The Huron News-Record, 1884-07-09, Page 2_T_ 7_1.7�__ Nov Advertisements this Day. moulder autll vvivIder of they bal-I eriotj out like the clown iu .1tid tIdN !Al the precious petition the explained it A.- by a reference to ttv,14 'NOW41, W48 T6001VO4 1841; wool; that public opinion. NV441 ovrr such tho ancient Comedy, by peoplo of Canada bavo beard so lit r tbot -ot-o to 'kis. Walker, rellet of thelAter. F. Ifouso aud Iot for Selo. �Jos, 11offillan bobli put forti` but what you are talking niuch gbout, that indicatQ8 a change ,,!,b,eh,,9u1dud dio witio, i '�f Walker, hPA died 0 Chlo4so- T14o I in a lvodiagjourual Heaven, to proolain, the birt6, Town 11411, boosed lady who for many years June 8%.h 18%. about I cannot tell." They Cali, vo of pontiment itr this county upon- the tile isilin o Cie rarm for Sale. —Rubt ;Ilezauder. as When :Clio Uayor of Toronto IN resided in ant raids TU6 council met. pursuant to ad. least tell what Sir Rich%rd 0art'. 130ott #,A. it was willely Tanilere Wautcd.—NV. 11. Blue, secy. beratt-Ii for declarivg that "tile wit- Wright Ili talking about, wbotber his kilown1principlitIly through bet indo. out; mewbora All litosent; the 441gab w"efforts to, dialmse of her tile obour; mirmtes of last ilia of Canada Would relu%ilk true t o opinions Appear to thew admirable TemporAuce not Teetotalism. GODERIORk fiancy needlow9y1g. regular aud, one Special meeting rf.�ad I their Queen 01111 coutitryl" It might or -not. Ile has �tvetii them, a sen. and passed, accounts were ordered to Dry-Giloda-110yov w1winall. sation like Chat which it prodoced From ourolivii, Vorreopwident. To day the onnual picnic tf $b- be paid na follows jast Jjvcf.,w Peter's congregation takes place at. 60i be 6uuli bad Conduct on till- part by tile long, expected -tug of tile eIIN I bQr his, Grace Arch Our Summer visitors are Increasing JOS- Golloy,, ditelilug on gravel road, TX=r5i X_1,Cra0W lof the vollmnaera �boulld thoy re. 14111OP 11y"ch, was rt'llue'lEcd to join Bi"halills Grove. As on previous cc. 06,00; R. Ralik, gine atnoug the patisviigers in the the Poininion Touiperauco Alliance Coulon$ Amusements orvarlova hinds no, gravelling $47.00; main neutral ail(] allow foreign foes truit, wlijob Ila The Xissea Crain Jillive returned 'WillLbe provided so that Young and Ob%rles Harris, spreading gravel, 07; 12 ­ I a buell, kept waiting ill a -lit against the hoteN from their Chicago visit. old rally or dotnestic.traltors to trail tile lion tilt eve0itiody is tired. Two things loovellif V -1Y their Money and takeo George Cardiff, drain across roa4l�,$3; )a; M. 0. Caruo 'if N.6rvlCQ,, 41. -tv ui a And lie made tile fo.1low1ug 'JL'I,, schools closed for the summer their choice. Refreshments ill great 05A ow 1.1 guarded, nag" of Britain Ili ilia (ill,,: I every politival pai list have, 0, reply Thomas Town gvivolling, som leader who will li,41 it and 4:11olicy vacAtion litat 'Friday. yarlety Will and as 8,66; ADAMS & WESTLAIKES twenty five cents Pay", for,admission to", cuttil)4 out roat7- lo Which tile People Cali and I)rOUres Way, 07; Thomas Sheridan, But fotvolunteera to forcerebela wl "I Wofill r Duncan Livings ,UIL)rort Any uleasura Mrs Williara Seymour and children. w1lioll wouill teu.d to lilt dowil are in,town. �p their Annual visit.. cal.1 tllo peoplej to an excellent dinner Spreading Via Goderich Jaws Tile ioi-d of the secood wilt never drunkentielis, but fei ire advise our friends to, dirt a to day grO14, 09; John ]Denbo, gravelling the to.- I;e Au r thit your Xw$ Nei IteW-An (Jeri i p was Seriously 14 the open ail- urrounded by Contra Aide ro guloaly constituted auttiorlde. by niere criticism, how-' Ad, $40; Tbomas Laite, Is, now convalescent be 'f ladlef, &ad fanned gravelling 070; Jameo Gillespie, according Jo tile Globe horrible, ever figAteotio, or by, profe-9sions of action Cannot (10 much gooll ill put. weok Pupkrior virtne, even though they For Rev -1R.1; ieRbytheaftern fgravelling, 0' ting (town tile jiq44 by�v4 appetizing breezes. 'UO- Richard Armstrong, 9to' an(ithe Inall Who addrese4 volou- tavern that you Will close, train at) uttilag do -n hills, and grav wes, Huron fleloord, 'A Tile voting of the Union Jlck to the I , yo ailing lay. Way be tosoine exkint welL found- ZVO 1111I it NNill Open, nd I Rotel. keeper ill 055-50; S. Hodg! go teers and plus Ilia foitli to their Pit. Thocountry takes oil tbis as hQ, No bua410AA -At *tbe school board most _�,opular. us, ropairinf $4.00; George Grang6er, fJroinl Ity is, according to the Smauthor- thor Ordinary stuff of campain Ifyour weeting on 14ondAy. create ots offun and cause intenso aavLrag *a'--oNo family should be without one.00=S*, over 1700 eAcitemeut as bets ligve been in PIP0, 63; John White,. drain ity,Unfitf9r anylirportaut public acleeclies, yieldatit a languid Alliance were to put. forth all its Ba�haoan, ol"Buchnnan lid as to th . Add "Orb, $2.00; John . cul. Robinson, lqa�.Port Arthur, a result. Again, wo,kigy have Fraser, drain and to Combat tho illicit Sol, a good ainne Pipe, $100; James Russel, . work on —0--o— who r And pleasant time, inly PtIlt position I I It is cheering and pleas. 31111ent, arld gives tile leader ltrr�-Trqy."W,� Sava -;e of Buft Hilo- of -liquor, you would (to fitr tIs and try and will tile celebrated approach, to Armstroug's bridge, #48i will load and who. at least promises, vilsitio the old howestea(l. alit to turuL from tile Oeo goqd, And I Would tie with you picture by Clooas the Painter. McLean Bros., publishing .uditor'a to 1 , pulething for the country a, a' Mr. W111Wn Madarnof Winnip'gla Abstract, $4; M, Cardiff, culvert, on jouroul to tlicelevatotlser�tiuletlts of a o livart and soul. You are. like the aftentling a� fe'tv weeks in Jow' At the regular SewHolonthly meet. Majolity of -two to one. It WAN by physicians wile pretend to cure ugly n.' Ihg oFI1uron,,r,-ncawpwent Aide road, 63; E. Boarnan, gravel, Tar, 'foltowr' pronounced Grit a(lborenJI—McAl. (404ring for tiscat We regretto Ila r No 28, 1. $8,75; )Pratt and Tracey, inumcipal. 0 X'0103 gives its ad. ve to 0. Q. F, Nat FrIdgy, D,, D. G, 06; L sores by coverbiA tlleav with plasters Xdrow, Book�i, ind So if that Sur oltt N' J45 )land bool; Gdo. Forsyth, 0 pine '.raylor, All, ex citizon. of (.1,1intoll, �*tioual t4ri li assisti vocacy of prohibition away in its but tbeso sores kro not flifly lion. xi by 11. C.P's A adrews pay or ar BINDI-N C. Idian soutitilent Macdonad tui-ned the tai)leaon his and Toms installed the officers for f services, $20; James 11ow. -ession of , . 1. L ;.. a arvilment againuttlie supoi 110 voices Cal ill tevictorious enemy Anil "recovered will; bretkk or � in Other places. Wt t'c 8 , -, Geofgb's a obsuing tern fis follows ,a a, b insp2oblug gra mi in the Unitea States b m L "re 11) every prial t tb , ; velling, $2.60; fOlICINVin" 0Xtr4Ct8 fr0rU IIIS "PLO01118 to dis�eo&it ' .m. Odi Just Recei ed y POWel', 11 tile Grits WiSh to ()Out 411)lfl way adiourned,404one Wek td,4ivait tile C. P. PAt., J. If. Smith. fiark, gravel, 11.50; E, Little. V and 6ther Nest: fliellard liquor put Che . .1. '.-4- avel" 08.051 ohn Bqrwasll, Act of Quoth the Newa: lkitu again Ney mustlot, the Country 0 Ili lA Russel. gi ilainallesti tax on -,the ran(I "Froin cy different, L, W. Robt. Uivens. grayel, $1.60, purs bQ f!ve pal. t one sivilop, emifiscatos the irliere blue Atlanta ariseth in know wbat line, of poli n*-*.nn,.rN-Ida t" splendor, wines so. that our J, 19. P. C. P., Jos)): Beck. Arovetl by Mr, Mooney, Aeconded by front Ilia they I will no When way. and transacted the us B. MOQrd like Italv aind ftmco, wit.1i vory-f4w.. Win. Wray, that 0. A. Howe be in - o where the dark waves of Superior ttley have the governwAnt: in t1seir Ef - og 'it atstructed in addition to setting Aside litany enaet- drunlc�vds; ' We' wast legilate 60 A lliftihbt OLntir*torWdpQoPI6 td6k to expend 010 Ili gravelling ids They must show tb Trolls Campbell. lots 7 to 0 all .0til, - t a iety us we find it, and, unfortUll, Toronto Pafrom con.—Carried. SOc BEST. UH, May, Canadtt boast Aer heroeit, delen 'cliange of administration will brin- rn, Moved by 1-1, Mooney, Seconded by Ssity * of able til 'Morfilointsin. Tile reee ately must look not for the greatest .1 at week1 J. Nai tilippresging the illeg her, 'ir . I V. C. W. A. ndrows, 14. Bosman. ame bitelligible gaiii, This,, .5 ng 'y I tbat.0)r be oxpended in, %I and, ininioral fee Mr. Itarl 110 ean passed the 04� I Av, plit., NNT. If. Call and get Prices before purchasixg Asewhere.� but for -tile least o0l; U - t OLC61le.c Murney, repairing C;ntre Aide road in t a titres ofthe �Moroions isayarent. But Land wall comparatively Sober wl,on* arl '�-O 24 Nl(,� 1�. C. P, J. 110 And, nurtured to Slot, 1101I vigilitkis Richard Cartwright svenis to Under. good, On. _ Cal. bergs., a ried. iswooping- �nactotnent, stalld, sod lience trio remarlclthlo �(JLJO P(Iople br . owed -their 0)y!k beer,, 'Pat�l F. pridliam. Moved by H. Alooney, fjocoil(jed I;y ._o___.O a -- NO parasite weeds round her pilial-s of ticeem of bis peecb.--6o"dw1n Our agqin 111he 4 Kirkbride. 14*4 (44 deeb-ableppol in iiiew, is ver.y There is food as Well aji-dr! ik BOO -all, that 0. A. How& be in- slxll� ilz TAc gblvtlern�all,%ks 501-11 P. Q, P. Neil Campbell was elected doubt 1, - 11 is obviluqy a most dangerous glol�y, IP lu�, afore 9tracted to lot a job of openink a list beverage." t be Buys B. IS-. A"aIll. ipreseu tilt! v a to G '-And E0 caw p me n t diteli-opposite lot 11 'on %4 bon.— precedent in legislatfon: ifie, prorlarl By bi-ave bearts p ' rotcctq(l and, -braver, r4 were Carried. heart wnn; Quitq jL. f.p.4ssprigers. An(' icommitiees: Politicl and 11"Itlity Points. 'Intedi Findhee—P. 0. P., 0. A. Pilo llbe tall away wholesale A y a bad ci *To t -aitor's alrectiou sliall tarniah. the 10411 do. Stivens, IL Cooke' Pro� Moved by Wm� Wray, secoilded b n,... u. beclule � _. _L___ - alitted evening. y ti=lls, wile shall -7-- H,.'Moonoy storW L . '­ =--- - _'. tll�tt 0, A. Howe lot a say where tile application or the principle Be qw, we give some excerptri le schooner Ariel.with tumbei I at. Jno. Nairn,, Or That down tile long ag;es, in gi 0 C umbei coii� �a Oily shalt -to veto in tbe.city of Guelph, lid P i will stop I Thoro are wally of bad - I" I Opp 0) it eve -Tit( -friruti -a, fill) roved b� E. Buslan, lormons, ind it tlj6 prinWille of tile bill H, D u tT,-, P t Thursday eve, 0 Sir.-, aylor AAYA: reideni of the Hamiltoit, 'INesrs , oyleand Albert G)roo( following officers we' Masonic 'Brethren, preavFied N a. s6conded by. A., Tf wo, that H, Afoon(,y ilave re in- "Thd man, who itIll A-lutual Marriage Aid Association' Galt, oil tlle�last SM.). I ft 'IieV Steamer Uo fe , G L " -v up -i sstainott it is tabe fearod tli;t in the wo in, hill and culvert opposite lot 2 Not guard tlle' to illiles'of bis sires onto I r stil'; son. on W1 futl�rli it 6a), lie feittiri as. Rob n Jurio,23 1884. (I at It I on, U (la V !,I- con. &t in,a-propar, state :,repair 2 or. _vvag,.disulit t N_; 0. I.Sappl 0ti6il'-to their ease.. ollilt, its' c' n, � i'opd, the Ifigh Bra. ..Jas, YaCQ8.. A Chicaao 'cli-emist testtGis that 119milto'll. Tile Rov, gell,fle.4lan: i�chool ail tr, nee a -mi) �i gli t ill its detertufnation to' force the 'Itvictory.to diallor slied, Moved by b. A, I(Ifowe, hintion at px. V. G., Bra 11. . Robinson. econdedL by lie biltuflit whiskfiv at fiftein ldiffor- took for his V '2 1- leter last Th,ursday ancl H. Mooney, th 'Mormonis to Bubin it to tit a law of �1, 6 Ills blood it, rov'relice of tile nicinory alit silo' ii, riday. It, 8,, -Bra. W. D. Mathews' Bosmau be al,.. ons -and did riot (!nil a urp "kTot every oue that Saith U JIL Mr. 3farks,!of 13 I'll o0ald, NvIlo-spent, To Bro­Gil -lowed 40'oeuts par rod for 85 � rodo of REMOVED but a mathod less daugaroui Of suelf as bouilit, his- hope Nvith tbeirs;_ to we' a. Stivep. RF s to the senir' 0 VED to j -klnYs it): �town 'We6k Bro. Nell0larn,pboill,. Cad don. 2.—Car OL art' le in tile lot. It n ak(,s a great ditch on dentre sido r ity or property-Iind per4oual rights than wile would a couple Of, last' difTlarence whother one analives tIlle Lot.],- Lurd". filiall ent,4 i u to' the was the -uesb of sur.T. B. Va -den, Bra. A. Kirkbride. —0--o—O Wai ried. that embodied ill their late euaetraent�ould ot kindle to o, patriot's fire to S QO StUff*on tile (4patLor takes it lipme. Kingdorn- of heayen; i:iut lie - thill Mr. And �11 Condhiltm, 113�0, A. Johnston.- al ' icled by A.stain upon his country's raine,_l is M-Coo-per,arld family of AVfay' sod ouhl vlt. $1,(XO from tile soldiers deatli; nor sit '11, S. N. 0,, Bra. J. NV, Sti tba' Trea-surer be te and ar�aliz4—itl.- d eth tile will of illy,, F ather which. is Brussels, Are the guests of 1r, Geo. Chaplain; bro. W, 11. Itfurney. oved )1 i * urelyb6found." hNosm1an'til'"ll Zia NY hol, Unwortliy� of a .44 a argument inr 'bructed to draw gai t -a 'off in Iiis,ao'heSLan�j.al.e'5tiilg.p" The writ for tile new el ect. a., Bra Jos. Robinson.. Balilt of Hamilton. iii lVingliam to. "tile ace, alnolig -Tile Mary!& Gordon with oqa11-.fd . r R 8 1 G Bra, B. Saltr.- meet current expen HAS REOVED -TO THE 9 V. G, ro, F. Pridlialn. prohibitory law.with parliamentary 11011breddust of liqroas nowy born tile district of Mukoka to fill the Mason ry has met - Ri-litine Xhle ses.�Citrried. sailetion, for ilia suppression of Clio 6r marq, yer ard.ine, called- Ad L: As: beau isui,d. y or gloriously Alain;— place of Mr. Fauquier, u nAeated And fortune IL'I War k ed by parrt on Su6r The C,)unoil then, ail ourued to :B lag attltes I ., G., Bra. ilo. Stiven. . I i Tjocl< liqudr , trade, -,vi,tb its Alleged evils b Tit o both 11 moob.iigain on the. 4bli day, of Augnst. igh And lo�i; Fy Pr6temants The boi-ft at 1he Ogilvie block s 0. 0 Bra. J no.- Nil irn.L Formerly occupled by Mr. Jainag Smith, t�vo do . are north , of . thii Grand Vnicin nation will, NVO lielievP, take sind d nif tile rock S. Bro. Uy. Stowo�, arid benefits, is hioluded-in tlie.L son- The Globe has ai last'squeezed. Out firfidel and al-, �roo edl,.: lintel, wliere lie will be pleaed to see 1411 1116 Old customers aud many new oneim timents expreised by tile da. it Aloliar�Jly And epubko. h4villgi been: reached last we'etki S., Bra. T. McKenzio.',' A C113111tenarin yeos a fe w gond Nvords,' for Cana place on July l6th, and, did election tilodox, by (dine and see my stock -'Seotch and CititiadiallL Tiveeds. Irliklij Nerrel;., oil juty 23rd. The Coll rhe fcdiowifig comInitt Worliteds, and Fancy Trolliseriftrf. and,,% says 4"I'liankg to*Providdooe and a suYvived all theseattuuka counal met Ittst week, oe Wire ap. DEAT110P THE OlJ)F4T'XA.1T I' liultax ('a. cotings,.madeand cut In the Latest Vasil ion upulner 11 ainst tile alit _MOL Iran legislation.- The -only to suff6r from 4s baAhiess -befbe�' it was in: pointed:.. Visiting=,jas. -f. On -Friday last ail nnusud q C. metYates, 1, At one a cap. ti) So to good* sense. of tile Canadiat .00 [lei- 0, 'Sti-' NY a 1 Cott Acb,ren- romany.0t connec�idn.Nyitljthe eq6aliz iht� EVERY , GARRE I ' tacle 4l.New York opulai ity thau f ation ap. Roblbson,,W. B. Mathews, Ge McCreijlit, 1 ders, o5otuparaiVely valueless (con-fis- 'ople eal.. NT.IS A WALKING ADVERTISEME pe , bsiness' P10,4pects Seoul a bruttj T don't thillic that. tlio� spa'- vens, I.. W. Smith, R, Givens, -N, re�idb�ce in.T a C court. A num convictfid a (I a is . Mrs Jnd, Macara of the Nor . th Can1pbell, Finande—W, Mitchell urnberry on Friday Made by the no trimm a %vi'tti file Best .11forimming r� pleadod with 'th Will dLi. it', gravel t1le propol ty of tli6se enga'ge'l 61 -i -liter, now than they. we're a.year, douffle' 110urdo ynf forged that or lost, at the-advAnced-age of one hun-� the at. Reasonable 111�rlees. Fiselier'8 reputation ss,q c�uttinr West:'w'hoL is enjo�jng' our famous F C., A. 'Nairn. Prol -di ad And ving been born, and Coatmaker is seconAl to none ln the co hty� t trade. Its phasage 4go. " it is cpnsidorably less that, court atyabint, the bru ality of Ila Jig. 016 p66t yet born that *will coiji,pose scenery is t"16 guest tof-lier rotative Perty A. Kirkbride, Jac. Nairn, J. in Ireland in q Parties haying their own gooii,� pp, which lie deelarp(l was unchria- it" dil-90; alld f true� to Its pi ineiples ltober�s. he'yeai� 1780- Jfew6s can hAvis them made up And tilliumed o& the shorle$t Hoilce and At -reasonable'_ atyo in f Nyould rot naide epae'tun(Ints by both . 4 Year. act only fewWoek twill all . r� Ode 'of 'tile oldest settlers in -the 'cliarges. - tian, and a.�ked that lie migilt be So far:as'l know tbo, PROHIDI;rlo The G. auth6rities have corn Ns PART IV. of Turnb6rry, and was al. vi-Ilies. Hostility to. inencedbuildinga new bridge over- Re orend 0 V - '11redericic H. HeLlge,, ways a stro'lig, healthy..man nil to f the Doluit iot arid ',Proyineii Parlia. ago, 'tile Globe Nvent hamnier and chlor formed to death. vive all' its V,11* townshi FIOHMEN 11, iiients in fav6r 0 1 icenee System., tongs. far.. the. Canadian people Masoiiry ba generAlly" arison from tile railwa'y tile jail,- 'This 'is D.D,, 'Brookline, a ulember. of within the last yearor,tWo. Ili poli-, 286-y, It is eippeted-Ahab 11 ie:.I�d lance. i-noratice of i a ovemen K. -HALL. Ile I through theii. ti pl'illciplps all(] frc)ll) muQh n ed.ed impri iiiinistry for 3 3 of' bids be WAS striAl -.0A .�qoessity of Suppressing the. representatives in, Oovera� .7 years, i5 year! y Con iervativ a, and I illiputini., tQ tile ordIor the follies of Mr-rreo. olds'llit I wIliQli tiluo was spenti-in the prabib.' never fai and immoral 'features. of 'th �Farlialilent.. , VIC business pros- a severq. attack led to cast Ilia Vote in.'Javor a men't a total kAuCtioll -in in of' t Ua;ne: "So forl Ills remains were Ifi. its weitillers: It. is erOfIcongestii ition Sbato of Ins illy, Of that party. liq!lor lie' wise systelAl must,, -be Con. - peels 'of thd people were* V11"Ilted 'tile dolit-for tile fiscal Yedr of,9100.� At 0ib time of tI obst 14 experience go I.aw to.rred in tfie NVIngliani I . o OvOft tile "104t t4itered oil, . . lls:wPiting Nfv­Ulds�� . -rvation. al I Cemetery oil ceded. But as the Yezm says.witil 'forever; that is until Clod Gritl ; se-veiielyilli.%vas"itieii.(�ir�g.. ,. AOCIdUlly of, tile opinion tha blip S oon. 000.000 ao.d a decoase of reveime of allho atul`60ay aftern earth, and. slioul.d cause us all to enebuient of tile lirohibitaty* 'liquor $4o 000,000: bul- enabor. J. Ogilvie W:lc; A lk�A L_ A cc oornionisto a sweeping taitied power-' Now, though Mr.. ! ' . move. circarnspectly. NvIlicli Alms tit tlib - entire Still. IDENT . .1 . . -the 'tat( were ill town last wepic, lel'b by -the oobured Ili w6noction with.thb death of i 'Vpited 4 ellactrilelit, tince ill. fai oi TA*..1,-,L0-R`1 N -G. sip,' the Scott Act, .4 seem 64 fav from , I unhesitatingly say that, if I lie(] 13OAtty, bOA-t 0 'pregslon of tile swo of liquors,- expect., r tile will be,960 000 - Saturtli-ty al- of th6 above. His twil, even di, 6:ve -.11ort Afthur, ing'thoteby to prevent and uppress Sons, lohn —C isdosirvible end Ili power a8. ei�er, yet' "bu8iness pros- 00Q. iprot,ectlon'douisedw t rleaving tile i-esid, 0 pro,, 4a rod in Uasu�ry Nvas a mistaken loa* s' do ould- hv&Q bpeti't Is' enqd or the lAtter- oil At 4 F ubiful. If thp . propel ty '.of pects see - b �w talialwed. 'to ro. I'lic eiamInatioris for 3rd cji"sS ...... 1 Itttion, wid that it W6t 'of Engla Scotch. and ore­ lArid. its all te.et- has not a port o iny 'wif6,1 il'Ot 1)0 teri'n�d odrtifleatos.coinnienced light w4ggon With the intedition nf ign SWitings h.04 Fren"-L W tedS. liquolp 'traders Cali tie taken"away owing.- to' 'good 'sene Free trade illeays.. direct taxation.' found h "a to,.day addeessit . i tile boll't tTrouse ng , liave. Ile a9. 011' N1 olldh� loci ni rig, ail don Ci nue, ;t,Ir ._1y op conjing to NVing11,11111 to slee a an rg use* Che� tire -bad ci Gi. Canadian 00*,- Order. I sliduld ho.tain have hoN%Iio* ha(1 Sl6d ttile do;,Iraetery'foi� their fat ler. .0 Wholeale beca people". - in suartining" the It Meat's a tax ill of -88,0 I I . tlLlitioa, and it title bob" NO 0 zonSi;­(0hidh We 006 alluwtll� and S-5,0004000 for Vlipjebe Uttlierine ve - rbdely d soolfer'bad they started, however, are. ziot by any piesent goveKnin lit and-, it' -policy ;ellfered a I ni6, Ididge... No. in -A ti witll;'�iAilv th6 lillPiesSioll 11166 1 lim a :16an'th' ..a 1 a I . - 1, a horses ran awayi the on lly oail tie,� fbi, 1j: Oil 10;i from icading the'rCi)OAS 0, Sonth Carolina. -On6- -a Suu I timt.'knowy, Alftsoll�y Cali" trutirfu f the test!.. truuk� all.. the gate -post, inean prepared to admit),.Wh I ear f I iexperiment wautd, make fitee). the' �onrhoot t4t- it on of did 'S OPI.A7 we 8.114 unildoiled at ilia G. many :offoredboforo blio �ommittoo,_ )Oil, of (.110.00cutauls Out. � jol'Owl"g THE CLOTHIE sty wl ere tile, applicati NeF 'el a ade So ' odiotia" that tllp� ubli [in I tr P. a dicai*. A' Mwiionje loilge is no (iottiompt to proldbib tile Sale Creight, aged ithout '70 years, Was baq,,a 9plent-fidly assor ted stock or new SN"lle "ad qummer (,'oodi.- prill.clpl.a stop I mail in'those States Advocating it )I'd Ailt, I titl'�. hot, c of wonol; 'brenij place for tli�. bo,or.or d. uporl'a aticl : 6r(lered dild Suits at tile. ItiNvest but'thilit. Bad cookery 'it tlooWon -whoro'l suppose it does a gret. a seriously hest or tri in ro I ng� 'travel,with tieither is'it true that our obligatibils' saturdifY.' Thellutiber will be ohlpr woro harm f-140 it would ololle�re are many, c. sses bad is iv' �1�.jhg' Illi(vilt P1 I f I ill his a se iind otherwh I used, Itild .6 is in;' "An )'i Ili All-out the hend And body FURNISH:INCS ii as much wZscilief as bad as a aton"ter curiosit n,tl e.wbitp biild it Inca of T- think t1lt tile inj v: YS hist -OO -k. 11 and see, it will pay you citivins and troublesoule peoplevtber. �s tosu'lipart enoli'othe tit. tile. 186aful-th. lvtlorf��L 11 Tects unto Clio eloplitaut or'. ilia virifO inan of .1 from Old ef 'and is doing more to pari et B.Lini6o. expq pr6lilbibory mcasu,res 6mployo(i lltjro� ich lia'died, on AHAIVE SWITH' Th tha:u liq',.ior delurk, Al d. if Clio pri�ij use oft of trilth atid to the detri- clr! Iff. And else ABR dis denerall N%Iler6 for-tlxo ay ceiv 111011t. of society.. NIholo t(.11,01, Represpii fati v.o Ihnontbas been About tile bs -NT r ciple-of tli� C ssustaillOjt. suposed.—Globq.� d toA, 'art , ICT -onry* i:p A of the sale of. liquor, lihs joll(jod to 01,I) b:U t is likOly 'to VC06Ver._JV1ngI C alit 11 1 a hing j:if Mas pe s ancti C'On 0. Fe great Lion Is tt be feared lloviz -d by. tile 11 Ise d , 1 'of col"CEIVIn"011 that ill the future it, oil Forei�rii Afr&� I a r(,Iport t1to fol- grown I t lye. udidaiy. t All deTile. tliqd,, And hypoorisy.' A preat any At- a foul)d diflioult,t6 limit its- and Mrs. :Va�coe) 001111 AV r, James Allen replies Wit]] tile I wino resolution directiog the Presi- ouv Of. tho well'kii6wni attaell'I)Ae a, the tCmpt to evado. tlie I� W. 1t. ha i m wool, I n ry, b C01111t Application to h n'nviyotiations f r ille re- of tile brotherhood to her far.. io the liquo q'dstion.' gy a t 'i arid rigokLr'c araoteristic dent to opv 0 lad It bon loncy to throw co b 3�'Cxirrol,-ncy and -let r a muler sojourli at. tile did �be right in of 1, is' laiiadid I abstainers mid B' tile C NY,. -and to (Iiih iniab., 'ilia re' n Reciprocity t'�Circulstl, oivn-: pen.to Mr. lake,?i atfack oil Of :t-- CENT.— F Tre IQ 00111- .. ucowbic-h ouglit to ba enbo,rtain6d PEK naty 0 ��M4 Tl�kt in-�tho opla" I lie pro 4� illpternrination to force the li t he 01`49`90 ot'st quor ion Of tliis Ho: plateii�,qa of thaO ei - arm on so loa6e commercial to ca�'ry put o the, fullest of his d4so lic iti'� the undeniable istruck tile vo nd John P. It r6latious with other States dn'166- 4galil-st. V Obi lison, 4tor :b'bart in t FOR,30 DAY hoi Co. etit�alizt' ho0se of rs. 'tile Roolan'." C areouif(I't niu'r(le.'r. Of the ree Church 'ofl. 8 7.* 11ary,H .6 teht ,-,tli.e, wise provisions Of tile far.t.. tbab 10 A erican. Cointinent wos,ild, bv 0 ft, ill a 11 of k's �ket, bil� 6 A Church, to eopress thwouel"Otiehinonts. nat adval4age; I find tI wO61(I the'seci I ets'of the Bost6n, for"29 yeitrs age to tile . bi . ii1ding. ass dangerous dal lat -.01OUL Tile 6kiddrice in ilia matter of the, �. FIl-hiysolf, sir,. if them. could -be a There was no AN of tile lodges been- form. NVere I at H1,16rty to:pro- e�qalizitt.iow Ippe'al wits concluded: 'y law in eff pesbn in the; houso*at -tile time, It: 'otsupprOssing in.ternperabee, act, the E xeoutivoI e.0 fit to cotisider.the Oct, should be also st-rdCk tho barn of Mk. �ichwarb- lot in?rely a. religibUN' propa,;ition -for (I.uce Maonic oviden-ce ill 'a'pu,blic -oil So Iris IldnOt"JUdg6TO gl�tl to Soo Ili. ..can SUroly, W founa than Cl;Ce Ims� _. I kenti-tilier. near tbis.-villagej doing hisiOli Which Pass- but'a,lgreat sapoli�i Could prqve:to 0 is 1) eparing. his dee Cal Gr- the Dominion A 'Canada such lie- f Ili t ie begina n ot hN i1w th will be nialb' known At no. distant; Considerable d4wage'to the -ba a cel, is as ei,-a tile Eticycli,,' to I Moxon-�ould not InOverlle6t, And ikas roady to do -any- r A. do Iwili d truc.-: gan 7ation, diiIIec gotiation would .be vi9wed W i LIl' a 0 r all �Ive of#iva4pro'perty vested�in� cill.avo�vs, a�drxinat what. Protestdtits favor. thing fillf Nvoidd banish the evil but . There is -an alarming fatality Among BUT A— a I have ]InArd� of tot-. I -lie vi atu - Satisfied that -it never c.ti be Colts' in the., dountj of' rey', In depin t aud liberties Of things 06currill- inlodges --of. Lodges -will.ineet at, ttorcsts. id p . orsoual rights.,,. ay'ruorning by prohibitory' 1" 13 1 avediedwithi rop( altom. I L - t . , havd often refurred with a -greht deal a small eiv�cult, on one concession 21. purely -spirituh), 'I'll a members' a Mr. Blatie would gra, of did in)ngtil. to 1,,' of sat, faction to- tile time 'when, jo Bent'.itick-11 lie Word' Romn Cat) of- groa�s'a I ll� b'clock oil 8at * I in tile, w. 'th Egremollf, I 2e Iscount S at filg il Bill, pAi . . . pqne e jD A D [Y ORIA 1, XOTE st�'ud '01) 111ore " I' , " We . tonable. ground. atioll aro� tliay H11, t to Creatures f al so.ihttt Ila time- way be as Alad dlioense hoo, in tile Sbate. Mro, same accounts could every t�d 16 cc of tbab law a6 Thd -otiue is ned I 'to The piptition foi- the-ropeal of the, uiin(h4 afflicted wi fe r tile north rection, J. Dillabiidoli, of Hamiltoly Sci-itt act was filed in die sheriff's to up.zso a tbeoVorfeedlngofmare fiat": o ., car uia otbor in,. I. We saw its go6d'offeeb during wit dent of -, the 3fail, Lai beeni What 'I ut file galvationists office Mr. M. lfaf,6ren met with A so. theweek days, aiiid we derived great ;ilia u a YO do Fridav, The'totttl,.Milbber stend.of ot�tering by tile door' AS . a R.- V. picnic,at Seaforth, on will ofl)��r Ills ontit��Olud coiliplete stock Of vere aacl(lontlast aturday, by jail- eomfort from its enfore'ementi.011 Sun� for. t�ial oil tile' cliarge of con. 11,a)ly Tiwtlb lias not dbard nil% of;gntbres'affixed to it was 2,520, Well call.-thei Churlb of Clirikt a ing a omnon11lity, a success in a I anCe while fixing a da Y. wo� learn rainat the dignity Of 'the b1fatitable. W�ord for tSelil. t lay and. of these pol liapti flom eighty to saloon becaU440fillafkk�.jS barn. -at, Mr. . McLaren is 114votena wili. R. Algor, Boston, that tile handsome Sulu of t�'i 00 clear 01 fluaiwial oiut of' view, rot a hunilred may be Struck off oil ad. ZicliarisLic femt'of tho wioje�thn suppo'sed to. be injured -internally, :.W B O�OTS AND SHO. ind4t� d abe at. O)o preserib tinie'suffering Lthinlc, air, that ail ob orail its realized 6y ti -6 t --T Queen hl'aiji 11 Are act0allY fighting the war](], tile S ttin in the 't of d, ation. illborforinly with day'ti proceedings -devil, and -the flesh, removal.,;, or thromA, eniblti.m 'of Ue blood of One A ti�,,str.utstioilofal)uljl-ic.builditig. BA let them. go on file f very In 0 3 canvassers employed adora.,41e',Rod I_ . habits of iudilii�(Galsis cout rar to On) . It ivas aftier ohilreh'a.week Ago lust dealer, The pagans a :4. pspdr. They mkV h ve soine aWas'refu d,. Ile is the young and pr -Amel, 0donto :60 tipiiiit arid aniu u a errors )in checking 'tho d Ce vf,:d late. last eveningand t happerie iraccuA'ed then) al .4 obtained iii 188-2 off tile -pro. Of .1s 014 and arter' landiii" a tions, bliat'is the gionlu(l on Which fL milt" of tile 11" -ch i 403 ve angers a, pro pronoo is - loxpros b. of itl :If- Inall, wile pa�aphrased Atnericall odd,. uncultivated'. ways. about o eir Own oa,- 115 C Off -E Ila 0 tarted iZlosg. iny * r ve afW W., i Gazette yarns and gave�tl Sent So that solile�.Signa, print, and k- 401 or uly eelebrit- sc 'or it tilt, township of It& saw IWl th licel ItIr )'Oule, or lie turos have bean -A1lufnb-' 'soine eavog dr6pprs"had 'behrd i 6 re of the thought it ww� ber 'I in plain �guroes. am pal ocai �otnt by saylzig ,ead Ago to'lift fhe,drunkar4 art of the e Quiet, and whon good. nis Clio rLf (Ir of iro pullers eel 6.6., asavulblies, thaw Nvi of , tile. Scott, act Cbeir a they can cat6h somo-bf arboi, Moii, -Overed for fully hAltaii 'A L'L' FR E 8-: H,: - to 1 -iod t�i kiss s1w a�tlos�ecia�la 1-faitill tonlady tile gutter an'd make a wall of hial. once paVty'have'bPen llusfly'efig�iged for Wei d,+ "Taki3 tili 'is 'my body,'� who,4v�;-Q.-waiti�g to pro4eed -to'Bay ; I , i uh ODS wifo of;a 0, C.- For 06�- latter of� I t I I,.- the last'fo%%i days ill exandimig. Clio and 11diink-ye All of thij tot- �Ilia i. 0.0 lost sisterlib'Od alld -bring thern- back petitions,- ('u� ;vo I I � 1 .1 - �, . pet a of-. 'flie ' n wI. tetiia,eiib. y )I' made ii should tlid above my blood d.IL venjug. festival which is alivilys it o easkl* tilt) sod 6enoy; if t iey' walipu up'sornW I)u mber of lin Ines be struck oil there' which is alled for. n'�ny for' Wo r&i A Idd noticing tliWtixoellent aw' in uyunder the -out whead. Eve witne, r to de to t.,Ake plr6e Of itpology., n* Young WAS held last Ohio 4his is ill tho ustial IIftrdfaoo,.l ftrutesof whorommige'ri willsti.11 bie inoiwthaii d6uble th,o. milisioii of The iiiferenciy, bl" tar tile diritir, As highlt. charie all %rol 111"It t1le"TUt'graph office'. , of their own Iuml)4 required. The fact that was,at baiiii, and eagerly e4yeuW id- edue �rs to a selliP r�. nd' Nlonduy at tile repiijence of r. "I'll ing. Th o *fol I iiiwi ng recoi pt nia y lit) t ed" Y arrangetnelitil ifortutia e Tile Wo 6 e tlavw Ciii"vy" 1'0� Cox.. All plIelaiiinar 110 S ried outp is Willing to concede 'bring thdr to a lalfoly.y )6v boei�auccA' 0 to tile . ul 16athsoniquesa,'Alid U eaters, is aft�r till, and many- a -pagaii soul waq� Your havil sel that '1`0videnice flea some lit ti Abhor th('mitiel, 08 and sit re'sVoll - 'A rl ti lilt, a to do �lisailig. fit tind tile � evc1ling, bequliy 111%ii it il, in dus� Hnd a refutation of 01(i ident, w IQ- p I the V doubtj Pousbid thVM,­1ftWit Moot Witt) it, . aPsortion mado to Any that g ei , loils to I it'ill al Ways Some good Ity thil prohibiti 11 , ildti011 wtraingt tile p.ovilotrators of -iorn' the Widely needless Will ENISON' PaIrty that tbbse it of t jig -I-of some of' 'tile P mouths alit tlme.' Ajetiquot And. strawbo,rios care about ill(, who sigiled,tho ' 9114 lirr Illundwle spliee -of urs, -Wt ha.4' eeition 'ill 18812) But" ig"Ol'11100 i4 'lot gen(bpnibn��wbo We the were indulged in protty1reely, the Illot, )a . t, that.powpr, ng TAT a,dub of drums, or tile cla�,hjllri :do but there Ilatt I-, Were iiandledi in to tootint on 'tih- trumliptgj'� or thly . would I "" a f t 1) a. ell'se's, the Only. cause -of hostility to o contendod 11 rub. lot in thenv%iority it tvv� a happy wany if, for, 161til 6ibles, Aluio,wao not mieti-or vCi 8. W 11011 mu -4 store, 6id n6sy Od �ibO :tflti 3leth0l 61101r, "606 ils M16 lag Seen a W p VS. NY 6 still .81toniy Order, it ina not be known to all 11 it by 4 xhapixy: - Iv,' -4.94Y Ail Ithe Aide f tl-. a G H' Cylo.. $14,45 *tts lleoteil: fr6u) -0 in, Robson, of' Iiaf WOWS. is; it for ed' Hilton 66. Y6 Comply cit'let awk terror f (%f*;IVI,l�il-)6i6.4,,s,j4��t6%vt).".Vl�iti��� 61a p, th I) yq u I),, r. Millar find Bowe of Ilifl npilo, l4turcs.;, piincipally evei gl, i't h al, Aahied 2.5. sigi ilearm,'v,ory warnfly aroan,d tboote 6k frw�rls S :1R :,IU,Mol ali;d `tolild 60101% present satioliod. till the lellm ;.4,0 to tlW �&R, 4n. or all ety of' In list. siluaro, (it) Wolin ovilikilig, t, nevs with A varl Of' i'm it Inatbh that"' lis aniNe with� q Hi io of 01*6 And : tl ry- peal 1;18dtlo�n in 1882, but dib zet are till,' ilig, to exiflain to her t, reAil W ttirn out Cal sele6tions. The llvegidout, l0v. Vendor 'Of llvor palls hatt olig4at'd 110 WAY of sal. Out making the roquisita aflidAVit.aq SUMCICIA to it under Clio ban a Good 'PAUgh was oil 1130 groulid, arid the right to sell I'lis ware 'anadian poople vation And ilia* right made of, re. to Cair Ila 0 1 al; lie wag shortly going to it new 001.4 ill Addition to t'llo Usual rigitorival goo(I gfuuillon6-44; so that 'Ills in Italy and they v wooglif up�' and, so al' Witnessing, And Adminiter. wdrk had to lie done over agaiii, on it the ho.4tile 1046-41ation. 6i iwarly Of labor, lie a f(-Nv attriluLiotis of Ilk Ito )tilt! ivitil I tile sido of tile Tori8g, Sense ing Ion holy ki68,11 , Still witll all John f)tincan, of this town Under. Providenco and'thq good at thd words to all, i-poommonding the So. him two. clegalit but slid every, nation in Eurolip. -,Yee Sol 10- enrly 6)4k) 6(21, WA hltb ok to al' inotalleholy thit-Y GanadiAll peoplo to bhck up th ' Oir wild Stmping, processti,6ning,- took to do ii, and on examining the. of -the crowned Jim& of neall� evel;y. ilia Nondsn acqualh.tand'es. The Oiet� to the Allpl)ok-t and Jutelleilt AT— and khoutillo, tileiv "Al Client o( its 11011ored 'illy wit'llstind it I Staring " petition found that all ilia rate rl been Alli4olit.' widel known, inIT"'noor6ivii6od. It vote "arthanks fs thore is notat iwas giv 1� of lillok saw alusio Son- IIAN lAtely b('Ol loft for tile APPAI-0111) "Aasoll voter' list unit available excopt, th'o th celltuey -we lit 0 'Of SsoliINRI)y, havo been Ah,1 hospitslity, ail(.1 Also to Clio ligA, varlodby clog dances party, who shall all -paye th . lilt 11 was to rble With Clio Awcotilv3s TWITO ELL and "brothe" it 040111atio%j who bad signed ic werwatill oil the V roill tile carly pa strong ex e'to "' I,. Cox foe hNidi Why peopleshou id 110"gle late �Vm' T), 'it fir. ftll� torideled Ills H And a few blatant ae the bit] vittioll Miploy) who died ti uropean nht.ons, ajjd,ev6ry scholars whowero so kind its to geatif� And all tile other attractions of tho �Ilat Wintee, A frash petitioti hwito., Captivating minsivol troupe, Whothar it wit B traitors to write up treason to our th WAS th011. Protustant Yieto; 106101 011tark Chat, Clid liver pads would tY Are so desperately improper, presentedto tile remaining 2,1 did their utmot to it. 13ut A roburii`iiig trom tile stl'itills- .6ne of MiAs .11rary feared NO, 110, thern are NY station 144 Week With ft load O'rgdotls Colwell, recited the well Icnown ilieeo have- any sbribus effect till t 01111try Its n:'flrtue,. By die -Globe lie folks than UVLVY Pile (,f tlinin Hignel Spite at (kit nild 611 lid a grew Spite of tile to run away, And, 11111,1160 ndtile which was I'Aillig of tile Salvation, Army We �Ilaving recolved my—. emy 0116 would lilfor-that t( -r a a at thabiquis;cjou elvorl, 'hid festival made a cannot Ally; blItAlat body (let 'It t)IOUAII t1lo of Saint 'y Allowed the horso Clio 4,1 a(lljl� 1,)a 11108t Viivorom%ly an�l that in - Thin precious document WA.1 dtl. its fit The accii&nt bl't it Well oyd S rnal" of Catlado bad pubfialoo l_'T' ry. upoo Alkp Ord6r_ Botweeli two barrels of Sugar, sprea'Hing thi'll, good.,161I)II0,86ion Oil Clio ininds of the 04 orouto 2,11th, posited in the 11AI.Q. 18L)o �b, hotfor at least noisy boei'l �blglirnd izito sympatiliing And 1830, tbn poptl and ile(A contentg till over tile road. Tho 1),06PI6 t who 'seemed to think It As tot, Lite iiver pAd spbuter, 'I'lio Cali- mer S ock 0 6Wu(1,r gntlWIT'd UP tIlft Sweet Atuff good its the picnic, Ir not better, fending fol'ot a were raNyn Up Lill g and SLU ' With ( ]list Friday, alit" day prior, to the date (wery Catijoliti nation it, r n M t AN Clio 28f.Il wag it tatut,� )IA W(!Il R14 ItUSSia, Ilg"ftill IllielljoiL til(lir With hi hArI09, And we nre hostile array. In front of the town ()t BOOVI, SHOPI-1, ote., I would oal I the attelittoti-of the public to the 1LIM6. 66 The (.4vot of 8.ie Itioll Ca t n6aid it irritated becausul Nkyor Ila,-;- wright'a I spoo There is Arid to dict.4 ngttilst it.' -It *oll1d largo pril'tion., of tilt) Ila surrounded by, an linnionso �Cll Conti UPS; alid: tile be x .11; Bell. st, 11 �0140, tilt- suga.r WAS dumped crowd of interested S'pectators. The 94y, W 0111611's Rid Boot Well, Of ill it Public addross aabout 2,500 oil it, Ouk of like Israel of old,' tile illOre CIley itslIlf is Still (110 C1101110 is now areat hallow. The picnic Ili connection with tile beautirul Young, fflun with blonde childven'.4, Cheap, accordingly. fil that City Said '4rl 0 electors ill 'tile county, OrO Oppresed tho grow, Whiskeety, glosay "Pill hat, white. (Ile "Inilitin Of C general tall,, thou -11 tile orgliq of tri k1: I oblio Hohool here on atuvd4yl tho elooti., C AV*Trunks And Valises very cheari. �0. or the past bait ectitury liam f0n PlIldv ovening tile, merilbers 10 ng Them arv, oill theartA, on Clio invita- oil like %ltoll about fotty are noti ra 111hoso Very Well attended. autoftlatio Action tongue and ht8hil ". it ever- Silver Idolinted Single ul additions to tho Ord6r. tilt) inilt theniselvoR 11) 2A Would yelliain true to Lhe rreA an I)Otll 1�i(les Are a little immoil urn on thn potition tw1c6; lit woudorf n .11 _Volunteer 00"Ipay tit 41' TeAm And 01fringo Harness cheaper lba tholl-swoo . only $14, afraid of t1l" subjeat� Titis is n66 of t'llo (!Al)t" f. It. Atillor, At. swinging, running raoes,ball playing, Able clothes did not loolc ain 11111,11('84 eton(led at Chat, tin &cairodited agont from tile lowill, varloty, at almost list( pried. in 016 'U. & and g6ritlerrian's Posidonco &O"but, the most exelting featurb of for a due to oratorio bAllianov. '9,,r rWe'it tr jai t,mo. 1,130 OV Ing W. g iregions; but - this is what tho, vivid 15,000 Ilotielim 1110i Lind I'liw and Cedar L,;hlual tk1l W11 SCOA AOL ljotI4 I W Worl,l. Of eoursp I mean Clio Afternoon was a tug of will, by tile os for sale, chotap. -bloat and strong Tile- petition is tile clutrisiest thing initiated A discussing "boyq, wbich was it Very 19gritty" bull, "rilo 111all 1 11fit to bold a position of It ichat(I is al ways a on A imaginnLion orcAilb. O'Leary paltiod, ny ill 0111. 4 to tilt) lit- NV*1th'4 d0lbeiitti-I lutte) oft BooN an AMOM in whenevor ho, staited Ilia B Rpeakor, 0ipecially NArlien lie `8 mak over expost'll to pubI16 gazo., compatibility of christiAllity And Adult fII0 11111111V Dlftrtial epi thOSO on OAOII side 1011in innate to tile Crowd 016 K. A. - are repo. , Ce L,441 I Afl'o3ril' to Xtooms tro t38 ovou SVIOP4 Ing a finitneial statement, yet he 0411 ated, Over and ovol, AtHollryll Illy Ail 11141) sodoa that find bar4llk tile various vengcmnoe. After tile baskets lind bilk d1`111ni! Would drawn Ills eloquent tile rest nainoa are ail it of men who- hava stnilo at this, Aalornber of.Vo.-I Company. !)0011 all dispersed! well 'I'lle a riot, m Tilt very r �Ad Act' (it 6qv hide bound 111114,011 hardly b ag pleased with their sport. dle?8 Were Urged 10 1601C Away froln 110403" 1 LWO Y009, or wlio, pregooted in Alftsmiry i'.f t1le 1101), At 010 froin wido-li tliero anytIjing overy strikiq in LIS linve bpo idol Closed" oil NtondaYi tit 701 wislle(l to elil Chat IMIC(th Of tinle AWAY noClio Old 1"paFftulpilt #X111ninatinn, f Which llutnb�r It IS fox, a Aix Weeklo VAcation. tile devil", alld Asked to 0 1prOv($110179 language or forla Oil (Ills 0004glon. tile. ColIntryL, Clid, A )o T, 11, N said Xwere plucked mi tile apelling whimlover ho A1401yetl Signs or boin an it P but tile old and now Of SlInin ally 1,11111ge tllry 1111glit tIlhilc Bat lie had something tosay, Thiti Arc, on the IlAts of two orthl hild'vilotntion pallor. cannot, be Mo8srg, lorhill;Alld too (risky. Illit Clio boyii`bvldenti�5 tiemftdo froul both, At As tile PAPOP was llon, of Clio Xijoi Attended the ex. hB P R IN I INGIk it Was Oat blade Ilia worda collie forent m unidpali ties; riall'108 of"lul 11178 11 oly Ilible. iii deedto oil r ly alit of thn title of Common ft"lination al. tile 801101 hard oil tills With occagional Cat tAlls and volloys ORB Mgt n Ill pe4 Tt tony be diat, Lh(l, InAll w1lo liko rain to a. thirfity landl. -'With iciPAI voters Are Also oil it, And after guide for faith And When intruction Awl only fit for thoe NVba 801,11 tilt. here were About viol- rCpfjokors, I?oe a couple o't If p)ll I)f p, 111t.11 g coull,ht!rionsly vvioita guell tufi,ag Clio aor-with tile thing 11A.1 boen tborouglily 1.0. prayorfiq it 1.4 bA4 0 8 tI All- battlo WAS 1(opt All) wi Aftl all, tile of goieftao t P IS Ullfit to liald Posit. ir .414 and' it'Aball Ile 41111 'it 01188 of witli keon Viand And Correctid. tfivro Wilt 'be Saviour's Words "A 016 hiltory -pn- Tho 14,v. Mr. a blind varied sucodait, bots Wing Allow, ovell entietsm and inveetivo ill Clio formi. I scarcely more, than 2,000 good, nitfinvA it t, 61111-datops wero rullitod,to tell gkveA lActus'e, in tile 111COlt- As to which sidd would will. bout, ,iven evell of Ail,'.AJyJ0, tlJ(J p(tfly h1JJI tile Count y fof EI)fttnUlab0r t1jarl,are tile loy, lmnw abollt 1"', Ilurko'.1 etf,'14 �Iet)10(114 Church, nil Old flit)(V ill 41 (o 01 Aririv rotroAfe W Ullolouhuul elaillm t, 'rile uttondanco was 1166, i(S bayae-kS ill Ail to sath-ty, ftnd Wljo' Will Vote J'gAitlst Ill(" 1)('titioll �Vllo_'lj IL111'.8yinboll,0111 Of tLe i.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .