The Huron News-Record, 1884-10-01, Page 40 -1 I NEM5PAPFER L.AWSW U"q- (-all tilespecial athilition of rost- Out 01karpled to DeIttlil cultiors IdURDFRO BY A, ;(AGICIAN. IN Allgid Alukitnr4l Plasters. IUNTS FOR TIIN VELTU Or MURS Autumnal Pret"llism AYER'S 0: I N'T ON L 0 feWw1n; .4 TRIVIX O AILUUNIll IWAT When tile maple turns, to orlunlo alp C ar r i amp e, W orkso poituix-iter is r�qidretl to give (Lon'lon 0wrAllut.) The P" out ilon who �Ifvt poilltQ nd tile sassafras to gol,l; 11011II01411011S In 0100k% ow e1rY Initiet, irr a pa oes er 11 jilt inliwer tile law) when it subserif, lit taUll Ids paper flat of tile officer"or"' ThIlt 108tairriVirig, mail steamer at Liverpool from Afrle.3 brought V�r. the usefulness of tile matter it) quea- doo is .4 ust since,, no doubt,,And When tile gentian's in tile wead6w, And the aster In, Ote, ivold; Xti other COM111411itilArO, their the threat and lungii, noneil,) trillcd, IvIth by tbo intgority of oulrer. 8Q ERWA. tPq N 11 tile roas, tin 11or its ilotbeing ticillatt, of Lite tiil ors. ,C4o ordinary cough. Or cold, resultirg Ic Jr, Is -.ty q - Ncgx % ox. Ilogleft to lie no Illakes tbio Ilbstaliwtel fill- the native the,muMef, ,qtte. Olai, When the moo is, 1pped in vapor, And. the is frcsty but beglifidra, tit tile plymelit. inly .1111tintioll, fie pay it]] or P104shill, lit,% y clintilluo to, selld it of nuinoroixt; women 4b Lagot oil Vie AfrioAn c%.Ist. eIN roilly not vi,'ry" at our linowled-e of toustard extends , . Q back bvel: tWotbotisaind years, .and- night Cold i When the chestnut burrs re oponed And the acorns drop. like ball oorre, to often tile of Al Will li ell provot Its, ow-ccy Ill 4 Arty ii Ara! tls�lt I!ih threat bo, im BIDDLECOMBE) H. CANTELON PRO PRIET001, 79 14 t4 i�,!; g -tit i.4 Inail-, anit c0lect *Q rholik 46oililt. whether it Ila talwa froz. vitil pavitit ;Iwollilpoornot. Tbello -ail ltq, no-legsl in" of at,loasit %,Aloz(ln fetnles, wa Itlid to tb04qFOuIIt'Qf4t1 I ;,but tv,h that,_ a It the world ooes,, lloioeV nuipliO4,11yo bomely V9 f- And the drowsy air Is startled IV!kb the flo11— alicit In 411 qa;cs Irl A TerrIble -Cough Curel. OPPOSITE THE MARKET, CLINTON —0 9AXUACTURUR is P -4 lultil tile paylutint ill m4de. wilc at the trial, w1lich I kpl4ce on'the peg tell, slin,lited.'; Some Ireadler; prqbab. With the drumaillig of tile par1ridge, Tadlesl Gold and Silver lewelry— pil, q b, S. Ir go W11 � �O —Aliv litIrsOn to his iamr- ill, another, or whether lie 1118 $ub- or not, is responsible for thri-pa.y. 901 of July, he wits will) tile wilful InUrilvir a' throo, Alrfi Alm y now it! [ and others nothing about mustardplaisters. For the, edifica- And the whistle of the quail; Through the rustling Woods, I wander, 31. lit, it -'r U�,,ilt U 141:01it Ul". 'i. trikd. my lougA' illdnevil so" t�, alld all, rilt'd wo Use re�t of gill Istrellri,l). Ily t1;Q Brooebeir, B4r Mugs, Solid Silver andhat I3UqGIE% OUTTERSm WAWYNSli, S, LE101­18I.&C. A. ft !Z Cl. 4 --if a srib,,icrilipr arilers Ilia paper to Ile time, atill theilillisill- viz: Chitherine ro I selplia, Cole, alld fle'r Oster as W�'be told titwilf no Through the jewels of the year From tho uplands calling, Itlio ll, Ili V14to Uns elfoott-11. 11 1,111 2111%1' 6:,' 7 WARES E- 'C' I R It. OR eertaill. to it tire is wiilk-khese 4ro good how they yellow heheurty, wid Am init�ililed your Iq 114l a -0 tit Solid, onod to Ilay forit if lie takes it Out of tile The, uVinber of'' sheieto' no found I'll, the Wall was. twvlw� and shiill be used, and )low tlwy may be maop� taking Occet'slon to juit Se -king tier wlo still to danil. She is near me in the autumn, RoelInglinro, Yliq OWY uitable for UoIldilly, Werldina, or 131rth- (400dsfuPkargeorsma)l 141331BER, AND SHINGLES taken in �excbnnge, Give me it call and I that beton in County, -44 L t� I g rx Fq man Blust PaY for What lie uses. of these threeiverehidenti" lie(' the fem4les onmed, all of who')' were rottiveli, awl -4illy r3 , here that -a fivst-class mustard plaat�, il�r can be bo eood drug'sturtia for, a,4di9rtpjk py She, the beautiful, is near. Tbrough the smolie or bprning Sam. itro4her's Tribute. Ili tile coilillr rpt i0i tt,r Illy little, It"Stoload. al; ff vils sihillgit- , Litill, thir If tile fallilly it ii 1110 U4 purses, jimt,to sult..all sed cannotbe the jqpt. Ltlie, will give you prices AWRepv year. See tile Stock. Large varletv of I Iorseshoei4ix doum with, despatch. Clocks. Fvorythlog of the ORO makes. U. CANTELON,. WOV a, ey Gentlomell'ti Plainaud Vaucy V - -14l 0 W F. $i bs > LECTOR1, DIr son-lavat I 80. Paiii oil L. Ill. ilia T In. nibie io a.iu. stuil%.%, in Lfigoil, two then) One tablPSpoollful brown 'When the w eary winds are Al JIL or Ill."ClroltAll, it bi.itle Of I q endless varkoty. r� p. p.m. Serrice on Wednesday, p. in daiiii. Rector Ini. ablo-positions of being tile, of native merchants. Of good mustardseeJ 411OOnfUlls 0 f lukewarifi water, will I c4n, see her in the valley, kon ooeheron the lillf, IV:.I0l Iva" Me 11011sp. it 1310all lfro( Uel.t pIA to ottr 441 lilt ill ltfrl U4111 IiAlfl � Fir Ur the . VED-Aepalring promptly attqnded to and satjsfactlon guaranteed. *-TO :�=\T 1-Jal C-4 1 is Ron ,I 7.0i)� it., In. l0k, S0110A at 240 P in, Gust, PM ir. - * A larg13 xittw4gro f itnesses were, . very niake, leilloient plater. LLty r splendour Urthe It %be W0001ftridtip t r V. N i;lt 1110 V 1'1 (I ORAL had Wishegto inform bIq old customers (ill(); the public getleralty at 11 ism), III,, ScII661, 2.30 p. in. Rxv, oXtimilled, tile tpStiplony 'Alloilitin 9 the this between well,wora m U,$Iin all(( Ill. tile whisper of the rill. 'N lye, Illy IaYC'n tic,odor al; t hat lic line agalo ol3ened out in the Full Stock of Spectacles 'u i,r,rV, $TNWL�RT, Pastor. I vitodit p2maamli of the prisoner. Tile Ido fold,the edgeti, that tile Ifileri. of tile bed or trilly not be.s.oiled. or the shores of earth and heaven IM 1yost New 1OXIC, Will 10, Of the Best Uakes, always on Ila lid. arriage a d- vy a ggon usilaess, AbIll Mristlan.-services at 10.30 a, ,,I, aill ;Ao p, m- 2,3110 pall. RZT, J. KNIS ' �i , tlFt,,P.CAQr. witness, whose 1141110 was wp, -y narrow: had a yet escape (if being person For'n. delicate person use half .3feet and mingle in the blue; She can wand�r down the glory havo nflzil Avrit's Criurni, rrvrolftAll ill ply fallilly for NearK, null lit) )lilt )Icnate to It ik' 11 081, 01et-tillil -n On the. Coma of Harou anaftugo' Streets, 04ton, MCI. [INS' D'OF W tit 0.30 1). in. 111l- 111 ustard alid flour, for a child mte a To .e -0 cvx y for cougha, and qot:s, IF GaAY. rmtor. orie'.of Adeolibun's victims. I'down weilt to Adeo4buti's house. Ile had i4litne-rous 11chartn"" Lspreail. on the forth of flour and -one of tupstard. It is'said tbo,t, Wrl tard pTaster that III has bevin inix ed with 1110jasses, will the places that she l5netv Where the happy lovers wandoifd In the days when life was true, t1lal A it ;QN E. - Lako Crystal, �A%Ibni,, Narell ltm rsfi infIroneldtfal -or -o l:EMTT In the Brick BuildingUnown as. the IlWuntcastle property," where lie ivilleArry J. Biddleoombig, on the trado in all. itt branches., An experience of over 20 year. In buluess Ili, . OvoiIslte tile Market, Clinton. Clinton Will ena,ble Iiiin to meet, the reqni renients of the public Ili his line, All. material of the very rIndlity And the worionnship latilinrinisseo. Ctill find A NEW 330OX, giving plida dkccdoA* for 4 I tin roide , ace o0c. I W, c at. Not O;X,�,Xnd ;'Ill a, r.n,:y Needle -valor t I beaut I v I -0 #1 Arr -4o6r, among them being. 4' sallall, Mail itfolTiind tiflireral vial. filled With 4 not blister. These. phisters hould. npvpr be h .So I think when days are sweetest, And Lite world is Wholly fair, I'll. NVALI)L's, '0 Ap,11 5, Ibb2, enen,l prnlpe of AN -rn's enunni; r ]I in examilile, before All tile latest Improved rigsinanufactured And kept constantly on hand. FARX IMPLEMENTS Oier 4 0 IlliallittrititIOT11 formo Hall, rosl'Stn"L Berlin and Shetland o'l; APPI Kate Gmew-2 daignil for : 2.0, etc., liandkerthid rd0f, , * - powder, Adeashun bad'it' -kon all uitconscious,person inbre 8"he may sometimes steal upon me 011MIAW Fir I do, tllRt. ALL WORK WARRANTED, POICES REASONABLE. bob.VV.,k Java Can'- linrts, T- which lie Oro(] 'fit the idol. Ili. tilen than, ten inin0es, otherwise Ft blister, exbeedifigly'lWatal, 4ifficuls to,, Tbrough tb6 dimness of Cho air, 1vith ilia cross upol her hosom, Its lise I elloula)ong i4x:ev linve, oled trulil0o, 1: Lww DU -N." n M�Repairing. And Repai thig'Promptly Attended to. Toliet C lonswFoOtMols, 1,amb,acitiluN eill of% H Ac; Bul;ets,Tablet Patteras.1foldinig ol P�r I attgrn&'Wal I Sofa Cushlom IT Th Godori6l News' took something out ofthe idol, It'lld together dropped it I* orhied, N' -Dersoti .0 - And the amaraujifi. in her hal�, Xo catto of an Affection of the'throat or Itings be relieved . etsjo�-el Racks, W-6; ling$- C ,d Path - 1,11 , chair DOW.", sclio, T,Up &ad Borlaps. INGod Baskets* with a, shill.ing should go to aledp with one of tlipse exists IvIdeh cannot greatly LARGE ASSORTMENT OF shoe nags. jowel B ... s, KnIft+ J.1, a vessel containing water, 31AK4XG OINE STIILLI',%-G I-,ITQ Two, plasters; on'i!tny part of the hody', for I real tim -ion Wst,gained, Am,ordina- 'n Once -to meet her, all t. to. Ineet, her, An( 0 hol d her gently fast by tile ll.Zq, of ynn't; CEX,;nRY rl,:CTORAL, And it rin alivays c1frehon the disease is, inot Already boyoull the Control Of medicine. rj? r _A TC .000 0"Vr S. and hundred; triloderd, iniancywork. ' Plain Direction$ With 4`11A WPM in bar preftco to onny Junel tit vplq.c , Tbe. -Ty tqbyiLq_WA1S1y­'t ILU"J�QIW­j6g� till 41 Par REDDY", 7, U01T ) bYsAURS boolr� As notigratin lot itits,; to r t (AJ1,iT,G,JJfATFM:,. This will the .'great power, Ill - a mustard -plaster may remain oil; onw.child it)3bould �esliifted as me— That Were bappineas at, Iasi; rJV.J,0,Ayq&Q.o., Lowell, MISS- :n:r"LxG7.E-3 CQ3 1%/x c,- C11 40 i xx ep =3 of 0 hirbest Neea Aork Alm to 51U)Ply within its MUIPMA a C 011 oll, W 4y, (Yetober I it edit' d 41oharm-t" of'- aking ar� M tiol S,.doubl e 0 t1leir -Valuv"* soon as ilia ski n reddens a t'llitIft; *of-Tain, were Voyond Our Ille et" Sold by,all Druggists. ROOTA STRAW CUTTINQ BOXESs . Phy*ian�' Presoriptioils Carefully a -ad iocurately, Co4poun A ation—than be ever before h;qn 9%di5ftl withill th . iyn ofonq in ted b cokauselfalcona leit's. Artile. S -t ve se Story. A ctiriolits 11or. 11" Urged 1dow" to hr'"g:hal cloth n f6r that but she ilIngo Fur relief for. sick Btoinach, for. acute general weekiliesn 2 Ili tne Autumns of tile past I —Bayara 7ldy1oj-. COTLN SHELLERS, drders Answered with Caie �and Deapa0h. Every I Vilift.d" Ion and invaluable to all wn love fisnor we I tis sold for ISO .ants . 11PY- WO -nice P ent ho vrel send So cents for the Pilot FIRF-SIDIL I purposo, site said W�hs not -it Leader. After orysterievId manifestations aud;'for -Tiiv Uqsr 'k-mviii III the world for.Cut,i, The Pi bl taill flmt 0141. Stock of Marranted irAyforst i�otbs. Address PEOP1.208 FIRES AL. 240 13randWayv NOW-Y01fill- A VALUADLE -to fit as this lie WaIjittid hei k her facc, ikilecifisciousl)q4ti these phisters ill, e of 1,�Flin in Ltil ; e _jjQadL is A. Good -Tinte. . ..... ,I' Sores, Ulcers, Salt 11betim, qbl *11ands, And all implements used on 4 farm. and OfL the. Bak Qn dity, 'BUYS AND HILLS ,nL Ile ing h1pkV gorn O -Of anif o 'r j,fJfUq gre�(ser'Vi&. oft6n 13Y a 111astarZI plaliter . I When is, the be linio at to take a -blood Ores Tet Lei-, Chapped ('11 Ill blal hs, �orn,;,_ it nd_­iLT On Erilip- as. Good as the Beat, andas Cheap Toilet Sdap4, Perf urn OrYt, S1101111101! Braces, Trusses, Sponges, and 411 -48 tile CboapeKt, �t IT. -uly last, On or about e U4 of J . tile, powileir from the vial to,the. .wind, And Idown Wcarno -soamw Itat stupifli ;d.- f�ho went lie me atit.tre- A to tile back of tbe.neel; oi� tensplo.q. Fain' '111L other Iticatiorull, geneilally �callt; foe tile iipl )JLi'2fttion Of tile blood lien. ever t lie foulland pear, Or IV let, the-systern,is utrnovl�y dock Blood . tioti$_ all, I l,poltivq1y enre% Piler, or no flay it is aurantecti to give- skindii,of-Droggist' Suildiic4-risually kopt ju a First-CltIs DTb- Store. '00 'YOU Phader E.* living on lot'� tow 6allip, Ontar. turio d tp tin's with a sun) of ntity of beathi '- d' '$IQ Red a 'q!i, tin plaster tp tile pait ill -part, In%ickstoinach Bitters. 300-2t - I'vive 25 venis ppr box, F, R sAbIS BY I CO, 0 2 -My . W"WIRIS J. B mi. - - . . . WALL WALL PA PER 1leial ol()tll, -osliun told her to bay Ad( apply the region of Young ladles who wish to have small rA.P ER io, lost it very valuable horse, a the country �throughjt?r itj - VV�O-LfoIl'(8, two hott-1va of'rurn, one thut to rganl' ShifUng the plaster f roll I plaell to place aff(I.4 to its use, triotithsoare'advi r led to repeftbL this at requent, . intervals dill-ing the da�'L A Bill posted on amall:in ii-yll1age fill cat of En -land, tile W IA1 PLE E NLT NVAR9ROOINIS, The. time for, Floue-Cleaning is near. All rapting iretrolied n wt failed to find it. T4 daysA,!1O yaki. of Crovildn cloth,,'aind two K' him at ticoyi IF4.r. tile relief of ftcutb.gen-� Fitich,fried jc� I .1 cis Folvlerls Witt a 41ledturb Willi be dative i. (I '�llo open air, and a collection made. U. I nX 0 N. ONTARIO H41., Parlor, nniacr- Room,! Qr e TAKE THE JI0. poople. living neftr a swailip. in . . " .1 I roall.: Ikoyi rbad is near to th 6' , " , . eril as whqa ft gor (?.it: may . ,,, -1 , ..4 swoon, apply the pid"Aftr �or tile. rc� Attijek. it the -door Ao.deitray- expenses." Roor 'Pa pers �Iio hinighborhood perceived P6.mos Some O.f a p�14ciil where tile nkeietmi were found. It wits four o'clock in tile giollor the hpa�t,:Stora to spine If it is itttell� oue an till , Ail 1) e ople Emil e6pecially tpavel'- FRTr'3rA1,Z'S WOA.lt POW6E'ns, tire safer w! . 11 . fi.nd the the'YOUng I Lhen went int 0 tcoaciobs�porsofi when o nlee�lll'ff wAaLtO tVtolla �o hy uso -bf - . the feel era, 4tre to a suddon. Attack df orI 11orhtts, Colid, 'in till Tho� dost roy and re- move Wo,r L ms.in childiten or adli!ts. d* Latest - Patt brins .0fl STORDI I'llest an. In= e rd ..a Co liscover whence the vile small olig, found horb'in body of tile a,tter, or thik ihadiis aot.,�hnt tile Cloth Wt I IV to y r plamt er 11 place to, Inge Ft in- pecial atte to L py� enleiy. ])I,. Fowler's �Vilfl, Rtralix. berry is the �mosb prompt And rellable I SJ3-4, t —1 N—' PERRITS' PLOCK nated, and a a ver Y, idvaticed state of decompRsition. -ace: be tied round ber.-f TI A' Ispitte tfio�regioll f kidne A"story'a-alf, and toirt'he nrflis- n md Ings; al remedy known. 306.2b A devot iie �of Bacchus wits. ov6r I -j'. D ril'o matter became it. all liject for con. PO- (oqt6lat* -ly nqt kept, and thrpe 0aytt gifterward th.e.prls� �piri, it inin ki�. t5 shift the4'. A young, man., blac tac e With lead h then tool� the bis.lgit, hat? fallen'. from". his twag it IlVoi.y.pal,S aIL P1,1005 T16 boat, 'THE ACKNOWLEDGED vermation; and finaliv readiedtho**ar . - IL oner iyas. arrelitet . Tile 'atftteni�i t I aster 11, kiflult.- ery tell IIIi- On it comb�an'd )IS g I ' ' irl out.for A, moon ight stroll. limit, afaiii Auf [Tick you ill lowet-prices, and-satist' otion'guaranteed. FRIEZESY ORNICES-ARD PANELS FILLERS, U. )f Mi%. Ifirsee. 'of Idowii corrol)orates.'for the'in&3t .1 e 11 U t 4 and oil a chi Id its soon Its the skin nlay ld When tile' fifirL one ii -ed. in tile. ei bright li-Ilt of tile ily yon Ivill not- ock me nil. I yqu;l1 and Iill,atttggered proudly As I have ill t,eln Are oat.an:d. ca� b ad for nothing. wiftre sitighotion. isacertainty., U:i0" The Bozaar Fashion Book" 1883 h the Book 1� , About tile Sallie tinie, he received part 016..suppq�e�d L PLAT WL111CIT TUil, PRISO�Ntfk ADOPTED I ;� i m dirolLd A, h durs later lie 'it c o looked' 1, s�e I" raifroad map, ------ -Give lite It C11%. Call -and seo papers getza, , AIIERT AUTTERSON, Propel "MTM Ledil'c' I Pa a -lor t at a man FIR- iews from fleapti Hutchison had s. ar -old a It6rs L I .. I I I in carrying cub his - ficildish o1jret, T to O' rigtil., .of 'Notlibill' lilt b 'tho . I � . Prior u'rituft 90AP Low's . 1141111. .. . JS ier.: . liked -hie the description' .of thlitt 'ad A , viz,.. to blincl fold t te' -I' &ce, s, towl in -each hAnd, them to bard.s. a of' in- tolerable "bild bre'aflill of rnilltitudeo. ITealing, sootbing And, clean.qing f6p - all Dismses of tile skin. Do-' '393 - GODER-101HO . . . .. I . . it liveryi as Inst,. to nad at. gpt lenVel do�yri,an&thdn ellps0tch thein LOui Crltic� 'INI , * flility�i likivo n6n, 3 rs. Dr. Ifenry Blixter's andrake Bit Lers remove.Che catu;o Rod the for toilet use. -41; . . . . I . o Sells Chea p4 r than,any dneoa top oftheHaftli. y0ii thi q . ... . ... I . ... r .. Y� 11g,fi116' OF THE VOUNTY1 . .. IV [or $115', 'had taken tile kle sly. a 'eut it. and had roe p with .46ino ilbavy Iveapoil. � Alice, shun doilied,the chalrgo� of*n1.dea,er,, McGlaggerty V, asked tl e Irish olrfl,,and c6st oifly _15 ce fs. 306 2t The Vassar girl's. favorit6 Roman ij! J.013. . . .. U utchi.4mi hvedL near to Mr. I-Tersee, tilt( worked for his o.Nvii father Oil it .arru owned 'by senior Rutchison. A d6tilea.tiour in 'the ury, and told. .theill he:w"S ititrepid, lIq,%r. ilia n6thind to'fear. .Tho jury, how- widow, up.on tile. fe neffl., 4o iljoil';er R-Irtbard oflid t1i a Mrs. Sdelaide O'Brien,'if Bufralo, N. Y., IIall *given lip to.,dio,hy )let- physicAns, As incui -able Con- ling Of triul find Ilm 0 lloq fo alill the-l-st; Convenient ,toil bacutual n t aeld: Thegi y0iir otd.�r �t '"The. NeWs LD 0 R E AM Ptecord" office. ZYCD 'th flie young mar),Aieh ring. the talk a- a . ever, bi;ouAt'in a, vemliet, o f illili,y 'it, ingtallets, and i0ked-tiflat or,. turni . 6rnund to give, neiglib na Mrq. Magoqhi it full view of- her- with sum"ti v 9n� It proved to be Lf er (,'out - , get i1fe(fi,ogol"t lInrIlL's Q41ioltv, Udrato, for I)y Dragglilk p! paratioli lmoivl�fo science for boalutifyln� the Tlioboslf rd. i)out the stolen liorse, becilmed. Al. -�ll three lie 6 inpblib and wa cured With Burdock' Sold 25 oents all 304,4t. armed tithd very re e -was t prison er a executetl solf.,66 d tile: garniiint, 6-� t lsa"n- is- ll -.When -LONDON LOAN 0.075 A: LARGE sTAFF, OF -stealin afr4id biwhorse g if.entenced to bolianged. had esht to You 0' younr� among nitist '11'ke m- APPLIC ATION oevidently nonittify the i'ace alail to the Fadmor salloIV.coni- ob F-40 al�atde would find him, out, aiid' that he would c�et lodged . in, jail and lbet] -to _priqfine'r -waq deb,tl 'lilt '.Lit I A'dpo4h w a' initive of. Hubb.a. --ex-el-ai- your. Mother r.;, med 'It's litele'l tbofiglit is it miserly Itihn, . tlilexion said Brown. "butibis In! replied 8 aWIDE-AWAKE - wolve's yon -bowl ypif" * lyl) ell you 4vo dmong politi ciang lie _I__,QMT3DC)MT C)Wrm- give a l'orfactly Tlealthy, Natin -al. find Youthful $100,000'TO UrND AT L0a`9ST.-JtATrS.. it conceals Wrinkles. F.'recides crow's ,tift, '41iort ditto louns tit �ot, itrid tbe FvIdenco of� Ai,c,)eAvInZ the Skin -Soft, �)tlrerwiso He, ar- riLnged with.. Ilia fiather to, buy.the years nge-WRS a Port Navo, and old thoritios Wflio by tile King- .of fwhi;I:I,.UrO%,ed liuxt d'ure to yez. an - that "Why don't �you s.601. it 0 114tet . ... Smooth, and addrcas. Postage sia.13mor-­50 Cents. -sent, to nn3� .tog. -6 6-L C n. Addres till letters to 2. P ent mpitaLq. li(irt,;6 back from the Hespeler livery him -Dal tonipy, on 6 of wb olfe Lion er� - fquUryei`a.n.o1ce dacin't; 'be to ose anything, I and' tit refore he 'kb JI'lilitil,i,'Iitiltl)gVIIC(,1.1'1'00tlltLO;O 1ploillillotL. ,Ili PhIld higlitil tog ellims Clio olloilliatitti. Fitilit ollo"Illilalt GF1EP0.-:V-0R, D er 2,678*, Toronto P.D.' Apply to. '270-T raW. EVONDENT CORPI r Iliall and to, give a. joutt note lie ininiediately beca,mo; Eitcapin. in Woman Chit I'll uv t or at'fther. e ps his temper:. 0 sk raim'dr,"aggist: for it. Wholesalti by all Witold. X.1 KENT,: M anagq ftir $120. This a done, wid thi horse aga;n got into tile han(N. of tI. to1alroti A( -osbuirset,:up as' a con- ,, � M ..I 1. . juror, a fet -ita priest, medicine man, acein yq� Ili ',a" d1fress. uv, -that koind.. .. . . . JIUAver Conillidat. 1101111c. .. � ; , , . , 1 . Phild Durp 1) . . iin or ache in.. .. - - r ar na Rutchison., Hutchitioria sr. You = 'and a. workei 4of cibariwq, in,. whicl) ! Sure ail' don't me s6ii T-anity. lie th�it they'r6arrosthi' -jerl .4 it nr)tL - worth', l-7- ror "u it. P itIN ANTED, 4fb.N1IS T E COUNTY, that this Was tl�ne'widi the und tanding that the horse -Was to. be Eat liberty notir Herseals farol, a No thli. it wou.10 find -its Way home Ifili,it capacity, 108. vict�iui, al Rnd; ael through. w1r.ich y ost livea. up i1v Oniahahn, an, Fit, that., Hoort fur. wearin'. Alothor -11,tilihar' i,p,,qes 'oil the 81itreet I Arrall fAvhvt ti-ents to free your, r of �.vnlfil Ora. of L those nfr enin . pla , ii)ts 1.t yon Oink IlIJ call tit omvltlio�L and gt�t ft Ii bottleinis: 41DOes, et?" asked p Bi-8by ofT I yess 0 opinjay. ille. d;ps wits tile reply Ne 'and Superior C.inaCkXaps Chattsi paying its any ai� orim, . in tile Avoirld. For fall w.' Wa IS Fuld thus the hurstj wool&.W reitor. 1,.Irs\ IV i re. b Ili t e. .Ivurifld it.into ver head at 8,11,L'ilit all, Me 41aggOrty, to tl�le �Cllllgly, and If it lyon 11.0 good it never Out Of a rpe� attLI) PulAishorl 388 Itichnitiod i4litirtictq Lo 01 2S7 4nf ed to- its rightful owner. Instefkd -of taking it llcm�, bOW- New York erciiry. thrick yerstilf out in that divil's own 'aV' wl If e 'plrl O.qt � I ,Liu nothing. 1).y J Combe. DL I ' Z. T01111 Wo rt,,%r SYRDv w 1 1 f rlomov a IIII(isi L 1141.10; : , ever, Hutchison junior took. the There in usually such f �n Odor, O I' lo m; dli-resi I' Fwhat do ye be,wenrin' it any wayl - Ali,' yoprig mother'travelir�g with liorm all kinds of Worins� from childven or ftdU1t8.L 0 3�3 Ll NO LATH' THE., VERY horse to tile swarrip, its body was; afterwards found and, cutting, sandtiky qurrotindifi, the prirs6n,that someif it niaturally ex6nds to Chose' Ewhere In 6P did ye!giiib it? yez l Uilb 6'L.Lgoill"crazy intoirly, or� in ant child writes the.folloyvin,, lJMBFR-'A ter -to hor. husband at home. il�fe are, IlDrunk 'agalin'" e'x,nlitimed Afro. -AP S01S 11.1111� IXY TO' THE FIZZONT 'Folt 8 Pinii an,d LF 0a throat, killed it. When the.car UftSo Walt f6und the news reached flutchipoll, Ifliti also -learned that wl lo congtittlVe Ilis.famil etlially ego I his wifp,. %vile is� expected'to set'lin -n. rijy, be, its gloill., to. move uVinto ilia ill Wrsht Ind t jpy are,' al" Yez Walit to' br�ak tit - fine. health, lie boy� an crii .,it, w.) out on iIII Imirs. oping the same lld can said: of ybu,� LT, remain, Ptc 'c u in A as lier li'sband . t1iiiiiniglit. "Xim,zin' ofithe kind my, Fsh only'a li'l di#ypated.l.. Lurnber Lath.' Thosewantin or Lath Al r( Na And it to their inuorest to l0ve Inc t call., Ta iIN . lilling M treet, Clinton. 0-F " E a te t intende to have tile body example to every woman in the tow yourqelf into the shtpyles a- fore cy�tthi' vor bitav'furnieboor Ili. 'are, I . t,tken tip to soe if the le �ie I an,ila&I u wits tilt, one lie had loilt. llut,chiiion. I - f up riority-un- This a9siniption 9 8 f �onscioug oftentitnes-. ives keen re� 9 , - t, to one ,av - them foine builditi's I i ' , ure, ail' aff yez inove' ont there. A Firtill ollillioll. firm of Ormilfid & lViiish, I. g - 4 r I ., -1,F.9 - U11sui-passe Pf .. tiv re, i raild, yet the irougli, purgi - , e act ng upon - the IL)il itiry organs. SLYTH SI MAL New's then fled, ail(] hastiotsince bee n hearil of. When Ifersee exillinled lixh tb tiny little coyitr�teiiipa which fw6fit'll yez do will Jurrvo* fori it -gistli, of lleterl)orn, sity'Dr. 1"Otyler'.3 Wil.d ktrAwberr- is lie . ir bc 't promptly all(I effietUallyL 30,3-4t Newstbek of Se-al"ch. an& Canadian- Tw s. eed*., tilt- body hoewas able to rodognize, 0 . proves them as common clay as oCher 1. .. won't IN ad reov,wirA, as'til'ov gay in Frinch, to ho' havin' hirl, tl�lnill, up v one of fedicines for' )'�umrner "be �USSOL n What neber bat4d .'no- GOSMAN & DODDS llhorse by its hoofs end shoes, anti Its the descripti8n of Hutchisoil hatl . I inortilifil. .., . t .. .. . . I 'ATH. Blank, tboogh+ anytt'ing -but I . t .:tile ft, L 0. out dure wit ! I Ilia overftils on, intill - ` -2t Cotllpf it '306 . .... L - ----- body," says Uple Read, lihin't, apt tail Warm:.water , a hib nobody.. in t'good L - ' - Over�c Trollselings, all(I .111 ill (till] Fa 0 I el Al 11 - lia" -inimed Anil best ltting Arc nou, prepared to do all kinds of ivorklin their Well 1M. to.tiie front forthe b6st ti line. 11tiving Pitai in-rl, grain crooher, woareable -Abou t iiv this time reached him, lie had e'ii'bl'atik; is the wife"of a phq 'tor of a an' Iris clinne. ucket, in his but I hope not goill! to.lave as, A.*cbflp from t 110 001intry; stappitIg tit of tho lifile Scla Wid riot, ch_thirat.!1 Aer Cer quen todo Chopping at any thne and on thestiortest Suits I .the Coll ij ty. corile all d 400 fill" yon ves y6tir, buys, ifyou, have not got. thd* tinale -y'0A P, notice. floubt who hall first stolety and aft�rls B�- Wards niurderqd- tile 4nitrial lilt 1e, -church. in a,. qnu- little. city, w iere tb�y L are hath loved a' d al tile fri n' I fwethei . , vez.do iiir,nol, for heaven's z;ako lave othat q "I'l, Vpon the bil of faro I handed o him by, the waiter Ile re- BI Hom, sidell, ti 6int note (ViVen tile c" -speler' fiveryman onfirtned- th Site is fufly, approcirtted. on - the ttirloicyli't ye're ill now, for Ila 0 *41 marked thrit. tmro bout - 1-n ott.; 110, rew I 1 -d ivait, till after din. till d erld h the his'toi ew INg oie 'Iabd-*Ior.theiii.4t�lifty-yeai-s.- It cures "rHE-.LA1rE8T' e- 9 opinion that voting Hutchison Nala not alone iii tile miserable traftsa.c. side of forty,, i fair f * 'which is <lin iplod unny' jfkeo, to, upon� Ile d I ay, 0 froflt� yey ItlIc loikh a O. Ipillydase, in a big ind shtfirin an' tit' eie's no more shape to yez than is to niy Tarnioy's s4i� otil nei'li ical power over -pain that coughs and coWs.. 30P. -A. borr . t6 Indiana, baby I during a, rTARTt'r ]PISITIMliti, tile renowned Ton- I. U.9orialAtist . , ]%as obtained thii assistance 04 'IeqL I x'Irst-ciass; Bither, IK -91 All. tile latest lit� TA ILU V- Hutchison', bas boorrencen. pleasallf; toti, -, Di) know I hoaril, Yellow Oil out- tet,rible storm, Ilfts boon named Cy- Onedoor t of the Conuelowfal Ilotal, at., iiig to settle the miater. said w as a, al I arp' a n gle of on 6'. vez fwhif m, Afee" I �dgerpy, I pos4asses, Iclona, marvels of,an,aient �imes. q says lie appellation a istloirnor. e dobsilkt, :JI . lie has offered Mr. IffIr8pe the belit horse lie has oil hus farinj tokether' with ally* (hilig elfie Mr. 4esire, our many rmiles,'wheird gentleman a ill haste icertain timit rush-. oil round tile corner with'suoli fol -6, that, ]to. )mt upset tit(-. ]ally bef re al tit rl 4 war fulih it invint- �'ed be youtin, married Ivotllen . n 1 1 %116) f.wh ilo aftv�'- bein'. I 0 wides, got I -t nots in ft naftiral manner to subdue clures Ithourrillitism. Croup; ore painfalr injul.16s. yet howl e . -y .111011t., I . _. , .. . I fig est q� Engldnd and Foreig T1 ousdrin4s, 'Ehgljsh & Fr�ndh:W d's'. Wilt that gentleman, to it or vonsil I till ry %'ill) Jilwyflil N(�.'jhifti' f IInnilosol We' Istock; dechn'tis t . o conil . )r I ill Or qi lie saw bpr, Thn collision wait so Atfilden ant] nproparfIll foi that Afro.', U uld riot maintain hor-bal-, shallie'd JIFLVili, Ilftyple kkJOW thA their corsets WAS to sI)lall to lit. talf to Mal in'L*dIlroagif�a said Fogg me(litil'tively,. !�j what inity come of file Ili goninion sittigo Iiiisiness' IV411 �oqtllring an,itirtielo for a Certain, powhasts tilily, that Which tins been trititt or 6 iijilottled first to t - tist beforo' lniyin 9. .61 0 99 THI R�- .the-hi-at-tev.,in- �'t I- odl H; a d; pe leo.s&tillst quel that -fills me nAh. a sbA ofnamelegg, t t rg-iiat �, or spopsill, "P OT LA LhiR - OA..gentlOmitn g,,,,,r it, 1 Ill down Of' c (]read I don't 1.14(o tile I ros. 111111C Illood luld Liver plitordon atyotir Intig st, re. sold lit wo� roid $1 lierL bottle. sectesti- "qt Aitish nd AL Mus ursoix- .17 ly throw Out' bobli Arins and cautyli t loike 66hih 6 crowns about I eels, a, tit ll. o M ' r , the river. I-alway, .4 w it of water know.11 lill)l)inlsieolil.pomtlsii)you�i5wlitqwn. 104.4t -it aplendiffly It.98ortt(1 o(,It OrL'Il at'lli 1,111111JItIr Ile4dy-t-onde Sulls 0 f, lit the. %if . ­.. I IiOW A (:tltTRCFI oP EN(MAND RpCTO2 0 ier. dl� ]Lilly t6 his t )in to Of courq,ohe glaticad down to diq- Glagg,erty, ar, you '42ites.tiono In e pretty mouth of the ice cream tit A AlIlL . I - oNCS 01WRY14 It FURNISHIgallsed'i"I'lpe Foroigh W6 Ne A hof t Wfks ye I U ked Iffly" 111)"of"Iti 1-m I'd say. ve rii� IA Avisiver This Why lie so inaliy peoplo ly-e Aeo arollad gifl I- I ... . Ther6 cometh it pieasin Dioiavurle I., ­ "',& ah7j[TH, �.TheL Squ4 B. T a trial of the'mo,- of v. ornan Ile was tha pabliel'y''and till- ceronioniounly enibracing! ail(] AIIIII'led an oidd vdIont6ille thrZt wlt a sto to sallibe aild he Illi4erablo by s she wbispra deep in her deepest PREPARE 0 ]D -P. T� :1 H ;� . FOR THE.. tqfgy� I C -r (. AT11B, F110.51 RELIATILI Lnuck,; at the �vpt, A,%sizOs held Ili iblowli dtflighted to behold anifflar face Up be It pliiir 1xv, bellows, I)izgl till of' AOIIIF b�ingoth. Picton, Ont., createtl -much intere4t, -of hN pailitor's WIN almost tou6ing the 86ptom, bee the oystor." ..... . file court room being eeo�vded a tho. tinip. Tile fli,tion wall Oil(, of OwIl. Poor,inall, 'h tpoold '11; less I Tile chook was so, dop more OF lid fair tilt, 811111iti li)lq F40 full a , A : �_ I . anteedto-l"Ilki.. SW . is ravages of Chole! 'a Nfanturn N RS thilimaizes for hijuriet; sustailyed Ili an beatiiiginflicted 6' y tho tonaptation, was so great,' it I !" his be d lips __ ­ 1101i Filled Itte. . 'd you'Oer see a baby (lie ih i ts ' V. If there any girl thab tloolln, like to PopL tlj6 question "Over loap n 1,urnineli Complaints among Children is tell alarming. ']'lie most WW 0. L E, A� TRYDIARXETS fvndant, who is' n, rf-etor of the 11110yell of ri'tirrian''(1. Tile p1laind a mason, and title of hispavighioi , 1. samck went a r(lo FindL away truggl(�d the.hldy, b1tifIlling in . like ally school girl. who haft mothortisarnitil Tho little. lipif livid with the S41g,"y Sir blood;, 010 little nose pinehoi� and wlitli; tile dimples � vedl,, she ill getrilroll I it by askirig lier young inan if Ile, be will� t�g to rill In his natno on or mat-- I'ol1a`blQ sDFO%k`I6r'S Wild ],,very bottle guarante. ed to give satisraction, - 308 _)b Talk about a ma'n rtllrpning Rivotrian a Are eorrocted 0 cry r Tuesday UternO.011, just -le fore The, partin-s me , t, 1011 tile StAl-t nine o'clock in .Chil foronn taprie(l It' ap" orivioil on Its- and eltin (Irmifi into Imig, haril lfii6a, fill tell the -father it., r, As A T111110 L.kDtl.la It'llti AU', Ally pretentions to It is pasging another. woman anf�w bontlet. that does it, co . . I N G going, to press, May 26, and it dil4puto Arose, nlinut fill it ll,tottlod-Flocou lit, Willett the (lit- pothap4i iratreath gI and pieki)yg -up hi Aflattore(l mail - in dild ile puts MliU4 Inoth. tear frolft desire tahlivo Soft .11,1140 Wo believe that, is nothing Wig tilt) liest, A'r-- ,tilt thoUghtreXaP.qqjVoly hill). %vordR, according iii, tile tile fiftutty kisser started forward ft. gait], but wlio Should 0119troeb hih his byp adlys, it 'is riot foeloog. Tile doath dow tend more to. produce thi lefr6et tillin tild efilamatit tlqt* Or Nru 'Ity Florida Water Flown for stiffjolmil, H E TWITn LL lopi" plaintifl".4 pilth thin tillin but IAir, 131(1111� Ili on its Latiman's luixed W tit w- THE If -A to the, dDfondant watrinien�, puqhing tile plailltify vifilp 'Iltly Ill tile which difew hill) oillo feet froAl thA witift into tile street' fillsballd of tile- lady 11A hadjutit k, In, spd. Ile Was fitugl�linilr good. lit' ur. ediv, and thor 0 )At lie, lormt, A.Ild We ullist.giVe. it', Ul)", 11at can llot� give it! p, She Attys ft inust livo, and .she presseit'it to, it( wartil bowfin, itild prays Ili- silellco tlle4 wa;ter ill tile basin. - It reftloveA redness or and 8outh. Ainerift wors the first to discrivor tile Pxtractrdhifti-ir fh)rftI 0 The e Intrioll whoro cliolern 8 __.. U6 Block, Clbdoll, 0da,m). ill ArKea, T710tor of all . ... f plaintiff thon attacked tilt, tol'), had witnessed tl DetortninpIl to put a, boll] agahl� ould brilatlipi; upon its , Virtlilet; Of this Witti"J, FIS (tog" mode and'have lotig 1111 ..... IIM OR, and t we Itatives, plaert the —1.1aving myL 410 Clio to' tile plainfift 8evero. ly cut and bruix,etl about (Ito body, tha matter, he flaild and if fj J� toked , "Brother I retty oVtple told rocks: it to and fanits forit,alid you - 0 Ur it %rdo 110 . '6110 use of nil L .. L Pit 0,dL t 10 A ministe-il bairg Ili, ell IIlloqt; �c perreet, ill'it. n 'SUMM' er k 4 arins and'hea, conlining hitri'to'his foe q TIJAL illftellig for a (lily 61, two Nvits Aerioul wollinin ran into your artrift Find. put ber re'd lips so 010:30, to youtit thal you coald feel tile breathl, livid Fill f,sonle Opilig ft . %ftinitt IF $went, lull4by, 11 iix� to WOO btlek heath ix�d t;trohgrt)L) ; allia itminot, Atq 01A hand or same to hi peoplo thr" times one of 1114 congtAnt, swil him after seevico. "Doottir M10 voll ve Ila this mopiling fl� 0 ,,_.o_e., ' - 10 �60 1 lnd missionary InClifen, f hOOT.-A, etc,, I would e4lt tlWattention of the,plibile to the Sallie, TO110116 td have lolitt'iigo the box of Vidn-1011or �-Oa hd tile good- O t Only Floss to titted Inc MAt year. 11N 0.6inin was I"06 5 Rom The (10dohdant claimed t1lit lip. WaA till, thela what most fool ,Would YOU seehainlrellilL hort Offid iliell JLu()' 'tile faille eemon havinghadebree several r(Wl%dhIgC;, I .0 , t!, and Of 1%.f,fi Were, 2r Njeaii, Boy,� providential Ido, rinder Ood, by It. The Pared � I'll ell W We rollor ed or Truns And Vallses very chealy. , I 114111111 after ro IN A. qVillilti,116 whic)i VAS real point ttbo ftile 4nd t lit) heatin tin gill1t, V"jultit aq ion Anwer. Cease $r, .4 iis but -A Alay T I - - Nva lit arriage 11alileSil t C, Team ail( 104 Single Ar IlAtL wag itclit of $14, PhYdUo I I OP1114yati, raism nipill. huXVrel 1011of was given, atiql1rod 119, t1lAt cliallb ant Of Overy ten to W'loal 1 baIo(i Fabling lit fo� ovet, all -110' 11 61,1111 )Iftilltifr, right, q i'PAY-4011, r Wi L, lind Wi L, ril.ollild ladvico evill'. I t, (%Ii(lr glie, trin tt-'thnt it Will I jV, 0; 0 no, that. fiant gmp waq th tions, and Ivor lioafth and iapirit,; are l)r48VrIho (IL ilirolle'llt 11101 Lind 11111(varld vedall for liWHITE , pow perfeet. The Imineir !.it ill TO 004