The Huron News-Record, 1883-01-12, Page 2New Advertisements this Day.
tIo-vcarerik, etc -Cduita.len Bru
N °two Peter Adamson
Stray Steer—S CantuIon.
bweeptag ituductiotte—Pay &
Aimed' eunaervative !sleeting
Tay Canal N,,tike to Cos troctern.
liaittal E. Caste right at Sots
Clinton Record,
Clinton, Friday, January 12th, 1883
1'11 If 1'1,'1,;RESCE.
Am WILL be observ.el by the state -
merit of the Duttiiitiori financefor the fdcal half year, in another column,
taketi from tbe official record, the total
revultue for the six months id eighteen
millions of dollars; the total expendi•
sure, chiefly in public IN (irks, is twelve
aud a half millions of dollaro.
Now the .11fference bet Neer! the Otta-
wa Government arid Iler 111sijeroy'n
Oppositixin, led by Mesars. Blake, Mc-
kenzie, and Cartwright, arises out of
t Ilia matter of a fiscal policy. Sir
Richard Cartwright is the spokesman
tar the Oppomition on matters titian.
cial. Ile laid down the proposition
that the tariff would decrease
the revenue by restricting importa-
tions; and by enhancing the cost of
material to manufacturera would strau.
le the Atrugglitig industries of the
country; and burden and impoverish
the people.
"Sir Richard wao wrong. Our im-
-pertations of goods w hich we cannot
ptotitably manufacture have not Leen
lesoened, !showing that instead of the
people becoming impoverished, their
purchasing power has been strengthen-
ed. Nor has the gross revenue de-
creased; on the contrary, as the official
atatement we refer to will fully de.
nionstrate it has largely increased.
The Tilley tariff has already been
vindicated...old the practical statesman-
allip of those now at the head of affairs
fully proven. Whereas the impractic-
able incotnpetcnts who declared theat
Slo•ernmeuts, were -like flies on the
.dri ving wheel of a piece of machinery,
it!Able to move or direct the people for
!the material advancement of the whole,
have had the folly of their Miserable
searvation policy fully exposed. The
.difference between the policy of the pres
ins" at Ottawa add their oppon-
ents has already been practically
.domonstrated to be neither more nor
;1(isa than that between progress with
jprosperity, and stand still and starve,
The Toronto World publishes from
-the London, Eng. Money Markel liein'etv
a scathing article anent the alleged
questionable acheme called tho Canada
Northwest Land Company, of which
the Duke of Manchester is president.
A large amount of the shares have
been subscribed for in Canada; a larger
aiourt than the holders are able to
pay for, the Review claims. It adds :
-We well know what happend iu 18E6,
itt consequence of issuing debentures
upon a too narrow substratutn of capi-
tal; and the fact of a company appear -
mg in the seductive dress of a la
company does not alter the matter one
jot." The failure of these pernes
mould give a check to the dey41'
cif the Dominion which it/Would take
sears to remove, and 'it is on tido
account that the finaneial paper
referred to deplores the over specula-
tion of Canadians who, 111 the C9,80 of
010 Northmeiet, Land Company, have
leen eistrai ped, as the Wor/r/ says, by
the duCtil glare, into the "Dooka" Lig
"Enormous Increase in the Rev-
enue tor the Ilalf-3ear.
A S1'11.1',/,l'S NEBLY i1x
Ottawa, Jan. 6. Th«, continued pros-
perity of the cenetry under the foster-
ing nifluonce of Om National J'olicy is
shoal, by the etearly increase an the
revenue. The returno for the first six
snot? the 14101W I li51, the, yOVOIRUO nf!RBI
year will be largely exceeded in the
year ending next, t June. The fol
Jowing is a statement of tile 11'1,10111Q
Itt W.( penditure for December, and for
the first six months of the current fiat/WI
aaskr :
Cnsto109 $1, 182,297 99
Excis.„ 6411,581..13
Pi,mt 1/trnie.., 1,17,315.11
Public NVorks including
railway -a
;111n4 ellaneoum
168,772 79
62,796 99
Total $2,180,764 61
Revenue to tha 301.11 N10
readier ...... J5,5$4,833•22
Total for six months $18,095,597.83
Ex1,44teliture for 1/.4•44111
her ..$1,:i09,•822 28
Expenditasnao to 31 gr
veniber 11,0(19,522 92
11•,,1aI for six rtnnithr $12,5119,:135 22
114-440) ibex .0,40.4141mi, it will be olitiore
ed ilia! the murphim for the mix n4ontlim
endoil on the ,Ilmt 1/..4•,.11,1,44r sram
t4,,1,101.1 at
7100 of more than 4.14r4.14 million.; for
\i Ir. ,-r f'r I, 111,ws n11,1 n halt
h Qui 1,1. -,"1 ', ,111,1 Ham,
i4,. iikoiatehrg 41,4441.1141ot, 4,f ,1,111,4
101 1,n at nin,,,pa on hills 4
ex! haete. and plomianory not.a, and
1,1n apaprn.
Judge TOWN, of Huron, has been ap-
pointed a local judge of toa High Court
of Justice.
A grand party will ou given at the
Park Iluttae on Friday evertiria. it
bet0104 1,0 10,ii h000r of capt• E. Me-
1....4lagur, who is paynts ua a flying
Mr. Rogers, the defeated candidate
for Reeve, of Bruanela, applied fur an
inspection of the ballot papera The
cane cause before the County Judge on
Tueaday, who decided against ths ap
plication, be having no power but by
gut) waru lac).
Cockney Welah generoualy coutrib
tstett 112 00 towards the townexpense's
un Tueaday. Tido geuerous act was
performed at the earnest solicitation of
Him Woraltip the Mayor; the souse was
an undue exhibition of his vocal and
bodily powtra
Elizabeth Alice, aged 7 years, dough
tar of Mr. J.11. Williams, died on VIon
day after a few days biller'''. 'rt.', it,
tha firat death in a family of 13.
Mr. J. F. Dorsey was married on
Tuesday to Musa C , daughter of Copt
aisMays The ee4einony was performed
by Rev. Father Waiter& The happy
couple left by Ole 12.'0 train fur their
home in the Northwest.
Rev. M r. Parks, of Bay field, will
preach morning and evening, next
Sunday, in $t. dleorge'a (Jhurch.
Mr James a,ir:lo,s beverely injured
his ancle loot week by !icing thrown
out of his shish.
Chief of Police Yule has been made
happy through his wife presenting him
on lust Thuraday with a daughter.
The wife of Mr. 1). McDonald, the
most popular Outario official in town,
is suffering froui alt attack of diptheria.
Mr. F. E. Lawrence watt installed as
Master of Maitland Lodge, A. E. dr A.
M., on Tuesday evening, by M. W.
Bros. Radcliffe, Ants and Bolton.
Mr, James Vivian has been sick for
some time. He seems to have a com-
plicatiou of disorders, inflammatory
rheumatism being the most promineht.
The family of Magnus Swanson
have received a aevere shock by ths
sudden death of a fine little daughter
of three outioners.
Mr. It, H. Kirkpatrick, an old-time
resident, paid Ilia visit last week. He
had had been trying to diapose of his
tattnery, but found it imposuible, simp-
ly because there is no railway compe-
tition near this point.
Mr. Thos. Dark is gradually recover-
ing, and with the aid of good sticks
can get around the Square. His many
friends are pleased at his appearance
among them ogain.
Miss McKenzie, of Stratford, has
assumed charge of the c:ass, made va-
cant by the retirement of Miss McMa-
hon. This lady conies atrongly recom-
mended and bids fair to make an
excellent teacher.
The lovers of curling are having a
good tium, the attendance at the rink
being good and Ore play excellent.
II, Y. Attrill, Esq., paid us a visit
early in the week. Previous to his
arrival, a car load of horses and mules
had been received on his farm at Galt's
point for farming purposes.
Rev. Mr. Hick's preached his ft -1e -
well sermon on Sunday evening/to a
large congregation. The service was
an excellent one, and very/much ap-
pdriated. At the concl,Aon of the
service Mr. F. W. Johnston read and
presented an address to the rev, gentle-
man, to wbich he !snide an appropriate
The Rev. 11.r. Hick e left for his new
field of laber'(IVinnipeg) by early train
on Mond
Mr. Wm. Reed is visiting in town.
We/Were pleased to eee his well-known
fa c. He is accompanied by him wife,
horn lie wooed and won in the great
Nortlswest. He intends to stop three
or four weeks, and then return to the
great lone land, though not alone as of
On Saturday Chas. Wells' horse,
attached to cutter, started from near
the Market at a pace altogether incorn
patible with the safety of driver or
vehicle. lie pulled up near the "Brit-
ish," upoet the cutter and spilled out
Mr. Welk, who bounded from terra
firma like a hall and dropped on his
like a jockey, holding on to the
reins all the time. There was a grand
smash up of the cutter, no damage
their wise.
The skating rink is now in full
blast, under the supervision of Mr.
Ilarrison. The carnival on Friday was
aicaLl attended and proved quite a suc•
resa. The costumes were very good;
Ole seesat on the iee at 9 p. ni, being
quite theatrieal. band, under the
leadership of AI r. Josh. Thommx, played
80VOI ILI pieces very creditably during
the evening.
The School 11onid for '83 organized
ou Monday eveniug by selecting C.
Cralils Esq., as chairmaat. The corn•
!Hitter's( hr the year are RC follOW41 : -
School anagement, Nicholson, But•
ler 6.11(1 Bail ; Finatico, Ferguson Bu-
chanan and Ball; t'ontingent, Swanson,
Butler and Cantelon. Miss Bond ten.
dered her resignation, to take effect on
31 At March. Die Ilortril passed a re•
soLetton regarding Miss McNIalioti'm
ret.troment,„ After about 15 years Fier.
vice. is. wee Mightily complimentary,
but Rot more RO than the occasion called
for. She ham been one of the most
painstaking and successful teachers
ever employed by the Board.
The cf 4.,1)e refeeirig to the appoint -
int of J wig() 'Ion, the premerst
County Judge, as ioral judge of the
111011'011H of Judienturo, says
1014,041R Of 4/w.0 county sudgeo were ga
7(1 tel on Saturday - Judge Tomo, of
Huron, and Judga Clarke, of Coburg.
/against the promotion of the frrrmer
nothing, can be urged. Ile lino earned
it by long serx ice in a largo judicial dio•
trirt, his work having been made all
the more arduous by the 1-110!leg WhiCh
led to till, (-Tendon of the vacancy to
which 1' }MR jitat. been nypointed."
Fortunes for Farmers anti Me-
110 Thoogamis of dollivra can be flaVed
hy liming proper Judgmont. ti talc,ing
rare 1,1 patitmelf and fatroly. If yeti
ara cotoplexion,
poor appotmle, ,1,10-1`.04101 ',Tint,en11) ..1441,1,utat4•41, 1, nr)t. delay a 1
taIo1111•111, 11114 g nt 10I«' and ro
R Heise wond,r I l i e,d,rie
1st tens "hi, 1»lr',0'r fail t, ire, rind
that for the trng mom of fifiy «nits'
7it),44). ;44,1,1 I,y t •,4
400 coo
Our Warerooms are now open for the Fall and Winter Season, having on hand the Largest' Stock we
have ever carried and at the Lowest Prices.
LOOK through our Stock of Silk
Dress Goods, Millinery, Mantles.
Very special values in the above
LOOK at our Carpet Department.
We have the largest and finest
stock north of London, and at
the closest prices.
LOOK at our stock of Gloves, Ho-
siery and Underclothing, for you
will save money by buying these
goods from us.
LOOK at our Furs and Robes. We
show the biggest range we have
ever carried..
LOOK at our stock of Table—tin-
ens, Towels, Sheetings, Blan-
kets, Counterpaneso*e pay great
attention to these lines.
LOOK at our Tweeds, Cloths and
Overcoatings. All the latest
designs. Here you get clothes
cut by
T. K. ANDERSON, Now in charge of the Tailoring Departm.ent.
The election of officere of L. 0. L.,
No. 182, (iodench, resulted as fol-
lows :—
E. W. Johnston, W. M.
1, Elliott, 1). M.
ltobt. Plunkett, (Jhap.
Thos. Sneyd, Secretary.
John Reid, Treas.
James Million 1). of C.
1st Committeeman, Robt, Sharman.
2nd IV. Ruieball.
3rd 4. 11. J. Murney.
414 ‘f M. Long.
5th' •• J, Warner.
The election of officers for Royal
Black Preceptory, No. 315, Goderich,
resulted as follows :—
Sir K't, John S. MeMath, S. K. P.
" (ieo. Hawkins, 8. K. I).
" Thos. Plunkett, S. K. 0,
" Henry Murney, 8. K. Reg..
" John Reid, S. K. Treas. /
" John Wilson, S. K. pursu ant.
" Chas. Johnston, 1st ensor.
" Jas. MeClaen, 2nd 0irtaor.
" e.J. B. Edward 1sA. 13,
" W. H. Murney,(2nd S. B.
together with some of comittee.
ICT.—The annual
nteeting of the GOderich District Loyal
Orange Lodge' was convened in the
village of Saftford on Monday. After
the losIge.Opened and disposed of the
generalAusiness ie connection there-
with the election and installation of
ers was proceeded with-13ro. J. B.
ward, D. M., retiring. Below is
the result :
Bro. J. S. 11-1cLath, 145, D. M,
Bro, W. Crooks, 189, D. D. M.
Bro. R. H. Elliott, 189, D. C.
Bro. Jas, Wells, 262, D. S.
Bro. R. Tichborne, 153, D. 'I'.
Bro. John 13oxall, 153, D. D. C.
Bro, R Armstrong, 262, 1st Corn. -man
Bro. Willis Boll, 145, 2nd
Bro. L. Elliott, 182, 3rd
Bro. J. J. McMath, 145, 4th "
Bro. George Cooper, 305, 5th "
The Lodge has decided to hold two
meetings during tha year, for the pur-
pose of giving instructions in the work-
ings of the Order and conferring de-
grees : to be held on the 14th of the
months of June and September, in
Holusesville, at twoo'clock p us. The
next regular meeting of the District
Lodge will be held in Hohnesvillet
this being more central. Many from
a considerable distance attended the
meeting of 1883, and we can ray truly
that it was one of the largest repro
sentative and most interesting District
meetings that has been held for many
Years past. The Saltford brethren,
about 7 p. IS , entertained the brethren
to a lunch in the hall, aud after a short
time of social conversation, all separ-
ated for their respective homes.
Ilussarr Drs-ratur.—The Loyal Or-
ange District Lodge of Hullett, met iii
the Orange 11 alt, Clinton, on Monday
last. The following officera. were elect•
ed and Metalled :
Bro. M. Dawson, W.D.
" E. Mcllwaine, 1).1).M.
" H. Mowbray, 1).T.
" D. Cantelon, I).8.
" Chris. Young, 1).(.
" John Bretnell, 1).1).1'.
rho next annual District meeting will
be held in Clinton.
1. 0. 0. F.
INSTALLATION. --1110 installation of
officers for Clinton Lodge No. 83,1.0.0.
E., took place in the hall, Victoria
block, Clinton, on Tuesday evening
last. A large number of the Coderich
brethren were present. The following
brethren ware installed by Bro. F. NV.
Johnston, asoistcd by Bro. W. 11.
Matliewm :
Bro Thos. White, .J. P. 0.
rt Coo. Ward, N. 0,
" J. C. (olo, V. 0.
" Horace Foster, It. 8.
" kraal Taylor, P. S.
" Samos) Mercer, Treao.
After busineoo, the brethren adjourned
to Ilro. A ridersion's restaurant, where
they refreshed thoinsolveo with oysters
served up in it style that would titilnte
the palate of the most fa.stidiouo, and
with R lavishness that could not, but
gratify the moot epicurean. Songs,
toasts and repliers wit and repartee,
ware the order of the evening. F. W.
Johnston replied, in his usually happy
manner, to ' Logiolature." "Odd
fellowohip the world over," was re
opondod to by Bros. J. W. Smith, J as.
ihtobertson and W. B. Nlatliawo, of
OraIrrich, and by Bro, John Smith, of
town. The brethren feom Coderich
seemed agroeably impreased with the
emulsions attention 110'y r1.4`4 rod from
Itro 11. Colo and returned home
highly ph nsed with the hospitality of
licir 4 lu4i frienda generally
Goderich Township,
Mr. Hanna from Manitoba in visiting
frienda in this section.
Joseph Currie has bought 50 acres on
the 9th, friun 11. C. Cooke( tor 13, 500.
Chris. Nesbitt has returned from the
Northwest where he has purchased farm
Mr. Them. Sheppard, who epreined his
ancle a short, time ago is able to be about
with the aid of a stick.
James Blair and his brotherinlaw A.
Peacock, old titne residents of this sec.
tion, but now of Uncle Sam's domain
are going the rounds of thair friends.
They both look well. Between Seaferth
and Clinton some sharpers beat Mr.
Peacock out of $20 at a strap and loop
Mr: IL Lyon, of Grafton, Dakota, is
visiting friends in this vicinity. At
present he is the guest of Mr. II. Ilerbh
.on. Barry is a good fellow,
Mr. W. Elliott is trying to work him-
Iself up inte a belief that he can't stand
the cold in Dakota without a partner to
share it with him. It ie altogether likely,
he will succeed. Ben Cole will likely
follow suit.
The Toronto World waxed wrothy
over some pleasantries indulged in by
the Mail anent the supposed convivial
indulgence, whon it could be carried
out cheaply, of delegates to the reform
convention in Toronto last week. But
the Tfrorld proves the correctness of the
surmises of the Mail by giving 'the fol-
lowing as a veritable occurrence : —"A
red-faced, fur.cappod, heavy-overcoated
delegate who rs stopping at an hotel
not a hundred miles from Front and
York streets played sharp practice on
the dispenser of cocktaila until he
finally came to grief. This apostle of
polities and whisky would quietly slip
itt with a crowd, ordet good stiff hot,
bolt it down and walk away. fie did
it six or seven times but was finally
busked. He *same up to the bar sin i ling
at 10 o'clock last night with his key in
hand, ordered a 'night-cap' and thought
the tnan behind the bar was onto hire.
But he was mistaken. When he got
it few yards away in the hall a iittle
figure was seen to nimbly leap across
the counter; and the dodging delegate
was captured and made to foik over
for all the drieks he had had. He felt
wfally cheap."
Mr John McDermott, of Howick,
was robbed of $200 when returning
from Manitoba a short time since.
John A. son of A. C. Hawkins of
Port Albert, who was kicked in the
face by a horse recently, will WWI be
all right again.
Varoa has a mayor, Mr. Johnston.
He was elected by a large majority over
his opponent, Mr. Ward. But uneasy
rests the head that wears a crown, sio
also the position of the mayor of Varns
as not a bed of roses. Already cow•
plaints and grumbling are heard that
the mayor does not look (91fliciently
after the patients_in the "IyApital." It
is thought thatlis so-Oic-rik his worship
ts thoroughly used to the harness,
that the hospital and other public
inatitutions of Varna will receive full
attention at his hands
Burton E. 'Maitland, who brought
action against the 010//e for 100, se-
cured $200, with costs 'of auit, at the
Atioize Court on Stturday, The libel
was contained in5 special- despatch
from Hamilton aecusing 'Maitland of
being a member of a gang of counter-
feiters. In the action he placed dahi
ages at $3,000,
Mr. Per lue, of the firm of Itain,1
Blanchard Mulock, Tormito, thiyo ti e
Northwest is the country and Winni
peg the city. But money has to be
made by aork, not by speculation.
People have to clothe themselves pro-
perly, avoid otimulants, eat well, and
mo doing they enjoy the climate and
got fat.
Free or cosi.
All persona wishing to toot the mer-
its of it went. remedy ono that, will
positively cure Cousioriptiori, Cougho
and Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, or any
affection of the oat, and Lungs are
req 11 ented to call ts 1,(10'444. Drug!
Store enrol get it trial Bottle of 1/r.
Kitig's,New iiisrovpry for 5:onsiiiiiption
Ji -e'. (.9( rest, wIli ill show you a
regular dollarsised lot it will (lo.
Conservative intin.g.
r ThF ANN? AI, tupo 01,x thr Neluth ljl4,, ,,f
I 11,0,11 Curoter, -111, • R9,111. tu, Judd 0,
E‘elor. rut TH, 40,1, ,i,111,0 .1011,,
u t It 11
'01te t.1.4,. t 411., , 1,1111, tO1 '111
VIIInt I,'
isasio,•st itry• otondanrs
A rei.,r1 comes from Itiddulph • Ilmt ,.? .•111. ti 4.1 ,0
tef utt,,,..1,h1 1, 11, , ;lump
100• the Alenglierm alleged to lintel "".1"1'.'""1"1'.1"1"1"1•111`•f.,'..n"1•11"41"`"
1,4,.11 impliunted Hui 1)(11'111,11y ii.ur It II 1111, 111/' I, F. .1 kl
!his has heroine 5.11(1 4x)r,“isext
N 11 Nr,,,lh ,,, 1.
dePirf. lo ute, vi.)vv 5 'ouilLv muni, trf001,,, en,V,,, frt. 1 Allnrno,
Itny, Turkor,,,rutl,,,,17/1 )1., 141, arh. c
'ro -A t (yrn cy 11 u isen, .10.1 3, 4, and n,1,...,0,
'We take stock on the 1st of February, and until then we will
give some
Treffiendous BIG
in order to reduce our Stock. We have some
Choice Scotch Tweeds, Canada
Tweeds, and a large and
assorted lot lot of Worsteds
which, in order to reduce before stock -taking, will cut prices
down to a very low figure.
To those who have any notion of buying an Overcoat, now
is the chance We still have a number left, which must be
sold at and under cost.
Onr Great $10 Overcoat,
Flue of Them Left,
0Cor..7 IrIr"X 'X'CYVTIsT .493D "VM MT XLIM 'I' El-
All those wishing bargains in Christmas Goode should
Moustache and Motto Cups, Majolica Ware and Vases, Very low.
Great Bargains in Christmas Fruits. Come and buy your Christmas Goods at your own
prices. Best assortment in town. Remember the stand,
WM. MITCHELL, Opposite the Colborne Hotel.
At the sz.Old Reliable Shoe Store.
0 0
1 beg to inform my Customers and the Public generally that I am still to be fer.-.1 at
the Old Stand, in Craltsb'se 131loole., corner of East Street and the Square, where 1
intend to carry on the business more vigorously than ever.
My Fall Stock is now complete and you will find it one of the finest ever offerfd to
, the public and at prices that will meet your approval. D:r Oilstone Work receives my
personal attention and will be made in Correct style of the very best material, and a per...
feet fit guaranteed. 113- Repairing receives prompt and careful attention. Give me a call
4nd I will guarantee you perfect satisfaction io every particular, even to the refupding of
money for goods which may not turu out as represented. / 1
Ephraim Downing.
0-_ 13A.1=ZIR,"Y"
Cabinet -Maker
AND --
Good Assertment pr
T. BOMA-, Clothier.
Beaver Block, - Clinton".
Carriage Works.
P.Elt AND SHINGLES taken in exchange. Give me a call and 1 will give
v00 101.1. r hal cannot he beaten tin the County. 'v-ss-
itli despatch.
Repairing and J lorseshoeine done
Kingston Street, (lodericle
14.slaarply of the ofinieno, Fr.ea, moo., TJnm,kt...ko,
f My corned Beef 'ran't be beat. All ran he supplied.
%TO t14,4s7 ‘IziOt
• • .,,,,,0,21,011101
F -CT TR., 11\12± rit TT P -M
Merchant Tailor,
North Street, near the Square, GODERICH, will furninh or make up
crents' Clothing. in Fashionable Styles_ ,
IK At Lowest PriCek,
11:7" MR NOBLE is an experienced Cutter N nd practical Tailor. vo misfits—no slop
work. Orders promptly attended to, Note the address--PIELO NOBLE, North 'Street
Goderleb. 3
Fall and Winter Goods.
PELICMSI 1_10:=0-‘757". -str
It will pay you to call. Everything:guaranteed of best workmanship and a perfect to,
The largest stock of Underwear in Huron—see for yourself.,
ADAAHAM SMITH Thal square,
The time for Flonse-Cleaning is near. .All wanting
Hall, Parlor, Dining -Room, or Bed.
Room Papers,
, will find the
Best SzLaetest Patterns
C-,(11 Ill 0 MS, It
• to- The Bazaar ?Ashton Soaks for 1882 are out and aan be had for nothing. Oall god
sae the papers and get a Book
41 11 VTLER'S,
114— 110 Sells Cheaper than any °noon top of the Earth,