The Huron News-Record, 1883-08-22, Page 1J' Ao�jcu TO 310TOURS� yult )'it d6turk", at IlIght cip. 0) ry I III t W S I-P�v Tjo-n-jimi't.' 1c) VAIllf, is invaleulable!F Vfw,&Q\x� little blifleleriulme, It will refil,V1. tho El C E AT T1011t 01,111,10', :77 ------ Albert 8treet, C�Ilinton, Ont, itial-siloca, rl,gch, q flit- SA-wit4fAl wh, 1,0% rNi nr A . ..... P It, 4 . ,�J W.L. 4AV tFVJ6 busi4ess t VOL V.-NLO, 85, CLINTCUN-, 11_UPtQN CO-UNTY, ONT."j,1VEDNE$PAY, AUGUST b 0. WHOLI'll"NO �)46 - �sil+llls 111111jaill,1­4 !11 Till. I'llited Zlatv�' Avuq purelitkie.ol tile alid I�Iaxt) *"III IV nl0i i.4 lbr 1410 bY.111 di'lig'i-48 thIdUllh �f THr4 110lviN IWMIb; Ila future 1 J011811 the 1pferslu-clinton, Inittir tit e of qqjb. I UAOX NEWS- =;ft,= pal TH %aUftclE a a- w L" yk'-' '"O'Noso bjl tifed to. the'surfaCe, of a tnine near ro�bory, muzder ell(I otbet, CritueS. they h."d tile riglit to pasq it, but clintolt. is tile filost 1xilsperoua town. Ill -V Redrutb.Ulorn wall, last wet;Lr, therope of the broke and. tw, . He ile�er al�cuseol them bf beilln 17 66 Mr. 1i Alowat Was. obtitrolled by Arch. w&j Ill, or. Yestera. qatarlo, is thVVQqt of colisiderable and THE. 4f OL80 IN "8 BANK, FARM FOP. SALE. 'COPPER car, PIxe upen GAlief 'Tastice Co'leridge will leave were.precipitatoll to the bottont of guilty (if any act of hi)W, tior did lie jutowl. accusilig the"t", of ally bishop Lynch, antI they m,,;,A 001110, to tl)Z conolu oil" Chat be "too Con- 11�311ake. t'4'11 to liffet-ji, lbJ%-ij %N'itliflift all U'lton lIf 113,1111factill-liag, �6,rieidtu%j sez-t[ou bil-k4i;tarlo, ificorpoftilail by Act of Parliftinentj isog 11ohia Lot 16, con, 10,10ioderleb Township, con- ot $0 nuros less, 0 LINTHING ROB GO Hugland: this wleek flr a. visit to T'6 silaft.And killed, 0 'imprudent of, illegal act. What Ito rrolled Mr. No doixLtl. or. I"I'll. and bo wriws tIntt ]I-- ;,%l, hAtcr :jar thillA he hiti 1) eu I I The ooffk6toitt cirellatiou of, Tar Xrws- 1twultu el,�edds thot or Any jl�jler Capital, *_2,000,000� Rest, $2?9,.00% woro or acres cleared. There Is erected thereon a good frantic, house, a fIrIt4aq frauni bitru 136W, witil outside-grilvary Ineorporate(I 1878. A merica. In the Homm of Ofolitimous, ftr; Tho Calamliqu Pacific Railway Gjud8toll; gtrolig roiterillied Clint did sty Nvas.tbal; as fai, r.S.'the, Church of Rome was co'neerited, it ders went front theL palace" at Tor- 01.1to, and. tile �tates- shell ij tile 0'01141ty 1jill'olit. It , 4AD j)FrIVIi,_ - XON TREAL. X8x2Q; tht, barn )top al st6uo foondoxiiiiii ana collAii. 00 Largoilhow6y or,,larli, hucl. 11 ivater on 9.t1!:Jn11 a Capital, &.50,000. Y jlltltlh�, 61g. 4n* a fast express permanent Brii:ish, protectorate JI'Ver I jvqi t1le.010sLat-Oret orggjliZ%tjon of gireat .1teroirgi, man had to obev. The bond be-' T.'in greatest tJd*PlIio:a1 Nvla:idur Fff �Ilprofore, ilusurpazisetl 4 4if. advertialli" it lo rai adyerjilAfig are-, a 11821441. r rate TITOUM9 �VORIKNIAN, President. Moon, vulinlug There tore wbot tiown. Will be sold on HEA0 OFFICE LONDOW INT. re- I frouu Ottawa to Montreal and Egypt wa,41not,jiltendej."' any tbatleXisted ill. tljo knoWli, world. tWlenu the 11.0111i4 Cliurch,'aiid tho, f r nt OF + w4ld. War a i �d to eK NY collplult I year. 690 colut!Iii I year, gn L 0 Ines, 11 j. H. 1). r. WOLVEIWAN Alanalgair reasonablotoriali. ForpJAIcularsapplyto DAVII P 10,�SXERVILLI, VA 0-tt. Z WE KITT tPril, to run the (Ii.4tall"-120 Mr.. JilliticQ 1jawkinp, trying a ;4ijos—iii. two bouris and a half. turf case, sent 0 to Bar iiAo roars of A milro inight bIe-gifflty bf P, �rltlfie, , 117 1,0,6ould. go to Ilis alber Nssor f coil local Govet-jilifeub should ho brokon. (011feers.)i Thq were ce'febrating cureBunis, D*ul `�jt�j ses, �Tpl( 14; �`If y1i Vthcm 'Faveir Sore.st,"Cancenst, ffes, 3 mois I collections leads, prafts Issuta, Sterling and 1-Nehangolimight and Sold, and ]late$ An Ontario Shipper of ca. Ctle haO laughter by ailcing, concerning' the M and dt Vu I_U it"bfIt.trI� fa"' UeVel: bcoame known to law that L day the great Wiievew ent of �,j Jill-Ilailiq Cornx, Tetter, Chall)lipli year, 60 V y�qr, litus, 30 0 010s Anterivan jilwountod ai tile lowest current rates. Interest allowed Oil deposits Ill, LOUG11, 31aratip,, FA#A1 FOIR SALE. .1,110 0)41y jIttlAoriz�(Z ,fg0jjt for Cc o,ntnt,ted with the Allan Line for fier. g" of It Ito awbiu, if it Was r0e, all 10;000 dorw Nvith a tit,! Lakin," moross tile W, ty the or' t 0 tile world, lit Itliat w " t ay' -lie ends of CLOSINO OV Ujiii OATr511 or PLItRy. .1fallrb," and Of lik ill ;;�Uptiwl,', I;l" it at eeti to 'viore in every. j fi itio.5, 18 1 3 DIOS2 8 I olinton rob. Iota W31. HE subscriber offers for Palo park To' 15, T pill qr rus a! 11 cottle, Via tile 'Volittlea Rov. Michael L mialit be thivarted. (Loold. =) for wliik;lj tile Trentice boys were - i ey refunddl. For sile 1),V or mon . Or 21TOtimil Set its ItHAPI. I, 7M. x1oujittroil Jilleasorenjent, 12 lines to 010, , " Con. 6, Morris, 50acro, 4 4learea voi good state of cultivation. Good frame 46A Iso! barn, ot abl� and sheep bouse, Young P., 0. ADORM, CLINTON, ONT. ff�_hl- - COrIWUI.N1 giVOS a UVARANTIES Oil alost a,-, u e, port qiid Boston, t1lis fall. Dishop of Raphop, writes that the of llipley 'Dinegal. They had no fiu6h secrets iti coitnection with the Oranoof SQL hi"Illy bonoured. V4e t ex* M 1 --prom ample wal; bande(I tp'tlle�j of tile 1�i watt'u ---------------- Lot ov to aft . t, $ :14 ) io ceuts Pei, line 14,4t inser loll all lit, 'u W4 311 water and pinrip; 3,1 nalles Nrast from 9111"!scls, Will be sold cheap. Terins 'inlitdo Nlr at- F V ��PAas, On ordors sent by 1 ,,try Olt Tf, Dr� XcGroggor,. lid people of the, j county have a Kincard ine, �S!fowld Ove"IlIg - �,opiety,. Ito Stich i-weret!i A�ojljjeo_ tioliledeed4donelong ct,of�liobrayo U,nidnr, if you ii 1-1 A 11ON E Y TO L ;V114 or eacb. hubse (ju%e known by applying on t lie Vrcnaroj. or addiesis- -111,1.24s.tt HENRY C11,00, Isrimsols P. 0; axjii� well to the Agent ;zt ohiton for tile u LIGUTPliso Itous, Tt;ip.or cent, Ott will be allow. . oil. Agentfor tile one passod Nafely through tile crisis, of last 6Veolc A th' I louse in tile tile distress, and iv� eie saved chiefly Witit foil t1re ' �JaSojlie OrLjer IN -Ilowr., or with tile 04JIN ftl� yom. C%ptai If and trocipb who, were Hout, to r0jov, e the city, A' boom -.,,a§, Skini oi- Blood try litirdock F,Ja0J I Ijjj te q ` 40B WQqKt -At low fates, of interoO andupon terras to. suit atutil 3;�Alolv.jcsex Vire Ilk- star-.Aifi claylipally., Iattq place with his threat cut. It by the charity P of the' It coplo is a ct-e.ar case of sulcid'e. 110 Illd tbrongbout OQ ivi erance societies,' 'Ile contended, throwtvact-D.4s tile cit� front, and to. NutIll'U'li �P;wifir 1111,11iAlle 11,1: lwtiiij fill tho-D org:ws for t1w out,(t'(jf diseast-. ric lVa I avo oup of the bast ill)IMUtell TQh Ineilitiog i borrowers. W —4 -IN 1p p -Tan I)or'cout- off loqcular ratw where Col)ptr wqrld�, been drinking lie, vily. Tile tTews,oliservod last Sunday herofore,' and lie t1mught �I;e was in Ifis day thel-e was it bootii in t6eir path, but 25,6.00 bottll!8 sold 111,IJ,11to lait thl"d lllui&l I 8. ;Ills doLartultatt ellable U4 0 4o all kinds' , NANNING it, SCPTT, FARMS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, Lightning Ituds tire used.0 4 . W, KITTi as . Way i fast -da ill c6offemoraio of the The, ckllf�dlan 'Pacific . Rail cojqtj�ct cont66ticil, tile Qburch of Rome whii the most with the co-operation and,li(Ap of liable Protocitant band of tit is % ", to Inallitnoth Poster,— xili kilown,tv the Mato", Alay 1�tjj, 11182. 20 11,11ii0vull AVD PARTLY. 01PROV0111 , 0111- .1, �u across RivOr i0 destruction of tile Temptel The last wild track laitj secret orw,4-filiation in * tile- known country they ould Jurst tile band las 11-Intlival I eal. aheeling Ili,; ai 'tile low��t Iii te,. L I A T_ I—e.; 0 9 1EX U S 1_x X4 0-T F* p!eiii?d week, tirs1i and sepoi)4 Totoplea were de- ii�io 8,40 wiles trout Nvill-, stroyed -oil till- name -day - th'e first world. Ili the Provi�ce of ft�txebec 'there Find stand ut boldly a. froe cuid ------- C)rijors 4y gjail Pr oniptly rittellolo(I tol, The-Newq-Reddrdi' MONrY to lend In large or'smail sonts, on good orl191-sonal scourity,.af wts� current il Ron on t Choi to I. HAtUrRurou-st, C Inton, Mill, one wishing to poll, this class Olt C *64, g, AnYMA(ps, will Freight be by tile bytile was, nct disputing tile Net that bistiop. an(I prov.111 hey ot�troTie iii d -vilt-110ople making laws, and intolli. - r ri-Iltd all( 1) ivle-es to Bowel collit'lPhIts." Sniatt Ixtf-d VII'l 4 _givill,,�y Thoey COLLI( not, a ow tile ite(Mil Ont rob. will follow goal) after. rather Lyon, a d4tb6lia priest of . ruled the pat -ties wbo inade . till- af �he martyrs of ln.L I� .1 aild, tile (le- t1ii, VII[Flitoix. A...d. FISHER 000 to Lend at 01 perCt.. to I-AO:RIM 242 cir ., BlITUGES, London, For, F 9noy, Go-oftl P. 11arby, of tIll;t Xarine and. 6,111011, last, in 4 brdad o, Oil Suntlay, told.his congregation th'al; the ich suporiatendw I Ago calleol risbuifin who refQ,,odj financial aid laws., I -To Yr%5 i�,Illtuir'to r 0 ft irldt, that. the tlidniselyes wero flat as ilnitel:i in asking for, tile -otland the' teriiAripil wortbies. of' S6 1 2 e I oble,doforLders tit it of rit-ixy, Find i� brove, men w1io, �he' B. iahint et, Prioe 25 cents. NNESS NREO—WOR'T ting. the. disl�ribt;tioif Parnell nlo%,enfeiit� in Ireland they -nliglit It Ila been. :iqylie With extra td bilribilrer. GIRL$ WANTEDN .1jouselitipplits by tbesteauler Celtic, —wdvge than tile iu� Was , kil(ave I- as ey cunanil L did liousTy as, ti.ey - Waite U110 killon, to. be for'frotton, "'to rIll-IlL pelIft, try" Alrent foT the old Lotrical"hire Insurwieo Co. )51 lion DoIIarS,(,;J -,V�Ital Fifteen, '16 000 A Gig, lind QUAhIBRII-NIA15, note?, olhiton.' N]F �YORK L, JW Ila& returnind to Uctltwa; He vi, . sit- fidel of 19cripture., hould 1111va doliej: lilla there was 116 �Violq rt tile jjO tht kLfIF Jay tit, 11 he, Agent for First-class fire proqf afttes-minalluf4c. acidic & alLoullough, CiAlK 8- Paid' L", -I 't , , Tit? highost wagos'iiill'bo' , A My 0 JAMES AIGURP, �pilrltor. d .115 Aig -ted ill use delaying the fact that a certain -1, Own or"all igation portibn of thi-I 'iOiole lioart, of - 'Ill,illl,ty irrepec ivo ol� - Church .41,1 11 Ill, Ina ill)" it sful .-ing it' a prigift an[) Ilekirby RENIUVAL. ured%y Seeond-Hand Safes taken in Clinton, A�.,�i j8p Sill R[[Iff OF L BE -ith, blip -Wbrioll NVLIIO RRY id not; wallf �Iie bW to -tic to ' n COIL IItlieir. Lie or varty, N;a4 %;411 it ed 'Whito EDWIN KEET-Ju L. D41 $llr INTON, ., Exchan e NEWL STOCK 0 F in the IUaL if t abollb -�a L I! Ui N. 6, �qeoond reati;ij Tb NVO�I(j etiland. 9 7 thpught, li"Ji been a diL4 ri-aceful 4r. tl-.LAii referred to *tile Ilially"Public w Cs have art' Will U mvagag,( of 0 Q -siluill 'I, DENTIST, - F�atq of TQrozito,. Ilonor GrAtlato Royal College of Dental Stnrgeqll�, 110"ainorcol.6 the Clinton, F 7�7 .0 ALL you t1j# have ll�ad Ache and Tj C ft 'S.I hv hor-hix �(,,Ctilxg wound _90i 1`1 jollifix IT111te, 111. H4 proutic all 11PI In the witill -unil, oil tIIijjg to, baV6LV"ithdrawn the bill. 1 - Aft. llollorablH was blilie� been coinplolted,iii -tile D6,niiiiion', anti Said w hall they If lit bll(l, for its ill I 111jE Coats Blqck, bVe� Taylor & Son's. ONLEjy* TO LOAN. I'm 101) Itair"cidl otrishol"s, . - ator'Faciall tb� lromerlat Artisti Crar.itnn h doo.1 NEW STOOK U,V .1 0 licalp roorn, in If' r b6ing �.l than a, cowardly frotreat.. (Appla'se,) q wail to brib- fol:ward mesures, of and till folnis Boiltai Cut-tipltilit it I, 'IL I All workartit-class. cilrgesmodaiate. THIII 'GUELPH, ONTARIO, -INVESTMENT AND -S411NGS SOCIETY, ;urnoler4lun I have been appof6tod sollol- e 11 O-pi,trof tInq d6u�fnordiol ilaW, .1 Olit. .. . -- .1 . I T E - I g ' faft' 't is Cl: groat gdtliering of V 11 N�Wa is reoo Of i ble rp .111OVe aLiLf will Soon be Orallocinou aud others at, ilbo it on Allitist, 1101, to pellitilrate tile re- A gorl xing diseaW not liev to kno'w oil wili. side th6 dienibers of the House* of Cant- mons were, iturl they learned "it. Wife 11 lie ailtilitte'd. to theill *that 6harader, for the good -of'tlle do to tilltry, be asked iifs say -to' theal, ll(�Ff a step furth ell, and give to ilpenple''fieedom uivvii gut Itt L'V'IV is NGL I KNITT-I 0 C.PARTWRIGHT suftowir tri's, will -t I- rt atFIIE,�Il tillue thoblisifloss f I THP Borraw6scanobtuln funchiat lowest rates anti have inortxotges dmNy11 to su theinicilves. Lcwchargeo, .,gow istlip'tiniet etyaurliltilt boll -ARRIVATR, 0 V `ICTURE perpl� ef of Dart Tfiere� was much is re 0 ol�'t -y, aterei' in _Ml rc ithusiasm di3play6d 'thall �tjlftt 'r sorne of thei 6wrl frioud did jiat (16 pso its tliey. shoix1d, hFivedone, lie all' things." right at ncorpor- ation was due -a Wie Orang .4 society. e a XANN�NQ & FRAMES am011a tho horse.q fat feel 'filed t li'exight to critiuize lie�n Tit l'ord to '�jlo%v ill oy, Could llot,afl ly Off, (Ainton The, altitnals arow dull an' Ili pb� owing'to'tlie I.Oil Stupid, and, aro takoll. I G red by the ui4air "wannor 01, as well lis Clio Qppositioil� I'lierd w�r to!f.dwtate to them. I is- po The,] tile POet" Not IN"ild oil tile -,ISO just flow, iltilizild ill, --lrga u ay of Olintoa, ooj� Still pielot and itirrounain- ),tainoDy has I a good KNIT11ANG tlla� 1.11nd is p 41,larcd to do All,kinds of CUSTOM adi6' Vwn Hair Mode Up spaulli of quiv, y "n t? iii which the Orane Incorpgrad them 'to 6 allt �Ije. ey 08 0 -Pol a of viae� it a' ill ail in flinlo tit 6, troubles anqd �Who had hoilf Clio Copy T-iritish Buipire. OF Owed j of tit( tliat. lad the Or e, society i allg sill I�,hfiured Voirlars, L C week, I Ft e I an Albqyt St. Ii t Fill /N ERES T REDUCED WORK lit loy ,;'prIt:bfj S. L TIA iNINIM,, dooi to I I U shik, ar Net bad'beun dealt witr; and partly' t hiair'ftolls a t of. ho -in of tho Eight jol;nl 4e e a infullible for ock, RF juKop next Baptist nd Wit. -111"I'Linnatit. veter-' oW (r to the"'iritation cauted �y c9l. -Alactionald, I-)- P.11.0110TIXG1, Oil Iltst-claft �ov, 91ifl, 18 . 82, st Nex-t to 11'.ttt*S Store, Street,'�Glin.ton mane Inary surgeon :report. having had a Skinnor reftiiFitig the band. of. the *of c'sso.4 'of * tit is VC11 14, Garfmnq FOR SIR.. thecoull tot eqt. TIloy Flm Tit 6 lr��st Infloleu --TO THEVPUBL&O. allAiVert �ent per' Ai per c 7num," Aj)ply to nu olober- 13th-hattaliori voInn�oerL.,perI-QISSIoII almom alLof which resulted Ntally. to play.for a picnic potton tip by tit 0 1� Monday. a Orar'gyo Sotipty, and after vard .1. -N-,"hich w iv�n,) Tie was AS frielld. to Clio'. so Lj (I range 9060 1 Cv, i I Ills n Ult tile Country. heir alotto SI)Ould "be and their um AV tile tilitc at -e Ratt0but Street, nil. D hook store, M A' MM-OTH 11all, 1111foll otrect. Office hoursfronililaln- tuaii. in. 0. A HARTT grant- tittle etigilgeff lit ing thebatid p(briiii.49ion to -for "of play as fitly: ineniber ill � tile. le -'Pr ijcc-boy�qf Oeriy.' that of t.1 , FnlL of the CIInton,*Jan. Ii, 1681, 1-37. F apinlintod ' %Ill. ROBERT G iDoN,*luJ Gonw,al Agentof the Goderich Marbic IYorks tile colinty ofIlliroll, - Jm16 a av a 1111:11ber PI Wit lie oil (I CO kilHi;*away. the U. ulorald .1 it d U.J, t L olib) souiety; *0111 one of ldvown, , 1110 tile 11'nifo.wa,; d hrough his -ra.wn I .1ouso, Tlt6ro, was a propoii left Inallb that,theVII 'Should lie : wit!) - or. t lemt a hill vallted to 9 a's C Wfitilltob rops. Do not l(havbre liowol L), l , -,att0t!k, uni Dil., r, if. 1)owsl CY, if. I), S., -E . np. D land, flit surmon, lka. office an MOREY . To LEND - rsihien,,6 it .:. L . .7 -'John Wbi to,. A11, R, 'was presnii I, Wil lforo'-. all fIt is 1.11W Jan, I 4 ClIrDIT TI�o OAN*ADA 00 -N I PA N Y,' Tovolitb, is prepared.to fella oll-llortga�0.011 it of Improved Varill, itoper4yr-at Clip, sepuritj tp ProprioU Cloderleb, Fill. 0, ISM, Waille-ho' u'' se,, i finger 't At andJis iv as Ilcorliplahl Cali -thouiri, �%,qy p,ec to him. 0 -9cPPti0II Ofthe P-110 no Q bec.'' kciflr John S'aicf tw 'White, doil't accelit tllftt;. fol. 'f YOU t Al I Mr.. 4ctdn Buirows D pu ii ire' I I . . 1 9. of, 61,11,1111,ir tx t hp,t rolluirti Ask jiozn, f Lilt nledlt�! - r. fo,liowiliig rates: V. PE111 NT. fi fl3t ANINU11 TO 2ERR011 A -o I ill h T to - pr.e,veut loc c S, tthe litt�e aV no. SuIldy. BCO. JOhn While, 31. P., 'Oil disgriioe OtrpCE 1'"' Befter linve tire Bill YOUr` v oele'y' -has issued whicb-is, t0611 tile observil�.il ns, tXVO MANN N SOOTTI: HOW to Sell, Qoods 4.-.' great agony oil 11 . ... Cal (3 _�olj) r ed forl, the wl' 9il' I D oRardftr: a' lidents. ail( I op, 10., corres po 0 $_10 IRk 14: B.t c6th- fit sitiners for q4titrio and1litnitobit'. -�IX--'-&N A -PE-4-, CENT. T. Ravi 1 19 w�jvtth prolonged lie 'had rracd 0 VL (1011"t by yours scattolmd aver por 10118 Of.' Oil fluApt"to G U., 1�)5 Neir York oilic It ANN 31 -F jane a, t r3 If L \%'oll r t ty t In 1 Of ' 'i f or in t-he� llrov�hlvo 0 I or -t �e thwW4.:fFoixi '—whch, C116tun, Mity 170,1882. 20 RA M I LTON L U�' &S��O oI 11OL180 fflit. oil � L itiI fcllov�iijg -cojiclu of the crops hSr D. A. 170�IR�STE�, ..Q i at4dc Of,tho associlWon, 6Ti -vor -of IJ Ustr I we'renown a V.1 tal 0. - C OOD regal car, Iblph. below: havin-y a yo.ang ']ally Alwiely to Y H F I?A T If,- R �N 4-k by w, U I; rOULndPtj. 'ce 11 tip pou'tiolg'and was oil, And till 's-11 (I sat1qjqd 'ripthiloo, ill tile melitionod compaxatlye ac- . hr. amLie 93nt e" a' ella o jc_& Fit. Y22 Qffice, Beaver -B.1 ock, Clinto tr 4 &7 C):p 0:�j aln': ljo�V­pre 11're to!.-afflor P t)PPI. Tbe; (1, us and Wc of -a tb in ehge sown sboVii Nit rEverageiqrva ga jVbOjL t t1107. I MLYTHDAW -MILL coak n -g rjoor youllg% 6id er a two colivalsiolls, it 'd 9 pleasut a it till- Iticorporatign bill, to of 61 -per -cent. over 1 F� 746 been ,�'v Usly till L S orioill and 0. so:vgor, Jr., Godorlel, will recovor 1 1 1,�' ripening. I, to gral. I g lis fiallction,� be, 'satisfied 0 0fro c��'a ts1lif A. Morton, Y. NoAhlialflif lot No�'2$ con.2, East �Vltl I osh, contolning IQo neres of 1 40 �crei quit lit a good hito of There Is,14 agrgs.ot,it tou er & 0.1) 111 S .0 'S D Are now do MI I of worlijin hoir Ait al ior y it ble 'JiLe al Ait JiLe ..h,e sualf ic undert r 8 . L fnexur�eolingly-diffltdish treat 1Y Cu"be 1)"011 �,'b thJ4 lll"';7' it 1pight re balldlfifM be' ady f6r ils f m at 1 sto Sir John Wits In ILI Is own whid.t1rat nlne-� rL411ths 0, f �41 e Oranire weni bel:6 to flie %A101,61 prov xic-3 are vory 6C;qfddorv*. -ts ontcleared very reports , I'lle CoUjJtj,.LJ,Udge of..Sinfo I tVISON' & JOUNSTON, D 0114co-WeSL to lei- n.g tonine and a 'quartet' ironi' illich'icif r; %v 11104 1( 0 ellotlping a ully, in t ei Go. qlfAN & -66 conces4itin or oil lild1l"T It tjlOUO`h the LIU thps doill", poci 'w -1 arty— A_ 1 11 ears, coul"110 lemem to truja one anot For, -to fight. leir M bat p edlig­ 00" vedIarkable well,-, 'm jj().' e It liquol. to Ills oi, to aad 40al;( ers Oil s-full'a gorttnent of C. I olidtor, L -c. oploo�c6raor of. 130 k �qt Wast S ' tract, OVtr UQUOIN nire Swre, Ont. 67, ny 'Itt it 01101�e f1trill lord Nj 11 fif) IJOI C1101. If not; '111 BI th on Ttn'wzire &c wb�k-, Still it a's not pteaallf, to be . '-I 'for illani'lilly ncl clet6rurinedly. '�Iloy favoilrd-ble never tsull4a"V. 'TIZLrIWd,GIabo doll, 6 hold -ENTS 9�9' Moritly to lend atlpwest 4ates of fiaorest. Sold lie , 1 fore Wei i0th of I ywxtw,� Furfarthorparciculars tiojlly�to 0, 11 A -M I T,� T P N, Bl tb . I LAS PAW - ' , Wit] I i �s blazim ys and Nai-icli to exii osod to,.i V fe at. 1 2 Ittit t reaon iio , Ni4flo it . t p tifel. FFort6d -tile gill -11" did Vel:y long,: Ife Nvai:t rentinded of olusVilot surrender, but Ijv6- th:eir ofCAsp: 100IC64, botter oto etc. In a worms ,it -o r injuri * ..At' Riverside, n e,-. t Toronta, 4*61.., CAllpios; A-ttqrnvv, Solicitor Ili e. office oN,qr Jorklitn'ti Drug' bcore., thd io ows.formorly ollicupled by Aidgd* le I., ra Plince -of Oro] of, ti , ra 'Ile w 8 conlarg, wifothor Ri;fortners - Ot Ontital .'at,' Frot�st- u,4 but. no' camp aints ar 11) n J'o 'A, very houll.fiful. Crop will it311, babing in 'the' Do' n 7' —7 FOR'Sk armoupt of iuoney.tolo&naf,_Io*est f I�torljst, I.)y: -WI all i 0, Hfte� t;llo..,DU.ko Of. IC0'cAn%; hall fl;II it- add-rosing hi�s heAll t"Lill ow loaded, during 7ants. He ]lad thromfli gootlaiW Oil rv`port, wh-eth, ner- triltes at yield'ov--Pr ail 6-yeri go morning- of. %Y, 12, IV f6r] Olin% of one Coal- 'a had been I 0A 1� a extent to wiliefi oats lut oosts of: -1 dayr Iallict oiri.dfii storlos hijb, witil, go�d �twio 061, co.collo, Iftli, fllll stdiol tl611 of f4ait, and, i Knint fence, it is hoZatfuiA, : I e 1. I —A o6ulplotely through -,4or �q ')I out, killv. a W' Vis-itilig at filI .,q 1 1.1 t I r I P, it(I Y ii - , si 611cei coil address they lid. h: , e r aild the , . I Year. iow,4 qiir;avenmx� j Vealiling. V- -anti 46d guil.ty, Aidl,,S IIOWSON Lie forthe 1 a6b (JI.Inton, Jan. 14tlk 1981 ttaitted,inapout-tho 0000t,tibe IIAMILTOX� yth 7 ROOT. i STRAW GUTTI 0 BOXES, k I I u'tilo :k o� Tifesdity to.'hifn was. ol e', 'that lio itluent, anZi waii-157rle ullwortIly- 'of; morning ol'-on Oie it iqK 1 it 1111, S 0 rail, -thaLbe,was a -was 86iiad with brain that;iAila 3ai ntit to: ."s 'triie to. did,iia' hcisitaW fo tl lit "it of aIt was iinol' soNt laCe 0 ii�jtird­d bv 67o.qt in the . eii-fly Of Sel"0114 JIM,` and .00AS Or .10 dayS4 �Eda�i 0 11 ft 1,4,' 114d. collths, wdre lie I . hied it`4i4 06sts or .16 da); .4 W.� P Ak-L, --FIDR'SALE_i� A VOTIONP131t.for -ifuron Count%-. sales all- A twilled to in apk. part of the dounty, Ad, derg to Gonmalcli V.I7. LfFRAyF, the IN 1'r village of JIB -(Iwolllxi,& wo, i8l st tilelub;rij, of new It ravill(v Inalliac., 1:1 is t, humble, L 14 1 1 �dward Bla ill( a would tell was� bro*tli- thcul .1 t14 Pit"t dyer is oly,riipo;�Ied in.'a v4'r ew 0 d Ayle.sw&�jqhol if'-: ,dress �r house �.ijd iItoro occlipled by Inc.- 11441te is giie of thd niest desirable Ili Clio ;,;Ilago ness. Thors Is a good st4blol, anit Jon And al I ImWein entg Used alarni a hi%�e lo4b. thei �ffi o in it, aiid tor als He hold n 0 CoYOU,'," Illen Ve f JIV 0 111111. In tile House coull 111111an, lie lov;&Iiis coulitry'withla)l"it -o plcb.q. Grubs. orI wrni, a'N - tire of-wq working ttried ire ].I is ave - hi,d Cal, I -if] etitah otheil. IXTIO-4LIER, A The 01111iriseso '1 a Fille buildings are as,600d as t1fe 1�est, alla as blje�p : 1,110 b'eg �o d d i it -ISO -of'Comitions 114-lliid si, -A01O, colul inpV., dono his -0 CU' b. 'Ills dcs6r.V6�j fio for i _�Llli I I to fell��V. coull. Ii olilo localities. Tho aret, 1116jolvity 'spmj Nit there 1i in�'.I',,hgland who is tit. Salus atteiii1ad in tawn and coautry, nil reasonithlo ternig. A list of farnig and villitgo 1�, Lit*, INTill bol sold cheiiT as.tI16 jilo. I"d I.el" il� spublip as the. ea ese,:ab ' - :i Lid (ItIty. I . thinks b, thro't Any Ove who" bolohoed, to 0 ill � 11 to III Iii po if 9 6f report . cotifide 1 4 - 9 C lit Y.. OOJjL average crop. I .-It valuable offl6olr llllhl�novor it bomes to' r eart;'� Jots for INJO. 3101103' to ]OIL -It debts collected. y 0 Wil. 11-MICAN 13 j. the liberal piTtroilnge in knot by furilishilig anae .1ficip eq, of locia ty:i new its pi oil earal ndforV" Ice illy obiaine,l-it holiatiably. a(hill . to flit by f ntllit lov6' 13 lit. t 1 -ly, -eatan en�, al wheAt F0.11 A heavy frolit visited: t to region beks, to the Pi tw To to t hi t 'trUo'L - V af)d of, oiat, lim an rJvorA&L .1 is iin tit 0 0��g6 tL lit Road 17on., PartsirfLari Nall. an 7, uuro Ro 0_ WSlar �J.S. �AT of :1108001.1 oil,, oil. AJMIL'�kyL ye every hig, iat was honest ano� jUst'L ail OI)bjj -Bible itud it grievo that his Vo�a the 6ran�o bi: - crevise, tit acrete o L drtir:Rix -per f 1 .1 Thi 41i Seems, lap1sesa_AIso,.ifit ii bitten t that NO tit 1 11. find w Vd have li�qon eaquijk, nioptl%, free (ran! stunips. - Them alle,oll tile proullsol; g000I.frih)o'dut.bnIId OWEST Tire mwho �ooilety' ShOdId 11110 1� irgrinia, Corn, drdp ])its been d0stroy(iq nild the -op,.h- o I . In Ile tile loy Of cant. oVer a grj t o,7, hk�� —Aullfisrp(l 1� it 16 frorn tile earl upe I moral 14-preiven ts either filb I IfiL at Joy— In J. E. BU..kOKALL" t franio, hotbio, a gOoR s1witig racreprably fill tineq to Ile I drou;dlt, jujurool by t to no Prench ol i"i'At.S' Olitiatioll—equi eNtant y froll its. .1tow. frots and-als6 I ,�Ori till 6. A�Iesr6kl Cage it-1VAS Gh tfl e7A Also,,.tbo GasIt If of IL'bO%,O lot 6, eollt,.Lffihl�, 05 8 'Jla�ing it I two hoolso and it 111ill f itIllors 9 )el'kL ill its p It, is 'Pile ha -y' cro, of - Pan lasyl Vail in the (It". --.hi+) A�s it �ljaf tiler fall ha�jW all LIL_ e gogr to al I., It Ott y hall. vbr. a ffJiM 'fait- avertiLlo, Prop wiff Tile darni-inp-gs of'tbo - alld _N.1j2h.rjjW-y ------ yeterillary To-' 11 onto, havi:u., cliched aft ollin it, dilnMe IS. ed %Vjint friz Tho.abo�o farina Its", Allo"t 14- fpyi May Ila 'IJURON STREET, C�INTQN R1 E Up flie ffiiuse: fE_ .. k flow N"Lit to do Wit"' 06 Inions to adV60ate a Siljjpj� adt A­J,40UtlIL(!arIIiIa 11apti-A eltarell of,�US6 — "Sit pie Act, 'of '1116or- Joe .'ft L n Op4hoir rilici'llikis. 'If they 11"i for - the Will tll(y--r gro�iid in tile Pat 'ea .46 "all(l 1)�o -tsr oil If t Ii-aw tabled. proptved f brettil sit diseases of-doul OSCIG .1,11111LAIS'On tlWalost inudlifn prip. y -or tblock...-Por. �Vtreuloxrs and toillis hillill, to. D�E_R lie botio, to it. colitilill"two of the its Old recoril; tile mail:-'-11 �f Pot`46611I. ho Pft as. the Act; Clio it-. wo Ors, old bav6 lija OjUse(i traw to lbo OiL, epos-gen0vlIIv'*spraIC -of I)ar- Atistin lttiv� -All operations carofully pronilitm E; U 8 Ile, 01, excluilod if Q Wonlan Incorporation was coneortiet it tit), f, 'for -IdoWg'fMF:niPch "ft) tfor it and 4od havinI, 3' 11 g a ly tonqed to III, or flight. niodcr�te. it oturer of wid doa, ]or epi;dly o0 r grant %Ito tioni. from hu, ch to I t 'Iki',j,4 tho w" I !Ili ldit it I evel tI ii -Y, 11-!nh Wit vot-Lca ti, Ir good Colo b d.xillifine a -enrid e the bal'. '31oun '11VIA4 FRORERTY F u,—Is't qpor West ­f . . ftors Marble -Gitanitii for 6metery . y (if PORT Sc rule, ulliV 131)v al;d it n6%� jergally &pplilW woilld n woold have got till- syttl_ . 6upporb. plil d of peast, do not" rPelay -'llie 9 man illOFFIV I -at ned 's1lotel Oftittru, On-t—M y 1, �17 for sale Clint degir ble oil Clip )north side of 13611d. T a St.) Illitoin, being ict'no. 00. Thern is at quarter Of all ftere of 50od lind, haoft theroorl it Fennio cottigie, polar y ticur, C,-nU0n Jig two bed-roinns, Work at A ur-es Chat defy cent Al or tile (,1eIQbrq'eA I "I GIS, iiitablo atill- out our oliurchiii ve hnry Iliuch.. its t,�e public c6uliol. not' too oftoll Ila JoIll 11olinall' Of Cola 'what wits.�ske(l for. y on]' y Y stooij in tile liall cleanilig Ills 0 -asked.lFir the. Ii to bu� mull volti iby. They4id at ill) i�,, s 0, V ol alld it' Was far tho111 to I101f6r dilld 4upporb tho.qn bA gollown to a vory lavae,pxt nfij- Conllro?M With ome dtiler irain, 0ifly- sl mv Flin.averago Illorna'se in (I to �jj lei, (" lb lookodLvery iiiiieha4 thou 116 JaCka, (I Bltting.poti,,ii, n. good lift6hen, ntid it golla milet, .0ool well *4bi, on the ittottlft--Ili ART111), rd Ini, piti, r )0qC8 and celrotery NN ork, which 1. -a lit$ ox ('1ii s. 11 ill, CA14A '0 to ptV f 6 w th heir own W !tit tile butt 6 sniall, oil nine n-40 (Ittlit � o-olay it acmag( of cent. ovor -16$2, I , foil know, it. 11LACKSTOXIl, T8,ACIII,'RS OF ailmos. 11owslijoh %;166 hunted 4clv. 1:6r apply to. 10ciatel: !-A je spell to ipp) 11 work Stiialy oil 111111d': llitin hHcre6 knolloy, t6 erect It lodge-roatil oti it, dqne A to . Clio IV It rally e �op gpil . 61' the woiid Vi in(lifliecf niol.Ca� lass* fornallig, 101111 L ssous It Clio proullacs. warranted to pt�ie sntiifaotio,i t. ust revelvod, fil Prime . lilt, quddolly jigaillst bini, Wjlich tin-ilit y N�qee with broke tile have the ri�ht to and tile switell inside tho car, 'I'Ply of Quebee th6 church cle Rome nil(] that ther tlIA Tiroviiiep, itill-ly g1l 1 tile I nink at tol 11 oy, tinew given. Clinton, Febmaryj[st, 1882 Oil le. tivi 6osinCon.!!q tile Proceeds to tile orphans,:-alld fe 'ing Vill society. There, with I P f(10 who was quj1i fill oi- "ovor not artlnill' tO ]lit Ve sill Mir (I feot;i 0' L st, 611(l are gni-invally ropeirtod as I dont—I Inudly think,l dof" I Old IPOR w -AL NSTI t nt181C.—Miss Wobbor, eific ��vatory of titice hgited atinoor of pkiwis on tile oreiap or pl 0 yi;ven to thnso who wril I;J soil. dwelling Uat aild be 80,boirn 11 AN D__ 0% el. B010TS HOES I 64� NA B not a 16yal s�clfiq ill tll� - . 1111 VVI 011E WN �Dorainjo`t)L ot(hillada that aslcea fpr iraild a I s WftS.jJo ellul-oh j'jq ')It uof it �tj a(] crop, Illk0i Of Ili oicularttonthio t. illi Inipmve on their progilit mbyle of it 11 ldonco of L.P. IUVIS, lont:thii oVitMi fex�,tor a fed,111pq 6priniz on tile Vninisea. Clow: Ara apply W I T Ellgli h bon)�'gmin V�ijj oil ACt Of IIIC(;l'p0I'1AtiOtI hkit' 1.1 '1 d they'-wolit, (01 $Polllu �POTATMFq­­A -()Ft I to IVr0nI rlq;. and $holes Ilia Own otiots nitko-ull, a14 the followlill; Id'i, ALRER ET CLINTON. T STRE 16' crop be PwO got it, WiLli th� of - till' anil. looked at tile rtac& of affairs el Pofatn(A is ronorl 'i'll w4fn conilitionwo.nA that"i il"YO or to J0 HN: 1, t I 01-Jiligm 8qaiet�, C4, ofautor. ;(ill last Yea proball- owilliqli t4 Co11 tit Doq Petiole Lys tho niattor ill it f6y words'.1 it, was 41o, through Ullowledge olla�v to'nsic tile QU06tio),d. NOT105ill rit'liliToN No. 8f, A. I,'. & A Nt. -'till ki raileta overy I ity; on -Or after flib 191 �botsfrqin, tht,y had t. f 0.001000 Compared with' trV, anti i di(alltfit In Of, Clio (Altirtill of rhey �ow ')I tcon. prop Ill (&j)jf'dPR, AAVI tonly ign Vimiting brel,ttoii cordially V, 6� ittirt'. tit(" (jillitoli 'Vill 101,000,000 to 105YM06,000 cach heShudbp e , all evopy. fered lit the ot kroin during Ca of rtwoj). JtIo 41)01011 "4 AfToatod tlinall to it ico�rtahl -FjO7r,0 01110on, Jan. 14, 161. J.v cording Clio Goveptimoi t This farni no the Inol,14 road frotri Sault st, Mapio, In Po lilt �4, 4toidd,'and 18 A the b1g, V11111ga of pirtihial­ Is hop nopy Opi)OAlto ttAcP.vlg Illordworo ore, Albort Stxtet,,0Xl:C11TW03�T. S, commellev of) tho, 1)4 IIinadvI(powu all lipplic U06 to Alit, CURTI)i 811TIN. yearLj�iljoo QuliLy'goot.. , I tile iFairlo Vigl &fill' pound% of 016ilaw all the 4s to Ila Tho CvERYTIjIx(4, -Raill Was WMILlid to Insure I ft really odGob -and. yoll will Ile Lill( -Of 9 y Wall 't, 0 ;t eirily Cc' l3liyACTol. nOR0, O'S and Go '148" the church pIt4s-fuiid J%%I' I' tand of rit gia- to pltrposk.,4 STI own biq own de,41[rop or 9 WYc" Iva$ Voi V tbotigliti'til for , w and OOMME04! A OTEL., G9 NfantifixeV6 In Qt!AT, 111P11%S TO �AT Ilg;j;wfty from Clio Rl I 101V P. 4,qtI(rPrP,I �i*0 It 8 A LE nW, and Lardt;4, Oylindert Bolt C90ing, 4nd should -be go., There are th.611.ousoof f�llat. stbig flirolle. (Ilftt,�i Ill 0 Clio -nil fl.6,4fs nll(l In nnTv � y I ydit ThIA*)fOtb) Is folthight(I thiftl!000 With'"ok '(1.4gynnottiolls Rmill)Ic rnotnii'. v44 orq o0or8 ior Safe, tOg Pt Wo6l ils. Our eillebtatod obAIID11 bt Nik"I bratid is OB, P111 T EN el for TrOlittl(I idti�, , - Opponents, at t 0111 all brA not booll able to ni'li Ilimp roriflrfotl aq hot, .Ilaxop ationq , r tile 61. x1rld elgir tire Worm :n bar. to O�t at C� .tabld.,Bolit ke koft;.. (it Va it caClIntilh, ( r solivatet-ft tootrawto Soft IN �j A'nj Part oi Eot 95l Von. 15, tioderich wn� conAlstInj t140 laid II3,ahy other oil oil tile In rcoognitloit tit Its s6fietior ifultitula 1006 Tcdo�ved the 011 0PAngeLdrFjVr, aud whoil tile, 1�)Ujte of j1pV. they w"Ire give �1000 for the qpoltoll to and Asked tho re186 n of -tion hoe lot ptisition, foil 8110 had to itne(Ij., 1, - tIP' ti, I'). � i(. Illy pr otor. FLIT .4, X4 C� 1-1 .. I da lid the (!Iy for Separation at II I i Ilothlidis Firoi well watorod, (I( fortidifif friline 4ax,6041th Ptahkh no. ftl$a otholf 'd and ottotrien" -oi, A1y oil th x inr Wheroer Afftec. 187q, Awards i )JIfitio old v 0 r NT T �NN G 1, give air answer; Th'by knew '("I "n I e -1 riRb A rrears tiLd ia to bo, so rt tTre t , 8(,P, d it ILI 'Ll.atioil tontit Iit, spit -o or yniir igliv,, o " . T, I V It Y K I X U, they it,' Ilut \V11ab Wrvq their Positipil it% tj Wiled by ro dalev. siy.tlio riiason opposed NVad NT IVIV.)VIV of ity -all C. i Pon in Q illi tht their hijrch waR opposed 116wat votod Act ill. Firop penriiissA -to tli�iil the M0 thil P. 0., ONAM of Clio fri Ill T36118i G? Itte. (imulills elitapprii(f pbompt blIftnito 16 1* Sultable toy, Nlaebinory it follb,AZlin L' i to III. a to,all secrob Aoci4v, W bt,t bil advi-imd--iiii Tinilit?, whioh Coll II till tbd lil-t 'tcAlitifoll WICk .111 bol"'ettlytil bV tto fle(tctat thOM10 Solintil fifeRot Of ItIlkinds of JxS will Ong wollvdirs cqL141 tOr"nAtor 011, Tty ft. Folt nole,ln (lintoin IIS, 111, A 1 . I 0 eolllis, oll(l ly0in Ortw4onion Elio - 1It =;niv, or not (.0 `*jVe I)is "b lifro i, 6� by tba Anop f � arow)(1 twel at ilia wobifil ground. Nttradarb on 0 , , 'L, I&V . 1'" $;"Ifttilllo Ft I a ittt ?,a ba luW t,� Clio 11;11. Wilts Mill It To oj6jjh6 �nf t1ifolro 114, 'itIg W) 411PIAR,d fti The 10111% ppli�,itlon 0 0 4 Il . yiity i. itHARLA It I'll (j, t:i I r, I , (I reflellt, '(I Co