The Clinton New Era, 1886-05-07, Page 1•
•V014 '2 , Ng. 19
'm1018-$14 Per Annual In Ovando
All parties iudebteci to T,'Jaei-•
son, either by Note' or Book ace
count, , arerequested to settle not
later than May .5th; --if they Wish
to avoid costs.
altw Actuettiotm nto.
+ Terme A I t aI 1,41r, at the Mill, or to
MA,NNINQ & 8001% Y r,
on the corner of Orange and Hurdn streets,
cheap. Apply to MISS E.MOUNTCASTLE.
branches done by Miss BesA`7 AfooRE at residence
untarlo St„ opposite the Presbyterian Manse: Ladies
entrusting her with garments of any description may.
rely on getting entire satisfaction.
Elm LuMber for sale; and writ be�ut to ors
der• for any person sending in their, order be-
fore the 20th of May. JA11. WALLIS, 1st Con.,
Goderich township, Bayfielil.P, O.
IRsTlrurR -The annual me lI'•i'_ of the• Cflnton.
-'"--Also'l;a`nl:,s' Inefiiute,•for'the elee on of of kers and
other business, will be held in the Library Room, on
.THURSDAY, MAY 18r1/, at8p.m. large attendance
is requested. JAS. SCOTT, A TT, Secy.'
1-11 belonging to Afars, Duncan, on high Street,
immediately adjoining that of Pay, is offer-
ed to rent. It contains plenty of room for or-
dinary family, hard and soft we ter,goea garden,
stable, &c. Apply at NEW ERA' Office or .of A.
.a. undersigned offer for sale a halt or whole in-
• forest in their Portable Steam , Saw Null. The
boiler is 20 horse power, engine 26,'apd the saw
at 64 inch. All in Complete running order; only
in use about three months; doing a splendid
business; satisfactory reasons for selling. Cost
over $1,500 • will be sold at a bargain. PERDUE
& IIti.NALLDS41 , .Clinton' P. O.
Revision for the AI nicipalgiven that the: dity of t meetingeown ofet the Oourt of
will be held in the Council Chamber, in the said town,
on TUESDAY, AIAY25Tn, 1880; et 8,o'clocic p.m.. of
ch all teitake
fAssessmenIoll inaeg ybesed nat the Clerk's. at
all convenient office hours for the text fourteen days.
Dated this istday of May, 1880., • •
NJclass non-professional examination, at the Hteh
Schools in the county; onl•tonday, June 28; 9 a.m. gid
class non-professional examination at tlielIigh Schools
in the county, oy Tuesday, July 6th,- 9 .a.. Rt. First.
class, grade 0, Monday, Julyl2th,i;p,m: Fist class;
grades A and 11, Tuesday�,'duly 20th, 0 a,n,, . Candi-
detes who wisi1 to write itt either. Ciuiton or Seaforth
must notifyD..11I
MAUtoar, P. S. Inspector, Clinton
n5tt later than the .25th of May, stating
^'which of a schools• they wish to write at; and those
who wish to write at Goderich must notify. Joux E.
Tom, P.$.T., Exeter; at the sane date.' The -notice.
must be accom anied by a fee of $2, or $4 if the: ean-
BRIEFS, -lilies M. A, Morris has re-
turned from her visit to Rev. T, J. Sa-.
bine's, Walton, looking bitter than, she
has far some time, and " with the smile
of God's sunshine beaming in her coun-
tenance." Miss Sarah Mason, daughter
of Mr. John Mason, has been very ill with
Thematic fever. •hlrs.. Sella Shobbrook,.
who has been very ill for some time; is
recovering somewhat, though slowly.
Messrs. R. Brunsdon and E. McVittic,,
beth .suffering from.inflammatory rheuma-
tism, are:getting better,
GODElti(H ToWNf+iirit
ACCIDE14T.-A little, boy belonging to
Mr. John Weir, of the 16th con., met with
a very painful accident last week, by fall-
inginto a gall of boiling water. He was
pretty badly scalded butit is thought
he will recover. •
BiliEr's.•-11.1r, Robt! Weir the • other-
day slipped, and got his leg underneath
the small circular saw that is attached to
Mr. Donaidson'nr saw mill, for the pur-
pose of cutting the slabs, and got bis leg
badly cut. Mr. James Donaldson is again
making logs scarce on the first eon. Mrs...
Wallis, sr. , limos be` n euf a ing of late from'
liver complaint, Rapid improvements
are being made on the ,hush farm owned
by Chas. Wallis.' Mr. \V. H. Elliott will
this -year -build -bank--barns for Thomas
Harrison, Thos. Cole, John Wigginton
and Geo. Cox, besides other mason Work.
A couple of the residents of the Bayfield
Road, who are said to have been 011 un-
friendly terms for some time, settled their
difficulties- by a'"personal encounter the
ether day; they: are both old enough -'to
know -better. ' Master Rubt. Fleming has
engaged with lir. Wm. Connell' for the
summer. Master Ernest Flurworth, who
is at•:presente working with Mr. James
Whitely, intends- Ieaviii '1'or ' Britisl
,,tumble qes' soon ashis term. expires.
C. 11IePhail is still rat from well
4oIINCII, MsETlxa.•---The council mi
the 27ih'4prii, at. Brucefield. .All, the .
bers present.' The. treasurer handed i
bond, which was ekamined arid accept
satisfactory. H. B. Proudfoot'a accou
$8 was.. passed for payment. Mr.'`McE
Janos Miller arid Nicholas Price wer&gr
$5 each in eharity, and the collector. wa
dited With $3.10, uncollected taxes. M
'by Wm. H. Broadfoot, seconded: by:R
Elgie,,tha`t the followingjobs be let by to
et •li les, hotel, oonCession S, H: lt. S
Pride" , the 14th day of May ; tenders
o enc'
, to
p one .o clock, p:, m., and that.the,
cleric be, nstructed to advertise the' same by
hand bille-:. Gravelling, Seaforth to Eginond
ville, ••a0' cords ; 'Mill road, west . from Eg-
nt of Huron Lodge, No 4308 I O.G:F. held last
, held last
OLINTON ON's., . '1.TD. • ', -1VT. ,Y 7 1886..
Caledonian Day, on the '1st Jgly, nne
the grandest celebrations:eeer held' in t
village. The village council have decid
to make some very much needed impra
ments on some,of the streets of this
lige. New weigh scales are to be erect
at the corner of the town hall; the sca
were purchased of Messrs. Gurney P>* W
of Hamilton. , r _
of the Bayfield Road,, was called away from
his this life. He had been in modrate
e fair
ed health just prior to his death,, but has
ve- for some time been subject to epileptic
vii- I fits. IIe was collector of township o
ed . a great many years, and the tact tht )te-
les held the position so lou shows Whe
discharged liis duties faithful! y. Hat as
Y He \vas
one of the early settlers of Stange •,„ -In
politics he was a Conservative, and, a
member of the Rev, Mr, Ross'. church.
He REBORN OLUII.--The next meeting
the Reforn'Club"will be held on -Mond
evening the 10th, when the followi
subject will be debated, "Resolved - t
it would be in the interest of Cauada
the government to become possessed
all its The affirmative ter
be led by h. Pearen, supported by W
Cash, Jas. Cowan, G. Turnbull and J.
Govenlock. The negative by M.Murd
upported by' A. Dickson, F. McMllla
. Johnston and S. Murchie.
of .._e ryas aged 61 years, and leaves a wife
ay -'and -several members of Welly to sur -
ng wive him. He was a genial, whole-souled
hat man, and the , esteem irr which .he was
f' or held was shown by the very largenumber
of who followed his remains to Baird's eme-
lt tery, on Saturday.
ie ; BRn 1rs.---Blyth will celebrate the
n, of May in grand style, there will be all
the usual athletic games, a base ball
e match, bicycle races, tug of war, and all•
r-. other late attractions of such days; see
h large bills for list of prizes, The'woolen
s mill will be in running.order in a short
a .while ' now -both, proprietors, Measr"s..
tri Eordyh and Moffatt, have arrived in
e_ town, Mr, S. McKellar and Mrs, Lucas
d are visiting at Mr.. Tanner's,..this week,;
d• Mrs. Erank Metcalf is very sick this week.
e r. • R. H. Young,. editor of the Pioneer
Express, Pembina, Da:, is At present visit-
t ing his many friends in. Huron, but•more
t particularly Blyth .; Mr. Young has not
been in Ontario for 'eight years, and, of
ten.•course, sees many changes ;.he' is strongly'
of the idea that. Canada ought to be an-
e nexed to the States, although a natural-
ized American he main tains it great regard
for his native county; Mr. Young will re-
melt), . About three weeks; -when he will •
return, accompanied bvhis •wife and son.
DrvISroer COURT.—The Court of the
l2th: Division was held on Thursday last'
in the Orange hall, ..His Honor Judge
`Doyle presiding. Upwards of thirty: cases.
were on the. docket, but only eight or nine
cases came up for tele', as follows :—
Ferran'vs. Lucas, Tanner 8c Co.' This
case was about a dispute of an aces tante
DEATU.---One more hag gone to try th
realities of the unseen world itt the pe
son. of Mr. Johnston Rhin,. of the 12t
'death reSaited OA TIleSdaY., What make
it is, only a•little .overet raenth ago sine
be was married to his now sorrowing an
nearly distracted wife. °The bereave
friends have the symPathy of the entir
Setiooh.-The following is the repor
27th verse of the second lesson, from which
he preached an ,,,eloquent sermon, usin
the parable of the good Samaritan in alit
exceedingly able manner, On the return
to the lodge, thanks were accorded Rev
G. F. Salton and the managers, of I�:nox
church, Bros. ,Josh Beck, P. Bolt and N;
Campbell being appointed a committee. to
draw up and. present a memorandum of
the same. Five.brethren.of the Clinton
lodge arrived in time for the seri -
News Record., g ce
I'�O/i I'1 itae3 '111I L. •
1..Newton of Porter's Hill, infrms
your correspondent that he succeeded' in
taking orders for five suits of clothes du-
ring last week, the prices paid ranging
from • $16 to $20. Things. must be looking
up around the hills this spring, Your
correspondent has; to content with
his old rusty black of sortie five summers.
EDUCATIosrsee�•.The regular monthly.
report of ' the standing of the
pupils•attending No, 5, Goderich town-
shtp,-is' . given below: -Fourth: class -
Edwin Jervis, Lydia Blair, Minnie Jervis.
Senior third -Fred. Pickard; Maud'Pick
ard, Reid Torrance. Junior third --Albert
Jervis, Benson "Cox, John Cantelon.
Second class -John Cos, Herbert .Cos;
Freddie Lindsay. Senior part 2 -Lottie'
lilllock, Euphetilia Cox, Junior part 2 -
David McCartney, James McDonald, Lily
Cox. Part 1 -Bertram Cox•geeeral proficiency? regular, , Sarah Gard-
ner, Golden Newton: •
and good conduct.' Sentorfourth,-Hugh
Alexander, Lizzie Kinney, Andrea+ RETURNED ALL B.IGHTee4Consi(lerlible
der Katie Calder. .juniar,,fourth-John
excitement was .caused on Wednesday
morning last oil the 7th con., . Goderich
township,' by the.supposed loss of Mr. .T.
Aggie Alexander, John Craig, Ja
Connoly's father. lie. had, gone out to
the bush .to look , ce•ei liendereon. Senior second -John Mont -
after some cattle the.
NI., pinery, Geo. Lovee Geo. Mentgomery,
previous evening. and. did not turn up for
40 long a time that his sora , /foe Craig. • Junior seeend-Feriny,Rus-
went out tto•
loo• ,, 'see, Alex. Dadds, Davie • Hearn, illarY j.
k for him, but. atter .careful search he
'had to return without -him, All the
neig'hbors•turrled out. in the morning and
hunted every part of the bush, but to no
purpose,' when; just e4 as TEMPLARS.-At the
ewen, Friday, the ofiieers for the ehsuin term
co- were elected, and are as 'follows :g
13endr W.U.T.' 1Viss` Geo.:
eyed' it I J, Murray
obert Cr'. Sperling W.S.. Mies M. A. Dorrance
neer. W.A.S. A. Scott W.F.S. 'Miss L. Shaw
., on W T. H. Kemp' W.M. :Miss J. Noble
b ' \V D :1VI ' DT Bell \
net • . e-ferward
unless the fee aceon rrtlia>oepaication 15
p �� nes it. Forms of application
may be had from the -Se retary. ' Tile head masters of
the 'Sigh Schools will please' send the •applieaticirs of
their candidates to Die County Inspector of thodivision
in which v the.IIi h•Scliool'.
g is sit3ated, •
ADA1 80N, Sec, Board of Ciai»lner ,
Goderich, May 8,.1880'. • .. �,'
T., .
POOINO done very neat and. AND salt Al
to 'salt
every person..
JOHN i'AR$UAltbi{►2if, :,utiili'g gleets
TI •
Issued to auy T-.
a � point in,
\1•. •
_ _k.
-Northwest Transportation p•
steamers 'leaving •.Goderricii on Wednesday : and
Saturday' morninge. Advice received -when.
. every steamer Ieanes.Sarnia so, passengers can
receive well at what hour '5teamersieave•c3ode-
riob, and avoid any unnecessary delay 'there,
l'or fun particulars apply to
1 2t,
NI r V NOIR R�i, c�y+i ��pp�� tE
L 18si;:
TEAR or Trtn
Conducted both on Cash snit Mtitual Platis,,
- —latch.: Jas. Youxo, M. P. P„ -- President:
• ADAM WAR:SOC1c,:East. v1CC+President.
R. S. STnosd,' Est., Managing Director:
Enters upon its FIFTIETH Much
stronger arid' more•prosperotts than at any
previous: period, baviuk $213,808 of Assets
and pratieally N0 LIABILITY except a l;,e-
-----'°-insnrance Reserve s
�v�33D;000: .k'lirore•arc�2:
: 000"deposited'with too Ontario Government,
• and ever. 390,0(10 held in Mortgages, ' Deben-
tures, and Cash, immediately. available to'.
meet losses.
3I\itnell'olicy:11QIdor8 in the,."(Attiesave.
X20 per ent, with undoubted -security. '
2', w q*Pe' •04411.0913:1VAA
Faso Slants. .
:Rubber :i3a ,1st,
Bc. . Zolfo.
ecru Miil-road-near-Bstuiefteicle
Kipper' road con,, 3•and 4; H.&S,, 15 cords;
Kippeh road, con. 5 and 6, H.R..S., 15 cords
Kippen road, con..' •and 10 H,R:S.. 15 cords
K' e ,
Kippen road r
•pp ,non. 3`and 4; L. R.S., 1,1 cords,
Kippen road; eon.' 1' and 2,. L. R.S;'15 'cords.'
ensan road, 'con..1 and 2, L.R:S,, 20 cord's,
ensallrend, con; 3; L.R. S. 10 cords, Gran-
it to school, No. 4, eon: 1 and 2, L. R. S,,
cords, $urge read,•westfrom Harpurhey,'
eords,ewest from :Egmondvirle,g on On -
20 cords, between lot
IO an
n. 1
and ..,;L R. S. 10 cards, o `o '
pp sit
eon.'2, H. ILO., 30 rods; between lot
cl 26, oon. 2, H; R,. 8., 8' rode, grading
yelling, lets 25 add '26, con. 2, 11, 11..
t. ods, gravelling bctvreen'.lots 25: and
. 4,' H. R. S,, gravelling opposite' lo
• 4, H.;R. 3S., gravelling opposite'Iot
:.b, ]i., R. •S., 30 'rods, gravelhng'oppo
17;eon. .4, L.•I1. S., 45 rods, .ditchin
ire lot 17, con. 4, L. li, S.; 40�rods,. gr
rig,' opposite lot 22, : con. ' 4, L•..R. •S.,
s, grading and gravelling; betwe:n lots
11, eon. 3, L•; -It. S;, 12 rods; ditohi
osite lots '9 and 10, 'con. 4, L• . R.'S.
s, building a bridge opposite lot 1, :con.
R S.,.' buildings a bridge, bet'w'een lot
6, oon 4; 1113.5..•gfadinl between,1
nd 30; ,con. 2, H, R..S.,'40 rods;. On
•the.coancil�will pay the gravel ;•on j
y the cord the council will ern:ploy
rapt' and spread. the gravel, and the co
tor will., give him, half hie wages;,
• let• by the rod ,the gravel w;1l • be 1
hetn,7 feet longland 7 feetdeep, and to
received fertile work only.•l'at•ties tend
•will_be required to. give security floe,
pletion'of their jobs• by the,lst:of .Solite
Payments will be made 'on tiro 1
oveinber. The Counoiillors. will poi
obs• fn their respective localities. T
it then' adjourned to • meet, again
s hotel, on Friday, the 14th day of Maq
hb" hour of -10' o'cloolt a. in. [The cle
d confer a great favor, on. readers of.t
Esq in file township,, if the donna
tes were furnished it as Well as oth
NEw Era. -
AItLX' A FIRE. --On Friday,:: n
, Mr. R. Henry set fire to some
his stable, not thinking of any
f it spreading, There was a st
-blowin f"rmn his stob1 Aft th
on o r.�. •fi n A en's large
fire caught in ' the leaves and
vent over the hill like a flash, a
Gnly by the extraordinary efforts of
oighhors' thee Mr. Allan's baril;nasg
TES's, —i 1rs. 7 . Townsend is seriously
nd the are sorry to hear'that slight;
s. are •,entertained of her recovery..
0. Benibrige has been laid up 'with
atics for the last three or four
s;; but we hope to see her around
soon,, Messrs. David 11Mudtaire
Bill,. Conrad Howsott and others
going in a few days. for a trip to
c, Michigan,: where .they purpose
g upland if they can suit themselves.
Joseph Colclough base field of spring
that will be hard to surpass in.the
which was held to have beenpaid by•i
'third. party, the defendants • being only li
agents in the transaction. ;Judgment for 'o
plaintiff. Elliott for deft.; tlampion`for
pry • •
Adams vs. Gibson. "A hole:. Judgment.
for plaintiff. . h
Irwin vs. .\ Winter. An account. account. .
f;- i
as everyone was be-
ginning to feel like giving up the search.
ih r,he bush, there• Was a call. from the,
Ouse that he was home. Night having
vertaken hitn,: he bad stayed at a distant
neighbor's till morning.-
hi\'CE. -- We have
Sara it reported around that 'Mi. .,,T;Gard-
her intends going;rnto: a carriage bulld-
og trade. ,flow far tis is true we ate
unable to say, but that he has, lately built
a vehicle of some sort is perfectly correct:
Now, if a man started in and made a le-
gitimate buggy: or sulky no one would
have anything to say about it; - but . h'
combination of old, wheels and rails with
n •s cure y' as e toe • it
urged on by it lad. perched up in: the:` air
the h
e t � o old cart, wheels, is suffi-
eient. to attract the attention of people for
miles around and .supply the local.gossips
with material for conjecture us: to the pro-
per class of conveyance 18 holongs to for
I.G; A Dn men.
D.tMoran {;'.C. •Miss•ItL Shaw'
R.H.S. Miss I. Hunt. L`n.S. •
Y. M. O. A. -The Sunday evening
' ga. t;h onnggeMen/e-i�hristian
ion oorn,-ar -••ne -m-ede i
esting and a'ttract'ive; 'by having several
musical. instruments t0 accompany the
singing, en Last .
b Sunday
were two violins, 'evening --there
base •vial .,apt) . organ.
The meeting was :conducted by Mr. .W.
Logan, secy.. of the'atsociation, and liar,
M. Gray gave, a gospel address in Iris
usual earnest manner.:
let b
for t
out j
ger o
the: n
' Bit
ill he
, wheat
e of
s 25
t 3,
av, ,
,Farrah vs, Idington; Action on acconnt.
Judgment -reserved. '
'Gagin vs. Dodds. -. Gare
nishees were A.
O U..kV.. Judgment, for defendant. '
Ro erson e a
„ g t ,l vs.
. _771�1ragee, 1)iing`
\Vatsoh'Mtg 0o.vs. iiallaghan.• 'Ac-
tion on note;: Judgment for plaintiff; of
$,5 .25.
Boyd et al vs. Barr; 'Contra
ping wood. Judgment ct for. ch 25
and gment for plaintifl'y;�21J. z5'
costs, being claim altnostin, full. This
case occupied a good:deal of. time,. as 'a the
large number of witnesses
pro eaten' wa re resented li '
Mea r
s,. \
s \`ode;
o �ll't
tot i
11LOHEI:T nt rrs.INEN:
rest � ..
nsi About ere*.
CitAloes I'ARM.--A short time before
Mr. Crai 's d ElliottS departure, ltr. J. U. T,r•
leased his farm and crop fora year.; Mr.
Weir also got a deed of the farm. After.
Craig's departure, and before ]%Irs. Craig
left, there Waif an exciting tilde:between
the claimants fill' the Arm,- to, see who •
would get passession of it. Mr. Elliott --
a roan and wile on the premises
with instructions to '' hold. the fort," but their temporary absence; Mr.
Weir' put a man in charge of it. FI'ow-
everr.,;Mt. Ellictt's man has present pox -
slop, and will likely have •peaceable'oc
eupation fey the year.
• His OPiN`To.1',—t' I always found
Craig as s uar' , ' with
any Bill q etc deal with as anyone,,
remarked Mr, Ge rgrj Stanbury the oth
" Why, he would. often contract for
a car
r two of cattle' and a couple of cars
sheep when in Montreal, and I've often
let him have 'em without, any security.
whatever, and he alwayepaid`. s for them,
I. do not think that Craig. tock mueli mo,
ney away with flim, but what he did with
it is quite: ,another• question. ,He'll bi3.
missed here, because he bought quite tt
let of cattle. No,. I'm not in for anything
by : him, continued Mr. Stanbllry, "the
wanted. rile to endorse or him only tl,
short tires ago, but I told him tha e
thing we never did for anyone."•
t, va,'a
. THE 33RD
*ItesIgna.t.i011 .of Gel, •A, s[, llto9s and
, M;Iator W.• 1r'. Murray..
A meeting of'the commissioned) 'Officers' of
the 33rd Battalion was he'ld'atthellattenbury
House, Clinton, on Monday Last, to consider • •:
matters relating to the reorganization of.tho
force. Among those present were Col,•Ross, '.
Goderich ; Got.. Coleman, Seaforth Major
Murray, Clinton ; Quartermaster Beek, Gode-
rich ; Lieut. J. Verco0, .,])un annon.; • Cat, •
Iorrester, Clinton ; Capt. •Wilson, Lioats.
Wilson and Roberts, ..Seaforth ; 'Capt. and
Lieut. Keine, Corrie; Capt. liott and Lieut.
Williams, Wingham ; and Capt, Roderick,.
Brussels. M. J. Ver000 was appointed
Col. Boss then' tendered
Statin that s hisresignation,mo.
Stating owing to his official duties• 1'e air• .
ing all his time, lie found itimpossib]o Waive °
that attention to•the dutiesof the, at . tli
I ,13a.tahon
that was necessary, and• while he regretted
severing' his official :connection with: the vol.
ers; with•whom he had ,been aseooia'ted
for Q2 yeltre,'they would'ever retain
spot' in his ,sympathies. •
a tender.
His resi gnatiot, w s a
b ., a scanted, and . the fol.
lowing resolution parried ..11,1ovedally' Capt.
Kaine, seconded. bya
C, pt. Elliott, that whereas `.
Col. Ross, after a long and happy connection ..
with the 33x1' Regiment feels it a
wt i rain rom .e 'o onelcy, wl the ofTioers •
of the
e. 33rd,. regret et' h' .retirement -from
the '.
active.dnties of the Regiwonti but trust that
he'will alwapps'•consider himself- an honorary
member of the'historic 33rd. • '
.Majdr.Alurray, in a brief speech, oho
ton -
ere his resignation as' Junior Mawr.oten-'
,] f the
Battalion statim
neat half century. IVe' have had and increasing `g that on, aconunt of his 'age, ,
n.eXtnlair ce onthat .it is nothing g infirmity, he :could not ionger
ln I g
undertake rat.
t the ed t
Y the duties o 1
than of
at est
patent for: position • . „
P the•
can• '
' r s
o ua
1 w' ,
` g aro d
fitted. with galvanic 'rite , and•the fo
a tn1
eb ti
g t
The legal Here called
rPRII1 —Bibs -are out announcing a' f a' g c', d 1
ration. here ere on`Queen'shorses,o run- a
thda . P antY dila i t
� r P
a u awe) ' '
specter P d e'tbhe newt appointed in 1•t • at cry, and lowing resolution carried ...--:-Moved by Capt.
S Y PP is intended asap for
.pun tied'Porter's rll.r ea , a
- ' resen some one Wilson, see nded narternta t
un er.`: e• cath Act,: was In town (,;- E]!t1011; :trim d Q by
tI s e B k h t
last Wednesd':; mai I The t i the
Wednesday making hie first ro' •: • ' � ', , . • ;• � �. Officers, ,. .. 1tn exrsfs of3icers of, the •,.3r,
n g 1. he
u ds tel
ni>; If , Battalion. u..
for one fact o desire to
he •called upon. the .•hotel -keepers `and electedC ANIGS • l.a,STlzurr, the oflice'rs , ; and what it really is, we. convey to ]Major •Meryl Iheir''ro ret th h
.for the current year in: connection e`aree tell,' for anetherr • • finds it necessary to sev.Ite has
g • n e
made. known to them` what' theymi ht with the`. Mechanics' Instituteconnection. with ,
expect j they .didonot. w - inviolate g are 'as fol � - she Battalion, io wittti1 1t h
ep'invtolate the lows:=-Preeid -.-------...r.-.__ a asbeen.aMember
law: Mrh J: n t. k 'ent. S. -Malcolm -on vice- ...-c nsideir nee noir •i. hono ...
.,, ttho bas, 'been President, T:, Weath r rror.nrissvir,, .p y trust
rhe .1.; L tr months at n�h • e ald; second 'vice Mita i s,--_lir, NV.' 'Chet he ' ay ion aegis honorary toy visit
a d meet
.Ly burg, president, W. H. Murne .• Treas - A. • U r his is bitildigg a the retie `ton e e ;
is expected .home this week ; before leav- Meere • ' ` y'•• - ' � .J J. stone foundation; :under:lris '1' '�•-� .3�h spa etl, vtsrt; ,nnd meat
ing este Shorn fait fall, she • o e ,..becretary,.Geo Stevens;,•Direct Murch lost ii': born.. y l . • Other m matters
In very. • ors, , If: 1. Strang E. •Sh 'Yafeve ow one da last '- • Other niattei's' pertaining
poor heal the learn'tbats: � ...g', arman,_ W.' J.,;aveek--c:luse Milk Y P �,to'tho •Lattalion'
ire returns Foote, 1 . C.'Rassei C., . , level. Attie) Met11o: were discussers, ;ilea a comnn
very. riuclr-unproved in health, . Ther A. Humber and 'dist quarter) meet' ttoo .tpporntedto
CharlesBlake«. b Y tug held here on 11Iom arranagain at -the furtherplata--for4he•.
-Robert:Il, Baird opera cempany:are play-. - day, th:e finances "'leveller) a '.' arrangement of. this sa
ing ever night this P ,Y. „ ]3RIEIS -Gear a .lchesott Y. p much bet to o. ., A� ,, a ntc. It is generally
ments being s week, their entertain. work otr the neiv hall over tins Ther e
fairly well patronized. • ver his store. There
'A Goon SEND OFJ.—The Geed 'Tem- wee a ly, v ningrfn eld the- ionor of ,' he
Pram' hall,)"est Monda eveningrt>esd'ay, evening, held is )foxier of the
Y was the, return of `,the bride and- bridegroom of
scene of'a happy' time." I& teas the'occa- last. week`e Wedding, Posters ,are .out
sion' Of A •farewell banquet to a brother announcing.tito ran
'who was on the 'eve of leaving town jtnd•- to be held t :grand .npot rs rnd flnmes
going to .other parts:to. seek liis fortune. Worktri8n and our town
of e 24th
We refer to Mr. James k iii Whiteside, ,town band on the 24th
+ h inst. The last assembly of the season was
held oneWednesday of last week,. and was
the most' briliiantly-sucdessitrl `ryr ll , tlr:-
Doh'erty Orgnn hand, of Clinton, did good
work: A, l [ Polley is going 'to sell by
auction his .larses-...and,.:ci,tir'e_,gtOele-of
buggies, cutters, &e., on the 17,th Inst..;
•lleintends retiring from the livery. business
n- Who
t'r. was 'a very:active •member of h '
.the god e
and>tdne :with_ whom wp. __axe voiy.sokry, to
m part. The-ladies•=,aa;.timerehvaysdo-did
' their part handsomely by 'furnishing the
he t tables with good things, which wereepare
ne taken of by all present"with great relish.
After. the inner man had been eatisfied
rk the intellectual part of the programme be- • CIU
h gen, and consisted of toasts •'being propos- lanaTem ler nCessoc'heChurch. closin>
ii ed and responded to in good style,inter-..Mee o lett' veld its �loven-
s ersed with i.ting for the season;'on Monday even -
or P til• music. there Was about.
fifty present.' . }1,1r. 'Whiteside left last .Rev.:We •J•ohnston, of Goderich•'
'Tuesday far Sault St Mario, tvhere'he :Rev. W. Hodgins, ofBayfield exchanged
1 • ))mends taking til) iar.!>lfcg.1'- Success to u1 its last ,Sebbath Rev. alv ect
ii 1. f p pY Mr. Calvert
occupied•Victoria St. pulpit.
bash • FAREWELL SOCIAL.- A• -farewell st -•r- A seldlier s welcome hone" w ,
den -It. tc the: ffiGere:of the Saly as giver)
tial to lliisses obertson antt�l.i3ooth, was ` o )hien Arm wino
°� ` ..given by itis 7aadies' Afrl ttf .t;e'basement .._..-- -_; ... .,.., _. __. _ Y,
barn. Stlio ilJhoilist ch:ure7l;Ittst�ric7sy ewe.
bash ning. There ryas a good attendance and
a very pleasant evening was spent.' '1`ila
andit tvasµdrved at half Bast seven, after whist)
ter than c;xpectations,only a fewailers re-
main to r.aise`at the adjourned meeting;
it witsconsid'ered advisable to employ two
eninisters next year as heretofore, and the'
circuit to'remain ttudivicied.' The Mait-
land lime -kiln is booming, 'flying a good
article, it.sells like hot cakes'; ever 200
bushels sold in one d'ay ; harry is. the boy
-to• fire up";you, bet your bottom: dollar.—
Mr. E. Lavii.i butting up,a neat .veran-•
'dah The trustees of the. 1Vletlioili .
htirc1i itre'goino. to erect a rallinatclthe
steps of the 1'tletliodist'church.
From nit occasional correyponelen,�--
• ilo-tmesvi'1-lo.•'britl�'o• wi
moved •eonsiderab'le by a large tree whi
came down with•,:tlrespring freshet,
should be moved after.the tvatergoesdole
The hill on the Goclericlt road is yery b
and should have'some gravel; a -good w.
would be to dig. an open ditch on the sii
next the bank ancl•flri it with small sten
to take oft' -the •.spring,,water, than a re
loads of gravel 'would: 'Utak° it good roa.
There .is' a great: show of blowe. do th
fruit trees this spring, some are edmplai
life following Additional smug in aid of , •. • '
the Victoria. St: .0Iturch debt are thank- '13ittlirre-etstir hamlet was visited o
oric being the iiext in cam/nand; will be appointed -
to fill the vacancy caused by Mr. Ross' Te-
tirement, and Captains' Mallotigh and. Koine, .
being the senior captains Of the Battalion.,
will be proinoted to the .positiOn 'Of Senior
'dna junior Major, respectively.
lase lecture ot the cofirse Was "iiven by
ing to tliti 114 -Nies losing the train; „
London, wee postpone& until Friday.
audience, but the audience was ver,, good,
and in faet ;larger then at any former
"; lecture exeept Rev: Mr. Ste-
' wart oceupied the chair, Rev. MY, Ru pert
es 13ible," and for about, an •hour an cl• a- half
kept his audience interested and delighted ..._
n' the lecture wits de veted to' ahleecription of
., • . Farmers in this vicinity are pretty well
. a montl1/4 earlier than last, year, 'The
. rministerecl in St, Andrew's, Presbyterian
' Z‘.. -rt,60frir, 1 "d Methodist churches, last Sabbath, to I
(4a6cAlt. A xi, iy5TA•rrosEn I Society is making every (fort te make
the Misses Johnston and Campbell. Instrte•
mental. solectiote Miss A. Armitage. Rec-
itatiou, Miss F. Mitchell, Solo? Miss
Johnston. Kindergarten Song, ,SeVen
yOung ladies. Reading, Mr. D. Wetson.
Instruniental duet, Mieses F. and L.
Sperling,' During the eveding Missatobr.
bum, and Miss Booth, (who was organist
-will-comPlefeethe sem asked for ;•-IVni,
Campbell, $2 ; Jacob Stokes, $2; it friend , were on their way to Goderich ; they ha!
come all- the way by boat. We are sort:
zolinton) so ;, tt hearer, ps ;.,04....a..,,.;.,.,,,A te learn ' that Mr. Thos. lilorrish, j re i
,$2; IN1rs, Snit 042.; a friend, $4 ;,- C. A. very' ill of infleremation of the lunge, so
Humber, $5 ; John Andrews, $20; James ill that 'the doctors hold out no hoe of
row, Mrs, Graham, $5 ; a friend, (Clinton) build a large barn thig sununer e hie tne.
$5 ; a. friend, (Goderieb) $2; Rob t" ions are now bending the stone well.
Th °Moon, $5 '; Georee A eheson, $5 ; S, . Mr. ,T, Miller took a &in to Detroit last
SturdY, $23 l-iGaderich friend, $10 ; Major week. Georgie Cennell is recoVeiliii,
in e c urch), with 4 purse as a token of small" Sull". * ' !leers elected for the ensuing term in
appreeletion for servieeS rendered by The ineinters of Huron Lodge No, az. Court BenmiilerNo. 86, C'. 0, P. •-•Thos.
tthein in the church during their stay in I.O.O.P. celebrated 'the anniversar3'; of Ginn, at.; Win. llailkey, V.O.R..; Thos.
Seafortlywhich has been abOut four years, their order by attending divine service- et NjLio.ttv' aanhaat'Pelnaein, ;Fr. hsn.g;" Gjelth311Gisiej'hSiii:
They hav,0 arse duririg that tinie condUet- Ziox church last &today meriting. The,
ed a private school in townf which they brethren met in the lodge room at 10.30. Treas4"3. Breen, S.W. ; 0, 1.11isher, ,j,w, ;
have given up. Aliso. Boob Tatum to and arrived at the eintrch shortly before WM' "119bring` S'a ; G' IV* 1TandY, 3".13"
'her hoino fn Belleville, and, Miss Roleert, 11, On nearing the church the members The Court meets on the second and last
son gots to,Edinontou, Where ehe will re, halted end faced inwards, allowing the Mendaye in each month,
stde in. future. Theyleave behind them rear 9nd Of the preeession to pass between ..............-........,-----
preattriituyretv,arm friends who regret their do- e Ines t us formed. On the march the ' Ihttnots,-ene tvetuetre committee
. 1 line extended from the corner of North has been sitting at Goderiell this week,
I • . St. to market, Rev. fL P. for the purpose fif letting contracts for
Suntree' Drett 1re-A somewhet unex- the lesson the 58th ellepter of ferfirth, and • ilia other at Port Albert. , ICineardine
0 f Thursday last, 111r. Joeeph Iii eyin,l f.r The P . , g , T I „ i eni, lie its tett the I Vine at e./75, etel Per• Albert at $851 •
present this 'iras the mostrprofitable part
• o'Pliis address, The tisimp's language is
d strati lectitreit me altogether tot) few, and
y we hope for Another viSit atan early date.
t lank.
Mr. Rupert aat:
TO THE PlI111,TV.-Now that Mr, Fair,
postmaster,. has done his utmdst id. the
arrangelnea et his office to actorriniodate
Alm public, it will lighten his hebors and
also prove of advantege to all, if the pub-
lic will assist him, and this is one way he
wetild like them 16 do it.' When. asking
for mail matter, particularly when the
°Mee is erowded, do not ask for Mr. Mrs, '
or Miss, „but simply give the
dropping altogether the use of the super.
Mums words. .A8 the letters areserted on
.tlie principle Of the initials of the naniee,
the use of the tedrdee`slkheAme '.11trs." or
" Miss" is simply confusing to tho est.
master; Thoso who have call blies should
slimily givO the number el thelr box,
whcch is 'preferable. to announcing their'
mind the peeplo will he confe•rring a favor