-02, Page 3to EllIDAY, MAY 3, 1880. A iVelltollenried PoOPY. Every now and again the. Conservative Papers break out with the remark tha "Mr. Blake has no Policy," and for tin , assumed reason they *lin be is not en ----------,.,„.titled to support. Those who give th - 'natter any thought and an examinatio of the facts hearing on the matter, if they are honest in their reasoning, ivill arriv at adifferent eonchision. The Reform &party has a very decided policy, a policy with far more body and substance te it than the policy Of the Conservative party, if we accept the deternituation of the lat.: tor to plunder the pelalic chest. For instance, it is a defined policy ofthe - Refornivarty thaGthe Senate shOuld be reconstructed. We would go even fur- tlaer that its reconstructioe. Our readers will-ivelleremember -that -only_a_few abort •-- -weeks-age-Hone-Davidelifills.-movedrand_ supperted in a fereible speech, a resolu tion to the effect that it was desirable that the Upper Chamber of the Canadian Par- liament should be. elective. That resolu- Lion was heartily supported by ihe Reform party as a whole; yet it was defeated by the party of progrese-save the mark !- on the ground thakthe Senate was inodel- led after. Britiala institutions. . Again, the Reform party in Parlialment lune-emesisteratly-sappertedeet, he-eause-a, temperaace. It has in every• casein yell the question has come up in the House, ranged itself alongside ,temperanceLeaul has in every way endeavored to give the people of the Dominion, What they 'de-*: mended in the way of legislation be ring . , on the proingtiert of temperance. OttlY • the other d_ay Mr: Riakd_nuived that Mr. Jemieson's amendments -to the Scott Ad be placed upon .the Go.vernment papers, • but the Tory tulministration refused this very.reasoeableiequest, and declined to . give the temperance peoplean okidrtunity • of making the Sot t Me What they desired it to be. . . . . Thre-Reform party hes 'very pronounced opinions upon the subject of expenditure upon . 'matt -Idiom, and has frequently raised HS voice in parliament against the • lavish :out -pouring of moley for the' pur- pose of importing laborers to take the breacrout of the mouths of men already here. But the yeice was dicrivned in the howl of the majorityond the world is told because, unable t.o pia its policy on the statute book, the Reform party has no policy. The Eeformers belieye that •the: debt of Canada is far 'greater then the require:- . meets Of the country -demand. They• Beve that rigid economy should 'he prac- tised in earrying•on tlae Administration, instead of wilful Nemec. Thar4hereare eltogether to rainy .employees in "the Civil Serviee tor.the amina fit, of work (lobe, and that= immense saving.to the coon, try might be effected . by,a wise and pre - dent administration.. , - On the subject of the inanagement'of the northwest the Reform party utters no .. -, ____nricertain_sound....LIts-doctraie land should should .be for the settler, the price for the people, not. that the land 'should be parcelled gut among colonization eorn- peplos, and railway syndicates, gotten up by 'friends Of the party, in power for the sake (dunking and grabs, and holding °li- neal higher -values are reached. It is op; posed to the death- NS a system that could: create a rebellion like that of 1885, n sys- tem of tyranny,' opptessiori and •crind nal:. neglee that would fit beteer into a deeade • of the middle ages' then into one el the nineteenth century. - • ' ' • -.., The policy of the Reform' party on that, • and scores of otlaer publie questions. is Reform! Reform! Reform! .111enibers .of the party there may, lielvizo are lame ar d halting in their opiniona--L•willing,yet - half afraid, to take a- step'out of the beat - track, yet they ere net the Reform • party, any more that we believe Sir Sohn 1 Alandonald and the political eorreorants • he has around him, in Ottawa aro the. lit great Conservative party. The Re- .. -f 'arInuele.poi icy, but-it-iseaepolicy- for the good of the country, not for the good f th Ad ihistration only, and its 1 promoters and supporters being Men who will not stoop to eonquer they have not - had that opportutrity of 'putting tlien-'-'7' principles of public policy into practice• . that has been 'Offered t6 the men who • would, and who did, stoop to any base - netts to sdctire dace, and who are holding • it by the most profligate waste of the pub, . t lie funds, and the most Unblushing. cor- ) ruption of public men, that any English.speakinecomtry has seen since the (lays • of Walpole. • • , ....----;.„1,.........„---, • —__:____souvisra—coontigoindeice last year. Cherries are itt ablindanoe, And tirteg Wets, per qoart„ also whortleherries, gooseberries, blackherriea anti a few rasp- berries, the latter bringing 15°4. per quart. Prn epples and bananas are the great lux- ory here ; they come froea Florida, as well as all uur earliest vegeteblee. lIorne,grown t vegetable are now coming in, and are get. ting very •aburniunt stun citt.esp- that is, Cheap to what they have been here -bur 0 not to 0, northern viewof ptioes, as I bind u from the New Elia that your prices, will range froin one-half to two-thirds less than e the. Prices obtained beret for almost every ar isle of farmers produce. Large lusoioue watermelons are in from Florida, ale atualtraelons, and abundant of tomatoes whiolf are eagerly bought up by those wilt are able to buy theni, which are, I am • sorry to say., only the favored few. The orauge =I) is nearly exhansted, owing, to the destructiou of the crop in Florida,frorn the severe frosts of last winter, The Was • of oranges in one county alone, footed up nearly $1,000,000. The county of Orange being literally covered witiva sheet of neer- le ripened fruit, vvhieh after ebipMen.S by speculators paying 30eta. per box, were condemned by the board elf health of New -Yorle-cityr-a.e&-domped-irite-tha-L4iayee Later in. the !lesson targe quantities of maims and tomatoes will come in from the country round. about here, and will sell for one-half to one-quarter the prices, ob., tained now. Especially this the case with peaches, as` in August you can buy almost any quantity of them for 25 to 50ots per bushel, natural fruit or fromseetielng trees. You can obtain hundreds of pounds of dried peaches to -day here for the trifling sum of 3 or 4ots. per ib., peeled unpeel- ed,. Grapes have not ripened yet, but will in the course of a tnonth or less.. The rertirprmisitireto Tifirdliiii,""biir citable weather . may yet thwart all ur 'prospects, as last Yeke did by the tot, • Atlanta, Ga., 15tb. , . ' must tell you. a- little more about At. biota' At the risk of being considered sante- what tiresome to your many readers ; but this city is e type of =My other southern cities and Miens, and when you become' ecquiinted with. the peediarities' of the people and coun- try,' iiriTjlind tberirt ere, -you may take has •a sample of svhet eenthern cities. and towns are. •Io. the firet place, Twill say, the most objeotionable feature a licirthern Mara ex- periences. on, his arrival here,' Ped •which makes him feel somewhat nereconctiledte the country, is the presence of en ninny negroes , for you May he &dial° Surprised. when I. ip form you that fully one half of the population of this city are of this el iss, few only are possessed Of any therms beyond a small cabin; and are 'generally huddled • togethee ite the cheapest and Most undesirahle places,. ' sebthditi;liefe"ftliey are located, property will. • net coMmuntl-ltalrigirrates;-aurtif-they hap pen to beeeme °where of prbperty that is val- uable on eimonne of location,. are always wilt- ing to sell, and retrieve' to their oVin quarter, where they feel more at home -for, negroes • are not even' thought as intleh, Of here as at the north, and are entirely separate frotii the whites in. their :4°010- relations. They are generally • einploYed as Servants, 'although there Are a few second andthird rate mechan, iSs arnong them, such as Carpenters; masons, Painters, shoe -makers, etc- When etnployed as .servante they never inhabit: the houses of their em Me) ers.• 'Go -.where. you you will always find a separate:house-for them ,eerected at the rear 'end of thelot. • The Fed- eral Government have tried their- best to level all distinct ni between races,. by ap- pointing 'nee/roes to Many -high 'official. posi- tions...in the Southern States, \ is very displeasing to all ,rionth-ere people bat it is beyond their poWer.to remedy, and a "bitter. pill for thetti • to ,strallon, "' eft" erlier times; immediately *either subjugationof the Smith in the lite civil war, crowning indignity cast upon the south by ,the Goiternment, • was practiced to a much greater- extent, than - •at present. I have said in a former letter that reboot-, two-thirds- or'three-fourths--• -ofth criminals. of the eountry are colored,: as the stetistics of oritne.will -show, and pi the pop uIation ie about equally divided in the two • .races, this .wOu'd • prove the black. inert to be more iriamoral thaii the white, • •L do not think, from what I have witeessed, that this differenee, arises, ao: Much. ,from the natural- tendeeMeS .of the colored man to .orime, as from partialipy. towards -the white mat in .our courts. In their conviction,, the tee:tin:6ex of, -one White man is inightler.Sien half-a-dos:ea :liegroeis,' Then, again, neer! ett help. each, other out. of a •diflienIty, if. they are ever so eripable, and the Whiteman al-. way will, rill,.and is. Often successful, at least in o iattring a more lenient punishment The liberality of our northern friosida in endeavoring to elevate the . colored man . qn.ite apparent -On eaniblvethretigh-this'-di6r, as the Many beautiful and stately edifices. Lar his. higher education attract our attention. There are eo less.than four mammoth uni- versities of_thie locatedin yerious, parte of Atlanta, commanding magnificent -elevated positions, and surrotinded with . luxuriouei grounds and park's, 'capable of aecOmodating twelve-or-fifteen:hattdred etudatiftt=inultruSt7, ingovery material „and 'to the disadvantage . of his white brotherin the higher branches of education, aathere are (Ally two or three High Schools or Seinit which are quite 'nferior in size and attraetivenesaefor ale educe , - tip a our white citizens. But WY considered blind and mistaken philanthropy in ' our ner. theta friends to devete their spare mne illioin endeavoring to.give the negro, as it elase, amp,. thing more than a common school odacation! That he is Wei iorgh,y. nut-i-re+hy.:intellect, and; hat -a claseicareducation Win not benefit him or tie race in any way: To understand the negro Character thoroughly, it is necessary to come among them, and judgo Itim as you will find him ie the various walke of life,,,and 1 gueran•- tee that the opinion of many a northern aboliti. (mist will Income changed. Of novae &ivory is now done with there forever ; but : notwith' s an ang a sgrea evi s, an many a u I could particularlY narrate, Iquestion very much if the negro le any better off to.da,v, itt the sputh,avith all hikboasted • freedom than before the writ, but e en .vorqe. As a Ale be has little ability to ta o care of himself, .and whee lie earns money and obtains itr-ivlach by he way he Only does to the full amount -will not lay it out to advanta e I t dy conomy as long att ha has a nickle Ina pocket to pay for his next niettl„. and when mployment is not to be had,. slams all but taryation, and this leads him into cr'me Or. tumid sickness overtake him or his fetidly they re left to die without proper medical attend, nce. The question whether the negroes et finally greatly out number the 'white potra. ation usurp political povver, and become mits. ers of the 'Whole eouthren 'toiletry, has been requeritly discussed; But although the egro far tire most, prolific of the tw) keg, the rate of mortality among them is dutch greater, Tho death rate among the negroes in Atlanta is always at least &Wile that of the v_hi.t_QPP.ftlihttieh---T-have-bafore -rne-the more - nary rettneeLef-the-cityldSitvientfilie-Ge4-tif' tom 13, which giros the imbiber of de.tlia a • Edilor of the Clinton Nett, gra.• ,• • Altlioogli apparen tlY early to a northern • Man, araright in the midst of a South- ern summer, with all ita luscious fruits, harvests of goldeo grabs, and -die usual t advent of inyraids , of flies, and a few w lc 'an imbecile mosquitoes. The 4 flies, especially, arevery troublesome. It seems. to me they are entailer than the 8 usual house fly of Canada taut reorii n. ble and persistent in their determination a to stoney. 13ut we will now turn our at- a tontion to 'something: tnio agreeable, n), Ripe 'peaches from vineyarda, (40 awes south of here), have been in Athlete Mar.. f kottfri the peat 10 days, and selling from 11 $1, °MOM per 1 bushel. 'The. Variety is r Alexander, rather a peer peadli,' very much object to rot, and will generally decay -e-on---theesecontle-day--ifter-alripurent-The-t - crop was Very light this.year, and rotted worse than uptial, we think it is owing to *1A 11 nnsua severe winter. • Heft r verities • C 1 weeks, and there will be more s tisfaction ); couPle of Z. in handling them' for shipment, Plums are Scare° also, from the sa.me mese. A, ; few only are in the market, and they bring good pritea. We have new harvest apples t f or sale,! Moto/side of northern- tipples 61,o 1 Wm. t at 51 -only white, and 45 o will come in in the °orate of alored -34 were colored children tinder 6 ears., I will close by giving you att illustra- ion of the tiegro character ad YOt;will fiticl 1:n at the South today, 'Are you going to make a crop this yetir, Take 'No, sir. eon ; bidet. 4. poor darkey ike MO What haint got node) cant make tie rap t� do hint any geed, I been trynow for re° Years right etraight along, end I-eemes- den behime ebry time, Whet; ootton bring ,11 IA IWO I refiggclirr good price I dont naakabut half a crap. When. I kat xtract a frfahr_plitatti mut. I make a whole crap den it dont bring nuffitt„ a• I. 11,01 '1111)31'0W 11•JeGrk.;.(ir'ft hardly, and so betwixt de one and between the de oder .L comee ontem behime. I dont 1;now how it is, Innis: 1 work for aa fine mea ever brake brea-1, pears like, but dey all .got too . Alan Affffera for am, neber ne to settle' 0 'MP "t...t. 1.11.,, d Mr 1)1)1,watt.) dy I. tsougi 111 °twirl! re, croup, Amh- ara, awl .111 iiiriferalior Ur 1,1W throat, mugs arid c is.er. A • lulporal pa1410,4 tinagorotetanh, 041.0004 fire avoided, whien 'pada a it safe for eiril•t or rein i.s. ...rim Or. &tie and $1 per bottle- dey as de whole sides of de botilr full of Eggert) at wortilitigtou's Drag Store. far Jake. Look like dat liggers has had sumo , thin &gin eber since freedom, De white • ' finks say dar ia de Eggers Jake-dat. what de Dar is de bacon an de meal and de lasses aud ,TheA 4TidNAPTIENT KO Ammogia, figgers say end (ley lay it all ori de figgers. de bakks, ail right,.and I get ern and me and ds ole °min and, de chillun eat it all up and date so, bless God, and we oorild hab swan wid all , dat if it want' for delifegers-dey is de biggest ' load, of all for a poor nigger to zaWy. 1 could pay for everything but de fighters I makes cotton anti 1 makes core. Cottonforde 'wince- 4. ment and cora for my bread. Bass git all de cotton tor de 'vancements and all de corn for de figgers, and fore Christmas cum I 'taint got - nuffin and hay to work in de mines besides- .t.: and so I haint eivie_e to (gap it no more untwell de times gite bett*. 118 jes gwine to job it ' roan and alnatat," CANADIAN. • Atlanta,,Ge., June 4th,„, • PE UTE NE Mr. Thos. Pridharn, of Gown --- Perth Fall Assizes will be held:on 13th, at Stratford. Within the past two yeers Feline 120 re tired farmers have aettled in St. Marys.. If you are bihoos, take Dr. Pierce' "Pleasant Purgative Pellets," the origiuel "Little Itiver Pills," Of ail druggists. • Mr. Davis sold by auotion,at Bernholm, on Friday, the Barnett farm. It was per - chased by Mr. TiMothy Regan, for the sum of 0,06. • . is buihl- The 0:ieeillest and roust certain Inc:Mettle ia the Merl IVeR.utelBAIslilentiertike:11a1":1N11:14.111:11,14.ifir:::nSuntEgivp:11111ilat.,ecia:1:5161. leemale IV Onitness. mo'1:11 jniti_vhoeramutt anterud onirmce,i.ritoainnerseffanneuditrnirrilo reiliteaveripa...04g anteed cripples. Swollen Joints, Varicose veins, Bites of 'ept. Insects erntek fleadaelm. No;mitor grease; 14 della ood oweet; not son. . follainniaflon of the Kidneys, Bright's Dinenso. Diabetes, Tocoutiocuce Of urine. is tne mar 3:whoa 1 tit world posaeitaluraltestive powers. Can betake), 10 tem iy; eures I 'ramps sod Colic, Minima and Dreentey. r nil Druggists, Trini Bettie, '23e. Write E. GILES, tier i.1182 N.Y. 1'. O., who till $ite advice an I diseases,. . eirrutuina:141stilthfuenaBm4erttP101giadtehaelegTaVanWct:itinreillteLefFthhee di aoverern ma over each cork. num ImeitovED tiatirmAKD PILL, --Safe sure re. Ilaile atul effective, purely 'Vegetable, ;POT the elue or all ill asses of the Stemma, him, Dowels, •&c. 8e04 Jerttll drafraisre st pc. par box. jr„ a former resident of St: Marys, has beep nominatedby th Coneervative party of the county of Por- tage la Prairie, Man., as their candidate at the next Proxincial election. 'At the meeting of county council, at Stratford, held last week, it was recom mended that wagon tires be riotless than three inches, and sleigh runners to be three feet nine inches hetwoan runners, • The Inspector of the peblict scheola_re- petted at the Coenty Council last week, that there are 106 -school eectione in the county, otriploYing 118 teachers; and -that Contracts have been:lot for the erection of 5 !nick schoolliguses, . . . MJ&hnRobjnsor, jr„ of the 4th line Blansharcl; sustained a severe injury pn, Saturday last, by falling from a felre, which resulted ,in.breeking to!, collar bone. however, -he is progressing ite ,favorably as posaible. z •' • •, XJsTo 'been ;Prevalent -In -Lis to- .Wol for the teat week, or. two.. 1•Tot ably childrn but several grown hp people were 1ad- up for a few 'claysi,:but the. diseade 'steins have tinishen itsteurse; and. the isufferera are eithee well ott on a fair Wee to meovety. . .• • •• ' Word hes been received of the death by drowning, in the Weatere States, of Me. R, Eiley,a well keewn resident of Downie. Mr, Kiley Was engeged in rafting intriber,.. .and was attempting to sheet the rapids' on the river on which he was. tiorkine 'ivhen the amid -Pet -eccerred- which. Cost tith his life. • . • . • •• .• '; • At the; Jtine cheese fair in • Listowel, twenty-one factories registered3,000,boxet.. The 'toilet, .owing to the lownee's Of the ceble, was' tether dull, but 30 boxes were seld te.Mr. .A.iteheson at.61. ets., and 010 at 7 -cents. Since. the , fen; Mr; Aitchileori /las •b'ottglit; several lots and hasshipped two cep loads, toeGltisgoW. • ' . • • . • Another of the olderresidenti of Sian . . shard hae. paisecieway,. in the person' of Mr. 'John Moore, the °' base line, Mr. MuOre,,with his fatiiilyeante-to'biansliard over 30 -scare ago; and hes".resided there ever since. • He was a cjuiet andindustrions man and ft good' neighbor. las been in..deelitting health for sometime, pest,and on.Suuday.breathed hi? last.: •••• • A .fire• nearly.eceurreci ,Mt. .DaVtie • ewellery store, Mi toilet]; en Monday fore no= laet. . his brother, who.is.engaged as , • • , a workman in tboA'ilace, was acildering som�. article, whee he accidentelly opset it bottle, of. methylated "spirits • Which was deeding -on the..he eh, . It at once ignited, add was spreading rabidly,- when a couple of ruga and a 'blanket • were thrown Over the blaze, whit& soon smothered the fire. The danedge hone enidunts 'to.pbOut $30, whichis covered by inserance. • .1‘.1essrs. 1, Hobson and T. Sliaw)-olthe 'Lite Stock ,Joernal, Hatriilton, : passed through Stratford, Thursday, 'route...for' Seaforth; to inspeetlho feral . of Mr, DIck- sop, Seaforth,.. who entered, this year, in competition . for the ; Sweep -stakes Gold _Medal;prize.--They:sayetliwerdtie;-ooire Whole, are rather ender than over the average in the coutitrY, generally owing to the •dry weatheethat heti preVatled in matey parte, . Setting in efter the wet weather of, early spring. This year,•ip •the faint eon, tett for modals, it is,the battle thogiants. No leasthan eighteen.farine have been on-. teeed" in competition ip ..variouis parts of the. Cd_untry betWeen Chatham ' and Rere. free,. '• . • Says the Mitchell. Advocate sad- dbaths occurred in this neighborborld Since our last issue.. At about. noon on 'Satur, day the young wife of Mr. Joshua Vivian, daughter of Mr. Win.,Hodge, Fullerton, pessed away ..te a better hind. ;,She had xn, _ 1.1 ots: first born, and being of a stirring disposi- tion she got about her house -work tho much agaityst the wish of her husband atia medical attendaut, 'which brought about a relapse, ending in death. Her funeral on Sunday .was atneng the largeet• ever wit - flossed in this part of the twenty. .The body had scarcely been committed to trio- ther earth when the father -avian?' of de - dented, Mt.. .Geo. Viyian, was' summoned. to Dublin to the sick had of . his daughter,' Mrs. Alex, itoss. She was daneerouely 114 and Contideled to aink ..,until Tuesday, when she was relieved of •ill earthly trou ble. 1 -ler cemplaint was similar to thateef her sister-in-law, In both cases the finite are living. The families end relatives have our deep felt sympathy, IflvathSHrcaUistitute organized with it Nil stair or ciglitean Mrieneed and siciirrat PhYSICia1113 Srictl nrirgCOlia far tine treatment or tatrontc ,titfeeriees. • CIIII.FIELO .9F• s.u.cCESS,. Myatt io Nasal Catarrh. Throat and Lung Diseases, *Liver and Kidney Diseases, Bladder Diseases, Diseases otWontenkfli °oil Diseases and Nev.. Otis Affeeil„ons, mired hero Or at bora% Wither without seeing., pat,lent. Come aria see, us, or seild ten vents in .stairipster our Invalids, (nide Sit.,0 Whieh gives all particulars. • . Nervous Debility, /limo - tautly, Nocturnal Losses4 and all Morbid Conditions caused by Youllifill tee and ,Pe.rti e 1 ons Soil. tary ,Practiees• aro speedily and permationlY cured by our Specialiets. Book, post-pald,, me. in steinlis. • esteem!eeeen, kaupture, or 13rericb,7..radi,.. rally -cured, without the,knife,- fiuPTU without dependence upon trussen_• end with l•Ory, little Eitanips, pain. "nook sent for ton cents PILE TETHEDItS and 'STRICTV JCS .for tentreatewitht t orteatest sums. .., gent . • Disref4slitViltanPor.P.rtesnjerit2Z, Gear= ,Street, Buffalo, N. . 'The treatment, of many thoesands bt • CAM of, these "DISEASES" OF, I -Ukases peculiar •to WMAEN.. DELICATE DISEASES. T.7C7' en) at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, has at, forded Iarge.experienee in edirnting remedies for their,,cure, auff • . ; . . /110 . Favorite• . Prescription la the result.of this vast experience. It is a powerful Restorative Tonle and Nervine, imparts vigor And strength to the system, and onres, ir.by magic, Lou-- eorritea,. or 06"wilfitesp. ukcessive flowing, painful Menstruation, un- natural suppressions, peoiapeus or falling of the uterus, weitu back, auteversion, retroverslon, bearing down sensations • chronic conges- tion, inflammation and ulceration 'of the violate, intiainniation, pain and tenderness In ovaries, Internal heat,' and (g female woalcnosem It promptly. relieves ' and cures Nausea and Weakness of Stomacb, Indigos. tion, 111 oating, Nervous Prostration, and Sleeplessness, in either sex. -PRICE $1,00, wow Ngq,opo. -• 6 wroar9eLIES Sold byDruggists everywhere. Send San cents in stainpd for Dr. Pierce's large Treatise on Diseases -of -Women, Illustrated. World's Dispensary Medical Association, 003-1/FaTin-Week-BI71110A1(0, iz • •SICK -HEADACHE, /Bilious Headache, /Dizziness, Constipa. tion, -Indigestion, and Milieus Attacks, promptly cured by br. Pierces Pleasant /Purgative Pellets, 26 cents it Vial, by Druggists. SEEDS CARR•OTS,. TURNIPS, PXJ6eICNVIIEAT •tlud WESTRN ,C9101, ilfcGregior's Lung ErollApOillidt- JJav yotia bad Cough,a4hronio lloarnenesti,- a feeling of Lightness in the Cheat, Weak lungs, or any similar complaint/ If so, buy at once a, bottle of McGregor's Lung compound. "It'll cure you:, It contains OntIOOly 110* anticlines, et which ono dose ts more erfootuut than, it whole bottle ef the oltt time remedies. It in pot nom 64. and SI bettica. Sold by Worthington, druggist. Try it, and you will neVet have roe. On to comphon. Rapid City aspirecto beeOlne the leech, centre of Manitoba. There is ineoh young stock in the vicinity, and the 'hi/riding system has boon introdueed. 9 59 per i. BilOSZE KING PoTATone, eve. per Le'. A A 1 elDg WANTEDeior OAT-MAE.Air/ I(12f ,toTStimilllniSe 111 t • OIL CAKE! $2.50 PER CWT.1 JAMES STEEP, CLINTON. ,Blyth .Pump Factory. JAMES FERGUSON naegretneved hitt businesti to the premlsee forMerly known ea Mil MOUNTOASTLn NULL, would that* all old patrons fOr past favors, and is ILI it better posi- tion than ever to promptly fill AU orders entrusted to A STOCK OF 00013 PUMPS ON HANK - Ordered work a specialty. Wella dug and completed -cnrshort woriatuartintced--. -nrleesreasek. able.--Onnonsinr-riam-rwarrtv xrtautitsrld."- 3A.108 • FERGUSON, =Tit, , S. IWILS0111.0, GENERAL DEALER IN TINWARE, ac,, .„,. . ttunv gprittr, Ctigto.w, letoPe'rhefol oittiid,preirintly iittetiifed teat Scusoij. • .alne.rates. Aerial solicited, / ALASKA SPECTACLES: Columbus N. • have-just•purchased a pair of ALASKA. SPECTACLES from Roh.-W. Coats, so that I can ex- amine his New COLUMBUS WAWA.' that .1: have heard *so • tnneh of. find they will Stantl the closest inspection and are the nicest "-watelr-ma( 0, See the new 24 hour al Mock in hiS winclox MOM. CCD.A.TS, Watelimaker, Jeweller.- and Engraver, Cliniont %Nam is gang kinical Motor. BUT 1R0 C+ -A, I 1\1- Make the Wheels of businesa httm, if You like iliat secnre early the ' • • BARGAINS we offer you. • • 30p4.r cent Reduction in MILLINERY, consisting of 725 Ladies' and Children% STRAW HATS • and BONNETS; the very latest Styles. • • SEE OUR TREMENDOUS STOOltOF HIROIDERIES AT COO. Mageigcent range in SASH •RIBI3ONS in Black and Colors, 9 inches wide in • ,P,L.A.uiC RIBDON for SASH' and D.R.VSS TRIMMINGS ab 30e. per ' — yaidEuU range all over OR1ENPATL4.CES BESLEY'S Millinery Ethporium. ti.LEGA. NT LINE OF • For Ladies', Gents and Children:'s Wear. 11.1GtIE*T GRADESi•NEWEeT STYLES, BsjQuALiTY .PritcES '1`0 St It 4.1199 149r1:s.. EnGs icex ENO/ANON:. CHAS. °ARLINE, comiEtt BLOOK%CLINTON For sale by the GRAND RAPIDS at INDIANA It, R. CO. Sugar maple the principal timber., .4a'vantages Railroads already 'built, turner, aim toWns and cities, one of' the hgalthieseparts• of the tinned States,purest vater, good markets, • fine. fruit, good. roads, schools, chureheS, large •••••! ••• -gricultural papularker, best building matetial at low figures, good soil, low ,prices, easy terms, perrect iitle, For becks, maps, charts, ar.d all. A. • V 20.44th:idol, information, address • . EITIGITART hotontistioner, 0•001 Rapidti Percheron HORSES. IslakjimItacklata Grosse Isle, Mich. • All stock' selected from -the -get o5. siree and dams of estab- lished reputation and registered in the French and American Stud Books. Wedirtye e- very /ergo number of imported and grade stal- ilons and breod riutres on hand. Priees reason- able, Correspondence solicited. Send ter largo i'lustrated catalogue, free by mall. • AcIdn,42 WA.Cill &PASSIM, Detroit, lake. ' • . •(-31..xxsiToN PLANING MIL • DRY KILN! • • r/IIID SUBSCRIBER BAITING JUST COMPLETED end furnished his :law M1114%11111 with machin- • ery of the latest impreved patterns, is now prepared to attend to all Ordartf In his lino tp the most prompt and satisfactory mariner, and at reasonable rates. He would also return thaniolo all who patronized the old arm betore-theio were burned eutrand-now-boing 40 it better position to exeoute orders expeditionsly,„ feels confident be Oan give eatisfaetionto all, PAOTO'RY:,--Near the Grand ThInk, Pait way, Clinton. THOMAS rileKENZIE. • HURON AND BRUCE .1.4oati and Investment y 9 . • 2708 Company is Loaning Money ott Farm &ow* at' Lowest .1?dia ot MOM; 1110Htel*GES,,7,et-4,--413iteltetatp- • SAVINGS PANIC BPANOIL 8, 4 and 5 per. Cent, Interea Alloteed on Deposit, aecording 10 amount , ' and lime Oftbi 'Pll l'; () FolioWJarer�o�s 111011111.11i1 The eneierreer'keers the attest . . . CIASKEES and. (0.PF-INS Always ori hand. • leinerels farnisbed itt •the ehortest notice and loweet priecs.- A. CALL SOLICITED, •Leading Ender. talc er. REUEMBEN TBE PLACE, •••OPPOSITE' THE .TOVIsN' EALL. OS, STEVENSON WDE THECOOK'S BEST FRIEND A quii.rmaneant,2r.etao,ENONLtetLr.. ing inalthoOd, thatzt:_--- VoirstieAs;Wealfrieets, lackeirWgor, strength And de- velopment‘ 'caused by indiscretions, excesses, etc. Benents.in a day; euros usually within it ritenth., No deception nor quagkery. ;.Positive proof:. full ' description, hundreds of testimonials, with hitter‘ of advice mailed in plaindmaled envelopes, free. , Erie Medical CO., Etliralc..1‘. ffee-Certforti' 1-11firU'-'4'iMidia-NcattiST" re& -1101tACIS 11011TOL- . Goderich Atignst 6th lifulhout $t3.0 OWT, BRAN by TON or CWT., AT dOors. PER OWI, Delivoted any Where 10 tOtvt frets De Oflargo • intS. JOILN: RAISON.