The Clinton New Era, 1886-02-19, Page 7'F1iIDA9i', La. 19, 1686. .NEWS NOTES. Simoe Dufour; a farmer of Murray Bay, 45 years: of.age, was killed on Wednesday by hie tbreehing inachine; '" Baron Rothchild and Mr. Baring,, the banker, have each given £1,000 for the re- • lief of the London unemployed.. ' A little°three year-old daughter of Chas. Danrour, of Montreal, fell into a boiler of 'Not water and wa•rt sca•lded to death, a day or two ago, John Weston, of Stoney Park,• loat a talipable team of horses Tneaday,Jy feed- ig theta grain,._in....which children bad spilled Paris green., . At an official meeting of the Methodist church in Kincardine, a resolution wase passed extending a cordial invitation to the Guelph. Conference to hold its sessions• there in 1887. . glt Strawberries have appeared in the New York' markets. They arrive . from the Southexn' ,greenhouses in little• cups hold - lig perhaps ten, which retail for 0.60, or 38 menta a berry, The Marquis of Lorne has accepted the position of Honorary Commissioner for Canada at the coming Colonial and Indian Exhibition, and also.thePresidency bf "the Canadian Coremission A Win iipeg despatch.says plowing coli- menced at_Medic>ne-list_nn-8aturday7-t►nd.. _.._On•Friday the .bosiy.of.ecman was found' lying alongside of the track, abouta mile and a half went ofPort Hope, on the G.T. 11, There wits nothing. found on his person to identify, him. He appeared to he about 00 years of age. In his pocket wee found pert of an envelope on which waa written the following •—" W. • • Algtin, -. Grand, Trunk Hotel, r?1`hitby, and the followfig. certificate, addressed to Mr. Maolnnish, Mayor of Belleville, and dated' BowFinan- ville;10th :--" Please give bearer a,chance if you can as he is well up in his business, and oblige your old friend. Signed, 13.B. McMahon children, having had triplets on a former .' A whiskey. flaekot• in which. ' . occasion. • was about a gillof whiskey, was found •near hi """ tn. „ ' ' • One of the most singular circumstances which has ever the tendency toincreeee a belief -in the doctrine of fatalism occurred in the township of Dimwioli, Elgin Qo,, on Tuesday morning. Mrs. Margaret McMil- an, wife of Donald McMilan, u fanner,, accidentally thrust a needle into the hollow. of her left-hand, about ten days ago. The pain at the .instant was' quite. severe, -hitt she thought. nothing of it, seder -it did not bleed she continued her ueual.work .until. Friday last, although the wound contine- ed ttegive. her some trouble. On Suiid:ay' Morning the pain became almost unbear- able, blood , poisoning having set. 'in•,: and'after tnifferiug until Tuesday .morning; she •died. The ease -le a1n s'f'without a 'parallel. • A pin point, it hasoften been • said,' -May cause. death; : -and this circtini-. stance would' seem to spbstantiate the 'as.: sertiisn: , •. t• »t2q Z`steaday a fire broke out in the Do- minion Roller Skating, Rink, Kincardine, owned by Kelly Bros. The building was totally consumed. Kelly's loss ex- ceeds 0,500 ; insured, in the British American for 8500.' Origin unknown. F. 0. Parsons, 3094 Yonge St., was cured of a hard, haoking'cough of 16 months stand- ing by the use of Peotroia, Mr. Parsons trays, • " My sufferings were intense. The beat American physicians failed to mire. me. After using one bottle of Pectoris I am in bettor health than I bare enjoyed for two years." Peotoria will onre tho simplest or most Bever° cough. Any druggiat, 25 cents. A stranger crude to the Lehigh County prison, Pat„ on Thursday afternoon, .and confessed to having murdered Johu Sharp• leas,. the old Yoder farmer, near Chester, oi422.of Nov. last. He made the confes .'..s because as he said he did not want to see the negro Johnson, now under ar- rest, hanged for a crime that he had com- mitted himself;' Aiw days ago the wideawake people of the new town of Dunieth,. Dak,, offered 3300 and a town lot to the fret baby born within the limits. By the very first con- veyance after the offer had been made public 'there arriyedfrom a'pojet 200 miles away a plucky women, who touncia board- ing house, gave birth te,,e, lusty boy, col- lected the money, received a deed of the promised lot and started for home again, all within 48 hours. -Milwaukee Wtacon- sin.. several farmers were engaged in work. [Nest week, possibly, they will be "break- ing up" the ground with a pick -axe. - 'The body of Alex.' Mau din, 13 years old, was found on the tercets of, Toccoa, ,Ga., on Wednesday ,niorning, partly eaten by hogs. He had beenmurdered during • the night.. No clew to the inurderer. Mrs. Wr ,-Friend, living near Napoleon, Ohio, has given birth to five healthy boys.. Mes.,Friend and her family are progres ing nicely. Mrs, Friend, though only 34 years of age, ha's been the mother of 21 'The East Simcoe Liberals hove unani- mously renominated Mr. H. H.'Cook, M. P., to be their candidate for the House of, Commons, and,Mr. Charles Drury as their representive.in the Legislature The cots vention was ldryely attende3d,,, John P. Mtllaly.'s livery stables, in St,- Louis, were: burned on Thursday. The. employees- had taken 7 horses out of the burning buildiug when two policemen, thinking they were theives, clubbed. them into insensibility and destroyed the 'only chance there was of saving the remaining 56. Loss, $12,000., ' • There Ware, queer scene on the' prairie at Fort Custer, Montana, the other, when the quarters of troop M, 1st cavalry, went up in flames, and some • 57- c. rivalry horses were burned' to death, one 'of' them, though on fire, galloping' along way ever the snow. before he fell. ' • Ald. Franklaud,.of Toronto, the 'well - kngwn, cattle -dealer, says that if he is so Michael Doran, a shodmalter,.aged•about 50, is looked up at Bnsloh,,charged with lected by •the Liberals of -Ron York, he' ,the attempted murder of hfs'weife Catha- will.be ;1311to contest' the seat in : the rine. Mr: and Mrs. .Doran . ltti.ve - been event ofMr:.13adg row, the present re- =e,„i married about 20 years during which bine cl]iliii'ui's-•brd-be+eieb`arirtr -rho• . , ,Z- , . whom are now• living. Doran,. after a quer- T -he,. Choicest,.. Finest and Best FRUIT we have Over had. rel with -leis -wife -went-into.:the adjoining - __ ---, - room tit his kit of.tools and put somethin w T in his pocket: Teen he cae"back.to the •.r1'aUle .RAISINS RAISINS . .for' ” liiCltl' 'll s RAISINS .for kitchen, and approaching his wife seemed 111111'C(i Meat. to push her backward. As he stepped spected . meiiiliLl', bEtlll*,-ttlrgoi•[rte, Crown Attorney. . Mr. She P.ardt sr.;'of` the Grand Trunk station, :Berlin, met with Via. :terrible -And fatal accident on Friday aftern'oon'.. :It ap- pears that while shunting 'trains his foot. caught in a frog, and the passenger train ran over his leg in several plaoes, cutting it completely off,Mad aleo his: arm. David Kelly,'of Claremont St., Toronto,. was tried at' the police -court charged with endeavoribe, ' while drunk, to roast ode of THE.. POPULAR - Y - GOODS - NOUS LO1TI?ESBORO. • PREPARING FOR STOOK TAKING BEMIS all along Lha VISE We have secured 20 „half chests ofvery fine GOct. YOUNG HYSON TEA which we will sell for a month at 45cte. by the 51b. caddie. This - is the best value ever offered in this county. Don't ''fail to ge a caddie before it is all sold, We have opened .a full stock of New Valentia Raisins, Extra Selected Valen a' Raisins, 'Block Basket Raisins, Seedless • Raisins, -Sultan,a Raisins. NEW CURRANTS, NEW SHELLED ALMONDS, NEW LEMON, ORANGE AND. ,CITRON PEEL, 2lbs, GOOD MIXED CANDY a. . .FOR 2Scros. . Call and Inspect our Stock. A4 - 9 w ALL WINTER GOODS REDUCED TO PRICES THAT WILL CLEAR THEM OUT. -- . 'F J L GOODS AT- GREATLY REDUCED PRIGS a TIE ED & S RZA?. SDE :•M , aLOTIIIUI.: VARY. SOW A' Special. Discount of 10 per .c. for cash. r et s , " ,,. .. (,ALL EARLY CALL ,, OFTEN O1JIMETT- ;LO.N DESBORO. back the blood. gushed from her neck, and . CU RA1..TTS DLACIC etLq' `FI;LiT SCC t11Ck ,_.aClleap , lmtilf full ctf.blood and. then drank it, Dor.- yju'1—JILB.ER,TS,• Soft r8u€ ileo. ALITONY)S, S11C11CCl • catchin the cep she he AL1IO iDS, g ld in her hand` the •' " brnte held it under the wound nnti1 it was au appeared unconcerned when 'arrested: ..Ale his children alive. His wife suecedad'H in e • adimtted that he•tried to murder his . WALNUTS. • wresting the c'iild from him, -and he. then wife, ,and -snld that he had used a • shoe= chased hey • and -the otter children out_' of inaker s lcpife, telling.the bflleers where h. the hoose'i►nd kept them in the street till had. thrown •it. Mts. Doran will die, a. policeman appeared on the:scline ander, Lottie Harrison, a propossossing girl of rested him. • He was reinanded • - At .Ottawa ` on Wednesday; Kenneth Jolliffe,: a six Year old .non ot Mr„ 0. J. •-Jolliffe; M. A.., elassicalugister a+.the'Col- legiate Institute; in pessing'in front of 4 horse drawing a toad of .wood,alipped and • fell, and before' the horse eonld; be stone ped he had placed' his.foot on the child's 'hos; Coaperi &Son,, CLINTON-.. e NOTICE TO FIIIME118 AND 11111ERS. Having taken.advantage of the exceedingly low Leather Market, T have purchas- ed for cash, 200 sides of first class Harness Leather, at a price tlat'enables ate to give a•good1 . • 4 Set of Double Harness for $2 i. Single $10 to $12. • ' (ALL - WORK WARRAI,TED,) Goat .. oat Robes $G...50, Illnnke'ts 90e: Boots' & Shoes, Low Now is the, tithe for Bargains -Call. and inspect our'Stook. IAEA, Clinton. THE d•GREAT. HN, a,, TEA .:WA.REQHO-U.SE TO. 'TIfLn-YRdN°T b. J. TUTHILL _ & CO. ` - CLINTOPJ We have received. a Consignment of CHRISTMAS FP.'UITS of all kinds, •which•- we wrllsell at 'WHOLESALE PRICKS:,. Also - a. larm ge coniignent:...of good • LGROCXERY and GLASSWARE. • W e will g ve,:to.each of ear 'custoutors who will buy -a Gib Caddie ,of our Famou • TEAS, 't jtandsonie present In - China -or Glasswnow.:._ are, -from -.nihil the .first :of the -new .year, •»-' We guarantee all our goods to give 'satisfaction. Call and, tnspeet out stock iind . • — be convinced.. e "`TGrri. CURED PEELS I.E1IZOT', ORANGE al1Cl. •CITRON.; THE'BEST PLACE IN TOWX TO:13 Y XMAS PJLtYITS.' •NO -BLOW:' S. PI LT0 SER o ,. 19, of North Adams; Mass., has Geetikeep-, ing caiupany fora few months with E. R•• Atwood, to:whom her foster -mother,' Mre. Charlotte Harrison, objected. Admittance to ;the 'house"was.•.recerrtly refesod• the young man,. and the girl said she would kill herself. A Histol, we's• taken from her a week ago, and she precured: another, a head; fracturing the:ekull. Death ensued ,even shooter " Rover." At about 10 a few -minutes afterwards. . • • o'clock at night she went to the cemetery,. •IIon, John Hannon, of Leavenworth, seated herself on her grendf tfier's grave,- Kansas, has received 'ii iet'fer'fcom a clergy- fired one shot in the ear to try the pistol ' man at Dodge city, res., who states that and one shot in the centre of her forehead. during the recent severe weather, -there had been great : destruction of life'in hit vicinity. The writer states that .within'a radius of 1.00 miles of Dodge -eity' 100,000 head of cattle have frozen to death and •• that 100 human beings are known tolliave i cal extracted the brias mmed,w-anch the e a^ flatten • perished, and' more .than,100,-have been missed since the 'commencement -of the, storm. • Tobogganing ()petit at once to. become -a-favorite':.•apart•-with the -deaf, if ''the er•- • perience c+f Charles A..Moelton, of Stan .1 , stead, Canada, 'is worth anything. Dash- A curious htstoricalfaet•isthat.•Lord ing-down the hill his toboggan upset, and Hartington,. who the other:' night,sup- , he thrown head first into.. a.. heap of ported the Gonservatb.-e government on snow and dirt piled alongside of the elide, the crucial -amendment to the . address, When he recovered consciousness he found n w :ich it wvas drfe,atedl, Banally vet- oer, he could -hear, 'sounds with his left o iii whieh he lied been deaf for eleven ed. with ,the Opposition iii 1859, when years. The next day lie heard distinctly warp, that ear, and has:liad perfect hearing ever since. The ball did net penetrate the bone of the skull, but flattened, glanced upward, and" .lodged two inches over the left eye. She didnot attempt to shoot again; and: walk= ed'home, a distance of over .a.mile. Medi - ed: that it broke in three pieces: The neat' morniog the mother's objections having. bean removed, the young man` was sent for; and the two' levers • were .married by Tustice'uf-the Pea-ceBower, the second 'Derby administration was defeated hi' a• siinilar manner bythis; teen majority on, an amendment to the • Mr. •.Adelard• Forget;. deputy sheriff at address. The. curiosity' of the occur. •. ,. the • ' aces the ver b Iiatoche, writes to bid ,brother fn to lie'= tench is intensfied.by the fact that in m,br " eSt Cocas.' and 's,HW' corder's Court, Ottawa, as foliows : "Speak 18. 0 Mr, Gladstone voted with . the rest :designs that c ou14"be Procured. ing of Radians, you may tell the,braye Ca- Cvnsersative.. pver'nnien t: and mss de- xs arj t ' " radian volunteers to Meetitheir area clean •, , th$ 'W h019e a • > :lir and.. their .powder dry. _Theonly-way to featect. while „ 2id J axtingioD-L4(40-..r.-;••------'•-•----e•----------44_... y y with the Opposition and won, while on .prevent an oittbrealc ' in the spring is' by the immediate despatch of -at least 2,000 thisoccasion•it is Lord '"Hartington who men to the ,south and prevent the hordes a,ietes With the.Coiiservatiye government freini creasing over into the Northwest.' L1 and is defeated, while. 11it•. Gla•dst4ne.. ;can telt you things are not at all reassuring; votes with the Opposition and wtras'. ' h.rerhee,Inanddd fthieeln verythkommuo•ebveafryramuid ineh siysna elfs Simco the Reform act of 1q 2, a govern- " I took partians in the• exeeutioe of the Indian ntent hits only been thrice eaten on an murderers last ynar,' 1 take pretty good address. The. first • time was in 1841, care, but, at the. same time, don,•, feel any when the Melbourne government way ion secure." , defeated,. by 91 majority the second „tithe, tl}at of 1850; dee'oribed as 'above, when Mr. Gladstone and Lord Harting; - ten arting-ton' took" opposite sides, and .„the third] tine .that of 1886, when .toia Satire ii n es, on vlal • bury's govorniiient was defeated by''79, ing 7brith m' ]ding, found bis work shnd null Gladstone and Hartington again filled with niuuldings, pietnt•e.fratnes and r other articles,.. while rooms iii the house taking opposite sidles, but reversed from were gorgeously furnished with valutslile their positions of 1859.. The circum- ornaments, pictures, etc., all stolen from , sprues 01.0 erutninly ,itratige. - the firth, The goods were removed to pet:-'•R, .. ...: w... lice lioad gn_irtrrs. Tomkins, when arrest- Increase(' testimony is horns to the fact ed, .adnttttad Ito ha l ''boon steslin;; frritn ` that the best family physic, the hest .ewe for the firm or• oars. The f y o.htin tanker] upon llyr ,yopsia or Uihmisur,;:v is 1)„ Caran'a tiro. him as rifle of, tliuir best and most trusted mach Littera, 1'hay `thous, sicken or gripe., employees. . Afl druggists, 60 cents, Searie's B1nol., nig i, of l • f 1 - '• UTIATLL rho China 0•.Canistei. .(( ( ALBERT •STREET; ~ . ,O.•.. . CLINTON:. AMMOTN. T Ind. r,r s(LE•' nrnv i ori t:Att:./ • C IBJ E`F; B RA T -.E D • TopE I h tve• also on hand 'a large stock o,-'r.A.Bit1'' .•and .. HAND LAMPS in every. vai tetx: -. HARD WARE • and TINWARE. A large str,ok a#`COOXII TG .att tl PARLOR STQVIJS. Agent for :the-G°;URN'EY i4; ': •-II,A.RRISj BOYNTON FURNACE. - • waR.STOqn OF, I,lrnton. . Por -the Cold Weather, Wm. Tomkins, cabinet maker with div. ing & Co., Toronto; was arrested on NVoed, nesday afternoon on.,the charge of systu nib''ticalTy'defratlding lids--iitntloycrs by stealing their roods' ' Detectives, it A,li. of Which lla,ve .bd • . 4ter111s a 111 1- te ti nil IN ER GooDs' is .ROW :Coln 'lete Our, , tOG.li of `V T .A.MZw2C A1' C ► TZiHOai< ,alubieire: and, Ru.bbor, Boots,: ALSO CHILDREN S SPEING ':`tciAra,iito rreotl:s VERY LOWEST PRICES xtx— ocErR=s_ A new \andchoice assortment. OOAT-S c& • Clinton, rt riga of Business t1rtlirtttteretttl,llllillltl1i_1!11 The 'undersigned begs to notify the people of elinten and vicinity that he hes- bought the HARNESS • 13RINESS , formerly • carried, of by W, • . , ' Newton And that he is prepared to furnish • • fi'arfnss, Gmlisl`s, Whips; Trunks, Valises,. Buffalo hobos, Sfadkets. . And everything nstielly kept' in a first-class Harness Shop, At the lowest prices. Speelal . • :attention is directed to my atoek, of Ltosrr Il.t:usaa:i, which 1 will make a epooialty; ,E AIR.' ATG PR011IPrLY ATT.IENDE D TO. `1#y strintattention tebininess, crud carefully studying the wants of my oustolnera,u1 hope to merit. if fair ahem of patronage. Clive me a mall before eerohasin elsewhere. .w, , ,.. . r . . r y, „- ,-..., i L.1L l . . . tel v 1 ,lTr>+ Tun ; iA 11.'ifi Ll iL 5 B 1 U "h. Nib