The Huron News-Record, 1884-04-09, Page 2------------------ Xmy;' Advqtlsemeup, tW Day, to permanently retittio and etbploy' wis-oftirriago ofitiltictt op the wtole X1611210RIAL XOT104. ofc1noturiati beewite quite exiisivrated, prisoners, I is committed for larceny, Tbo liceame cQuirvisslilners met on `p6pulmllou W- the of- -.to tile volimlity. of Juramp Audbroke outiu opo rebel) ion and lawless- Ii ror4elu$ drunk And disorderly, I Tuesday and Wednesday Of )AW& )s y set of 1410b, out, wolatil. sitillily %VLA) tile for using threstecing lanquog; 1 week nuil after A r (Nye woulil by no lilt AIIN atteuipt to ity, unit 7 of em, are co.int and issubil sixty live certificates lop PxW­ilN%TT-4 -ii CO PuPt buxinin d. *Ale velp. 10, tit W144i' '- It, at Goderich. In 1665 #Alt was of tile Nacb, what is tile cause of W;i g .6" . 1401111. Justify- tile rallilite—viul otber uwle,-s dj(HIVAgrancy. QftJleJft$raHJ0 li(lienfle", lkjJjolJl1O IJJL to tricoo, go tile PCg for (A 4 disc9voied in Goderlab toy Air. itt It is generally owing to the took place between at least (our m1lit.1. WH, UR ATTER? :,"Tick6n. - �r authorltiartili tilescoltizeris I GrAtid pi, , * W ; " who I five been committed, one to TO '119th 1114., At ooderich. S riAtt, in 1866 the manufacture of it milaplaod iiyltapaeilfly 0/J4? etattero of tile Ontario Ali wore only luortal, aud that It yvas tile 118OWWA) ste'j,- y Are of age anti is lilloll ; another. 11i ice,. riot to Grit or Xuall"er jqvico hitherto bliss Deabili Trainor is home from V 64 yeora of' llgii arid Carlo 911ij, Robertson. W44 collowericed., in a primitivo their Venality or luck of bitelligenceI a rubly Arid Kit k14114, tile Arfl""" wilieb placed a, lood upon tljvui livyond Ot weve with bor North western visit- Jillao Ber. & Bayley. Holtnuer toy. wFans of it Under the A wericau arid: British timber speculator arid "Dis ruell their istro I rigt Ill to bear. Therallicinbiance out tile assistance of orutobes, and the seems none tile ;Qrse for tier ettles. About , twolothersbaveattained, tbowl. —OUR— of their burned Coar(-house, arid of tho tilloo long reoidecoo in the, cold region of Uot Oro" Bqis—.fa" utilot. 1672 tile stilt fevqr &ill the Tomplay...1, forms of the adm 1 4 abutble Ily0i lost ill that conflict ed ago of 80, Wolpeg. loiNtration of just- Wilkinson, seems tolerably well n r llillif;eq Ojmriiug�Jobu Craili. ted for tiving he With ice, tile jury is tile, mos% 141pCirtatit. established. Visit, these Q'ri& 31il. suprelitiLey. 6rjMstice—for tile good t;lwla 1p 111 I�A mol -t of labor fit, con' language Is Barons, Twitch0l" or OIL, connuunity against tile nudersorved a young lait of weak mand, who. bas The wiseacreir linve, been busy y Society. 'Polls violatecl cotrimpo botielsty ood 'OteCtioll Public Debate—Tile 14torst the manuffiCiture of stilt had reached branch of the iTudidisory. PIT Of triali rillls�-Ii5, Ill 40ubtlft beisn Co'nfined since the 217th -or the past week In commenting on tile 0f course the trickery of the legal their oatlm Ills inembprh of 1�arlla- Lillake Oilwillutltl toke i-all'iXIT, gild it) Alareb, 1882. Ore ferriale Haorter verdiotareadered At tire% recent as. ay Millinery Orening—Estate I Hodgens. its height. Ithpiroved mqthods, were Grand DIMIt How4rd Clifton Trouile—TIle Foresters, brought into it"a an,] t Clio 11 t was. tra - erecting its Colirt-ilopse.it Will Cludittiver lies been incarcerated for -0111e I'al3t OIZ13 court. But AS, this occurs at 110 t u ternity i4t0 601HO JeXtont on '10- isL beyvild q:aeetioti. Wbedier their to purify ita.adutillio ation. 'fourteen montboupon A cu4rge of efic I succeellitigassizeiii Attracts but large, Fyery enterprising portant age very ricy in defeating (lie outhil' conduct was feigned or real. does riot But it Iti no lea neediul for other cities vagrancy. Jit& 0 ge.neral attetWon. —OF -- to take Nvaraing by what has liappono(t W:K31) xx'uxtow Illoill who bad a dollar *to Sp4to,put of juadee. , Arid yet we imunot. im - relieve them front the cljnrg� (If Z We are.Cif ther Opinion illat Ilia bIr. Robert, Cai-man tin oll resident ar, Cincinnati, Altscarriligs or justice ii died on Friday evening aged 70. a coil tHied,to tilat city. weith- vagrants so e6n.0ned are fit sobjects ecello , ! ITS it into Salt, Labor arid. houses ftlzOfltl flow tile personal liberty Of having perjured themselves before by 'IQ etc us years. and 1) woriths, ')'he d A) at tj it confined to cases of, murder. for a House of Refuge, anti we recom. Throughout tile Whole ROL113trY tile PLO, thend that some steps should be L thO individual coulti be considered so- high heaven air I in the siSho of a led "' tillernan was ividely knowri! lie U C.w were in large.demand; population 1'. 411 '0 � t vIng been in tIAo Gin4er Boer ure did we not have ilia gentlotriaii honorable illillded IT4011. inken at, once by the council of tile increased. Dut tho roseate pros. c ple -ire greatly d%atisfied with judivi 1 business lot i number of years, pects for the prettily situate _town of tire, Jong robe Ali COPUriel lore anti administiatlun. It Juts lost till dignity anti count I respect. In every-ilorortant ease'that suitabis, lJousfit of' Refuge inthis St. George's FiervIcea during Holy were doomed ;to disappohilEirient, gul&S, 'They have often botien if,. Tire expose Of corrupt doings, by cf,arstheJudiviary bere beconioalpigi- county for the wainteriaric'e An4 sup- Weeic, each (Jay " 4 IT, w., Good Vill �i A -urnishing 'mlo Aeri lews. clit M, Pill And politiciaus At Toronto �ing stuck inIlle eyp$1.0f tiler of tile Ci Z I -t Or such p'.1 -sons, (Illy regulap.service, at 11 a. fit. Ud Men 1 0 U U be'g A Already had salt depooNi, been dift. 4truniental in abiviJing the illooc rld. A.10iougli Vie citizeiia have littl� pol we covered in Clinton, Seafortb, Kitt, fro Say. tirne in the great lost) arid otruggle for S. We have made a examination w. urturprited pul�tlhwellt, And we does not as some unworrantably d 7 p. w. The Good Frday col- cardine, etc, The Ts.unonza that will conCIF-de that it were better that roflec� upon ilia Conservative or ite to pay inuch attention IQ otliiirtbau of thol1il and fincl everything clean lections will be (levoted towArdf.1 —TAKES PLACE, ON— licht own po-sunal affairs tile Arit4oritio" and in good ponditinn, anti: find the h Huron'.' R'. eel. or d1 llt)iiis pool- ivinity students in WAS to place od nhiety nine guilty ones should (4s. Grit party. What is a party tiny- trust riot supposetlill; they are altogether ininates well satislied -with t a treat ti eir eucational stg(lies. erich 40 tire sole o .3 or what .1.9 They ment t it per, howl Are professional liplipicip118 edlos hey receive. town 06iincil met on Fridav mistreal; of thie, nloat extensive And cape, rather than one intioc SATURDAY N bear long anti paqb, ITW,aflapt they are evening-tbut, beyond th usual r 6. purest salt bad#, in the world, d iron Should sufftr. That mercifl or even representative leaders 01, aroused to 4 set . Ise bf theWdanger, arid a 4. We li(tvp to tlitili; your Lord. (181 ia cornes. Tire day belbre the riot ship and tile Crown Inflicers foil- the tine III Hes$ Clinton, Woduesiflayl Alliki. 9th Nye trow and a notice of friction peared. ingredient is largely ingrainO into ei�hor side "tile party." to reconsider the 4% of broke out tile citizens, of Cincinnati were husistance so coni-teously zpndple lipotnting American slid BrItiah,jitirispi udence, not, a breath has arid a breath as! law-abiding as those of New York Ore. and whiql) has proved of s'u6h value, I'llos. Ilood as sexton of Maitland The increase then, in population Ceffieter there w4.s little, of import. to-ilay. And itmay be well,11 theautbo - can unmake tile ]a Cr, us in coming to satisfactory Cle. is to. son , t is. Oro (luring the period referred to' by "I'd e extent Acknowit Aders, I ities or thisi city in partleu ar o t, �v lei 47he Irving,," Prioe t initiation oil 0 tance belbr it, 2114A N18M, e bills And othe $1.25 by jorlsts wheir they lay it down people- the elec.torate-whedler liti; Sir RieLard Cartwright was Iwouirlit. by'Cincio aild P'llify isubmitted to our consider- SC Georgelo annual vestry mpetin% -esumably inno.- Grit or Tvry that; is "tile party." pull isli i ng tbiI4 will) ation.. Ttr GoArlich Star of last week About by tile expenditure ot tire thAt ever man is p 114yo for so longapd, openly beeti plunder- 1vIlI Ile- held in 4be 8('bOOJr roo it Oil' Afonslay evening commencing at .4 baa a pPrtklie*'nt articile on ocrylog -loge amount of public money 'On I cent until lie is provqp goilty. .. 1�00 -The sets of Sir Jolin.Alaoilpiiald 'or iiij the pqo�lo, -Scottish American. Dated at the Court, House, 'Godo. 44, this 3rd day of April, 1884. wbPn the election of ch"w) down hour purpo.qes. Government wor4s. and, by a pas. the many eases of the miscarriage of Edward Blake ; of Mr. ' Alowat or AIALCO131 oDERMID wardens arld delegates to th" Synod Sir in the aiddieal Spurt of alkit manufacturing, justice are abominable travesties of Mr. Aloredith cannot reflect dis nttrloW� 8", A will take I lace. Other business nr oring . ssizes, it grace - upon ther p4rty-upon tile Foreman .. C I frand Jury* great impartance, will be placed be. Of justice: elementary basis fare the meeting. Alnuse sought to make a point The cessat oil of Governmen.t e tillat . I s Lo rd q -Billy stated thni, the I x The Court pro8�6dil L'O' business I I billin I ag,.inst benefiliftl worLing of penditures there gaid the completion happens Pow, as, appears, frova, tile -unleS when upon appeal ?.OP]e rupaday Jast at I 0,91i;O4, P. tn., Matter of flonses of Rehigelbilid b0el; Tire Ofid's of the town intend cele- tHat tile 10 the, electorate; After pt cot of cur. C referrull to by grad. juripi in,inany brating the anniversary Cr Of f w. tire piosetii Jiriff by showing that -of extensive' works, required for records of American courts, Ider Justice Wilson prestditill (.110 other counties wbin.i) M)OW(tol that tile phief 6wn--of Ilia neighboring manufacturing saltand the TH proving of*a mail guilty of a crime rupt conduct on tile , part. of tile The Gritij ,,J,ur� wall composed Of:' ship on this colitiDetit'lly marching i . �J - , re n .4ress in tire qu-irt.er indicated was a -hotly to, church on Stirday tile. leaders, the electors -the people- Alalcolm AjoDi&rtnid, It 'd retr . $rsded very.. ate sl;uttlng dOwn of roany Of those shaft be taken to establitill his i arpurlieYs neeofed. A man's f'Overty' waB-nO 271h im4t, Oil Tiresday the 20tb, an A Nobby Tweed HO 0 forellign; William 0811, AlcKill wo I endoise them as .-dwir- representa. 01) i reason for his being enterkainm matf-rially IThl-ce the introduction of works in compHatice.with dierigidlaw Andrew Dreaney, Aslifteld Jot jail it ent consisting of eq. tile common 8 11 erlininal, 11 " recitations arid lee'll4re by Grand FOR YOUN. the protectivelariff, ther fore, tit f8upplyariddemandi powerfully and Nor fire our own Canadian'Courts tiv' Fudwards, Colborne; ohn it. f1bl"It's, woq)m have their recommendation MEN. 0 0 Warden Bro Rev. N. 11. Martin, or of the tariff was -tingtivorLobly.-affeeted-tlie--Ifkbot'--inat,� Jiftfron-L flolmesvillp.,4 41'hoinas jjArj, ------ L 8 KU)lp in� 11 agan, 'tanley ; - :#." Chatham, entitled tile r Trfiiiiic' rot 6f fri6­7(F56, ot �11 . a I.d produced the ket OtL'tllo to* fjustice, which lapses, on e d; John V It M" ven. wri. Those who had carriage a to Globe 1) Richard Irwin,113 tit ; Walter xod-ly, to VIL ardly does US justice wht;ii u I is expected will lie free itatemon� of 't'fio l'ayor of GQdq- been. attracted thither by, the do. the other Side, have led.to So tire 8 Write I Johiv. isham, LondAsboroi SaItfor'lit. FrOM intir 01014 Cor�etrjv uA CAT' STORY. - A.- laiqkv- in, town. Try he, rises to remark that the NIL IV 8 W. aokson, the Famous H -o YTwrence lync).dirgs and- to ..the mob justro Rz. 0 rich in Nodlipf hig contention. The ilia ill for labor caused �,y Niurebie, Cliradn Reese Ou-Thursday evening last, the !he build ro. having b"n presented with it hitton ouD "Abused. Ur' Me.e..... -ing of the piery and, breakwater and which resulted so disastroo0y in Cause Wkwa-' _iiiii6l.evont of ilia sieCson10-olf place. So tvio' wpel" since earried statement furnish Ron,; gen17 he"tidik't swili when Sir noh jr�m�s. RimpAy, Exeter ; D. it was A bull and supper gotten upbly hnm(, in her n5jiff, which wiCh its hil 'Go der Ii 'dredging and the effo ter. Cincinnati the other (lay. The case r tell , I at rtiiof tire an 'John sn)iled. We adwire, Mr. *D-Roso,8earorth.; Francis Smoother L. 0. L, No 262.. About iiino Wcloel;, unthinkingly put. A� leman 'sllqw a"rrc shrunk . fr4ta.j),p,(,?.p ation of 4 063 prising cidzeiis to devel I ope ti IS win of the Queen vs. McPherson tried at Prin aoflel�icli, ; 14ildward R.' Talbot, Whig. '24 gouple hall assembled in the Hall. ftway- it) tier ut Moredith's staunefi tev-t6ta bprenn. Oil Stitidily ham; 1rhomas Weatberulol,�' Gode., The mazy dance was ill bor muff Bile discovered 7 in 187.8, tp-�!, -h last week- is a iples., We gave film credit for riot rich - Joseph . Williams, Godoi-ich sb6iit 12 o'clock. A rosvibe t kitten lOLINTON, . ONT., DE, ALER . S, IN- ,1�18 iii 1853, erallindustries of the place, found the assizes in Goderi, Ill is #o tileir opc�u Aliens u'0`60. Many of ease in point, Tile p was cht rr itp JOJI'L J. IV, Ilunt'ar, 'Ifowick or .4 CAO --- The. Mavoi' df 134rderic playing ditto to Sir. , H. ay,the lining Aff 4e cif <116 i froril this enlivening, re eation wa, 3r XX 97 Iiii doubt 'correct, in his hgurr,s. lffp these bad secured property And made ad with ihobeinotis offence of rape up upheld of 'the Dowhi- 'then taken aiia all adjourned tof Br6. arid destroyeil the ful...., - the Ipgi:l!iq Esq,, IQ. C., was on Lasharn's Hotel, -where a tiiiagnifi- d*not thi k lie I m, a* ma- . nified the their homes there.. Tl'ipy- were loth on a maftied woman. Tbe evidence - han(Itocon(itic-.tilie0i,o%%,iicitiep. flis Physitlians' PrescrIT)tions Carefall and Acourately Co 1011 License. Act,' Air; * Mereditli t c upperhad been prepared by On F riflafmartornonn a r1in wit y mpounded, lie -rani I ()lit 8 it y Id was tile conse of ennsidoritilp. f, and Orders nwe" d with' Care ind Despatolt. deca-leace'Of GWerioh. But was it t& leave, an4 -bope ever Lefis A it is Said, clorly established the a exer- re a didn't limile us efi6, but in the On jury, complimenting the Couij`ty oil politic on,'hispakto stipply Sir f1we'ringtale, tht lived oil that guilt of . the 'accused: - Th6 Judge else and the iesultant cheerful spirits citement. A grocer's borse that hIld No )y 'Lbe lightness Cit' -the criminal calend4r, . been IeMstrinolingnn thp street suit. .1 tall. find bur Stqck of Medicines Complete, rarraAw ario Assent tily -took OppoA.to grount.l. which included but two cases likely of the party h'.111 prop5roll all to (o �RiobL charged directly agaihA tire prison de justice to the, denl tn tiler hor� and of the Be Qrialil. ard with even correct figlires, to Very ininiaker-al.coni.modily waiting er Ill thi's to require special attention-orte a B-11. good things, pro. ok fright. lit ano Be )#I Us 'I. OHL. 11OL WOL believe he is wrong, a,nd passing it, Anil Started I off nn-�a got. char;Ae of rape, viiled, Aulljqgticow" done. Nor fthe floor. of the u 4 of fur better times. The It busi- and clearly axplained tq the jury w6 referred to indepprt qeklqe in arid the other lit,vin, lop� 'Beforp proeeMing far it. over; Toilot Soaps, Perfumery,' Shoulder 'Braces, Trusses, Spongis, and AR W -tire more heinous offellee -e as the in.vication of Ono of the kinds of Druga �ef�ulin'q Ilia own town 1 11088 (lid noi improve and. they ere tlieC if in one's poss sion the. Appliances turned the ingon it wits atttib.prj tn, ists' ust"ally kept in, a7irt-Class, DLag st6re., itibuttal of (lie. charges "made ill the fon inaking Atli] uttering counterl'Pit cliLsileally inolikied gu�sts h,cossary Was it gailini'Of. the Kiiialit, 'to foiced to leave. The flarce.. riyal' -should appear to thorn riot made out, fill t jil, C at all and,ont free anti firti1r,lit'contermuna REM sb C, .1, ry Globe and other t that every ruilney. Thm -fit- Dantley . Vg.L itself to bli'ca "Apply to t paper, % i) , titen:thoy could, find assa'ul witlit Tin actiOn for -0586, a 1) the sqnal'e allowed, a a and ve�sels ended' 3rd Oswald Girin. V.i of Ooderich betwe4.n. railway Ve Mr. Mereoith made, aignee neep isary P u)o every gaidto Ile due'on Psal�orlogs Inafie Tbis iitII;portTut pert of the 'pro- clubs Ist t "8u witti facts of thili, ill tile latter bvitio, couipeiled to' intent or fel6nioust tisault, ir not 9 p . 0 ont, in' 1880. to 1,11L Be rth it ISco t 1, toerperate swile.he took, wats in, ac- 1,y Plaintiff to delend grartirde (tisposed of kIJ went b6ol T148chool bixtril met at thp opnni lay up: This iiu lamented to some that then they had the optioh of fro 0 heon6e,excited the Hall whoke dancingwasht,pi lintirdn Hey, PP with "Cl,rderi ill L. A . ltho�glv the- p6oille, of Clinton extent the.pa ties wbi0i have reisult� ging in a verdict of guilty of a until about,4 o'clock, whon. all end IV -nd Bimbonorn nblivrit. 8eennil el, -WI u bring is 1" 10 -nini;tps o*f' lapt trionthiv tileming 111,1 Nvin. itoss, -it EB lip, Joss 11, WedneAday -whew.the casF was given otwerfully sepairated for their lie THRIASONS BANK. est, $Anil liiiited till InIf 1) .4 till t �ef- Oil 11P n. ar . e: popu I art y a L it ed in such a'-warked depopulation of cOLII. Oil (I%.,' Id bo i;o to the jur After, Tin Absence of P!,verything inonnoction With tit- were. rpsirl ' air#] pposOd'to ejeft.00. m mult. There cou tby -Actofftillit 4i Goderich. le is.* oil] the are% trearly two hotirs the ju'ry founil lit af.t.ir was carriea out decently anti Prinei fil's rppor sbowing'.�72 boys 0 if ILL of Goderi.ch-it groundleas suppp y t Imss.ible doubt o, e.ininds of the No one with a' proper ense p 2nd George Duncan, 31.41 W fao�,OUS� favor of' the plaintiff for* ilia sutn of it, order. All the arrangomenti and'322 gii-Is on the rn e, finit Tin I. o 101-0 CAPITAL tion-wo ihink that tire partisanisai arid. the. most ur9r.4 that an.asault or. Some lint lionor.can for A. . stioment look upoll $2,000,000 to tho, minutest detail, for th avvrn"P ntlen( .541 F R.L�T, - _, . . . I . . - -t was unpa riotic souls that continually ur4 had I eVn committi d. But to the the alleg,M '. tionduct 61 wusnn ornfo�t arid pleasnre I -ecoiVett and NJ, d. 2titi Bertie Holmes action impolitic t lid that Sir t , " Df the glIcStS il'it, t inotith wns I Nra I L 'I'lle 'f Alice ie - IT t fn� do as�onhibuient of tho Ju('I-',o 'Crown . The next case, Tanney vs. 11, " If ba(I beezA I . ooku . (I after -by rJOL oit sif-IlArill Read.Office, Ricii4�rdL'q"..ivas'.,�uiigrateful.' The didig crying any pamof Our but wi th.a, till idder of Iyorror. Eal soil, tin action lot- sedirbtion, wit MOATREAL. a 8 It it, nands ofinasterly ioactiv�ty. Tit 'On m(Ainn lilt- cnntm,z;,nI nInanagement ard do, wing of all 'ommiti to ............ .. ft Will -11'e remembe'fed, nlla4e. voun.try. spiectatorti, and wit havno thl turpit 0 tile f W"Ji'll"Ol "all( -for. the pt1Qt11A)rf)'sWenOf. set ep IN, Flit , o I It one. The linant then adjotirrieff. way for Sir Richard "'a M. for -Sir -Riot ard Cartwright, we there- doubt to tile plirfiriiie of t1io pri-somr otli�sr pi iva'te indi%lduals Sinks into sluouin of daiiiiige. After. bearin". pridlid, and.niniong , the mo4i deserv- F.WULVLRSTANT I I. acneral sfaoilrer oce whie'l 1%1,ts riot very Centre Huron lit a fclrmor� parlim.. ore hold, -has beein,guilt of tepre.... and It' A tile jury brought insiguificance whe, ings, of praise is r..- Lasbam. No y Is (TIMIS - I the evidi n re it compare(l wit ) loubb iriany-if riot All presciab will 'disconntel, Collectiobs of 'Ella lengthy tile yiev retire 1 1 . ItFutl6rui T. Moiliviline has Note' made Drafti Sir L, R .,,'Jacked botfi helisiblil partisatilet. .&,lid of groiss in I -d and ok forward 't6 ion itistled St Il , , 1 11 P . He, "riot gl* ty", of Parlia� W' 1( the noxt io-.1111 , er ill toenean ex. ith it yet ct, -ocipties evFr rend lilt- 171h vet,so linnsp rorniel Iy o(.clllll+.Il A comi on er consti, ow�wojtave tie dosire to Ak.x or, inL favor. %if pinintiff :-:4UU. Tl e wi nt illitleipatiolIS"' in �ngratefu)liess'to his vh plea'. Iq 1-1. 1101 to,th� orbi� CIIE I I b,)Ilg 1 '111( sold at low. griititude and courtesy ment who received money to borray I the 20th Phower of the -t book or, o,% t, lei -rent rates: bers of th' J. ..�tephellsoll ilad*04e, I im with Lumit in need!esti)� adyertising tile. vsuggest. that *'the . wear t, Parties to tile suit 11 nStarnuel, we think lint and therofoi . P W -act.,, INTEIrA T -ALLOWED ON DEPOsiTS, �.4kitig-l�iA'frie.ii(l,.to-sitipply I I. I repol, I n.-theni,by tlii;, wknosli, the'delofident, itir 'henpflt; 14 lid - prtion or the I ! 'is quote it for, Ili( -- - 11 - unforf.urigto -tow'n of the jury were not lit-slivi, of aver- lig Thousands Say So A 411 evidence of t It rotl post. poople. TI,at th", GrI1:. WOH&rS of. Ole Piaintift lrmithan - I . :­ ' ' 4 011.110"d 9wel 1-: while re - to W I r arid. in attempting to draw, ag intolligenbo or thalt t1i:ey 'wore -floume. It, front' 31r. T. W. Stkin, Wrard, writes: in, to' WhIch lit. 'a tile P tile Harno nse iie' lo�,ed -bini, rill. t, lionle wi t 6 it C, I ostivm.t, Saw IIII(I lionotiti�.�tijeatitutitritiel-s,oritlieir,)wnn ir itkitiel,C lite retire setifictior) took it v ­r lwsitatu to vveornitien(l yo6r loved hill) a lie IlIvell -Ili$ o% So With !no or lit -ro euLlorsarg. c,4eoftfJJVe t� f rt, to IdS harassed soul froai d by 'de ire'fo Ole* 'hit rate, f-ir cent 0 1 � a N vn 11 " tilts lill'-1014 Lille L14 be till, IWTI irolli his No Ili rtgago ro. tn ag r is po 'y PL tficuililf6rtunisofoibers. HiLilstatt,-' abnegate r I 4liction-W AuY a nd. rectiveil iriorrey oil e ciiii.. Elcoiric'Bitter� -to* my cusWwors. The ni-xi Mine the enritgod gpirtli horse 1111LI find Ilis leg bit, Ily 0 t.wltll 0 8, entiro.satisfaction arid are' It 111portalit jud. by their t t1jef; t- FIT. tlli".V, -in a manner arid prostitute ti e. f I were froiN: IIOLn.e v1s,:tin- inen tolk on -'a ttlj�4ot so fill- I)e%'Otlfl (tie saw. pgresiion' Htiolls *i fully. �httested' ineiits. -A;itli reference to 'Godorijfi. appertaini I I . .. ... rftl)i(,l - , locoric are ng totl ie I Quee: '-I ;the Placp�thi4 WrITild (10 thf-L. greatest owil Tbrn'.Ifevideuce. That The next C;Iae; vs, tl,ji ji6rust auti, best medicine kninvti w V ill effect iC)ial po' 1 '11; bCJ that theJ to) 0 nittl'i out ILI r. lence hall. nopoNtor ieleVande Ao vely'cure liiilu I nnil show )low ill i6jury to.t ie town. Cie I,,) to ll_t,.YL' lit. . policy of tra G .'Goile.' did so is beyondil it, friends belfavoll to each I-Ook iing 8owe of t itttit .04111"uIrl 1; t`e -biver comiAn,ints. -Purify the Nome' to:Xvid. 'd Af' r all in - what. wTA dopE, d Pei awav and throwing Ill . al II-Oul Ali te y 65�- 011 tioubont'of tiie� c0l'ifl cting "he Vpn 'A�clvleaoon 'Etwond )I till I tie dOubt-'survive all inch Sorno of - tliv j9 ryj iei are iiif' IF(], atthe eleyonth.. hour,. and regulate the boweli -- No fam',ly -prdof of tho'declitif4 of H - ell W I orn qiinions its1t6gii1t. orAnnocel)ee -.4 f - in this daninih traitorous c.onduct.. Ev it fvlr.s Cam- tilit., after t . lie trial that th'.)y d id. OIL I I tiffo rd to be withon t.thern.. They NEY. 0 IJOAN found. they could PlIfthaSe It 1111 . ' ge 11nillijel, of 'dallt IGolerich affect will Aavjo It hudredi, of ar in doe- vi('.e: It 19 but neefttionaliv Weltear At low ratiI4.0jintojest and upon ul ber of the r' wiVe exalipilled, but their 9;� firty of. n; iniiiister reilehing . tll� g0ldf-Ill stell, III),,- Of' S. N 4). 4 torina, to ulit hf ta ) borroa-ers. eron, in huseriding tire coulity toI% it riot wish ..to brink in -a o tor's cvory, a . a to was tinfit, fr ca�pt -otive triff'? 'I �qul -it member ov'etturn 0 IF Gov. for fill, niolith of pr c t �Vlw. -riod ill tile Oneviii-fl, We ot, G ..cents a bottle, by & 00. guilty as they. were arid r th-3. hii- 0 t i In e IV le is oil fli-I. ITG COTTj le'virnt�! doilerich has at n publica* COCJII'S�l 6r, tile Alipri-fove innell Pic to NNIZ reppkil;ld. arid- mfornied, spoljti loroilAj in it is client's br-onicle slich'an eve . HE. The gc-.n- nt3 it I I ty lind Ile 11 1 ioarro . I., for, the interests of the p. ace vv Ien pressloll th'a tile pullishllre*4 would .0 been retnar.kabl. y not.ed'for its, coil)- out 'll as 11. na'iiies lit order of met-- ciln Bea. Ver Ill ' ock, Clinton the, peril I lie Said not, a, woril.i� repitloi Or his' be ini6ii-4011111ell floes riot leson tneir crimmality ill trio Weak J)Oin�S. in dation D EE R 10 H a ininistor still it, ton, uny 17.t a age, is vene' ratv( morcia %ntrOrorise. Peeviou's o -the- using- t ieIr I -by .1) is it' k0g)[Itly colleague. 'We do' thiftk awJdid.:not'thi.uii they -were atlilj-. position. to illcluue pl!i aiii.closing with it but' echoing X;roXPy toJolid. it a. or nnd wex Gei-tie, Phirhor I turg siumil sun, iI1tt6CJacti6HLof. the,' railway 9yiitend roui,th 0, 1 ls, . ii 0, 04 'b I' ti VaW bitizeas top 'bLr'ea;k t 1'e s The 171 or pent, to OCII I),, at. aprisoner gm ty oil le I a WS of ofJ,;;W0I-j1IIfJ I)atIIO WJI� n, laft' oil Mon. the sontinientsf of his- congregatio in I I 'It it -e coin P Ile towri s III reial tra4a �of �t rown dodnsl� Walkerton. nil frienij,, wb Jris'rn Lit) left to. onec side by.thm Gi . t tnctnbers� lealitir 6 . ouritaid tl . To jidi . ctnion t,, a] - IaLld. ell We ul.iltoni On thLo att C alton, Fob. 26.-i6si.- ..WaS 001181411rablo,�in proportion to Mr. A, hil.d. -IS( '1 110'41.' vaillous point's lts'h(i ifa n(J.PX.J)reB'S that lfis� 2od, David W1.3 ­11t; 31-d RobLThoulp' (1, th en ork eWIS with t , ie popu a0on.of ibe locality and JOV(JIaiJiIIg them togerl lei of6ir' Hu-oa tit --this particular timli' ugh tile Judge clearly,.6xplilined M Kiljf� ilfour &'Do�vl ap t Of ievn ilke or I 'Id ing, tho Grit �artisan. Nt who §urninaia, 'kiCill hF left Ills.Qase . w ',Nlr . 11'CIDClnuld . rrrived eson. wheri the�d Iibi.. . �l 0 of to tit Tin, t t t I ey in town stinil ino. ' I . . I . Id.l. 'The -Sflioping facilities 2no.11 Z. tie g at fist wc�kon a sliort vactition. tliri House may possibly retard t. The mili-chinv6usi idea se(-rns to. .0d A '0 5 The spron bazilar under the fil o ver ai�eepted,, bribeA, to*Aitfluence fhair jury. Tlje�judg rllillirk Splung; 31 r. gaveLan advafit�gfi o tile prisoil fl n, 'Jeng0l seem IT., iinil NIrs,,.J. Riatfibuiy, or aliomotlipr weyent 0 :that ve er. Tile ury- 'rhen l4e . tired to con- . Clinton..were in tow� Tover8unday. In G' derich from have, pows j*u ry, as i as r i aelilent-of file -S Md o iet R ljftcf t in 'the matter voWs in the Onta o A tn b I y,' Ila . L Ludli . 0 - - P : ebur tit htirstlav D "eltirl- whut issf). dear to,its iiihaboit.: others, thil't they, wo�re justified in d 'Clxss.�Ist Louisa 0 sider their Vel (let, and after two. -Coh 11�9 !lily After to-niCirrow ]lot X' l04u.rebill; ird' Will. of,b6th importing. arid ii,xpotrting, prece cut for their, .. nefario-11 Davis, Sit 2 r -a qrdf an i store I (I 'a Iahts�another raflw�ay... ignoring tire s.wor;i c�ifieiiice pr6dulo- r I ancis Bitcon, 1jor I At cy -is east -, , I . . . . . . . ­ . . . . .. I . . I ' 0 I ( coUrt With It Vel'l*liet -of' "Cillittl I� J61inston.;.2nd A� the-it-riden of trade duct. Si* It ers: deli hi� aCiOri ret'll �band will he I -I lrfl�e w ed anti in cting firaccordance with. .'.Ross � is home - agg it n rOm of-alirtin's, pinaforos, n andellor of'Xil-land, afflibucril ill I be,coliefusion of tile tl'iLitl �%Ij,opbersoh rd, tire building. f5f. the 1-1 !u frilo ee; 11 il its �tholrsynipatliie which were prol;a.b- go' 7 :"-- L-rn'Q-t-t-lia-jUi.."���illey-piVgS-pii'-6C antiYE- better 'flilAncial circuin., Lake-, Huran railroad placo& DI-, .111cMicking was. conflned to ve a,,l ly shook each onQ. heartily by., the hand. sold. The Weals Ifrovidell ly unduly -aroused by the counse 1 -for 8t&H ces than. the hou'se last w a,sever'e at. I-0 hwh iin ortem and'exporters. along Mnl; solacing This i6n can'well be-irlispens.. aek. by"' P .0 Oure conmumptinti, alcm-ation The recent riot -in Cinchinati by tire prisaner. ed,with on occasions., tack ofgout. and bo,'I�ed consillerlibiv to -in(irellse� in if*" lurig'S' it) Lit: L. lit- Stolilled, tho Z_ 016 title ill.,a more. favor.ed potiftion hi$ c6ti 8dience by reinarking : that, the full4l$ OfA.LilloSt (I. al� i ooi�ty. 'NI r. J. S. k1feDougal I* it; gradually -H I hich 75 persorilif, were'L killed arid. ft is fo. juriesth.en, in rnosl� cases, in ei- Illist ho tlli,.Owll oil, Ole 111oln- his prede ossors had Am rbe-1nex*4;,-!&kso was-thiat c'r the 3, it. 1 0 than the.hicherto, more uipo . rtant I . ke"Hol. , - usual deserved espevild llissile.4 hoall,11; itnit tile double that nomb 'is that we�can trace, tire mis-carrmgp- nOL rpeovering. from hii recenv' Severe ladips a& 1, or. G� Alai -tin :for Illiv. L thUnkirtor the man erjn fhe� town of Gotdarich.� The dxtensitin K i TH & Co. doubt satiAod thoir Illness. systein ln�igi)linted. Downs, Elixii. L ir�,gc6unter,eit,pintes -in his c - . . . - Wit$ UlllikEj d ,clearly Uac,L-able'tii a miscarringe' of' of justice And Which culminated, as posses D. lrik�hurst an(I children Are I-AMR1 will (to all this. Try -it,_ Evei-y boulo. 0 Of tire Lot) oil 'FfulrIon Br,ucc. to Cinsciences with' tile belief that sioll;withotlt lawful authority orex. sonle, we. blivp attended tile people 10 U ju-4ticie Th Scottish of we said before in sue L It' . fearful . 'riots ,they all 6 .0 it."' Even th a Ouse, c Ik iii,oregi, was -taken inA lit town on a vigii,�to the lady'qlthel, were-allolId to Jones in nnrl nia wi I tled. Clintory arid farther 'north Still ]at wnt- S. Platt, ES4.. it I ­ New York remarks Press I th'e !trial it :beiil,, tile first. C. Me OVI as the one in Cincinnati a fdw days of till. till- ]list niel' out having to further cut -tailed the area of country ed' Garfield arid -tire inihioriaire kind in tire Doinillio". e L dt-rice 11r, C -has rocei of this country.,is' truly reflecting. IT go. What the retnedy is we. pan - that vi InrKIsnew lindse d ved el they and beideis they wn went to sholy tril, Titary to the county tQ Ames could not. re'sust. tile seduct, two Ilegatives Ot a coat of'piiint, And 48 rea y.for plas- FOR �SALE. l6ked go' filial ming. priblieL opinion when. it alinot,tin, not L pretend fo 4 One *out a a tell dollrx is 11ank bill had tering. MARKET REPWITS yss *it Peril $miles Of th -A Iiii olsoi But SIT, i� Ritiliard I ia e pla.CiSiIJ10.L briber. been (CorreLted every Tuesday afternoon ailliolisly thab tho imisonpr fnd-wroq niiii-c or lubs, as acreb w6ared, iliterpr6ts. the,'.riot wa Elie refusal of.the Judge t6% receive Ac -0,11 t1wood return"ed frocia .13cing Lot A con,16, Goderich Tnwiudifp, sow: ment, the facts of tile ruatte� in re,. to Cilboto from Dr.. Talmae . AIAN -used one, to-41-iow wliq t coulfl, Godericlit ToWiliship. be dono his Ortstorn visit in time for the sor� ThLec is erected tliereon a good tranie house, aL warning, not to that city.alone, but a totally disre- b' t, fr in 'wl** latioll�to 00 to'w� of Godeiieb slid.w ophel - forILook- David, arid JU(JaS a 0 lich no 'cor, , ies lurd been '�iee$ of IOly W"k. ulirl�t ulosls frame barn UN40, kvith outsidegrimary to the W.hole nation.." And).viretntily garded the. sworn . t6sitirriony, tliken, that tili I�As it) tile pos- r. and Mrs. Chas. Foster, former- -,*5,00' tO D 50 the Imm liLts it stoin� foundation an collar. la ctubideratipt). session of' tbf� %%the had Fall w1leatL ficLL,, .1 00 to 1 0 11111%0, 116001% 01'011113-dj n4d good Nt011 WILtOr. 116. t a t I i h . 18.7 .1 'contiti,ned a popu.-. y ll, Stralton G, T R.' Agent -ansas, are. 'old, at nation only but to %Our Canadian Judges, we reve, ia t i1, YL 0 to sircaii; ThereaOrd, _�t for ly of tile Uth c6n I now ofl< in It by'All'. AfoorAoue, It. 15 3,,954, in 18.78 it, Ila(] geown :Tile. only Ili, those. and, biller taken ie'fi or eleven copies,. fro, 1 to 1 10 21 neraq of fall wheat a, wit. will I hei -sold on, ad(I not to tit' . be]' no%v located irt 'the housi� HOT" in"Lfl'ijoda here. in 'this Canada of ours a's w6ll. "A�bout, have some discretionary powers an"d 'which lie had mounted on court 0.46. to 0, rLasonabletertus. For lIarticulars apply to groivn to 4,663. This is exultinglY well -attested" cases ' of souf selling The-wifF'o0ir, Wesley Alligwood Oat% 0 34' to (1 14 ng cardiii lor. 'I'lilit'the Tho Spboonee Exii,ress. laie Kol increuso'd the, I I arbily circle 'by bile,. "eam, 0 TO to' U 70, i[TAVID BAbSERVILLM, -red'to in �upport'of tile ninety per cent, of the triurderbraf from the'idependetit nati(traof their whon con 'I m redent negative blid 11einainerl in ill, 'AI 'i 00 to Oil tile prendliall, ipared. will) that foge, is,getting new IHast§.RII being A lc 2 ()0 V-240-tf. ell tile 30th escape tbe.ir just. doom," say� that taniure of Ciffloe;cbuld 'exercise thern lerwise thoroughly 0 4r, -to 0 50 froe trade, pilicy, of Elie' present 0 is Ills Co.,."is iliat ilia former (lid not photographersir6ssession until t4ken Oth ilial,18on, of tit a 1, . oth R &trr 0 16 to 0 IS Any: or�a wit wii)i.cotiiparabiveiriiiiiutTity romthe 1111110pli detootivo. Miss cDermott reninied on Sat. FARM* FOR''SALt. ition. ournal, f at. $Away Vy ilie. Go,vei :Ric Eggs, 0.10 to -0 10 Opposi MiicEf.don't- lie, but- - seek' to be bribed,� whereas, tile I n., who hits been tot,. along 7 00 to 8 00 habit. -of readina Anierican papem %d- that tile ur(lky fi,orri Witighatti, ivVere site Ila(] co :V 'low, VILOO to 7 00 0 Otijer evidence allow( Lilco is still Vol -effects of OL the hiforelities deduced front correot� popul,or �onsuro. I Aineri- ter, upon their own admis'siloh, acted - IT gatite found in houso been, visiting thii pitat two weeks. 'leaf, 0 00 to 0 X)o TN TIM _of 0111111jeLra, State of. 075 to A wi agree that Such is the case. oan udgo,�,, lldwe�,or, are. not so jitrintIlIg Mr; and rs. Th )m arrived in town, liss vaggio Barr, of Clio 1,,5th con., shoop-41diii 44,'% S lifts . go 1. dredsolaking with. per p Cloo to Ono 1 2, West, ecuiLdning 160 acres ac� The ahilosb Cittily lvnchh�g of some'. Imp.pily situated: all(] � tyntif . tl)O'sys-. I 'last , week'and arf. tile gfiestg Of the -letter a c cs C iv. given figitres, can be all nutniti ' the charact I er of Logi larive harlott, thIL& tile tried to obtult hi. to . 000 to 0 oil UU11,111lichtsarvey. Thisfarinill' gated wass of ties, as. i a Alias Dolls orth of Clinl,tin.' per pair in t1li M b0efacedly ' Ad walltouly, as inoney un6i- f ludy's father, NI.. 11titcf0snn Rgq. tit lit .4 o 00 to 0 00- on the Innin road front Sault at, oriminid or another, is proof of' the tam of Meo�ing j9dges is abolished tile J�llotos entillil palf o oo to o0o to Point' lqualic, and IH .31 oillem front the flo., UISO 61Y Better diAposed case. t tough lewho?ll otly trio 11 4" 7 00 to 8 (to ig klifilue of stronirville. fortlier plittiliuil,o )�Yirill , acted 48 Crier of absolute' miscarriage of. 'or aniied thtire, - or�: Until those c purposes"of frair Coil ta�f( .9 0111posing, d, 4 'balik teller Iloise to a. Seaforth �: hiall 401., $165. word to a m ora.Mily.to It 1S quite -Bm field buy Hit)" had beeti, branded in bra. a Cif b _�790 �t()., 4 001, true �ihot' the opula- Stated thh(A piec the urtho 1 0 14 itp ­ ico and ulio assertiod of a ri 'Mries are rown nd,ls,00w. ilookinglolviI.,00a.; to r.e�_* oordwood, just as asplace g!i I ­ 1 .1. I . of tile Iiiall Court Of tioe6 upidn'their roa expanso ivOu c The 'eid'ence cot - .4, Rees Price; X eous prifi6i'ple in an utiorganiz( d IAS8 OfeltiZolla, i.would Seem that as Cloe'rof 61*111. e nib -P r 1871 to i878 a�vl mati eluded, Oil dtid o,;opli Williams served oil Wise,. of Clio .11 th F U11% f% A L. 9 ad". �1 187& -to 1881. But Ell if 'Way. tile Cin�inn warnin ' Will not a 1101' tfi8tr`P� t,"Inc.rease I I I 60 Grand Jury fit tho.0r1rin as, I N rmay loolf for os. This is Lordahip dep, q! RA tlp surn III EE G V V14110go. �f BE.L(MAVF, the we ling o�toculloqgli oFtIle, If oroff Roh d "I' , And doereasfi W%A trot.calsod by. the will he Lill njooL house told wao occoplea 1,T, uic� nie site is 4f the� ivel. ing or 11 tit -oil chaptor, -A. W Ili Wo villave for bukt- trade policy of bt riois, ire not owiHii to, a ckof Ili,. . titillation' di8graedful 4idb THE CICINNATI -WARNING. did tile III -iso [P. And A. Mr. R, Ale-1furray sold five Of Ills , . 0 10 of' tile tu-t tile con.* It 4-1 1 , -r v t, to S.E.E D H EAT, ucss. Thero'l s n, good StAbLit. oil thillute4, and Art, per! niacl r, I itirderm hich so, largelf.-mak ver. onoo� h6ting the''8110blest pol a if. ffi�tnorrow o P ling, The. tondin' political -partieg of the. Tillery ortipprotection of 11 up Tire Press ofthis country is tkily re, in It is favor, Deiopo git v '01A Tee Ilk St. . pp t 0 Is -sn 'town, lie good rates. SEED lot I (I! on acre. Tile buildhigo ara i09 - cas(I T, jLIdge..LJIOJ(lin.L, Uf) tile 0 111,1� week was .very and. )I PEAS courstrY. 'ItlZolu . J find Plinishin . pilt.of of.injillaly. Allorl -all news items, fledtilig public Opinion when it almost .11111'ell daugiitenin. SEP OAT In Lroud f-i'llair. Will 1104old as Ole pro. priator isgivillit uphugindm t is chiefly, owing to at miliecilleep- pIJbtn—II14'Vw hiknl�ee c6ei:liar to rionrly every Visiting lit JI.r. SEBD BARLEY "EM CORN.. Tile MIRearringe of justice in many ObAll.311kously interprets . the- Cinoinnati 6no ol'i ho inithy services law, of M141 APPly to iol PlApor . allid, 61py "NItIgtorl I's, of' (lit- lthli,coin. TI . ie increase bf thd population . of tioll of theie'du ties by juryinen. The eass riot,as a warning, riot to illat city at' 11 held Isping attenili�.d. 1 , W3 . I; DUNCAN Goderichin tho-earlior l,art of tire might be tile Ono, ekIt1Plnen,;1f were �Mcutin and —FOR SALL-' tY­ i"lLby r10 Inearia . but to tile whole nation, Is liltl'((IY A f1jr.1 )Or but woul'i I The PtAtion Ag(,ht bas period enilbraced '15btween 18710.8 venality -of of jurort; I proper person woulit j�ct Its juKors. denied that tile 'It C L I itiStiltietiaht4tO(li-tl)en-.4c4 with nit . tin have tal4en possession of' the old adininistratitni (like illis in, parment, fr a load of so largo h factor i I effiAiting the 're- .11 111190a 0011P Who are Illo�t 00111, till.ougljout tile, .06 DiVill farm. was; orusb(l )y tile 1 C 0 whent. 'I*!) e11) and keep (!own ex rl R.1 . I F OP. SkLE.* It otlier onti-Y bas becorn if-jitry their retire([ Itod in �%Jr Willi moks, or tile I I tit con,, lease of pr6ven all potent to settle or adjust at'quPi4tion perlecturovkery,and it rivOlor, loss thn, ho6k atile prosimit Donlinioll its entirely forre tell n an I I'mul-noll 'find if )Illlrj drot)L two lino voks 1,40. At ffers for Poll-, t6gither or. chillinak, or itilmhlgatiiig their pull. Of ftet UpO 'zt'llpir 1,eit to public ndcInto oourt :ivith a �ortliot of riot on Scndliv morning a Invao hum. oil torillif to sitlit purullatur, lot. IfiniAtpr rablie Work a. 110 Trial by jllr�, W ich �guiltv Jildge pernpil .. to pi-ol. Of njelrlj�ps Of the Nort If f"trept cently" got by -YOU ng�suuli)8011 TCLINTON. Part of lot 2o, cou. 16, Godeikh 'ply ackboho of tile Coll du; oeed'with Ahe teoon(i (Ilmego diat A 811111W J 111110.4 froln 01i"ton* ConAlsting Of 140 19 1111cht, as i,4go ' nerftllyaulip�aed, Nor escape serving. Tnis is clith forins-the b \It,. Artfluik Cook Isas (ioi I ill-' I arbor of Ill large cides hv�r hal been pol;v'Ortell to, tile c4elusivo benefit of nili4ing spurfous nionex, and' re- iht� 10VA fortat. clifoill InalAb. liotli lots are woll watertil Cent- heleew) God I rich as a iii Clio 'Bunch to blanie to ally great on'tht. Ot orth0 MIT and 10 ill Lila liruning bu a CIA4., notu've find caused to extent , for tire mi%carriagoof jutice , tile there af,e al Of 1 )06. rif crimillill To, MERCRANTS: 9, slid did protoction of the ninnole(i tile in, tile next ebt. o botipti; barn'41k6k) wltlt stlibiLs On. plo. only too altixtows to -ervA oil juriti-A corrimunity Chief Cnnnf�. ConldnhlO 'being o6o Mier oubb-,ildfrigs. lllore nb�ub- $idiJ,000� at r the has been ,utterly ignoted. Will, prtsoi:er him Gfoo. anti aohn Connell Good and 1. larlrootdhard,�ilo holcooppia and r, va"styof. wbiLli,flo largely, ufor tfie perquNitieit incilli,lital About ninety por.cont, ofthe ackrlo�vledge $20.0. tiod one surety for a all 1111ph tnht 61141nols'.4 at ri'mil 010W vi-ilt to Ap,..y oil tile to. olownfull of,tiatGovernin it neig . hbdrg. No dohl)t!,the -to Sell Goods otad0eas. o ito, AN rilight, Ile egovoito I tholio are murderers � oguape tile,,. ju,,t dotill, like -Amount llrllq,,(.IA wat, kint peeselit, at tile re- coil tv. 'kildy I)VOLIght, How S. G. PL(T,% It Ph Iliq t 1 1 Million P. 0, Mck'enZro entitinud,l the ,00d work cent t0gizA cOuet' with tlietri a linii't,09111 or colts. vi.-Ious aystotil of an Mective Judie. tire vpty pi,r4owi Who lihou lit not, lid of Ininislinunit, is' tilug iogt., it Thp hoxt, ;It'llat of Stretton vs. —`TALX TO— Yp,4JpjLJ4V U-0014 till- Fliftind Or the e. D.Juvior loald 0240 W it goil- ol(lonp (4) T01,VIN PROPL4RTY PO'ft SAI ,coinnienCied �y iapy (Ioe4 fioniowhAt tend try hun Our ciiizeng Aborild take noidwr prevents the culprit front r6pLating, lib n(Iti I a alolif ftf)OthT`r. ,jle f waPitilIg and 'lot Reek to 0whew tire We riot, doell It dL inil,slinsitlon or tire clerk, mare. cap 'the OC-cupanig of 'tile 13tilloll. ter of.licis hom I., WaR eXpfinde(k oil 010 vof juryllion, ritloy It. ill ithooffe and two lot* on quoinit favIll, Of heVAq. bla. AfoOlrdy Anil wife, formal- re- stl'tot, idMallea tiortil of princo S'talld be )told obeal) t1irougholut Inn whole lie I tit coil., died 11041,13, f,�Ipnslto wo vosidelled of C!. A� I artt. Th(, owe-blwir Pre"01140siti011 and An try, Anil 110 olle qeetiis to inake tile firt-pon d6flArA. A nninlier Of OASPA on nfloll rpi,"Itiv. tbore will ITO n sidetits Of t, CLUCAS ine.,in(ling ih(* Ono eguin'It 4. HIof, Tit s propetry is in it conioninding, illeir dolitilluance 0 . f it to tile Pop- Oil your dignity an(f'refuso, to astift- est Attempt to curb their plis tot'. (-�n ly within it rew wHelfs Or each OtIlor, tIt will, thoff I)# Aopn, that. the ex. ultif, vot, I teL Itryllelf. Pill nit fak a away I lie slons, Find t Lit tile Black Horse whaller tII4.v ro- It tt'00,1. a, Ili alllltmt� All cornolun. llCAT tile slight"t innvocittion, fit) wei,A_ to tile AA. I T11 A; P A 1, "E R. 4f the or An') rooi till ions in t t Y�ar fit Alto) otbortr"s so 'Penditure by tha Of J ti as f , 11 606 'A , . I , I lilloV61 I ddin"01 to the LipPeafthei, of one priiijero'. are 9144,0114 faillily tlipt- ponin or Xnoi Tote house Is ralri,% Tile groot,ol Is' her. 13iif volt tuld profelfriianni Inell "lie aro sovlotF feels no sevill-ity in Jud Ili, ealt", if, will he I ioluXulf-loged by 0 11100, upelgilt allit for,06, painted 111foot $300,000 in 06deriel) ill three traditions C6111lection" or financial ildrinnistratitill . fop eii hor 11j'O' of. 1)1'0' ef'J:J 'If An flrf 11141 V it White. Tlils 19 it volev deqin%blo An(% or f,6ur ye -nm could barilly fail afraid Of MI)ilillg WIlly, Tied 1,01. tills Ivasoll Alone tho pliblie it%,, tile root *111 lilt told oil bxO8011191V liloderato iffirta, With ill() UnW114 oting Apply to Il. linve Inkelt tho law into, dol tionill LfAry iott's new patent 'sit Ong, 0 ear, haV6 at, ' juln On title John 91;�A!irllj�l Dprontlflllt Al, 11111 $1 0 : 0 4 a 10firlittian afid it rriot state of progres6. handRoulp, (101,111TIts, anti Allhp Clinton, Fob, 24, J�Aj, to position—or all these couiln pliarod In I lie ph,01 ftel-hiv refits being if) a 'A owIlse Power, iii, itVIVA nArnignod 1,6 hil BE Of c oqno, -n, AnIt 0onati,aetion. it is it straight 1.1til Jeotirig or d(Ifeatilig 0, pnptlltLr or citizell to give yonr puilt, Anil em 1 .4 t. o f t Iit) 0v% haptl6r, Is ilillito of Ills roatly. Illsfamn wily ---------- —0t - CIO. 760 or 800 in th yeara nal'AMI clay electivo calididato for tile 11(illell. due regird to thp, (10 I'Mrilshlo trAVPAA("I 016 dAgo A . nit Po MlIell limkoll thAt otio frIlIvIi f'onve and ean be built with' hill( tile 90'01' 0 Chlt'illylltl W114 unfit haxtriaAizeA. Viiihall has left modprate. Pairr Would ontlrolydest�oy , its I.I.Cillipoll in a snake lefleo, And "OVIOD Attrilin,(,C] to 1110 Tim' cooRequence ig dia, 0I rtirlOgR ond out of Inany thole, as though Iflatly idourit)"V. R 19, lid ditoro alluded to, Hot to 'the legiti. Of Courts On tile to do thfi-t And yu gill Against tile inurders, h4d boon coninnitted It only ('110 iti, All1pricall tit tie A"' 91IOAT4 Of V I Out tfttllPrA Who WA(lo bas Not Ining M1 a 'On a prinibe of nort iney A wo-InflMlItt'd IhAt Wfr- Bolhtv it, tl,d �qnndiri Aof 016, Pupils —To T It r, COMMER61AL HOTEL 'AfAny voos as flagfill)t fis It it inote rxpansion of vitefision f, he IJOL always 111,1& (roil) A6 C�Ievalod many 'to .4 effiu�a were trf�d hofore his Lordship, siq. AtIdison ick-Atill lit pingA l 0. 9 rol- tile porpPtuatil, this Anil' llad operAted fil IwAping lily sootl be firound In, 4,11 Of 11 r Afril-ch, The pnsitiml is WX HALL, T), jig trotel J,T Still to I , n6nt To trade- of tile town. Othtl Rtallitory JaWg L . himildithl airatiplibuk with, ripprp On, t1m nrAtiell viry dott'Ptnitwd, 1w A comparison 0 Lato to mult t.110AVAMA Of thottisvollf" U lit. tk U t Tto, the of (lip lilitirties ratio)" tile poople; 0714, whon the (1011 ond lavil 3 -our -order for it good ip* Of t061118, TITO boid; rl 4*8 NVb w6tIld li doaig, pm iiijitAtleo of th6 andnor site they ililed hy a ght Iri theii preAtatmont; Il fol in epr 6 V don'llict, dihgo�ee A ior, Nriday A oring nd I'litittit two n %%vil b-6 ftz bar. 0011 conNorentloulf.tegArd tot tile bj�her f,f)l r), I n4sAlly �rflftof Fifth o&An - Alai bituatoll Hot I firtolh, divil 104 of tho Attliji-cf, rid' you- pill ajail,ht, %try extitnuAling 11009 "YIN . " tilt, A(.l vorlt ellildrell %khri witty.live to r p6fni4 oIn uh4ent's soveld 3300to from $5 up, f, L (It femed Intirtleror rdNOPA 8ttoot 1 u oil il yo liegligence of6ot woq likethd lost pfrav In-olip, &A find onnonl(l ill'orely). 11-Y fir Pllinin WhIlIt6ly: l(4 Platt, Jmll the. rho Sr. rd w 0 f1tilled to to their, (norts - 1111( If we do not wtirlboto. the tlLilt 10" ilff Jiffl-or li4ek.. I'lla til"tt Win, Ginn gn( (lie Iftle everdilg ........... ............ - ---------- --- -