The Huron News-Record, 1884-04-30, Page 2FWww1MuVWvA QAX-4WO-r. 1� An I Dii Oust F EOW" 4 'thilitufat'llif of"' "llb tio'll the C A WAS 9P0116d, Whell tile Colborne. Creak and dourict Itiver, It ill in the boArt relativel Of tug deq�ased and.& large rrof* our out, vorr4got4,411t, exchange $my$ the jury vegoltived of tile Ancot agricultural district of tile nuratior of triendiii took t"ir fit rowell were many tear bolimmed to TOrOntO,,r4rcflf/i, concorniug t4o Prot )T Axbor 0sy-Tho Xsycir. But the dill.WlicAl slauder .4 affirmative Northwest. ito woncry of the ftirim look 4, Our accomplished literokry friolud-, wow'vc the TiuAtili-A. OF* their verdict by tbia t the once well known 1111140. , obstor ountry Is rand indeed and any one Who There w Browil, of Looburn, wrikal Now Owls,-Chria. Dickson, not Ond with tile attempt to raulign Appyer. Not Atoll. & 9 cor Q Comes vishing this! -MER Hl,ANT TA.: L: R'1:N'G EP she 044fractor of one of tile - most privide citizen mpq aiiiik he ia dollig section 0I Illigo tile oyeo aroobil tile coffin jig tile ltov.. gross of the temper 0 Cord ofTbankii.-Win. Young,. Ure performed his , clerical fson 0 cause iu, his lioneat nd Competent woulaipAl r sighto. Last summer when last vil-Ated Aoluethios Ight and Act illegally or wrong. tills place tile village, wai gotopolicti, or, duties. After he service the ro- Co4taulker NYtinted-U. Fischer. cl�, Our Lodve was formed in January offitiow in thin or Ap other county. Tile law presupposes knowledge, three or four teats. thera are three maine were removed to We lie IN' FUIwL �LAS The Week -0. Illsekett Robinson. al"o, 1870, anti is lociltod. on tho Lake Our local G , r .r.itecitetill must needpi Ignorance lia 110 excuse. Tile 4Q. stores, two blilettijuitli shops, and an end Carried to Uaitland Shore road, Col.b9maitown4l.p. After Englioll, unit a �Ictboffjsf; eburvii, foul, where interment. took place. ib. 10hurch, the members united with the implicate tile township council, &lid, ceptiog of the plea. of ignorance, hotels, & sebool, boloso that would do Q.,morrow ev meeting a time in he Preabyterion Tailoring, in full blast-Jobu Crat Psi the Choral untaricitowils; cluetifth Union ive their in The Great Bonan? all it has a ften beforel' done, civil or moreft, in palliation of wroiji; credit to 601"" 4 -Pay, finest flowing will$ west of the portage, the tempetavoo rregation and built a ball in the hall. As the Union coofi Annual bfilotiog- Clinton Carl4w aucl attempt to throw dirt upo.4 ine, doingo A vicious principle And has driven by water power. Tbollournisdoin b4a done, much to foter it love fo, rear, which was burned in December 4 6katitig Rink Cowpaoy� this Is or exc0leut quality, and I bell '70. It was then rersotived to build lovii 10, ondhus aided ha churche" entba of tile people of tha wfjolo led to the perpetration of iuy must townsbip. I if tile: Ontario GrItcklitoravould only be fled- by improving their vQo41 service, it another ball, and that was completed Tido. alleged "crooked.' fearful oritnes. Quiteauiho in 1870. ThGworls C: R A 1 ught lie on it for a while, they would over after is to be hoped that church members has gone steadily assasso'r "is the Assessor thiii year was doing right; tile moral sense of mind their orl-11 Wallis instead of eternally will reciprocate by helping tile qq_ oa aiace, The 1;iall is well painted. -it —0-0 up%, float about the gi vance5and ciety on ibis' o6casio", he admis. and pins are being talten to om bellish Indeed I bold, bad comicil the whole civilized world And the drawbacki this country labors under, h1v letter is rather but we pool- sion fee is twenty-fiviaents and will Ill with pictures and other ortiamelits, As usual, we are very busy at this season. The repu. 1116� 10 trod 00 494ill 9PPOiPt"Ain official who, 14waotthe TJrfited States beld that ]or$ inuat do boluething to, I -45s the evelf- be devoted teAphila , rithropte object, so as to make it a.a attractive ;is ROB. according to the guilty the tie id wrong. Ili XeXim and Do'wl. Ingo anti keep us front over our It May be mentioned, that tile pra at to. Wo,bavo bad some successful tatiou we have ha(l for years, in this line -svill not be ....... gramme is rich Ili variety and in lo,ly public demonstrations, and, -alaveral, previo loneliness and sighin tot, tile company of e I in friendly contests am us year of cooking tile roll, Ing, of tile Ontario Assembly bribery the girls sve left b4dod. and n the names ot tboseo who oug the members "Allowe(I-to go down, The p-itterns in our and whose gailtnet.4 you must to make our regular meetings as at, -The Goderich. News faille, t1wo04 tbey wore doing right, Yours, tile numbers are allotted. I necessarily havi 4 asinteresting. as pea- .. e been cognizaut. of I E. J. Reld. On Sunday mornip trotivo an in taking pons ience purchase money �- the members cc f5i'lluron, Lo, 19 , , o. u. r,., sible. Th4 Lodge has al6o, taken, elippa lo- English, Sootok and. Gaaftan Tweeds dge No. 02, I aoial O!Connell-e&W4"�,as in,. froof Wilkinson and Kifklaflcl- Fro. assembled in, the Lodge r I Dow at 10.- for a County conventio e t4o adoption, of tile Scott Aet in NICER, AND— poiliblo to bring A crinjius, indict. zer guil rikrdee slid Mows, nd, then marpebea in a body Ifuron County. Weare now. liniving Huron R;e e ord, t probably Cli u rch wh v ro tit e Re v, .0- P re. (AMA&GANATED.) it ent Against bito without indicting thought the werectin; the part of GODERIORk 'John Walter preached tit a,course of hiuturqs, given by the riges Lower Than Ever Belo Gtariinteed.average Circulation, over 1700 tile whole Iritill. Prono our otgn e nniver- members at the rd�ular meetings, on nation. Ordinarily patriots by becoming. bbettors it) The Di'vislon Courk for God sermon. Tim Rev, gentle.man b iorance questions. One lecture 011e won erich took his test from 12th Ronigns i1-11[sve thught it impossill e tile intended perpetration. of one ot opens to worrow becln'givetl by Bro. John G, Clut- vrse "Be ye Kindly affecitioned One Villattin, lVednehay, April 391th for a resppotible newspaper to bring tile motit d isgracefull y rorru, pt trans- Mr. and Mrs, Tanner were in town to another with' ton, on "A Gooti Tewplar's Duty", A NI CE RANGMI OUR CLOTHING, A orhuina, brotherly love." Ili NVIA was practical and to the point. d eliarge against al -whole actions that has eyer been cone&ied last, week. opeuing, rerparks tile preacher Ot OROOKEDXE,38. tow-isbip. , 9apt. A. V. Sheppard left for his said, , ;1c,114 are to follow. -OF- But it WOU14 seent, '(61, or ottempted Ili this country.. Par- thattin institution that had All In ship last week. frolif a small beginning assumed such ado on the Promises 'to line of conduct, no. matter buw sots lia, e recently slaughtered their Capt. N. cDonald, will sail the vast propovl;iov� as had the 1. 0.0 F R44 word Cragg was recently con- oissupportall y wicks off, no. Act ill need vortisertient from, p —BY— �,d it may Le, is own offispring; thefts audminor'.of- Rathpurn, this season. li " SOMETHIG NEW FRENO H itorptessanfil that itsimmenoogrg.w- victfid-at tile Obtl0tam Assizes and impot'al ble for 44. Vitt'lat...0 -it portisan fences have been com again i mitted:.because Capt, John M6DO"Ald, will tit proved its undoubted usefulness vVe-bad on tile market, on Satur. —AND— $200 for puttinty oil tile As. jovinal to foll )w., '�Vo� Command the Express.. the perpetrators 474ougla they were and good, TheRev. gentleman In a Col. . the Ilon. A. M. Ross, wad in Masterly mahnerexplained the text, day last, 4 Practical exlli�itlon of the tfflce clvft' the right, If men will so bill t their x sesuient roll three names, with tile ill,timced- mAlevol town at the beginning of the week. and deduced Irom it numerous less, working Orthe Minneapolis Cord E, perienced. Hands �appftrent iotention of r.* 14411 by . giving them ar'sesso, "Of. 111m mal moral perceptions as not,to. be able ?otis that guide the brethren Votes. Mr. Cavan, ortbe Inland Revenue in their intercourse with one another ran i,A.11g. -Coy., St. Thomas and, sold ENG SH We have not seen it sta,te foasatice in -4 andwitill. 'After many by �11 A �q theo� to distinguhli between right and Delltrit. was ill lown last week. .rd assessor was makes tile council, Air, J. L. Sturdy, of Wingham, was, at t to all appearanoci wci�ked well.. Titere iti4iether tile crook JWIP Ica,- wrong, slid ifthe will shut their eyes ustrations of the mottoe of trIll -, Cantelon. The machine —'Are can bowit of having, tit Grit. or Tory. Be that as it may be tion. tile w1l, le peoplqz of the in town, Monday and Tuesday. as a teaulf attached to it and plan ty b town- to tit() plainest principles of.conittion, order, Friendship, Love and Truth T1 Mr. George Black wits home for a in Which lie. drew attention to' tile' of slleuf oat$ to. tea. it with, It took deserved. punishment although lie ship accessories aftqr.�'the fact- and d privileges a law, they lqsetve to be punislied for few days last week, 1pultaffirious duties at) sheaf after bear through without BEST W -EN pleaded ignorance. This affords a it. ever open Ing them and bound I hem ab ttors towards fq�ur�u crimillal their atilrobokedness, or wilful igmmmmmi A large quantity of fine pike havd Probeaced therein, lie concluded, a' Pa". toxt for the London Advordser to evil doing, by re-appohiting lalleg, been caught 1� the harboji; the -,part powerrul and eloquent solid every time showing that it t gerinorl with, ve would be 'impossible it) bon vy or moral with atient theBoth. ed offiLial ii-e-im-imirii-e: UST--T-0­-HAN0. Next Monda ev�nin is the regu- 11 and a loving appeal -ror the one 'In -e i-11 0021tosted election in which .4 tion. "AsIle is tbeassessor (his year, alauld itst6l, 'Jesus The The manufacturers claim to moka PRE& OP11VIOATS. lar meeiing riiiiit 6ftlie Public &.11001 usteps, -vice wasgood,the singing. TIIH N1T ADJUSTABLU 1aL8VATOR �(4 Ory ofll:iial uacteriook to cQuilt ill C441so, it wculd do no harm too sf�e in Tr musical set W lby t1le cholr,�bf Gtid �4uve tile Queen 4. I'; TUE Ifo3IINIO, J� J. Hawkins, aud to� deprive tile twIlat shap TI ilia ffono�,JlJdge Doyle, held DI-- V2�"`Our MAKE, FIT, aDcl STYLE, coinpare-E*- e the roll is returned," an ie litit of Licensep.granted by the tile coun after tile ofrMory being A most ille4s. "andtlie test of last8aturday seemed iy4rably ,)yith anyth.ip. . Courts throughout ty 119n, D. Mills of'tte seat, lie was. saith our local G 8 e C Ing innovation, t4t 00tialil- We 60DOmilli011 COU161isi011ers 18, 'we I st,w el.. to make good thast, onittli'and fu,IIv,. 7 Histifies-them- iir-publishiff-'04-to oarn, upo ii "" I Id' f I!N I have Y`et to .10 r a iy vreffibifi 'Wob, 4.0 cope, with tlie, small" here ai�ie evidem tl� .orooked edit ne lowing statentents n the cities.-& authpri-ty that die assessor, Life Iampment No. 28, 1. O.'.O. F., Coon- on) 4sions noted, the- flual one� It ors wi well as vrooked assessors, for QCCUrs on Friday evening. "We -use on our large alid small it r the people of Goderioll allows a magui ficent step forward in Binders the Fatent Adfusta - ble Ele- A." n I he Messrs, Corrio open out in. Rev. R, 8crlm"egour lbas occupied very Sa s tbe-jqd�eJn the Bothwell election .township are so dishoutirable that it the right dirction and blots out a tile store next D.%vjs� lin shop to- 1,11B Pulpit,of tile Presbyterian on. vato�. No one besides us tins offeve-1 ti Gtory It Double CalIVRS r 'is ab 0 Case complimented, tile is neefissa 10 Ipgion of Nfornat'deim. Should tilie. liibrrow. here fr Cite .1.last,two, salf 410vator-that, - . 1 4 .1 ' . -4 ry to singto theni. out r net baths and, s Solutely 411(ler tile control of the e want.every Suit t111ne 'Out, to be'a w, i ng'* 1ory official" roforred to, -on Provi at Government now stopin f, Anthony Allen is rapidly re . . vill, occupy it next sab.. leespecial'police surveillance. bath. driv.or. If the graiii was -light there n vc�nd add to Oils list it'will. flo. so ill covering fr9ilif Ilia rec�nt accident was no. in.Oans' of 61osl;g the throat; advQrti�ewCnt or- US. 1113pa at 4tid intellipfunt illanner in .1 the face of God and luan.-Montreal 4nd will soon boaround gain, Fall wheat in this. neighborh6did. if.it was ieav� and tangled, and mass. "Whiell tie performed Ilia duties, atild, does hot pr selit a very encouraging oil togettier T1 up"U'. Tl'iltne8s. . e .,a DE81RABLE -LITFPAT Ur, Berry -and fmily, merly of or full.orthistl ' hi ' it y- -24th of May h I 1� :V lose Nvantink ,t. su ceooked editors, for prolipeot,'Whan the snow went -oil the ,s ould yet tbeo Grit Lclaktiow ' -no%v permanently to- was no wily of opening it. So if a are eatedin plants healthy qtid seeiniDglY' mass wentipartway'upand got stuck we- 'notice our friend offlke Efra THE WEE tile Ciroutarown. � leave their Orders at nce. K all iiklependentjour. doing well.but the late frosts great;X there was no .alternative but to fuss held by tile ver, Tile world is.up itxwoaY. ni-lit �� the milliners . endorses tile crooked Gt it stattiment,. injured them. -oMlrs, u nal, of 'Literature, POIiiiiis, and acity of good mell� they Disko tit e -seemed to bb doiinpg a rushing b I. abonti'take out I neorew 601ts, us dif not Irt-fer to tile Ap John Algoma We are pleased -to state tbab',Nlr, '& c;,. find. clecin it Got.' Ours is on OUT" driticiiqui, Tor ilto, nese. is .0 C. Blackett earth wholesomb. � Life is sweet John 101cay Is. now re CUT.LXJR, cov,,�rlfig der the absolute control if tfie driv. case, where. the jlidne, held that, thdt' Mi.George Porter last -W -of I ed from' a severe- attack n flanima. 'er, and lie ean regulate it as-Aesired. Rolpitiso.n. and tolerable only Ili our, in nesday forThunder Bay to enter the IOil qf,'Mowat had C ount- on. witlloutwtufil This I has, now su'ch6oivty; afid-.4 MCC reigor jrna� rekelied 'its' eiriploy"inent of' Ilemars. etually or ideally, -iors. Rev, T. U. Campbell, or Goderiob' NO SWAY BAR." ed out.soeral* bdua 6de voters, &lid ea- we if ift and .KoIntoh, orlhat place. I.T. 0 T- T? sixteouth issue, ant] is waking'61t 11fige, to live. with sopei delivered; an ecell6lit lecture Wa The Sickle is dri�ven from. the end in mulcted ilia-cro lc'�.4 Grit official dI our children and our land Last. Friday and Saturday evening$ very thin- audience if) the lethodist, like dy progress, Ili public. favor. -Of We,ca Victoria )tail - i'va . a it rnowing inadhiiie; dispen sing. damages to the extent of $,106.0. I -b - by tl'eir names; their' works and engaged by it Cl . turch on FrIday*16th X�ril. witil tile loose�juinted. $.way late aeveral now features 6ve act) variety troupe. Thattendance on ratioll calfe. . These qrooked editors. effluies. are iu',our: houseg-Ex- each occitailon is no resistance to the grain hdiled, and -some f included was rather meagre... alitford. while on the aproll and no opering our won borrapoitylent, are evidently datertninled' to-, Ile'ven o iange. AlissS.qordon.,Icas�befan engaged ' I in tile initial h en Front.our own roi- tile grass ancl-`weeds to,work In to teach the class vacated. --by tile' . . I A successfill circuit convention pppf, Mr. Jarries M, up' by lifa�pllfaeturifig � cases of dljoari has purcha ro 'b lss of so-called tem- resipation, of Miss Lt s,,d. behreeni Life canvas, was in tile Varna Ueffiodist I as ellig not sufficiently "A certain ch. Wrence till " , - Tory to,liqlaoce' bon �achti " tile," house nd lot 'known as the ANGLr ictoN. CUTTCR BAR.' church (in the Och. inst. meet-, WP101S-yd0h U HAT.TER. 9 nt0reatipg to tile gpileral reAdej. weiik- itilie.miclau Wrier v on, . * — a peranco,-nieu bave a Ili k. Ciani'paign property. Of. the lit 6,1L. 'Cals6s of Grit croo'kedri.ess. ay, �st`anc.l best style, allo%v. Ing Was addressed. morning, aw Artiole* on special �ubieots, 41The- class for �temperailco­ Tile* meeting on Frid tile can vas to C a](ternoon by rej;rpsen tatives 'from Tlieqcarl t Chapt' .of the Dist-ritit 11119 ome close to the 'ovening our citv 'fathers Confirmed e eir or to o -I -is also malignant Cholclies "Legislative N,5ked,') remedy for all tho'll) of back -of the' sickle, "file guards are int-ruenti nAii- 0 Wil e tell a I Godjeriell, will -be in the different Appo Of the iquf) - the appointment of lArr, Thog. Hod of' malleable iion, 4nd iw teresting part of the'evening,session eo�ougdll to gay. Oat A "precisely.. tile Orange Hall in this village on oeting Notes," etc., ha;ve already traffic ig'legislation.' 'They.seent to 'as sexton of initlAnd-Cerne,try. tactied *to the bar so as to cut cio�o was the opening of tile qu`PStion 'box "te .14th May. Jmportant business Hilklilftl' Clime" to that of. Cragg the ap ri,tor' thik that men cai�))pjegislated out Mr. Ilichapl.Foley, of, the Ba�fii%iiil peared, and. the prop a ,an-, will be,taUen ill). - to. the grot'ind. Tile, whole cutting by r. Young, of Bruci-fiel-ly And tile, -led last weeki, anti Was biurled crook� (I 01) 8 of.vice-im I into v'r ul. Now the line,d appArfttLl8 is unequalled. The bac� Rev.: Mr. Cuvler, of Varna. The village'constati`[P siJI is till in one piece, giving greatr - leeti k Was then addressed' by', e atharn asses. or, "occurrvd nounce that. ariangetpents. have. fact'is that Olitar , to it as temper . ance on Friday.morning., The-ftineralwas a n tile "Ili thisi vicit.ity lost year. Where .6een nialle for. othersby able pens, laws went Up tO'.'vli to get if of stren,,th to Life whoW machine tijan Revi- B ug*h and.Cuylbr. quite,tibre,st With tile sellti. largely attended.. ai�sessor, for . pokitiqal reasons, oil art, Qid u The sinall -pox sensdtion,fitts-s' beef. Ili -conling horne be t4ed at t ottow" of elevator like, edical and legal, pro- itient 6f the*people, f-it."Canada. the roll Ili a shameful man fqssions 'commercial �8' u 6 at the of a chartil ing voting otflel. hal.veRt)(1 ji0uts and what reduced th,.averiige attendance la(ly. J,II - I in two or three of th school room.- .0 time imust : ulive Tur PA.oKE MARKET REPORtS. . . 9 R TRIP a suit was enter- nocial subjeci A . e pleflaantIv,for tip was heedless of*L%be heas bolu hill .. bo Rind'or, C01rootgd,evitry �ftcirnoon The*. fishing.. bo s on Saturday safetv of the oiee.rost Of beiif which 'Used by I -ed against hiui, it.was nqver prejq- w I Also be opened at fin early date. Thp Torontv Telegrant. says.:-" brought in very fair cargoes, of. tho 1.10 lc�.Jt in -Ilia !'rolil,*Ologging whatevOr thecondit- ............. wa-,on at the d CLINTO. "Od. assessor this' year, Th . e addition of several columns of Road'in the lightn which it, will finny . tribe,' fin'x6ngst which we're' 'When lie funillod- into liks, '&drivei ton and is highly'-wi.li-eciatod i. - rall . I - m 0g, to 6 50 souie very fine trout. sing� I * % I 00 to I 0, soit.%vould db 110 harin.t see in geheral inattier, � buder, the -lieadiFIg 11OW be, road there is- nothiog so hollie tit; beef, wits inis The by farruetia! faulil,ifir %y. it i it. .,0 01) to 1 Q(l MT RERL I US13.. A.. CHRISTY..STIFF Mrs., Ferran anti- is�s Archibald,of' Ii. Itlill as heap stwilif; WhAmt, 1 go to I 10 11W hat- s4ni t he roll is returild," f1flere-afid There,'Vin ivIdeh I ou'rrent very surprising,in Mr.,Blakv's anti- 0 45 to 0 56 Aerm of a. "Christy Stiff"' liecome known that a Clintoil, who were tho'gu6sts of pearlatto have lost fit.,; its welhl.4 'So familiar, jlui� tile It iii'688HY handled with one levQr 03t9j.' 0 '34 to 0, 86' 0 70 to 0 `10' 81 Xlaleohnsnn� lert,ori their the bdbf. and call be Ili Nomi the- E�ra's miserabld direct. matters ar.e-..�treated -Ili a li-tit, Orangti speech after all.. 1'� alid rs. I lb) may recover aced p a o'puder fliat every -stiff list "'ie Api3lef, -(%yi ii ter) poibbil to' 0 *00 very large . tiumb-ii of-pon' I r, lrettfrn last tl).e foinier-and a ma to. it.' Ili -any position tfie grain Ili i ehatty :tnaunbr, is 'decidedly to'be op Lynch's let;tcr, �alliilg upon the fly require. potat9es, o 4o to: 6 be against at sfiown, no; mitti-or by wbobi triade is a Ll 0. i:rs, Graliame 11110 ge:of reel tip and. down, Ruftcr 15 to 0 16, n;981 ii w id -we i L�_ Q .. 1. I . 1'. Be) is- not tile - 0f crookiAnnas an,scipp rt ill 4 ItCHRISTY, Of oomuien4ed, at rudierstand! lia,; Catholics ta 6 I Reform AM oun, is tr.otb, arrived iiii town hist N�redineitii . backward Illlfii6m, 4V P, 64 tl e.Christy flat is. a litie� of'Glarlijs 1 Ce oil cial, ciL tly ill I', 7 00 to " 84D, tut orP adde( a tsi Mitjor �7 01 ft 11 o�; t. 91411litardlY niiinner. There oil a, Visit, to 114 4ased over� thakof'ol'previods years.. 'knit6)' 0 to -to considerably 1, to t1ij, popu Inri ty ctandidatei;,'put diffetbui fa er par6fi &:,L Tho 'reel. is now 'bot LONDO -E. M o yf�.4 we C 'k Be I ed &lid Mrs. Go e. 14 L NP, t? F t quit, 0 'a fill al fier of -bf THE WEEK. The% 6ritributed the 'politician The.Council methtSetioni ificluse -ed our of; 000 to 0,00 assessors in.- r.. NV ray, recently ofearorth, has No. 0-on'Katurday,.10 �;lvl ig a smooth anti histing. beatin 0 75 to 1 60: ilI fttf;,� 11 - d no line is show . it to day that, r Were workitig fdr',�.xfefinite objects. 1,11 -April. The 9 Tupkeys, Oer poticid, 0 00 to 0 00 have �Pen. ei to f4i - this tiicrticlwi waintitin Od high standard taken Mr. flirry Vidal' ft pl ' e Ili the 'me' Ito the reel aliftit. t1d.s vicinity: We have wiseamors , , I ! . . . - aP rubers,011 presetit. Tito in n 0 00 to 0 00 will flia wear 'i ial I While t.hpoliticiayil'wa� aiding* the, met') of last trideting Were read and signod.' RAIS. XG AND LONVCRIVO DPVIdZ: oo to o Ban,,. of' this,gentle Per P. 0 clo gve 0 eqi . tn -thpin pie who Ilk a' I:, H.djoilling. to taken'by thisJourno, frolli-the,fir4t, I I Chicke i4, por pair 0 00 to 0 00 e the winships o. f . I - - prelate to.e�uslc. tile Orfinge being on. leave ol'absenve. A large 'clumber of petitions Were Is nov'el and pi 7 oo td-s'oo OOD FIAT linuld qouiel and see o4r assortment, whi6h 'a the fin Tueke' . tile, able notes .-,of 1113�91aiidor ; I , " .; I �; I ; - Sean : Holle antl t ie pre at(i iiiiLling the go] itiomfi, ey iid in referenee to buildil .618 to. 0 2i Swoke 'is 'once thope to..be, seen present( 19 ator chiinges tile ll'i-1911t.Or Cut by�a, Cordwood, 3 o'(Pegfelisoi Gold will Course to b tile to 4 00 tII6 COUtity"'L The. charge would-. lie,. Com- party.. curlig.out 6U tile fdricidry chinineys. front �N�Iehnol ffndbettioaltiadiii,taild ver "JiLsil 'no* doubt perf�otly uatWied Let or Courtney and others ctillimy tile a-itltci�eiitilw , hope Oiat tin ei d0 . t, , , It, .. . ' 7 fViture. Th'e.. reception; OU-iGRAND witfil �vag do'Ing"and is, abbiit to faill,6n the old Goderich toict,ion ol"'the Oqull6il to, th-P impass.. ment worIcs'eagy; litis gCod which our 0EE' GRAINS We challenwe' tim illso, what Mr. Wake there. is fc,ble, state of tlle� 12110 "Par the in4e) to 8ecuro`ao.,V* loplif(hy, n Clair, of flail). 21T 0 1.� 0 61 Itch, arrivati. Ili t N belief We I of the Legislative A4.4 'been.guil so' S FE CE D IVV H E AT tbolie -towiliship� *hb lifia t. n. abuildalitly justi .03 the may �ufely aiisi JI)e that ow'n last fly. Xieference to 1he desirability o BOTI)G109 ARE RbUND AND Ili Torouto I contemporary has alread-� bie - follor, judge Sill t ie' find tittigle Defl.109 to naino an assessor inany u I'stal , bet�veen . them, 1118,1. d- g!-hin. no �; unide i(ling olimiate' of, 1he. ambitiods 'city 0,kely, the.'same" coiffinct a., Oits, prqJfj6tbrs-,v-dlAt there is a Wai§. pleased wit.h.. t.he itianner, Ili ainen0ing-the. .11-unicipal kcit ihat the I-vidently with tile gentli�cnfan, -DITEAS' f ]Ing tile vaulted ill s6niling'Cragg togac5l for endent -T 'KES,. -PLAOE, ON' 6 Id: fpr � all indop J,�tiruai til,i.e game P.hfPBd_ nut)il)er.ofineit'lib(�rs.in.Couti:t.y Coun- Economizing twine and enah SEED'OATS, SEE as ho is its robust and bdaltby 16oki 4 . 009 may 40 redticed, laia Dver' until to . inake -g6b(l." shocks - and ..as *aver. I I 11, r - I BE -ED BARLE Y SEED 0 *lie of $200.' Z . Vol) as' THE- WELK has so far pro ved, ,a are formed'by Coin ORN. ,two. and.Q. ft �:. I ka. -Bu i A noxtilleeting.: Let ter, fro ib Tho(nas, stll� arliaiaonta,ry�return was pub, -6 Iitself to lie. who has been. acting, Weatheraliji:P: Letter frorn the thus thb tight-ness. of bilid- I a. Satur'd N Nekt, rh6 its unturue. BA 'it is Niched last weeki as laidon thetoblecif as'niarkiat clerk for 'some" tfine; va -.Bhrb Wiro 'Fence, hFOR SALE BY— GO n, . Ing does not, deperid on stretigth' ly,"and tbq Roue by'Si'r'.; Hector Llingevin,.' in itieOuta dWre e 'twine. Tho . very. fi,,�,Itest '­7,1.T:PU will ho 'our fall'asso, finsixd)I6 and,dastar'd. callbs the offlcii'to (lay and is stidbe�d- -pany. Leitiirfro' Of..'th w fwho'.,,vas.-ap.1 Fendo'fthpany, and froin. Ito Ili ;6VIne can be used, which is a greati-t BOYS GIRL P10TURr.,,qur.0ANAL1A:. Toronto*: ed by'Mr. John Nah TIT of of Public Wor a. only have ekcla�llated from mind k Itllows j�olfite.dal.the c6un.cil meeting last 'a vin 01LDREN'S Strawls:for,tlie coming season. A.rt Publishing* CO.Lnlililly..- Lawlence.'witll samples.or W re d a g and Corlipletely. poisoned by strong par.. �that.sin.ce 1867, Oro: commen.comoict 1; ri . ay.. prices. . Account Cc:, do. At'Standaxd'Elevator Re4ula�lji-: ak each cycle, of ti t & aEPARATIOv- or- GRAIN, tiian Ilia,; arid ajudginentlio, tile 0 Miss Lfiwrellce, h6 has for some Wallace 61,11fialn, do. Geo. Glazier. till (I ­ unbound, - is perfect. 272-t f thepres tit Conf6tleri:tion CLINTON. y,p deliv�ri agent of,:Fiotti t W I rit. straggling,.thus, making tile kab I . �esqud Can nation. The ladyi who Irsis been a Jonces) or of Ili Aid of'pub owexor the --llslosbing":iround' Do iiwon-'frnasu natnely:- ,latnes lmcf(ay�. todking easy and pleaeakit. It ry, I da, Mr. Dunlop. The' numbeirs most exceBeri t teacher gives up )let,. 'E. .1 * 4, con. 12,, E. D. - A l6mancielo comes pound so alao.Ooiiathe tiroulp tinie had Charge of St. Patrick's The Clerk. pt was Instructed 'to notify The bundles never interwoven, and :61, qed b . ii,judice. here b6s. been exp6clail. out Of, LIM $%,ard school, has' t6ndoed hei, illot lowing'perions Io btfild of: 14. I lie, works the'Inraesum of -$143,396,. Will JA ON e slandered, might be used to just received, 29-'30, tire ilTustrative- charge owi.ng to*,..ill health. INICKs"Zie, OR 3WOVA11113 � BtNJJEM. on SEEDS 1 i601 anti of flu un) ove . r onp (ton. wiptive 0. the the prejudice of tile HsseKsdr. of qn� The parlor soeial at th-i residence or t'KNOTT.Fn.' (1, t is aild it D. 0. itraehan last Unriday evelling ) We have addo -F amou'o, ly Alid textually f , AlciKenzie E �i 3 cQn,12,13.D. iI Th of tile namM, w dred *all welity,-olio lllilliot� (I two and,A haIr e Matter, lower St. rence 411di. Saguenay was a.ru - ii'llore, 3,.Coh. 132 L. D. Thos. inches to -the IL figth or, thia. needle, Jaw half have gone"towards building oit subcossi'til 4frair, the num opluff fro it I V the political dolliplexion. W Of' ber iltitenfling being and .1 tire 1)0110y Ill I I con, nd. IC ..4 n- r(�(hil I I -I ' V lid. tf:rtisit Bud' aidii'g.in tile bit . ilding of raihm ays Son,gs, Repit -changed the devce by 4::!z of b, I ers. The p ei a I I A an( 'It, Cod. 2. SEE r h 6 - as6i,Asor JU f (� ationsi Dol'Ald -which il, is moved, therfiliv. a D -S ample saill)d all lurchison, E, CQII 13, W. D. tllr L o3y -of six and a. h es This woidd excellent' �01ARN-TQ.NT, ONT., DEALE RS thiA tie is tll I ' mtoriaii have tit alfincli , We e 94., ularc at is ven,6 to. fev6l.ln till at ry to I if -8, 3, con. 16,E.D., haVe 'also neranged, the,' Butter or The mock parliament q;eet in last Math son W W alow'd tile sbaft of flib thing-Giosr0Ltll%II thir.ty. dollars pei- .2. 12, Adjostot, �O th fit it can lie swtffig as a a orin v -one _'Nionlas FOIA, E. -I 1, con 'if), til;(,Iy Out Of' tile' Way w he I ad e' a . - tenc�IiLni, I --i alities and posAll ties of this <:,,* !at,(] fur.1th tat 1, ll�pulatioii of Ilen. cu tting Prous Writer, -Pint, it wilb ijowii. tv over. wl 'RFED%J thP 01i �D very interesting portion!of* our Do posing Jo W. 3) Thoinaw-Petit-land, a' 12, very boavy'Lor 1-m,g grain, flius'en. ryi 'A 0 a should or. the Col) ag ti e million. And riglit wall have tboy "ll t -to tie ral'thrr from g linin-firrient of the .10.and fro 11 blearnyorofi)' Otlesty. various -provinces lia'Ve' bieen mnicin-g, "tt'n At th, 6( lit of lot 0. 4is impv.ri'va NV J"I L 01) tbo butt than can be done with hny and Orden Answerea with dar6 no one 11 , .. -.-A * kadWspatoh. ncetittitted theniselve.q.. int of debato ad­1iC00Ptf'dOfliC0 80 con. Robeft -X -W chine Ili thd market. large railwily grallts-fn* Ontario it, IS, N. 6, othe - ma .0 goveNibr is � running the con. g, NNr: D, Tbe asfwssor 11iii this vIciijitY"- tile road from Baia!St. Taud� to, - .. . I I - . . The Plibltc- will find: our Block. of lfodic�neil- Col �plfite, a, i . . I I , L "ll"In Stile, N, A 7, LF Tegn ed I aildQuobve amoulltilig to.a.lium. ouse on. )!is' ow� n',,socoiant.. cou_8, W. Di -. Maurice Dalton, S. 1). be-11tor political AD;' le f6llowil)" nd 0J, ilia B�st Qlaality lie tinny ea 'Bay we. firid fit . 0. r6sh -Su 'ply a' 44A, y ople.in Calla A young and fasci 7p con, 8, W.' D, .0. oble S.. p..71 11a F the rol 1, iii, a sham e n L Irish jamiling. car and. art' of millions each.. If p flating clude vis p -tile- town, Nsf week tried to concession.8" �Vi 1), I.,. Rcid, Toil6t; Soaps, Perfumery, Sliouliil,6r. 13" da.aro not wt-il �-upplit-d with raill Iting racei� Troasegi. Sponges, and 411 9, E N.16ved by i� bitley, Irattinot.. It s not worth while. kincls of,DruggiAs' Sund irilcil cdri�nan are,the only - rivitis of w' i sit is 6 got con. ', D; ais'Drng Storei fu,; DO' I a ay not for want. if' stittle.a. littl see. by lallough, that.jame a Bi' RELIA-13L)l ries.tisnally hopt ilia First -01 0 anevor presiied. a caldchf. �nd its habitaw dri�er for ling"'guoll hitill into by producingapi.4tol. OurconL 'Ilwll Your. tire is not -long, eno-ighiito make ays toe 4,50 oil acciQuub of mis. it -pay to cheri0i ill will -Or lial-d v! was tile iquit,ftg 11*nover ve or travel take, in roll. . Moved by' Whitley, L. W "ahi8t 'Jocity anti full. Stic I They f thy,olinggeritipman ah0infrodue 0. lukt, it, 'AF a 'It that the 4eeve find thoughts- t6ward,onyon 'has been about twenty Illillioll dol� ed !]tin to th.e Unyor, iyhich lntip( of,. sea. by 111alloug s the.SUit stiand foreshortened before W19111ty.-fiv tie a I MovedL by Oman played you false,? what ir 0 e sums paid. L. by tillf" :thirty dollars. traet, for repairing road at Xerry 'I N�- iiesic:168 th ou Creek. Mici -se.c. by "Cooking the roll" Ra- orim- quitcrUsili,ir ovincial and the We hope our (To Ibley 'o—o—Q-0 0— ,d to'moun committee 'IloluftoL this friend lilts forsaken you lit �.Ioti� Wl11tickett be 00 0 e- have beipaiiii lamo surris hs�rb noxibus smalls, and pl.allt IU LV -A if the own, ih*Vf0`9 A tha a . A S tch and sb% i nii.sestior is tf; ''oil hionlit we, qep� byM'hItIoY that the Path yoor'utmost,-ConfidelIC62 Your oreign r8 house .0 sf0rice. If this oannobe done let the est love, has Concluded that lie pre, English -& Reo' FID121 them ti a court �'�noa Viewers and rofind tai -tell xvIlY tile suit was entered tiurbire tile pasif sixteen yea Ilokly round Trowerin k Wors pretty evident ]low a large propor Keepers be appointed and that tit(' fdrs to consid'er find treat you as teds. .11141 wily it was never pressed. . It Tile allegecr Conspirators$ Wilkin- ti money granted be stient Ili moving Clerk prepare a By -Law. Moved by a Mammoth Stove Warehouso., _0_0� oil of the nioney has Ilion expend. stranger,? Let it all pass. What watr entered front a NR�rit Of,gtflluind- so.-7-ttie fonef and thehiii1dings enclosed Mallough, see. by, Whitley, that a T10 O%V years ly Grit cussedness w4hout a pacticle laehad a true bill f6und. twainat cut 6oulltry from what it d y the most acteptable, ,eplail-ing theroadbOtweell. when you 'go fience to ti e undi . a Mill T I H E CLOTHAJUR and Meeki ed.. - Canada would he a very differ. by ill which plan.would probably be sp.e let 0 grant of 425 be made for the difference will it make Ili a f had. not such liberal riuniq of publie W. it. O I find 0 &. 10, on 12 con. B. A of, ovidollell-0 hitso tho 011111-91 upon,' 'rand ie. A gentleman. connectod , ith the purpo,ce of I coverilil.country?" All i itid re Sho 'mv fl�lng ond Summer goods, I wn I them by the of th, 'urchy, -,- -_ - Ir wa Tin s it q rilelly dook of If iviove(I'by. soc, by e.0 fmondy been oxiiended. -oil pulolia tl�gvclljng tro4 'that appeared here Xt was iontured Ili tile hop� of kilufr_. County of' Yor pe now will be more sorry. Imid eady-inodi, ulti; at. the 1111tees (,vvr heittid Of—aiclitif but;ihe �,Nvfc 13 , he last Friday And qaturday made, uite, that 11; 'ThVias"bo granted"�,5 its ouwrong be-ir or till in till lig.4 and his gnaeanteed. A -full fine orCIMT4' mdratieted"'til * _P. -T. iT*-T M at they would lbe arraigited a allow .,of himself on the siltiard on charity. ftilvocilly'Mallougaisec.by for it than you, even Ili your dissitp PURVISHINCS illways Ill tAlocit. CaRolhie, It will pay yo Friday afternoon, for which lie e, phicrel that a C(Jtntl)lttO() Of tile Vvil-010) pointrvent And grief, can be. A few X_ ges of personal bribery against, yesterday, Tuelfinyl,lio'ening.. meet ,It thb known as Pritcharl's ra SMITH,, irhe 8 I -0, tile aittilig 1,1101111101� COMMIJN10,4TIO�S, hibiled.hin,golf before his Word ) P. I 1110110 stulles, afew mord tears, some A:9AAHA qual-AAM All 0 011111em ti bridglif rol- tit(' PUITOSO. OfCOnsidering "4 1-1% 0. -Th6.exhibitlon being ov&r thl� sten to. the,bost, Means of re.4all-ing Sold Pleg81�re, Much PAllif S liftl() lbriger Ar M 'for West 1--fur6n. i:hargo Could StIN it frien1d -to tho belebrateiJ man fit the solici tation of Ilia Worsh ID _U TZ T C IT T ire Ivish It to bc, dfahneffy 010 tod M) ip bridge, Nlovod by Whitley, see. by hurrying ftnd;*Wot,rying ll� tile made ft w%p6rithrit �poichj find then never haye been holieVed by tiny one Dp� San "One shoold veli rog .,�aeoriitly bow,od In, elf Out. FARM luel Johnson. wt hold uit JN,ongiblot�r Ilto oplizio)iA 0fur6y, that tile- settle offitatuter some linsty gi-ecithigg. and abrupt d.Lr 'Actbr Of 010 11808 thili"Ic' that tit at k Nd nd tl Tur, ot; c o E, kDowilig 60 chat ..a 0 C P a lo oil($.- Be . Nx . %v;�.Rveoup be r6duood to qatno.rato as in Cite 6ewolls. tl�nd 1A Will be over, and or or tit(! inipw tiality' of Ilia work. vi w of denth W On Friday eventing tile regular yptll. 1880, m ovod by, viallorl h -see AARICULIORAL VC.,00PAPANY0 a ould make - men 'semi "Vill tl� the ini6rer and injured will be, Irld AFTER [;othcalgll A01110what lata ill the (lay we -monthly meeting or tile If, "i- by that Illigh (4tr Aw'ay) an(tere long forgotten. It it; t 1,110i 001180i'vatiVO Party replied olinson, ft VtJO front forinorly of i5tauiey, Ing ey, AlissesTighe find ted t$ stake Out tile $time. hIt not it wag Illote roligiouR." poblish the Qlowlng, 1itfer just iiiiievived took place, when tile followifla pald' y.35 for additiontO TOWT .all()W' programme was 011 -Ml- wnclo oil con. & 3i and %I liftley be not worth your wl lid to hate each ASSORTME9!r Or TH6S ARCHEFt AGENT', T Ill tj1is svetioll, could I)ot e Heated not kljow how to go al;oill; ib. A ho left for and1lotars. Reaborlip and ltogflrt' MD'Voli'll, by by CIAre, Ito otherq till -.111 scio tho (10101)rMed y fifty litaillped up cliavgo, It ufts Mail ,V1,JO 119,4 religion lie N114A I", Williams" Rkita, that' cliftel" be Paid .8.85 fhr Cite Twatt), I�en oil Itay Rokes, straw 'Clittors, plopitlis and ot 1014 "Afril 14th 1884. tAtion, '11090th; fleAding, "', 201 rads w1re The following R RE whiloYet vig0rou,"' Ill 0118ure fore, tio more grows religious wholl rilitor yrfitron Strang,,'8olo, 1liss 0tirray; aceountswereprised, Till, I, 1), 011(t (plo4tion the most. alul behig 'againlit Mr,. I,e is qiek than 9, -man who Pas never We ,,fit, a g t t selectionA, \Jiss Strang. Solo AlIss fillown 'T, " 4) 0 f repair coing I Redwine we have evel, sold, )XES 07' WR1.11,00II VOXt 1votlis ,lost< ROOT & MAW COTTIN0, B1 01ameron, widelt'is proof that it waa learned filturos -tail c6tint, when lid Brandon.in rivil dity,; anti 18 limin afler' .Ing ollIv,ort, 14. It $O, Jqmtsqo(, it flow i1rcip.4 invariably eAres the worst 911.111)� dly t1le 6MIWIPS8 fabria Of 1111mtod 11 v. ("Itleascl vollo ))as been A eyj gl`avoi, $5;olohn Webster, bull(]— ewm� of, C0`11*rth**­0toui). flail 11ronellitis GANTELON BROS, 4ir bas 11OP& of 0 6011.1, Clinton. We took the Orculd uporin. tending tit(% painting of 1,110 It. Ing culvort, 01). 1.4 con, while It's sitevess ill tile euro, 0� imaginations fed 1111011 mill. lertriviot , Goo, Conicumption is without a parallel in tile 1) L fl)e tbolighta vesselis at )1oft Me Pre. calulibell, 78 load'q whivii 1% kept im qtrak too bighly of tlia hifirip" repatrilIg I)l'i(Ige oil nine mile of inedil'ine. silice, it's firict (liq# the laf6r rotil. I havo bpen Aft thuo8 to 6omtj watt, ignity generati,c) Tht-jury in the case of if' inent,iff settled laef, week with a vory IlAnd at thilpfflee of Lonif & THOMAS,, No. y .1, piteliel, 'I'l)o preqpu! river, eon. of 61-30, tv Co. aqsli.. covel 1, it lias liven Sold oil it 911al'allt0Q, it And fill Implements unod.onk farlyl R W, VE (%will dga of tile foully coerlipt X,fcy, a, coat m6rcial tra,Vel against N�Ikflftee. Grabam, N�lliell 110 Oth(T ran a Good as the. and as - Cheap of till- Grits ill Other. parts Chief Otitnuthigs, of St. ClAtherinet Atanitobit. (ttill nwr fill ilia roads by 101101 WAs tho girt 61 thlir pnintorif emplovii'd lot) drainago b1tinks, L 75otf; Ifyou have 11.0oligh 'we aqk you (,,In he I lilll.qt oil thollontp, find W48 '10,06111patifed to te it. I'lleo 1000, 50oii, ftild $1.00. 068 thO Cb(?ftP0.8t, lit —TO— I balitneo,an suevev, Ir y 'k, fif tho atill wbil-4 liffietices for WHO firep.st, returnod a iy Istlallil li4 the lif'st -of 1:110m.. hy 4 nlooly Agnt lit, We vour I'lings ar3 pore, Mimi, cir Iltu V, winit"Ifin on 11(tv Laino, uw, Shiloh'a Pomp Plastor, Ili -lee N ,q00, (l,fllng a ill fa%,A, Ate. 'Nielt, angratulftEe Our to ftQwth cLoftnr ropitiring.nill L01490N 'LOA Ilwy living lyroll'TTIL to light, verdict of y thellrty 'AA hf. I (joll % It, ID 10, 50 CU., ohn l3rown, 73 1 Sol,, Ily 1, 11. Cerullo, 00'y, Racey"s -01d Standif', llig Y the or Allell ft Atuls tuid wag millring in. looking 1,arl(l,follle girt, 1j"(1 liopti in lilt in the Caurfs, Tills foul chu, ge of of atid fifterwarify haSt J 134 $100,006 Ta LOWMV ItAT Mj. In 111, 1 0 M b, A alk IIIR S tlliq titteAtiol) rornitin stmitnera use I y to letfi,ty t)f tile Bto,l�, wt-Attler, I(Jil of Oil fliqiNill Afnv� Clinton is tile Tkicist priiiiptronq town In I gift. MOO 8, 6& ent I-Mider it circom. nociding vlollp,, I colnuielleed to harrow to. Aild that the Court of flovisloll, tio ontirio,iq the Seat UEXT WARR 6'perC 0 .0 Of dav The oInto o,clook aninn Ilay. it .111g, fill(I the contire of tile finest Appl� td 11pilrelitly, Ut lfinv,wil, Ntanco did 1. Clio thilik 110 Aft Thn town cl? nr Plarcill erf,( . Coo" 4inalulf, -till I . . I 11 .1, 0.4 Arrivol, Ily Mew .1 tkVill fill ONTA1110- mi 1� XE makil% 1111% Arrest," re- it iq `iq-z NVe(Illep(JAy oi3 ari lOng tit tim i4a. XTt 90496r, OICAPER THAN M