The Huron News-Record, 1884-04-09, Page 411111!111111111� 01111 -on &be shoulder, dewan4ad $50, IPost. L I N T 0 Rev. Father Wilds'
olN110will$ sleJa it Wt #411 *11kk, 81II latkilitiou of tile insink, wbo bail an intolligetA Which woo due oil some frel6lit. "r.
"I wanit a, wifle; looka, you get we face otiodottle Insulter of 0, acutlottlaij JJ
_oDon"Id", of courikke� hadn't just
N lylluired to give This wan the question stiked of wife 'JOV911D for Our baby ; Uindlywivillneo the wooey and hold The DOM Z- P. ITIldo, iYell-knovelit itilty
ull� II ladulve Ole 10 centlii for"em-1 virant a, tile 'Skipt. Jacklioll ilit.Ctistle Garden, by a,clieck for a larger Awount willoilt C a r r 1 4611 OW 0 rk S hni0 .101ownt,ludge IvAlliki'llkeittle Alituloo
hi�i pape, lout tot tile okI 411(i a vil drassed, prosperous. lo*4-ing llio�o b4cyou bad' be"ter take th" Uri AlcDoorild, would redeem ask soon 141 e,
to you 111611111110A.
r Wife tit#.- baby 40 got to Barrie? Ur. Little $aft* uprolkllit court, writeli likil follow;# I
sbeing tal*ull. 111411., Willi six intelligent GtIrIlitill) Will need thetirl" aid tile Paivil 71i . ORIt .51. Xvito 1104, Milm to, M& Ally Itegim to do so Illikkes tile p0litill4stal' was just the fool the oon f1dence Over- Ii .4. winuir I wwj ItOteki fie 1411"t all atival or IA
y iI oirt-V thi-Ill. J. as also a oullerer W4010 111119411t. whether it. bit taken froill night, lie had a,nice story' tell. a eat ruu
iVolition, W4 stchester Co., N.V. down, bowed his. bead on the show ELON PROPRIETOR Itile pabliAlor inily coutilluo to alkild it years, alid. a resident of ount lin said tbiR file �poor follow broke 04 to 639- Wbell be 00t bottle tbit "8ARGA to for 110y Want. face. lie deliuribi-ill, hirristilf as Wilf. lirokor, .,No ii-tillo on't, beol.11180 " ta Widower, aged 36 because $he's dead. She ator took blin for, ail be handed oil L at ItioNt )light., All the Looney he bad, which altriount-
Hill CANT Vic oalve or tiot. Tliol ill Ila tio leg Mock Said be, was a fluri4t, wit], caseand crield like A 4ild. Boy o", familir about life in the city. until tile raYlile'll is a comfortable bu%illetiis, Alid (;cold, said the ilruinuier "you call laugh if a Pal)" fret" lke good refurt,ticels 40 to his char. you please, (out I. -I have a Wily of INS -r it
soa aK Ir iV aluso.1) I r 11
it oit14 11 t(be wlitther to ]]is War Nortliern , no
or atkoillel., or wilether lie 1138 6 acter for ioduAr arid sobriety. lily own at Wine, slid 1 sweat 1 11 a. Lob. it ,kill Vwriboll or vot, is or tile pay 1-10 walited a lok!to arid a belpokwet of-Pir driuk another !lrop." Tbell, A LAND WU91M 'PETROLF= RUS To M knolne
0"" I ty u I.1', I, L
Ia his paper to ll� it)., his houst-hold too]; Ali xtreutely he got up.arld went into another ul 1 1 lowuxto en_ a* 4 I WA$TZ AND XINERALS OF ALL KINDS BVIGGIES, CUTTERS, WAGON,% SL 1QHSxAC vnit strolp.rer,nud I atti-11I Vickie, rtsulks to this
at a Cel-taill tilak,I, aud tile lik,I)I611. practical and bu iness-14, view of car. His companions glauled at A1111, U411 4211 the 0011tillix"a 6,5eltf, it tile slibivriber I tile tnatter, had a-ivither done nor ill, eacii other in: sileuce, : no ollo laugh- b(Mild to) pav forit Who takes it out of' tile with fill colkilde'noo its tile lovat bhut limedlelliki,
"Thisproctloosup , on thogrolulli clitlAtion for love making "and rucli old ; tile bottle disappeared, milli $coil -7 B�OOTS & SH 0- ever ovisvd. .1 took It Ilk sinall tiollits uire,t ES tllllo4 kind ued, (1). all, lesstIvi,11 tivia battles,
h;to, I it)
arid, there I41aco tlli%sp fact$, At vomp Jurvico, 1XILI their
a, 'Intita mut pa for what; lie Uses. fooli foro, lie haid Paul' Was sitting ill EL4 heat y hili - Tile f0lo taken from a LUUREP, AND IexclIlownge. (;Iva 'tile a� call told A woult to "Llistle Garden in ho e that self reading a nowpa , lecturejuht delivered at Winnipe; will givil you that calloot he bilatOLL lit tilu C01431tY. 40- Repairing and yukiroi rtspolfully,
P 01*4 X. k. 11111111190101tw, tile superitite.nd-rit would pick Out by Captaill, NVO). Kennedy, Of St. done With iesp;lteh. The abovii JuStlle(IL Is but one of Alto really Cal, tantly cool Ill.- to our ltitico, 11,11Mki prove the par,
-yage Superstition. Andrews, tb!,.i Arctic ollivigator:—I tt CANTLI T,O.N, 2"I St- on Sunday at i strong. good tempered, all'i scusi- A Sa,. it. t147 -to, lit "Ible CI cot allaptribillit of Avult'a 841115APARILL td,
81"'I"y his youiia Geraian girl for hint, to, lit i 0 would also call. attention to the heOrtAl(l, Regtor A conforetift was recent] bel, 11 roverl8boa blood, Iroll.liesilml vitality, 1! Mr. Jackson turned the casp over y %I
kind 0411-34 Itlethadist.-Sen [cot, at mag a in, .; to 1)(Itective p between, a Elplegation Of 50 hifflarks, region about Athabaca, wbich nly U ml�,,Sabbakh W1131 tit 2.30 p' 111. Aer Groden Wh. aNvaita iloVelo oLublIt. Pe Jaw% boar. 0 O, it IF
Services at 11 a.1n, is said, has beiin nin,!hlding 7 still chiefs, and Capt. P troleuin Ayer's Sarsaparilla
an IJ is thure runtling to Was enriches, ruill strong Ili
6.30 0. 41. selloull, 14.30 P. Ili. Rlv1 bringing a out hioro L te; t1jim oil L ( nla tile blood,
marriages than Upliani of the First cavalry, at Fort atet; ihoaetion or tile 5 Is
Valitor. 'NrIf you want to, got a C7, If y0i want a good stbotti. toinachandbowe .
any roan ill ow York. have overflowed the surface lind thereby enables tile systent to resist and over, 11111le ell 10.30 a. M, and Groden livalls; Walls, Oregen. It was field M good PAMOR SET, call at DINING -ROOK SET, L '
It. ill. abbath kiellool, 2,30 p.114, Rily. j. slid M04 Walked about the nottin. Oftb6country for a splice of over oau Cows LtlIQ Attacksof all scr(It"Wous Frup,
P44tor. or the pni-posik of hearing ills cow-' DIE S. S. da illoiNctill- all tile GoiriliaLLA girls 0 Eirty miles, slid rullullig down to, REMEMBER THE PLACEipit—VICTORIA BLOCK CLINTON. at DUHV
Baptist Cbokr,:b,-Sejrvlce' Ab 0.3a to. it). &mik. on liall(l. I 1)ebilily, 431EI all disorders resulting train pea , r. liath $olkool. 2.36 v. ul� upr. J. 444Y.,owter, dilly two of thp3l ,30,,ned lilalititH of tile Indians upon whose the river tile oil ill carrioil into tile re
corralottia blimia outi 4 low state t4o*systola.
lke where it flosts Oil the surfat CP"If you Want a Fan oy GW'If you want PUR- 1,111311-4191.11) LIT to please tile, sentime or ranches sourke white I L ce. BE, NITUR iAtal fl lien bad 6.1od. Tile old list- lit pl-esent ulatle of it liard-illatter und NJ DROOM SET, call at I E of any End, call 13r. J. 0, Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass, One buxoul fratilion, lie said, Illight Oftfit. Upham, through an interpreter tric Acid Itilrolvinci.11 119100 Rule. O" AV% (It), but aboi when approacho.1, said read thein thelaw.on tbo:su set is y the Indiana - boiling it to a, DIE1114"S. %koo0wA, at DIEHL'S. 129.11 - - Sold by a Druggists, PrIC0,51. SIX bottle& for.53, she wouldn't u consistency of pitiolt %nil usil,g it to The enornioulk growth f tile tralle TREARQUIS OF LO'RE'lS itriKEDY Bon arry it atianger. r tof retainin- land to tile exclw4lon of co,ktijigu their calicoes I sluile.l. atillalliv �b . , ete. In tile in shain butter, nutwitlistandiiii, the IRISH DISCONTENT 296 AYER'
alit] 8110 was -willing, but-,AI9 ' the whites nuoikelvf tha numb saute re 0 Purest , S_ � ek , t they I g! n the.finest, and ellikkotolkell-4 of lawif cot- tille protect- __% withdrew Ilia P sevpr trLl rela . . I .4 of 'Oil"' ion cot consumers who wot 44 ubt Tlie'Alarquis of Lorn ,rojosal ptiono and declare e has for'the Victoria Str CATHARTIC
...... lskkkl�� is tIlro'" frol" a- 601 eet taill. It is nearly as tilt- as flour njoinerit uperseded Ili.% father, the 'at allo was 'lot Ili very good their hiteLtvion to becolue citizens, klitkowingly huy or use a pound. of DIEHL :S PILLS _r,b loderich News It ' ealth, 010 01) tile land and in every and brilliantly white,. 111 tit'$ aI; . lie stuff, proves oiico niore LI lat we Duke of A I r- 11, as a sensation . al CLINTON, D.I.E H L -S.1 i-urgatilve Mecliel"e-i.
Peet soot is found coallI aulpliur, cop- oy iJ..'a'spat all"coluing again," said 3[ock du al, white nien, They replied are a patie�l-t People. The tuanti. doctrinaire. His Lordship bas c ,fall. Ileaducho, ikkilj,
per, ashostasi arid 'other vnlu;kblo fav —IF YOU WANT- a Bilious Julikoorderi,
lie Ieft Castle Garden; 4 it was a violation of their religion to Illiller, 'turers liave koolva froui the first out as a Onle, —CALL Ar—
kils. A lottor itiat' received royal, advocato of Irish 2014 everywItteke. 411ways reliable.tit utt on 000of C, Illay Le toore fortatiate next titpe," dold it, 1�111(1 ; that the (-reat Chief that tile coull.1 thrive only lk�y tileills Ho Is It le. from thitt quarter, dated Jai y 4 0 bas a brand now Diehl'sr Gr'at had toaclo theiii f roto the dust of the- wary, of 4ecoption, still the retail dealers Funeral 'FI e Ist says; 1INVe have gi,undance of It hdiscontent, lA 159 . 4: 11 "arti),, arid afEer they wandered on lIve ke Elie oillinargitri tie slid bia- forrxim two ol our cows elat)iiratetj it in -its-surface, for-- -a-cortaiir, torbia. foluktorit.. .0pet ation. by Pet a 19;19 Best m -the �Iffaricet, """%=
funit-ut Wa
Published in the April nutober Clnton, Weduesdayi April 60 06--Tharoldy morning a young titne thoLy ret7urneil to its bosolin 11114 our holls, 01' WhUl wLe have tilirt plan alit] w igain becanip part, of the. .olelimits 11 oloes of what It$ cit1:04 commercial �O�' te AT :C Victoria -:St'. otna from avo be", _ LOSE P
I ., till to lay al -ready and give morality. Bour-thighouie keqw of the earth. Dealbig-Jil, Idild dlt-,3 (ro. c` s ") lie lijois, clauitiritit, for A Wooden Wilidding, visited 1�11 .9 U.4 LEI ix to el,*,Ilt i, ..... s It cotV propriewrs of ri-spluralits, alid lailij ou been inar c flVali'likil(l 11100(l This f4iIianal ion e I ucks, alit] gose, IO,.d, Par.liall,ellt of her owl), lout I "How long have of-euteriog tile warridge ' outraet. of Ilotels 11,1ve It lLy loll wit" the ""It"Ilti011 reg;4oded at; desIhig in �hoir own NVO lit;kv freel' d t tile They put up'at tile City b6tel, and of tile in, 0 devu) ty 1110080 oleat, deec's imeat, fr mh WiLlInuartufamurersaradd alershil; Q - *! 21, IndiiirkW aversion to buV, lift beef, a.Ild 0 Colitollipti6itt WIurk Of all eco,4,ionally lout- �L;V die youll Atid-holdilio, lilli-I has never I .1%,Ill alld it advisable Oat the 1111peiial sway g' Ulan after ile fled seen tulk efore ftLIO tileat, also tie,, ious white fish tilig tile Ill this Way Of E. 11"larkl4il hould be -reinoveil frooi tile latly to it roklin, repaired' in tile la Ittaile-public, and old ettl0la still. trout", I do ot'know- if a- Olva WALL IA/ A I I M 1Y 400ive vjtiapm.? W11V v?)u ouobt to wlio thil ki I 11 .1 '9� , 11 00000 oui.(I;,-f ho" fatIattill .11pt Ilits: hotoll Loll() of bee and Mos ferti-le office. of the.1skitter of Mailriage a!l tile L114(lo 'to raie Ik find,' other ".kiLi'lls Of oharaute� istlos of . tile. to seeil oil; wheat. at Athabasca, Peace ust, or Lhat file i4.41; landlid The Little for flouse�Clqftrklng is near. tSlovvho� payi".0fortliedoculuent aboligines are itichiled to re are 4 -0 .1-ved fruit) d6compoitiou P""so,"10 orrauting is.cIblie hy still vearly oil Off 'a' t pl, .44 and dupri%ed of tip , toy awl other,vested in, terests of Ell- noross ot tho nwi,ok ffvuore� of lie Pulled out; hi, pocket brook, und, this tile true --reason. The Snto parallol 'and we all know that .111, all's of Ilitpic 4011] alld odler cllelu� lihuien Ili lrolitnd.h! oilid tie 16ft to It, inan trViluy to hido lle'llilld A netioill. ullfoltuilately, left tilt. offit) witIl were ionlowhat ' di I Hall, Pthrlor, lPiniag R EDS
iltIlli filiest growii on, tile oQm-.or Bed.,
11FLI)PT, "llad tilat Was 'ar, out it Ile proceeed. to tile lintel, ro-sults of the conft4eilce, slid tile, P. oil' alit[ contait'hig oiily a tile i co Inervy� .0i all Ititiew cornes from tile Valley.of the tlocol 001n P la sticured'a call, 'and, %%ith his lillmll, is fvar Op. ti�oublo will result, as a_ ri Fie ver wlso.,.e out!et Illially sold ill tile 6tako 'of Ntl�v )(il MOO,, liee, droire to tile of it min. d..will ri n a the At4ialikksola La1cf, is 'Only trio .,Tile ikiir by �whoui they were married. (Ijilerally tratisla6ed) ,title d6tatice frkini 0hilrebill tit rS'EED'Sf.
�coil r.�Lkjlltp Clel.gj,lorkll hall fraill kill. at 'fIlliz:o are law oil the 118 a 00111p 0114iSO what fiftcjlLm Of .,in got all), a ill) Whillipeg is, Nu�j a brail,;)I- lino Be and Patterns. 7 in T -,il 11 tbatnpanish girl of' tniv A fee for' Woemin tlie and make bolily harin' bottween the nrovidi'n- iliat.this dirt if I -11 vitwittl hodie rule i - Ir troni: Athaligica; , Emil , 1)pifitr tlle 0 .4 I flie of that Conlitr Oil;: e). L , ,e u it-'wlaititrince field lier fill 'hitif pIen'.. At the conolu.4ioll of t1k4servico tile whites ail(] t r4 till sold willer its. real I) Tile, IWO four Pro; D
0011 Of thh; fouls, alid. ulol gr atl isk- They haye iiot it of Lohister to Mt in. Dublin, of 0 ISEEDS1
A Fainercni Itini vay. 'f assi mv. . &—J 9 t key were onipty, of I -ulls - at Unrk, of UI.NL(-r at. Bil- st ill tile forillatiol of settltj M - to, y bee, Their sill ilia hold toot, ala -4, * I ' tho I .[ ; , .. asked tilt, philool*ih.1, of the groom dorve. it is ilito. Iiiii . pou- er a 01, laws ar worthit' it ally 1vOuI(I you?" )She. tile curri;lIcy of. ar I W011111 I)LLVO Etrivell silaill builtur Out. ailof (,()It tile coulitry. 11 (as I'lle extract I i
for 'A Of Our. elarke at, Gal FRIEZS9 R N I U S A Ill I P111111 E B m i,FRqL 'J'r
lit lost it? ,NO. Illstalitl A runawliv Of a -culi, or wnul.1 at st4
Ali a wit I nilld surprise. F r lav just rea(i the country should na,ch uom4ist IM . tat it intake'?Ir 1) I.OL4�cted tile .cookkilloner who 0:1- The Bazaar Ftshitku Buok.,..for 1883 tire ell and can he h blumler occurred va hill). Here ter occarred in Loftolon, Apri! I at., b capable of atlloo'dillg�8ustvllalloe of ail Upper 116tase ad for nothing, [or inch or 0holliber of Was a �r,-_Qy kettle, of fish. . 'NV I I., t al"d a Call Aull so�,, thepapirsittodgett), Book 4- caused by tile autics of a pai� of That - the regiox", ! wit,ii its vast buys ur Ellie in fdkolly. e wea sleM All tl;o (I i lice. r I keep it to ,10,11, lit) rouiani he terill of sfirviuls I'll. C/ ell unklioNvil is IIA L. lie would it invoins I'llate YOU." anil paused ih his speech arul tile 6 tak butturitio for. stille to his pat- ljous 1J 171. I- aroutid thli country by it Ileralits to Ininistiqr couldn'titirklaille what wa. Wilt-rii, is tit" 0 Lo 66, deanied of. ab si.< olie-(Ilivd.'Of the 4 -And if I open it wide it mearks I the tilatter. who 1.0 huy tho stuff., G a D IWE a OF RFLIA-BLE Finally the Jazv to and -are allowed to, gn ful- boilg Oo% I yii Lable? YL -k. 4!1,000,00() Cheaper,than ar.y one oil top of the Eart, 1 4 1-ticing his embarassuient,.. inquired' througil,their.,611gafilly illovements vears, Whilv. a1w trio [At e'llit, Ill of A site began to I -fled. :ii,Ihat Was tit(., troublerind.oll. 1(�arll- -aro'conEkiied eacIll Year ill ilao'. millions in Mil Lr Uousli hould'. lie eleol PEI oil title stteel,4 despite. till) doll Of .30'salliploof "pure butter)" .4 Out 0 all Like inottiliers of 6 arden Seed") .11111 . I I Und ing.11111 ets Pulled 10'r Punk., lIt S �Iet Inteir, parson. EIN(Ls '.W lie a pretation. horsps 1-cil"r requires 13,000,000 cows to lel�tekd by bridal Party I,Ptuplipd- to. the Ite, POPE profession prooee . dibg a] . onir t -a it fical ih, 20, ol . eolll� 0. blaliu.6 subj("l2t to, the s.tlile- llot�l, ikild'on. th(*ir arrival' ther' lI;Lk' 1:11upply the d-ernand for iiiii1c it- fts oil Public U ir i0lis. �d the uajL ql!alilieat oII8, ful- wa given It is -pock et. uu� At S, A -C 7 T S) "Of all thou.13tblica.1"ch ract* itbellis"Iere Product ill 1,11iii countr butlerille N A N TS (lucky thing) the that way result. tllrougll� n bouglit ill New Yovs: alid itill pai R TA'I N' I groorn book 0 while tile, llllyi accorJinty. -gal . . " M .me A kill Sir. Putting mide the I -ill, Ole k- by' u -boy. lie through (lid so C be -it trauO. t'f btiEter. The Ili- ilef t u ',clpr 6ji 01119 Put I xcomises, to all stilly, uleut,itnis,for i1yujuliers' of the IIII. 'iPtul,q4s aud addressin, Ifi's'inter_' 84YR t hit It O w il I iiovor alld, as tile' keepers 'iiev'er ceased ' . -nier Milk Alksociati Tile 1. . . 1. . 0 .. . york Fat a itYar, k�8dlkg falkiii.y, "I ulost Ili a tile teftal att"clied to Mr. Johil ipruve'that consullit-l's ill XalhMoth'Stovo is of 011 -Ail tile I 1`0911holl's hk rA*' tile white- Tile bapital 'invested ill tile dairying, I,ave kwilailvil, -unt ulti beill ta SLIVII 118 tile ill it over u Ilk Tin NP -111 I lie wits a Poet, oil(] a aiiii ,akk away, thrd�v- IiI riquires Elie cultivation' (if -lican they -LI, st. -Ali 'old, tile 1), ff ardw*aro.:'8JT: Jllll�Y -1�tt t to chance. so I I , U '179 F I frollil 11wing . a grent, - I? . . ' butile4 . 8� is 'over S2,0,00,060,000. bV tj t' w.ould have uollfiltl�i -strilitly to 169. becnie greatly alarined alt'tbli un' le 11811111 Spectacle still I X% Pr O Why &.11VIttion grockin Resi.,filed. -driver, Alex Forgusdil, t'o ilig. tile
as. Ifwill, (lie 60 odo,000 of laiid.'to furnih tnXes'. aikil fato -presiden t Ali- lilthe :grooiid aikii sevorely bruslo" asNvrtud ikl.fow I.0 rtile.s011 it Its t -g tllq above number ot cows. that tit k alit C.T. T1%
niarket I i I The lit .St Q PuWic.'iIII
.4111 , : arse food 1�01 f Saturday last., of I)ul)liu Order Widlin Mr.. B"OOD), -as-a- -ed�llrtvd-grefly-flai ik,� . �Nl.ore than $20,0, 000Q are' cart�er on. Alli! tile tudg 00 illvoat- cit.,v: a of groctlrs -%y'llo I Id Ilot I-Wljy - nd8 utidiNturbi'd tilo viikwa oil Illig bubje,cf,'and tilt- rosult glass li"IttS I r6nt mid. i'e'ar were alon v e uien,eiliploved tqj rew ohns tot, I', I r Cows litillibL tilt' , is bVe,t by'.Mr. D coal as (oil sleasile-F and the vuhicle othe' r f-thi4city'were deceivc(l from day w lie -wit. 0,000,�and .1 000 Q0Q Oinprisin.-, tho Lord -Lit ed 70 I I I -u- GL"-R1N,f 11( * -t! grOa [Ili firlij lieen spkeu Salvation warrior, prouluitlied' his living - Uiokell , ill twailik tile plat e . Ili dairy inauh plovincial Lord
I I tilt inj 0 Pi -N thiniagod. Tlio coffin, contaill, pror rs %%-Ila uli. lIng I.The ttullallq, tile coutit'y' liflutPlialicies at, Uavi4' a tail hurses are' or Yom, tile �wllicll- was in.�ide the cows their, tot. Inativ -AYER -;ir tit;, Bible so 11 1lie Dil,l(j Voittilaiing' lily views --on thit' Ifill a -aoll ttll other. n-Lippui 11 Led offici. uin .%vaki aken up, Overturned slid -inually..:30-,�W.1' is'. tho consalli,-v i I I ;� (� %,L, .. I I . ter(!.- !iK, all(, %%,6111(l OQIl rot. 61A you rc;�6,v othil, 006,000.:t�l.s of oLyg� it 14 of tllki� �-011 iiiaeket last Saturday cattle at fi' d 111141, -but t to casket v a; - IlaY, 90 000,000 York riQli Ek�- ligor, who ell,, �Iv 43 bilisliels of uornitioul and tile yl' sl�o the Quovn- U14i to, Illy* r(?Otiis, it, collipany Lot' and bill) beilig pro A" since I. lo� ellavulli'lit of ifll Xco other complaititio are so. Insidialis, Ift thltlnitt� Iffa I : , iteli; as those affeciing the till-oatit, .lit lailig kA 1.� LS . e on tile bushels of oats 2,000,000, bu' for 0. govern lefito q ill -tolme coil so trilled with, b*tIkeioio,,45v1jy of sulrertrs. ilia' Aftfr, f Clio Illelil Oly cot till I doe stattf front t1le. his Plo-ai for tI 6 adop fail and- 30L 000ioUo' 6USiIu1S..O( tile. 'to), tis Ile 8, tiet -1 I or froonj -e 1)4v� i I , plac(A tilevoill alld Ie,40,oQ0,'0o0 Pound I � cut Ut,. u t, Cook to i itilirvie Cul -red t: wa Of - 275,000,000 v w.. in matte ldlich . U01 o U 9 of b 0 1 1 its wa t -4es of Chicago or tit of illis ductritwi still theit, it: aorn 10 , , .0 I .0, IS 0 tell bUt,thojo I .. .) say ..It* 1 ' L.' the 'N; -.3 - . . I I 1 . . tritling or. uIL ediiscious a Lhei il'au olo.11 I'1q0.PiStOI w') Ot ALIIg 01 el r - .. Jasou I I
? uld to - I- stopped. etile Elois tljlit CJie al 1510cileigs, AYEUIS Clipaity U'P. Ibeglunhigof h fall
p'. 'gra I It a arid. -d of T - C, said leAlurd to( lvery, diffiellit to disLingettish -PLo"r()IkA 1; has. Wall Prove,, its ellicticy in it foril. ill'Attent ed Double vill-i6tis ki prido ill divir lb�-al Ildo is U�Hli all ave Yetirs' h9ht- with. iliviont aliti.will; distiasts, aii4.
Ill 8 6 . III go riglit: down t this killaul, 1� ttfir froill 0 Elie din 11, U.11plaut.their desUt. foil :if lie �elif_ A' Tioroizlt.) 4RAGnitt. Lokits 61 68,00U,.000, 'ill calle. w4hout delay. PrOdUct"' Even (-x1p-rts,.arn 801110 a or, ail aver�ge. rif $20 a .11101101 P( -I- A Terrible Cbrilih Cured. 'I a- i'lliginelit, day' Nvljeii- all- 61144s-docoivo I Ily i wits oppito, The. annual yiplj of tile rious. tilftt thvir talito for electioncerin teoic a'st!Vj:ve Ctilil, %%,I, loll liffected illy, An atterript'at-JoLible thurder . I at V r" 4111 a tervible Clough aud passed niglit; 00 sVo J at 460 gal Ion' -Ithoitt slee
ul(I al - -;� 'I. gO dead. allo to Loade Thuriiriny aftiernoon' by Hora tage cow is a Ing to do andfo VIll*OV'Illg the Pow 'r of' ille nlglit� ITileitoctors.gave ilia rIfE VICTIM OF Ali 0 aj.kout it. -Ulf, ti'led A:N'4m1A Clo,mml, pL(-rORAL, WIllith 60 dillply -6d
Pit ESSI VB TAILOR sOlittillue. He said W &G I 1/�& i ikiskina . oil lA, by PO 1-C, Ilitti bo�v could. F. Allkins, artisty. tile vict�itrks-W Vtho total tnilk product 6,-, Hilo% AhTONIS11 I I'S A lAiLIFF_ they, Ito in, bell Ing 750,000,000 gttll(),Ilq a N(kir.' the frequotit i tile rest provided by hitrwiflii arid a, nian : nrned, 11tickett, The -J use of the I, a Porn p1lilislittlent now. lreceipts for all(I'Llitil those fumdoils nalit care as effLetell. I tilt) now 62 yesirs alit, Thomas, y.o ill)(, v'. of thern coult;1. oil On du tot appears ,olur cas
a gon tI till) till 11 n 0 l. : averrigi'09 it :40valtlecent,sAgallo' of,sovernment wof w1iiell they Inkle.anWhearty and look -Ta9kett, w ICTI ILL
t ,quVt4tjon,_ but said that if it, idi his wife rind mother no PL UT litilount to S810,600,00o.. ot, t1ke ](rla_ feel tit . 0 1001,111glialil, Vt., July is, Pie Detroit P0 -e most dirt cd linill a visit t M ra.. no y Ito tailor -a bill tot- $�3, Milli no%%*,) at wailquarters than iimy o Jarvis and butter uso * tip. 50 pee cent. of ing jouri)a I Lot llliol.liiiall, gives a 09 exercised by cronto.- A: Alikotberve Tributc]. e-Ureet, and thiere rnet, allowed, clitativii , tit' del 61ilor +ut tile machinery of or 'tn I k �P Proll. I . . tho ittilk yWd. T6 titake a potflid lovely. alid.a trik tl)fUl &$7 ei; ey Nv.quld' have tire feel- - tile coulltry last ii,inter' in)', little tip such 'a. doctri e as kin Tile party dotrinisnoted drinkillgl* P illg Of goVell),11" t1leirl .1 , Wili'leL boy, thice yt-Iti-s tilkell ill will, croupt it. i-Illotion 'to. coil, and of 0!juese.tell pollo(I me vel likkenjeil its i
1pel., Pay- eterile, s� of milk alre- cription of that to I Ae would ie fr(ini strilipilatiom. olleof tild faillilystigge"te'd -tile Use 01' I fiell, or that tile "Wielceil, did on 11ackett's wife asking hina to cothe inoerilL paradm,, ill all thitig vital to EllglWi or' lilt bottle of wtilicli was &I,
a poull(IN Ilit'llt.. Y.,Ekllro, wa sullinIOLIP g' to ]tell at death Dakota, w (I to riot o dilay lie refused. She Tit(- eu'lSon of ljlil� ill I hi:011 is landed 'aiid perial 1114tt"m %vOEkld )v8flikeptill thellonse.. This was tried lla �e ofie of buttev. Tliii llIII out. Sol told went -to All1kins still got It hn to corne co'nillarativo ntkt�itivo quiElities t Plall, as Lit Py art at iirt Alm freq lient, dookab, alid too Oil r i lei (gh till less flialk Similar," but Selves Woo by.9onlia eCliI'lle doctol. solid thli't tile itraw 'front thl" Would witlid 110 aft0ition io till, StIllinionsi to lkirs.' , Rowellis. Or! enteririg'the ulilk'js as three and one-half lioull(f,4 terjitciry'in,.wlIiL;Ii 1.1ardy-and Pardy army, at, Aviiiew they stiell, lit% -ditiling,ts lit Call 3ou mouder a4, ourgrUtitildii? S lroorn-where Mrs. Allkins arid Ifack- o on" Pound Of ki'llo loeef. A, filt t o%k!fi large 0 -acts of laod. Tilt- Us. J -,.)[)T A V RIL)NIM tiilttElie to return lily, itttWere, Allohis fund the il�fless trud s(ver r cont, 'of . : , , .., . I .k. M 113" 16, jail for 3 50' pl� . I . . I . 4icl eP tile Scott.Act 0 ddys for- e,.d -in- drink,' orni acious Aariericall Paper skly� 1.51 West 11-181:11'st., New Yet
to ,equitojal)out 24, lily . 0 : Q ndealitored to lout it iii;'Ould I !-ollielliolt of court. trwill y Ifanlily ild do not 110itnW a e, and All kinki'vil,pn t Lip -t OW0060' welt'llill" jat�elewh�re iii a Nnowfall for A rptorn rought-. down in ills '-RDVIAP 'IANT� 1'boo fi-Ild N� as 'in:itr ctud to seo' r' tile Parfool O of,] 0 her hus . . f I Z, 11 - . k, sbowin the quit I I - ILE M.E.RC,; 11 good &iglihij - 1. ep and Colds %ichave evLr triad, A. : U 0 . till. ballf1iitit 'down oil his kifees and crorn, Pool Ids eael'i to pro( tice, tile I., a ili-inoti iii Ditkol,a. Itzzard comes tit) .4u 141elliv skill, hilloullt of smi of I,. Yout.g 14PILI-11111 0XI)EeSSIOLIS. *13y nutrition as Elio 15,0011i tity of spi itunEis liquors aold by I)jIt till roembed ei' Without warn nItel. n -I Ila lilt] 1)8. roilled iu4 wi ill no. sit cc(ss, I wo a Py nination in con- yj ir atinua -t; hal4 the driving force ofa turiattlo it) tile COL I 11.11ty Of, 1,1"I oil rTl O'� cured by Elio lose ClIvilic I, Ialld 11olle of wore IN' Clinic to Ok. old of. 6i i I k. and by ang reerh '000 cliws �kllprly with tit ka tortladt). it -tit) tile 'dry hard 1 Illellical purpus:si kirly clue to Illi %�llere tilt'. CIIn(on,lApril)A884. cloilloot Spy, ollitupit ill iwrtl�e'oof Arrm 9. her took place betiveen' wi( it tsIt Ist, "No. I on't -drink with 'you' to.� the husband lip�l� "Pol '111 11%)Eld-4 Of SCottL act, Nvould to at bi:t
A ,ill . . , (to ill
and tvif&, and S*udflehly. the Ciuldivin Sin t solill el" Its liso I shl
ill(" 6111ify heard (Illy, �ftld iii:unititer , to 11A On tile 10811. that .Hu!t0l, is a very. ugfieal ouid long swoo linve iiiali rroin IyAl leii: - r. . lit, mits, still' caiwit'Jil drew -it revolver-, firing at ilia wife,, tile cts, cott'ing the flesh flic trooll -colilpalliong, its they settl h, . I I. . O razors, 00IIII(y to - live it 'll rim letithie, Texas, April t2, IFF2, ed., . 'III lodg,11,0 11 , I. - Dul'ALo, April 4.�Goldwin lipiLe of tilt,, %y 1.1 i L/ -L natiy I' n her leg. The wie i,,:! INI Y'r-ON., M. USIO JEMPOR No enso of Nin. tifftictinu or tile tbrioat or Itinga
it, " I P down. ili. . cor,and loa."d lISI'llith disens, It I 'greatly tokilowd by the use (),ill,] ett isprani, fl�oni exists W111C)l Cannot Ile
t�% screarned. Hack )lows cold lapidiy 900d dval of whiMoy to cur6 ill of Avil'It'�,;Clll-.'IZItV-Pll('TOItAl,,Itll(litNvill�alit�4t/s. baili "Tlid fact tlto this bottl(* is 6 vo. ezitig 61) fleatil N 1410 Of its lerifM,4 five dru,,- gy �flrlo fro �n I ]I oilig., eized .!., ment, cupw.wilcli tile disease is not already beyoull ilia oz king w. One 8 10--ilit of 'in(wbu shed at Ailk 4 fie coillity O 961 spe.ctg, 0 tit st,O,v( Ile. "Doll) i niou". tho,pl'o, 110 was greeted . .. ... 11-1101'ed it) quick succession ti 1) Lt will liquor- tilitler tile cWOO (I isru* �6'0111 Of tile colittiorvative only tllrpp m- J. 0, Ayer Co. Lowe Ill Mato tllaughter I)y tile jolly. c' shots, one tulcing effect im his gi :1t;cWell .1 fl;illk toud 4romid par�y 1 nois wade prop, r, rp with a wit( it Sit- ohli 'gives Etp: tile irilmaod ton4,,ito, are, isold by alI Druggists. "O Do k.' TTTET 111.9 0 a r 011, sue 0ts al ,$.Inp rel unjoil IOtand ii)(Julged ilrknolnr jokes lit 1`11(tr tile ril.�illg of (� woe tot- 5,270 bottles of' 11 with shakol. slid n 'Calladd, still tilb Viiited tquov oil doe tl,iet Iliko' eXPPIi I'( "'pit Wirl-s; ronr like' s all, I n illo .9 , )ut ))P i it t lit. -So tillilinil to ba lit fuacd to dritll�, ell Ili vorenclitno thi revolver r, 6i Stoit0s; the tarifr ancl its effvtt�, 6 . AuNwrouNIv, arid was rather serioas b6ut 'It' a thoUlillud 10001110- it) bo Sized w llisky (Jottlolo.4, i.t policia were and concludell a long 0 Willi tol�o tliintittei with -you, 8 unkirloined, tl ftb WOUA HhOW that It tOOk mix,ei-13 lioll vitil Old boy I " i4ang ..t I.Psted.l.okk 811ill lie was sorry foi, 11 . is follows ft I Of whi4loy duriti r I - "What'ir : tile ng ar corditig' to all kxpress roportall, as
I;Plfdo I nn(i all Allkins be Il- new tire pdor they fi I d i the obsourity of unt, onti. If you vo it dillIcU4, to boy ful-1, too 1) 1. O.. id a half b 9 flie-entlo-ring ol oIll. ITE, I)LI4 quit, drinkinly, I . ioal(ttllival but wished 110 had killed Ifack Vfdo against till- of winter: 'if tilt, last eight loolitils of- lkit, )?Par WAT U0% H ES3 up ;. tell I 0 . Air. mith )kill] Ila what -it is,", .11111CILIS Willi taken lothe police Maid Clio Irish cal,1101. their fAtMIC Will durilig the bliyz ril to cure tile ilmilids of . Au a Clooks. owelryi asoll, they tie('. 114--lPlOss. '11)(ty wid Oakville. (1, 14111. lilt. -I rw 10 station and And 1,11 All fla, Thtly fork" tit' W rj know oti'll' laugh at nio, �tlle Hospititil, 11ack6tEls 8RI, ave tl)tiir IkouseA and CO., of I Actoll lif-ein a y lcq ill Callt, . . . lovatioll of his harlior of refo td hety Jill daro 'oot lo N SIZ Vf Jq = )(I regular lollg fillough to Procure more, 11ml,el partion, littitolAll to "a' 13ut "11 tell you, all tile Wound is coolaideeed,glangoroug, but poll had t1w lion'H of this 11) Will between tl to Ibeen it drinking mad till thy Allkin6l is rilliy a flesh wound, 11"'ther, full] IMA'they IM �4ugllt, ill it blizzard T.Ite Joal. tilb"41 tly are, it) rtlri( fur 02, Out Of Elie 80 pagO.4 Of an Antitual. lifo,lsver Allies III you Ousy combined with is tile pfttily glous NYIII which cotties wi,thout wal-viiiiiv, Oiw Alqw* I
was Clio report, are Covered by tile ro. B it" tilt' F1'0116 01111161108 Of faillily thil; Irk.ot turns of hquor's Hold liv this firill; A All ktlo%v I Iova whiskey—ies as caulleOf illet arid ftffaie. Allkins is Quebec. ,.Pike ,xIIIIIiiiation of it lip, tie i;f4wd0lit for fool oil itq atrawitnOlt A glanco tlitutigh thelic P )NIT I I 9dlultv, ; log, tiWeet-All Inj inouth as� Nagar—and .!Lboult�$I years of age, and Ilia wifo )lave 110 Pujilleal Prillciploil, lIalf a olile f ro to howip"Pepillifi-I of tL plet-O of Mrs About2l. flackett,'is a youi Ay filly ditill Widil God wdy k1lows.1low I'll olult; It. g mail i`kIuIPlY pluntle.r.1 Their wililik, oqlgftg1I�1u 1111 brilloillo Illore It(- ACLoll PPOIJLI OPP,031T� THE MARKET) CLINTO11 of Lei 0 also. There wits considerable excite. voto Ila lArgO ellough to givo,tl �Ell Vil been protty siek lieftely all seven Vol irs lint' a day fing Pass- tile 1) itraw to till) ouxr,.' Tl'i I PA., Wit foorit, -ovel, tile affain, P I)lizzlINT ih(i still took iviv mediujile r,111111PS' (;01(1 111)(I nil Over lily head 60 I didn't Ila Iro Ilf"llul'i of Pow" and they hOld wls'llt Over then) still 010y were AP11P, Nvftlk gruat IUlkil'ity. 04il, Johil Rlolr),well it fill] (If Parasites, thii Profiles in It killd'of slavep, scattered like lost shepp oil tile pl,dir- I'll it oNAW, in- pardelliar, 1111181 lit 1�, it, tit, loakilt otie drin1r. ut I arn tickle, 1111e). the 11.1cro-eiripp, Were YtA,teptifty lChicago Aa Callall, it'. ie, allo. frozon to deatil. trorillit, 11 Do not the tritill in wau have beell very ill, judging floill tile O111P(licille _,b ( Down. (111 outh clarlt street it custo; ilOther POPU14tiou V * tile iL4 r 0 , ook t6 9 Scholtv - A TOO Oolqr[DIVo pAn.�fnn IMLIIrVrD Op virls; 3 fit -red t lint even n ft,, kind tho fawily lif Rix, w1fol 1""r of 10 lilille kettpl; a pawn,mllop ill tile 0011418 have P11480(l still it 11)ip The teturn Shows that VW skill 111, E lart Elio p btl4bleolff. )Its WAD. I rL bot(to Of wlXi% t1vory slowly", 'was 'Clio rpj,ly� tillopped *11OWMg, tho Or iq itill full lie ky itilt-, tililei ul'a sultt, 16 foll, 11011day, Well( Jill tT311 th. 01110111111, "lid while I WAR 'They �Illlg tOg0t)Jer, fln(l lu.0 Vtry (it flying irlov I 80 111411140 tj :I'a". L day Pie.ien .'(� OIL A VPI'Y �orioluq coil ()tie daY last wook a fartoor not ffirill I Irtt,nu 01)(4 MAY 3 to July 12, 110 OCCII, folrllli,� ,
tthero a 111ch ly s1kiplu'd a' (Illy but alwo%Y14 0_6� plillse ,4, to youtig lusly Of IOt 1116to no, �wllo lives a retv rollea oil- they hen a OxPostld to it known that t116 ion of thok
tilt, Vill lvtv or, ollyd four 6.f thall 25, tbrefto 016111"I (IrOol Ol'iIIIA, pl-000etloi(l to thel tTbiorl -greot ourse to tile politics of Call- I�qovvr, ovell though Oil looliffig, ills lllalll� 111) flyr this by getting two I yeal. (it 0 Ill thly Will (or O -TV -1, lleeiil 11 Muck, pi'loes �OW
will T 116 141 1'.0king As harol iw it lie hatill't AtIttioni'llorob(o, for tile' lie eatellom g1fillitiles of tile Clear I lotthil; Olo Ill,Xt AY, '011 Ju�y '12 01 arid Clocko. Kireryth;lIg of tile best it . Aven a, Aol')er (Illy for a illonth, canto, of .sky, ho af to have tellipol arily teratio Plaill UU4 Farley Jewelry
l. �.% ittie paeltage fit 111*14 111111d, talcing tho tirst, ttillin lionle. While core 1, tot,- hill liallm I 4ot tile I it ;rhefteeleralld Willon, a,';?d V19 41,01 Picinig V0,10y.
fo ro-allow solli'l Null. ailil I"" I-AITIbling about the TyllitffI'm it douple i 00 L 1.111i;ol, nili'll lif realhIllIgly he 811#11taly bo A fillo) tip ill tile li,4t sgain 'for about six Sewing prorryllpfty alteuded to .4 111(stidt or illove lifs linwraplitiel it, still Ivrilli from Itim Nide, 114111TA4 Clio too looking Atritingera tip. siollihosA to All a"MIRILN iveeks, Oil Atigulit 25, however, �fkthsl'autloll iguaralliveil.
Plionolleti, aud'ontered into 11why tho filth And: illitylgh n6rint, Viol] n-4 1�11 ryl 11 Er reorn $u$ 111) to $1 06, powl; in N'Oker, paying : luivf, Imp 10 di'littir. I convol". YOUP PPOIlliqeAl 1`8110kilah I'll'of)(Ill iits be rigain' hubs up serenoly too- Wiltioll, All.1-II'lloyot what fla YOU A Pp solition with ])it ft gnOd AffttP J.rV (I it 0 tic Cents 11) Rholly 1-1111_ltle Ilillf)lly 'I'lill u oloo it 11, one, of. them intro- relapioe, eIle find adinit puto Air. The Pkift, :8*very Xtichigarl citivell going tilt i or( (I 4L to 1)(, I
(4A., %as Pffle of hall? 8110.8, Mile (Itleing himpelf itA kidneys Ali(] bowels urn thii-Aluieo , rl* It Mover, doeff Ilot to [lave 34hilim chill Fifes, A Pull Stook ()f 8pootaoloSkl
'llillg#1 With it g000,l. 1) 'I'll So Isel,, the biatorl While t1to three WaYA Of Ilia litilonn body. Rognis Irtif, attack, 05 to K uMe llook,oi ror Oratin, Piano it isOka It IIIv(;1IyA bil, haild. lVal-OTIN Wile Wlvd, as if' tl)loy� hilit to POIA0111 to 'wivil thil; worl I x1ate Ity tile XqI(I (,f a ()tit r y 1; g thego t"hitlint'll; or herild) with Bur- loVOLe the VictiIIIS of o h MAIII, ahavilla nil his , tile vear Jobi Perelo Blo�k, Clinton, Out, only 01100 OP ill a 0. T. It. unift) tlipeclyy nifthalted to it 01, f,AeLl' mkwwl pawn. lup,,111tJ j,)udl 1`101 to purify tho blood Aud 010 Affahlt ixtr4need, for a I udkitill awl soul tolaotber at ail averAgo stoulaell, Ithinoys, I Illig lit 1,.Nu bui;tlus ot wh4lory a wttek:- JJ WIER TV op