The Huron News-Record, 1883-06-20, Page 2........... The pupilq were obictl 61orrIe. letbig hull.buV in t4a. Uotbodiss,,01144 MrUndoliffe leaves thi's worniu; ri.beeliprophring, MIS5, Mp&jJl,.of this Place, is VIA- Illorving for London io attend thi# work w1itch they b4i about raichor Xi8tbcr MOPOU. me4ting U the lsy4od , the JAQ06.40 0.1ki tboungwors received to the 'dit- log Irlend, in Wiligbant. of * foreut quer4ions ollowed that exroful J11m, 't 10 F).Din our Ova TIRAV91,1"ER r on% time b*olx thsre Litz bin II, examinell oil the practical put 110 0.911. wol! our, Ive been at , Italia ol Ruron. training bad been, given them by It is, reported that Mr. Turnor atiol - athrouble thtyjIll to fXud out thO Rev. U, J. MstedQupil, of Toronto, 31r.Jobnstou lost All tile furniture their iteabber, Mr. Ueo. KlItY. -K And italplameAtti,whiqu the shipped. Q�.00 aa aftbei- ioouin' lip $110 preAched in Kno leadi ' 'feature dilicernable during '0,45 raisons, a :iy both morning Itild evenluig. ng excellent dig., frombere to UanitobB. 'A station HMQ in Pt store wall nit stated (1111 SI few weeks ago tQi, tile 0 I/ I �thot 1%1 run in all, sea wbat, '1w oli The J'alleM A. ?n by Messrs. Goo. And'W-m. Ardell w I mavitior, I thlux I've made the dio- d; I the exereises was tile P.M. �Argo coil�regatlollx were resello bou a 5 near Q'A pple was burul, 4ud 6.45 I -IT r. obure. Well, hearlit' ;� big ) - . bo 110V coyelryl oil both occasions, Oil! 9, 4 od er 0 tb ese goodr" were in, I F.Varotfi- left out 0 last ars in. rttex dance. Mr. Kiltv W" I iseea- A 10 boron Sundav AfterTIO011- 1IOr CAPb- I - town vial, on. Uere . croll, Finlay Uckb4son, roporta business Messrs. . N�JkLnktqba Wl�b tile O:Kpe0t%b!Qn Of in- We lead,,. members, of the Kethoalsa Ch, Ion, antl Chris. ickson', Ox last kind of A, boord meetill'. 'In the freight line as slightly on tile heir fortune, returned about increase the lost few days- era. 'rho (lay's ere11T`h1'U11r88i 141, X"Y' erthough pooror men. They were talkilo the, closed with an, excellent maral wl Ong, gr; Bookerville, . W�o Tbey say that it18, quite, - impossible Oreat Western 0181 to tile Conferens. A private for address from. N. lr� 0. to obtain worX there, Won At tbi,4.4 fie1w, uez !,If ye� . young,,atwhicli. sixty or soventy w9re presided as cliairman. TWIs Summer Xenth will stAl. And an . 0 a go briefly we have been treated to %- heavy TrAlivi lem -Q, liblovi otation its. V* Jaw back I'll, never. set present, took at UIO I"06140II40 Dickson and P. C telo I allotuer fut in tile elturoll.l. f Mrs. A, Waddell on last Woodneo expressed their good OT)ib1011 of Mr. sbower orrain every day fdr the poot �ys tin dbltlra d4y, Xilty and the wor);-, be bad done in week and Although aot very pleasant 001140 XQUTU. Anuther says, "I Pl Irtio having for not it W111010 doubt,lie beneficial -a towal:4 his salary, An' I won't The Xaoonoot the town, Should this secti " - . : wak qc, fine, will sell . o the crops which are looking'wqll 9.30 61 0. paynything if ite comes badl;," tUo weather pro .4 pronounced the benediction, till dig. t a strong, delegation to Clinton n. Sun- Verged, highly pleased with the day's in till part of the countrX 0 nA A,uuthur fenow--w GQIXQ AOUTU. l(J'asmuch Ashur lr. J. IV. Green, our wortliv' enter- exb, to help the, brotbren At proceedings, once as a bili-hawlt, gits up au'eaiz : da prisall man, has purobAse new rib- $-20 ;�-m. 3.00 P.m- Mich' as I tell himo, tilzi,itown colfobrate the pailval. of bed boat which be has ebri.stened the. St Johntito Baptist by Attelidnig; ort 1,11 jiila�tlie im '!�rch 16 ra, 11111, We had the pleasure of a v,ery Selling His.Ehormons Stock.at -evivitca, PtitlEvTouy. It ,wAs my impressiQu they had, Vh Alr, Arthur,noss, Son' of Colonel Correspondence, too 1AW. for, this able sail ill it Ono evening last -ul nosy at 11 ime, P, ra.' Bible, C1.4,10 A.M, Ross, Al. many more. st, paull%ob vh.-Sorywes in) ou Started the juaAtIW afore the t 10 a.m. $unday , P. P., -in town '04 a week, will -'appear, ext week. agued 'Akin, school. 9 P,W., service on W;dolesday, 6 IV. in. fur they wur all in.such A pl to his, parents, gentleinAll J. T. Marshall, of Guelpb, has op - Ally. NVILLIA* AgetOg- butry to- git thru.. seems to be ill the best of health slid oned. out a new Jowellry Store lit tills F iftela clent. Ifisf-ount bodist.-ocoodoeil at 10-80 A. In- "Make hasta,11 sez wall, AT the mino -fine a I at 2,30 p. to eLnjoy Most Tip&rtily t Caylada. Mgt , lie renewal of lie displays.a tock of and 6,38P. W. Stibbath Wow or the Me- �Vro% our 01P4 lid be Urr. Wo. goDONAGH, Faster. an, pass the resolusbull, old time friendships. ol.ek I watobea, and a asks sit) a will, d.0tole4l), do, a goo4 buisness for Chicag s*ter1%n.-ServIeeo`&t1Is,niI old Donagh min wilt be in 94 us, Ali' Two Friends left 0 WAS IT JQXV ?—A feW� go 0. in. 2.30 P , . - not git it t4ru.11, let, wIth areceived J Canada Presto , W ulov we'll- galt. I� part pay. here. Lis: sTiswou, Noupr. AV the Inaatin, on, bursday loft( . . Bile young ludy hot rder, of Linwailt), ar sez the boas hortly ment of an account,. due bar father, Irbe Alisser. Jloo. loaded at IPuft,rin pier, and a Bible ouristian.-services m 10-30 a.. in, and oye;, must btl4y up all, pass It'll y vz- clear into the lake anuglish sovei-eign. N o t knowing pendipg tt few weeks, with relatives F R* TTER! FOR EGGSIN. 6.90 p. re. Ssbbath A*V- J, J, don't, I'll. resign my offlice in tho*� before getting its. value she took it to one of our bore. gicz, Pastor. seemed to reWsolidiy on a boulder, FOR,CASH. 10 church, an' how cud the church &it from wh i pronounced it A. numbee of- our young ll�ople dt� ,,lob a.got Baptl4t Church.--servico nk &SO ii� in. i4sb- howevej, she goo business men who. V, 4. Q44 'a I r and Pal genulne.. silo show ath Sologol, 2.30 V� no, Its Pastar, long v�ridout me 2" clear with a d f Anoho se(A it to AnQther te6IIed a, grind Party at witigham for th loant vote on the-resplustin I no" On Friday tile, magistrates inet in business man, one who deals in he last Tuesdav a ur $to' has been U ely sorted e Summer Trade,and reclous, metals;and be exchanged a, 0 sez all old gray -boarded mati. solemn -conclave) and appointed, A. P Some of the pleasure soolters of T-T3?r0W "I liaydwt towle, far it," sakc! abus. chief constqbte in the perabn Of Mr. be us Ono for 10 witlj�,Rt the girl at our town enjoy. themselves on fine "? Q� "i ing the tltp� knowing. it. Her father and it urchasers will find us, gM ineso mon dOwn town- D. MqKay. There werg two applicants 1, fishing -a often py ntearing p witeneouttitingthe'ruoney detected .0ven"'gi "I doan'tthink.itS suv' harum tp for the position, the succiossful one. fl.ted by & good catolflof fine trout. 0 halo. named above And constable Dunlopl, the'llogus coin. Tie at on , oo took it - I . , ?. Young left here pass It,, sez another 0. hopok# tor the Man who had paid the r ARtIV-0 ii, f tile offis, J. Crostrery anq K jjst�thiu a little Man who lima bift. of Seaforth. A vote taken be, Wednesday last foil the far west om IF Kim I......... ... tween the I aboT6 named gentleman, girl the sovereign on account. This on ir tmellto 1, umped up on . - gentleman 4,eclarecj Wto be spurious Where they intend taling up the doin, a. hapo ' talkin i 34 ball to being cast for btGrOat Ba the "If yoz 140au,b DPWOP. and not the one he bad paid ilia abode for t Thu. Goderich News McKay and 12 fore a consideration he took it buiry up, ould Pother Cautelim. will After som upset the whelf) WaAtiAY' lwood ayed to Archdeacon J�, journi to the dealer in precious nletali to, the "J, t thin t1lare cum -in suzia fellows Toronto ]list week to IVAITY Whom hii daugghter bad shown, it. The ett ies, but the �Ibosg!' sod daughter of our one' timoi resident, dealer, fin(ling himself n; a -fix, 're- . A meeting Of tile Council Of Hull they wd be C611 Tight �wlllo'had. no vot ATr. �ohn Ada6s, tallor. , 'file rch- was helo tit Londeiboro'. oil the 15th -Huron, Reoo'rd, i. WiTthat the enedthe bridend mar turned the,genuine'one, rpt June. All the1nembers presei�t ex- yung CIATIES wiliked at each other,' deacon thab� the e.xchan �bnd only -been cept j, aSham. - Alinutes of f6rmer I ried ber parents, And Iiis bein c0led q;h 9 ula(le 111 43oke. a queatibn wbich fur af coorse -they wild liev votosr too. rriage� �etlng were read and contirmed; form the ilia, The vote was I now UgAt Tli6 Sleeve and De thin taken; aud. the to'Voronto to per ates the minds, of somo of puty Reeve AS ap. I five ahead, carom, C/ June20 resolushim,was carried by ony an this occasion it, evi our-citliansis: "Was'Itapkes abya.l)l,,ov.i6usiheetingot'the, L C�ut u, Onto. Webesday mill istrations in tile. past ro.- potake : - ad better git that hiS Council to egarnine a fenco supposed The i.lbossl' sed they b home f ur fear slim more NVUd cum -all, Stilted in untold happiness be on side road 15 and 16, con, 14, EDITORIAL NOTE, S, the moshin wild be resinded, for lie Thedrain,at 31cDetilloWs., steps to: ad -do, that at the Council has not yeb been repaired and the Feavi oui oun and if,naqesgary ts. wa ongh t , 4emat,ter, reportpol that Wy had hi they lit' shed en, eens, Cottons, eocaping watei (Ainton, 1.S. visitin W te and Q. re y wastinsAomotilifes, , . - Mr. Co4mbs"Of 9 examined said faii66, and taken s Goods, Prilits, t Mr. BI form soU& mko has odds to cont�n- eartli into tile si�eam to Mr. Samuel. Colivell of Auburn, 'had �een advised td' IT!b s6z. I to walf-mf 'blibil )and twelve or fourteen feet f rom the advIce and, & -&c .6 Re:.serve., , ­hgainst," saith our paitisawneigb- ,isii 116 the best praicher, in. the ovitie$ Alias Z., Green, of Ingersoll; is fly the tresps3sin" Psitibs to At Once C.) & bank. We thing out- - auth 0 to"its briginal. Poo-- bor, but then "his con in and out Withriot ? " .' visit. to her- relatives in West. rptpove said feiig rae should remoedy the defect beforelany ,,of Parliament meats with tb I o.ap AlHould yor tongue," 86� claim is I presented to the. odulleii for WavyRnosh. ition, IloveZI by B, Churchill, see, Iby A. T. Alcl)6ilald, that this Council ijga�t theL M, Those slim luckill, Mano Me. . 1 ,you do'!, dantages Arising from it. :onry �Talo�j late of WaVA- O� eds and,,Clothi: owest 'Prices- knov javing talron 11gal advice as to Win we. "proval of his Right k belong to, the boolid, an ye'ye.no bus14 F Ink nosh, is viiitlur fam" 14, , Alf. Thomas. IN' Two ad bicyclists, . rV Sanderso scount �,hurch, I Ilullet, . - A " o st %01644 Adn'�yeriooso rate our C the son, of, J. ur �Be 1 45 ei ness itic James,or ftit. I ,per you are, the odds are fearfully ergeant anct John vV. w conduoSt in wbnt a, U1 U and -Al. Braith aite"s: W140 Cin'ina ttl Bicycle 0161 arrived in, Rev. Leask, of -Sb, 11elens, is against Mr. Blake, lie lias to con- c in the Pre;;b ter- placting theit' fences upon, the public �umde up n ting to spen(l A expPeted to preach' Si should .16, e their order.pow..' Wid' that I run out, blit i tow on -Friday intenf Ill,",11wity vil; do road 15 and 16, con, eav tend against about 75 in every 100 inin , Oin how ilib thing stuck: few. �iays in ian church here nex ' t'Shriday. ifled at once to removo Milton Feaga- as � tile $area to tile., Yines,, -and. y -Ij7 they be h9t clectors- It goes. without saying lie Furst- af -all, tile rivorand. gintle- travelled oil their Air. Ha n 11 -returne Ar orininar le C via, Clinton front Algomand intends to spend in default of so that they 0 T bs- wanted,'. is 'supported by ilia supporters.' mail is all Oirishman, loikO mOsilf, an' b y let, from do.in Airaftdin, that lyin' paper, -a :but the�'h the summer in tile old honra in Weit against AQQ01-ding. to law, Cash I -or Butter. is guilty of to od,(sl b, at eralds of -B* ot. -thavo larger partie L H Rather queer'if lie were n - s,thiikwilt isitusdurin J N Well, yez kno�w v W4wano'sh'. lookiig, hale loved "by- J.'Brittot), ace. 4 the C, -People. in, the town that cud the a Q minor, recount by A.1'..Al.oDona)O,LbatJolinlYo�uy)g �Talijp anny body, iu:"the begs th. fr, The Era propounds.& conundrum -At the morning. service at' S t, of � tile N orthern country� 13onotiqadCo;e ove,fiouseofr.pub-. ild .. . lip guilty af aithor Qf thes .Georgelg,.last Sunday, a hyihn for One . ofo . or young men'went,to see lie highway.. -viz: Con. -Road 10 anti .1 I mes. n ly so, to the.'telative mrits'-o f Sir ri' a.' opposite, job 0vand. in OQfaulb of big n &s1liss Davis and lier father wei a Zt ad A boat ride on the maithibil river, so doing that be�'be procee&d ag John and Mr. Blake Sodondly'. the vivdroind gintlei:h4 dislllt,allow�ltmy hippocrates to offi.-* tllmttiikie on'tbe,�ktlaritic, wb.sup.-v but not in .�ccotdjn� to "Which stands bighP.Pt ad p6lic, rn�li 'it - fr, ilieh Yi* See. by . T, )Ie'Don �Ilo church, sich as has bin' Lbe craf`b7&VWWie uii-- b� 13. so, -safet P'xperience, i twiong tliose. ito value integity, honor ciato - n tho , a �eril ort tho� Pea was Still-- h Vulainea-last Sunday and �propo JTT rT' D: T they back� 1101 ioemed to 61n1n We lines oft rnana�e.abla an4,drilted.wiCh-'tbe-. our- -aid, that to bo� lidtiflod rent deevitd: itie frantic, efforts -Of v .and principle 9" kv. 0, foi. slim thnQ A, ilia . . - . . iin mightJoilio to malte about .,�eTioAted t1ro' to reme, 0 the a ff the sille 01) The ausvVer Illis comWfr6ti0)ie'pe t on goods, an about 200 ,oil pear us we er,�. to t1lee on-, 14, fail o'comply lovingbutth6rolly Scared occupants, roatV and to c twice Ili 'five years, that Sir John .150 per. h6isa thrad, ror thoso in podloul the sotL.1) 'till kt; last (Dey di-irted on'tiq an island wiLlf sia potici tbat'the Reeve anti pqr. cmV. ent'af u At a meeting of our liereby authorized standi highest in tile estimation of thin, on S,una"s hev pr%iollin'to suit all E cll4hga, they were -reseued 'by sohira Cl;rk h leid ab. tile BriLi X ..b., * t d - --; I y I nd I -no Boll Person$ witnesses of -their -t6 take. action.-agains. Said p riles n any thil silves, But the praic ar wqu 'o 'eat ur. Boys-. ow- n the people in. tba.se a' d the lit Agin,.,tlfo chOsOn Prosideni ice. with -respect -io John Y, allow it and must lave. t 01 ., lid refutie to . remove Young ishould' 2nd '. ili 1b4t y�ung, "'go other good qualities which make the 'rIve;qnd gintloinan is I'110 Teskctll" If.' AND"AWAY D001 ': B ria;G 0ox,CaptaTti; ssooni'l wbo PRICEN It I a.- -riod. A long 0 Ciii CIO e X. III seemi li�:ffi. insulting , , , . I .. . I -,,I. , e, g con Vid4li. Bugler, n ns a aOh persons, and Spakes %irlessly to take do�ng stii1tesman. 13ut then according to XcDonald, see. by.b. (hurchili, that, ap'. clematio, and, oxiiWn' tile rong jot, Clubuni-- ladles on ourstiteots of ail event 'Nixtra tit rit partisan contenti�n, the p6or. doiu,'of his followmin.; SuM of, ther ex1it e of th late Job�, Bbots. and form wil.1 be blue-stocikingg,- obirt and - kindly consider himself. kicked :by4 ple Are not p6per-judaes.' Tile I Eldli&s say . that whin lie gits a bi tlwt -is -what- 9,.'bq paid, 'and that tile obat, cotd k. as breephes, and drab thos, Bequer BI -sigh. Of 9 aR deceased k�e,paikl l,00 ock the Red Flag. - om oftbe I)oninion'ii salary he ought to . RQ611 to,guit the .holbiet.- tb�,y would do with him if lie was nhC 1111)let e so" e 0 k -o 'e whole wisol Poo ca p,er week.ffom the U1116 of her hus- ARD Tij -tar,' -00 -As rt d'St io r. pie au�.not thramp, 6ii antly pile's ph'with even a pairbf Movvil by j., PICK At the regular meeting -Manager% - - of Hur�n too low. to - tOb aJAMES ound up in the quiver of philosor- band�s d 'Friday Pug'. b t a. -it ado�d­by B. -rg' i tile ee Ana v. T. f thSt ilk rs. -wolro. Mr. as Jvb�nsiton,O(Wiast'Wavvh�l sepoi pher Mills and otht of the Netv'Ara'�`about the DQothrine vefiing f6ilowing tliaE 16 116evl) nsuitio,term, no$ !V# con. R. 12 13; lob b 'I wht,'sboot their lyilig rows at of: jl�b. ri-verend gin examine mcge oil ' as. aIveer., W NVI.. 11.15lurney. i:I4 Gen )m 14. and have them tepaitoa( , or erd $um a I f, P. 0( . hat T -EA- T: 'A 1) whin I was in 'Dlclzs6u'$, bo()k Pati-iii1re : 11,3 , as-*-��E at. ihaboldihi -of the oiity - Couf b 35, find bridge 6n Side read A041, every Tory head tbatV6ps p. I ur, I lie eral gessiens la 1A I I I I. store t6ther 6v6nin!, found nicessary, and w ohn whve, -did lien intalin' abou� it, imu� sai 131d nA. Xirkbrldg�,, completed giv cetlei. oil 'wife g' %Ioore., e lborn I -illy m Lar Matod.fo'l, the a b" a foreitian -of ilia' 'Jury Vly, Co �3�,ib,at the Air. Blake is of course much inere wan. af thim B. . .. . . I I :1, .. - 46an 11r. X00, Alo by tile keqVe.-jA,1V&S Alpad -minion than Sir J�hn; MaddQnald. Rep rer on tative to Grand E neamp- ad fri6nds ih (%�t6n. drf 'Xonday;, 0 tb4tyglit of by tile people of the Do- slAV11,61s this, oAloNotton',.", az Geo."Stivens. to' ieet when iudled d-fwhat does he d9 F. cribe IN'. 0 . ampbel r , ris and daughti iJourped, i soz lie, laffn at me,as'il asurer" a,,Co s. an mp. a cc to -be tifully small udulber Of he tilk M6 flit a rl�on Pariarch N. Ca b �11 Ilias. ii,tinued,1or journey tOL Ve J�ucefield, Be ; holglight name; Th-ey say hi�, lug be ra out this conuen 'Th -E 68 beqd 6f cat�tlo w6re shipped - nat nited mpireof the -hi Ilia follow a a taicber in the school." ad or a� -b. me-lat t -,CIURRA tion. B -re--Nv-ll itbin,. ine �i fl u atry. s g) p, m.' be' tu and emnic at therp--a eehw aday, and ie,f tat .7. o )t be On last, Wednesday Ono of tbo� tile old .6 'fire ItIl "Tremendouq.,- vbPelglin party politics. 611 SILM� day,' this being' the uf SVIXI'S'. V1 S th Ilia -b f6iiml eo?, ,Yis 11 �owbe. fetive gathoirillos of tile c�ang, h` h* bought in the', it-coriopleto h -I.1011 you, t5aptly T it Ili stfggested,' ahir 'A�st vl4if 6fthe vess I in tlay lig it., 9t. Styles of ia , . j, u dell 10NERY"01tocimlIX ot A, Mallooll ? so .john lorrks -'S4 jghts.in look, of kiqwick., and, 'T ' uxtill6rev" residence. Some huiidrdds bf Our pebple ! to6k St6ck Of lit bilatkentlellian's Ap t 'Inspectillg�* hat-. id 0 ties to kee portuniti, of eightV. persons "were pi, The ayfirage price -pal 110111, 10111 IA:v.,the butAde,.6kcepi the'Vunting-atIO'h8r. oM thab if4y some I no," sei he, $81 a headi.6t �bai of about .4a Mass of the. people I. the, op esent, TH , , A-. C; 10 told' a t E P -out -of �i SO Were related! -to 9: Au Idofilt know .UOUIM, to insk 6 , almost -a vi -6he ANGUS, prq&ietor . - In, Pal spor a. yet P, lI L ' p lyg�qft'Man Of Wcl�'Kelly, 'Oil_ lot ANGUS, power, Vie -offices at his disposal, any but Bir everything in colined6-idnwi, is- I- tain !fiig liberally refresh'-- TV,,- and Q-A" h an,,,*. would go round. The situation -Of I will.lay6'-the ro�st over for a -Ake an'improveiiienti.on,all tho.vesse a on: led: by'tho 000 cheer for.whi6h, - the' th concession, Morris WU13 o. 13, 7 Alr. Blake and' his few olvers.'is' to itiisfiga. "'bee the uppor lakes. arsof'.itruek by� ightnil . lglandtl -- - -� - 'to ndtWn nim athersi" huge dimensions, lol;ek ;gl, i)6tl)lng,.. aB l�lelfor 'The' He w' U 11 fortultowi oce rrance ll�sbouldob� -Alot-ris. 'QUoiting andbtboi- 7510 boing. pai(l butL at ; Itiev In lri�hj . I dotdh rorbtiAy'k;ptu h6spi-table host.is so amous� recont)y It' ltill ye?: fwllat I*l' Ow about fair iize, wall ventilated.. and' solifl-ly. PIG—, WATALL P.R� int@rqsLtjnjg, Yi cabin is -ris so.isml.66il quito a. �1ed'off -tholjligo�,S-al)d intensely awl g it, V Wi.re - h "Stipply q Notoni"' Ili, the mauetoimdi I 1'i I ­ 11 . the dooris knoc ..A ne.- two y6w� ted,a�it uph.61storea and -ot loss �by tile death.bf T�v*� or.three posts A,Fr 8 fl 8 we6k from this standpint. it it 'is 'a,, tind to wroite yez about sum other, pi. in all VL re ire ',in tile t ING I qubstioiiia that L shriously affi6till Molise -sizo, As.'sooln:`as -the ]lot old'ealtafewdys ago. Ana il�eshiiiges knocked correct one 'we must so W�atho,r "at$ United Empire still possesses tb�. fine'si team of"fakill, Pro- F. A OT UR' -Edibliur, A dt*a — -fa tile to*n,., Aiisthur iP. off -the TO . .. .. : Sde wir Beit Blake- has succeeded admirably..in . : i. II -,NTai i SPI y ill glv� tfiis A good plice will attra ver� 81141.6'or thki worli horses in the tOwnsh, or iotl il pere�fronitbee icts of ligliteiiing -Y, - - 0 :PZ, patronage ,of tllil�e autum Vista Duncan: 11cLaren been carrying out the forthulitted llbasit,' ITY'er paper, 1'1�dg to *remane. lire year. is hoild by' in La � ej rav Oueen'5 Ifote -k-0 OLT. n requiring ocinfoki and'- conve in-law ot-tim. go ... I . . 11 - . 11 I few.days. With w daug)- 0 611ff f f - d tell st 1W rLIIO iinini lft�t M6., - ecf-a Small. Minority following. Some th clearing tile oretits 0 at th6 On ThurAday eVA C�Jtltonf She . Te, ur al ;n ca 'arty, tile pro. ok..tlio 'electrie. -.Auid, gave a laivii'll ,rho logic of -our loCaljotecepoftry, L6 funds `,O- U' 1) L - air 10� There is much1truth lit thi; and* -men n n -cing! Tak;b LOC,,&L of,�b6 Nortil coi;ductors on,bar .4 a Id I 6s We arq—Qom T' sl�ould be quite co' T S St.'' Methodist nvi. ISTP i LS tef erence to sk & mad6 Ilk ty. was succeesful n.'.eyery es wiil,llttv'O to be ued*iUwe.m)-e to wn 01i, the Globe newg�apeir that' V-% tning* PR 10 I - . ­ - L- 1 ­ , , " on alli. ES., he aof 4�.fr' bijury'troin ligh do All. off a '�'lle In it sival -portion oonsigt� fron, �,Cionfbrence Sco taKen y 31,0 anadian tiet Uisses. as b - .,4 a ic P dl - 'FiCUL -,A ��iort time 0 -ad illtbb 1xi'"."umb I tchTwo of the pro,granime being' ex. R returned home winion Government Tied f am E R I 0 H. I -lis a ed-of.thii following.�D A Sectioit� o -la( -0 'y Alorri"O'n, of railway contractors ob B.* -asrw* i Pron� bur oioydor) fottn and I e Swiib, Sol" . . Flo I 01 durtn" his abSbifee. the *1day, loaded. i)1r. -Foote; Solos 'and chorus, Mrs. 0�1�eejjoli - L I- , . - ". . . L� . . 7 as _: OJL. �IOjCillo�j' �vas A The Niagara raft on 1� Y. R., and had receiv6d $40,000 orgian B 111i4aes Cooke all, �iolcard, land. a ant it in the ..With ialt, for'We Ge my, Y66rehoitsoj, �Vnl. uleetated tooth, F. Bondl Ifarper, of OTED. THE for said favors troubW p & JJr.S 'is op&bIzing and -tion io a nat­ Njurch-attended.the B,. Conference, I.Ball. club no i recent Ontirio alections. "The 0106e Tlio solo, Elliott duet a p, ol Ide,wolle. d, appears to have�­tbo,'boat, of it," -and oInd Foote;- SO161 - Alla� -beld in.Exeteg 'last .W. sOpel I B -atrd hi's,-fqcb got badly ,says tho,Bra. And 'Ith -1 o led, -in tientlemell I -.1 I " 4,", 'OLOTHIER-- S4ohnston, Glee, will Quite tin 4nimin't of a best -of it" ttio side. -Of i A I. caL or, the .00(lerich, Glee infused into each of -the c bpnThe lacrosse 1, ail�, .-chol.,iis Alias Bit, �quare. - . Aliss.smelDthj solo And was eem,qd is supported by the query. �ollub;, 9010, in thi's .'place durinj the enaulng con v�xavnixlatlon. it- Would Sbietds (the contractor) spend flayais practio3e a ference.year. Itcy, alivisabl6to Illive t (1,are -go of' the IkI ns of-molooli for' pormittIngf.an Williams: alid Izotilivell'. :oth. (1hurch and Rev. arf ' Bur ion purposes Wholl tllili was done It ��Wllw f6iiirtl 0 IN A Jul P(88 that nioney 0 .8', Mr, Kenner thd B, :tjlat the inatter,wbich hi(I sI ber6litoldbliniil gibady prisgres' ---- --- n 0, tbL' sunto shap or anothef I" having recovered. tile" ts were'suppll6a'ili tontaL'alld n yet learned:whil.will AS81W,N 0 itii.to I'my fromber indisposition .has festknlOd the hOLIse-, ar�pundlhe�'.'root . . .. .. ­ I I . '. 'osaape,. rail bac c- On.. N a refdl- South and Mr. 1�1-aivardsto.dmle,do.nia, being unable.to . it� is -d' of Gddbiri-ic 6mor V For an answer we refer Ili I *lrer ady the eo6belt, 1. fr n Moore,",' ". L., - � took I is w'ars tlircurgh--the vein, clogging R E anit. Ridley r-. Ing plize of the 1(� place. Tllay s�cdesoi �each. one. inJi contract farne, arid- Cooper,. Fairman tip atid:preventiug the blood ()fficol of Said Compraii, all-�011loved- to lhrell and W, rived in tj)w.n 'lastweek -from their before aiarge Theitidges, new field Ot labor, Supply T orq coin- 11 y. has bb 6noyinoon trip. --r Toltnayfflo C6rrespon'dwfib ro�dcltillg UIOJAW-� As's result itoll- , and bf and "my brotlilli"Charles,A10 11 moolious Tordrillsea in tile nierl- dtid W. It'. �Nljllor, reserva�d their ias no rie, of steel tait notoriet. 9r! F. fl�renco, ag*dut'A` is vr liappy.. to. ben;rf doubt this the whole Upper pa -et of thejaW it ill a deday- a anow roundagain ryouT.Ilume becam A Friday week, when all the-pi,i�ea:wlll Nl*tIroh,gPadLuAta. .4 best of. ocideut.. r w located at Gow rrin' 8- /c p -,*the -.M *rke i�" is that Shields' says he "' a' , decision, or riltlie� ivttbeld kllous.114oUrq, from that �ig -Pe �eh 0�, altor his recent a dli& So Much,. '80 i-� this t116 be aw.mv -d is' ce t, U did not Lopead aiky money for �Iedtlon 'rie rtainly very $018 actory [lit and 116 duia piece of.poetry tin one 0 ti -that lie has no feeling 11 tendered its. rdsigntion to the f&have big Ow�n explanation oil le , , -NT - progo, and on the vvhole tile readers ean r(Atnovn tho teeth 6ii th&b aide TO Inirpospe, and we sliall believe bi.� Co Inatter. Yesi , .V mom It''s . Cou'acit tile Same to -tak,6 effect -in we. will wait wittv the a did well. following a w can i6tll Ilia' lingers- 10 is I 0 V, will -0— 4irect contradiction in preference C!,o ISt 'Tinto, gi-oatost amount of patienc a .oarardlilo: ' at coudition, I id Nvbr�'A Complete Stock of thei World Ito w e&§IX(IRR SXAVL was U16 pt comman(i for the coilauninlation of critic atid'Will be 0. o the in rect aesertio 0 lie G000hoi Ifi-dalsand cash priz�es, will be giv. nibal", Alias. B., Wilon,, roadihg, and Era. Tlien '.0u, n for rbicyclo.Matdfies 0ft'I)OMIn,ibn DeaCh'of Oeo. lit, 111r. NVi 180n, the WhPIQ'Linattat, Coine, Tbuindyt up for a month at.,Ieasbf. r iocal' 6otout; a at 'a t .eays the sta,tetnents of th DAVI Ife Cho t�Ahlols customers. slid the publilg� a Shields Mr. Rild upseruj)ulous Gregbr, fr6M �Vl irinq U, Seegmiller; choru, Let. 'rho, pu�ils of our a boot intend 'ed r . , 061 ri�l . . foly the lib4al patronage 6XtOU& ng it pi t1i(r�'T.O.qiolowe bf agents, as madiffim' of' bill- wallurhe %Vitil an 1111poiroil- irm o'is 1: generally. di confirm evorytbi-lig tllht there, by boat this tile -Ili Tl ture. Jil 0-nie or) the NYSON DP not be by W rt6n, next' -Afternoon. 0Iiut6)J.*, Oil ftil 9 tie. but buy onl'r tl oofl t lifin, - it the ppt, and Jiy furnishing n 110-t6ports the PrOaPed Tighe, and Stitt, and Ito Ple V14 allideV rathout �Iilticd ntl varililied to hiole t1wil 5 0 , I "Tile best of I, wortii 'S.in t1le lornhtg, Ly the Rev, Air. the Vordlet of till, pnopl;. Tbl�q Globe stat'ed. .11 ilia new von.ture aSt most cheer, 'I Roadin 011'The mJtnqdGnJe�t Of tile �tjffitip .1 bf success for 110arly:35, years. Look tit ties, or 1110ro 0 that this is the reverse of tlio filet, )lggin-gA, Albert Ilay, to lyisi cl hhlldg'ofi�ory 01110iont doll)MIttee compally 6l(l last yvo.r lienrly tbren ittiro,ters of 11 Willi= 1104-111 ry Ro.al fog, lln8on's L-oitoi to Lord 'et. It'go, oil L time'. I%, ill (Ill- dallullt0l' tliii dii sitles of ovel'. thil-t c0n'Vetiforti, Don't fbiget tillit eve C S# The. P981 r le, anti a suit has been entered agaiti8t Ttoward, WITO 1148 been AgAlAbing 1)1`�JO ' oxpe ltl� otirTrado Alert, cast Into t1le sto,r)(1 a.4 ffi'abo�o . nldt,le 0, f Water into.r the affaim: please turn 11mison-all 4 n1Tgelliijo is ll�w bellIg uutdol,wl 4efield -for thia paat fe�v 0614.) �Itr, lroglipfli ested in y train fot.tlio 11 kinds of —0- the �Glob. e forAts faige-'a - loo, Al11, ­Tlond An ot 1pla loft on the Carl na )JIftellille, Nvit),out it� t.,woil vid. Needles u —AT ucusat.iou: W, . NX ilson, l out ail(] s , . mj�yablo time, Cot months, preached tb a large oongea ypt'jall ,Vnlitfhy)� Aligg Wo InVit all, ou.hnaol. Istling 60 keep courage up 7his wh Wiggloq ; 1" rnay console for the time but a day DAY oalobtottloil Qg­ ii, r LO gittion last suliday evening. logarth, Was- se 0, E. P 911SONS requ I r 1 11 g wl� 04 Anti si�lrl ts fok ph4 dminion Citor I -All, 'I WEST'�.I' e 'of, Proverice, ,of reckonbig is coming when R N4ill 6raftlitte'D met t:nd mid "'J1 is almoaeo� tota-1. falluve in this violn. T. F Allen, Afl..,Dailiel ith tho ,wdk oit, ity. Fields ther aR& -OR y tile. progress W vall, nf . . . . . . ERATI �talrsy the Nlissos, s J., T1,?bb( , of "�'! VE be for the,coutts to say wheblio a4flyabi ?ielst6theftcto. V)wushi it", handd. n66 be remp op Nita of tll(�, respocqcd pi(ineer,, 1r. ]as 'Itube '424 of 'by rellit the 'there lS a lt'go Ilenry Tinlibortia, sr. rMll A ItIld ugashoulld 110�fsll to 0 -All ulio"Its, All out ng_ well... V PR, 10 "ondon, to ftttebo�l the, fhe sawoi, Are do! Doi of the .y wei.�. COMMYNIOATION80 dallo(I in one by 606 go g wilt. KERY Slynod meatillg� Of tho Di6e00 Of bb�t to tit"] �an titgo. inight:116 V&kdn of 1,16 hopes to yhorit -a dollitlitillote. eag6odly ntimberi,of bushels to -STAND P�UREST QUALITY. Huron. a previous, rentling. the )illy c),oli is.-botter �aoutreotod every �PiTesfhiy h(tiunoon.) to,,'oh it in be d186,netly uAderatioa that tee, di, Ih66. trial, 6f The . meetiog of the mf8sionittv. Ilia Alemon, for T%lir, W to Ape(lally 11,)t )oold ournhop go�cletyy it, eonacgion-with the Nor6i than it lifts beeti, fit, t 1. be, a IV11611t, 01*4 I os of Iaom,ally VArs, It bids 41 PORT qve WIN Bfulor of thoi Rupon Atetft-n 0 41 to 0 42� Fanoy'.0a e "S t 6 6k, not large y attended, Pront 62ir h avy or 6 40 to 0 4r, IIOT,T,A 41mon J�rftSo druggist, f fop lil(Alcillal purpons find filmilv os& O6", 'Calblerc eYarpty -o -,Plain kes Old fy wh8gtogaitil bit lorn. has 01, ry all t solt.-INUyllo I'm thr Auddonly on Tuo.sdav n ateablo obesio B A ICA %vilwil -1 g Gortranteed ill ItInA A AM Alld Son 01 deputy died V�l pa; b1b) t to 1, U) L oil - '11 � ill's ing. ' Ito hs a nifth Well Up 4 . 3'0 the RpRee Of yet Quttblo paper, but Waser, rti,,rlve( y I eat y And had-t)een ailing foo solo() Volm Disnay broinglA out ajalnilY Of t 0 It, to .0 j7 1%11 1��ttq of' thtTowly. I Saturztt(YIAOTAW,g�onk visit to Ilia Galway"emigrants and 13! to a Irk CAR11110, .,6-4 pJ&reJ1tS' 0# JAS Wee to i r) eV 01) tbatt'� afid Carl' $A I'll be much plazed, U t d better that morollig 14ponlo on the ROV6110 Far -Tho, temaiiia, t 8 00 id yez will JiRt gim Ulan usual 'awl wag sittil Lavii, also tboso of -%z wholl 116 LV 0, few lines, till I tell �t 'Jeft prellamtojy to I which weto ISM es, N91wr4 lie will r6malil o)(lonly 'fell an(l ille(I inal his, 75 ta 1 60 11 the, 08 L if) (t (oot 0, 46 to 0 C.0 q 801m, tl 6 -trottin" 8008011ho convetaingto oneq , too tile Clinton 48etnetery la, 1M ho trOtt -��yn atp tho 66 M061006 ilot seem Wednes(li _ ltdv. a to 'to 0 W Veotionf all.-O)ds Of VV y. Ohoio.,e Se tbusartifi 011=8 thitt 1.16 $11 !all On 016 hill near Ivero r, atNnfedi pirin' in dio 0ou:ut)IrY,,, )k 1040 to) 00 U U JOL IraVtN Itny Sermon in. tb)a to' V) 04 and partiplkrlp tona" t1le town tin oli tow $I _&' I0 1C, ou i army. cine tile prophea his to 4 00 tho 01 tc tin Allare it in Rif britnelic-0 6t UlObu. I t k0w; A I- , A 0XI to nseptif stailloyl-oita 'WhoO, 1610,116? blish, no Ivas. p I fee A.V 44 was beld" oil tho 11,01 lWA ](tat VriolAy, 1� 11; to 1 60 Donit­'r4got t'h' Stand, SM. HIS K%Xy CLINTON. TAo01vqdo Sup)i I fed a 100 tho New ArAll rArno 6 atioll being tilo Ilaidorin tile . amount 'Of (Jay last W06k, Iii'mo & lapgeI 8�lt) of Molt, M 04 , . ­ - IN irkAt. Co SIMug'L 0011 I& IV - -tit till# 10 �0)' loiuoy . � felgeLt � 0, elinlintod to il 017 to 0 IV ALBERT ,Well, ad, torAt ti to thd ork twcr being T6116 -by frrldr, to cattlAoi in (Y 40 to ft AD it 'bf Ampil Altoair B1164 on Do it JAM ON tiv� tm mrilnion m6ttim 0414, Es S. oJi6nt Will: 0, 0110 Of"ille en.b.biooJI 419- 1liter,60 ., to, 6 Was 10 t# o thttb� is Q, .001'. b FR,41061 �Work� ... .. ..........