The Huron News-Record, 1884-12-24, Page 2at"r doxf who.lannob ovot on 7%4` WmithiX fh�bools Closed on ithinetle, wbilob, I found to your solihooll, l"Tomrao
Monday artornoon lop the Xwr as �are& result or &bs p"t systam, I =at
C111irww"4111 to have "A 9004 twe TRE a clortainly do oondemn, A. 144h; of platha omlil. woo4 oozing I*.
l$t` Patrick's ward ikere Is. to be, a shooting mAtob,
=.,erelwoAv an exotillost enter. There(ors, #Lov sotd-ment 01 thlif voix
m Mr. 11. W. 'DAU, Is ont d W.y author.
howevoirih milit"s day %D4 4004 06MVENTIONN j"d IlSont in ooderiob. 1511ITT1,911191IT taiii v, 3 41hish ptipils of the atIouhi hIthottlOn ralutt follow the aa,,dj� bore on ChriA, trags, and, Paso, on Nsw
gob�,-Oie`11616�1 , 0 0, hept" miallaw wh4s, Oil I obaLl $,at Au arismViAllan Year's day.
*ft DAN, talwa a4"Aline of "by the Or )IMPAPUR AO0OtlX"-WbI0b M - a 130 %
more *w1by twootillchil, ofterria the earnestly, urge upon oto frlhohlds,-:� l'tb"ItIo4o 44, aservo much thapare. it billfig padorstootl 00 mar NAREWTO—Willg4t 68 to 690,0011
now a, ' itiscriptions, advertising or 4rhols", At the oW" ward soltools, suggestion made by, tliff, loolil Atilt 27 to 29al poas 55,ko. 57o, barley 40 to
t the (,,orhtrihil� �bo of"Nes were be acted upon if It be not u4roallorta, It. 55c, butter IT to Mi. toggo 18c.'
We "taftf t6ir litharer brothron All(IL St Johl. ludorA Otber NEW.4-RHodito, bg4larelf trans- 4
I� Thus hanat be the basis of say settlement
INMA THIS to. lilli4w ibst they are to some extent Acted with Mr. B411 will be r"Osaked, lamissei orter tbe:promuitlons bai tjohl, I have t4 fi
'by Ole publisliors. b ohat, -On OW polut we to aly 00f.14110 �Opqr to rhare does not seem to be. any st4r
aelk reAtil re be, %eathimen, your othadifint spryoxt,, in municipal mAtteiro in Xorris, the
ItirWil kaftimr. TbrChriotrimit way itay thattbah Promotion$ We people seem quito #01144, with their
All Rearts Warm to not; in any way,althastififsotory aswaro
O'VF.A 1:14eiiii also oftelin taken hlulihilutage P4$y.r preselit, representative#.
thp ailIguoitmer'otilts.- ',lihiaw-o ra.
of d P
o4rllot otsubacribm. we, Of 040t An"Aill'u'll muil* b the Oremierli. Vlain pound Oho b*pkrd % 71th chest wiLloro, gil its. withoadoubt 'the standing Very little is - beard bere of bard
r"ll 111allett., tlmes,�%nd our moicilialitS b,00 Will
'ris Pf t4nIllieff, foild JQO thbilk of those WlWvo ifisia before, ciftlie several ol"isen Om equally as
'reA' i -a a
41hore a r in grr 1haor with III clitairy Ucs as been, lnlArg stook a forIbe, boliftys, whioll
good Avat the tomerlw1odi *lakeo --:Rev. D.X4 Ramsey, N-A.,b)
Militia on those who all kluill: phics. rate OfIfullett
arkag hosirl
�0�,'aisllke du TH9.01,0WING- FIRE OF J Oainor,�Spsrhs, Caldwell An(f1it*tott Ifitch the pasto 1110Y Will 00 doubt 410JR9110 Of-
Vt -ttw --voa*4114 wwoff Put -is vinsking '&Vo
boat 4 tobk leave or. t4eIp,.ohsoseP,.thay, p6o A. Taylor
, 4
of thy plorittluill obu,"
so List Gilfett Ithoth. : Thoo w1w,
MAn impmEsveramp;.- *041404 � iltb uAb Belit of, I( bav parI. .*ejling. winter.. g
a ' kity A , , - - 111, Iial.
4t sy 01A. phlifsh; ooht�,
. I I, - .. * t troni;e him seem to -find Uwt, they
111vidual, is -sukall And, ga I Pit Tld�is , * ii i '. chased % oottage an(l. lot,. 10, Seafol
d. bargains.
[T Ed. Doyle is home for Xmas. WFUL DONC OOOD A�JD VA 11 i0oilte. Ph tau * auselh $at PO
..All subscribors- in in Order and but itarrying opt tile 11Z NALLUZ.8 A BRILLIAN 1T4FU of The wlfo'of AV. X� Wbittaillif pra-
from Air; "U. Cash.
pay,. Wt. Wyv.�94rtln o,aill -very. low' oented, him With 4 fliffai girl laih� Firldoys
belie. illef ,
elotca.'. �o sta of Chrititianity, the viiIinion, NPU431i, Capt. FiAlay Morberpon Toronthlell Under the Aboye �S�ti� R�, olfo ear
the loss, of,glmr Ttdiubri-*,wli� 'bas-
arreiiis: -aTcf re' frozen-,. bil Thursday, last. . When .0,11d Mr. L. Nhishbrk gQt's,"Clirlsfinas
of WbQrjo ft, under. was announce,) Frost )et.gotho,only ill"reault !W'SQQO 41me U111; Year *feom. ljls'�
t Won gu itble teaclivr 14, our�*s'cboohi
squip, du rtj -ago tttek. balf-Its- li, boy, and 'rulmor
"ll Awill -yea Alto*$ Lizzle"Cittle is hotoe'ror the
gxtrays Ftom 1CP was a Witter b1�st9r-;9U tbat 44afill
10-ill'at,th I for nearly sovauteo pq.Ts, during deep fifty that,till happy fattier 4ould
e office or holiday Organ that lie bud'fri:izen to,
ean elic0toiraingialt-, "Pt:41co -lay the It t' ti J
9 AbOpt two o'clock last Wedues to ime, s io , ;so - Ivan general accoptable
Mrs. Troy, W.- gage- not have had a, more
send P. Q�'Xoney Order or oil eartbi �ooti *will to triten." III qOgithintlea wa�,. calIq4, to,orler in the, aftetton. 'it Is. 1*1[W regret thaX Mr. W. D. Lamb, whose en flure�
'We. allow -xioa 'risin, ent with No., 7, Ifiillett, blial just _�# filled
or th. leol � uQ1 - m I .. ol
(a ing Itegular meati4g of our T but STrit all vv.�' terfulinilted,"'lo'do4aged to' toich A
R�gli;terfed. Letter, at. c u - Is .1povo, of our 0brietmig bovii, GrAqd Opera, Uougio,J rargritp,* Tho_Pre4byterian
r owl, about fIllcoo 4pcta halt nlifles,
I call also. wilfil Peave and gpoll ther# Fe day, evelaitl8, 1A, I
. ! litir., W. A. Meredith, li;atler of the F A can dS:i is t%,,Wi4 or (kod, Spell I School Law deRverid.a. ftne�aarmon, Ono'. I
erlaqw. 9 q.,Tliereaieffa ung South or J
yo . P.
lo not delq, but at, y we Afaster Dick Can be-y"'Age" tlieeVeningia 'tb'o�ia.6biediBco'ur",
pts Devon, is hom
0. krja Conqorvatlyehi, Was elai
will to. nlvdorsalid that they a fo r t A Trainor was,
tbo Matter, Olt 0wo. lalt.otir re the f4ative. 1.5eason. WOW0A1,.Iq its JIBS
t6ad. t6, 84W per hanzl4m, by requesi' i
will have 4 6)3rry Chri-4th"As widiall who.W�414 11 he Ob- --M 'IV. D.Um�, Tea0herr of school Safil pj�wb cb. be
k" ove;eomo tl ,preavloil the
Varioui Addresses were received -and , 1htr. 4nd Mrs. Dinner Are, 14 ste,019a Blla� 4914, so - gentleman
Xarl�ll J,.o13.-Pn1NTxNG Aiq nd her tact itt . con- Section 90.7, Hulletti was -lhotoro A
d tlua term prcp�rly Juiplies, and Oat considered as read. V183"rig. ducting her Clams, iiiid, keppin care- Blyib Megistrhtp last week fororuelly is very well likedi botblin Ole ipulpit
r his �,Qd Out, of It. r'libia item w4a, too
.8 tow ve and unlawfully punlaung olloo
. , , offe"
.1XG.#qCptX11tS MU� t -,a th d As the first g.limpse was oauf;bt bf the Mr. If. 9. Johnston, is la, -4 fo r flil vv,%taIX- Rvvi, 410 orpliaw oil 1'
tifey lue marly-thoy will have facillifur (Ree of the old war )large - the lIbig Xmits holidays, he?�empllllcitti iatto Or fast issue.],
on of rupils, Edw4rd 1,aundry, by striking
The !if ovo�Adj4duiitryctiado. Miss Win With 4, 10raty'! Ono blow
o. -settled durinot the WAY
coutjIluallygrown in, rilaiterial prog-' Tast assemblage, As one man gross, and gtk iSchool closed. for the wh'at'rl On Christmas nigb� there will be A
irlday, . .. vwg qtting teameetink in theAlothodialiolturob.
Presept MQath, for ton thillintea 0 ded Christillae liolidays oz.), r Trainor ju, lon, lodekielt Carrie
which p4seeth
perity and tlla�-�eaoe' - the Ifailldlog tell il a wits'inflicted on the boy's fvpoo C
With thavileers of the grateful follow ro Xii�s Z UoLeAu returne o4I,'1vi
P 4 home last Ik j6f.1 4ll A6eell-eekapd-esp. ',f`4opotlagQgtAe A?lsirga'crowd, is ei'pec,ted,, for be.
WITE" 14Y & TOT) D all understanding. the greatest of Cohn4dals pubild men, 'week. - I, . RS o'deied to pay 44.45 for,fine-Aud. sides the good things tbilt will he
of its 11111abitants, fifid ftv�a: a pcQrd w , r r provided by t esea
'I he'ladies, addrie
of a.lifd woftli�` �Con by flie 'costs. I
A STUBBORN PTONAOX, Radoliffe, was In town on will be delivered by.miniokerg and
Publishers. Whon the enkliuslaam ha�d olIhIll Sunday virtuO'ua1a'6v6ry laind, Our 11,40 is Mr. T. Fear, wilopt'tbe',board,'fbi6 Other proininent mesh. - -In the En�g
that ltfis4, Traqior s. remo�vaVraii' b
'Docombor 17th, -18%. qIr',Tobn r000 a.a ir is bople for to b ge At; Cl iistmas fat cititle and ChristA
""a 11
X iso Maggie, Camero er an a vtqtage tr I ish church it ins. Tree wl
u4eed in- d- , 06-chnage, a�d lFow-in,Goderiol) lust Week
Mal Gehittlemen,-I should be -i 66 holidays. , 1� I �vlll. boor 4, variety of fruits- find no
tbab in lier le '6�ay Pu' y ii 'rd He
r lLibW'IlOa6 0 tall tt 2nd an(]. J as. douhi glildden'th� henrfli*. 0 many,
sensible If I w hl lot thiti Tbe. Santa. Clilus-4titfy IS
.are inot. gmtel
,t Qrp big.Coliwervative gatheri talij mept, in. fuitgqo�by_tho One a Pit and .3rd for lat (looks I
grestiiig. This. bh? said, was the oil -
Da 04 Vl�oto'ilIL -a a Is sloo li�xo$Ueil,
W119 n verqf�
8Q,y - Advortisements., this, a nev,4 w ,a in .8 0 mA lorge,LatteridDrIce
1� .
ronto Wt 'i�ea a.-Urinlitioon "lulilltIon ihf 41.1 the honoro *h,oh had' r great elftiodist-oburch hose thiiw( ,�d tild felt b(lickbils ilind, lat-fob
6eeii heaped upon him, Ile had been �'wasLAIO 11nmentle success- (lot NN% inight, �fureiation thlit. on. turkey -eight Pit this occasion,
prizes -In all�Mr John
individual %1ked . 4.wliot are you
withcalumny afid'olillih4ty, and - 'XT: --P' Holt, of' 0aftleron,11olt.& heg'.4lapp QxQvlor took 2nd and 3rd for turkeys'
11 to ao,Witb�rtl. . . fi
Stray B Wour; gar, 0 le, Suotti Act.? " Wlih contumely, but the affecti, pata ad- Cameron, presthl at the Pungannoll made Iler a very anilaome present, and Ist and 2nd for table butter. Poirtoir's 111111.
Christmos-GooasiI— A, Weir. dressels which bad been dol iTered'imAdS -Division Courli Is t', rid evenin�tb�-fdaohors of the rn Staple, Vr, Will1dro Hillott,'of the 4th cob.,
Sir. JQho quiptly poured out %. glass F and last
HID indeed A proud aish, At the.same Contral"aph?oIrprosen i Mr."k.mulleb, not far fro.
Beehive Store. -E. Fleho.dy. ;i - wa�t drank Methodist memorial, a0vice last ted her with a. to'", has sold nearly-I",ciirds. Qfwoo(I sports 'a fine spixn.of roadsterso'
er, and holding -it out, Sit
hiday. oveni
time, be must say tbat'his, feelings were n voly 'Off ft 50 shorr" IOL,r since lie purchased Who went to see a you g lady on,
Tothe Electors. -W. Co%ko. cornmlogled�so many of Ills friends of, th g in C`90stpeworfaion.. n
to, the health of the queNtioner. ' orthedea OrDr.-Rice. Itativen-yearpago. The'To0ittabeen the 6th inst1week ilnil, go left.
Auction - sale. -IT. Cantielon. big jouth had departhild-st.ild be wits
Did Sir* Mirj?g fiction rueaqhat lie appr 'Next TugsdaX there' . will be'- x $Wdon. ferl, yeai�sl-idnse 'three Limes" lfr..andUrB.Gooditll,pfllatnilton,
ditching the calm _z ;Ar V
before 'he ho .-to
inatida. AiLli,
to th.0 Electors, oper. ught, 4,1toling. back
would water kite Spat. Act T weaken eadot blS caree�. (Cries of f,No, no,", en a, itindfient" in' St. anti Xrs.ff,
ClIristmas Presents.- Chris. Dickson.. and a G
�orgoYo churcb,,5unday- school. Whita-lielo �iip last TITurettai., Ahe Canadw-CollAparty ove.ry;0kPe.- t. been yisltlng�Wartda In this, vicinity.
ik,,d.!I:uto. it so to Isay, prolonged cheering,) Ile, heard. a cry, �Vust be over 37 years aince it was Mr. JaMej BIJiQtt,LQf the out line,
'ilpacial rneetihig of the School -PRIZE TAIM' Is doing a live . ly basinessin the cattle
he coniinuiIII, that he would -n v r, dii, t purchased and: k
w3EPM XTE-17 111T, board was, held fast ev6n!i),g for' the Fa(oxg�r iftbel 2,dnd3,. Robe;t
political 'bilponent wi no I
Clonsp�duothhs. Alf the Bmiqu�t" I ,( thought his ll be, the 'first indlvidual who trade.'
thought so too, bift did not aulipose theys elec I tion (65 quirod a deed, for ita
pia ell teacbero, )rt lots of game
holor of Sir, Jobts. A. : file! his bealth, -JJqvj,&s- Itbllged, On the 7 th Jaiiiy, Mr. H."W. Ball. Fat Cow ot beifer-I Robert Mo- Council -imet at Londeaboro, on t ie Our local sports rep(,,
y 11 ., I I the 00
ta, his friends for the kind exiltebstuds will sell by publo auction tfiwltoaia�, Leani 2j! &..,A it drew., w do
foxes nornerous but
were Sir-,AeiitZhr LRngovin leader of Uo6ert Me 5th inst., The reev.o.�was auth
a 0 t Ilia- �ekh, - �Ilold fu re' the property. of 31i e 1. 0 yery, shy
roado in the addr a4_aL9 -lAl- --,L-. ..'riii-tu so L a i to aUend the. Division c'urt at Clin
'I V;'E�
DUAR, READSU,-1 take this raethod of Whila*k
yon that I We recently openW out a
Grooeru and Stationery .toro
uniler tbe-aboye name, next door SoUtb Of the T�00401
ALSERT ST -R. r4^'%
ma wm,cons.witly keep: on baiRd a choice W4100 -
selected stock of Tug, STIGARS, FRI-ITS, (,'OTM.0, CAVXVilt
Goomlil Books,. 5tationery, etc,i, 0A.
..*%tL 3P
We b1fivo plan estAbl6had -A 7
,^�N-E . S
slid will r4elive. ilubsorl Ocilla for all tlip Weekly And Do. itypaperg, as
PaIll well pi the lb;,4 .
'WE L BUY - C'RE, Ind we Intend
LkP1 oul� EXPENSES AnE Im, . a
olvilig. ilia public the liellefit" Don't fQ CO.-
Q'Xitlaf - Qoods and Priem and'lici convineral tli*t Wet give the BEST VA L'T1 im
tg.wp, 13utterAnd Eggs, Poultry, and all kinds of Faratkiroduce. taketi.
for 0oodo, at nl&ofgarket Priem.
PR "'ENT. --
Beginuirig with t1lis 44to we will Ilave. oil "041bitiiin In Our shop window 11, 04011'.
containing a quantity of Beans, and the,, party who graosses tPo quautJt coutholil
11train, o r nearest the corriget litimber, . will be presented %*ftli a lienviffitil Ailium �riirih
$5.00, Every Person is at. libeity to guess, and enter their Davis slid nuiubek in. A
r . e . I
g%ster kept'for the pu pose - The competition, will lie kept open until JaimarY 1st,
Nv4en t o'lionris will be copD04,1(gil, tlio� Albuint AwArdoit to t1jo site aft I pi,
it ty.
It,emembor'this, place—fti I of the Bedhivp,
.ft_%*_.N6W1_ I'S YO r 1=0" 0, Buy
ow 0% A 7A , '-111 d-4. -.a-
...... ....... k,,FJ 41, W�Xfwu$ anawas gtau to state that, ivankiruju minorwilois Fat, owo� at n 0M, ... I I - a.. for,: ;W'a%VLqL
Worquay, leader in Bihnitoba, good conscience and 8ir Androw0lal There wil gartilghaw:;_a _Jj�j partwa .�� no -o
uit llespie-. lgr�-4141
be, f u4pervighe nd com�, 'a -rid- round ditit Coin -
he wits ra longer. H!, Muf _h Thrsday- as ffodult good for a few' yen 0 ..r*
and Up. Al�.redi i,,leXJ1rJ 6r
in the bush.of
gi i;n4 a Fear. tract for ditchlog'is iiiiiii finished, and Quite a ivel
�lenieuti of t xe. 0 Moruln
that the policy of 'file Optics ion was at $'30 a, tn. F I I) t bein' finish. ki widow Stfelinji of tho 4%b eQri;,-
that if Sir Jobp1q ottl 9
gayle oat. they.t atk Thowas Feat;,21 Win 'in the ven V of qd trac 0
1ohlbilie to do tat, 0 woullo-go
vallogo Provinces till. o Mears
fioturon. paymen the, to pay anjotin,� Ing nierry music,
e til� �n 'lloner � -to t 0 "great%
Bar;. ofLittlais 11 1 werythfill; InAlle HARNESS llne.q.oi�vri to suit the Mines,
chi*clvq� —.1' and 2i aO'e garnisheed, dnd. c6its; A great fert& of 'strength. was per-
CANALGANATRP. that he ll.lieired his, sf.6.luhach meeting or' 11fQ on Lodge No. 6.�), 3, Isairo Sa,11je1q.
Chieftain—I'discontented" Slanitob to say to
..Would hold otoand his opporientIli would to-morrowevenin't nto oourt;,�Reeye i�yritb township
9. o . . . I ... , I I f6i I'by;one Of Oul local, sports, of
of agreauleRt - carrying a barrel of
-lips., Fefk'r,,, 2 and 9). engineer for AL copy It the
y,, it hellion Quahbo via, itb stay Oct, --Nomination or Mayor and Reevei * fl('�Ovi4p,�.� , ' L * di , AR ,6 4;
GEO' As"'S11 AN,
Job between himself dd Gille4pie, lot, milei'ls riot' it Hall storv,
each other in bonorin4 bila. CARHRR. at the town.rIA]l on priday r ree
lext., it t ins, eitatel" and also r �Rtching on Ma., UChL
Cow M.L( E CffRJ,6rJfA$. With regard to big career,, he, thight ild fbi hicill'arg, it tile, -bolli�viie- 3"Ch4s.- ask him to explain' undei! sAur. P1,;TRE in the -barrel.
what au
any that durig the time lie lind been in,:Qeveral Wil, -ity he
Rouills6n,,"As ifi 4J�j' thot gave his order, for Pal't
TheL natighty dog -in the-milnger public life the country bad Made romarl�- .-.Maitland Lodg!BNO, 330 A,F.&'4 ,M� Quite 4, number of ynting'peopiq
0 no by Gillespie. -
Wake thy ton thousand voices, Earth I outpour AysWI-' an payineut, For woric do tok the house of1vXr'Willia;' Elliott,
limbetically describes 11the - i'litillation of 0 ffi C a`p` OX, oi- Ciroy, Col -
able progress, Itad duripg all biit thirt6i' Will meat, for Reports of' Chairman and Medical
It yea!rs the country bid been gov,3tne& by li: Officer of 11tillett Board of
thy floods otpridse- on the pestiv;al of luirne; 2j- P:;Xarroll, Cc born H.�sal th
Up to ilia crystal gates of -morn the deop.11ohia iddlellotvs hall I '. 'Le- 3:A of the ilth� dom', by atorm. the other
y. Young, orne.
sorromn Of S poor old li Who at,,,
11-va pria so 00 UnUi.rvtive party, and, even of, the St. John theBaiiiist, nexk Saturida, 'Me flimitti, I& 1884i wiiiro subinitted and evqrhing. Though the kind bost. And.
Till h�xvwiftrd wafted, seraph,-wingell they tended ilia' Conservative -lianquat tbirteeiiyeanhialy, five could be . fairly I . itess.were'tatkon by surprise they
the Illumined zone evening. Lean; 3, R! idopt6d, members of Faid- board. to be
Where the Cluirch Triumphant's anthem floats ais follows credited to a Q rit,g0orninent-the. years Lane, Ashfi did all in their power to ul-AkIe 'ille
A silrited Canvass is going on in paid each 01.7.) per day, amorin ing. . ung ('611i's visit as, enjoyable as pos.
When,Mr. Alitekenzie Wits in power, the bris. St -to $8.7�5, and Medical, Health 0,
round the E�erlastiiigl'lironer-Ohlviustic� A drew.s Word for the-anubal rigsw�J_L ne I Y doi
"The office -seeker poor a;ud lean, other eight -Those in which - ewart, Colbor in at they sucepoded in ne
agarty. ye�arhi bein*j i It
ar ews. -services. Several aniall.
I be -Bald irih-Lafoutaine'goverdmen t a Vacancy at I. 00lie 2,and 3, 8 - JAncli Offlaer 03, fell lie hour they ok their
bout bq.-, Stood it the do6i witli humble mien; t
IiHeavekis,!' said lie, with a heartfelt the flincks-5forin AdminEstration were aspirants 'for �tbe t:1911 orb N1 r.. 6nicattle, sheep nild pigs aceounts. vvere, or;lered to. be paid, departure,
Ere knothei NEWi Goo Poll a ushered in. "lab, "Sir John again has passed me inpower. ' These afterwarda to sonte.ex- S%vanson, the p'.t.ii-Ing inginberi --�Cbiirles Aslifield; GOO. , I-avel pity sheeC for 181,44, amount. -
RECORD ireeta' our readers the bi: -Has he no conscience ?' Can it 't"M becuine futed with the Liberal7-cou-, �and Mr, James Addison.. Tindall, Auburn Tosepli Towal L eyo in L g to . 0321,78, was passed and or -
When be entered pub Re R.. Hick preached Fla.., d. Annual rineetin". hiring a -terrible stor do I�atk4i Me FISCHER,
-eighty flith be that he has thud forgotten ni a- ? set, ative party in St.1 �CblbOp Iuron last weilik'a three-inasted veso
eighteen hundred and Sir Jobu-1 'Sir Johnl", lie wildl ' lic life'ln 1844 the race.prejudico exibted George'djaot Sunday evening, The and 2, John Govier 4�i- nomination' of councillors was �T t and therevras no Rev. geritlem b appointetlCobe beld atTemperance set went -Sshora at Bayfield. ..The. BLOCK, CLlXTON,..ONT.
anniversary of the birth of y to a tferneudous�eihten zij J. 0. S� -t.,.
orxea, 'be lond that he was bard an L elng a )out to pro- -e%v were
use OfPiiiliRment; to Hall Londesbdro, 'on 291th Dec�ani. ci d 7;he ctirrdeffilace forperfect-fitting garments -
tile Sav', iour of the world will -gutside, itirry-awbile-until I apeak�; tjoblic fbellng in the Ho ceed 'En�laqd, a large'rithibber or'
p Croo bulj'er*_ I nnd 2,Wm. 'Swaf. n, and if more, at the ul was beli n the
The grand pal Wat, ve�re,now- Ioined haud I L n . Ii . and, both. a i t IA Gra6ge Sooi quotations'.
atl.seoh,; I've This prejadWe bidAlsappeared,'and they, Ilia old. were res I t tc, bei at noo mi,
have palisphl. Wandered far, P ve suffered much wt listen to him. necessary nurn6er of6andidartes stone school ho'bie, Mori is, Tuesday
French and Onglish speakihg people, F at Iogs .-I; R, AldLean: 2alid 3, mopoAed, ele�tio Mon
.Chat nuthiber Of Yeat's . ago W88 �and shbul& be' hobbling on:d 6iutch ' At -the te g, last . I ri to be held do. I .. evening 9th inst. After thle ilh)athd� )�it, Workpian hip Style Assured
I prom6to the common good ofthis great. S , Andrews. (lily, Jailtiary 51 h, 1-884, M the follow. lation of officors, luncl , �ed
lig..ill,the billit of judea poor am I as a vostry mQuse. What --ountry,and he L would read- to tbqm soinhi Frid Rq:v-. T. Citmpbell. ws th.e.; re-' I'try i was. st-r
r -ants,'an
tb about that job. in' the custo6 -bouse� ay' `8 of�pou, ilalry�D..C. ling viz., fo * electoral division (I gores in.rerc'rence to the progress made. Oipi nt oe handsome Service of Jud& od to sati,�ify� the bodily w
Six long years have d 1 0 Messr '5� '11011AD Ten3pefarice Hall, Kinburn,. that, e a,, gi.all inteliectual
unto you is born ths day pl, . I George III Old, Charles Lid, It , -e you. ma a me to 1844 the �opulation was, * It669,06a i . �e a T. McOillicurl(ly, Jas. Nairn; John 'Ftitvl6i"deljuty'.rattii-niiig offl.
city of David s, Saviour wbieh s widt, like-.& blaggar at a rich zolin's in, 18.84 it thWas -5i'100,000,. The progreis Aliteliell and D: Ale6illicluctly were. treat. Messr.s, cer; E. DL. N6. 2; soliocil: bolv5d 14o. 6.
"That'll be cried -dui also presented with handsdine t ati- Isfiester --wer6 . the -ap-eakars. Miss
in edtication1t4' been equally great V
Christ the IArd," will agalin have eifans, Aep. ret. officer i 'E. .1). Pil al; the orgaii .5.
a passed, upon' ing that period. The Gavvrinispt which filonials. %Vav Alf I
.the wily knight, as It -A S406910 Embech 10. '3,'iioboo1 house No. �,-C, cIn I
rpsounded throughout Christendom. I X1, 17p. , Brindon at d. 30. Geddes'dfhVe songs,
his waY,.aiia the delegates'sing with he supported in. 1844 incleased the ip" pices toah deli. ret. officar; E.. DI No.,4,. t'b� $23.5,001.0, This Bazaaf urid,ori'theaug 't evening. %vl(o
Christ a ring,,j it lit :bual grant for educatiam Mr. Emburi, kil D�, most pleasan
Welcome, violcouie"Merpie fiiig.w ch.ja be ladi of -Knox Cbarcl Col 'a. wipl of the Godo-
nreg rullsdon's-'earrigge
"Some Pfay.l. ind thosi for a Woodtnan,'deli. ret. maR, the reminder of an,hivent upon gricultural instituCious III: in t�_o t6wn hall [as a([- rich �Publia. begides, taiieliling -here,
-and for public works in a-similai rati-P. nead-kty 'and Thursday, Was in
which "A -merbiful God bits hinged ev0py the young idda how. to slido.t, bas E. D� No. 11all, Lon(Im
In 1844, � when �� be entered public life, a
:the angols 'gihg at this the iiest.principle of responsible gov� way-WBIllece! consider- be to dire orn. Jas. Campbell, 4ep. ret, offl. KING'S EVA
the!ion of fallen humanity. bad no able auw'to the funds of tbeelittrob. 10;
efument had been darriediI raId lie I No. 6isIchool lkouse, IN 5, it.
ture ifid of We- licisliector in 't ie
nierrii! Chr'iu(ui.n§time4 The.follow- At ecialmeeting rutiron in- del). $20 was.: 'Was the name forincilygiven to Scrofula'
Created but little lower than the pariinit. Thesymern'ofultuldicipalgov a special tiii gd, Still Mr. Mil ret. ofticer. ath L
be a will test would. a the sor of wasic to wbitih*the ernmentnow in force 14 Ontario wa§ in- Carlo P' kno led ler g I� I angels, fre have� ng I prneun't No. 28, 1. 0" 0. P., on.', tinted LoV n.,.A1nXenzie,.an 10 ibecau-jo of a'superatition that it eowtl a
troducea by Attorney General Draper Monday evening, the following re does not "an r. :Etyiliury Lent. CoiIincillors to be paid lor aee.- p6intH out citirival'traders.
tt6 --we . dersbamd � -U' - . W : culed by a Ling's touch. Tho,w6rld' la -1 Mutsu S anuel' Gpri6 edi'ihir' -of' a wen- '11 r ths, �.in wine TH, N JAIL
v 4tion ofilie late L rs.f6rnext t erin wf�cr now, and linolvk that' -or orate by Act of Nwilant
plunged us into a arlaitiag a6ysshiiha) under the' administi Ord elecled'office nothing.g ��g. of 1-884, as Jollows, at rate. of, will flave 0 reso i b to a -in b-
Sourld dt" nC P d lyre Sydenhanif; These ivatitutions. were:*a W.. 1-1. Murney 0. P., $i.7.5 per da pinislitniint were it not for the in- 'to' lig�l y Ilatne of win
would -T
locg wliy khend of those.. oF,the mother. C; R Russel 8, W,,. W.Vanstchniai. W., t is a 29d 5 ;'J. Britton '24 dayg
finito-Rorldness of a blesseA'nlediatI:ir I IL QA the fifty 4tupideat thys, $50.7 SM-OFULA. 2,00" 6
I in any, country Euglind. Was ryilllg'now to, F. Pridhem. R. S., Conflict Of opinion betweq QA-�ITAL,. 8, - 0,00
He W. Bal I F. S., $42'; J, Lash.�m, 23 dn,y5,, $40 25 ;'. A. a li'quid for sacrament -
city, town or towtishilpPin thaDomin, estahlish some. suciv 9 vatem, but hai¬ spoctot Wnd 1 -lie McDonald, '13 dItys, 440.25;,-B, can on1v bo evred by a tborough purlffra� RE, ST. R500,600
in the person of Christ. pen Can-* Qathipbell Cress..
ion be pidlied o4t; -and - iu nine -easidii yet au6ceeded� . The merit of.the success Methodiat Book f I lie. blood, It thi the.. grading of; 4ilsses. Thhi' Prin..- W urchill d;iys, $41,12,1 PurPo tion '0 is Int,
not describe nor hunian inind con- f,thead inatitu,1iun9:reihted:wiL fricillor Abrabhl �poftkhitrcontefltiodw in to 11100 �tLu'ild'ohsboro, oli r,o6 ir orninunion the d6pase perpcAtfatet; lahit Abrow It -Head.04de, XONTREA-1,6-
out,. of eveip�.r ten 'forty-five :of* them 0 -and bee; turnea, "- olval gilt tile adjourned rujs a. depot ff. e I ukto -otion.
t)rather' and ll.ldw(n; had, rtom a prolonie� iness gonerafifiri. . r (71cl W , , . u. - the- 29 itliit., at 9:P. in. T1,16NIASIVOsXNAN, President-.'-''
coive the'niessureleas love - bloh will be �'Torioii'. I�i Rf , which. ifif, lefter'to the qcllool Board tit vdn
mon briihobt aboot before he-tin'tered' P-arli- rip.'In Uncle Sam's territory. 11. P : , wine . It seenia, ho*q%rer, Ve'uttist earlier 'm:mpIowu,ic at the, contrives Ach , . fol'o, JAs. BRAITIIIVAITP, Uozema; Eruptions, Try. J. 141 it. U01,80N, VIw-President..
prompted Him who aitteth Ot sign their be pickecl out.. ment. It. well not long betbia Alto Bld. SIDICh inake a few tuo;jori'by �ftbe Board dia give 9 'the pimtonlar word wine Inors, Boils, (�arbimcles, E, rysilleIng, F. W0LiiL1lSTAN TUOINIAS, Gendsal Ilanager.
p Y
right hand of God to'don. mortality of a By community in 0: fell: abek6la everyyear, by 'his trade with Neirvolts n1d 110 -
win .. and Blacks' Governments ne-anti return :to Gospel pbrases
itirough factiona opposition in, th6 pshvtj; our i-epulilican neighbors� ' He is J)ropat to pub iab C'ollilipse, et(;. 11 (o - Art,
te'to sa� that. a I hiVA endeavored in Notes digoontited. Collections3n
!fteker WithL' issued, Sterling avil ex.
and suffer'the most execrable treat. vdnti 6i the very least aud-Air., Y,%Adwin retired, driven, as was- on6 of,our most eii.ergetolo Citizen' adopt Oie natne of the label, "falbe. thule,
ve of them will b 16 Ir -would , �-tly this Lisper to pres6pt,ro.N�views respecie- ... ...
6 Tori s. -.Let 'I - MaWenzie -81w W . . ..... tarrh,'Kidile bought itild sold at lowr
inent-treatment which. caus6d: tile f0ty-fi dr.' some ypara later;,by ere Il6b trustaea :of the grape It the word withe Tuilm-culliar Consitimption,..
0 fiftj most I . ondtmouthed treacher fr9iii! L4a leadeitillip'-.16f his' him. thFpromoil' ex -wing. ions, hope' catohurrent rates.
-God Would, th -r64 last, day of it ous othe I, dangerous or lucal ithatudic are.,
to exclaim : ' Ah%t Calm and ituit consideration will be its nionth. � . , Ii
inan7 party,. , . , 1 7, . . I hou.1d appear on,'any latwl or: pl�cdu �by fi.
!I A* : If d' III- q ctly Cold wealtller� An -colds .1tre.-the hXTEltE$T A)LLOWED ON bkiioml
Color e i.e
ilk-bellaved men in; aliy. public ��Ai, the iiegulftp irnootini.,of the- 1-1 - Thoy� 6nv' e ed
Po6iLion fr
01ki thiscup might pass from ki;y''lills. a64:-stftIe,-a , " " d of the 'day. 0
iRTY GRATITUDE., .' 1111ally. adve'rtkediont the sellers
mee'tingm Canada. be dtagk S. V'society last Friday eiening, the what "Penn' Opu or r . f t1le
ad bdfor,e would bil liquiloW uWn with, an
He orimploted the task -and millions How.different, was-lthe trealfilentbe re- officeis, for the coming terin were retede. ratniiy of (*,rich and4ou r s. Sam sdmeoffi.-�iadtlfbir politics taken 11 r.. Jo JIL 31hono adiyanced to farnirs on -their own notqhl
. A
iiow reigiue. by-lhe Grits to * loq:tod' 0tor,wbich the follil 1. 1 aul iii -I I ipii] of youf 1) tille 'in ilie'iamily'of It Lay Lou are fdael'ity llid success , Lbst would 'lip
that' given - a . 1 1*0 '1 1 . QreL'cadorsorsi'.-Xo mottgago ft�..
their leAdaril Hi wag drien frow,power programme was presente ;I
down,. de t dlct that -Solo'. schools. As I' and 2 Buffering frh�m C011IB. a.,Aonitih the Shaheen peopl�, for ell. Is the 001 "nirei-All and ahreirg rellabld quired
But the. spread of the grand in. every*. 6&86, there� will be at least in 1873, bultin 1818'the lioun'try placed 0 se� 3,f tJ liduditiffil, re�. Whether it, ing liqu Miss �N.'Straffon Readinj;*Mr. Alex-. f -fiuj;1 - 0 1 00- bas been by the or without lice"Se. blood filing iiiedichici 10t
hun again in power, and IS 1882 th!y L. Barry; 116ading, ligniiihie Jr lil -on Man
"chatne. -' salvation which iinpin -Go into arider; olo, Miss, a hlk�iddvtneni and a -ya� or th r ifal an. alturati;4a that it February. 1$84.
.geR forty-five Tories on the listio 'L. When. 110 Was In tef� rit"eciose of leap m e hebeouists hilinmit iiive.eiahly got -was no at' ag in�dish 31. Allan; So o,.. Miss G. -ol f;f. 1:he clasoes brider t in Ileredltu-y' Screful"i and
s of th� extra coW r, or T lany!'p' Oct tile D�6minion and pick a - I . I - necatise they and their trih�rn& 'dali he i9 aaiii re tried III 1 0 on th of.Ohrist t effPct direraity- his frie do stood by him, his tile. Sin ce, such Wan- Poi,4011.4
by a; combination ot�these anti other all At the ioinr Iiine 411
uki williout.congiderable oppositiolf, -out one hfindred then whii paunot�give' pairti stood by h tn andi,be people stood. = �At tba'las� regular meetingf L:,O. dependsgln the- . I sweat, anythingi but, die. sellors of it -
is Imi a
In oiltio6i 'firill, ease Oq toper olassificivic It influelticesi,cei t and k1talizes * the blood. 1 .001 n
unit in even I . tbeae enlightened. d,.yfj, guy to Bon why they yote one' by bim� itiAr io Ill look at the �111,. No.163 the following were elected n -it fol- occu bacheloni'liaY3 -on. hwPe Cider or comilluilloll, Wille 11chiltl LONDON LOAN 0 ly
tkinatineut riecived by Air, Mackenze,th6 , oMaers : For the torning year'- . Bro'. lows ofliecessity 'that I have cotitI.Of of umber of our the hful ak:lloll to the viful orgaris and
nvict6a every- tinie. , A L4 L - ,I thu entire systLin., Thisgreat
blia other And we feel cervahl' that at taken off - the I hooks lately, The : would be co reitiveriating
the grand inissiou,of our Saviour is 0., *Geo. such elagilifiCaLit)n ()the S LM r.
most hon-untable- 4eaLder the Gifts ever J.' W. AF4 Be rwiae L should 'Nh AT LOWEST RATE9
-Regenerative Widdicina– date loAlls at.
the very least ninety-fivo ofillem 'to the House a' a day be; m4de rinivousiblelur,,ibe &*Is of DO latest vi Initm6re w(1,111ndehIstand it the 6ojeet of not, $1.00�Qoo To LE
it had, w ho'carne. In Smith D. X.*, Bro.-Ins,Cilaigle Treas ty of the othe�part is Miss callng ii t I t
fact a,) tboroughly 6ndeititood, a nd had an invitation ha�ded him to at-' and- tile pai ine is In. UndFir"Ahat
will filart olit- a Tory." Beb. W. S, Swaffialcl.�.Seoy.l Bro. Goo. that. Drok. 6 6-L*per Cen
stilight Ve. In proof of this we have meetipal theelection-ofa load- Graborn Chap.' . Whia. R. Tirlibourne, 2 ll� see. 5, page 1-82, M. 81juntion, of,li. Wnwalijoah. nanie -the burden of -proof i'lat it Ts composed of- IT t
sanie, Ike pQwer of the: 0tibci'.kal to I -Hie 2
pro.: pupile; of'S.S.No, wits I Oil with tile the of' Potaii-Idlim,
lint Co rotor. to the bickerhigm aulong at df� the party. ohnile wou)d be and
of 1,0_ ppl� to 270-Y
11, Rdss, -Jas' McLean-, 1, `Kyler 11. KtauXA1 ited Misa-Landeabopq with eller, wbile wthotit' th4 il the
followers. I And yet Dio�ese of Ull 110so 0. 'l,ylef. 1. In . it . ii'lai.d. du"'L 4'Lpresei fron, kid outon6y, CAkeJtI*1Jy` III anager his profesed in liarilgratifil I on linge 234, the 63oing address necounpanie'd of thil proof 6vid,-Irtly, lies pounced. its forinula J. KENT, X
#-vPn lie who runs may read and on- After vfOrrinir to the,fitoMons and o
sarnei Will' ho',lill tha principle, iliat' 4 ille thisthil Itud %he b "I
Cl'HlSTArAS PASTonAy. , Can �O_t' ialh�4niioiieJ,ofttlie, %vith'theprogeutition Thisjuice of to the mehlit.
r tn
the an, the . lailhe d young lady from . feaching.o' UM -0 1ATH111''
I gensilegs opposition of the Grit leadoiii Caldwell feache's ffidit-,.oi gidding..-olassea-main occasion of itie rletiP6 6n6 of . that co;o0tifly preseribu A N, -R AN
a citic and BuiiIre t- who have sevqr�d thaii lie testi-fie4 to couipe- &jj
dim' 'Ojitar1oI'Dm-13tb 18%w �d the building of 'the Oxnad Pa' t . -tain tion Utw,bn them an E_
way be sururned-up in an ion Raltway, he� skated that'the yo4d. would Connection %ylth, ' tbe 066rioh Itai tient, chemist to, be absolutely, free. Ack it Ow- deviation therefrom jalliat be' eatther, ifies. kandesboro.- 'VOR BALM, all kinds olAnd Lmlihir an membars be. completed iti autum, 1885.'. The.dfsi� school boaidAo lea�e ivithotf� bear- inapector�lbal, Is, thi -1litivulog thittyou arcalmut to savor the, 'from alcohol." Ab Solute
To the chdrelfwardens and 110 our - Map - 11
lud�iunnt of our own unworthinessfe. t ince ftein Aluntr�al to' the Pacific was ing OXCGII# is thb,jud _U T,ath. Those Wanting Lumber or. l,mth'w 11
of tb I ol"Zilgland I
go find It"to their ititei-cat, to give Me 4
it 6e wheLlier the regal 'call. , isrd�
lielief i ' 'the efficacyd 2,900 miles or 300 less thiln4vorn New tent of t' a slid pupils. for the two yuars; , wo, cannot, Or hill hilseaRes' chused bi, the villillIn'of
it f Ilia ascil eacbing at, St.'D. vid'i wai,& ationg ate or, wre, not observLct, 'Ile Qikn. ok of the ranolil Mill, Factory., Wellington'
diddefie, of Mron 84.0aldWoll, I
and to act toward our follow�inon as York to San Fratic)gco,afid the differenee So % tbeli'son- ly to hape
'hool 'the P&6tL year.' Mi %Ilow tliisr the lask-d.ay upon which. Itts tract, Clinitah.
CH to. repot t.yon in Tour prc�.4eqt capalq to pass U tleabldL dcarce;L'Ift 28(i-tf.
RISTIAN FRIENDs, Anbtbr frbm the -now� termid"s.'M the city Of -the senior tbacher, takes up �n e�' obdervance," without expressing Mir unfeigned soro%v at tlie CA prke r be, iiny' Cl;r Vancouver, as the place Trot.ldb6 called, in no 0 Pormit us hoiVevorto Tun VoLTljo BOLT CO.,'Of Marshall,
proilpect, offi; ouieti pioparation for wbich like cfccts'�
%a would they should to usi iatnias seashchh'havitig arrived, I iObool where tila'aalavy to h 1 4.' 'Thii atdIjOriv '6f the inspector a0po, doar a or; that whab Is our loss niiLl- be Mich., oftor to send their celebrated 91,s6- 0
We mity be told that because pro- -e8s- you, toftong Kong and- otfietl�br'to in Japian iss Burrett will dyfor ihIN limited to : �nic.VoLtAid BELT and ot�er FiLEctitic pf!6 arld 1.9 1herefdr
again addi -wishing'you all g�r, while Ut thegainOfsoiftolib also.. Thouglittiolidsolble. - a th Opel
ropiritual joys. and. in had 011ina'0111,was -80 great do to mak' 'bigher., cortific that -ab thnoo wo inky baye thought your rule well as tlie: beat blood purifyina-meldl-
tiso. ner harino. I . a the kifflit, of" inerely - Icqui g Into tile APPLI7490110 On trial for, thirty daysi to�
4essing 'ChriRtians are contentions vast saving'a time between L6ndod aen(at .801nowbat, gulling %-hall du Insists On us leaon
Dies secut-od to ba by,the inearnatiot; m6flind of orgaiiiiAlon X, tuan (young or old) afflicted with nervous cine in the world,.
the principal t5ading ll itiltletrien left Godg_ 'VroiII6.
a tbere. The The following go tlOkI Ing out- lossons ; keep ng us orderly"In soh
blessed lArd.and S.Vjo6lvjauj ' : -t I i -manhoodi iiind
that tho recbrd of tire seheme reveal- Of our I and bf!detiiinlluirxg� whQtfi6k tile school and advising us to he the,, some out'of It, in. debility, loss of vitality and ccv�,lhletli:hn ofAhe ri;'Aia would iidl�a I rich station to 'ittend the Conserva. pi� , li�iblo IOL al)(hrihio the ti-ne front Laddon all kindral troubles. Also for rhounia- Ay rl's Sars, a Christ. , And, with aft these bighost regulations ha�dxberoln b VouLanddavored riot oih)ylta u tparl
ing salvation is tiought but a "bundle. of ivi, Vve untivenflon at Toronto'- Meagre. leehole rs but ladled ay)d 4outiomon ILI -wall
,ad Mib-sec. .(.dv in. see, 8, pige .1op, wa weroiep, I,'sincerely w'jah araysisandininvothir
to India 'by 12 days. During the whole W, - Campbqll, F. Ve J61inaton, .8 Marbl
how hat. I _*ia
to tie to wel'i aR' to y . AND
of,conteritioui letters." Was. tber4 I i yo0i whStovertomp,61'al felicities m9y time the traivoller would', novv:ba out 150ty, Capt� - S. Utimpendium T�q -exam hiation �.. there performing a , thbon. who J. 0. Ayor Is Co., Lowell, a.
ondu46 to jouk'good and Godis Of the sound of, the British dium or the referred to Mani Allfat, made, Upon I)Ittedd.t�ouinnuiltorftyot,erus. Allowusthan, indil gairanteed, No ti
ever Such harmony i!). contentious c to bhKafi`3ftat tot plationnink. what may' liave -ca As thirty daYs trial is allovVed.
ot'onlyto livo sigh t.of,the 11nida Jack ThAYllailbodo the ichitheatarlif off1clat *to 16 Ineuri rAnalytical ofiefull
410 ; enabling, you -n 4, to, e ch. hop"a IldlLalt, tauk in a ory Imliartial loanuall.
iii lundaboe, but -demonstrate to old that tile baoto Lee,.A. A,' shIr I ., 11 . . . . .. . Write them at qnoo for illus0oted Pounpli.l.
ataternents as is � be foun(I front t to t0trainult sobuld W .1.. f and tilinpil , a9you did, disciplItic wl(Flilad- rlea 01; &-it
a 0 croe a If6H6. On botif, thon, of the phipile of tho lot fice. Sold by till brugVta- 1) 111111111141111111 1101
others - reality of your sympathy At Port. Arthur, itud, that t& Lake 1 i I., Any. nuch p1dainro in 318-Y hot ]ell tot I&
,the foreshadowing in the OldTa6V,' the 6. Thii lithit tableja aoldirl e, as. a n( e6,
Silo love. Superior section odkht litiver"fo have golloalUregil topily'llia 60�001 Ootutd., you wilih the accopipan1hig Silver Pie do St
been buili, but this would hae inade the 'Jol 't tap, 15, wlifoh,though of. trifling Intrintlic valil
Hawkins. t oi'nt esors, end the Sea Ament of the birth of Ciirist aloirg ithe various links, connecting Contrafted with the previous'year, wh6le line Mollify a feeder to the Ameri iggins.'and, M a joined -page 186'. Tilis pliCs the qllegtion, of ould wish'to.o.vinbolh:q tho ytiry great
the Old S
in which tile Whole countley wag more t arty. nd roward In'. whinh we, Pliall over TO MERCHANTS:
VVATSON, -W US. At Trinity
ed of the Woman iss'"raightenod'by the partial 06,n lines running Booth from Winnipeg, promotion bey4d doubt.. - T,be insp Anil if; contrary to Otte expa6tatlohs and W111108,
romlaWthat the se' It 011, 1 it . not regull4to, that'lvilildli, Is solely' in the unrovo4led future sh6old havo An unlMoasttht, Chilrali parsonage, -Blyth, aft the
Among the more importaht fratihi4etiong ..The Godiriob - Athle tie d0b gave -it
fifilura 6f the crops'Ithe present A.eam- Q lipiakic" in stilts for yoo, we would linpo � that
of' the nor on bits been one of com - wb'iofi Wei had been o6an0fed'hitil 60blic enterfaintinorib in ia6ria khOlhoworoffithotaj, rogulall1g. the ploco of all.vor plato whfuh we how 6ardetlft th inst., by Rev, J. F# Parke, Win. Howtase,11G'
inhatild brulao the head *fill V oods,
been he Wavillb6oh TreAty. ' W 6 y ovoolfrig. , The '�ce am destee you to decal Ito tho mcans6t %fford- Esqr,1 to Miss Elizabeth
Polet. With its fulfilment 7011 Col. plenty, and therelbI4 a6axpreesion b n lit hall last Saturdil ti,19" or tbt, letter t ived fr` . A mi.$ 'rho linbodribor,begis to' return ,4 111f voil $Olne toubolation ; AI)d that fit fill 11110,
Tellib Came. back from there tf'G G16bb . orelleil 04r,whs fairly patponizod, a ti&peo. a inistat, 6f 9duvotton'hdi been sent a061`0 no* ftl5d,girls MIMI bavo IVella, both of nulletti 'thinks to his custpniers and thil ptiblic-
�r6W",lp to man
lima luting Iscariot be Benodiet Arn01illr table purn'ber being to me. It rilrers to the f ot'th t the w'o �V&aanj I
very, aFfdatharlbeil in thelfieW ofyour grititude in the Way of a fit a, n, V6 and
oral Olietotmils offerings to y6u— ihg�aiet may be fire r r6. of, a orog' between the t4e6l, and Mr. elftelitti,1111 Mot, t.,congisted ofspart-ing, ditties of the ilto d by , oija that our triendship and love toe you gonelrally, for the liberal pAtronhojo extaild--
orutoros. the. richost blossingo of blvine Wwimb8hi Dec. loth" by Ila
Grp \Vhltm�fot, I .
-tit. Allootive clet-gymeri in ev,dry year �Jacktitjtlo -find shudd red. with -loathing fOrfoingr Wj"Lling.ftild jyInast'le eX. On Board. But I I; does not nee C. ad to him in tlie pas� AAd by f�rnj�lling
a Y'bf ClilltooL,M A Q
Though Christmas it; called mont opororriatig-ra now rendored Providence attend you, . 0 L I at tile proal) cf having to do with, i I. Ordiseg generally, DoP6ijd,ry rullow that thkisoard can a 0 ato any 96. A, to Miss Melissa Shannon) of 11136
"Itaerrie" tile �oortl is tiob intefhd�d doubly pass hi's by the various m6n. In ny Wav wb4tevov`� And yet,- When 6 of the lliindlPal*a Pow'er to' the inspec. Signed orilichalf of th; �.Pifs of 81"8-, the
' 11-1poll AARIP JOUNS, Wawanosh.
v too g)ad very much th for, lie so thil'tefatring to 4th if ra, T I PA 1A, TP17R. 6
fileence of O6d. came into wer, lie Was on). who -presided alt Life pi a,? R13 po a cau a 0 F,
to convey a nleaning of ieVity.' It 11avI, l"fa . 1. .1 The gifiginL g and darrollig of din It 308- y Ig ng fri ARILeA a large portion to get five mild it Of dot I. ngralib, ' cap '11, go 276, o ipell, LOqANXIRXtRlDE.-Dn'Wod,
Ile feared they Could D'ot g -it A reaeat will a found that the exorcise a the day, 1010i ult. I, by the R6y. T, 31.
should lie taken as rileftoing that We bf the diodesd, .1 dot! bear personal Mossrg, Luttrelf and Tho b
test the extreule dovotion of On treaty In an;� furmpbut�whstt they et was floard'a power' Is aubjoet to. the general -side ice of the
ittiony-to vpy. Roy, Jim. Groy,ldf Clinton j0dupi Campbell, tit the r, n —AT
should rej,)icelon aeochunt of (lie grand find salt-daliying labord of-ille arn. could'90t they wculd'I woreAlso htogulaillonh Joll;aAbent. Now,
Cluott , e bride's fattier, d4lighte
Otte God r MENTS
dedieiOns dr Mr. Ilarey fat f. w 10 thv duiles oftViptidelpal ate breacribed d tile pulpit of the Idethodl8b C,bu . I i
you wrt't, tiolm. -kbridd Eaq,, rich
doliverance that was efflected Oil tile eat kri�-h Who are oval in th.0 I � occlipliml the of Alex th it it, to me, us I !�� L 'thader the, gerel."regulationg nod o0a.: on 8abb 11
tid I must say i 17dwaa loud J,%at week yoti gave the niodoliteb sequently the 1;,)hrd ha& no'llower to al-�. MrS GAI. Wright, Of 110difl, 413 here to ut, Jos�ph, B. lichgan of Sttat�,
day we cownflittiorat-the natal day Lord, a
DID oyro it 14 to you, I% matter of deep n wbidi tho, lidoplei of Canada bad otd,
Stiong authorities distreito Lb" their labors fit maily in � ttoatod him that day, And concluded, his who passed the eximinalion in your. I hen1I on a visit to hell PLUenta sin
of our S�viour. I d At rs, 114AP to morit a, dontinunwito or'thA'.
,ulahn ibAtJong prior to' thd lotabues amio poorly and inadequate oration in these Words-I'My tiniii dad- towil oil t1f;" 84turday pre�ious. 1. Lagitly,lbiLve tdls,�j"tbatifrLam. Rnox,
are. t1le. 441110S of t1loge eXpeo to. hReYL,
sotheddift to but, do F�aoe bidd In my Pollowilig 'ted _rjfla'6 'tbb'gt4taS or out, uaticloliald whom Wd refer., 801 inst., by CAWP-
it ly i4VArded' h I wilo bth4ef�-rre"withih ti� trial tian are, it Was the 0118t6m 'mong file is able to bell,' at the rosideil of' Mr., G.. Would Piedildly
,meat the moot prestsing wints of i6matks to:day, I vs. the eong l4ion from tha Godiirieh *,tfqdel Solido gUlatioda Of the red to, in last;,vtook's issue i ofIldil. M�.. Margaret LAROt� ASSORTMEII.T 010
ing tho long Decumbor f keling thai,, the O�,nqefvktfve, cause, thari*laaed an'd'to whom cert' tehi doptirtwaii�j) to -do-bo,., ROVOre Att&dk" God IMS b'1310 136ORTATI614-ii Of the vny
glicients, due ISinill0g, thOy find them. file,,, 'or be around. itgX111 Aft&
is to OIL aviai(ledl. 'Annie 4, A glILAW. 1* Ungs" Ley of Do of
r t 0
neoessury in. I WINU 0�11 11014,AXD: -Aglitsi, to feast "d 'Make titurrJi, hiolves edulpolidd to keep tip A 116raii, y the okuso'of the oaunt�y, exam In.., o�f inflatomaItildn, Of th I
it Of ilia -'re 'alto of_thl� Ifuhking, df thsAiA tO
Anh that In order to ol effectually nd general outfit, -is a In slo(A batidd. In %dinj Jn, Lloot hawls Wingliant, E 211 Cafis dy;. Ah Zitiployed bjhhi�Ltljoroht teach. slid In tho' hiludo orthoad who a a toil Lizzie 4titton . Ilayfield.. 4beaft flying TueadilylL
d of
Oth toalri, hy tbe jtaL�. T�' M' 6ADIP.
d*ahijr&tf -1� thti appeklitto th 0 A 6 11(3.4 0 1 b Oil .,Aec, A*&r(h b8lf Fib' We jidond' of D,Fjoher'
JIM tn# i JPL iou dol Mo t� 06, Agnes Mitiertly, adil
t t1werorej old then '6 to life. 101ator
(tJpagans Lbe eoIIVeM;'V.i rO &ffOW' to the wbool. We .1 .., , Ur. puil, of Dirtio, VmAi Galborno� tp, P. George r BOXESO bottles
aIto cheeping pay, 16 11 hWharr, is 110ka viol rishr to VAN U other Itirq) of lifad- faldillftliPeAl' trom"11W AS I 0Ahttso btgg�, butWa lG. Tblibut, stotlY on hand.
of Vour goneral lithol-Ality gladdeti t 16 (041 that a,04
J&6r to those thoy hilld been ationatm- t'heir boal this ChriAtilias Aeagon �, behind II4,yoonsith tigaroult and sitpilt 1.)Iitte� Winglf"In *60len a inumb� Ot, illifigdra �Oolcift
w"th 'While your oWft ifoliflih go 101-1011 'n YA#fi fight the biltileliti 6 tIlty Army =q
'Ping glich-f 'I I not il ClintottiLlas� CMESS�tAS -On thiS 171th
V4 to, Illint harilly in k#A I find Xlrop. X61110 Tigbo, Goderioli..-
adoring gratitude to God for tilift ly And kaongly" *K0341lat,11114014 066tiblj, T 0,11 7(
M Oft of tile O'Allan" rhil'ingbinst sysletoatiotlli 61fight insvi by 4 farild Timm, M Har AL inalliti, Mit of"Iflo dil Son, be it tally ati f6ir totty imti syst0fir .(At �l ISO Xtaq Miller IS Olt Ole. Igleklf6t; febrides I t%g Gootl ag.tllg test, and. jS oill PrAlk 8 01 thiO Oft641011111. It is -to lighten J6#16 6f �tjjo 61 PA i bf Mil Crosmmsn E'84. 1W ObA, or
a6ynL ]oil, h: am 04lits
big lihira to ads voice, "Yet. $a ohing frf0`d" A pahat its
borthol f il d 'overb,
is 0 fill of thosoi Who' lithOr I 6P 1. Opilarlob; lo.Xr, A fidrow Oliver,, of
04k, � 7 ')'
Plitt, -T ablill test My liCAd On lAst �Vok
in to
bolt 0
rilay, tvftt� It Is "the work I an%
feeling I . h .
4v a
0401 trik 0 it d I .00he the ConfiervAtiv five mi 03
thly, %Ilk it wit itoo6iltig wds 1101
tha 0
I'vIre, �trha
Ift 140 tha J. IE; Ne R ON1.
lionjg,t�-Tn Luckno
villago, for %a Idd Arobit
Oil xneigipal - i, I.,