The Huron News-Record, 1883-08-22, Page 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I-10ME -MANUFACTURB TU Your "I'velik 11 .11, 111:71111 Mill and dill !Ot I I oil Accorob. "we durnt pill only 11-Y ist. try ono -bot Alf"ArOy r_ ' ILO BLE s, if cherished;t,l t1to tr4in 'hall etoppl?d ollev )'fill Ill'^- y U 'ill 6., if. lit 11,11"lit it, tile (04 1 H Milavev at Xt fitation, tile Wow-, , ill W11 : 'I l; I lid hand Lev wraps, to Inino the fitabllilli w 1. ........ 41 to. rou ill: f hi"te f (.jjt�mvtvr- T1107 'We rod, 1,11g,"Ies AIM tjint)er; like, rufi� ill ji-oll. They mt", follow cidm after Nvith jfjV oil Ili'-, pro - T44 Godent News inall. Ail,l WIVIII tile face., And asbo wa:iubout pisiag JlIt0 till, and - r k P -out-110 whispemd uisto -0) 0"".rima mittle'. 0 rq nr* Street, Dear 0`4` Sclijare, imay go, 1101110 with. hor t1jerp ctil,lei the of all (Vt- xi Ile Ito )4 the 4_1 arry tile itight, 1 4 is lonable StYle$ d * b cor In fle I ojot� or. got out to I I ow te, tile Conduct IUASS Ot rnitts I I- A JA est Prices* Tbeat, with, anivir alid elivy I" 81�4, fill brigilt "Cila ait olljrt, is an f tho rttk llftl�g their lipall.".1,1III 0411 aild streall)(I 8 '0 fly %lit N Xperiellozed Cutter bud prgetical Tailor. Ile WfAte ig, tile adslress—�`HILO $0=4, I'va"is port.. W110 7, ou)jtou, weamaday, August 4. (till swoar, grt at oat 11%, lidt they did, in", told Ilovel oroetti I)VOIlliAlY att"fildc(i to,, -1 , " I W .1 q t Ila slop worli. Ilt-0 tilt- V611,julAtor welit flowil, av tile bewi. Is �.y I,jt It a Storm I Th -di, j"0tZdljo'tIwy ivore rottell. 'Under "ft I though their licat Were, IlirV N jjR k,5krqRy-` MAMM, I' the (;Cliff(, of tilt. safill� ell ly tile vftiut, I el were p . jllst t1lodalltij: vile, i raptire Njml tn, 4.1 is c t. R 3ill, oile 7— ­ ditally rot the William The Now Uuw PUGOL98 c0r=rtrit A wkwry OF twilat sitall lillyllow, this. Lr an %Mfays . of i1row, aild 4-mv tit IP ROME, all t1le TRE UGLY NATi., inithou'01t, lsieuts4lf. to `4 ullto tbt� 'thong] chariietvr, rust tile conductor: nor <if 6, womart iF is -oil it" 116116111e, slacken Wou D -Ru rASIIERS. t sUcii a sue'. violvisco of t tift herl' Or ;�ool3ni, to till I Coll Ilia, eitres Itidiaosti011 - atif,11, with Ito ititerior of reserve "f,. :%'oteil for its Wo;;aleiful MolebaniPa X;�ow it, citntit to, pass that tbt& couilts-tor sistilostir. It clires Then, did tile 'Witliql1all tilt,- shbelc� trtii4 that Aetl by steaur awl tm)ely will f:,ty, 1100 NN'lly., flowel it oluvej Sick "Ileathwhet 1)er� �fs.Arsn, Light Ruifnln�% , Mi wife. He 'Ij, f,cl astir fattere.ld, aro inanently. Great Range of Worl*, etts Along oil dia Pair, two rails of ir glo's n firspirits. little statiol). 'Sho jUbt as folla of 1 11jos bottons, vive of "oviety, it Cures clojlre�slo bon't fall to impect them at �, I . ", �14 e;, olla with- Ittstimlil'ttei Ole allpetite. awlloop along"P1,0za, Jai) .0 as allyhody., It gives stretwth to EtIr 01- WS, persous 4 jok 0144, !i4maitior's 014alon of fit ii mt' wwly and divers, "JINIP lait"'Ithm, gans to al"8*1nill1tv tile food, WEATHEIV 0 It.jJ a jor fill 1.1yur froul all tritses'autl froul till Itindf3i .1 what Na N [All;,mvfv. IrravvIlor.1 alla Yllllot�s troubli..". W*i,�ttls� ola. st-,jnd, Albert -whomt rainle,110 was pot alM It 1, op over one The other dayali Old 81111%ttk"s, cattle, o(l.l.ptea to title Street, er balliks. For ooillie-dia, I amf stolwaofll� thoof beliei of -Austin, Tm Her to tile city, nd attwided tli*i is shoo Rose, Town Ild spit. tobaocq. in ti Wine hvl:- Or at MSTSON m� inteliect; how(i tower in vi(!(3 at'a fashionable The lol tNvo meats V, st their v(,r,,doafJ not Hall, Clinton; otlierg did ca go, PA _00k stoye, 1: oltj fellow, listelteCt with rapt ftttell� RD'S 13 without the whillows. and view the to the sublipio Ileigbis roachei.1 I Zv� ISO at sHr, 'Usan B. Antholly, but, to, Use tI tion'to tile svrmoa,'�Rlioddi A d y witIs wonder su'. She is j>iova'f or slialcial-l' his JI(lad Ill u �1' W -k the ljoannt boy did wandar . up and old language of trutbfulam down seeking wboun lie inight, de- very much the s We kind of a youn. tile cortabity. WhOn a, nialt Witil, A I is A young t THE VOU)" And the fat w0ftlmn'with tile I lidY all G us. dB eontril)�Lfoll box, alJprollm-liod' III,; f&;, saby.did'fillully 6vercoalil inall'. -Not long 6,410.0 llo-jwojlo�ed HqUatter Sul lier modesty. and did give untoi. tile matrimolly, lie Proposed int good pl� "What's Uri$ ..... . . . . . . . . . _-AN ILLIA MS R N'l TO we lisivis now the jargf,*t pind 40st 1400R ever overed, in _r I _KT I jift Beat. : Work,. StyloI, , and Finish 0m.not 'L "' U I ro Call before, buylp"o Ilia sisttlsfY YOU004 *4 Flelt 310 (Nehe %"ll reliove sill'the troah fivia To a biliolie 010l'oof tile "S F -ILL CH dh Id, ,,UNE)ERTAK1NG::--- t I., 'a-ae I. t'Cove.redf ALICIIIII, COW,tiptioll, (.,I:r:nr 151140"1 "I"m Line -tvillbos foussil Very complete. We 100P MCUMIR!, Q10" Nall 'Ing -, pq m lllz� Ival"Ut mild IfOSCW004 1, ;q, I ,Itd (1001118 � -011009, 1611i1gs, crapes. J6 IS, X 'Vith tit Ono Me County., IL Flluelst- X41P A sF411s. ottende(l promi4fir night or dAY- 0"IL W VoIllifaillf; Rill'. 101111. 'alvVilix), SuNti;'. "' UEO, DIEHL. pble In WOTORIA-ST-o, 'it Q41NT0N,'0,N,,Tm V tho: 04INTO 'llpik(I VtLr lf,'Val� Olipm 11, !lilt. IV Own viver y 0 j Or)- ul I, Car r # aj g UaW York Olt!,. 'LON POOPMET021, M. CANT . W'surkowilm _7 Iba.be that for which be I ellint Ile. CUTTERS, W, AGO -ider 4 shawt of dion wideb.1WIls Bii-diq iliangur t0d. for. t limitheii, find m voll BUGGIEW N% SLEWH8,40, ---.tl.l �,.Iuew_as bid I N G -E R oiea givale Until Ous wk" m hsenAnd in tile lsuiokera� tlsere word war SEWING MACHIN E hftmge, di"�Ve me 4, gall 114( 1 1yovd.s. to fe f ,:tr son %-I ry ',;III ![]I LUMBER AD gattlereoll too party 0 too j bw- Repairing arld alwost, to C4�VIjat1s,. tile matter, NvWi .1d, too— I, (Wilt. P On iiin yourl for its Gret We, riGeS thRb TIUO 1)4 be lijig inoll who did. a' oke and -finally "' .. . , . . 13111�0111 so ive 0: in - rle�pllteh, lsoug, of gr%it- gladness wid dkd flied, "Witli 1110 401, has, held AXANTEL S 0 lm . f tha 6441p- tisatter. !Yhy slitfuld IOU -lily- ta virallb to V. I L Leadinco', 48 Cough mixture 0141t, 0 tit III I ridieulods at) t Ifenj it to 41 %ftOr slily(q.11J."ll Aticl they 1le.case liquor niall, tile CIO 1. cite ?� .. llMAN. V 1 0 r tile ril s and did t 11 polte one a 'Ve go� 0! IITAV NTY YL A US real ly, )'on 61 uli�i itid bo, -e 11)�111 out jjllotogi-apjy� did cow on- lonci\)% ot1lia jqq�e bas S MIN N., I)are theal(ati(I'tite saine had tjj yes Como arogn' an, EV 80 laitight at boolz stores, Yet they gave sorter look i1tt, ell all too funny for ally us � ulattor."; THO.So I'laughttlig at "It 1:1 "At Year ilia Plto "D . AT not"Ifie snap I- vess Anti "One di"d urt, htold tile lily the heat fell um Li A"oe Ulito tIIfi,.yj,11A Ulaidoll L FUNERAL 4 oil live clotlivs." _X M, -Mrs, h upon'mo,­for illy, hair only titis�tuorning., 1331rdi�I, y Uard. -1 .. -. . .. . I I that glizeL lottIkey will take 41,80 mille'.1.1y ji'll"go. Ar"PNED AT GODE R10H V.. buil'ir,uth ill ringlets, mid lly teeth s0gyC.en thato 'yot,,' and hereyou Coule—" 41)1 Vwoirii but 4 "llirt Lot' sl egetable Sim j, ai; Ilse' pearls of Ophir You 0 . . TU Rill,, CoMn i1i the a I: Fkay 0 all EW7LI are. unto the- lialit- BUt lie wag, -golle. U� L-� E E R MANUFAG u PAN.Y ITT Allue eyes �j [I bis jR)EN lull as lie NvIlo, y; er. Atae cedars of Lebailon, ap y as lit t tense., It ]IjUg, allol my Imbs are .1140P . . . 0 apted to oi�ra. d tile (100r,sO viole"t'Y *I)i.itchos b ic, ItlIlffy, 0 ly und(,r ils� bodsO wl opeft illy Ic 1 11 AND— alp, ald the. tirst succesof ita re ch to tit OoPd tile s-u_ddelk Alle is 6frel - a co z failed or gym, hair to'l -&I coloi, W tslilatiti. gyoj�311� alld youthful beautY. 1,t,hAs had y"AuX., Ilome Use, a Imitator o so I 1111V met all tliv re drippebli lown, as dripp`eil tr- oluriu'lfo�-- kill Ilyli 'a barrel oil 'llot, kin 11 ded at nia, Wfg comp lasse joyfdi Tuany lot, al Olt 11.) atter I tile EfIvall FURNITURE $,but Done hav ro�jor quimillolits . i -Now this.. joaW spoketi. doil-t1thillk heati.e ivnif. bas,' ally kind ofir,4 Of die- Til, It Ilail from -Ilidian wks. .. .41 afore nionnin," tbNllr li�fnvor, anf] spread its japle 4oal. W � I ... N H LL. - TO A to everyilltartor-of the globo.' Its TLnT blowhard of and whel) ( I i 01PPOSITE be Attribute n d to but one m Puggles (wbiah the sanii� trayellod use) did: hear fi* 11bit, for all L4VaIjRViII(j:1IO, O'N T A el&or itsp? Jaynest. tipsy rig llsaftl� m CIA love. bituself* about to put hii Eto., from rernote conlitrits,"KI" -ou, oil the at, in ibe. %voild has set 3 recelpt of aeders bilu to Sri yet -wot, he-bov hoV not knowii tit for pugalas 81)VE ye maunno, It ilie would for, g Short tbee orernot­'c.jjcj ya no li'ear'm up' es porgoiial y gd rOV was not baudsome nor given .,.to .])if Lill teido. 1! y Chilol ttinAnct-w-1 not whitlinlT -the Sef0s) f -lid' your wdrl 0.elltor pi; ,ul c Tjtjas enjes all bulijoit, f6ver,.,elid dryngssii baldness. It titil"IdAtc$ tile( was, thilikillft withil, hitlis�-If 4 'wo- t thus ulmat, did et. upolk Dhe train ilind'oll,4'. and rottilig lilt, fo�- t1lo orm A N(ZnkcfiQd ghm"tts, Ijid ojinbl a is car es tjj��j "plash for U �UILIIOW of:, helseff Upon,poseab, ill the last, a' WAI MAI 11 tlio�' of aloo- A rrol at ioaj4 tintie, which ell, &ut when do but trave'llirig Ill' 44So I do yovL1Pr)0y,­50 1. t:, tile Pt Of (lie lid 74 APF4 yo W P lY. PA E. car. le -ha* look upon sitch inciJents as triflo: lLL is ' oar. All walilting'. itialil its use'a, fo I it The tittle a. at -eat 'did w,:d. h inri, r Honsi 'o r Dinia, mi. Q, 6��;Ro d' BilICKIN iit"ItUrl6ho oi4w 001 o oiiy, bmsf�lp, o 0 V .111614 By a 91rior, into Ilia �fl ad. P Y'l r.—M.0 e lien tl)6 111dia naPolis e, a wit- proue of reasoin ng a 4 -RS A k lawyer was WH.ISXE m Pap And w ly� '40 Roo' is delitlit, for she Ns-ts f�ir to ittnatai lmoiv�n, cr gaz di-at'll ly� expuz or more com, Will find. the wid the rest 'did filp, the), did borli 66 a certain was ynig ft color, lhas 1) ell I'll tis It i)roa blgok, looic upo i a d o I v t1glo; W,111,1Aot slligl(k patatidu, it is g�1411iLd -,vithol, t troubl a(,,erti tll(,,y said':, fatliers e. S I I . t;y nil 3)'filers in Iliadlistpei.' Bile iet y o ev, Dr. Ad., rdplit. waTT -TTO t slift puavles d r A 61 6U -8 oil t ltWonder if Sue- I beg-orou to forget your prqbsgioli -I ie w )q o) nont a y t; t- it t andrAud with one Be t' Late 1. for it in ar�o r, P iiv,A,11 th It 8110, is'j'greklt secret of tJ�OR ALL THEI RORK rgib.a evo�y' -AND. P in � P -CHNICES. tile tnanb, e . I , . , z I . . .. FRIEZES 110L Oil owl ol,oaitt I a Ly, , . .0 IILLER HEMP d -for Fashion 130oks for 1983 are oat n h ooso appoitIted ir n in'tholi've", ou"ll" v4 b Bl000l Mit Convoys -tin A Call'and seg -t 0 Pallisrs. and get 0, gook . 0 moqt Ayllml. CL the liest Tell) . . , E Ri. - IL rn a, iti—shers,- now. is ti Q S-' ,or illlitti;ii� Of tile 1NIO.1c, and ;yo Is Cording to tile Imof "AimillijIlle nd unscra Illous. -efore 'IV ant, all it L", fl;� I it 1�0 llot '40 11118s, .4t. an, 1.0t, s An' pill wv 00 mfiny oker, ong, liackward, thet —It , ill't "OK -W - sa, J�gjto L Isitt flu,� oissl�� tile Influbille �yith'ilill ay.oneo ak; I litA I') til tilt- lamt, but go ye , I - n n to,'� Of thin eeis. .1 going. I I e iper Loo t tit t is Ch a fian a a ef 08 Ielootetl datit . . "(I fled tr to Him to w 'ter., xop, go ,reati 4t forget th $1,4illottles '$r� t maRli tile rct Will giVol (,oiiFevence Ptti 6' P. lkai - . 1. .. r beasts diD, not. touo4i iLoll th, GOINFmICH sold by AUP ug of C' r Iga, luadv imi U 0 Ili save. of jilge lilies' ---------- I , V,,ftv, 110*111, -laid it 1%, IQ la, S C. r o c e r,� Ox at A if fol, the 110 is Nnd they th(risixth Ifj(Wvot of' 1.1 -ell good, 'find a lmo)f or.,% hair. Its to lroacli"up Ilea tlla� 0. R. WFOR airandthrowou Y their It 16 [lid begin it'll 11, 011 A' It aBOON, g MEN. -of A 0 011 p cco, gl!nd -pall tbeix- I that tile ej-11111W en A jOialatcrannil thopirdad. ThIO,itedient 1690YAftfs: "Tlkula A X'ndaucd by docto"l nd 'tlwy Aid, go- 0�10 at 9, ibit, - lim t L -Allmetions -pay, ka'.. E_LT EA I H -E titym-into Car, out. of Lton Gozla,), lro' 0 11 est.rhtjon I. full Mid lor, driiik of _tO all(kh water U 11CRA 12110,01% SaIllred of conm 1.,' 'ri renclit. writ6r, tuloited. the fol-' ISO. train hoy still some because it wq5 I, 0-0 livsn;oy coi,� T5 Vamce Mt. Toronto. Oat- V0OILr(iu,_ th4eir J-jowit)W flaill-raph i(lit to- t Oy', n' a n d ol i or o ffo I1A all he%tooil by Ili.q rmet.". ali I - illits all U Gozjan waR �.ab sed i a UB 'I N 0,; �il t' ieat r m .. 1]. did E Id"ll UlIfO the v, in 'I Ul (fill. e)PS 0 a nd di( elids of Ills+alier w IER ELT �lg"Ilot oil Y' je, _Ijjj!t �vjtli opoll -�tpollll t1w wOkOls, ol -.theal all Crew to tfititilq, but the Vel and all ooked site coldly oil. 11ingsrokill, Tulu off(j(i at wilthe Illild deoig are oiI oral, Car; Iciell. A, ruvilifints of tile skini, STIVers of th.013.0 W Se I;011s, arld El gave itro sta tile Wre to an im�, retised in disorder '0 a 8 ro o4o tillm 116�805 tile �fttiss't be pu* E thoy 0 nlaIb*1iOf,Of the ClAiiiijoZ 'fel't lwere Cast- d' NvIl and race, 611g car. ill 'be itA. OW ii,Jll WE , to; the i�ditor by 'of tliol of which alot "''it C r find 146 -1 I V a Ill, 111i4t. Then said Puggle-5 CILLX hp rto AVI, r to appmach A bowl reffogilNed,by el inont luddleal at- m1phave, failed I fea s Iti , As. tile iA4 j)6ivorful blood puriflor In. thoir es to Dal. 1.11 r es tho system from. 11 istiLober, for if sholooketh With difi- 11-Mox 4a; 1, �,v ill 0 y6ars _Lu� bu ,jain upoll yq %Vli43 beatity .911d been a (I ulte, s tile mood,rosiloveit to strifrigtbon s of TuarodrW troilitilloilt, ndroves it- aojjjjql�jo ftsteir of allarofuious diseasoh. alla 90 pWil nd., i m(I tl)(,n it, o Alpoll Jim who )rig 10 UIU')IIY it it re or, Scrofulous $01rets'. -wilioll lei e ki otivifi 11001' I Duvvots forget trj jimbs Avere, MIA to tile 110001. And they dit: vc�. it )If, rilc(i us sores (titaorm oil my, legg and. (lid , -meli that ajaj_iIj Ilaiijoji, ttral' thol. sores dig.' Ilaw_ljmvy1 and. (lid tit' illioll etfitil sully pa Dim litities (it ozustyfir inatter. PP V VVVV itgraci,, truly truo: thab- I Caus(ld tile emk� 1, rmeA yl trio thee forp, Of It'lliell't Ilave lioAr taken tbitte t I ate, 11111 his firol,l 1 0 1 .1fire then out of I e, 1<1 IV, for NY' efath greatly im And illy goill eral 11, I foe cftqb flown nothing to'comm (ilia 1.1i'mox iCircidation -St., J�e*,v, York; June 24-11882, bast Ill tlliq Isio hfiS don(li D. t1lo MR(,, 9 I rl, usInterested Wr4 invItilid aild loth to i6, lit bN lie nev. Z. WON 00111, it Vail till Airs. 013%1-1 be Look hrmrt Ali, nji' asti r14ttl Street, vew York e ple"f4urd Jill togtift ur (9 bets and I'll y a,4 I J; antl Clinton has; for th(i cityjNyho ill tau sar4siml,01- to - 1`1101ISividso. ot Averle' T, try,, strike III* I want to I)e Iilthe - leti it 6 ptivt 0 filmly, J. I n1m tj is lad, but Ill af te'l t0lifl.4 tO only Ill 1110 (!jiro Of iltIlia willner, alla if I loose ati; the'f low- si.ble I R1 knolviedgio. litilf, I 'Ill i0a lowlilso; of so it16 ing are amon',"t lot i,; mit (Cmark of ievA Tho well-knOW11 1011100)z 016 P681611 Itc dbasten to dquble lbe bets, tyulle 1, 1882. i.1 slIjall )arty 6f y1jillig were Itavilig Ind, I-r6lipf front otb6c r C'41atioU sitnio Ilim wi le and having Mile, to plw past throloo and did bet of tit(- pit from, w1liell we Wo. (111 El A DO and - tie di4l Iket, hin! tall(li ug on it treet Co3rtwr t';Tv if . inity, alld Call Itat are ilver. wileft tile bets wdev be V,.�. Rardw jaryiedics, I have nindo Ilse, oltiving Which listj 'dvl uvo.tl%],y ex- rolilg 1110111118 of Avrit"A vi -r it; 4lit to IletlY sim it k)O011gim, to one of. till it, ill), olt Co Unto tile Celli t.olnelly toy all hlood diseases. to losk, coil tom atl� low (Ili tile corftet 41111g. R)? 1311silles, Ikv: j. 'yoml, alul wh�ia filoll" an alliUlatoil diets . ssion ly opon'those wilts, Ii 111VO ,�tof.lc ()f e r wo, are Ito. Won, lit- ,aid it wA4 Ivottev, 1 could. vlay on sill,"d (if their 0 .1 regulates t1to 4otion of the d ani 'lull T -MI Yet aW flifly 110t that LIN T#% N Av it FRES Unlit. I R 0, 0 tile vital forgIii 14 OA N xvink at tile -coliductol 11)ny 011, it, - olmomml arto out, ivml to )JO. ra. whill, Could 716isci oil it." I , 0, to ittill,. ollitt'n Ilal-(Z bard thfif-1- to 0 'A T611 PO T4 arisjug iloin ita impovoristoo or eormlitoil e tIt(' m 1) t okir lltuihitess, to. urke -lit) her tivkotj sind ifvoll ImIlt'll ipere'aso tvattolatt0iol, anda V jt 18 ""' ellt' low om.. ;tW !. �r— ei -tralia-fitrMf 01-11 to Ir - arle wmanti of ft$ 0Outen r 0 disease, tilis not.1 a to iI t11111101-1, W n1A, bv 11r) st big 1111(i iii , snt down nvarIttin waillian .1 for lid) evitIctit Cis LOW411 Wit' to litgglats, lirtee $1, All �Ottllss tr1,jvj�IIjn(j ine (lift gR70 with Jill- V by, I bill, -ofn Owa,.4 a, 11of �y Itarle- &LWAYS tO:K lA ltor Itilft i-flillit, 9., Fanoy lt1h. ts ry e P 0ahs. 'lid I )okeoltily at oillef s", 44, Is t thnIt lid 01.U. the '411, til Try ell (At `VS lilit ill! I, doillvkr "0 to know strallger, xixvltp.( y inall part$ Of the wow". Ila mit, tlit to. bin lit, _KT � Ittilyg, L � . I;bq tlT.%, VOL MIA 'dia snake room foil "tilff(I olt(l raf tho Ot let ioneily. ds of VonfiWt' b when soon of war. Alill�vp. at, till' Ito* -Selection Of all W -Oho "e to:Oyo 11ft.ving goo,arod the sorvietS Ot 6 1 t and Pub Illyl,avil Alpoli i.q H iy 'PER flA, if tile Reat 1,` piti'mits that t'lloy lift$ I� iv,f 11 1411 1 the i5i s"imptilng tilt ill "to [IfIll' KE LO AL 'PA Illy I vAS orget tho SO '"Who ill INUIdor I It Of Illit1% htlo llit'd % .1,11 a , .. ...... TAT- ontal) Willi best �Tlyqlviillls lit, t 1111ti(Ir