The Huron News-Record, 1884-04-16, Page 2__,WWT�W, WW=btL1Z$' W15, ijay. 'its men Atid -the 44twilaills be erect. Akre V104red 4na curtivAted two 40TO Assembly a", fit present constituted I ObI ala -1 mill lifive Ilarry, Viiial. The Club Also
ed;, Atleasithao been elvared .4"d rill tivateil will carry out any Buell It-aseninn, of one furrow cow, adopted tile follosving uniflorill
Hop Ditters, tbat a )1, 16 x 20 It" hall Ono (HO front 801110bill,gr or knee brepebes, green jackets, drab i eminen physiclan.
Title caso a tacit year. bitablehouse V�
gaunieft If&)$ been built, and that tile locatee has tholrumullitirs. Soulesuall re,luclus Other, I don't know what ; 6110 pined litshnot, white, ilan"el shirt, and 40Y Seliools What is tile; beat
portance lit that it wa, tile ca%lso , f of their numbers fibouli'j be thing ill tile svol Ill for and
0 actually lived, Oil tile land six Illoutba 'at agitated away for niolitlis. I have three sows maroon colored swokings. allyfi'll; all irritation nt tile inervealnd.
Tit e Litest. - 11. VIA or. the Proviiicial Gorerninelit plasilig least ill caell of tile five years. NvIlile by the press and have tile With Pig; 'Vill JIM tlwn) in in two or 0n; Gooil Friday evoning a literary Curing all frms of nervous cow.
6 lzil6hle Joilt-val aft I,, In' try
tiniber rights 4ro rescived, by fibree WCVkH. I alli g011 and and Musical ejatertaluuici4 was given plaill-ts, giving Ilittural" VIAIIIIIAlke ro-
presented as nit at tile next, raiso colt$, from Jenily h) Knox church at. which, a Jorge freshing always
atillill, atilt which,iYaq twice, tile Government tile settler em I"I've all electiouR. Tit ere is'no use itivil-rely I Nvill ho'" 4 y"JI0 6f 4ill4lience wall The prog-ralki- And oley will tell You lifiell disallowed by tile oluillioll lie wants for bitildim, or feuviu,,p Pon clear pointing out the defects and extrav P,to �m to brek next yvar, tbt wilt me was at) ox6ollent one and, 1BcIu(1 logly
lielp nic f, groat deal. 1� have till thO e( the following Well known ladles "Some forilrA of Hope I
oFtreed ai Ill. refluires in Order ta extelld 1`1
as interfering with and Imi vultivable loull ; atilt tilelue ]Ili sell" ii-ance of our presen ti syetom of civill I loplements I want. Xi8ses . Strang Laking away. private proporty.
is tile Isalue goverinuent riulesu a pouledy in flug Allitl Wil,
Ask any or all orthe Hair Uestorer-4. 11. Ni The Provincial. Act proviiied com- chargell to lilliber gestvd. Tile peoplo have it ill tbei r liikms,* 1.11y still blieldruln, Ura. Jr. physicians.
Rothwell. and UeasraJas. Mitchell, "What is tile best and oolyroined
A ponmation for UcLarou in tile fortut Important provision *of tile 141V Is Own hands. GO im
Py gruirible at the J- It- Ilendersoli. 86und"T9, that cat) be rolled on. to cure all (its-
_Rothellilll urAeturilig of tbat wl fell lit order to evsitr� if a rissm Pitr otra i or wpon va. Rotliwell, 1%le(Fillicuddy and rown, cases Of thor kidneys and Urinary or -
good start lit life, oxcitIpti tile florw front rank growth of tile 0overninental spent lila-Daster Our Indies had quite itfiel(I day $kfah as Bri , it's ditlease, (Ila.
But 111cLaren held that anyoll tree but never' think ' 0 � 11
"'M" � .. L . 1 .1 L— . for alledoll of tweilty . ou Stiturday visiting *tlic different rewntion oiclinability toretain
that wolild be const �iou. The Vol. pruning hook. Tile people 8 IOuld blaster John Watsou lifts rot
-dored reasonable years froin the dote of loca. of "Pplyil Lg tit holidAY4 if) town urned millitwxy it being urino, and, all, tile diseases ant oil -
by users of his improveluents woukl icly Will( home frout What ig called the spring oricnific, monte peculiar 'It licks done 60 Inucill to illiblUe tile -give title if) atter consideration.. n thWnot recoup ]lift) nor pay him art),- Settlement or tile voolltry� oil Sound and thu Various. stores Nvore twittifully II Y40 explicitly
. beral. prinelples, lias been tilirhig, the bill brought in by Sir C tosyn last Thili'aday. arraugod. with trimmed bts and and emphatically "Buchu,
bonneta numerous cterteras per. Ask file same physicians
thing like. ordinary bitorest oil his
past seslott or the rartInr Jib- MISS Ilia tratibel bifeut the Ester tining to, a lady's spring butfit. The 18 tile Bloat reliable an(i
... ..... enornious expenditure. Tupper to aroond tile 4ailway Act
crill izctt b providinIg that any lierron who vacatiort in, town.
Y Nbow Woos the best i6en in Goderioll surest. cure for ll liver diseosos at -
The case alto assumed a political haa patent on sbolvilig by. of 1878, aukoniv, other thii)gs, pro- for many yoars. the �tylcs and qua,11. "fly'spopSia; Constipation) indigestion,
Th WS complexion from tile filet that aflidavit tbathe llashonaride of) . d absol- -videft for the appointment of Coal- ino" at Stratforl, ).,fat week. tic 1 of the articles being of th. I a I most biliousneea, (fe",
51cll,areu is. a C'sluservativ flit I litely parted Ivith, the laud so lkat�littgl, missioners, to ',make enquiries illtoL Miss licDougall bits relopmed to descritition. Fro boon fin- and they ivill tell you -
obtain another location. accidents attended with the lo'jaL Of t'I latia at night the stores were blandrakel or Daryd�lionr,
Caldwell a Roforafer. Crowded with the fair sex, and it is Hence, when these remedies aris
Huron fleoord, And it lie-, been coutent-IM that life and property, The sectioli: : o The first of the season the dust Sfe to say tit,% combined witli others equally. Vol. -
tit is many years since
they were visited by Snob a throng of uAble
I" I Gov UR A-11;JrF0UDLJXD addstothepowers.QfL tile I' ilWay Allister Holmes, Son of tile Co. charming Indies charmingly drosed,
ilenAnd compounded into Ilop Bittera
Otisirn teed averog-ts circulation, over 1700 latirla aw4y McLartsu'a rigbts dill. bo (ouibiittee, find 'ives them poivor Treas., is hoMe for the holidays. Iliss IV sUoh a wonderful it
9 churdbes were largely attend- ilkinson, as usual had an ex- cellent disply of spring f,8146111,
to please a relative of to reglilato the Speed of trains )if EIjSLPrL8U ative power is developed which is so
It' Will be reiiiellibercid Chat - ell on nda� includin several novelties 111 varied in its operations that no (Ila -
C1110011, WC41nes(lity, April 23rd. who is, all Al. P, And an, rden ofMISS rances, Mcean is hot ease or ill, health can pos�sibly exist
0 t time a gQ alt t* towns nd Villfl-IRS'L alld algo no. for trimmed ana untrimmed hats,,xib-
supporter of �klr,' Uowat, if it fort . utiatis volliatin to regulate the uso of tile stvain tile holidays. bons, plumes, flowers, etc., of tile ta resist its power, anil Yet it is
took. place, between a troily of 'esoi e. flartaless fr tile most frai 1, wool ell.
�JUWNCR DRlAXD,5 171. Oil t whistle in cities, towns and -iliageg. k. tp G -go church I latest Styles and Shades, Gil -
lie other hand it lifts been OL ranueniehi rotuin*in home front ",text n Frid roe largely at. liam's stock is one fluct will plans, ll. %yeakest invalid or Quiallest. child to
Tile tended on Good av,
cl use,
I x Committee of. Supply said by Caldwell's, friends . tllat� tile churob, and a nu L nibet, of 11omail section provide that Tlla.har4or is froem fro ice, but in. (siveet) bounets and 11%ts
iltile Dom' trains shall iiot be allow;ed t6 charmingly trimmed, aud.plumes and CHAPTER IT,
intou Goveritineot. disallowed a nseveral lives de there is still q, lare quantity. 116wers of brilliant bues being, much Oil Stand on. crossings more than, five flousni. when, nppropr'&- Bill wljicl) tile Provincial Govern. Iberoor of tile, story recently Added Miss Girvia's store Was "Afraost deall or dYin
tio,ns for pu4illo builtlings came up, both aides e` )Q`t- Thef011OwilIg miuntes at one time, After fiL Care. to the Big Alill is. now finished. For years, and glVen Up 1)y pbYsi
ment lvf�re competent to pass Ili 1 filled with ' a 14-0 assortment of
0, CASIEltox (1-furoll) front a Newfoundland corresponditut, t, 2 cians orllright,'o and other liidfriey tile
order to ftivorlan, hifluiantial private I enq9iry the Conitaitt�, Mr, Swaffield have re, trinimed and untrimmed hats, antl easea, liver complaints, severo coughs
I � : tuvneA firlin Port ColbOrne. numerous of excellent quality
calledittentio'n to the fact thitt pill)- of tile %Vill +be ii�fterestiog bad come to tile concluion 'that
o e 'called consumption, have li-en'oured.
citizen which a man of AlcLaren"is 'Mr. an(! Airs. Rill spent tile holi. and variety. iss pretty who had Women gono nearly crazy I
lie buildings' did not appear to be wealth is suppose . a to be* to f5aany of oui readers five minuttes was ff reasonable titile. days in Queen (,lipy, hor spring millinery opening last
erected lit towns according to popu. There were twenty Boman Catliolics lit- The next (I an exceedinly choice From agony of Bea ralg�a, nervous.
section provides that roil- Tit Urstlay, hil
SillaWplaces. ere provioled . The. so-called Supporters f Pro, dited for ilia imirder or Jone, Bray and �rt. Ifarry McLean is iti town for assortment of the latost falibiouable ess, wol�efuluoss and various dieas.
W 1. 4 vincial rights flow Say that as, the . way companies Anil keep railway tile b.oliclays. goods. Xiss Slkold (W110 recently es peculiar to svomen
with public buildings, whi'e larger F rench, They were Ili! split to tile petit- crosshila in . pr MrX tins. , Somervills orLnndon Succeeded bliss Wilson) Itept up Nvith , People dra%vn olit or shlipciorrom
principle involved n. tile civil suit tentlary in St. Jobli's. Thr�o of tboul- .4 . oper repair; and, fin- wits lit town visiting on good Friday, tile times 1)
towns were passed by, Goderich d, excrubiAting, panas ided that ill cases of y allowing a. large a Inflammatory find chronic, or slif-
was one place which bad of etaren, vs. Claidwell is also tile Walsll, D01111611Y atilt St'llivall-are 011t ally it was, rf!�qw nr,-deputy Reeve 'Cooper of Clin. Varied assortment of styllsll goods. ferinl; Scrofula I
I It lie- one involved in tile Streanis Iiiii all bail. There we'reseven Protestants fit . arbitration a third, agbitratbr should ton L spent Good Friday in Totyn, I . .
,;I as i
glectod in this respect.. which was iaUowed, by Sir John, dited for tile nuirilor of Callalian (a Boman be. appointed -by s. Ju Ige of tile SLI -1 r,'(xco, 11. Olds returned home Godericii I'llfwAlsli
oun, blooil poisoning, --��FVUJ Said tl frani Illinois last week. !I Ig
SIR 11P.CTOR LA�, ley Catholie,) two of theuk are out oil bail, profile Court,,or, lit the 'iTortlivirest, 0tioll till., 'llractallilwt alidiscases
A AMONSTr11 CAIX ' On the farm of
tic much on -God e-rioli Mai; the stilt haviiin, gone if) favor I)oyle llntt� rlio otber live oto 110- o In e o f our merchants statothat it
t na �jg, j1j 'c P.(L c.(joll.telolif
dwel Ha-tautainou iTt -tu tattrud*"I�L�rti,,-"tii-itil,*', - Y, 111 A:r y M "' i4a 11L _8t, . f.
--l-harbor that they Could not..afford to. , - f (lay last week, the ilirg4i calf tipit lfaiyo 6(�e,l curttl by. jlop Bitter 1.0 t
III& that lite zt�fiftills Bill silling terni of this Supreme, Clitirt, wbon Of by -the Minikterof Railways. some weeks. - g, Ji 0
e�ctpul';Iic'hi), Asuro I , tiltional 'vs$ a o. .1 -1 . _ . L . . . St, Petet - hall A very tins lieen: seen in illi siction - Of whieli Ulu be foinitt lit every neighbor.
ripflitcouS and Con all will boe -s large onngre probably tile theCOUuLtTY_' lrood lit for. tho barbor would be fbundlu n'Tile Lopdoii Pree Press lit do., gtion 'Ott the evening, It took two men
7fivivards o e� Ofgood was dropped.
A I'd that 'as -a consequence, tll(,.. L 1'120 witnesse xurailied, da
-tho Supplementar estimtes,. altogether, and tile btiII4 of tiieIr telstiniony Bouncing the evils of peffidnal Carl. Y. three, hours. to rein'ove - the, burden, staidey Cotwell..
fIgaL to milld a Suggestion decision. is fatal to the reputation of i 8,,kills Blaitland Ioilgo No, 3$ It. ls.. It's The Coll Bell met. at Varna April
'This bri .8 1 , t tile . Bolljon -bathlblic fillity. vassing referik' to the himinal 4111alid If. holds'all emergency meeting On. 'e-' 5th according to notice.
Sit- JOIIIIL act weight wits 1-31 poullds.
made in tillage coluinn's Fine time L as a constitutional Alliell of that livi'lema is 1"10 to hand" Argument, Tive Globe" Tu"esday eveniiig Life 2:�nd insh..
lawyer, and pot, contra, tin affirtua. Ofit ]lot Coll vI (Isi ve. '111cre, Council met on pursuant The Reeve absent, Deputy Retire
'it a concerniviri 'the prop rise's to remark, that Alp, A. U. Roe, Of tile to alliOul-ninelit; In&nlbers all pros, in- tbe.phair, Alintites of pro
riety of re- lie I fis Last week tile Prircipal
Lion ofllk� Soundness of i1r. Uo%�-at'u $0'reo stro.11" ey'tlellve agoillst t )lot t- anderiall Alodel School commended- ent. �vjiniltes of last meeting read V toil$
quetingAho0ovepument to.erecta -onservative indulged in that kind meeting read and sio,
eat bat illost of it ist 4,got jll)!t 0%1., 41eillhig the pupils of big class.' :aIld pasied.
Pul-diebtlildifigherpsiii table for itutiol al 1(%al lorej Moved 1!lY J. TOrVAACe, Seconded
a post deme, and it is not ye't showri wilo. allot of argaftiout with . brillaut success, The 1' ister vaoittHii of in' node- By-�Iftw,to ell Coil en C
Oince ILIA vusto However) we shall. see what -we Ca planting by T. )EcKialeyj tb4i. me otrice. -We did liallan. It is tbat. Tile protest against'M.-.Q. Catnerou'L rich High scl.lool laste.d trCini, read bv liwaittr' M,
whel) We. get ihs" full text he wkis� killild a eil entail' afternoon till'Puesday 1 0, nil antl %,Vill. �N!016y,be to
tic at the ome o our C I ng, that by law' e fat - Y� by' Ilia Own anif tile. public exposure of 'his ilo their Statalt )of, on ill( oatl
lie 'titlelue of the decision of the PI'ivy, Conn. jiffuty�L allow tl Ur. 'D;' Tit. 3fallock, Inspector, No, 2, now read, Le pabSL.Cj_G1%j,ried, between lots 10 And I I;. concession
The'. go tfatile fol., . South Iluron, was by lA - cheson
fo, tit', e bliney, allitl POS' in t own on have not lost'sit'llb � of t1lo Good. Fj�iday 1) Tolln tha lie or k�foveij by T.
In tile EDIVO AL 621' V v� AleXinloy, see. by
we may -say that wil Revision For the Ill-* %V
populous owng, in� others rs esent vearbe bei(i ill. elk a . I !eadei when Mr. Onke shall Itattenbizi-v 0 ]fail been t Campbell
opulaU 'of JeL, btlei wh�tpver tile filial' det�isiou of that. n'g'In lown left� for her bonip I lhe 20th of ..Nia3r,' in knox's'liall Dep6ty Te6vo Ili oompany with a
more fr�i oved, . V1 _Ifol p 11 Some ]a's t T46 isday., lli�sville, at ten' o'clock a.. In, moin of tile Bit -Collnell bo�
-L is, it olust be accepte(L PeRK ifoll . ortapize tbafi 'Clintoni have wl�at of tile. tency, of tho "llaild,to Iris Honors Judge Doyin? ivIld had examine tile botindary
that a contract made I,y 'telep jQne po,
-fbr them. Public officofli etc., oreeted nitist rest a uprom" inter. Moved b spe. by Td line title I ill, null, e rI hand" arcruaient in disease
A i",4eve"(- attack 0
i 0 hii1ord4hip Aeh#�son. thrift no Act -ion be. taken ilo
retli), 1101yer 8 iliewhero' aiid� the lastwook, is now ground, Ot Bfivuelf! arill ieportat Incat nice
Nvould be uothit bit b a si in ple loading pilpi pt don for A lowalkin llohri�.' I ing bai�riefl-
so loll- as tile vvitticas could revoellize as tile Globe
m6tter Ot justice to. give'u's' public vy, coul)cil '.ii Olzir power, 110 tj lirr. J. . MeDongrll ori� Diviall!"
to ro'" 6rtbPpCr8on, Is t' oin pn.4.t office to. staitioll, at pros Alt&r appointin tbo. I. flat to' be Poll ill I end to tit(! M, cotirt, is :nolv, anle
IsItit a dollar of. Govern- likef; its decision. fly. conversat4m that; It 7110 No amount, OfL betwcen q 0
oved by T, Bricoffi see. by T. IT. act in
nient uloney� Ila-, eyfr'beea expended wan parreetly nd Aillist be briber f�Oerltrnl . A hy
and Wior lint.t, bontis of"256. I)er rod Inoved b`v
. WILI ABaUl' Q�A-2,A 1?4q looksll rl)oti, tlivsanie as' if tbey werti not foi, tile Faster vi cat*
;in Clinliin. : We require, to bull ujlemors by ll1 1011 Oil ntbal, this Connell do llovv
lursdily and tip give,, for.pulting Ill
speaking throtio, -phooe It nindo re,opene(I oil 'Pilo$' r9ads . become bloolvvl(�il- fL. of:
adjourn to moet'again (jot,
n S. is rig it we slibLid. ba'Ve li a tolL reproliensible praetiee, and ay.
no diff, nite whetber 'tile parnes Were
WHILU tile im 4re 'Ith- LIPS n vii6il nd roil.other general nsi:
Proliably halt portanco. of our. QjlOVV, such* " par a r'fs ro.
a million dol- nitial 0 n on t lie 15th (Itly of lay next, tit
-ell an ii)flu
nerpis t1l, ptp r the Ott,' club open ell qnherl to (it) so tn, 1). notified 1)
west cau hardIv, be over-pstl- e, street to, r or y
lah9 has ;'been.spent - at Goderich fifty railii -as. of tile IIrer.. Pres points on-Gool iday by playing It eoirjmissione�, nd, ten o'oIoQk,a. nu-0trried,
froul lit'inval itand-p-on
over tile wb i g c6iiinaerei . ally 'a mere ]join.' tit OUb tile evil, tile. Globe Inatell tile Sides Cfeiog-Qljokien lroli� UP it enil ti 9 Gl"O. STEWART, ithe al
atid Wbile its gettlement, it view of Aiso thaii rdrwiro frnfeinpa
let when, conlp�rvd with Clinton. I - . �) built rstich: parts of ti
itht111r.. Tell it A,. MOD011nel Tor� hrk� I ill endeavor to I-. ;Tosepl) I'vorn iumner fjm�,
the imniewfip.L� fill Lrgo gums have* been sper. t ai, P expenditure entailed -is being, 4 bn. lin puldic ll P to a .1118 'ViSit to fit(. JTnit od folintf to bo a benisht, t
ort, onto lawyPr, onOpinio 0 Froin, all;
therearlent,:.tho major portion Of W�PIC; and rep Is, itho bonus'bo 11, cents
other plitcell i 'tT, i -!. if,,, I lIenrS, , in OCCOIllit or* a pectiliar aqc,iun� 'fie: itiltify parlia. Carried, NVIdell will in the fir' rarfldly iinproving in healtli. have jil-4t fillished
t 1) pt to u I I t, v. Probalkly t I I C o Ili 1) i n' .st histance'conie rendered-tlie Dotriinion CXoyprnment of t, b Were paid up, 377L Cord,, of
out of tile nt in dovising goal. rernody *that A Aiq Wood. 'they avoi-aged seven cords it
pockl4ts of tifo of IL "" "' .. I C, 8 it0
anoftlie. throe lacem- 0
sorvices re ripfari'Ous ryieti- nnfl rosidi'll t- nf the'adjoin
toLtIf, t Olitario, cannot but be a,ma P 75; NVm. 'Colihi,m and' ins. 111ler, (lily itesid's tter of. Q tip 4tc.
'nob"amotin't .1 k Pill a n t a uo f3r the I lister
o .. , ton r IT poar o lie a Sort. of riiiiettt Style. Cos. So. 10"n' Its p(srsonal 'Canvii-s' indiglints, 0110- qtif l:IgttL%,e concern, it is',about time I.- . it rsions. an dic G. '1'. 11. J�il ty, of' Be�l
Clinton.' -We (10, *not abou t that in I cx-C filces the 'of -ilia is rwissiblP.,. s' long will tile Robert fhSL; etijoyed-theii-Iaster. holidays in
Ontarians. were putting iii'a'gooll pl� 0 nfnintrin.%% Y'notili seem nionotolln"q. to liand" 'a�guruont- W in tovvyi during the tile 1. i 11 0 r IC I r a 0 ii d hig t r 11
t 11, t if) -ioil. %vord., for. the-unfiettli-&'free lit Support of our coijtcitt gto of, her. mother, .1 tees iellool
section ensris lat4lin Our oivn Provinc I c. uti-t; Atippose Convervative lawyers by ilz..Palots iAnetion also'for vi-ovic in t. it is abo, t, Th Is 1. Rre any Inore v.1 ant Ion- a- Jetyling joitrnals* -tile 6x in
t lift tittle Was �Cobiniisgioner Of Crown lands'for. a C Arge, nnrl wife or sees- y
ifliving it little of the p terrial . care r tt,,i co nine oil the it
iwstersplint tbl- it i y, tile Provinc*0 Ila tian 'to' Chester, cliargo conflict'Ahan. ara of' boil Sor' 1-011, ed e issuod, I parties itil a sons B
IZeforloL ti6e. hk llIsaac 'Salkel adjo.111-tic(I to' U
pOwers. that , be. We, fir,, el 111L W.. T NlvOut is still a'
tII71S ret -it. t wil. Bayfi d. Collrl�il Blect for grlitualous r1cstribution a Paraph- 611L Portly I allifluniian of VVin
geogrftphivally and commercially.the CUSC for Vtoetioll.L 'friends tire no wor' Road. Monday, .,tile .�Iyl CX . W" pleas�' . at iryst,., fit .2
lot I giving desired and.flosirlible in (I oil illf.- O'clock p, Ili. though ',�Ittdkjlne. �lull ly had hitir
contle, .-of' this illipottant Conlitv. a fellow"? 6 eday to.seii around Clerk, . formation cone �A,.Nrns rAp.T.o-. III eated,
ng, fit
Crown Janda
Could not Mr. �Rdcey orgotue other aga in after his.
In Algollia... roul 'a -.I It Club "can. aboinination, i - is' R ill- sicka dram fry, fornierly'
-e McKillop Refo. ell .Ikppillg
leiii(ling nian or Infin be induced to Synopsis pub ltnot flud' words gtronfir, eribli-I'l to very.roots of e.qll�fal"Tfle and economl_ it"i
Globe We flud that it IVe. greal rpoin ou4- LIT
visit -01-tawa. lit this inatte r I Witb . h , , L , ' L' which cill legisl�tiofi . Pleasure in n . 11, 1 . I . . t4c' in thatdWri& cond(ann Ci . I to prevail. tl filet that on e6od not one lie roads are dryl'i)g. ll� Wll.itl. Ila, L: ))Poll �so Gr
ell of gollf
Droper proseAnti. our Claims t here iL8 dOm Pabtaren, of 500 br,600
welhave every cotifidenceAllatIllo, :%vas to'be seen dri Life street,4. teviart' �son of allout it t lrotin, t ig,
cl I ' I 0 Toronto.
mile of rich ay larij, equii%Jent o ESS 0 rl V OAW� Anothf-r
relg�iit officient alld.sll�is lead of oil intends,,*. to, Mn i-. Henry Clark of his,
_ ) .. . , ara about. the only word'h' of mn
'towns I P C3'L 0
f 32,003' arternnon to mI'lof q alld will."niftlie lia
Pnblid'Wifrks Departoient could d6mrinti:6n of lUcKim- - Do leaeli. There Are also i I a. I ly" smaller %V 73lakotrifty notiavo I k7' has home fUL-uro, home fii.the Norj,hv�est.
to put a sum, in the sup- ofil) their horses when from Puslitich, Where silo lifts been 3 fin llkifour, Wilkinson in�lifilt- Free. stork�iing for-busi a
DPL S. v Alr, '0
estimates for,the pur.. If If. her daughter, r's. 'Pilo eXteneire . .. . 1. .1. V a thliro'lited
C "pamplild reforred 'to that, we.6oflee Coming fro[n' of. lilce It improvements: ro, tit ae it Atllrfi am One iP. -n tis" it If t wdrdi iized body of madi to tilt- Grahil 1,punk. some bull from Win 'Deermtof'St' I
I., formers IV e. delluncintions of Secret, Societies I;tl t or ie erection of a
'WIC, leh,ro that -tile .*climate of a wide. P wofild"indicatetbat ti 0:,
Iry'lle f0i a.,t 6, If. . . .11.. 1 . 611 81.L , . . le coin- shed this: Spring. f r. $V"_ I . ! Wl JOIJIL In.W 0 Re L ' jo '1�tnny eX
it If. tile mcitill ILI is Sp�q eIyjA'to;. re pire, A g Aj' I)eet to a"twere well to be dond-quiokfy�. belt..6f. to-Algoiiia territory is so p ge aeasorits A�rbw ofour firnsof toil are making , Up. , AfiinBing; or llsbt�rn
t enif per' ormC I u Ii i it con d oin Ili i if�. all t I to cc) 11 d Pal of ox p I h I lit 0 o It, to )I o w tit a i t litisiiiess, at, this vorb.' . eugar ed '.and if L iodified Ity, . tbe t Ir. Ins v ill' 'I'liy report .6 1& a 'tork * ino(Alm old. colt;, front
spiratols'.4hen.their rruilt� is Pr,6v dot�q iiot bear that cons r AS V zinson bas 'jut finish.. tile seakon,as not beifli one qf -the
of- ilia - n6inero' s ell,
03UPPCE-11`11" COURT U th , P .131 e us are . Opp 1xvildin,.- I)OhtT for Geo. I -Lord Haddo, fr 81200.
Osed to.all sillall, filial Inkes which c Oiq lie rit Grant. llie boat fia� nice littes, is
co Fenttor ilfcPlio�qon had his ftigh.. it .a p , ible t'lldt WqI1 'finished an will (lbubtless An effort ig-tiping rnn(Tii to or . ,,if % I-
probally,' one-third of h�.-coun Iligiloil, OnYri(iftya evenin,�, April 4b, n
lefadpr�made it sufliciently ant angiver itpq builder's expectation. Orsellected. assembled 0 a coirliany to estalyliall worl(ki
ItiVat . ioll o bloo L (I aroused in tit(, Senale the ,to be at file-regid6le.eof loth
I.S'.Tnr, Inattor of- vs. s to atirt. it (if the ctl f, Ilp art e9tretbe contruction for pri
otilt'r L (lay. jlat,611 1,110 -ahntla fig Show of *tllp Coll., Tybt 11 Air. D. D.'Wiison
'1.6 'It'ISL ty a fit the 11
9 0id'of the movement'. sthe*Privy Council of F "itlyin *of the mont, valowbio ki 1%, a .9 tile of Jean l3ttritisto wbilgi ,.'eat Rdin,� Agriertlturnl',Sooi�ty last, part of' tb� 'night In whirling and
Y. rids
righteously ranipant.ftt tha,tiloky tvuRting'to explanafio Inalto it rbursilay Was Infiffely attouided. 'I'll 1, ppil t le'
3:014"tile court kliown, to the' "of frBit. 15pring wheat yiOIA 25�to t, I IB'Usio of th6 Violin. Arr. Rolit.,.if!CNAir, " Ictiox Vol -
all rl It With n
mpiles Ila-; Aecided ftirainAt -id oats' matiner in which li-is I plain lan"llarte. tile Ontario AlrtSonf; ndCatile exhibited were;
30 bushels to tile acre, at rifle
.lit, Rot).* of I
and OildfOlows.—Ti5roliko- rCtos" folly tip io-the'average. Another successru world-line wng r.
-oin '50 tot -70 bumb ]a,. St, I had bendistorted, and, kno.willgly I,ftst week Ivk% bad -a kind orn free held by Mr. W. Mason on VIA 6tb McNair, of Godellch, will. oc�
11fre.ri thus r6vrraino, th6 debiin, ff e o,
I)' 'NJ 1'. 1 I lioWit the Local Coil, Alitr-onuailldr ofyoungulell Cil y tile
proTiftable branch of '0, y show in Victorin. fTall for a couple or p of I he. CO, u rt, of Chance 3' Of.011tilrill i14 M
r the Call, nd �abotit' 50 ellure 1<1 Ic
riulpii of St. At
1100,4p.L The Senator ling, )OhM Very enOrtainment fig it repdedardine, every a4illath.
bi- Oot.aHo Court bf Appeal slid of farnifirg. ill this district. And now W11010 Wits WortilY of tile a - Col-fla of woo.4 were ont. Alter tefi
ttendanob fitIlLililf till- next few COMMUNIOTIONS. of fludle� each veteran sawyer -wended his U'lly
icoui-t, of,catlafla. :that. tile Ontario Uov'erninent line .ui)fqirIy treated, nd as note thair the ones:
%Ion to tilt) old School, The orifbial Alartin I)oiiipqtpnfj
form rose ill tile Sciiatealld hisster'- 'v or is itbdut to survey it re 11
McLhreii� is till exteni vo lumborer '.4ui g ell in a snaial d of
We be dissinctly 1110 that ice. do Tbo�Lf;qnkkre pitron 'ed. 06 on fill ance, farm, Oil t own.
tordtfs vo,,C6. 0 continVou'+, !lite of;townqhipg� fro fit U6, nanzo m" nlfr�hold isurspitieg -1day: kept tip till tilt, flight, of 6,(
in'. 00 O'tftWal SOMP'' exPressed ood Ff inow till- oi . L ' cesit. foi low 1113" alorr�.n t, alillneb Spent. "I'llis i.4 "on d f LT To u I It 11 p, _bojig I Ott ucd Nines a]
years aeto 111t, awa t6 tile Br % . vno I
fto"0,11 while ill in ( boa .' %Tr. ason ifis ad this but fallod to
N e c 0 number of pedeg .11 a wits I
tile of it digilnt4lvec oill, augtion'L bt%
its throilgh* whieb ruva a small of oilladlitu Pneifie. Rklil- Wilitisf,iizetting nearly 00 Cords of t Week I
well pardon any � pof 'ble breach of Dowq-Troddeji anitioba I wood oa. �)lo . ilpsi;,t price find w,
tairenn-, chifmI. tit(' %vilil . I way, there will cert It. 11 . y tic a. gplen- - - is, loofthistown an(] ro . Ill
S'itilo the Oitawa river, di �tlqijqtlei as the 1S.-Ilator procceded, withdrawn.- Tilt- biglipst bid verg(�,l
flow d open�ing for Bettilers if). desirliblo - X icinity Will Attland DiVinn ervice. in
-er. the'soall 0,b0fligt CLIJurell
to, donouisee the Mit' .1. .It $6,500. It is an 'xcellont farol,
L I OQ,9()O, localitioa much Beat chinvellian t. We b ai'v in giving cho Xopili Street NJ
n vxpenod of orer A -And ppttlly�. �ituated.
Bard I 111multity.,not Oly wbioll occasion our tat 3rr. UvLiron i-roproved thig-streqn), 6han'the tmupt,. IlY Mr.itlowat to illipl!ach fj i Publi�ifjY toportiolis Of dletter rcc Al. 01
prairilti-tall(Is of th.4'. Xorti)- this Rev lil I,'. CAmpbell will, ptiqaCil a tile hmolfil 'al Tho. Thoinpq of Enst
better as a Illft" and his intetyrity as by C- ;I- gosbitt, Goderich town. SpAeciid e4ermon. houg
OL )tPra 6f oeMonday ffig. tip a for West. And t ]I trampor, morn ing oil �a trip Nvilwanosh. "ling lati-ly takeri Illito Ili
fojo kiielit,
Moister of the Crown.— slilli, from his br lio isfarming an.,
of. floating tatioll-wolie.. that 6hould be-tigly eve pariner foi, life. Tl I I -
hi log4 'It n, at t'
in the neigliborli' in, lie Huron flotel rot, ibo belt holi- is 13
ood of Dirble, Xam- vilosear forming A Wisidowl'i t inteildingy settle f
0 his 'Millp, considered pit
bobi. Tit(,, her paren is Ili Strittrord. yea�s 0
cost of tranqportin �o pro. pap�,r,. 1% Jo.tter 1B. dated )LIfir Ilub Oil fl-Pooitnt Or tile I'ln't011 act a'r,4` a After iTile Its. 28r( . 1, ell ell- principAl . ortho J)uvoBj' ill that lit L
shliol�, that -A, (I ftt!o business was W'dOW'WIJOaj lie. eburted if)
in of I
—OF --
7 T
ill tbe sliown by
The Hatter.
WHU S,.--Yfl-U"1R,__.HATTE.R
PhYsibians' Presbriptions'. Carefully and Accurately Co
and.0rdera Ans'ware , d with Care and. POspatch.
T.A6 Publid loill fina our, A34004, of' Madl 0*12z�q conip'lete, H'arrankil
TURA sbaps, Pe'rfumory, SlioulAer- 131r;&'s, Trimst-Ta, Sponges, and all
kindu of brumfist" Sorldrios usually kettin a First-Clasli Drug Store.
TA I LO 11-1
West of Eng land,, Sooteb and Forelg.4
.17 Suiting$
s,'EnjA�h-4 &ench Worsteds.
Godoillf-Irs haS it splerillifily , asgiwto(l Stock (If 11,mv SpritiEr find Kurnmer Goods.
Ord e I-i'd it 110 * 114-ady-.41 ill.- illitm lit t1w lowesit prict S -ever 116ard ot*-Ilolie but tile
bf-jit fir .11111 pel-A-ct his �,11:0-it0teed. A full. )lilt! or d E N T'S
F U RN 15 JJ I N 6 S ill slovl;. Call Itildst e" it wIIJ pity Ybu,
G�o ID r-1 j,_LifC1_T, OIN
%,g-. NO ff 91
R Iff :
%Z. 'A.
G-royliue� tlio,Groat rrnt� pnstoi;4k, ant;l ruinewer. chaliges iir�y hai�'to Its'nattiral
Nollidro.' A,iniriTe.Llous1nvPntton. Gray-halred'itairsons,olill
alefland '0111 IV6111-'n. 111,kill".10 look lnilnq lit Illn-P N:o inore gray h:)'Ir AMIrrowithotr
l"11"IR-AcrLpil vo booR.*o n 0 tesUiTioni'lls and opillions.of coallpoWilijin,
Nloli4ldon, T. Tiurray Street, xow'irork.
8 E E 1`3% 111, ^3 1 RR A I N.
f 01 CY WORK
A Xrl%V Moft, givIlE. r1iin directl6iis'lbir 1 1,
rk . — ED IVUIVHZEAT�p Embroido.-i. noa Work, Hnittim Tat -
fr. rp 1E. .,. 6 1 9r. 6.4,ai, 1... .1
No, .,Gq a . At sheautifolir
a.. C,_
�EED OATO, �,SEED PEAS, liper,lifiddontains
r I trationgs
arn itir,tiesi�nsfor.mc5aot:rain.s.Inr..
ED CO .I�l -, ffilr�,
313ED BARLEY IKV c. RN. Col'
�! 'ff and SliCtrarid
Kate Gieen--y d"igns far. )uyl.M
etc., Handkerchief hold
_F0 11, SA tX, By b.1a work J.,,,
R, 9, 1 Wtit C,,,hfbns,, Fbotstooll work
7- a,
cl,Aetl, I,naibrCq,,Inii, work phiis, -mp
SoM Ckishim-s. !, IT ki -r, Vml. IN'.] I Peek-
e%T.,vel go, - I w"jk'llog�, Catuh�
vat e Its, Chair S,ho I Uip, J1.Uh.rk.
.At -Standard: Ele boil 1,11N.1111 lwrlap,, Wood Haskets. Rib�
S"oe "t"i, J""l noXC5, Kilitte'l J'�ket"
72-tf. Illllo%v Shains, Jind hundreds of other i1csir"
CLINTOP4. la.fanry -k.
T10:111irertfors with raph'Disirn.
B "Eu. A %.# W ..
0 BU D
.-To T1,11131 -
Call find loavo your order forn good pair of
ocits or 811009.
-ent's Se I wed..Boois from S5*UP
Ladies Rowed ahoe's $2.6 . 0 L up,
q I six Colts for postigo,
atilt rpeolvis free it co,th- box, to,owre Moner 1+01t im-fiv timil
o 1, , ell;e ill tIll.. Porclines: 6�ait.tllc
ccurs a-,1,o!ntclS..�zbre. At Once address Titer
Co') Aug�klstn, Nlaille.
ThIs. [tote! Is filefilghod throtiAllout NvIth gront
ruto itiout tile kvniit4 of Mic travelling ljlll)ji�
inifllo�llbos maillplo roollis, The 'e,,t of llflll�)V
ill eignrs are ftl%vays kopt fit tile 1);4r, Joist,
hlc.� Best sitletted liotel ill 011 toil. (live Us
call. . I , L
'T.'Us. IIJ:00RE". Proprietor.
lofon,-.Jono 7 f 11, L .1 L,,..S 2.
aln, to
aft. -:hiul li�rlva tire, b
Every )ndr W111411
1011 e -I volutilile
[ I 14LI'll L I ro, r)O C, Isrs,
nin. 1-. .
,, pr-th..
a Tell"
UIE.F ''.. : 1
,be I ... e.
in 10"lt-
fickiders of u -is laperi-
I.,.:y,vhoWjj 1,C, - U, " ,, t&'.4
O -Z I I t alo, 9 wl'% aa natkc
oc. Arc�es of a
yo' n(r La-
r-, In F,:'d to.,.; P, 1. -37 C002
J 11 UP
P y
n tell A,r
111r, ce e- r
D T IT 19�iP
C -t-fogue 5,jals.-Al.,
7. P., Cont'.fam,' Rinq is. hh
.1. n Woul.i cat '2111
Yn corpor�ttd bY Act of PaxIlarnool, lftfi,
85 000
ihnn Ili-Laren.1, d 141 f no Spring right &WAY. inan calle Tfi"� commitb� chill"god wifli boallt, siensel6s.chari-vari is talk4d:bf .'r1jo.,fAS
ai.-,tria or �)iiriuiib as compare N I I in V C ull,
I d . Mr. Shaiv, of Ml-USA618'. Is vistting fl I
the cost froul distwit -ts of tile 0 W11014 of thii Pro�in.ce Ed,,w (is is gowhig ,%,beat t;Q-day. I fying ('6IT_"sqlI;ire will, gllortly� nlqlcc' n . villftgo 'sof AtOinrii PARA FOR SALti.
ptu ar . Tlio thrivinn, I C. Uor"SoNl, I
*,, I �l beLlihnihir Teb ma -lin n cltt rriendsin Low 11, -'RSTAV,TiIo.1
tilb ground is (IVY and tile frost is out' !tnpeovonien I'madt, will- p of a Vt. 1-, `1 fog. .8 ban is, WIN VIAPI-Ill!X
inin-www�w-un-M, pqv- r home roe, T-_
1111ttleffi etc,, to" floui 1 rofinti.-ftetion to the publie"Itrid and in
. I ent ("Itliviont- in' doterininian, and intiviont. kind �jlclj direction I�Iatst sho%� oil thA-186 ',�'otpsf If, 007)ttld, Collections rankles Drafts
down hik Loge. . - .. ... . I . 1. .. . M three of, fo�lr WVoRs acto� Remember, a PP Vacation. A Oril, A lilt, t"Of L tile Ndtithivest. Q�Imrtvr of sualoti 25,4 civoibip -i -ill tirling 311d kinle , ii�afi
at li till . fig to leave rooni foe rLiture embelish. "Ifiss TOIjiSq I ol,tll Mingo 21, West, cont-UhIlig 1.8) itt-ros lilt.. issat
anhanchic,'the value of that produce le -of the. coq�,." There is it bowtjver,� there is,lo-ts of snow ovor Towitt, lor.V"town Iton. Wit M'el� to lit). it ilftbv (IfRil. fill. '14, N.
olliocted nn(l brouglit 'modicum of triall Ul tbiq apparomt,� 46 has myt (lay mok-kilng for.Torrinto. CI alleps, flp(� that there ill it VAtel sh-onfedorl Ille limill road frmlls�.wllt St. Marle, sist, ('111-rolit rates,
tile prairie yet slid tile fro
and stock, Jet go Only where"tho, Snow is off.' Now 0106 file attlinfit, S.- ITImball, of' Clinton, is the
filrit-in '01hatienry., to restrain 0a](I. ly swepriNg assoptioll, 08 inbend �fl thar Or thar-abou'tg, &J.1111'esfroln tile ri..q. 1.XTrS1-..sT.AI,LoJV'ED ON DEpOSITS
J The 0 ains. ti . ie As it nIAtLpr Yet I think will , have All . Carl), gnefitorUvii. A. NV,,Bt%lfry. Ityll to HARRY oll'i't"'u, I 1AM,
iwell fmni lie lobe's summary cont We frisking the coort, S(InArti "a,
sing NvIlat be Ponsidered of fact dwro art, not illort. AlWill", Whiell will do a groat dottl ill plionsill.e. rekiot, would it not be 11011 No'.0,
followlills, front which it' will he s P. Heinlini-t spent )lot* )',nqfpr
Iliq Private property r, favor of 111fillitoba, 'gho Avilitor is woll ill k4tro,t by doing nwn'It with the Ifo .1 . Goilortell t1ly.
Nvith I o'b t hig twenty. -five ont of i he elghty odd vitontion With bee paronts in White- AtriT IT) fliflonrg oil t1lolt'llwt, anton
Seen th nearly over and, wo have had a V0ry MAR
at Wnuigrailts or 6be Own smolls thilt Aiiiiinato from oil u re It. KET PEPOR're. %vif', nr�e fir nwre othlomrs.. xii Mortgage ro.'
(11412.1 of Lite Ofitario AssowNY good 0110 Oil tile Whole. Ain satisfi. 10 building b6hind ' tile oollpt Foil 8A1,1411. oceeltv.,
thal; On- bors _,a ";G SlIm. (Corrected eve . ry `TT laftornoon clolrod its so
pvoplonli"')t go farther hollfte . � I
The illinnetion Was granted and it'!'() take 'ally IMI't. ill logislation ell that with g0r)(1. t�lftrketg ifild pro� A V; undAl-pp
tario atilt fare wOrge, : The firot lannoll o0ollirrod on Pridity Tho annual TIM villssire of 1JI,1.f,0llAVl', Ills flivelling Ainnap-,
higher Canadian (Jourt4 sustain or railway facilities, we Ijjtvo.tIj, The'AtL PUNIF'OV.
tilt Tlw groat majority are siolply 1101190 (Lill[ bti-le, m-clillied by Ille,
Tilt, land poliq of tile Illa, beat Wheat and Stook Province in When 'Vil. Gen. 01'antys n -01M flshill�, and clitt-16 was 110111 ilop 45 on, Cis 6 r10 line of tile 111,14 do4irill'ity ff) tilt, villago for bwl.
it, -.0 on Ill-ifla e islir,
chlom to etoistor fly(,. or no for dieIr tile Dominion. I gnppowi yoll havc, briat took to tho. %vatep. Dnring tile Tile sliow Was the bost ever held hot, I"aff Wheat, old, I ft to I (it, flc�& Thel-0 list plotl 1:011o., olithollses, And.4vt
of Vall Whont, flow, 0, 01) fly 1 00 �XpcBcIIts;',ft tvgtor t0t ro off theliwetifi4q. Tile
D)elit 1.4 11011�1 ljf)C�rjkli -'J',berd are no reservii a great d-ord about tile I is arIll. r(sAftnii wo expect to Ilem, Or � ifli-itse thor� were over 2 1 horspq And Anme, stir wilcht", I tin to I It, I - 0,11
Tile Priry Coursoil of Vilglaild, i t ell Sections, t 'lloto Vol! , flat 01101) leadom of- IT blatant hra%VlAril Of in- . I slid it qlInAtitAr Orbos.qeomllngo�or it,; pitr6 10 of, 12 bolIg. 'I'll# ittp let collijillses J lit lilt Act -0. Tho I'llildin"Is fa�L
kq orsU) loll out herv. I alw art.'' 0) 4 3 to 0 53 jagonT ivjjjl),4 t ill live.
,,Ill ag I ,
0 :14 to 0 :1.4 pl-jetor is, g,i% ijtg JL, J.- r.110- LOAN.,
i;l. ror ri-eciuvation of. elAt-fIll pkirl!bast, by qct. congoquPritial Llathor., Tli�y have )ins dono ton mitch liftrul alrooffy faltholiall we (I Ill )lot sliftro ftnpoJ tilat, ver.V large. 0 70 to 0 10 WN EN
is now taid, litin diqaolv�d ill(, tloa pr I e 0 ILI
H�Oppillg omilgrafion, and t allit. I'll eorked at its ell As tell I fig, list (winter) per 1) Apply t4
fililli-ovin;, no mill(! of theie own bit publie 'kl iro ill 2 00 it) 9 00 , I
: ;%VITI MINICAN At !()Iv ratisq of iaterept and t;lgin total$ to atilt
ronds to betiolit the a(tioblijig prolle.1-ty, 01, offlillfIg into tile lx6ftll wt,st. Tho 0 46 to U to s,
I ILY 61111, o to to o 14
VMki this inran, limitorg, are partisans Pura an(i JnSt ThIllgibiv rtt" -y Dt, if 16 to 0 lo DOIL(raw, Nil.
,re report of tit I no efflotiunitoll Presidents .11 V. Floninling, froul biltotol's Showed Oleir 1-J'aster Inotits A% mrairr irojzsn�, "OTT,
I I Rilliple enough prollably, As Bmildolf It L%, .7 oil to 8 01) 12 0, RC
(1 00 to 1 -111 HA LET
I)Ilb BIt"t With lrt�gfm show ofheo f jjJ,J. 2nd J 0 01 Us ON
of fliA Privy Cooncil*t1l;nt k!Oin lialtivii, ivicaltIly ritilway 'wits lily to l3irth) to fern) Androws; and Iretenn pach hall A Tobil Me Itillall, oo
haq roneliod �ayv;tlst 1) valf1p, %vp Orotherlirivilegt-d 111011011olists. I'lloset, to theirpority there Arf. SoIlle doubts mittl(OT11 V01114'01'k V. VISher, Prince of this, 1a];'. VA� t Deaver Blook, elthtfift
L Illon ivo roCal to L 1 00
y ollpomition ho got ii, few to join aild And )Arab (fiterudy fin 1. . , (1111tol), Met), 1*,tlj, lqqj,
I -Ps-sod and, at, 07 20
in one mind %V I thn ro. pay their dollar and tht foup wilo did ranged, an(, , tier 11611111 0 Do to 0 fit) r
1AF011111 Infor that 0�tlikvoll is to he al. 11,11lents vall-tilf'refore bn e,owhinouli-a GisxrTt.ty, I'mysogt, ATfrn.-!Sf. T. JITT� 8T'TNVRTIlTJJ (,iters f6j, villo, togdjllop or
sliglit, exer-lition .
with uc., ant) to 0 flit V to l(lad Ill IA11go is 4111,01 s;111114, (,a
9(1 with vare exceptiolls �Ild, I)nv!,cq,,PPr pair I) A.1 to o na 217alill 1I.-Irt of 1,.f 1,11, (jojI,.fJ,jI )it lnortkrngeg Or , I,
great atIvalltil hr ore' aspect 4nimile. olsnt douulity Conduct of' )lel(ini Nvish UIVY olutil in lltiality to that Of fopuloy 11 M I PI., Ill'blep of I'larellpron sor:tni to!,%, oil Nrnik; to sait pproiaxer, 14 rw Ili fe"nirit;s, tit
uan MtTolrons itntyrove. 00( is, lifir linit 0 00 to 000 ship, 3 jaile4 filial Vilittoly, voyO,tKC of 10 fol't Aarf`QotL i"ttQ&
lind 1101i'loiliod, lb, 1, is it, 01-1010IN'll years. os. Catilder, 17oun Id B!"nio. 1' 11) St.
9 DOBA t, It
.7 at) to 8 (10 nerm r;oarml, halfirwei liftl-6ko"d, flillbet,
to o 2t I.IJjQi1'.k Ill!IINILL
hit ter, lalt Fill ivot, M-wIllf, it ally, t" 1"reis 9firat' of two "'I"- D0IVli;igf, 11alfour fit ill, 1,M)o gew.- fincti bliftE it is ft J)f)Jitj("ftJ dodgo got till
drell Aeren aro given to every Inale. ill- 1b. OL T.1 I"no ('17tumali, 'T, B()tLill(�ll�%,ttt,r;,,I - Voo). ("I'vifoff, T"Mil, 13 19"T.
enq litintin N hof, ypt kllowl,� llolio� Iff gaws of If could by flill Orits for vlortiol Unron T,odg6f "\*o 42 1 0 9 00 to 4 00 follfthlu Naftle Iwaiie; barn 4svla N�,Jtll stillilps; III).
JIIIXJL� All Of a fninfly, fujil
Moe Imildrell.
don't think thoro )It; lit tile Whol(i of will 0011"Ift'nu. illi, hul�'Iln I, v 1". 11Hher, M-ehio l3onrlion, 2nd-, floa. t1onc-oith, Also other faItblIjId;n;fq, flood nn'l
,0A AN. givell fi�y I Ay 111111, Ondigpollsed with. 1"crVAIJ ersilev of Logo,fircilmr(l, allo holen ApTill, And a variet%+ of v a,
Tilt- ovl,lowp 1.4rwo flip, CAnnflian 0 )yet eighteen. 0 tI I a 11asis 1 VArtel" Daftbaw Aliflallfill.
I 'toba ollo good solid Colistirvative O(Ill 1`011-0-FlIti P rill till% Amprien' Poll.
L ant 11
edLuep. tljl� othor frillb from Apply oil tilt, lsr0nI:A(.g hl
illeshles thif; all additiollill fillo fillildrod orreprosolitation SO fig fr) I" rallIN. I ill)
IV,fq fIllowed I awnro that t!"o)'It by Attending (11010 PPI-vico At.
040"t Off, Afrenta wns Uv,.kri� ITS. AVI) TIVI)VIR. TO MEROHANTSL r addroug N. 0. 11TA111111.111 e.,
fit'req PAn his tillreha"ed lit (silly fifty vislits lluillbot. of Al. Vrl to fthotit twonty. tl (TV rkiln to lin noll-polit,ival nil 1 "4t, "POPIWA elifilmh (in 8,11"Tifly mnril., -I'
I . st, Witi. Bell. HnIlhiA Burnill 2nd, (Illits'll ts. 0. t A -'4 -N *4
tirit h 40fttalllft Weflft An acre, Wholl tlin latid lorlifoll iq unt,filt live thitt thore Are COns(�Vv1ltivvS in it, Ili& tilt, _11,101 inst., aftel by it Pul"14' 110ft(TI41, 1`4011PAL ToIll. Go 66"
4_Ail. Afi)&I ikIrlIling I, -oil thisy -,tell <if tho "KI)nak
fhA nPrinintoil Vftnt,� Rowtos ell Oab TOWN, P11011HITY FOU SALE, 0
It f it Poll!d 11(if 11A Illfil(i It 1, T1j.jtPn ly, 2 ANM Y*Vt)flft
fint] 11hil-Is, inSfoArl ff now" AtrAp. lu;llw Illay havo he(in finnet, soripq, and a 1,pptilpe, iifllft (Tymint.1
fallfidelit Ifilld fly itijoinfitgo lots in iniit,# We §,, --. 4 0 N
lit itst nwilral At'Iff, it) final, IT I'lifrile. Units" liv flov N. IT. irartift, 'y Till— in. MeTwvolf. *I, oung --TA TX TO— 1�011 RAU,% it liesilifts find fro I!Nlq Ivy 4
1111 Irij fillollnPrIf to tIlfsL refIllirell IIIIIIII Ill Up Old ronlibrv, VIvY 'nalill. 0
Iffy PrO0,0111 Aplo"r plisofell lie OIA Pis But boto h1A lived fast; and Vvilify Or VIIA flift1n, On'tbo 2141 If., Ikelly; 2nd, rdivilrd Lund E
1-44j;p" niftell lemit ratts of Rt v(,vt, it Nlwa dmanvo nAiiii ot
rg"' of gonil land, The enrififflong of Ikottit. 6
To, *114) 14111filt 'till tliAt nfli('t' Alill fit Splint till fll(�ir fuell"yN tllpy 110\'�' "1111"Rite tne rp0lefwt of ill. A. Irattf,
()Ile t1lob, IT's ' Tills; ripolit'itr 14 in 1% 1h
1110,11t will) (Ili) rik if t1lov ItIqUo A. ery they vill 0 C, P 1:1 a 00
0 glial. g agaillilt iiiii4tilati"n, sportkorql0p, W(f oflieisf to: ho .4111) thi - vi-olsk ArIll PIreoll Is thvti,�Ifl _t Till,(, ft1ItnwTItTs,f ,-u Z Z, I;,
11 got sn'tro gverf't or VI tilt, fhTlnvv'nq nfUoPJ'A - D)
firf. p't vroy on flip sotl If'r, The 10011466 tI,e rippre, lit oilinfrits"tal otber,tN't"4 eff
AnriL flyll if U. i�;Pllk fr0III old Tfintmi-ritt"?mn rwrvq, Aolm�-Uf, fr, 10
A'Al Of tit(' (Ion ( pid , ?.lkibn to tf,lJ tll(�nl ltoIiV C L-U0A all I iR .6
IT11.4 IAII'l 1110 Till. r plon- 1 T11,;T 11. F�. IlIrt,eilty lVelifird I'Apter, 2h(l, kFolomon 11fol. d niiiell to the opp(ornflet, of ilits proliet-6. W 4 1:, 1
peivriff. rplilorty net t'f% (In'. �1`1,, �1`, I Inn 'Pilo 11,111vii4falfIl Tilt) gmill.111 4, 14 Z
provoinmiti; within ono irnni-Ij artel, or Orsillillion, TIVIK it, NIT thisir purse,4. I mly golixf to fmilv a. o9mPrMil I Velfl't-1111, Mr.
MITI. ifnelo,.�Od bv 11 alv�, ITI'llilif silnf. leflet" p'lliffo(I
t Afilte. T1;IA 1A, a Vol peoperty and 19 H
fill tit wbit" -l"Ov. - jALtf, Mestif 11'r. IT Tt. VANI"i I will Ili- sinift, 01), It ,
nt% ii V(V on(l fiVin (if bftrlr�j% I lN*,f!J,, ley, T' t P
tile bnool Ill. lotilt tor Ilinisolf firifl Ifti.r livp l (,61% oil praof that tjrte(�n neim't at. , It is itot lilo-Ty �til t 0 , �o - %,I-, TT, 1r6l fso� - r-livIt Aptilp to
'AtIftefibliti, fuld' tvoilld '00onomil, 11'
tile ]w ri'T (lift 1:111d, lih-fing his Illgiolion. This pifew 1,; DiAllit4l ! p 1:yToporntinimn llm.tfi. 2 rrq A\11* MR., PA IS
Ontario -!let N
tit thi4 sprilig. I Ilave got outs I!, ci�onli rt==U. Vrf3,TV\'A
I"Itifif'ri L ITr..I nt% Ill.,% it; 1, Isas,,: Xnh u Clark, i