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The Clinton New Era, 1886-05-14, Page 7
t r.tte.ni night; Wh t tl b t th tlho slcy'auddenly ioddened.. 'Aa darkness- hardest :wont fiilr to themrfe,ithidl:ever�,y- rrie\eoened, tine`:etrnirgh4lght- became.inore- • thing" depends on:. her .inanagenient, an: :nilti.izhorc iatonse, anti a numh'or:of terri-: order that the labor'iu the field -rimy -net- : .fled :tt. lalef tisliG:ll.i c ,ll iv dia.bagr: bo retarded: :file meals' nhtist' be :done -racks with ct report that tiro Nihilists had on time, and in unknown quantities, fired'the neighboring forests. Fanned by while her task of giving satisfaction a strop sea. ,breeze, tire flames rapidly 'M ..FRIDAY, AMAT i4, 18.46. VVapel>Itg the Hounds. 7iodiscover .a.sprinkle of geld in your beard,, And athinneas of crops Where the upland is cleared ; To note how you take your slippers and gown, And, hug to the fire when you get hewnofr'om town-- ' Ah, thata_wliatitis to be forty. Te And that your shadow has portlier grown, That your tolco has a practical, Business -like tone; 'That your vislonls tricky, Which once was so bright, ['id a,hint of a wrinkle is coming to fight - Air, that's whet it is to be forty. To find all the dreams of your boyhood expelled, • And that yeti have tolled vainly where others excelled; Ibat your tartan° is scanty where others°abounds, 'kW your only worth pence, whop you should bo words pounds -4 Ab, that's what It h to be forty. :sleigh ride, a party. a dance or a dine; Why,Sof course you'll bo present you,novor decline ; But alas, there's no invite; you're not" young folds," you see ; - You're no longer a poach, but a crab-apple tree— All, that's what itisto be forty.- -_ .. A daughter that grows like a lily, a queen, :And that blooms like alrose to a garden of green, A draper yogi' clerk in un ice cream saloon, Both a dude and a dunce, is to carry off soon ; And a boy that to ten, and the pride of your 03,61 rs caught smoking vile cigarettes on the sly— --=Ah; that's•what itis to bit -forty At thirty twenty fire has a soberer tlyme, j fame ; At fgrty bis dreams and his visions aro .o'er. And he -knows and he feels as he no'ordid before, That a man is a fool till he's forty. Ab, we're young and we're old, mil we're green t13411 ne'ru gray •• ' And the law of our living is change and decay, Comeiee0 the lonoaspot in the Valley of Tears, •-Were-your-baby=ifes•losv-in-the-cradle ef. years,. when no longer on earth hes torts, A Woudorful Iley. waif wmmICn OEM; VICTORIA oPENCD TIIE CHEAT EXHIBITIO^j IN•I,ONDON. A Landon cablegram says : The Queen symbolically opened -the Indian and Calo- mel Exhibition 'on Tuesday .by. handing "Our Sun" the key of it, which the Pripce received with the grace -becoming the Grand Maxtor of the Freemasons. •• For only a moment he held it up in its ease to the public view. It is well worth. a minute description. Imagine it half a foot long,. made of burnished gold, set off with ()nam • el and a variety of jewels, the;bow being •lieitagou in shape. an ,the centre.:of'the. hekagoi%,, as seen from one side, la t golden. representation .oklie head of a lion in'high •relie, langllecl with ruby, .crowned and set in rod enamel surrounded with .a band' -of .white enamel, with tho inscription.. . "The .Colonial and. Indian •Exhibition." From this central: circle• radiate to. 'the' angles of the .hexagon six shields -ii raised blue enamel, each beatific; a -symbol in gold of the.colony or dependency, the animals chosen being, the sheep, elephant, tiger, opossum, beaver and buffalo At tho•bow. . end of the key and -surra:iuhting'the bow is the Imperial crown, the band of which is jewelled' with rubies cod emeralde:. • The pin of the key. as -it leaves the hexagon' starts from a centre • of fourelephants'. ' heads, w'li se ttrunks form a socket on either. .side of the flow. The radiatingehields;tyre • of yellow gold, and ,bear the names' of several of the colonies; whose eymbole are on the obverse, , and in the centre is a small nugget of gold. The key'. is.. not merel • an emblem of state corer r o but 18 a so a master key to all the doors cf :the. .Exhibitinri. Next .week 'the queen opens 'the Liverpool Exhibition.• *fakeIt Easier,.' • of the prizes offered, The judges will Alter lipon their work iu Arne... .. The wife of Mr. Thomas Lewis, sr.,, Of Hyde Park, fell on the floor while engaged in the preparation of slinger oa Sunday.' Op going to. her,relief it was diecovered that .life was extinct. _ The -wheat of Ohio promisee Well, except perhaps in a few couutles of the north-east and ()Veil in theee th( decrease is small, With fair growing weather till bat -vest, wheat will produce a nearly. full average crop. John rhymer, a young fanner who lived , near Fort Wayne, Ind., 'was' Crossing the rai' wa track when liswagon was Struck by the engine of a Chicago Wymer,, one of his children and the two horses were instantly' killed and Mrs Wymer and an - ether -child fatally injured. The latest swindling scheme. Miing prac- tised. in. Nebraska is by New York sharpers who are so anxious to plant organs in every farmer's home that they give them',` free," _ani as eyidence of good faith, revue only 44Th pay the freight: Two weeka after a 25•cent mouth organ arrives by mail: • A, W. S..IVlinear; druggist end—fait—Conn..: ty Auditor, at Athena, Ohio, was shot and killed Wednesday night . by '0, Carr,: a yeuri man-employed-h--MrrtMinear. 1VIr Minear had returned home late unexpect- 'tally, and, 'while 'trying to get into •the house was mistaken by darr for aburglar, and fired won him with a shot -gun,' The Chicago Times of the 1st says;— Twenty-tive th*usand is a fair estimate- of,. thenumber of men who quit work yester- day, :because their employers .would, net not -sent to the eight-hour work and ten honk' pay, The trades most affected- are the furniture. manufacturers, the. Lumber iuterests and the iron foundaries. A twenty months' -old, boy, ecin of Mrs. Mothery, residing in Woodatook,, had a strange and: painful experience recently. The little foliaw• was missed by his Mother whp, on:looking ,around -the yard, -.found him lying prostrate with two wounds l? Ms head, ilia • condition . showing plainTy that he had been attacked by a genie roaster which is ifept on Mthe place, •I IIAI) SO UCH DEMAND 11(OR OWN.' Ll NI: ment Iodide Amenia; 'and _ people' who •wero•benefited epotre.somtieh,in ita praise;; that I was induced to write. the Dootdr for supply. • I was delighted; it..hade cures in the firefly and: in ;the stables; ,and no :article that:'I ever handle.d',fiave -anch. universal satisfaction. GEOI,tGE W, BElt- NU1I, Georgetown, Del; • Sold liy all dt uggists , . is stated that the Dominion govern-,' Ment contemplates theestablishment,of a botanic garden,' Canada is the only im- portant Uritis a colony where no .such in- stitution under governmeut'con'tiol exists, In Australis and India,. there are several. Stich, and -.most, of the West,India' islands have botanic gardens,, ' The object is to collect all the nai;ire, trees; , shrubs and plants,•and test' newly -imported varieties to ascertain their utility and adaptability to our climatic conditiens, John Gowan, of Adelaide strect,Toronto, . saw a man 45 years Of age, wearing a blue, serge: Snit and a slouch hat,: sitting at the Credit Valley wharf last l iondhy evening. A • G o'clock the body of the man was taken • -.0•a' frotu the bay, Life was quite extinct. The: • Hard as has bean the. -lot of tiie`fiuin•.. wretched' man_ had tied a handkerchief ' er•.in the past, before.invention'' came to lib/int-1i neclr,'to this astrapwaeattached. • • his aid, the wives of the• farmer's are and -to• the strap a heavy stone:, • All that watt farad on the body was two pawn still behind.in the advantages secured. tickets, `issued • bye Singer, Queenstreet; The loom has been-diseai•ded.•and •so has .ti,,,st: On these tieketa, a name which the .spinning=wbeel,,:,whir'et e. sewing' n ppa,�rs to be l a,stun'is written.', The hod, rna shine and Wagner''have lessened- the. is that' of a' .nen about 45 years of .age, labor of the'household,. yet -the fariner's •moderaiely well dre.ased. ''It Woe taken to wife still has : touch hard • work to i ei tbi. ruorr;nc; where it lies; for iclentifica.: • form. We may even add that, the stove i1Qn " has supercederl the okl broad, f re -place;. Htaying ratted iti their v,u•ious attcmpis. and soap -boiling and c:andie=oiakicir, are ..to l�li)iv up tm poiscln the (I,atr, .the- titin- laa, haVo tiled ;aline hi in out. The oceirl)ations of tits past, but tier labor is..0tihcr,' evs-niiir,'as the Impei'iai family at: still tiresQmb arcl .confiuino Li.vadie; tvero`ab:nnt.'to retire fo g , Ell - le nsy. season rri cls E', THE • QP'UL,A Ilouse, . 00014s' •. r�Oi`1TDEJ30R0. Those' Ready Mads Suis Which wentroduced two weeks ago are' nearly all sold, and to -day, we open the second consignment. We find that the cut and style< are right and -the workmanship excellent, while ricesplace them within the reach of all persons o P p s ns who require a suit of an , kind _._.__ _ _ • A ;Fairly' Good Suit, lrst-class cut, $5. A Good serviceable Tweed Suit .Nice colors, $7 A Dandy Suit,. fit to .be worn on your.wedding clay for $10. A FULL AND' COMPLETE LINE of ORSTEDCoatings �• TWEED n And S'T'RIPED TROWSERINGS 'fo the: ordered clothing -. department.' '. We have .the neatest thing in STIFF. ' HATS, NECKWEAR IINEN - and CELLULOID. COL- LARS and CUFFS, and SILK S UARES: Kindly look through our stock'before. b ing outfit:' b,.fix �your OUIMT!TE, LON DESSOROa Co�per •SUOOESs0RS TO H.' STEVENS & SON. CLINTON. Manufacturers . ol. SASH, DOORS, •B.LINDS,, FLOORING, .SIDI[l►i l; OEILINGL MOULDINGS, FRAMES, PICKETS,&C. and all kinds ads of Interior and Exterior Finishings, LATIx and SHINGLES kept • on hand. Mill on Wellington St., opposite Woollen Mill Pp- , - -PLANS ,+.Nn SPECIFICATIONS . PREPA RED. , • .4 -S. 40001leet*; -vv a' Meld. CHAS. C�R.. I , . U CIC�HAt�K • I have nolv .on Band one o'' the Largest, Best and most Complete Stocks of. BOOTS and SHOES, ever displayed in Clinton, and wi:1 sell them at the :very Lowest possible Prices. ;If you want good value in•Boots and Shoes, call on us and you will not be disappointed: I am still making the.• Oelebratecl . H_aid 1SewecI y Boots • Which aro so favorably known to require no comment:. All kinds`of custotlr _. • •work promptls_attended to, and at reasonable prices. 5 PER CENT OFF von'OASrl..' BOOS TAKEN IN Eaciri'rrr iii Gooiis.• .' Call on. C. Cruickshank, ;the Boot taker ALBERT STREET, BRICK BLQCI, °OLITTON'. AN' 'ELEGANT LINE ,01? 'Fol' Ladies', Gents'. and Children** Wear. , HIGHEST GRADES, NEWEST #� , STYL4�S,. IE•ES'�' QUALITY 'PRI['1:S"'r0 SIC11 Ulr 'rly[ES:. .CGGS TART N.4. Ila liAlc;r, .. t 5 The undersign fd_ has .u.st en i_a _ lr 1''_ng Star Jacksion' i New Mock- •LEEnrolrli Street. Two, doors West of the City Book Store; where'will be 'found a co:nrplete essor. t ment of Fine- DRUGS- and CHEMICALS, .also PATENT MEDICINES and DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES.. • All that the public May' ask. for in these lines. 'P. S.=Oilice changed` from. residence to Drtig Store. • i T ^i .- WOR 1�:-, 1 .I� leTU-T l�T•,•li'c�n. eros Post to, Jo' ,. 1 '!1 ,-].O W n: thmnkiug--lis numerous customers for their liberal patronage in.tlie•past, begs to announce -•' that he has, just received'a. splendid assortment oT lam" -w SP.]I3.0- • GrOODS. ,. ging with her husband and includes. the yblhng,tyrant in the cradle. She -Must'. • Dein-two or More places' at•••the same: spread, despite the feeble efforts of the soldiers to check their: progress, till the sky for •miles around was in a glow_ rl'he fire burned`fer Several clays; but,'fortunately, .tune; while her duties must lle_'perfoini=, without reaching, the boundaries of :the 'od•in a manner to please -all, Help mayImper 1l I arlr. Creat anxiety prevails ttit be secured, but as it is often impossible . •, to be SO }accommodated; thednties must, pili b liEir:formerJ:-- Her--work---cannot- .• he e•r--worl .•-can-not- he delegated, entirely to others, for, . the.rudeler of a ship„ should en 'accident. happe h, it regtrires too iniieli time 1. for repairs, and when she fails to- steer the the household.eraft in the ;•right, direr: tion, confusion is the 1•estllt .' Woman's work should be made easier on some farms, and she shosild' not be called upon to assist 'in any work that is to be done outsido the house,' though such is not the rule in all cases. Too often hard work soon wears out these willing helpers, and renders thele. pro- rnattirely oft . NEWS NOTES. A snit for $25,00.0 kis been Vim, '- utenced in Toronto, .►gaitist the Ameri-. can Watch Case Co.,.for boycotting., • ,The Pat'Steck Committee of tho On- • - -Melo A rieuitural and Arts Council.tuet ' • a comttlittee sof the Fat Stock Club of, Guelph, in that city,' And decided to • ahold" the next Annual. Provincial Fat. Stock Show in Guelph, ob.Deeeinber 8, 9 and 10. • • • The prize list for the Provincial ]!air is..being printed,. and will. soon he ready f©r distribution. The , Agricultural and Arts ,Assaeiatiott will offer this year three sweepstake prises to the medal•: lists is the conpotiticn for the best managed farms in Ontario,: which has been held by the assoeiation ' for the last five ;eat'S. .'1'Itt. prizes will consist :4140' respectively. •'.l'ho see,r(ltary Itis lhl- ready receiv' l entries) from former med- al Iistsr ti' +it .r -f51 ills in the neighborhood of London. A\ (1st (-Th. t,tttrw1t 1111(1 To. :.,situ, ;111(1 (11(•11: lh etf'1'y i sl1':itlelil flint the cntnpetition will he clo-er-thrtn in forme"' ye,1r», owing mainly fo hiss nature .. a ' , Tlro.faot was dee eloped at Chicago; on rtd y, T1A't`,wl1E'll- tCie,clrug store's Samuel Rosenfeld, on the eorner-oi'`Cew, tre avenue ,And Eighteentlr street, was raided'by the mob of Anarchists, Wed- nesday and the rabble seized' upon every bottle that had• the appearance of 'being tile receptacle of spirits, 8.t large. bottle of. carbolic acid was anieng the others , carried away, and awing...to its color and general resemblance to 'whiskey, it was passed frotn hard to hand after the raid,. and drunk by "half a dozen or more pf mob:. The acid .bdgan to take effect as it entered thestomachs of tile* rioterk: irn it sorts of the best elfaiii-Ofqatots and a eticSl two Of the drinkers . are dead and three more are a$:desthis dear. It has been, stated that tho.Dopiinion.. Government been, recommend 'that Mrs: Delaney, the widow of , the` grill' in, specter who was:ttilled at :Cion Lake;" be allowed it. pension of $400 a year. There is no word of Mrs. Gowanloek be - :dealt with,,although she was a'heavier loser than bars. Delaney, and abated with her the terrible priva- tions which ,followed their capture thy. tho Indians. Mr. Oowanloek, the edi• toe of the Parkaalo Times, Mrs, Gowan- Tek's brother--in•law, when spoken to on the • subject by a Globe reporter, said that he did not expect .,ho would be granted a pension, as her husband was not in the employment of, the Goveru- 'inent. Sho has filed a claim for $5,00(1 for they loss of her husband and proper. cannot i11. justice 110 denied, Airs. 1)e- 1:ru;ly is in beat:, circumstances than Airs. (lowattl0Ck,, all she gens the tnSlir� once on her i,trs. ( Iowan- lock's -husband was.gnita .a young mall, anti had every cent invested in two mina, which welt! cictStroy(c1. - '-..:uobk-r1 itrir0 1 1i LA EST N0V-EL1'rE;i---kk- TWEEDS, DRESS GOODS: P•RINTS,'MUSLIN'S; GING H,A 11S,- LACES•, E1%fBROIDERIES, SIJII%TINGS, 00TTONADES, DUCKS & DENIMS '• TWEEDS' a specialty, and a first class Tailor 'Who guarantees' a fit. . A full supply of hand wade.BOOTS and SHOES jttst'arrived for the spring trade. A fresh asaortment'of WALL PAI',CR, newest patterns,' ': ' -4 y-;Stne[ tv itO&EliIES• fir -Na and Froeb: •Try our 50 -cent Young Iiyson TEA, best. .. value. evea ofered_to:tho public._I Ali,D4VA)3I'v,-CI1OCsiL'-R.Y,-ancl4fLASSWARE, a full supply. LARDCNG and CROWN, OIL. fors machinery, always :on hand," and everything. usually kept`in a'fit st•olass country store. COAL OIL l0 cents per:gallon. Highestmarket pt•iao patcLin trade for. BUTTER, .EGGS, OATS, &o. • Como one and all ,and• inspect my :: stook. ho trouble 'to show goods:: • •IN. I3 .•-I have also purchased•a large quantity. of the BLUE -TIN TAG B3XNDINU'TWINE'. Bost in the market, which 1 offer at the lowest possible"rate. VARNA, March 5th, 188G, ....:r Is OSEPE3 MOR'RO'W', We •have..secured 20 li;iff chests of .very tine 6Out. YOUNG HYSON 'i`ask which we will sell for a month at 45cts. by the 51b. caddie This • j8. the best value ever .offered in tlhis county, , Don't fail to ge a : caddie before it is all sold. • W;e:bate opened 't full stock. of '. New: Valentia ;Raisins Extra Selected. Valen. i• • ta, 1I'- at s ins, Block Basket Raisins, Seedless • Raisins . Sultana Raisins. NEW ,CURUUANTS, . ANEW'. SHELLED .-ALMONDS, . 'NEW : LEAIOIT ()RANCrl AND CITRON PEEL.• 2lbs..GOOD' 11ITXED CA.NDT : • POP, ..f.2SoTs:.: Gall ;arid Inspect our Stock... STOR SOLE AOKIIT 100lt 'riles . G E..L .Openoa out in px,LioTTa sLoo$. NEXT DOOR T0 THE •CITY ;BOOB STORE, CLINTON. 4 BEDROOM.' SETS,PARLOH.' SETS; LOUNGES, SIDEBOARDS,. CHAIRS, • &c., ` AND A in 1 itAi, Assow til ar .'ria VERY ,B1;sT Af,,ADM IPTIRNIZt;IiiE nz RKA19Ol1.AyIr3-Lr>;PYB�i('1 ,g8., ' ' --.7117 RT .L l URED 4 � IrAS. mutrIIE's Prepared SpeciaLl Iftins.ts I [pis Cured, in -four months. Doctors Wear and -. cant' rtn l--thent-as -- t-koz a -e asses.-- Descriptive sses.-- Descriptive Cii'clllarS 4n application. to.. . - (3.1 .':1IIa'T. A.ND Di perGIST, , . CLINTON, gut. CL� r',,,• J G,IIMI llfuillfP9r T have also In hand a largo stock of 'TABLE aid. T•IAND :LAMPS itt ovory'varib•tr --HARDWARE and TINWARE, A large -stock of 'COOKING and PARLO:IITOYT1;is: A ; ,fe th ATZMIE. . HARRIS; I30YNTON rURN'A(E. Change of; BUsiiess ltxliltt[tietttttfttrttltttttl[ttit ' The undersigned bogs to notify the people of Clinton and vicinity that he has bought the 1 ARI S 'BUSINESS foiiorly carried .on by. 1►1. L Newton, And .that he is -prepared to Tarnish . Harness, Collars, Whips., Trunks, Valises,-guffaio 10 ,es,.Blynkets. •And overytIiilt! hiatialfv i:a tt in :n d st•olasa Tlarno s `iho) at tio towel:it niece. ea t► _attention .ls_c lrecto( .to -hay atm() i.o rat " m.xi„^tv, itt 1 , sGa nal:tip= 1.1. ; A712,: 1)" • 1111019 PTL"It ATT "t X) X) By strict attention to business, and carefully tho,wantd of my customers, t hope to ' ne.rit; a fair Share of patronage. (li've Inc n call before purchasing elsewhere. SH IOSI C 1. '1ITH 'ISIA1r1 1,P.• ItI';11L3tBLilt lli, ,h ,lU•-••t7xl