The Huron News-Record, 1883-02-14, Page 4rt yk •p SYS' .r t' O1,11tTOBi. WBD;r7LiS11`Y..NXIJ, 141$4 18$3 CoUiity gilui'District. The ordinary au !Aral revetn.ueeifIino4i ILttarc h, Kincardine, &mounted to :13,1310, M.ia honor Judge 'Allier has retuned to hold any farther aittingit et the aitvittivn court at Ayr unless bather ao- eanntuodation • is provided, and oases from the Ayr division will be held at. I.uate next term. • James Hays, youngest son of James Hash, Reeve of McKillop, got one of ilia legs broken whsle drawing wood: The accident was cause(! ay the double- rc(.e of the •sleigh. He is itrogressi•ri_'a farm stttly. 1 Municipal horrors are '8t a Bow ebb at Palmerston, No parson could be., Nand who would accept the lotfce of reeve, and it was so ditlicult, qto get eve d,couttcillers that they still rig tire two to eoutplete the board. Mr. Adam 'Thotnpso t, of Galt, has ishan engaged to.tteach in the Btyfiel/l school fur tht-•preseut year atW a go d :salary, 11 e is a very energetic young than, and the people of that village may compliment themselves on their ,t;-oo,l fortune in securing his services. 1t is reported that Mr. G swan, of the, tirut of (:osui u1 and DndiI ,. of [Idyll]; has ha l a lesacy of £•15,00 deft him by a maiden aunE u, 'Scot laud, zA dispatch from tackson, Mich., sae's Samuel J. Lavery, about 21 years of ag-, a ti ogI...ph opwattnr of Hamil- ton tint , who dte4 b,•eu,,tti the city for as; weeks, committed suicide. Carri H. CANTELON MANUIrATUR&8t • BUGGIES, CUTTERS; WAGONS; SLEIGHS„ &C 4 '1'he Hoyal l.'.lrtidonia Medal coupe tition between Goderich and \1Vinghµln at:tine off oft the `iaxaft'rtle Rink last w ek —two ricks a side. The (:olio• r;el1 (' ult a t,u by twelve shots. !Miss Mortisnn, tiro heroine of the Asia (li:a;ter It• s been stay iug iu Brute ;.sial during, the past wank' disposing' of diet' photographs It is not gcet•y couple that has the pleasure of going through the marriage eeren,otly twice inside of 1441 Irons, 'yeti 41.41 nfi-tir•rtf this kind happened in St. laouias lately. I t appears 4lie 'marriage license was procured in the. hmine Of young lady's stop fat lttr,, 5141 this while not invalidating the marriage, would prevent its living legal. The offi- 'c,iatinag clerzyntftn atter he , had Made the two hearts one awv+rtai ud this `uaut, and informed then that they anonlli re<lnire to procure a new lit•enae, and 1n, united again. This wank clone as speedily es•pnssilde, and the couple !tad the wive! -experience of going ilrroti h the u.,arriac,u ceremony twice. The St. Catharines .fonreal has the fo lowing to sµ4 about Thorold :— "Pliers is a little town • not very far away front 5t. Catherines which a short time ago set up a sanctimonious howl and refused to permit billiard :tables to 1te•1iceimed or used in its hotels. A few weeks ago an election„ for a school trustee occurred tbere,, 'the can- didates being an avowed infidel and a pram:her of the gospel.Strauge to say Iisiteliever in divinity received the fi.trgren£ number of votes, and of course a:t duly elerotod, touch to the annoy- ance of the pinus friends of the cleric." • 1J'1MBEit AND SHIJ OILES taken in erc'hnng=e. Gist we a call and 1 will •givs you praise that cannot be beaten in the County. 'kiss Repairing and Iloreesiloteiug done with •duapati,lt. 1) C. HAYS, 80,LiCITOlt, &o. Office, ll, corner of Square and West 'Street, over Butler's Hook Store, Goderich, (Ant. 3 Money.to lend at lowest rates of is teres t. 69 i1 CA'IPIO,i,Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor In J Chancery, Conveyancer, 4e. Office over pard'® bookstore, Uoder.uh, Ont. Any amount of money to loan at lee eat rates of in- terest. I -1y. V F:AUER & MORTON, Barristers, to , die. Uoderich and Winghant. l'•. Seager-, Jr. U,,derieh. J. A. Morton, Whigh ism. GEORGE SMITH Kingston -St., Goderich. 1I \f A :N T • ' 1], 14"1 (turn, CENEItri.t oE'ttSANT, Apply to M58. JOIN CIRAIN. Altinton. Jan. 4 lth, I4,89. t" -L `al✓C3LW4N ■ ED. .A GOOD BF:RVAN'I' (711:1 wan .d at once. Apply the Itrcoxu 00iee. F,i.l.'iXIS J?(1e SALE 3.1A NU FACTURIsR, CONT R ACTOR N ' s i:Ul�+n Carpenter, RIIilder, and General Repairer' Jobber. r-er- Itis SPRING BEDS can't he •beat. Bea theta. Low prices. Best workmanship. Estimates for Building, &c„ cbc.rfully furnished, and s ttisfoetion guaranteed in every particular. GEO. SMITH, 2 -.19 -Mn Kingston -et., Goderich Parte of Lots Noe, and 7, Lorne. Rr r'oncesSimt, Township of Goileriell, containing lti, a.'res nearly all eared um( mo+tlt free from ntua0(+a. 'rho re are'on. 1401 pre•nise• " nut (come .nut la t(ldin;; n, a frame 7 'tile, a god he, rise orehar4, and a oat or -(ailing Kpri,.4 a•rcek• Alec, the eget half of Aifore lot d, rontaining' eh o 'ren, haring o (motet Ronan and a new frame barn, alms a young maniacal ul 150 trees, all selected winter 1 milt. The abort farms air: aiimtieri ox: tits Flnron ROW], (, ahoUt t 1. milt+ from Clinton, May he p irehasod tidier erparatrly or in'nne block. For further pWrtic• plats and terms ,tppl y to 13 „OE] 0RII)OUT, Clinton. K N ITT I N G1. Now is the time to get your EIi}'it- ting Doane. ('11(117 3 1crni rood wivhee to anngniive to the ladles rum,. Clinton Roil 'communing vh•ioity, that she has prom rel a good ((NI'I"f 1,N l: MACHINE and is •yo. •tred to do all kinds u 1.1C4T0]1 WORK at low pri 1,. IiAJMNE11. rtax: neyrR - Moron St., next door c Baptist Cnurch• Clinton, Nov, 2nd, 1442. 91 %ALENT 1` E VALENTINES ! VALENTI.NES`! Big Assortment. Elegant Designs. ,Low Prices. NEW STOOK OF e FRRE-til AltI4IVAIss (017.. A CURE WiRli4NTE»! MAGNETIC MEDICINE. G y 9• to E�. I. ,+ rti r o F9. } 3 055058>7) TRADE MARK. ,( AFTER,) ti For old unit Penna/, Nate anti ,Pe -mate. Positively cares Nervousness in ,all •its stages, Weak ,!Memory, koss of Brain Panve:, Sexual Prostr&qtion, 11'iglit Sweats, Sperrna- fortita•a, Leucsrrhtaa. Barrenness, Seminal Weakness, and General Ltpss of Power. It repairer Nervous Waste,Retuvenales heJaded Intellect, Strengthens the Enfeebleas and Restores Surprising Tone and Vigor to thin Exhausted Generative Organs in eilheo sex. lta- With each order for switl,vs'pack• ages, accompanied with five dollars,, we witlsend our Written Guarantee' to refund the money if the 'treatment doers not effect a cure. It is the Cheapestand. Beat M,•rai^ins in 1(u ►Market, ICIr Full parttee- Is.rs in our pamphlet, which we desire to maitfree to any address. Mack's Magnetic Medi Cine is sold by Druggists at 50 ate. per boa, -eF 6 boxes for $2,50, ol- will be mailed, free of postage, on receipt of money, by address- , 4. M flAVISON & JOHNSTON, Law,i0traneaty 1/ and Conveyaaotng. O,ftice—'rest-et. Goderich 57 W. S. HART &Co.. - Proprietors of the GODERICIJ II1LLS ,(LATE PIPER'S), return thanks to the public %rileIlborat patronage received in the past and beg to state that they aril preitared to do GRfSTI5NG ' on the shortest possible notice, or for the eos- venionco of parties liuiag at a distance, will Exchange Grists at Their Town. Store, Late W. M..HILLIARD'S..- Highest Price paid for • Wh eat. ' TO MERCHANTS : -How to Sell (Goods. —TALK TO— "- PICTURE -E R A M E S Ladies' Own Hair Made Up. CALL 'EARLY ! i!E'N iS THE TIME. t . LILE Next to %r ti's Drug Store, AL SO' t'St.,4LJNTON MACK'S MAGNETTO MEDICINE 00,. Windsor, Ont., Canada Sold in Ooderieb by else. WWikana, and w7 'Druggists everywhere. ,L 0 A THE PAINTER. kit FOR SALE, ri1HAT EXCELLENT BRICK. family Feer A dance on Keay'5 Street, Goderich, the North-west e,ruor' of1•:oay's and Rilnlan streets, containing Utree,,t.coption rooms.avith•grate ng, marble mange-piecee, eight bed-roume, �sttiiall, pantry-, closets, kitchen, cgllari4c ; frame outbid, coach house, Sic.; good lawn and garden nicely planted with ornamental shade trees, fruit; An. To an immediate, purchaser the above is offer. ed aigreat bargain. Apply. to CIIAS. E. I.IR,YDGES, RealEstate Agent, • 48 • 9DUNDAS'STREET WEST, LONDON, ONT FOR SALE. THAT CAPITAL FRAME COTTAGE on, part of lots -'127.4 arid 1275, west aide of Kesy'e Street,.north of Reglan Street—hoose 3tx2L ft., with aaiiition 14x20 ft,,, stone cdtlar - - full sire' of house,'etable 18x26Nlt To an imme- diate purehasor the above ie offered a bargain 4 Apply to u CHAS. E. E. lIRYDGE,S; • Real Estate Agent, 1313 DtT/CD.g.lit SKEET, LONDON.. ANY PERt3ON' wishing to sell Improve( ,Farms or Wild Lands, may obtain purehaa- era by corres ending with CHAS. 11. BRYDGES, Land Agent, 9$ Dundas -Se., London- • 1. eon, ad Winlet broods. SffiITH, THE A CLOTHIER, OOMPLETE STOCK. --o-.-t---O- Ts .I - £-R It wilLi ay you to call. 13verything:gnera'nteed of bestsworkmansliip-and a"perfeet frt. The largest -stock of Underwear 1{t Raton—see for Yourself, !. *: EL`tl•SMITH, The . Squared WEE WALL PAPER % - The time for House -Cleaning is rider.' - Ali wanting ' Hall, Parlor, Dinia-Room, o, ;fed- Joom Papers, • will find the Be st, & Latest Patterns • _IN cetATg• 7 to 4 FRIEZES, CORNICES AND PANEL$, .FILLERS; &C. it3' The ll tzaar Fashion Books for 1882 are out and can be had for n 5"{lirt5g. Call anti sec the,papers and get a Book 0 di I t.J ' TL E B3' He'?lells Cheaper than any one on top of the Earth. ' TIOZ/LE D/I9.NUFACTLfRE. PHILO NOBLE; Mcrchant North Street, near the Square, GCDBRICR, will furnish or int#Ire up Gents' Clothing in i'ashionable Styles i / * Ailowest Pried*.' XOBI E1e'ftq'leperl Hoed Cutter and li$otiogl te6' . Y o tiold$ttt+�-iib tlfiq + wn diidere promptly attends so. Note the etddreei-7.P iip,11013LE,, 3111411 w