The Clinton New Era, 1886-05-07, Page 8•
f. NATE THE DATEs.--Sale of driving
✓LIN TON NEW ERA A� park pasturage Saturday 8th lust, Ax
nual meeting of Mechan,'ice Institute,
Thursday, May 13th, ,Annual meeting of
the Curling Rink Association, May 1.0,
Baird Comedy (lo, Monday May 10.
'C , Court of Revision, May 25th. Adjourned
Scott Act trials, May 14th. Queen's
brithday, Monday, May 24th. Time to
renew subscriptions to the NEW ERA,
from Monday morning until Saturday
)3RIEF$.--The Ontario Government has
appointed W. Lewis,. of Stephen, as clerk
4lio,Elevantli-Division Court, in place
.:of`Jahn Lewis, resigned, and R. 0. Hays,
of Goderich, as Notary Public. Mr. B.
S. Brown,, late tuner at the O gan Fac-
tory, bas taken,his departure from ,town.
Miss Adams, of London, is the guest of
Alias Grace. Robertson. Mr. Martin (son.
of R. Martin, Esq., of the London Road,)
who. studied with Mr, Keefer, is about to
open a dental office at Paisley. Mr, David:
Moore is at Bayfield looking after- the
interests ofd'. C. Detlor & Co. Air. Frank
Jones, blacksmith, who has leen living in
Dakota for some time, is back here on a
yisit;_be has evidently done well there,
Commencing with Saturday- -last;- the
Doherty Organ Company c'ose their shops,
on Saturday afternoon at 5 o'clock. On
Thursday the' storm -windows of Ontario
St,..parsonage were removed, because of
the fine weather, and ternporarily set-up.
against the .buflding ,prior to being stored
away; during the night a heavy wind
storm blew them• over, smashing a lot of
s in them. On Saturday night at 8
ock, Mr. Joseph Chambers noticed
" ad" in the Globe, for a mechanic at
s, by 0 o'clock he had secured the .
ation and he left Monday to fill it; the
Doherty Band,' of Which he.,was a member,
will miss him. Mr. W. Davis has gone.
to Chicago .to work. Mr.. T.. McKenzie
has made,a large brick addition to his
engine room. 14Ir '.Thos . Johnston is;,
building •a:1'oundat;lin, and "'addition to''
his house..on. Victoria. Street, -,and purposes
moving thereto . Mr. Thos,'Trick left on.
Friday, for :.-the~:oM country": -lie sails Tey
the:Allan' Line. Mr. W.G. Potts, former-
ly of this town, has lately received an-
other promotion by the American Express
Co,, in 'whose- employ he has been for
•sortie time, and •now holds a position ' as
messenger . between .Suspension " bridge
and tendon. Mrs. , F l'los, , Newinarch;
late of Lucknow, leaves this week for Min-.
neapolis, ,where her husband .'has' been
working for'somo time. Mr. S. Pike has
.planted several maples around the front.
of hishotel, which will .much• impove its
appearance w-heit they grow up... Mr. H.
Cautelon 'at another child this_ week,
being the second,.by diphtheria,.ipsideof
tour days.. Mr. T. 0. Doherty
has reeved
his dwelling house, and is, leaving astone
foundation built beneath it. Messrs •'ill
,Ross and;J. Croll; jr,, left for :To;onto
Uni,versity,.on Tuesday:'tvhere'they stand',
the first,yearexamination-.. The assessors
re'turped•theirroll oil Saturday, and par
ties who think their _assessment not high
-eneugh; and-`wlio wish te-lrave it -Tic ed;
:may; inspect the roll atthe clerk's bike,
for_:the next ,10 days. Mr. Hunter re-
turned -from Buffalo last week, whither he
mad,,: mine. iii 'connection with his 'car'
coupler; he claims .that his .patent has:
been infringed by .a couple. of •American
lines, and he intends to make them sweat
for it; Last week:' lightning struck the.
barn of•Ar. W. Bowden.; near Gorier:eh, of 'Mrs. Shaw, Clinton,: and.;
destroyed a portlen `of, it, but -the pouring.:
11IAX, •Bi.ossosfs -April showers have: rain prevented, the^, entire cles.truct•io.n ,of
made May flowersr •The vegetable growth. the barn.', Mr, "T: B.' Fowler, of Galt,. this spring has been something. astonish- shook handsere on Monday, with. dome
ing. Haying,'. which .does mot usually,'. of his old friends. Mrs.J. Callander, Who• .
commence until the 12th of July; will•be has keen visiting 'at St. -Thomas . for a
• started somewhat earlier this. year On couple of weeks, is••home :again. Mr..A,:
_ Sunday,w?'hile some persons were standing Grigg .and' wife, `: of Ridgetow n,. are here
• on the bridge at the river, a boy in a spirit, oma. visit to: friends. There .is prospect
of bravado; swam. across the river a couple of. a suit being .entered' against the 'town
of "times,. wf th his clothes on; the water was council for damages sustained' by an over=
np to his shoulders:, This is Arbor Day flow of water: While the atreet corp-
omsee •that you observe. it. Machine men i}tittee are making repairs this •summ'er,.
are happy, because the crop prospects' are: they:should raise: the Post":: Olfl'ce'crossing
• so,good ;:-sc are, merchants, for the same in some' Way, for it of no service what-
-reason. Nearly; every place' in the -county' 'eyer-in wet:weather Mr -S: Marshall, of
intends to have it big celebratiot ' on the Manchester,: took a return ticket - by the
24th,• but CIintofl'Will Iead them• all. • A11aniline; for Liverpool, on Tuesday: -The
witnesses in. the celebrated Perd"ue thressh=-
ing machine case, have been put 'to'con:
sglera 1erii nanvin'ience.sense;the-'deem
• FRIDAY, MAY 7, 1886.
Dr. Appleton. has returned. and
resumed, tlls,'prac'tice of Isis pro-
...ef1ntoxl, April iath4$8
r ...x • •
This Week's Beductigna. Feathers be-
low wholesale, prices. In order to reduce our -annual
large stock of Feathers, for the next two Weeks we
will sell them at fully 80 per cent lower than regular
se -prices. EMBROIDERIES, 2,60e yards at Cost at
Beesley'a Millinery . l nwpot-lnm,
.oder# c.
BALL TossEas.--Rasa ball is going to.
boom Bare this summer. The Etna B. B.
0. Was organized last Thursday evening,
and are now ready to play any junior
club in the, county. A, club has also been
organized in connection with the Organ
Factory, and we understand they are try
ing to get up a match for the 24th.
ond-class non-professional examinations
will take place at the county High Schools
on the 28th ofJunei• third-class exami-
nations on the 6th of July; first-class
grade 0, on the 12th of July, and first.„
class grade A and B, on the 20th July,
Other particulars relating hereto will be
foundin au advertisement in this issue. ,
BOARD OF HlaALTB.—A meeting of the'
• Board of Health wasleld last week,. When
Mr. J. H. Combe was appointed chairman
for, the ensuing year, The inspector was
instructed to see that athorough. cleaning-
up took plade all over town, and to hand
do to ;tb^o"board=s Vitten, report:'. -of his.:
work. ; He has" already sent out a lot of.
notices 'instructipg 'ratepayers` -to;' clean
their -yards and premises. .
A .New INDITSTRY.—Mr. P. W. Hay-
ward has bought' the • old Presbyterian
church and ground, for the sum of $C25.
He purposes going into the -wholesale
manufactory of buggy tops, gaming, &c,,
and the building will answer•his •purpose
admirably. He has secured a very cheap
property, for. the ground on which the
banding worth more than half
the cost, of the mole.
CArn;R.—A ; number of .cattle were
shipped here last Friday. that had ' been
purchased by•11ir. Morgan, of Oshawa.
Among the number were several good
animals purchased of Mr. John Cornish,-
Hullett, one, a con, going over '1500 lbs.,
and a pair of young steers bought of Stan -
bury Bros, London Road, turning the
scales at 3250 ..lbs - :,Messrs. Stanbury
have now on'thetirfarm Dye -cone hundred
head of cattle, which they .are grata feed-.
ing far ilia Englsin markets
At:.ab ut,:ilal.E
nn ' Tue3day 'night; an Fold man 'named
Warwick, who was under the influence of
1iq ior, was surrounded by a cronvd of boys
ii-Albert-SAi and=toads-sport-fo -them.
for about fifteen minutes, the gelid.iu
the meantime growing until nearly all the
beys-in-Lew-n-wcrc•in it. Mr aisley-
not on the street' at the time, and no: :at'
tempt was made: to stop the disgraceful
proceedings, until Mr. R. Irwin came.
'..along and led, the unfortunate,awfty, ::.
• IivsANE:: =-On .Saturday' fast • a Miss
Kerr, !v..... - ear FTPnsa'1
was -Brought here 1oi. iiredica7 egamina
titin, she being of unsound mind, and
they desiring to sects�ra her a place in the.
asylum.. She was ae'eordingly .examined
and pronounced to be 7aon compos nieniis,
and was taken toLondon'on Monday. Itis
-said that she had made several attempts to:
commit suicide, but. her plans were rather
crude, as she had tried to drown herself
by.sitti$g down In two or three inches of
water. • It is said :by medical men that the
asylums are aitigays fully and "applicants
, for yacancies are filed,and have to await.
their turn...,
' AS,lxAsiI.-OnThursday :ifternooa last,
while ret'prning. from the the Tuners#1' of
Mr. H. Oaufelon's child, a smash occurred
son Albert St. Messrs, -i3.W. and A. Cook
had been driving down the, road pretty:
fast, closely •follolved. by„ Mr. T, Odl:um,
Who ;Was drivin;; a colt which:' he could,
not hold hack, When.just in front of Mr.
Cook's place they partially turned in .tom
wards the gate,. but a .team corning; out of
the gate prevented them getting entirely.
• out of the road, and,although AJ.r.. Odltim
tried bis best to pull'diit of the way and
avoids*accident, be did; not'sucoced; and'
11is. bnggy'c tu;ht the nigh hired wheel . of
Cook's, stttrlahin:tire itx%o;,+ breaking•tho..
'!'Wheel. to pi ic v
were in, otit in' the load: -Fortunately iio
•other injury was st staitied.
Live stook dealers who traverse nearly all
sections of northern apd western -Ontario,
are able to give pretty reliable acoeunts of
the ooliditton ofthe growing crops. From
aeyeral of these it was learned this week
that between London and Guelph the fall
wheat is _considerably damaged. From
there to Stratford there is a gradual im-
provement. In the county of Perth it is
in a fair condition, Drovers in Huron re.
port .that,", along the lake share' it looks
much better than usual, but to the east it
is not up to the average, Oxford is report -
ea -hardly hardly up to the average ; in some
parts it is good, while in others it, is badly
winter -killed, being hardly worth growing,
Middlesex is fair and an average crania ex-
pected, Reports from Bruce aro encour-
aging; yery little has been winter -killed ;
at present it looks very well, and more
than an average crop is expected. In On-
tario county it is fully up to the average,
while spring crops are coming up splendid,
ly, Along the Canadian Paoifio, between
London and Peterboro, wheat looks well.
tw Hamilton naria�not r
Between Maur n and 2 t generally
THEBMACH KNOT.--Ownersof orchards
should pay attention to the black knot on
tbeit plum and cherry trees. At this see, -
son all diseased trees should be destroyed
in order that those not already affected.
may be saved. Any owner or occupant
who allows any black knot to remain on
any plum or cherry tree shall be liable•to
a fine of not less than $5 or more than $0.
11iAIt tETa.--There is little or nothing
doing in markets, farmers 'being- too busy
to come to town,so that quotations are
merely nominal. Wool has not com-
menced to come in yet, although quite a
number'have been shearing their sheep,
and the price is not likely be high, quo-
tations now only being 18 to 20, Potatoes
are abundant at 25e a bushel. Butter and
eggs are inpretty -fair supply fit quotations,,
ham :eras
bet in,
.PAPER.We have some entirely new materialsin-that department,
;x; .
n., OfWall :'Paper and Borders,' from.
�:C1111111.11..:E�����H � &
Much superior. ill:finish' and More elegant in design than last
year, and also &Lich cheaper., Save,money
brpurchasing here. ,
X am Agent for he.. Allan Iairio. of Rona
email Steansehipe.
Suitable fo allITIlla.el- ze ,r:, .•
:anile : - Department
We still keep to the front, a consignment of O'RNA.N.Ift
'andrFRI'NGES•' just :in. •
• IC1--TLIS '.DICIKSON,..:.;
ciintc i f nt.
is Furnishin
int Anything :1
way :, of
commenced' at Stratford ;'many -of them.
went'. down twice -the case not being•.
called yet -and a batch. `of •'them Were
Seated in train at
S thethe, station here on
Monday morning, to make another 'trip;
when a telegram was handed,hem saying
they were not wanted until later on ;. the
costs of 'the case are already -said, to he,
more titan :thy_pr10e.of the machine,: and
the end is not yet; Airs Ichean, ,who
has been visiting at Detroit for several
eeks, returned; home on° Tuesday ;• no”
wonder II. S. wears.a smile as broad as a
barn door. a1li, T. Tipling has the con=
tract for supplying bolts for three new,-
ew,bridge's that -are--beinr~put••-nrin-the
county, which:Will take about ten tone of
bolts: .Mr, Ewart, -tailor, purposes leav-
ing town ; he has not yetdecided:where
he. will go to. Mr, Tipling has bought :a
Tontine -colt,' which he claims can. down
anything of its kind in this section: As
an noiinced in our last isstie, Mr, Thomson,
ticket,clerk, liar beentransferred to Park-
hill and his place here supplied by it Air.
Holt -ries,' late of Mount Forest;'. The aver
age attendance at.Clintofi Public ;School
for the last three • days has been 4500, the.
largest 'ever known here, ltnd•althoughti. e
Pri.wipal .1001t over 50 scholars outu;tif'
-Miss-Sim [melee reein; :
Hiss Mary'Cottle has retur'ned hbsne from
London., for a short time, Several youths
W;oA r is:.t '•tToilsr: I.'owrlr.-•An slum who . went til I3ity field' on Saturday, must,
have been badly the, nater oil
that piace,.as'they did not get back here
until' early Sunday morning. 'Taylor &
Son are improving their store internally.
Mr, I. Rattenllury, Clinton, has i r1d his
Royal Reyenge stallion,. to Messr•.
Whitely &. Little, of Wingham. We did
Mr. Powell 'an •unintentional injustice
last week, in stating that he lost hie first
and only case +at• the Division .Court; be
had two eases, in one of which judgmer t.
was reserved, and in the other a hen snit
entered; theNltw PRA.'doe's not :Willingly
wronganyone, as erroneously assumed by
some, even though politically apposed to
it, and more :especially in local matters
will it ignores party politics altogether,
Mr. Jas. Shepherd has sold his house on.
Duron St, west,' to Mr.,413ennett,.late .of
Oregon, for the ,suns of ;=1,100 ; there is a
half acre lot, and the price is not uurea.
*session is given in a month,
W. II. Cooper is,attending,.the Elgin asai-.
zee at St. Thomas, where st libel suit iS
]nv,gress, the \Vhitellronz, Monument Co.
suing a man nstnie.l1l.,,,.,1l,aMarble
mated discussion.took place on the streets
on Saturday night between 'a couple of
machine meq on what `cowit itutes rt h`r'irse.
power, as• the term is understood when
.used 'as "so many horse power.engine,":
and they 'were willing to put up any
amount of money that each knewbetter
thatrthenther. very few people know
what •a horse power really is We give the
recognized definition;.' • horse power is
compounded' of his weight and muscular
-strength; and 4itninislies as bis speed in -
Creases. The mode's
power is to find what weight he can raise,
mind to what height in a .given time, the
•lrorse being.suppoled torullllorizontallv,•
Froin a variety. of experiments of this'
sort, itis foutid.'that a horse, at an aver-
age, can raise 16.0 pounds weight -at the
velocity of 2i miles per lion:. The power
of a horse exerted in this way, is nttde
the standard for estitn'rting the power of
a steam-engine..Thu•a we •speak et an
engine of' 60 or 80 hor-o.poWer, each horse
power being eatiinatud ,as orluii-alent to
33+11aCP ..naalltil.s,. r�tls.t:sL_u.1e..tcr!it.. lliklli .lT. a minute.y srierit °lroret'I nrvnt trrvllle • ,
rda Bi.Strike in Prices at.
ie �h ,ve struck Rock 3ottom
r.:ro�i,rI_I etre 'I N S -T
M►N,UFACTU•RE- ;and our. •Stock
the mostNobby. .
and inspect, •• our tock befc re urchasing elsewhere. y
Call a - purchasing
04 V. RANGE & 00
- h gee :: oory.<.West "-or-Dieksalii,-took ' tor. e
11o�v:is-the s'easoi when people should. consider the•state •of.
thele 'wardrobe ,•and make i e tratio1 5forjhei :new__
• • .spring outfit
To those who '•_like t•o seelllce goOds * collie aficl' see our great
A,,,..... election of • c•.:
i. •
Col'1'1prisillg -one •
;of t 'e 1argegt and finest -Stock s'in •'tl is' ection,
rh this. our
tive Zv11 .
o � t
clay .Ilc�t cite
' teat sale' .of ,
GIRLS SAILOR HATS at at 25 and�0 cents, worth
75-cents—and: $ Thisl a ism -selling er
fast, and seen. at once..----
. alsoplace lace on ourCa h,
ters, a line of White Shirts at 69 cents, worth
$1, in Sizes I4-, 15. and 15z. This line is
• a great bargain. ..
CLOVES. A splendid range of
•. Gents Kid Gloves just opened,' at $1..25
worth $1.50, in all the New Spring Shades.