The Clinton New Era, 1886-02-19, Page 8CLINTON NEW ERA
FRIDAY, FEB. 19, 1.886.
svEHINQ Q.7 OBE'vitt be reduced
DICKSO�.4g ncommencing Feb. 1st.
S;POOIA4•N(12KIE... X411 parties indebted
to the undersigned will please settle the same
either by note or otherwise, by the 1st of Marche
us we are et need of funds .to coatis us to buy
to the best possible advantage and carryon our
now increasing business. S, PALLISER & CO.
The general agent,.ILS. HOOSE, of the well lumen
Erni of STONE et WELLINGTON, is here in the in -
tercet of the firm. AitY person wishing anything irk
Ode llno can rely on it as being true to name and de-
livered In first class condition. SHRUBS FLOWER-
Russian variety and Monthly HOSES a specialty, •JAS.
n THOMPSON, tOlinton, the Delivering Agent for tlfe
above firm,
ZoWvn rfpopt1•L.
Jail; STATis'rIcs.--From the repor t of
the Inspector of Prisons for the past year,.
the following statistics concerning this
county are gleaned ; No. of prisoners,
committad Goderich jail during 3885,.
61, being2t) less than in.1884, ' Commit-
tals fordrunkenness, 3 ; 10 of those .in-
carcerated'dnring the year were persons
who were insane, and unsafe to •be .at'
large.. 15 was the largest number in jail
at one time, 8 the smallest,; and the daily
cost of rations for'the prisoners was 0
cents-. _. __ t 1...:-
Hum SoliooL.—Tho third • meeting of
the High School Literary Society was
held on Monday, ]Q'eb, 10th. The pro-
gramme consisted of, music by the Glee
Club, several readings, . and a recitation,
and a debate, which, was the event of the
evening: • The subject was,
d that
the reformation
has done more for Eng-
land than the revolution." For the
afiirmatiire were. A, Tumoth and D, Arm-
strong, and for the negative F. Green and.
33. J. Miller. The sub, flet was discussed
in an able manner, showing that there is—belongto-solus else." Our local totem.
some good talent in.the school. finds 'a ""patent inside" very acceptable
this week, while it is crowded with voters'
__AGCIDo s r „u„_ver idem I ardia red ott> ,---iia =wo"rk. T Niias 11TelviIte;::f7:ne of -lab;
mice, not Serious accident happened to a treat's finest singers, passed through town
lust et Thursday into, . laseweek, 'Swheich
was on Tuesday; leaving been attending the
dust getting into a already
seated,ed 'when he •marriage.of her cousin, at Bandon,huri�rr•
husbagav was dt p.a d,wthrow- the D. A; Forrester is now. baying and press-
ingse Baba a sudden veep forward, in 'hay for eastern rnarkets. • Mr.'White-
on her ead on the over the seat. She fell ly, of Londesboro, has°stained the con -
on .her feeteon thegaught i stunned, ,tract for. -.the erection `bi •Mr. Stewart:
`robe;. her being caught in the tion a Plummer's new house, on (leen St.' On
robe , she remained in heffiposition a Monday night, at the carnival at Seatorth,
ed. I wasua before sae had
Mr. W. Webb, ofClis�ton, took first prize
ed: It found that ave herustained for fancy costume, h': being '"" Persian
a no harm contact With
having clothes Knight",a be also took prize tor being
soiled by contact with thedirfy street. •
AAT. AwI{WARD jtxsTAI l.—Rattler an,
amusing btu"nder:occurred at a wedding ln.,
this vicinity afew 'days since. -The groom,
as was gaite.natural, was decidedly ver
vous, and after all the forms had been
gone through with, and, he had given the
minister Ins fee, he 'dropped his pocket
bopk inti the.;, pocket of the m'inister's•
overcoat, instead of his oivn. 'The mistake
was only discovered ,dist as, the happy steamer---'tAdriatic," of the White
ploy of T. Jackson, have gone to Picker
mg to open up a tailor snap; we wish the
boys success in. their undertaking. Last
we,ek Messrs. Hearn and Craig shipped a
ear of cattle to Toronto, and this week
they shipped two mora to Montreal;
these gentlemen regularly handle more
'cattle than any other two dealers in the
County. The NEW EEL was the only pa-
per in the county that gave a full report
last week of the S. S. Convention at Nile;
when there is apy -special news to be bad,
the NEw Etta generally "gits tbar," The
horse attached to May's milk sleigh felt
too frisky to stand on Monday morning,
and away, but was fortunately stopped be-
fore doingany damage, although it ran a
h As -
P to.
The o
distance. ce" T e
1e s
0 1 e li
soc'tation met at Wingbam, on Thursday
last, Mr, R. D, Bayley representing the
profession here; very little 12uslness was'
transacted, and another meting will be
held in Clinton, in April. Air; Jos.Row-
ell has been confined to the house for a
couple of weeks by a very severe cold,
contracted by bis recent trip, from the
N. W., and its effects are plainly visible
in, his countenance; we hope to -see him
all right ag in. • We believe that it is the
intention of Mr. Friendship to take up
his residence in Teeswater; although a
quiet unobtrusive 'man, he is still an in-
dustrious Citizen, and will be missed. Mr..
,tohn Wiseman, who retires -fromhis part-
nership with Mr. Pay, takes charge of the
.estate of the late John 'Hodgens until
such time .as it is closed up; we have not
,learned -what --Mr -Jahn Caltander,..tlie
late manager, purposes doing. In return -
flora Benmiller, on Friday night last,
the sleigh containing Mr. Geo. Oakes and
his crowd of musicians, was Upset, but
no particular injury.was done. Property
in town has ,depreciated greatly since the
or start-
. ththeon
assessOrs t
15 day
ed oat, and ill remain away down until
they get through. with their work ; • it
might also be stated that there are very
few dogs owned -i vn ; no matter on
whose premises they are chained up, "they
the tallest. skater on ti
Pitcher, of Woodstock, ha;
tion in the Organ Factgay ; theband. Me
Elliott,: of Goderich towushi
from hereto New York State,,o
day, several splendid Canadian b
lions. Mr..W.. Young, vho;has bee
ing~at McEwan's, in Stanley, le
week for. London, Eng:; oing via
ice. .tier. F.
taken •a'situa,
he also plays
ars. Cox &
, shipped
-ed stal-
couple were starting .away. on their tour;
and had it not been noticed just' then
would have placed them in a somewhat
embarrassing position, as�they were travel
ling -lay rail, and would have been literally
""straw +ed."
line.; this makes over 30 passengers'
this steamer' has. carried from the Clinton
agency, (W. 'Jackson), during the.past' 12
months: ' -A tremendous ;railway. collision
occurred on the Boston & Lotiell Railway
PERSONALS; -Miss AlcMannis, -who has
been engaged for 'the • last lour years:tas
dead mantle -maker at the "Palace" dry.
goods store. here,' (which. she has :filled to
• the entire'satisfaetion ofall in -her' line.)
left for her home in Port Hope, lastWed
nesday morning ; • she . carries with jeer the
:lest `best' wishes of a large circle of acs uaint-
antes and friends in and around ',Clinton;
no doubt but she will :be greatly missed,
now she 19 gone.• '
. "Our. wish for her is : Joy threugirlife.
And bliss supreme, When soiue one's •ife '
Mrs, Upshall, of the Rattenbury.House,
escorted Miss McMannia as far as 'Toronto:
BRIEFs.-aMr. Jas. Thompson mourns
the loss. of a promising boy, of9 montba.,
bronchitis .was the cause of death. Mr.
Pete; Cole ;also;lost-fi•little girl this week:'
The. WinnipegpaPers used to boast about.
"" building operations being carried Orrin.
the Middle of winter,' the same inay be
seen here, while, Mr. W. putting
up.a house for ]firs Morley. Mr: James
Fair bought a fine:yoke of oxenfr•om .Mr,
W. H. 'Ball, of the base line, one day •last
week ; good oxen are fast becoming scarce
articles. Mr.. A. 'R. Smith, 'of,Brussels;
paid a flying visit to Clinton: on Monday.
Ca t: Grattan, of the Salvatian Army, Lu -
n, brother-in-law of Mrs..Grattan, Min-
n, and Capt. Bearss, of the -Seaforth
corps, were married the other day, and. be-
cause he married before the two years'
limit prescribed by the army discipline,
he. ha"listen dismissed from pit force.
Prof. Vallance, elocutionist, appeared in
'the t�iv n'liali'on Wednesday evening, un
der thrauspices,of St. Paul's: Guild'; he is
certaisily agood speaker, but his audience,
was not,as.large -as it should have 'been.'
Messrs, D. Calbick•and'wife, J. Shoppland
and wife, E. Alexander. and W..Ford, left
here. yesterday afternoon for:British Co-
lumbia; their tickets direct to' Victoria,
purchased through `Mr.;James Thompson,
were about a yard "long, and coat $73..50
each. Messrs.. 0. C. Rance Sc Co. have
-moved into. their new ' quarters' in • the
Jackson.. block, 'The spring assizes will'
be held at Goderich,. commeneing on the!
22nd-ofMarah, before Judge -Rose.; among.
the cases of local interest, that will come•
uzi;:''0111.'be tbe.,soinewhat.'celebrated one,•
of Perdue vs Clark, also one 'Jenkin vs.
Canadian Bilnk''of • Comtnerce. Mr. S.
Fitzsimons, sr:, slipped white going dawn
the ellitrattelaavandfe>Ion. hieright shoulli._
et which was.severel�" sprained. MissJennie
Gorrell, who has been visiting her. brothera
in the Northwest for several months, re-
turned home on Monday' evening last,
Mr. H. Tewsley has put up a. new ice,
aloe at the rear of his dwelling. Those
ho wish to-- hear an interesting address
on"Rambles in the old land" should' Attend.
the lecture -of itev,• `V. 11ieDonagh,' this
(Friday)'evening. The men at the Organ
Factory arm:as'busy as bees, and more Or;
gins -that ever are being turned out ; agood•
article evidently sella as well whole times
ate hard aa when they' are -pod, a large
number of.theseorgans-ate eyeing preptu'
ed fbr the -Colonial Exhibition. Mr. Jam.
Ramsay and wife,-.ofUnionville, are here
on their wedding toiii "�i•lvr~1Y. Rpb nson
has sold a four year ol,4. heavy -drank -lit
horse to All, Sharp, of S_eafort11x for the
swill of $220. The rioters in Lnndri* o. l,ng
broke into a store whereltr..'.l hrisWhite,
of this town, formerly serve!' ir14ni+irrotlt..
ieeshilr, ;imply because 16 heti 'r. royal
.- t-ot ttv r til matratiee • Alessi
engers were killed,'a' number 'seriously in-
jured ; among, those who• had a very nar-
row.escape were Mr.' and Mra. •James A. •
Moore, of Detroit,; formerly. station agent •
at this place: Mr J. ',Z 13ry ant M. A.
well kpo'ign as 'a former teacher n Ctlinton
High School; bti •fer the past year tbe•acr.
ceptable dnd'able editor of the Education-
al W,eekly, Toronto, has :.been compelled
to relinquish his position, 'owing to ill
health., Thos.. Noble, • of theHuron.Road,
has been .very ill .`vitli erysipelas, but is
convalescent now... The 'dissolution of the
*rrn ofPay &Wiseman is formally an-•
nounced this week. While in town on •
Wednesday, Mr. OURS: Meyer, of Londes-
bore, loot a good dog. ". Mayor Williams
had his' first magistrate's case on Wech es
'day, when,_a 'man. by the name' of John
Adams. was. up before him on a cliarge;�of
being drunk and disorderly ; a fine of $5 _
and costs `was:.imposed.. Mr. R. Irwin
this week rnakes' • anpther shipment. of 20
cars • of -barley ;to Albany, , During the
past Year 15 persons from this. 'county re -
delved instruction 'at the Deaf and Dumb
Institute, Bellevilte.. ,•°A number of Cling
tonians have been invited to a grand ball
which takes place at"Seaforth, this even-
ing, Mt. R. Cumings, general: agent' of
the Mutual . Reserve- Insurance: Associa-
tion, intends making Clinton • his,' head-
quarters. Mr. ''Geo. Sharman, of this
town,• has been. engaged to tette!' in .one
of the depart bents of the Goderich High
School ; he is well fitted therefor.
•Mr. Arthur Cantelon,; of town, has taken
the following'contraets for, this year ---.
14 oundation' for' barn for' Js. Lyon, :;jr.;
Eullett; Jno; Reynolds;• Hullett, Thos.
Mcllveen, Goderich township; II Ford,
,Holmesville ,• Jno Rttdd, Goderich town'-..
ship.; also •the nason work .for S Plutri.'
mer 'new' house,,arid other minor jobs,: a
Me. Jos.`Allanson will be ieutting ice to-
day (Friday) at Trick's milk, ;Mr. Geo.
Cox,'of Detroit, shipped a car of 'horses
the other day, purchased of' the following
parties t—Air. Steppf,.Kinburn, mare, $155;•
J.:MeMulleli, Mullett,.horse, $200 ; ,phos.
Churchill, C;toderich toWnship, harse, $160,.
mare, t17b, A _Lawsea„,:idullett, :horse,
$160 ; • J. Mclinnn_,.Seaforth; horses
$360; W. McKenzie, London read, mare;
$1.70, Miss Sophia Nelles, of Brantford,
is . the' guest of bliss Nettie Jackson;
Master Jas. Jackson has been laid up with.'
neuralgia inthe'head. Mr. Chas. Moore, .,
-isf Kent enittity forted, ,it teacher here
when the school Was in infancy, is visiting
old friends berm. Two .of• the daughters'
of Mrs; Raysoti have goile'to Brampton to.
visit relatives there. We understand that:
Mr. Yates has been appointed. Inspector'
for the West Riding, under. the.Seott Act.
On' Thursday ,Mr. J. R. tIolmes, of
llolmesville, while in town, loaned bis
horse to Mr. D.Kenrledy for a few mo-
fnents, and the latter had. just got• out of
the cutter, when the horse ran away; at.:
McMurcbie'S it earns in contact with an-
other rig, smashing one' aide •bf''ITeilmes''
cutter, and the shaft of the other, iter. H.
Stevens hats/ sold his factory 'to Meant!.
Stvaffield• & Cooper; of Goderich ; partiau-•
lars will be found in our:Goderich corres-
pondence we welcome these gentlemen.
to our midst. A meeting of leading
.horsemen in the county. was held at the
ilattenbur, House, here, yesterday after-
00011.•,to take, further= stens toward:A getting
('anlidian Stud Book, anti ij dng a •
coli ttt,att�. o:. .. i :
„ate ntlar,Lfer_the_re{rlstrat i'.ctr=4„..4041. iw:.tlr.r+ -,:
rneetiss was Estill to .prngrtaza when we
.i•. 'f:rr17. title. Tl:t�. "t3`lteltt{tt, ...I.rrltlt t1•r'nt C�': tit•,v,'
1Vi1'.::i iia:t'r; (hr rltlir bole liven in the tui• • i •
*be 011deiat Madero, Mar.
The following article appears itn theft*
issue of a neat paperjust started at Omaha,
entitled "The Railway Notre." It will
be observed that a new title. is added to the
name of our esteemed fellow-citizen:—
ellow citizen —
"We, who have been intim service ten or
fifteen years, are inclined to think with no
little pride that we are "old timers," and
know more or less of all the varieus branches
of railroad work, and especially the details of
the department; with which we are directly
connected. Bat, coned some of ns who ima-
gine we are " on to it all"ego back to the first
road equipped with the locomotive and rol-
ling stock as originally invented, it would'
ifgathered fewsublime
n s,we. a er
not be ee
tra g g ae
lessons from the indomitable pluck and per-
severance it was necessary for those brave
men and their friends to possess, in order to
make a succebsful fight for supremacy in the
face of the most overwhelming opposition.
and prejudices. These prejudices; even As.
snmed a 'national character in the early days,
andwe see: new grandeur in the invention,
when we realize what mountains of obstacles
have been swept away. In the last issue of
The Railway News was a short sketch of
"The 'ancestors of all locourtives note- in use
on American roads,', In connection with
this paragraph it would have been proper to
honor the name of the oldest railroad man
living in the world' at the present time,
Hon, Joseph Wil tebead was "" stoker," for
George Stephenson on the first engine mann-
faotured,_ running on the Stockton 34 Dar.
lington railway, in England.
Mr. Whitehead has led a very active rail-
road ' career, " coati -noting 'spine" Ort' first
railroads in. both England and Scotland.- In
Canada also ho was a pioneer of railroad
work, and built a portion of the G-reat:Wee.
tern Railway, the first road in that province.
Later. on Mr, Whitehead built the Buffalo 8i
. Lao Huron, and n was Also interested in the
r • n i 1.
construction of the Into•Golo. a
b ' efatig able worker
Again in 1874 - this end g k r
began work on the Canadian Pacific Railroad;
and rapidly' pushed its construction for sever-
al years; until the Dominion government took.
direct charge, and has. since completed it
from Montreal to the Pathic ocean—the
longest railroad in'the .world. '
It is esteemed very unfortunate that the
Writer is obliged. to lessen the interestt qtt
short'lifitt5i7by not♦ having' possession of the
dates, but the facts. are true, and,,;without a
doubt Ron, «Toseph'Whitehead is the oldest
railroad man in: the world. This gentleman.
has enjoyedvarious public and political
honors, butbest of all has lived to see his,
labors crowned with success and reached pro.-
portions that could soaroely have .been
dreamed of in the early ' hiatory of raili'oad-
in .
Ir. .Whitehead
".. go,.L•YJrm31..�,7
_ „.„..,
p .
We advertised. a dissolution some tUme:agop some people
thought it an advertising dodge only. We do not fool with
thepublic that way. - We have dissolved partnership.
v y d e pc_rt>�ership.
rhe business will,, be carried on in the old, stand as usual.
WW intend to place ourselves in the front rank orthe D
We areow opening up one of the finest selected stocks
we have ever shown:
Vie thank: all our old. customers for their generous, support.
in: the past: We'kindly ask a continuance: of the same in the.:
at an advanced age, has
retired from active life and settled in his old •
-halrie at Clinton, Ontario. tie is halo and
hearty, and his chance for twenty or'thirty
he average railroad man to -day, than that of {'.jp �pnj, th a for .Goodsars mare is ten to one. ..
Los'r'Akzo` FouNn,.-If every farmer
advertised every 'strange. animal that cattle'•
into Ilia .premises .in the NEW ERA, every�+
other farmer would read the notice, and - D IC
100 Cards al Wood Wanted
therewonld•notbea Missing horse, cors; .
sheep or pig in the country. • Don't' give
the animals first fare :th
for months,' till the coat exceeds eir
worth,' but advertise theta :immediately.
after they. arrive. If animals afe•kept
several'weeks before any.notice at them
given, the c.Nner is not. bound. to pay.
t : cost fort all-the-timo. '
We will not be .iuderSeld by •any lion.e in the tratcle.
We will sell GOOD GOODS: -
A Sensation is being created by tlie:wonderfully Lo* Prices
that we are now offering in 'all the different- departments
BRICK BLOC, three ..., oors
Boksnr� s B..�
�'F.��t Of ��
0 • . 0♦ `;l.UAJW 0E & �✓.W.y.`.
t �l G► ' U'B aLO. rS.i,lERi:J', to TON.
our.. mammoth estailishnrent We have been told by .keen
.and .shrewd. buyers that' the price :of our.'Clothing is lower, --
' • ''ffered in this and we would ask 'all;" .
than ever before ,o section,
intending qattrehasers to Cali -and examine .goods allyl. prices. e
:mported Woolleiis
'Whicll.for quality and style is rarely seenetiitside',
the cities.- :Tire balance of lir
We.will ill offer at half rice, anyoneandho still'lias any idea pWho
ofmading -a-A-Fhay
y1 zr-'remelAbe1 -that al -this ' tial
the year they can secure wonderful bargains.
Advices .4 new, Spring Goods are now coming
tib hand ,